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(1) Refer to the General Instructions on Page 1 of the Question-Answer Section for Part A.


(1) For Part B, attempt EITHER those tasks in Part B1 (Tasks 5 – 7) OR those in Part B2 (Tasks 8 – 10).

(2) You are advised to use a pen for Part B.

(3) The Data Files will NOT be collected at the end of the examination. Do NOT write your answers in the
Data Files.

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end of the examination session
All Rights Reserved 2018

Book 4 (Set A) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 2 (Data File – Part B1) 1 Book 4 • Set A
MT2• B1
Part B
You are April Mok, an ambassador for an organization called Greenergy, which promotes the reduction of food
waste. Albert Johnson, the campaign manager, has asked you to work on a number of tasks.
You will listen to a recording of a seminar on issues related to food waste in Hong Kong. Appearing in the
seminar is the founder of Greenergy, Josephine Wong. Take notes under the appropriate headings.

Before the recording is played, you will have five minutes to study the Question-Answer Section and the Data
File to familiarize yourself with the situation and the tasks.

Complete the tasks by following the instructions in the Question-Answer Section and on the recording. You will
find all the information you need in the Question-Answer Section, the Data File and on the recording. As you
listen, you can make notes on page 3 of the Data File.

You now have five minutes to familiarize yourself with the Question-Answer Section and the Data File.



1. Listening note-taking page for the seminar................................................................................................3

2. Memo from Albert Johnson to April Mok .................................................................................................4

3. Greenergy hompage ...................................................................................................................................5

4. FAQ page on the Greenergy website .........................................................................................................6

5. A list of Greenergy programmes................................................................................................................7

6. Wise Food Lover’s Pledge.........................................................................................................................8

7. Meeting minutes.........................................................................................................................................9

8. Entertainment news article.......................................................................................................................10

9. Magazine interview with Veronica So.....................................................................................................11

Book 4 (Set A) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 2 (Data File – Part B1) 2

MT2• B1
Listening note-taking page for the seminar

Problems caused by growing food waste

Food waste statistics (Hong Kong)

Some causes of food waste in Hong Kong

Problems with food donation

Book 4 (Set A) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 2 (Data File – Part B1) 3

MT2• B1
Memo from Albert Johnson to April Mok

To: April
From: Albert
Subject: Tasks to do

There are three things I’d like you to do.

Social network page

I need you to help complete the social network page that we’ve just set up. In addition to
talking about who we are, share our insights on food waste in Hong Kong and use some
statistics to compare food waste production here and in other areas in the introduction.
Mention what we do in point form. Remember to promote our Volunteer Squad.

Since you’re a student ambassador, we want you to give a speech at several schools to
introduce and promote the Wise Food Lover’s Pledge. Please draft the speech. In your
speech, discuss the problems caused by food waste and talk about the purpose of the pledge.
Remember to remind students how they can access and sign the pledge.

Email of invitation
Write an email to singer-songwriter Veronica So inviting her to be a celebrity guest at our
school tour launch event. Mention how the principles of Greenergy match her way of life
and image. Let her know the date and starting time, as well as the proposed details of the
launch event. Sign off with my name and title at the end.

Thanks for your help. Let me know when you are finished.

Book 4 (Set A) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 2 (Data File – Part B1) 4

MT2• B1
Greenergy homepage

About us

Greenergy has been involved in numerous initiatives aimed at dealing with the
problem of excessive food waste in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong’s landfills are about to reach maximum capacity. To curb the
ever-increasing amount of waste we send to landfills, Greenergy collects food that
would otherwise be sent to landfills and delivers it to a number of beneficiaries,
thereby helping those in need and the environment at the same time.

Call us Email us Visit us

2355 2388 9 Sam’s Road, Central

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FAQ page on the Greenery website

Frequently Asked Questions

# Who founded Greenergy?

Greenergy is a non-profit organization founded by a group of passionate

individuals who have years of experience working in the catering and hotel

# How does Greenergy educate the public about reducing food waste?

We raise public awareness about food waste management through our

campaigns, in many of which we educate people by introducing less wasteful
ways of processing food waste and improving eating habits. Our work covers
large and small communities, such as schools, workplaces and housing estates.

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A list of Greenergy programmes

1. Waste reduction workshops

Regular workshops are held to teach people how they can make good use of
food resources in order to reduce food waste.

2. Wise Food Lover’s Pledge

The Wise Food Lover’s Pledge encourages food waste reduction and is open to
all who are committed to reducing food waste.

3. School tour
A school tour will be organized to encourage student participation in the Wise
Food Lover’s Pledge and various other programmes this year.

4. Volunteer Squad
We are constantly in need of volunteers to help with our food donation and
recycling initiatives. If you are interested in joining us, email us at

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Wise Food Lover’s Pledge

Wise Food Lover’s Pledge

By signing this, I pledge to reduce food waste by:

✓ promoting better practices in food waste

processing and recycling

✓ supporting Greenergy and similar organizations that

share the same respect for precious food and
natural resources

✓ going to food outlets that aim to minimize food


Click here to create an account to

become a member and sign the pledge!

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Meeting minutes

General meeting minutes

Date: 17 July
Venue: Conference room
In Attendance: Albert Johnson, April Mok, Wesley Fong, Lily Hui, Gillian Liu

1. Wise Food Lover’s Pledge

Lily Hui reported that the link to the pledge will be changed to for
easier access. The attendees were reminded that this new URL needs to be mentioned at school

2. School tour
2.1 Celebrity guest
The team agreed to invite Veronica So to be a celebrity guest at the launch event of the school
tour. We will ask her to appear at the opening ceremony and talk about her experience of living
a green lifestyle in a sharing session. The event will be held on 13 September (Sat) at
Meadowvale Secondary School.
2.2 Launch event rundown
Opening ceremony 10 am
Introduction to the campaign by Mr Albert Johnson 10.10 am
Sharing session with celebrity guest 10.20 am
Cooking demonstrations 11.00 am
Student performances 11.30 am
Wrap up 12.15 pm

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Entertainment news article

Volunteering journey to Malawi changes

singer-songwriter’s attitude towards life

Singer-songwriter Veronica So recently returned from a month-long

trip to Malawi, where she collaborated on a project that provides
long-term humanitarian assistance to schoolchildren there.

Teary-eyed, the singer talked about her

experience helping underprivileged
schoolchildren in the poverty-stricken
country. Upon leaving Malawi,
Veronica decided to do more to promote
sustainable living and to continue to
participate actively in community

As well as gifting the world her

beautiful voice, Veronica is passionate
about using the positive influence of her
public image to help charitable causes.

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Magazine interview with Veronica So

A breath of fresh air: Veronica So

Having just released her third EP, Veronica So, well known as a dedicated
humanitarian and environmentalist, took time out to sit down with Luminary to
talk about her latest insights into maintaining a green lifestyle.

L: Luminary reporter V: Veronica So

L: You are such a rare gem in the industry, Hong Kong is a city prone to waste. I do
not only because of your musical think we each have a part to play in
talents, but also because you’re a good solving this damaging problem.
role model. You told followers on L: What made you realize the scale of the
social media that you’ve maintained a waste problem? Was it your trip to
green lifestyle by eating locally grown Malawi?
organic food for many years. How has V: Yes, definitely. Seeing schoolchildren
this lifestyle changed you as a person? who are extremely undersized because
V: It’s almost like my body has completely of malnutrition made me realize that we
transformed – now I’m a lot more on the more fortunate side of the world
energized than before, which is good for should never take food for granted.
my songwriting. L: Thank you, Veronica, for showing us a
L: So what motivated you to lead this different side to you. Good luck with
lifestyle in the first place? your new EP and we hope to hear more
V: I’ve always believed that local food is from you soon.
fresher and tastes better. Consuming V: I’ve had a lovely time talking to you
local food is also more eco-friendly too. I sincerely hope that every one of
because less food is wasted in us will take the initiative, make changes
distribution. happen and eliminate our wasteful


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This is a blank page.






(1) Refer to the General Instructions on Page 1 of the Question-Answer Section for Part A.


(1) For Part B, attempt EITHER those tasks in Part B1 (Tasks 5 – 7) OR those in Part B2 (Tasks 8 – 10).

(2) You are advised to use a pen for Part B.

(3) The Data Files will NOT be collected at the end of the examination. Do NOT write your answers in the
Data Files.

© 雅集出版社有限公司 保留版權
Not to be taken away before the
Aristo Educational Press Ltd.
end of the examination session
All Rights Reserved 2018

Book 4 (Set A) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 2 (Data File – Part B2) 1

MT2• B2
Part B
You are April Mok, an ambassador for an organization called Greenergy, which promotes the reduction of food
waste. Albert Johnson, the campaign manager, has asked you to work on a number of tasks.
You will listen to a recording of a seminar on issues related to food waste in Hong Kong. Appearing in the
seminar is the founder of Greenergy, Josephine Wong. Take notes under the appropriate headings.

Before the recording is played, you will have five minutes to study the Question-Answer Section and the Data
File to familiarize yourself with the situation and the tasks.

Complete the tasks by following the instructions in the Question-Answer Section and on the recording. You will
find all the information you need in the Question-Answer Section, the Data File and on the recording. As you
listen, you can make notes on page 3 of the Data File.

You now have five minutes to familiarize yourself with the Question-Answer Section and the Data File.



1. Listening note-taking page for the seminar................................................................................................3

2. Memo from Albert Johnson to April Mok .................................................................................................4

3. Greenergy homepage .................................................................................................................................5

4. Online news website ..................................................................................................................................6

5. Newspaper clippings..................................................................................................................................7

6. An open letter from Professor Josephine Wong ........................................................................................8

7. Mid-year work report.................................................................................................................................9

8. Concept diagram of an organic waste processor......................................................................................10

9. Company profile of Bauhinia Hotel Group..............................................................................................11

Book 4 (Set A) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 2 (Data File – Part B2) 2

MT2• B2
Listening note-taking page for the seminar

Problems caused by growing food waste

Food waste statistics (Hong Kong)

Some causes of food waste in Hong Kong

Problems with food donation

Book 4 (Set A) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 2 (Data File – Part B2) 3

MT2• B2
Memo from Albert Johnson to April Mok

To: April
From: Albert
Subject: Tasks to do

Here are three things that I need you to do.

Complete a brochure to be distributed around schools to give students a brief idea of what
food waste is. List the major sources of food waste and explain how it is produced.
Remember to provide examples where applicable.

Web article
Write an article for our website urging the government to take action to alleviate the
problem of food waste. First, discuss the challenges faced by food donors and the possible
solutions. Use the points from the seminar and Prof Wong’s open letter. Outline a modern
food treatment technique and its benefits to support your argument. Then explain how
citizens can be discouraged from producing too much waste.

Letter of invitation
Draft a letter in my name to the Bauhinia Hotel Group inviting them to participate in our
Entrée programme and the new phase of the Food Collection programme. Briefly introduce
our organization and appeal to them by making reference to the influence of their company.
Describe the general situation regarding the production of food waste by the hotel and
catering industry. Briefly explain how our programmes work and point out how the hotel
chain would benefit from joining us.

Thanks for your help. Let me know when you are finished.

Book 4 (Set A) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 2 (Data File – Part B2) 4

MT2• B2
Greenergy homepage

Who we are
Greenergy is a non-profit organization
established with the aim of reducing food waste
in Hong Kong.
Every bite makes a
Food waste is any raw or cooked food substance
A number of food outlets are that is discarded. It occurs at various stages of
now offering Greenergy production, processing, retail and consumption.
entrees through our Entrée Greenergy devotes its efforts largely to
programme. Every time you educating the public and private sectors in the
eat at an Entrée participant, proper ways to reduce, handle and recycle food
the restaurant or hotel will waste.
donate 1% of the value of
the bill to Greenergy for food We are also cultivating a culture of healthy
recycling research. eating and promoting the value of sharing by
partnering with various other similar
For a full list of participants, organizations in the community.
click here.

For more information, click here.

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MT2• B2
Online news website

NYC Food Foundation works with hotels

to redistribute buffet leftovers

The NYC Food Foundation is currently

working with a number of the city’s
leading hotels to redistribute buffet
leftovers to various homeless shelters.

‘Bad food portion management at

restaurants may lead to pre-consumer
kitchen waste,’ David Roberts,
co-founder of the foundation, pointed out. ‘Such food is usually immediately discarded and so
is impossible to redistribute.’

‘However, it’s a different case with buffets in hotels, where food has to be plentiful at all hours
of the day. As a result, some of the food we’re given has been ignored and is still completely
fresh,’ Roberts further commented.

The foundation is now working with some 30 hotels that are all willing to donate leftovers, in
order to reduce food waste and also benefit the needy.

Related story
Hong Kong-based nonprofit Greenergy will soon expand its Food Collection programme,
which currently redistributes 200 kg of food from local wet markets and food outlets every

Book 4 (Set A) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 2 (Data File – Part B2) 6

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Newspaper clippings

Food scraps make up 40% of the household rubbish bin

A recent study shows that Hongkongers throw out 345 kg of food per household each
year. Food is often wasted when people cook too much. Some families may also
consider food left overnight not to be fresh and refuse to consume leftovers.

The biggest wasters of food in Hong Kong

A recent survey revealed that local supermarkets throw out over 30 tonnes of food each day.

The shelf-life of goods sold in supermarkets varies. The general practice is to throw away
unsold or expired goods to ensure consumers’ safety.

The survey also found that food manufacturers play a big role in increasing pressure on the
mounting food waste issue. A lot of packaged food that is damaged in transit is disposed of.
Improper management of storage temperatures and Hong Kong’s humidity also leads to food
spoiling before it is even delivered to outlets.

Study calls for changes to confusing food labels

A study by Queensway University on the household disposal of food showed that 20 to 30%
of household food is discarded because it is past its “best before” date, despite still being
edible in most cases.

‘Just because something is past its “best before” date doesn’t mean it is inedible,’ said Dr
Wong Ka-sing. The “best before” date is only a suggested date based on production quality,
and food can usually be safely consumed within a certain period of time beyond this date.’

Book 4 (Set A) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 2 (Data File – Part B2) 7

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An open letter from Professor Josephine Wong

The government ought to step up to the plate

Numerous organizations have put in a lot of effort to help reduce food waste in Hong Kong.
Yet the government ought to take an even more active lead to help reduce food waste.

In countries such as the US, Canada and Australia, food donors are exempt from any legal
responsibilities arising from food hygiene-related issues. We urge the government to follow
suit and set up laws to protect well-meaning donors in Hong Kong.

The government should also consider working with the private sector to build modern organic
processing facilities that turn food waste into usable energy. With the government taking the
lead, the business sector would follow suit and tap into the opportunities they present.

There is clearly also a need to control the amount of municipal food waste produced. It is
recommended that the government start charging citizens for waste handling. A recent study
has pointed out that people would be willing to pay according to a fair scale that measures the
amount of waste individual households produce.

Determination and political impetus will be key to a successful future food waste scheme in
Hong Kong, yet these are motivations that the government has yet to demonstrate.

Josephine Wong
Professor of Environmental Engineering
University of Kowloon

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Mid-year work report

Mid-year Evaluation
Work report

Food redistribution programme

We have come up with a set of strict guidelines on food-handling to ensure that

no food will get spoiled or contaminated during transit. All redistributed food
must be sealed in tight plastic boxes and reach the beneficiaries on the same day
that it is delivered.

Entrée programme

We are proposing to request affiliation from hotels in order to further increase

our impact in the community. This type of donation should appeal to hotels due
to its greater flexibility over other kinds of relief programme.

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Concept diagram of an organic waste processor

Organic waste processor FX-P90

With the latest model of our organic waste processor, organic waste (e.g. food waste) can undergo a series
of anaerobic biological treatments to produce useful resources.

The treatment process

Biogas Electricity

Gas engines

Food waste

Digestive storage

Composted residue Fertilizer

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Company profile of Bauhinia Hotel Group


Being the largest hotel catering and management company in Hong Kong,
we operate six hotel brands—Bauhinia Hotel, Bauhinia Plaza, Hotel B,
Bauhinia Inn, Bauhinia Inn Express and Bauhinia Suites.

Our priorities
• Making our brands the first choice for guests and hotel business
• Delivering consistent customer experiences
• Investing in local communities through corporate social responsibility

For enquiries or corporate correspondence, please contact our Regional

Mr Andy Wong
3882 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Office: 3944 3943


Book 4 (Set A) • Paper 3 • Mock Test 2 (Data File – Part B2) 11

MT2• B2
First published October, 2018

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