Speech Education

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Assalamualaikum, wr. wb.

‫ َو الص َالُة َو السَالُم َع لَى َاْش َر ِف اَاْلْنِبيَاِء َو اْلُم ْر‬, ‫ َاْلَح ْم ُد ِهلِل َر ِب اْلَع ا َلِم ْيَن‬, ‫ِبْس ِم ِهللا الرْح مِن الر ِح ْيِم‬
‫ َاما َبْعُد‬, ‫ َو َع لَى اِلِه َو َص ْح ِبِه َاْج َم ِع ْيَن‬, ‫َسِلْيَن‬
Honorable, All teachers of Miss Rara Institute of Education
Unforgettable, All of my friend whom I love.

Dear audience,
Firstly, let’s pray and thanks unto our God Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and
blessings so we can attend in this situation and condition without any troubles and obstacles.
Secondly, my sholawat and salam always be with to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us
from the darkness to the lightness namely Islamic religion.
Thirdly, I am standing in front of you all. I’d like to deliver my speech by the title:


Education could be defined as the process of gaining knowledge, skill, beliefs, and values that help in the
growth and development of a person. Education is the most important asset, it is as important as food, shelter,
and clothes. While the school and college education programs are relatively modern, the learning process has
persisted for a long time. Humans have developed by learning themselves, and society must evolve. We can take
the example of hunter-gatherers, they used to pass down their knowledge of hunting and harvesting food during
different seasons.
Today, education is the most important aspect of society as it helps in providing a job and starting a
family. Educating helps in understanding the world in a better way. Take an example to understand that, a
person who knows about corruption and other social issues will play an important role in fighting it rather than a
person who is unaware of anything. Education provides an individual with opportunities to prove themselves in
society and be successful in the future of the country. As a genuine moslem. We should be a smart moslem. In
order to develop our country be “gemah ripah lo jinawe” country. This nation needs our hand. And other-hand
we need this nation. May Allah bless us. Aamiin.

I think that’s all my speech, if you found many mistakes in my speech, please forgive me.
Finally, the last to say.

Wassalamualaikum, wr. wb

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