Verdant Orc - Orc Racial Option

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6/7/24, 9:13 PM Verdant Orc - Orc Racial Option

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might change in time, this is not a final release.
There’ll be channels to give feedback on this
article and future articles soon!

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Verdant Orc
Orc Racial Option

Verdant orcs are orcs intrinsically connected
to their original creator deity. When he was
sundered, the Orc Father lost his essence, turning
him into a god-like monster, but part of his original… 1/6
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self keeps fighting within the monster, and this is
Published using Google Docsthe part that reached out to his children and Report abuse Learn more
created verdant orcs.

Verdant orcs are what orcs were meant to be

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Verdant Orc - Orc Racial Optionat their creation. They have an intrinsic connection minutes
not only to their creator, but also to nature. They
retain the green tint to their skin that gives them
their name, but their connection to nature is not
just skin deep. Verdant orcs can literally sustain
themselves through photosynthesis like a plant
would, and their connection to their creator god
allows them to be creators themselves, excelling
in all tasks that require equal knowledge and
control of nature and civilization, such as farming
or woodworking.

To assume their natural connection or their

crafting abilities makes verdant orcs less fearsome
warriors than their other orcish siblings would be a
mistake, as they retain the powerful bodies
characteristic of the orc race. Verdant orcs excel
at combat, both in all-out brawls and covert
ambushes in their forests. Their connection to
their divine Father enhances their resilience,
allowing them to gain a surge of energy when
pushed to the brink of death.

Verdant orc communities tend to live in the

forest, where they thrive, but many leave these
bastions of nature. Some do so for personal
reasons, but many others go on a quest larger
than themselves. Many verdant orcs believe that
their Father can be saved and restored to who he
formerly was, and it falls onto them, those who
have received the blessing that was once afforded
to all orcs, to save their creator.

A Note on Wording:
I’m aware that WotC have stated their intention to
move away from using the word “race” in their
content, replacing it with “species”.

While I agree with this change and will be

honoring it, we do not yet have an example of how
this will affect specific wording, since we’ve also
seen the word “lineage” being used. The word
“species” also seems to be a placeholder for the
moment, and the final word will be decided after
feedback is received from the latest survey.

Because of these two points, I’ll be using “race” in

this document and all further documents until we
have the final word. Once we do, I’ll go back and
update these documents to reflect the change.

For what it’s worth, I prefer the term “lineage” or

“heritage” to “species” and hope they’ll be
choosing one of those as the replacement in the

Verdant Orc Features:

Ability Score Increase. When determining your
character’s ability scores, increase one score by 2
and increase a different score by 1, or increase… 2/6
6/7/24, 9:13 PM Verdant Orc - Orc Racial Option
three different scores by 1. You can't raise any of
Published using Google Docsyour scores above 20. Report abuse Learn more
Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
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Verdant Orc - Orc Racial OptionSize. Your size is Medium. minutes
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet

of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as
if it were dim light. You can't discern color in
darkness, only shades of gray.

Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to

0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to
1 hit point instead. Once you use this trait, you
can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Verdant. Your body is equal parts plant and flesh.

You can regrow any limb you lose in 1d8+1
weeks. Additionally, you can go without food or
drink as long as you spend an hour per day in
direct sunlight.

Verdant Surge. Once you’ve used your

Relentless Endurance Trait, you gain temporary
hit points equal to double your proficiency bonus,
you double your proficiency bonus when making
any attack roll, and you gain 10 feet of movement
to your speed. This effect lasts until you regain
any hit points or until you take a long or short rest.

Languages. Your character can speak, read, and

write Common and one other language that you
and your DM agree is appropriate for the

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