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Name: Jade Shana E. Naig

You will use the mutation simulation on Biology Simulations to determine the effect of UV light
on bacteria.

As UV exposure time increases bacterial survival will decrease

As UV exposure time increases antibiotic resistance mutations will increase (in the surviving
bacterial population).

Procedure: Click on the “Procedure” button to read the simulation procedure. Complete the lab
as shown in the procedure flow chart below and record your data.


Irradiation Time Control Plate Colonies Antibiotic Plate Colonies

0 116 0

10 117 1

20 72 5

30 39 10

40 10 3

50 1 0

60 0 0

1. Insert a graph to visualize the effect of irradiation time on bacterial survival (control
plate data).

2. Insert a graph to visualize the effect of irradiation time on bacterial mutation (antibiotic
plate data).

3. Based on your data, describe the impact of UV irradiation on bacterial survival.

From the information obtained from the control plate depicted in the graph, it can be
concluded that the long duration of UV irradiation is harmful to the survival and proliferation
of the bacteria. The analysis of the graph above shows a progressive reduction in the number
of surviving bacteria with an increase in the time of irradiation. The survival ratio is high if the
UV exposure is 0 second and the sample does not contain UV exposure due to the control
group. On the other hand, a rise in the irradiation time from 10 seconds to 60 seconds also
causes a fall in the viable bacteria, thus implying that for a prolonged exposure of UV to the
bacteria, a greater amount of bacteria is killed or cannot replicate. It is obvious from this data
that UV irradiation does have an adverse effect on the survival of bacteria and the longer the
exposure time the lower the survival numbers are.

4. Based on your data, describe the impact of UV irradiation on bacterial mutation rates.

The collected data from the antibiotic plate shows that the UV irradiation may enhance the
possibility of mutation in the bacteria so that the bacteria will be resistant to antibiotics in the
water. The graph illustrates that irradiation from 0 to 10s lead to a decrease but later from 10
to 20s shows an increased in survival bacteria. This increased rate of survival may be because
of the growth of mutant bacterial strains that have developed resistance against the specific
antibiotic present on the plate due to mutations caused by UV mutation.

Although the data does not provide the explicit answer to the presence of antibiotic-resistant
mutants after UV treatment, it does show that if such an event occurs, it will involve a small
fraction of the population able to survive 20 seconds of UV exposure and then go on to
survive on the antibiotic-containing plate. Despite the above findings, it is necessary to
determine further whether UV irradiation actually results in an increased rate of mutations
that could potentially cause antibiotic resistance.

5. Based on research, explain how UV radiation can cause mutations.

In organisms such as bacteria, the UV radiation has a deleterious effect leading to mutations
by causing DNA damage. UV radiation can cause pyrimidine dimers to occur where two
adjacent pyrimide bases (cytosine or thymine) become linked by covalent bond between the
molecules. When in the presence of DNA, these dimers cause distortion of the DNA structure
and therefore affecting replication and transcription, which might result in mutation when
damages are not repaired. Moreover, it is well known that the UV radiation itself can directly
ablicate the DNA strands or cause other DNA lesions leading to the mutation introduction.

6. Based on research, describe a role of mutations in evolution.

These mutations have a vital role in evolution because they facilitate the process of genetic
change in a population. These variations can result in the occurrences of new (additional) or
changed characteristics. Certain mutations may bring about benefits or problems to the
individuals living in those environments. Through the process of natural selection, mutant
individuals that have desirable phenotypes and better chances in surviving or reproducing are
favored to have their mutations to the next generation. When undergone for a long period
this process may cause the formation of new species due to beneficial mutations or the
development of some new properties in already formed organisms in accordance with the
changing conditions of existence.

7. Based on research, explain the connection between UV radiation and skin cancers in

Sunlight as other form of UV radiation accounts for the incidences of skin cancer in humans.
Sunburn and skin cancer are closely related because UV exposure may lead to the alteration
of DNA in skin cells where the mutated genes may be associated with cell growth and
proliferation. Such mutations often affect the tumor suppressor genes or proto-oncogenes,
and as a result, these genes might not perform their functions to regulate the growth of cells
in the manner that is expected. Constant and excessive exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet
radiation may lead to the development of certain types of skin cancers namely melanoma
(the most dangerous), Basal Cell Carcinoma , Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

8. Write a brief conclusion of your results.

Looking at the present data, in the graph, and the other facts about mutation rate from
referred research, there is evidence as to why UV irradiation can affect survival probability of
bacteria and elicit mutation rates which might lead to antibiotic resistance and evolution of
bacteria. Even though the presence of antibiotic-resistant mutants cannot be definitely
confirmed via the data provided, the 20-second duration in which cells were irradiated
demonstrates an increase in survival and is consistent with the hypothesis that UV exposure
can generate genetic mutations that produce antibiotic-resistant strains. This observation may
provide some explanation for the role of UV radiation in the evolution of pathogenic bacteria
and their resistance to antimicrobial agents. Moreover, this topic explores the conclusion that
UV radiation induces mutations in bacteria and that UV exposure causes skin cancers in
humans, which further explains the significance of studying UV mutagenesis and its

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