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Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon - Warlock Dragon Stat Block

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Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon - Warlock Dragon Stat Block minutes

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Warloc� Warde�
A patron dragon builds its hoard
through contracts. Just as archon
dragons, the warden dragons
associated with sorcery, seek out
societal outcasts and the
marginalized to offer them a sense
of community, patron dragons
specifically seek out the hopeless,
those who desperately need power
and yet find themselves powerless.
It’s said they can literally smell
desperation--that’s when they strike.

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Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon - Warlock Dragon Stat Block

The dragons offer a deal that will

make all their problems go away, Report abuse
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power that the potential hoardmate
could only dream of. In exchange,
they must only belong to the Updated automatically every 5
Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon -dragon’s
Warlockhoard.Dragon Stat Block
If desperation minutes
doesn’t push the person to join, their
thirst for power will, and soon
enough the warlock dragon finds
itself with its own hoard, and its
power grows.

But a warlock dragon must be

careful, as their source of power is
not infinite. Whereas sorcerer
dragons radiate power to those
around them indiscriminately, patron
dragons can choose exactly how
much power to grant, to what
individual, and when to take it
away--but whenever they do, that’s
some of the dragon’s own power
that leaves their body and goes to
their warlocks. They must walk the
line between not giving enough of
their power and losing their hoard’s
loyalty, and giving too much power
to their warlocks and becoming
powerless to defend themselves
against outside threats.

Some warlock dragons navigate this

by fostering a specific feeling among
their hoard: complete and utter
devotion. This is the reason why a
warlock dragon’s hoard is often
referred to as a cult. It’s not
uncommon for the members of a
hoard of a patron dragon to believe
they worship not a dragon, but a
god. Members of these cult-like
hoards understand that the only
reason they have that power to
begin with is because of their
contract, and because the patron
dragon allows it.

Those who show the greatest

devotion to their patron are in turn
granted more power, strengthening
the hoard’s resolve to stand with
their patron. The warlock dragon
then chooses a prince: the
hoardmate that will one day receive
its draconic essence and become
the dragon’s successor. The prince
slowly receives more and more

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Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon - Warlock Dragon Stat Block

power from their deal with the patron

dragon, until the moment where
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more of the dragon’s power lives
within the prince than within the
dragon. When this happens, the Updated automatically every 5
Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon -patron
Warlock Dragon
dragon Stat
must be Block
extremely minutes
careful, as they are at their weakest
here. They must quickly perform the
ritual and pass on their draconic
essence to its chosen prince.

It is, however, just as likely for a

patron dragon to decide that the best
course of action is to be transparent
with their hoard mates as to how
much power they will grant, and for
what reason. Proficient in legalese
after countless years of drafting
contracts, there are many patron
dragons who find themselves
leaders of guilds: adventuring guilds,
with a hoard of highly trained
warlock adventurers. The patron
dragon grants their hoardmates
more or less power depending on
how hard the job is. Some of these
adventuring guilds led by patron
dragons become world-renowned for
their efficiency, becoming pillars of
their communities... just as long as
these communities pay diligently and
read the fine print.

How a warlock dragon decides to

run its hoard, whether it is through
cultish devotion or the cold fairness
of contracts, it is for the patron
dragon to decide.

Huge Dragon, Any Alignment

17 (Natural Armor)
231 (22d12 + 88)
40 ft., �y 80 ft

12 23 16 24 18 25
(+1) (+6) (+3) (+7) (+4) (+7)

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Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon - Warlock Dragon Stat Block

Dex +11, Con +8, Wis

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+9, Cha +12 Report abuse Learn more
Arcana +12, Deception +12,
Intimidation +12, Investigation +12
Bludgeoning, Updated automatically every 5
Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon - Warlock Dragon Stat Block minutes
Piercing, and Slashing from
nonmagical attacks, Psychic
Blindsight 60 ft., Darkvision
120 ft., passive Perception 16
Draconic, All standard
15 (13,000 XP)

patron dragon regains all uses of its
spells when it �nishes a short or long

the patron dragon fails a saving
throw, it can choose to succeed

When the
patron dragon casts a spell that
a�ects other creatures it can see, it
can choose up to �ve members of its
hoard. The chosen creatures
automatically succeed on their
saving throws against the spell, and
they take no damage if they would
normally take half damage on a
successful save.

When a member of
the patron dragon’s hoard that the
dragon can see expends a spell slot,
the patron dragon regains one
expended use of one of its spells.

The patron dragon

selects a creature it can see with
which it has formed a pact. For one
minute, that creature gains a +2 to
its charisma modi�er and regains
+10 temporary HP at the beginning
of each of its turns.

The patron dragon can

use its Eldritch Presence. It then
makes either three Eldritch Blast
attacks and one tentacle attack, or
casts a spell and then makes one
Eldritch Blast or tentacle attack.

Ranged Spell Attack:

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Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon - Warlock Dragon Stat Block

+12 to hit, reach 300 ft., one target.

Hit: 12 (1d10+7) force damage. On a
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hit, the patron can choose to move
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the target in a straight line 10 ft.
closer to or away from itself, or can
reduce the creature’s speed by 10 ft. Updated automatically every 5
Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon -until
the endDragon Stat Block
of the dragon’s next minutes

Melee Weapon Attack: +11

to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 11
(2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Each creature of
the patron dragon's choice that is
within 120 feet of the dragon must
succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving
throw. For one minute, the patron
dragon may use a bonus action on
each of its turns to designate a
direction that is horizontal to it. Each
creature that failed the saving throw
must use as much of its movement
as possible to move in that direction
on its next turn. It can take its action
before it moves. After moving in this
way, it can make another Charisma
saving throw to try to end the e�ect.
A target isn't compelled to move into
an obviously deadly hazard, such as a
�re or pit, but it will provoke
opportunity attacks to move in the
designated direction.
If a creature's saving throw is
successful or the e�ect ends for it,
the creature is immune to the
dragon's Eldritch Presence for the
next 24 hours.
patron dragon exhales arcane energy
in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in
that area that is not part of its hoard
must make a DC 20 Charisma saving
throw, taking 66 (12d10) psychic
damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
Each creature in the area that is part
of its hoard regains one warlock spell
slot, and adds +1 to all spell attack
rolls and damage rolls for one

Instead of empowering its hoard, the

dragon can instead summon any
creature it has made a pact with to
an unoccupied location within the
area of the cone. It can summon a
number of creatures equal to 1d4+1.

The patron dragon

casts one of the following spells,
requiring no material components
and using Charisma as the
spellcasting ability (spell save DC 20):
● At will: charm person,

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Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon - Warlock Dragon Stat Block

enthrall, hallucinatory terrain,

ray of enfeeblement, sending
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● 1/day each: blight (cast at Report abuse Learn more
6th level), circle of death,
eyebite, hold person (cast at
6th level), mass suggestion, Updated automatically every 5
Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon - Warlock Dragon
scrying, vampiricStat Block
touch (cast minutes
at 6th level)

OPEN GAME License Version 1.0a
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Warlock by Dragon Statincluding
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Offer andDragon StatBy
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Content Stat Block
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Game License v 1.0a Copyright
2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
System Reference Document 5.1
Copyright 2016, Wizards of the
Coast, LLC.; Authors Mike Mearls,
Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee,
James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb,

9 of 10 6/7/2024, 9:22 PM
Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon - Warlock Dragon Stat Block

Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and

Steve Townshend, based on originalReport abuse
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material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
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Pointy Hat: Patron Dragon -Pointy
Warlock DragonCopyright
Hat Content, Stat Block
Antonio Demico.

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