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(eBook PDF) Puntos de partida: An

Invitation to Spanish 9th Edition

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PUNTOS de partida
Take a fresh look at Puntos—it’s everything you wanted.

Puntos . . .
• breaks new ground to meet the changing needs of face-to-face,
hybrid, and online Spanish programs.

• offers students more opportunities to develop their communication

skills via TelePuntos, a new integrated video section with
corresponding in-text and digital activities.

• innovates through LearnSmart, a first-of-its-kind adaptive learning

system within Connect Spanish that adjusts to the learning needs
of every student in every classroom.

Puntos—it WILL take you there!

MD DALIM #1161611 8/29/11 CYAN MAG YELO BLK

Dorwick | Pérez-Gironés
Becher | Isabelli

spanish McGraw-Hill Higher Education

and Blackboard have teamed up.
Whether your institution is already

using Blackboard or you just want to
try Blackboard on your own, we have
a solution for you.

ISBN 978-0-07-338541-9
MHID 0-07-338541-7
de partida
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The result is, simply put, Puntos. Take a fresh look
at Puntos—it’s everything you wanted.

Puntos . . .

• breaks new ground to meet the changing needs

of face-to-face, hybrid, and online Spanish programs.

• offers students more opportunities to develop their

communication skills via TelePuntos, a new integrated
video section with corresponding in-text and
digital activities.

• innovates through LearnSmart, a first-of-its-kind

adaptive learning system within Connect Spanish
that adjusts to the learning needs of every student
in every classroom.

Puntos—it WILL take you there!

Preface v
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Puntos motivates students

to develop their
communication skills.
In national surveys and through symposia, we’ve listened to over a thousand instructors
and professors speak about their experiences and challenges in teaching introductory
Spanish. 84% stated that developing communication skills in Spanish is a top goal for
the course. 79% indicated that the development of cultural competence was a “very
important” or “extremely important” course outcome, but only 49% of professors are
satisfied with how their current program integrates culture. This research, in addition to
anecdotes from the classroom, reveals that students with a positive attitude toward the
“[Connect Spanish]
target culture are more motivated to participate in class, continue their language study
is a pioneering beyond the required sequence, and retain their language skills longer after finishing their
program that will language study.
take the teaching Relying upon the power of digital solutions, we introduce Mundo interactivo,
to a new amazing task-based scenarios available in Connect Spanish. In these scenarios, students play the
level in which the role of a television production assistant as they prepare the reporting segments for Salu2,
a morning talk show based on our new video program.
learning will be
easier to evaluate
by both the student
and the teacher. It
will also allow the
student to feel less
fear when speaking,
which is the most
difficult skill to
acquire—due to
inhibition. It could
be revolutionary.”
Lucero Tenorio,
Oklahoma State University

vi Preface
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Students are transported into an immersive, story-based world where they experience “I am pleased to
the thrill of mastering relevant, task-based communication scenarios in real-world contexts.
see that there are
With functionality like synchronous and asynchronous video chat, students engage in
more communicative
communication practice online. This experience helps students gain the confidence to
use their Spanish skills in the classroom and in their communities. Professors have access activities in place
to a suite of media-rich content and tools to structure their students’ experience and and that instructors
provide targeted feedback at just the right moments to maximize learning. have more tools
Professors also asked for more activities devoted to the four skill areas, and we and options to
responded. Within the text, Puntos offers instructors the necessary tools to help their work with.”
students develop communicative proficiency in all four skill areas: listening and reading Martha Guerrero-Phlaum,
comprehension, and written and oral production. In each chapter, the new A leer, A Santa Ana College

escuchar, and A escribir sections expose students to written and aural language,
drawing attention to reading, listening, and writing skills.
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Lectura cultural Antes de escuchar El tema
Guatemala y Honduras ¿Espera Ud. (Do you wait for) las rebajas para ir de compras? ¿Para comprar qué
tipo de cosas (things) busca Ud. rebajas? ¿para comprar ropa? ¿objetos electrónicos? El estilo del campus: Información para los
nuevos estudiantes universitarios
n Guatemala y Honduras hay mercados donde
se puede comprar artículos de artesaníaa a buen Escuche
precio. Son famosos los mercados guatemaltecos Preparar
de las ciudades de Guatemala, Antigua, Chichicaste- Una llamada telefónica para ir de compras a Paso 1. Haga una lista de la ropa que Ud. necesita para vivir en la universidad.
nango y Quezaltenango. En estos mercados existe las rebajas ¿Qué ropa necesita un estudiante para las siguientes ocasiones?
la costumbreb del «regateo»: el compradorc de un
Unas amigas, Lidia y Cristina, hablan de sus planes para ir de compras. Escuche según • ir a clase y a la biblioteca
artículo debe negociar el precio con el vendedor.d
las indicaciones de su profesor(a). • salir (to go out) con amigos
Los vendedores invitan a los compradores a regatear
• asistir a eventos en el campus, como conciertos o fiestas
y con frecuencia se escucha decir:e « …pero tiene
• comer en la cafetería
rebaja, ofrezca un preciof». Vocabulario para escuchar • relajarse (to relax) en la residencia o en casa
Entre toda la hermosag
artesanía guatemalteca es la llamada (telephone) call empiezan they start Paso 2. En general, ¿cree Ud. que los estudiantes necesitan mucha ropa? ¿Qué
¿Hay mercados ¿Qué onda? What’s up? (Mexico) ¡Qué padre! Great! (Mexico) tipo de ropa es común en su campus? ¿Ropa elegante o informal? ¿Hay varios
necesario mencionar los
de artesanías en tejidosh de tradición maya,
El Oakland Mall, en la Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala conmigo with me estilos?
la zona donde famosos por su colorido
Ud. vive? y belleza.i En Honduras, Redactar
Tres símbolos guatemaltecos y hondureños Después de escuchar
además dej las artesanías Imagine que Ud. forma parte del Freshman Student Orientation Committee y es
tradicionales, hay varios artículos codiciados pork los • El Popol Vuh La cultura maya es el sustrato fundamental A. ¿Cierto o falso? Las siguientes oraciones son falsas. Corríjalas (Correct them).
de Guatemala y Honduras. El Popol Vuh es el libro sagra- responsable de la sección sobre el estilo de ropa en el campus para el sitio
turistas: el café, el ron,l la vainilla, la cerámica y los CIERTO FALSO
Web de su universidad. Escriba un ensayo, combinando (combining) toda la
puros.m doa de los mayas, escrito en el siglo XVI.b Es la historia
1. Las rebajas empiezan hoy. ® ® información de Preparar. Sus ideas del Paso 2 van a ser útiles para el enfoque
de la creación del mundo, según las creenciasc mayas.
® ®
arts and crafts bcustom cbuyer, customer dseller ese… one hears people 2. Cristina tiene clases mañana por la mañana. ( focus) general del ensayo y para la introducción. Concluya (Conclude) el ensayo
say fpero… but a discount is possible, make an offer gbonita hweavings • Los tamales y las tortillas de maíz Estos son alimentos
beauty jademás… besides kcodiciados… coveted by lrum mpuros… cigars muy básicos y tradicionales. Se diced que en Guatemala 3. Lidia no tiene clases mañana. ® ® con una observación general, personal, sobre cómo se visten (dress) los
un plato de comidae sin tortillas de maíz, no es comida. estudiantes en su universidad.
4. Cristina y Lidia van a encontrarse en la ® ®
• Los productos agrícolas Honduras es el mayorf productor
En otros países hispanos de café en Centroamérica, y el tercerog en Latinoamérica.
• En todo el mundo hispanohablante Por supuestoa Las bananas son otro producto muy importante de este país. 5. Lidia no tiene hermanos. ® ®
Revise (Review) el ensayo para comprobar (to check):
se puede encontrarb todo tipo de tiendas y centros a
sacred b
escrito… written in the 16th century c
beliefs d
Se… It is said e
food B. Intercambios. Invente la parte que falta (is missing) de los intercambios,
comerciales (llamadosc «el Mall» en algunosd países), f
largest g
third • la ortografía y los acentos
usando expresiones del diálogo. • la posición y la concordancia (agreement) de los adjetivos descriptivos y los
generalmente en las ciudades grandes. En muchos de
estos negocios,e no es aceptable regatear, aunquef en Una citaº quote 1. — adjetivos posesivos
los mercados centrales y artesanales, regatear es • la variedad del vocabulario
«Jaquin ka retzelaj ri uwachulew, kuretzelaj ri ub’aqil.» —Hola, soy yo.
común. Allí se puede comprar todo tipo de productos • la conjugación de los verbos
«Aquel que se hacea enemigo de la tierra,b se hace enemigo
comestibles,g cosméticos, ropa y artículos para la casa. 2. —
de sí mismo.c» Finalmente, prepare su versión final para entregarla (hand it in).
Algunos mercados son muy turísticos, pero la mayoría
son para la genteh local. Proverbio maya-quiché —Muy bien. ¿Y tú?
• En Cuba En este país las compras se haceni en familia.
Aquel… He who becomes b
earth, land c
sí… himself 3. —
Debido a quej el librek comercio no existe en la Isla, —Perfecto. En Zara, a las 7.
los viajes para hacer comprasl son bien limitados. Pero COMPRENSIÓN
es posible que esto cambiem en el futuro.
1. ¿En qué lugares hay mercados de artesanías en
Por… Of course bfind c
called dsome ebusinesses falthough gedible Guatemala?
people ise… are done j
Debido… Since kfree llos… shopping trips Ricardo Arjona es un cantante internacional y
m 2. ¿Qué cosas compran muchos turistas en Go to the iMix section
will change
Honduras? in Connect Puntos el más famoso de Guatemala. También toca la
3. ¿Qué opciones tiene la persona que quiere ir de
( guitarra y el piano. Ha ganadoa dos premios
to access the iTunes playlist
compras en el mundo hispanohablante? Grammy.
“Puntos9,” where you can
purchase “Cómo duele” by La canción «Cómo duele»b es del álbum
Ricardo Arjona. 5to Piso.c
a b c to
Ricardo Arjona, en Coral Gables, Florida
Ha… He has won «Cómo… "It hurts so much" 5 … 5th Floor

122 ciento veintidós Capítulo 4 De compras 124 ciento veinticuatro Capítulo 4 De compras A escribir ciento veinticinco 125

To give students more opportunities to communicate and thus improve their “You blow my mind
communicative proficiency, we’ve added new communicative objectives in the with how well you
En este capítulo section of the chapter openers to let students know what they should
have integrated the
be able to do by the end of the chapter. The new En su comunidad activity at the end of
the Un poco de todo section asks students to interact and communicate directly with a
personal and the
Spanish speaker from their community about some cultural topic and then report their ‘3Ps’ of the National
findings. The new two-page TelePuntos spread gives students opportunities to interact Standards! Products
and communicate about each accompanying Salu2 video segment, and the Producción and Practices are
personal feature prompts students to go out into their communities and create their
clearly linked to
own video segments, based on the topics presented in the Salu2 segments.
Perspectives and/or
the environments of
the featured
Janet Burke Norden,
Baylor University

Preface vii
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Puntos addresses students’

varying levels of
language proficiency.
Introductory Spanish classrooms typically contain a mix of true beginners, false
beginners, and even heritage speakers in the same classroom. Based on our research, we
learned that the varying levels of language proficiency among students represent one of
the greatest course challenges for the majority of introductory Spanish instructors.

“The adaptive Puntos offers LearnSmart, a powerful

adaptive learning system, beta-tested
diagnostic tool is
by over 1,600 students. As the student
very promising. It completes each chapter’s grammar
could be fruitfully and vocabulary modules, LearnSmart
identifies the main grammatical
added as a review
structures and vocabulary words that
tool, as tutoring warrant more practice, based on student
support, or if sold performance, and provides an
individualized study program.
as a free-standing
item might even
As the professor you can assign
be used to place LearnSmart or you can simply say, “Go
out of courses or to LearnSmart and work on preterite
to provide online vs. imperfect”—and off they go!
LearnSmart allows you to quickly and
testing. It provides easily choose how much content is
the individualized covered within each module and to
feedback students dig into very specific aspects of each
grammar point rather than testing on an
need to take overall grammar point.
responsibility for
their own learning You will know exactly what your students know and where they continue to struggle.

and it stresses What did we learn from our beta test students?
Sandra Watts, University of
• 68% agree or strongly agree that they were actively engaged in the LearnSmart
North Carolina, Charlotte activities.
• 75% agree or strongly agree that LearnSmart increased their comprehension by
studying vocabulary and grammar outside of the classroom.
• 93% believe LearnSmart to be an effective way to review and learn concepts.
• 90% would recommend LearnSmart to a friend.
viii Preface
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In addition to addressing the variety of student levels in your classes, the Puntos program
also appeals to students with diverse study habits. According to ethnographic research
conducted by McGraw-Hill, four student types have emerged across disciplines.

Forward Learners Interrupted Learners Short-Term Learners Delayed Learners

We took into consideration the diversity of student populations across the country and
even within a single classroom when we designed Puntos. For example, for the Forward
Learners, we provide a wealth of practice activities online and guide their workflow
with options for additional practice. For the Interrupted Learners, we offer content
downloadable to a laptop, iPod, or iPad, giving them the ability to study anywhere,
anytime. Short-Term Learners can utilize LearnSmart to hone their weak areas so that they
can use their study time more efficiently. And when Delayed Learners are cramming at
the last minute, they will find all the study tools they need in one convenient location.

Puntos appeals to the individual needs of a wide variety of students by presenting

interactive content and diagnostic tools that bring everyone to the same level of mastery.

“It suddenly started making sense when I started to use

LearnSmart. I received a 95 on the essay after I started using
LearnSmart, it is very helpful!”
Aaron De La Garza, Student, Portland Community College

Preface ix
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Puntos helps you administer

your course more efficiently
and effectively.
Syllabus creation. Communicating with students outside of class. Assigning and grading
homework. These are just a few of the administrative tasks that occupy instructors’
time and diminish valuable opportunities to enrich teaching and learning experiences.
Imagine a resource that efficiently handles these tasks and does so in a way that also
allows you to easily administer your course to your goals and needs. Nearly half of the
instructors surveyed told us that course administration issues are a huge obstacle to
effective teaching. 91% of instructors stated that digital tools should save time in
administering the course, but only 61% are satisfied with their current solution. 83%
of instructors stated that they rely upon reporting features to manage their course,
but only 60% are satisfied with their program.

Connect Spanish, as part of the Puntos program, provides online tools to reduce the
amount of time and energy that instructors have to invest in administering their course.
For example, when creating assignments, instructors can easily sort according to a variety
of parameters that are important to their course in particular.

You can sort and assign based on language skill, grammar structure, vocabulary theme,
the amount of time the activity takes, or the activity type (multiple choice, fill-in-the-
blank, and so on). Once you create your section assignments, you can easily share your
course with your colleagues, and as a course coordinator you can quickly see how all
sections are progressing through the course assignments.

x Preface
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As a complement to Connect Spanish, McGraw-Hill and Blackboard have teamed up.

What does this mean for your introductory Spanish course?

1. Your life, simplified. Now you and your students can access all McGraw-Hill Connect
content directly from within your Blackboard course. Say good-bye to the days of
logging in to multiple applications, and say hello to true, single sign-on.

2. Deep integration of content and tools. Not only do you get single sign-on with
Connect, you also get deep integration of McGraw-Hill content and content engines
right in Blackboard. Whether you’re choosing a book for your course or building
Connect assignments, all the tools you need are right where you want them—inside

3. Seamless gradebooks. Are you tired of keeping multiple gradebooks and manually
synchronizing grades into Blackboard? We thought so. When a student completes an
integrated Connect assignment, the grade for that assignment automatically (and
instantly) feeds into your Blackboard grade center.

4. A solution for everyone. Whether your institution is already using Blackboard or you
just want to try Blackboard on your own, we have a solution for you. McGraw-Hill and
Blackboard can now offer you easy access to industry-leading technology and
content, whether your campus hosts it or we do. Be sure to ask your local McGraw-Hill
representative for details.

“The time-saving facets of having seamless coordination

of online work and Blackboard are an excellent
improvement, especially as we are offering Puntos
online now . . . The new digital offerings are a
necessary and welcome improvement as Web
and hybrid classes increase in number, and
also to keep up with a technological
medium that students can relate to
more easily.”
Catherine Ortiz, University of Texas at Arlington

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Puntos helps you achieve consistent

learning outcomes across diverse
instructional settings.
The context for teaching and learning can take many forms in today’s world, including
traditional face-to-face courses, fully online courses, and hybrid offerings. Nearly one-
third of programs across the country are now offering hybrid or online sections. Given
these trends, we created a unique online delivery of the Puntos program to provide
consistent outcomes no matter which of these formats is used.

The content of Puntos is comprised of an array of integrated print and digital offerings,
giving you the maximum flexibility to choose the most appropriate format for your
courses. At the same time, you can be assured that regardless of the format, all content is
directly tied to course learning objectives that are consistent across all components of the

“I am very Can students in an online course attain the same level of oral proficiency as those in a
pleased with traditional classroom setting? With Puntos, the answer is yes! For example, in-class
communicative activities are replicated in the online environment, allowing students to
your continuous
pair up with virtual partners for communication practice.
innovations and
improvement of
this program.
Detecting needs,
asking instructors,
keeping updated
with technology
are all pluses . . .
It’s the very best
program out there.”
Lucero Tenorio,
Oklahoma State University

xii Preface
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The video program is another example of flexibility: whether you have your students view “Students also have
the video online or you prefer to show the video in class, you can incorporate it into your an opportunity
face-to-face or online sections, depending on what works for you. Related activities can
to put different
be done in class or online, so students receive the same amount of exposure and practice
no matter what the class format.
skills into practice:
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listening, speaking,
X Mundo interactivo

Continue your work as an intern at HispanaVisión with Laura Sánchez Tejada, the roving reporter of
Salu2, as you complete Scenario 2, Activities 3 and 4 in Connect Spanish ( writing, and
Antes de mirar
¿Qué tipo de ropa prefiere Ud., por lo general? Indique su
Al mirar
Escoja (Choose) uno o dos adjetivos para describir el estilo
reading, sometimes
estilo personal con una de las opciones. personal de las siguientes personas.
® ropa de alta costura (high fashion), de marcas (labels)
® ropa informal pero atractiva, como camisetas con
diseños (designs) interesantes y jeans de moda
Palabras útiles: a la moda, bonito/a, cómodo/a, de alta costura,
elegante, histórico/a, icónico/a, (in)formal, juvenil, moderno/a,
relajado/a, serio/a, simbólico/a, único/a
within one single
1. Víctor
® ropa de estilos variados —a veces elegante, a veces

¿Un cambio de imagen

informal— pero siempre de las mejores (best) marcas
® ropa cómoda, barata y práctica: La moda no es
importante para Ud.
Vilma Martínez
Javier Claudio El diseño de una camiseta de Dimex: Un
task. Connect is
(change of image) para Víctor? campeón (champion) de lucha libre (wrestling)
6. Christian Vidaurrázaga
4: en la batalla de la vida (battle of life)
PROGRAMA ¡Moda, moda, moda!
En este programa, Laura entrevista a tres diseñadores (designers) de ropa.
¿Cómo son sus diseños?
Después de mirar
A. ¿Está claro? Las siguientes oraciones son falsas. Corríjalas. (Correct them.)
flexible enough
1. En Puerto Rico solo hay ropa de los Estados Unidos.
2. El estilo de los diseños de Ropaje es obviamente juvenil y moderno.
Vocabulario de este programa
te ves
no creas
you look
don’t get the idea
la calle más
the oldest
3. Las camisetas de Icónica solo se pueden comprar por (can be bought on)
el Internet.
4. Los diseños de Dimex están inspirados en la cultura popular global.
to be used . . . in a
suave nice, mild antigua street 5. Ana se identifica culturalmente con los diseños de Dimex.

F2F [face-to-face]
Cristóbal Christopher único/a unique B. Un poco más. En parejas, piensen en (think about) una persona (o tipo de
Colon Columbus la lucha fight
personas) que Uds. creen que compraría (would buy) la ropa de los diseñadores
llegó arrived sobresalir to excel
propio/a own un poquito sucio, a little dirty,
o marcas que se ven (are seen) o se mencionan en este programa. Pueden
costura y sewing and con sangre with blood nombrar (name) también a los presentadores y la reportera de Salu2 o a
diseño design ha peleado he has fought personas que están en su salón de clase. Luego, comparen sus ideas con las
la venta
youthful, young
la gente
alive, vibrant
(those) de otra pareja.

1. Ropajes
Ropajes → un director de teatro o cine (movies)
3. Icónica
course, . . . being the
2. Dimex 4. Zara, Mango, Carolina Herrera, Óscar de la Renta,
Narciso Rodríguez
Fragmento del guion
laura: Ahora estamos en Icónica, donde el viejo San Juana se haceb
global con los diseños de camisetas. Hablamos con el dueño,c
Javier Claudio.
C. Y ahora, Uds. En parejas, hablen de los estilos o marcas del programa que
Uds. prefieren y expliquen por qué. sole teaching and
javier: Yo creo que en Puerto Rico por la condición del Caribe, que es
un clima tropical y es caluroso,d pues los jóvenes universitarios Sobre el programa

mayormentee andanf siempre en T-shirts y mahones,g quizásh
andan también en pantalones cortos y tenis. De hecho, eso fue
lo que me llevó a mí a haceri la marca Icónica.
Javier nos habla del concepto de sus diseños.
Ana García-Blanco, la presentadora, y Laura, laa reportera, tiene
diferentes. El estilo de Laura es juvenil ea infor
en estilos de vvestir
estir muy
rmal. Casi nuncaa lleva falda y usa colores
vivos. El estilo de Ana, en cambio,b es más clásico
ásico y femenino
femenino: resc y
o: faldas, collar
learning tool for an
javier: Pues Icónica, como dicej el nombre, son íconos de la cultura pañuelos,d y prefiere los colores típicos de la roropa de las muje
eres profesion
nales. Producción personal

online course.”
«En el estudio de Vilma, vemos popular, son cosas que nos representan como cultura global, no Cuando erae estudiante, Ana trabajóf como ráfica para unaa cadenag de
o modelo fotográfica
fotográ e Filme una o dos entrevistas
(we see) vestidos de épocas necesariamente de Puerto Rico, pero como cultura global.
históricas para obras (works) de
grandes almacenes de su país, Panamá. Esto tal tal vezh explica por
por qué siemp
pre está vestid
ida (interviews) con personas que
teatro, vestidos de alta costura
el… old San Juan (original historic center of San Juan, where many restaurants and a la moda. hablan de su estilo de vestir
y su nueva línea de prendas shops are located today) bse… becomes cowner dhot emainly fgo around gjeans a
y b
en… on the other hand c
necklaces d
scarves e
she was f
worked g
chain h
tal… perhaps y de sus tiendas de ropa
(garments) reversibles de cuero.» maybe iDe… Actually, that’s what inspired me to create jsays

120 ciento veinte Capítulo 4 De compras TelePuntos ciento veintiuno 121

Nuria López-Ortega,
University of Cincinnati

Just like the video, each component of Puntos ensures a seamless transition from the
face-to-face classroom to the virtual classroom and everything in between.

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Thalia Dorwick has retired as McGraw-Hill’s Anne Becher received her M.A. in Hispanic Lin-
Editor-in-Chief for Humanities, Social Sciences, and guistics in 1992 from the University of Colorado, Boulder,
Languages. For many years she was also in charge of where she coordinates Beginning Spanish and teaches
McGraw-Hill’s World Languages college list in Spanish, pedagogy and methods courses for the Department of
French, Italian, German, Japanese, and Russian. She has Spanish and Portuguese. She has taught beginning through
taught at Allegheny College, California State University advanced levels of Spanish since 1996, including several
(Sacramento), and Case Western Reserve University, where years teaching Modified Spanish classes for students with
she received her Ph.D. in Spanish in 1973. She has been difficulty learning languages. She has published several
recognized as an Outstanding Foreign Language Teacher reviews in Hispania, presents frequently at the Colorado
by the California Foreign Language Teachers Association. Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT) conferences,
Dr. Dorwick is the coauthor of several textbooks and the and has served on the boards of CCFLT and the Colorado
author of several articles on language teaching issues. She chapter of American Association of Teachers of Spanish
is a frequent guest speaker on topics related to language and Portuguese. She co-edited the bilingual literary journal
learning, and was an invited speaker at the II Congreso La selva subterránea from 1987–1996.
Internacional de la Lengua Española, in Valladolid, Spain,
in October 2001. In retirement she consults for McGraw-Hill,
especially in the area of world languages, which is of Casilde A. Isabelli is an Associate Professor
personal interest to her. She also serves on the Board of of Spanish Linguistics and formerly the Coordinator of
Trustees of Case Western Reserve University and on the the Basic Spanish Language Program at the University of
Board of Directors of the Berkeley Repertory Theatre. Nevada, Reno, where she teaches graduate and under-
graduate courses in language, linguistics, and methodology.
She received her Ph.D. in Spanish Applied Linguistics with
Ana María Pérez-Gironés is an Adjunct a concentration in Second Language Acquisition and
Professor of Spanish at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Teacher Education (SLATE) at the University of Illinois at
Connecticut. She received a Licenciatura en Filología Urbana-Champaign in 2001, and an M.A. in Hispanic
Anglogermánica from the Universidad de Sevilla in 1985, Literature and Linguistics at the University of Iowa in 1994.
and her M.A. in General Linguistics from Cornell University Dr. Isabelli’s research and publications focus on the effects
in 1988. Her professional interests include second language of immersion experiences and formal instruction on SLA
acquisition and the integration of cultural competence and psycholinguistically motivated theories behind SLA
and technology in language teaching. She has published (processing instruction and language transfer). She also
a variety of pedagogical material, and is co-author of the served as a World Languages Training Advisory Board
programs A otro nivel, Apúntate, Más, and Puntos en breve. Member for the eighth edition of Puntos de partida.
At Wesleyan, she teaches and coordinates Spanish lan-
guage courses at all levels, including Spanish for heritage
speakers, and she has directed the university’s Program in

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We would like to thank the overwhelming number of friends and colleagues who served on boards of advisors or as
consultants, completed reviews or surveys, and attended symposia or focus groups. Their feedback was indispensible
in creating the Puntos program. The appearance of their names in the following lists does not necessarily constitute
their endorsement of the program or its methodology.

Digital Board of Advisors

Susann Davis Nuria López-Ortega Rosalinda Sandoval
Western Kentucky University University of Cincinnati San Diego City College
Luis Latoja Andrea Petri Adriana Vega-Hidalgo
Columbus State Community College Miracosta College University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Jeffery Longwell Victoria Russell Sandra Watts
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces Valdosta State University University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Mundo interactivo Consultants

Yuly Asención-Delaney Ronna Feit Bruce Williams
Northern Arizona University Nassau Community College William Patterson University
Flavia Belpoliti Theresa Minick Susanna Williams
University of Houston Kent State University Macomb Community College
Esther Castro Christine Sabin
San Diego State University Sierra College

Special Consultants
Timothy Foxsmith Janet Norden Justin White
University of Texas at Arlington Baylor University Florida Atlantic University
Melissa Logue
Columbus State Community College

Cultural Ambassadors
Roberto Arroyo, Chile Carlos Gómez Florentín, Paraguay Ana Ozuna, Dominican Republic
University of Oregon Stony Brook University Indian River State College
Alicia María Barrón López, Spain Talia González, U.S. Hispanics Yansi Pérez, El Salvador
University of Colorado, Boulder Columbia University Carleton College
Alejandra Bonifacino, Uruguay Flor Cecilia Gutiérrez, Colombia Alonso María Rabi Do Carmo, Peru
Wichita State University University of Nevada, Reno University of Colorado, Boulder
Delna Bryan, Panama Antonio Iacopino, Argentina Edison Robayo, Ecuador
Alessandra Chiriboga Holzheu, Guatemala Harper College Estrella C. Rodríguez, Cuba
University of Pittsburgh Jazmina Johnston, Nicaragua Florida State University
Mayra Cortés-Torres, Puerto Rico Wladimir Yllich Márquez, Venezuela Verónica Saunero-Ward, Bolivia
Pima Community College University of Colorado, Boulder New Mexico Highlands University
Emilio del Valle Escalante, Guatemala Chris Ashton Monge, Costa Rica
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Olga Moran, Honduras
Max Ehrsam, Mexico Saddleback College
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Amelia Island, FL
Flavia Belpoliti María Elizabeth Mahaffey Carmen Sotolongo
University of Houston University of North Carolina, Charlotte El Camino College
Sarah Bentley Leticia McGrath Edda Temoche-Weldele
Portland Community College Georgia Southern University Grossmont College
Sara Casler Catherine Ortiz Amy Uribe
Sierra College University of Texas at Arlington Lone Star College
Jorge Cubillos Yanira Paz Karen Zetrouer
University of Delaware University of Kentucky Santa Fe Community College
Paul Larson Carlos Ramírez
Baylor University University of Pittsburgh

Key West, FL
Michelle Cipriano Melissa Logue Beatriz Potter
Wright State University Columbus State Community College Valdosta State University
Edward Erazo Germán Negrón Latasha Russell
Broward College–Central University of Nevada, Las Vegas Florida State College, South Campus
Cindy Espinosa Sylvia Nikopoulos Nancy Stucker
Central Michigan University Central Piedmont Community College Cabrillo College
Vanessa Lazo-Wilson Isabel Parra Lucero Tenorio
Austin Community College–Round Rock University of Cincinnati, Batavia Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Kathy Leonard Carlos Pedroza Lilia Vidal
University of Nevada, Reno Palomar College Miracosta College

Spring 2011 Focus Groups

Orlando, FL
Rosalina Collins Roxana Levin Dora Romero
Polk State College St. Petersburg College Broward College
Elizabeth Dowdy Mónica Montalvo Alicia J. von Lehe
State College of Florida Manatee University of Central Florida Santa Fe College
Dina Fabery
University of Central Florida

Houston, TX
Flavia Belpoliti Sheila Jones Norma Mouton
University of Houston Sam Houston State University Sam Houston State University
Encarna Bermejo Alejandro Latínez Carmen Parrón
Houston Baptist University Sam Houston State University Sam Houston State University
Rosa Dávila María López David Quintero
Austin Community College Houston Community College Seattle Community College
Silvia Huntsman Lizette Moon Amy Uribe
Sam Houston State University Houston Community College Lone Star College

Dana Point, CA
Verónica Álvarez Martha Guerrero-Phlaum Verónica Pizano
Golden West College Santa Ana College Golden West College
Valeria Barragán Vanessa Gutiérrez Dora Schoenbrun-Fernández
Saddleback College Palomar College San Diego Mesa College
Marius Cucurny Carmenmara Hernández-Bravo Maribel Villaseñor
Golden West College Saddleback College Santiago Canyon College
David Detwiler Leticia López-Jaurequi
Miracosta College Santa Ana College

xvi Acknowledgments
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Dallas, TX
Bill Dooley Christina Fox-Ballí Natalia Verjat
Baylor University Eastfield College Tarrant Community College
Raymond Elliott Ann Ortiz Natalie Wagener
University of Texas at Arlington Campbell University University of Texas at Arlington
José Luis Escorcia Jaime Palmer Kim White
Baylor University Tarrant Community College El Centro College

New York, NY
Silvia Álvarez-Olarra Eda Henao Abigail Méndez
Borough of Manhattan Community Borough of Manhattan Community Borough of Manhattan Community
College College College
María Cabrera Richard McCallister Celinés Villalba
Westchester University of Pennsylvania Delaware State University Rutgers University
María Enrico
Borough of Manhattan Community

Fall 2011 Focus Groups

Dallas, TX
Flavia Belpoliti César Grisales Margarita Rodríguez
University of Houston Broward Community College Lone Star College
Rosa Chávez Leticia McDoniel Susana Solera-Adoboe
Tarrant County College Southern Methodist University Southern Methodist University
Darren Crasto Janet Norden Kerri Stephenson
Houston Community College Baylor University Johnson County Community College
Bill Dooley Dennis Pearce Amy Uribe
Baylor University McLennan Community College Lone Star College
Timothy Foxsmith Isaac Rivera
University of Texas at Arlington Tarrant County College

Laguna Beach, CA
Valeria Barragán Javier Galván Silvia López
Saddleback College Santa Ana College Santiago Canyon College
Graciela Boruszko Elena Grajeda Sara Lotz
Pepperdine University Pima Community College Northern Arizona University
Mayra Cortés-Torres Lynda Graveson Andrea Petri
Pima Community College Saddleback College Miracosta College
Jaime Estrada-Olalde Martha Guerrero-Phlaum Beatriz Robinson
San Diego City College Santa Ana College University of Nevada, Reno
Juan Carlos Gallego Debbie Kaaikiola Strohbusch Jared White
California State University, Fullerton University of Wisconsin, Madison University of California, Irvine

Fall 2011 Class Testers

Verónica Álvarez Jaime Estrada-Olalde Catherine Ortiz
Golden West College San Diego City College University of Texas at Arlington
Claudia Behnke Anna Kalminskaia Lynne Overesch-Maister
Northern Arizona University University of Nevada, Reno Johnson County Community College
Sara Casler Constance Kihyet Beatriz Potter
Sierra College Saddleback College Valdosta State University
Ed Erazo Kathleen Leonard Fran Raucci
Broward Community College Unversity of Nevada, Reno Dutchess Community College

Acknowledgments xvii
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Beatriz Robinson Sam Sommerville Amy Uribe

University of Nevada, Reno Johnson County Community College Lone Star College
Dora Romero Kerri Stephenson Amber Williams-Lara
Broward Community College Johnson County Community College Lone Star College
Rosalinda Sandoval Lucero Tenorio Melissa Ziegler
San Diego City College Oklahoma State University, Stillwater University of Wisconsin, Madison

Beta Testing Instructors
María Amores Roxana Levin Carlos Ramírez
University of West Virginia St. Petersburg College University of Pittsburgh
Sarah Bentley Nuria López-Ortega Beatriz Robinson
Portland Community College University of Cincinnati University of Nevada, Reno
Graciela Boruszko Robert Martinsen Dora Romero
Pepperdine University Brigham Young University Broward College
Sara Casler Ornella Mazzuca Irene Schmitt
Sierra College Dutchess Community College Johnson County Community College
Christopher DiCapua Bryan McBride Louis Silvers
Community College of Philadelphia Eastern Arizona College Monroe Community College
Bill Dooley Libardo Mitchell Craig Stokes
Baylor University Portland Community College Dutchess Community College
Donna Factor Javier Morín Patricia Tello
El Camino College Delmar College University of Oklahoma
Max Gartman Ann Ortiz Edda Temoche-Weldele
Chattanooga State Community College Campbell University Grossmont College
Elena Grajeda Catherine Ortiz Verónica Tempone
Pima County Community College University of Texas at Arlington Indian River State College
Vanessa Gutiérrez Lynne Overesch-Maister Amy Uribe
Palomar College Johnson County Community College Lone Star College
Constance Kihyet David Quintero Justin White
Saddleback College Seattle Central Community College Florida Atlantic University
Luis Latoja
Columbus State Community College

Graduate Teaching Assistant Board of Advisors

Under the direction of Flavia Belpoliti— Edna Velázquez Carolyn Crowner
University of Houston Joseph Yoo Ericha Franke
María Álvarez Laura Zubiate Cherita King
Mónica Barba Irene Ramos
Under the direction of Anne Becher—
Emily Bernate
University of Colorado, Boulder Under the direction of Nuria López-
Eloisa Blum
Alicia María Barrón López Ortega—University of Cincinnati
Sofía Gellon
Mariana Bolívar Rubín Lia Buitrago
Diana Hernández
Joseph Haymaker Derek Furnish
Aaron Madson
Ximena Keogh María Carmen Hernández
Carlos Martínez
Katherine Meis Patricia Marín Cepeda
Sara Mason
Juliana Martínez
Burcu Mutlu Under the direction of Muriel Gallego—
Milton Medellín
María Pérez Ohio University, Athens
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-Dávila
Luna Rubén Allison Buzzelli Milton Romero
Eugenia Ruiz Stephanie Creighton
Vivian Santana

xviii Acknowledgments
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Undergraduate Student Board of Advisors

Under the direction of Christopher Breanna Durant Matthew Wadsworth
DiCapua—Community College of Casey Flannery Isaura Yánez
Philadelphia Sandra Gracia de León
Under the direction of Amy Uribe—
Cinquetta Brown Angela Hinton
Lone Star College
Nylz Childs Brittany Huffman
Anna Le Al Ali Bayan
Lauren Danella
Betheny Lel Natalie Henry
Simone Maitland
John Nicholson Travis Hines
Nina Poltoranina
Tensai Ocbmichael Lauren Hopkins
Rashni Stanford
Breanna Parton Taylor Lewis
Under the direction of Edda Temoche- Fernando Ramírez Brandon Postell
Weldele—Grossmont College Vonna Redmond Austin Powell
Heather Burdett Natalie Relph Anna Rashe
Claudia Connors Golan Silverman Kristen Risley
Lacey Cool Frank Valdez Sharon Siman-Toy
Mireya Cortez María Villegas Kristen Troxler

Melania Aguirre-Rabón Mónica J. Brito Robert Colvin
Wake Technical Community College Pima Community College, Northwest Brigham Young University, Idaho
Matthew Alba Suzanne Buck Cristina Cordero
Brigham Young University, Idaho Central New Mexico Community College Lone Star College, CyFair
Verónica Álvarez Bryan Byrd Mayra Cortés-Torres
Golden West College College of Charleston Pima Community College
Davila Anderson Eduardo Cabrera Sister Angela Cresswell
Kankakee Community College Millikin University Holy Family University
Daniel Arroyo-Rodríguez Lina Callahan Haydn Tiago de Azevedo Mafra Jones
Colorado College Fullerton College Campbell University
Yuly Asención-Delaney Mayra Camacho Cummings María L. De Panbehchi
Northern Arizona University Paris Junior College Virginia Commonwealth University
Lisa Barboun Sarah Campbell Carol de Rosset
Coastal Carolina University Montgomery College, Rockville Campus Berea College
Hilary Barnes Martín Camps María Lorena Delgadillo
Fayetteville State University University of the Pacific University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Valeria Barragán Irene M. Caridi-De Barraicua John Deveny
Saddleback College Sierra College Oklahoma State University
Alicia María Barrón López Sara K. Casler Kent Dickson
University of Colorado, Boulder Sierra College California State Polytechnic University,
Luis Bejarano Obdulia Castro Pomona
Valdosta State University Regis University Tracy Dinesen
Clare Bennett Elena Cataldo Simpson College
University of Alaska, Southeast Ketchikan Lone Star College, Kingwood Debbie DiStefano
Barbara Bessette Marco Tulio Cedillo Southeast Missouri State University
Cayuga Community College Lynchburg College Bill Dooley
Tomás Beviá Alberto Chamorro Baylor University
Cornell University Drury University María Enciso
Kathleen Bizzarro Matthieu Chan Tsin Saddleback College
Colorado College Coastal Carolina University Eddy Enríquez Arana
Graciela Susana Boruszko Sharon Chesser Penn State University, Mont Alto
Pepperdine University Truett McConnell College Edward Erazo
Jesús Bottaro Rosa María Chism Broward College
Medgar Evers College Pennsylvania State University, Abington José Luis Escorcia
Patrick Brady Joseph Collentine Baylor University
Tidewater Community College Northern Arizona University Kristin Fletcher
Luisa Briones Carmen Collins Santa Fe College
Hamilton College Lake Michigan College

Acknowledgments xix
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Diana Frantzen Wayne Langehennig Jerome Mwinyelle

University of Wisconsin, Madison South Plains College East Tennessee State University
Ellen Lorraine Friedrich Jeremy Larochelle Ruth F. Navarro
Valdosta State University University of Mary Washington Grossmont College
Muriel Gallego Kajsa Larson Louise Neary
Ohio University Northern Kentucky University Wesleyan University
Heidi Gehman-Pérez Kathleen Leonard Elizabeth Nichols
Southside Virginia Community College University of Nevada, Reno Drury University
Stephanie Gerhold Frederic Leveziel Sylvia Juana Nikopoulos
Washington College Augusta State University Central Piedmont Community College
Ransom Gladwin Lucía Llorente Gustavo Adolfo Obeso
Valdosta State University Berry College Western Kentucky University
Juan M. González Melissa Logue Dale Omundson
Northern State University Columbus State Community College Anoka-Ramsey Community College
Elena Grajeda Steve Lombardo Michelle Orecchio
Pima Community College Purdue University, Calumet University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Margarita R. Groeger María Helena López Martha Oregel
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Northwest Florida State College University of San Diego
Gail Grosso Eder Maestre Catherine Ortiz
Central New Mexico Community College Western Kentucky University University of Texas at Arlington
Betty Gudz María Elizabeth Mahaffey Jodie Parys
Sierra College University of North Carolina, Charlotte University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
Martha Guerrero-Phlaum Monica Malamud Dennis Pearce
Santa Ana College Cañada College McLennan Community College
María D. Guzmán de Atherley Dora Y. Marrón Romero Luis Peralta
Sierra College Broward College Millikin University
Angela Haensel María Isabel Martínez-Mira Federico Pérez-Pineda
Cincinnati State Technical and University of Mary Washington University of South Alabama
Community College Thomas J. Mathews María E. Pérez-Sanjurjo
Karen V. Hall Zetrouer Weber State University County College of Morris
Santa Fe College Eric Mayer Inmaculada Pertusa
Sarah Harmon Central Washington University Western Kentucky University
Cañada College Ornella L. Mazzuca Harold Pleitez
Lucy Harney Dutchess Community College Beverly Hills Lingual Institute
Texas State University, San Marcos Bryan McBride Sarah Pollack
Alan Hartman Eastern Arizona College College of Staten Island, CUNY
Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry Dawn Meissner Beatriz Potter
William Hernández Anne Arundel Community College Valdosta State University
Los Angeles Harbor College Marco Mena Johanna Ramos
Donna Hodkinson MassBay Community College Florida A & M University
Oklahoma City University José Mendoza María D. Ramos
Milena M. Hurtado University of San Diego Macomb Community College
Fayetteville State University Timothy B. Messick Frances Raucci
John J. Ivers Mohawk Valley Community College Dutchess Community College
Brigham Young University, Idaho William Miller Kay E. Raymond
William James Indiana Wesleyan University Sam Houston State University
Cosumnes River College Ljiljana Milojevic Julie Resnick
Frank Johnson Ocean County College Nashua Community College
Southern Nazarene University Theresa Minick Elena Retzer
Sheila B. Jones Kent State University California State University, Los Angeles
Sam Houston State University José Luis Mireles María Rodríguez-Cintrón
Alfred Keller Coastal Carolina University Tallahassee Community College
Broward College Rosa-María Moreno Christine Sabin
Curtis Kleinman Cincinnati State Technical and Sierra College
Yavapai College Community College Rosa Salinas Samelson
Alberto Landaveri Olga M. Muniz Palo Alto College
University of California, Irvine Hillsdale College

xx Acknowledgments
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José Alejandro Sandoval Nancy Stucker Alicia J. von Lehe

Coastal Carolina Community College Cabrillo College Santa Fe College
Roman C. Santos Georgette Sullins Natalie S. Wagener
Mohawk Valley Community College Lone Star College, Montgomery University of Texas at Arlington
Nidia A. Schuhmacher Lucero Tenorio Sandra Watts
Brown University Oklahoma State University, Stillwater University of North Carolina,
Gilberto Serrano Gigi Terminel Charlotte
Columbus State Community College Fullerton College Christopher Weimer
Louis Silvers Brisa Teutli Oklahoma State University
Monroe Community College Cornell University Amber Williams-Lara
Martha Slayden Katheryn A. Thompson Lone Star College, Kingwood
Colorado College Chattanooga State Technical Elizabeth Willingham
Matthew Smith Community College Calhoun Community College
Pima Community College Gheorghita Tres Íñigo Yanguas
Natalie Sobalvarro-Butler Oakland Community College San Diego State University
Merced College John Twomey Amina Yassine
Lissette Soto University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth University of California, Irvine
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Amy Uribe María Zielina
Stacy Southerland Lone Star College California State University, Monterey Bay
University of Central Oklahoma Mavel Velasco
Kerri Stephenson Virginia Wesleyan College
Johnson County Community College Patricia Villegas-Bonno
Craig Stokes Fullerton College
Dutchess Community College

The authors wish to thank the following friends and Contributing Writers
professional colleagues. Their feedback, support, and
contributions are greatly appreciated. Janet Banhidi, Rodney Bransdorfer, Sara Casler, Mayra
Cortés-Torres, Mar Freire-Hermida, Danielle Havens, Jane
• Dulce Aldama, Alicia Barrón López, Beatriz Builes Johnson, Constance Kihyet, Lynne Lemley, Eileen Locke,
Gómez, Shauna Polson, Scott Spanbauer, and Misha MacLaird, Leticia McGrath, Ann Morrill, Kimberley
Matthew B. Troxel, for their work as user diarists Sallee, Jan Underwood, Susanna Williams
• The Teaching Assistants and colleagues of Anne
Becher at the University of Colorado, Boulder, whose
thought-provoking conversations and annotations Product Team
truly shaped the revision of the grammar, vocabulary, Editorial and Marketing: Hector Alvero, Jorge Arbujas,
and activities. “Their work was perhaps the single Allen J. Bernier, Susan Blatty, Erin Blaze, Meghan Campbell,
most important kind of input that I received for this Laura Chastain, Laura Chiriboga, Laura Ciporen, Craig Gill,
edition.”—Thalia Dorwick William R. Glass, Kirsten Gokay, Helen Greenlea, Suzanne
• Dora Y. Marrón Romero and Claudia Sahagún (Broward
Guinn, Sara Jaeger, Jennifer Kirk, Pennie Nichols, Alexa
Recio, Kimberley Sallee, Katie Stevens, Scott Tinetti, Nina
Community College), for their helpful comments
about culture
Digital: Nathan Benjamin, María Betancourt, Jennifer
• Alejandro Lee (Central Washington University), for the
Blankenship, Kyle Constance, Kirk DouPonce, Jay Gubernick,
many comments and suggestions on the eighth
Elise Lansdon, Dennis Plucinik, Jenny Pritchett, Stephen
• Laura Chastain, for her meticulous work on the Art, Design, and Production: Nora Agbayani, Harry
language and linguistic accuracy of the manuscript, Briggs, Sonia Brown, Brett Coker, Aaron Downey, Anne
over many editions but especially this one Fuzellier, Sarah B. Hill, Patti Isaacs, Tandra Jorgensen, Robin
Finally, the authors would like to thank their families Mouat, Terri Schiesl, David Staloch, Preston Thomas
and close personal friends for all of their love, support, Media Partners: Aptara, BBC Motion Gallery, Dartmouth
and patience throughout the creation of this edition. Publishing, Inc., Eastern Sky Studios, Hurix, Inkling, Klic
¡Los queremos mucho! Video Productions, Inc., Laserwords, LearningMate,
Strategic Content Imaging

Acknowledgments xxi
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1 Ante todo 2
Primera parte
Saludos y expresiones de
cortesía 4
Primera parte
¿Cómo es usted? (Part 1) 8
Segunda parte
Nota comunicativa Más Los números del 0 al 30; Hay 12
expresiones de cortesía 5 Nota comunicativa El género y los números 12
El alfabeto español 7 Los gustos y preferencias (Part 1) 14
Nota comunicativa Los ¿Qué hora es? 16
cognados 8
Segunda parte
Nota comunicativa Cómo
expresar la hora 16
Pronunciación Las vocales: a, e,
i, o, u 18

2 En la
universidad 24
En el salón de clase 26
Las materias 28
Nota comunicativa Las palabras

Naming People, Places, Things, and Ideas (Part 1) •
Singular Nouns: Gender and Articles 32
Naming People, Places, Things, and Ideas (Part 2) •
interrogativas 30 Nouns and Articles: Plural Forms 35
Pronunciación Diphthongs and 3 Expressing Actions • Subject Pronouns (Part 1) •
Linking 31 Present Tense of -ar Verbs; Negation 38
Nota comunicativa Cómo expresar las partes
del día 43
Nota comunicativa El verbo estar 44
4 Getting Information (Part 1) • Asking Yes/No
Questions 45

Estados Unidos

3 La familia 58
La familia y los parientes 60
Los números del 31 al 100 62
Nota comunicativa Cómo
5 Describing • Adjectives: Gender, Number, and
Position 66
Nota comunicativa Otras nacionalidades 70
expresar la edad: tener… 6 Expressing to be • Present Tense of ser; Summary of
años 63 Uses (Part 2) 72
Los adjetivos 64 Nota comunicativa La contracción del 74
Pronunciación Stress and Nota comunicativa Cómo dar explicaciones 75
Written Accent Marks (Part 1) 65 7 Expressing Possession • Unstressed Possessive
Adjectives (Part 1) 77
8 Expressing Actions • Present Tense of -er and -ir
Verbs; Subject Pronouns (Part 2) 80


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Ja kun poliisit astuivat hänen luoksensa, sanoi joku katsojain
joukosta: "Siitä nähdään, että kun on varas, voi tulla murhaajaksikin."
— Ja toinen lisäsi: "Ken on kerran istunut kuritushuoneessa, hän
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Mutta Ami nuoli hänen kasvojaan. Joukon jaloissa liikkasi se sitte

herransa jälkeen.

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