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Kansa is also known as one of the healing metals in

Ayurveda and hence very widely used in Ayurveda.

Kansa has alkalising properties. Hence it has an anti
inflammatory, Pitta or heat reducing property.

As we all know in Ayurveda, one of the best ways to

reduce heat or Pitta in the body is foot massages.
Hence when foot is massaged with a Kansa bowl,
one will see enhanced benefits and results.
The combination of Ghee and Kansa, helps to
relieve any cardio vascular problems, nervous
system ailments, and excess Doshas in the body.

Let’s See The Benefits

Talking about the benefits of Kansa bowl massage if

done on regular basis, It helps in reducing stress and
anxiety levels, promotes sleep and cures insomnia,
helps detoxify internal organs, improves blood
circulation and digestion, heals cracked feet, induces
sound sleep, restores and balances the body.

Improves blood and lymphatic circulation. Enhance

joint mobility in the lower limbs. Improves the
condition of ligaments and muscles of the lower
limbs. Also helpful in Varicose veins issue.
Features Of This Kansa Bowl Massager

• 100% Indian Make

• Needs Electric Power supply Just Plug In And

Start Massaging

• No Battries- Hence No Need To Remember To

Recharge The Batteries.

• Compact & Sturdy- Easy To Carry With You To

Office or Even On Your Family /Business Tour.

• Zero Sound- No Sound Of Machine When It’s On,

So Enjoy It Without Any Irritating Sounds.

• Multiple Speed Setting – Select Your Desired

Speed For Massaging.

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