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Institute of Japan

Review Paper

Mathematical models for understanding phenomena:

Vortex-induced vibrations
Yukio Tamura1,2
School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China 2Wind Engineering Research Center, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Atsugi, Japan

Correspondence Abstract
Yukio Tamura, School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing
University, Chongqing, China. This is a rather biased review paper emphasizing the importance of “understanding”
Email: of phenomena. This paper’s purpose is to inspire young researchers to taste the real
charms of research by observing the process of development of mathematical mod-
Funding information els of vortex-induced vibration phenomena of cylinders for understanding their
No funding information is provided. essential mechanism. It first discusses the limitations of human abilities and impor-
Received June 9, 2020; Accepted July 9, 2020
tant aspects of research. Then, it emphasizes the close relation between understand-
ing and mathematical models, and five conditions for a desirable mathematical
doi: 10.1002/2475-8876.12180 model: simplicity; inclusion of all essential properties; possession of physical mean-
ings; wide scope of application; and possibility of development. It refers to Birkhoff’s
wake-oscillator (1953), Funakawa’s early-wake model (1969), Nakamura’s 2DOF flut-
ter model (1970), the Hartlen-Currie model (1970), the Iwan-Blevins model (1974),
Tamura’s non-linear wake-oscillator model with a variable length (1979), and the
Tamura-Shimada model (1987) for combined effects of vortex resonance and gallop-
ing. Some recent developments of the Tamura-Shimada model are also introduced.
Then, it discusses the necessity of accurate experimental capture of early-wake
behavior and the aerodynamic properties of a target cylinder in a given flow condi-
tion for further development of Tamura’s model and the Tamura-Shimada model.
Finally, the necessity for efforts to understand phenomena are emphasized.

Therefore, this is not a general review paper looking over related

1. Introduction
studies thoroughly. Its purpose is just to trace the research stream
The Editorial Board of this journal kindly invited the author to that reached the author’s non-linear wake-oscillator model (Tamura,
write a review paper on his past studies on structural wind engi- 1978a,1978b,1979; Tamura and Amano, 1983) and some recent
neering. However, the author has an almost 50-year research developments. This paper is a biased literature search designed to
career, and has studied almost 30 major topics. Therefore, a life- demonstrate the importance of understanding by focusing only on
long review paper would be too diverse, and it would be impracti- the author’s mathematical model for vortex resonance. Thus, many
cal to review and summarize all of his past studies. Each study important relevant studies are not referred in this paper.
had its own purpose and need at the time, and there is no merit in Before reviewing the mathematical model of vortex-induced
simply assembling those that have become irrelevant. Any paper vibration, it might be useful to discuss the reasons why it is
should have its own scientific and engineering significance. necessary. This paper first discusses the insufficient abilities
Thus, the author thought that it might be useful to write a and environmental conditions given for researchers, which are
review paper emphasizing the importance of “understanding” of not ideal, and full of difficulties and disturbances. Then, the
phenomena, because many recent researchers have tended to usefulness of mathematical models for understanding phenom-
easily get solutions from experiments or numerical simulations ena is examined, and the process of creation and development
by using sophisticated experimental facilities and devices with- of the mathematical model of vortex-induced vibration phe-
out thinking of the essential mechanism of the phenomena. It nomena of cylinders is introduced and discussed.
might be interesting, too, to review the process of developing a
mathematical model of vortex-induced vibration of cylinders to
2. Limitation of Human Ability
understand its mechanism, which was made by the author in the
1970s and 1980s. The author wishes readers, especially young 2.1 Physical view and mind view
researchers, to taste the real charm of research by pursuing sim- There is a famous quiz asking audiences or readers “How
ulated experiences by many involved people. many F’s?” are in the sentence shown on a screen,

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Author. Japan Architectural Review published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Architectural Institute of Japan.

Jpn Archit Rev | October 2020 | vol. 3 | no. 4 | 398–422

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“FINISHED FILES ARE THE RESULT OF YEARS OF Table 1. Important aspects of wind engineering research
Aspect Why How
ENCES OF MANY YEARS.” They are asked to count them
only once and not to go back to count them again. A large Observation Facts/ Laboratory experiment: Small-scale/
majority of people answer “three,” some answer “four,” and a phenomena Large-scale/Full-scale (Wind tunnel
small number answer “five” or “six.” capturing test)
Of course, this is a very simple question without any com- Field experiment: Full-scale/Large-
plicated equations, and there is no requirement for advanced scale/Small-scale
knowledge. All people should easily give the correct answer, Numerical simulation:
but the answers distribute from “three” to “six,” showing a Computational fluid dynamics
high peak at “three,” especially in America and European (CFD) (Navier-Stokes Equation)
countries. Even excellent students of top-level universities
Understanding Mechanism Analytical method
answer in the same way, and there is no relation to IQ. By the
way, the majority of people who can read the onscreen English
Scientific Mathematical method
sentence understand its meaning. This fact suggests that their
eyes can correctly capture all characters and words in the sen-
Truth seeking Physical method
tence. However, the mind cannot necessarily cognize every-
thing correctly. So, the “physical view” of eyes and the “mind Prediction Reproduction Laboratory experiment: Small-scale/
view” of the brain are not exactly the same. The mind or brain of Large-scale (Wind tunnel test)
distorts “physical view.” phenomena Numerical simulation: CFD (Navier-
Why does this happen? The brain chooses and classifies “im- Stokes equation)
portant matter” and “less-important matter.” Based on what? This Analytical method: Analytical
might be based on past experience, knowledge and so on, which calculation/consideration
are obviously limited and imperfect. In addition, human beings Mathematical model: Mathematical
have a natural inclination to delete too much, especially unfavor- consideration
able matters. Therefore, these tendencies can cause missing in
your “mind view” and provide contamination and confusion.
Why does the brain choose and classify important and less- In the wind engineering field, typical laboratory experiments
important matters? It is because the brain cannot catch a com- are wind tunnel tests on scaled models. Similarity laws, includ-
plicated matter as it is, making “simplification” necessary to ing geometrical similarity, kinetic similarity, and dynamic sim-
create and stock a “mind view.” ilarity, must be satisfied in model scale observations (BCJ
In addition, as is well known, human beings can basically WTT-Guide, 2008). If configurations of buildings and struc-
understand linear phenomena, but rarely understand non-linear tures, structural parameters, approaching flow conditions, and
phenomena. They can easily guess an image on a linear flat other relevant parameters can be easily changed, a systematic
mirror, when they face the mirror. However, assume that there study can be made. This is an advantage of wind tunnel model
is a circular cylinder and its curved side surface is a mirror. Is scale tests.
it easy to guess an image of your face on the curved mirror? It Field experiments are often made to validate results of labo-
is indeed difficult, even for such a simple regularly curved mir- ratory experiments or for structural health monitoring (Daven-
ror. If the mirror surface has irregular undulations, it is com- port, 1975), including wind pressure measurements on building
pletely impossible. As such, our brains have limited abilities. surfaces (Fujimono et al., 1978; Matsui et al., 1978) and
Under such conditions, we study and learn many things, and response monitoring of tall buildings (Tamura et al., 1993) dur-
even conduct research. ing strong winds. Wind speeds are also measured to investigate
characteristics and structures of atmospheric boundary layers
2.2 Important aspects of engineering research (Cao et al., 2009). In many cases, it is not easy to identify an
Let us discuss some important aspects of engineering research. appropriate position at which to measure the reference wind
Essential matters in research are as follows. speed, especially in field experiments in an urban area. If we
have to wait for a wind with an appropriate wind direction and
• Observation target wind speed, it takes a long time to obtain desired results.
• Understanding Numerical simulation is also a useful tool for observing phe-
• Prediction nomena, if the numerical simulation technique is reliable. This
technique can be treated as for laboratory experiments or field
Table 1 summarizes the important aspects of wind engineer- measurements, and has some advantages in the observation of
ing research. It also includes their purposes and measures that a phenomenon. There is no noise in setting structural parame-
need to be taken. In engineering practice, we should “design” ters, and repeated observations can be made with efficient
buildings and structures, especially in the civil engineering visualizations.
field, to realize useful, safe, and sustainable infrastructures.
2.2.2 Ways of prediction
2.2.1 Ways of observation The way of prediction is essentially similar to the way of
The most basic and essential matter in research is “observa- observation. The prediction is basically made to facilitate
tion.” It is necessary to exactly capture a target phenomenon design of buildings and structures before construction. Field
to correctly sense the fact. Without accurate and careful obser- measurements of phenomena using full-scale buildings are
vations, no good research can be performed. There are three made to confirm predictions, and are basically not used for
ways of observation, as shown in Table 1: laboratory experi- prediction. Model scale experiments and numerical simulations
ments; field experiments; and numerical simulations. are commonly used for this. Here, it should be noted that such
Jpn Archit Rev | October 2020 | vol. 3 | no. 4 | 399
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predictions have essentially no relation to “understanding.” equations can prevent understanding of the phenomena, and too
Even if you do not understand the phenomena, you can predict few parameters cannot well simulate the phenomena.
them, for example, by wind tunnel tests or computational fluid Anyway, “simplification” seems to be essential for “under-
dynamics simulations. Let us assume that there is a dynamic standing,” or for creating a “mathematical model” in your
scaled model of a structure in a wind tunnel, and the model brain.
and the flow satisfy necessary similarity laws. If you switch on
the control panel of the wind tunnel, you can observe and pre- 2.3 Causes of error in understanding phenomena
dict the phenomenon happening on the model. Then, you can The important aspects of research in engineering as discussed
design the structure without understanding the phenomenon. in section 2.2 are “observation,” “prediction,” and “understand-
Some people misunderstand that they could understand the ing.” Then, “understanding” and creating a “mathematical
phenomenon if they could simulate or predict it. Especially, model” seem to be identical. So, we should do these things in
young students and researchers tend to misunderstand this. the process of research. However, there are many chances of
In addition, we can of course “predict” phenomena based on making mistakes, as shown in Table 2.
established analytical methods. The majority of these are spec- As shown in the first row of Table 2, we have only “limited
ified in codes and standards, and are commonly used in practi- information and knowledge,” and they are often insufficient to
cal design of buildings and structures. solve a given problem or to understand the phenomena. In the
However, another important way of “prediction” is to use a case of physical experiments, the numbers of available sensors
“mathematical model,” which is the main topic in this paper. are limited, and we cannot get all necessary data from the
A “mathematical model” can directly lead us to “understand- entire field. This lack of data can mislead us. Even if you have
ing” as discussed in sections 2.2.3 and 2.3. In other words, a a good idea about how to solve a particular problem, if a nec-
“mathematical model” can be essentially identical to “under- essary mathematical tool or computing ability has not matured,
standing.” If you can establish a good “mathematical model” it might be impossible to solve the problem for 10 or 20 years.
of a particular phenomenon, a smaller processing load will Thus, “limitation of information and knowledge” including
provide a satisfactory solution to the phenomenon. immaturity of relevant academic fields causes difficulties and
creates chances of making mistakes.
2.2.3 Ways of understanding Many different types of “simplification” are made in analy-
When discussing the way of understanding, we should first ses and modeling of phenomena, and errors are caused in these
consider “what is understanding?” Although we have common simplification processes. A typical simplification is “lineariza-
recognitions for “observation” and “prediction,” the definition tion” in the process of modeling a phenomenon. As is well
of “understanding” is not so clear. known, the equation of motion of a simple pendulum, the
“Understanding” is the situation that you reach, in which commonly used linear second-order ordinary differential equa-
you can simulate a target phenomenon in your own brain, or tion, is valid only for a very low-amplitude range. Such com-
you can explain the essential mechanism of the target phe- monly discussed simple phenomena are basically non-linear.
nomenon. If you can mathematically capture the mechanism of The phenomena we treat in engineering are basically three-di-
the phenomenon, or if you can hold and see the thing from mensional, but we often model them two-dimensionally, for
every angle as if it were in your palm, you may say that you example structural analyses using FEM models, dynamic
understand the phenomenon. When you understand the phe- response analyses due to winds, and so on. In the process of
nomenon, you can simulate and predict it. This can happen if reducing dimensions, errors can be generated. If we make a
you can create a mathematical model in your brain. This is my mathematical model of a phenomenon, we cannot include all
personal opinion, but “understanding” and “mathematical relevant physical parameters. Because of limited calculation
model” seem to be more or less identical. capacity or limited knowledge of the phenomenon, we can
Let us consider the way of understanding. There are two include only a few important parameters. Even some physical
ways. One is to break down the phenomenon into its elements, time-variant parameters, which should be included in a target
and to observe each element in detail. The other is to eliminate system, are treated as time-invariant in some cases for simplifi-
trivial details, and to observe the remaining essence. The for- cation. These simplifications can be the causes of errors.
mer is a microscopic and analytical way, and the latter is a There are many sources of noises and disturbances inherent
macroscopic and comprehensive way. These two ways go in in physical measurements. Environmental conditions of
completely opposite directions. If you find difficulty when you
take one way, you should immediately change to the opposite Table 2. Causes of errors in research process
direction. Let us assume you are studying water, H2O, whose
Limited information/ Limitation in number of sensors
special features are: it is wet; you feel cool when you touch it;
knowledge Immaturity of relevant academic fields
its shape is adjustable to meet a container shape; it shows
sloshing motion under excitation; and so on. If you inciden- Simplification Linearization
tally examine its elements, hydrogen and oxygen, in detail, Reduction of dimensions
you may not be able to understand these special features, so Insufficient parameters
you should go in the opposite direction. Time-invariant hypothesis
Incidentally, we have two ways of understanding: micro-
scopic (analytical) and macroscopic (comprehensive). You may Noise and disturbances Ambient fluctuations
notice that these two opposite ways have a common feature, Accidental disturbances
which is “simplification.” To create a mathematical model, basi- Noise in sensors
cally we take the “macroscopic” way of understanding to Inherent uncertainty Too many sources/causes in natural
describe the phenomena by mathematical equations. Then, the phenomena
problem is how to include all essential matters in a “simple” Physically uncertain phenomena
mathematical model. Too many parameters included in the

Jpn Archit Rev | October 2020 | vol. 3 | no. 4 | 400

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laboratories or experimental facilities are not necessarily calm, “Simple” is the most important feature of the mathematical
and may be full of disturbances such as micro-tremors, radio model. If it is too complicated, it cannot be helpful for “under-
disturbances, and so on. They can be background noises and standing” the phenomenon. However, it should include “all
accidental disturbances in physical observations. Sensors them- essential properties” of the phenomenon. This is quite difficult,
selves have inherent noises, and the majority are electrical. but strongly required. Another important feature is “physical
These noises and disturbances can also be causes of errors. meanings,” because we are not interested in mere curve fitting.
Some phenomena have inherent uncertainties. The uncer- If the purpose is only to predict the target phenomenon, mere
tainty principle is well known in quantum mechanics, but that curve fitting will do. However, we are interested in under-
is not what is meant here. Many natural phenomena are caused standing the phenomenon, so all parameters in the mathemati-
by many unknown physical reasons, and some unpredictable cal model should have physical meaning. The mathematical
fluctuations should be treated as inherent uncertainty. These model can then directly lead us to “understanding.”
uncertainties can also be causes of errors. It is of course desirable if the mathematical model can be
For accurate observations and predictions, we should mini- applied for various problems and/or can be developed to solve
mize these errors. relevant problems. Features such as “wide scope of applica-
tion” and “possibility of development” not only guarantee the
2.4 Desirable mathematical models
validity of the mathematical model, but also ensure more reli-
As discussed in sections 2.2.3 and 2.3, creation of a “mathe- able understanding of the phenomenon.
matical model” of a target phenomenon can directly connect to The above five features are desirable conditions for mathe-
“understanding,” or greatly helps us to understand the phe- matical models. Once a good mathematical model is estab-
nomenon. Thus, we should consider what are desired for the lished, the phenomenon can be understood, and satisfactory
mathematical model. The necessary conditions for the mathe- predictions or simulations can be efficiently made.
matical model are:
3. Vortex-Induced Vibration of Cylinders
• simple
• includes all essential properties 3.1 Vortex shedding and Karman vortex street
• possesses physical meanings As is well known, vortices are periodically shed from a cylin-
der, as shown in Figure 1 (Taneda, 1988). Mizota et al. (2000)
found that a fresco painting entitled “Madonna col bambino
The following conditions are desirable but not necessarily
tra I Santi Domenico, Pietro Martire e Cristoforo (1380)” at
St. Dominic Church, Bologna, Italy, inspired young Theodore
von Kármán (1881-1963) to investigate the stability of vor-
• wide scope of application tices, as described in his autobiography (Karman and Edson,
• possibility of development 1967). This suggests that the periodic vortex shedding phe-
nomenon itself had been widely known, at least since the late
14th century. However, the vortex street behind a bluff body is
named “Karman vortex street,” because of the famous paper
(Karman, 1911) that discussed the stable condition of the for-
mation of vortices periodically shed from a bluff body.
Karman (1911) mathematically derived the unique stable
condition in which the ratio of the gap (hk) and the pitch (lk)
of the vortex street, hk/lk, is equal to 0.281 (Figure 2). Inciden-
tally, Bénard (Bénard, 1908) studied the formation of the vor-
tex street experimentally, and found a similar stability
condition, and some people refer to Benard vortex street, or
Benard and Karman vortex street. In this paper, we follow the
Figure 1. Karman vortex street behind a circular cylinder (Taneda, majority of English papers and use “Karman vortex” and “Kar-
1988) man vortex street.”

Figure 2. Theoretical study on stable condition of vortex street (Karman, 1911)

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3.2 Vortex-induced vibration of cylinders • multi-valued response

Periodic vortex shedding phenomena are observed on various • delay of resonance
structures and their members, and they induce periodic trans-
verse forces on them, and they are excited in the transverse and so on. Most importantly, vortex-induced vibration shows
direction. This is called vortex-induced vibration or vortex res- self-excited natures and frequency locking-in phenomenon.
onance. Vortex-induced vibrations are typically observed in The basic mechanism of vortex resonance was understood as
line-like structures, such as chimneys, masts, long-span resonance of the cylinder’s motion with transverse excitation
bridges, and slender tall buildings. Light-weight and low- force due to periodic Karman vortex shedding. However, the
damping structures are particularly vulnerable to vortex reso- mechanism of the above strong non-linear features was not
nance. clearly understood in the early 1970s. The vortex resonance
The vortex shedding frequency f v behind a stationary cylinder problem itself was an old problem, but the question “what
is proportional to the mean flow velocity U and inversely pro- mechanism causes highly non-linear vortex-induced vibration
portional to the projected width d of the cylinder. features” remained unsolved and there was no good mathemat-
ical model to simulate vortex-induced vibrations of cylinders.
U Those non-linear vortex resonance features are provided by
fv ¼S (1) the fluid behavior around a cylinder, and the fluid behavior is
governed by the non-linear partial differential equation, that is
Here, the constant of proportionality S is the Strouhal num- the Navier-Stokes equation. Thus, non-linear vortex resonance
ber. When the vortex shedding frequency fv is close to the features can be expressed by the non-linear Navier-Stokes
natural frequency f0 of the cylinder, the cylinder is highly equation. However, this does not provide any clues for under-
excited due to resonance. The resonant flow velocity UR is standing the mechanism of the highly non-linear vortex reso-
obtained from the following equation by substituting fv = f0 nance phenomena. It is a kind of trivial solution of
to Equation (1). homogeneous simultaneous linear equations, and we are not
interested in such a trivial solution. We are interested in a
f 0d meaningful non-trivial solution.
UR ¼ (2)
4. Mathematical Model of Vortex-induced Vibration
However, vortex-induced vibration is not as simple as linear
4.1 Birkhoff’s wake-oscillator
forced vibrations. Once the cylinder vibrates in the transverse
direction, periodically shed vortices are intensified, and peri- Garett Birkhoff published a paper entitled “Formation of vor-
odic excitation force is enhanced. Then, the vibration ampli- tex street” in 1953 (Birkhoff, 1953), in which he stated “the
tude of the cylinder increases. Such a fluid-structure wake swings from side to side, somewhat like the tail of a
interaction forms a positive feedback system, and the vortex- swimming fish.” This was based on a crude visual observation
induced vibration reveals self-excited-type characteristics. The of the area behind the cylinder. Thus, he introduced an idea of
vortex-induced-vibration amplitude of the cylinder does not “wake-oscillator” in the early-wake region as shown in Fig-
reach its maximum at the resonant velocity UR given by Equa- ure 4, imitating fish-tail-like behavior. Incidentally, he did not
tion (2). Especially for a cylinder with light weight and low name this idea “wake-oscillator,” and no figure was given.
damping, the maximum amplitude appears at a higher flow Based on the balance of transverse force acting in the early-
velocity than UR, as schematically shown in Figure 3. wake region and the inertial force according to Newton’s sec-
In addition, vortex-induced vibration shows highly non-lin- ond law, Birkhoff derived the value of Strouhal number
ear features as follows: S = 0.2 at subcritical Reynolds numbers for circular cylinders,
assuming the width of the wake to be 1.33 d and the average
length of the waving portion of the wake to be 1.5 d. The cen-
• self-excited vibration with negative aerodynamic damping ter of revolution was likely at the rear surface of the cylinder,
• larger amplitude than linear forced vibration as shown in Figure 4. This study inspired many researchers of
• frequency locking-in mathematical models of vortex resonance phenomena, and can
• hysteretic response be regarded as a milestone in this field.

4.2 Funakawa’s early-wake model

As easily supposed, Birkhoff’s wake-oscillator has the possibil-
ity of coupling with the cylinder motion for modeling vortex

Figure 3. Variation of response amplitude with flow velocity for

cylinder with light weight and low damping under vortex resonance Figure 4. Conceptual image of Birkhoff’s wake-oscillator

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the resonant condition. However, the model did not reproduce

non-linear vortex resonance features such as the locking-in
phenomenon and the multi-valued response.

4.3 Nakamura’s 2DOF flutter model

Yasuharu Nakamura was inspired by Funakawa’s SDOF flutter
model based on Birkhoff’s wake-oscillator. Nakamura (1970)
discussed the following simultaneous equations as the fluid-
structure coupling model shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Coupled model of wake-oscillator and elastically mounted
cylinder (Funakawa, 1969)
M c y€ þ K c y ¼ f m α (10)

I€  ¼   I€
α þ kα  (11)
resonance phenomena. Masaya Funakawa was inspired by the 
idea of Birkhoff’s wake-oscillator, and tried to describe the
vortex resonance phenomenon of a circular cylinder as SDOF Here, fm is a constant related to the Magnus effect, and Mc and
flutter, by coupling Birkhoff’s wake-oscillator and an elasti- Kc are the mass and stiffness of the cylinder, respectively. The
cally supported cylinder (Funakawa, 1969), as shown in Fig- Magnus effect factor fm is estimated at 1.16 for a circular
ure 5. Here, the early-wake region is represented by Birkhoff’s cylinder by Funakawa (1969) based on the experimental results
wake-oscillator, while the center of revolution is set at the cen- by Prandtl and Tietjens (1940) and Swanson (1961). As men-
ter of the circular section based on his water tank experiments. tioned before, Funakawa (1969) described the vortex resonance
The wake-oscillator’s motion is expressed as: phenomenon as SDOF flutter, but Nakamura (1970) described
 ¼0 it as 2DOF flutter. He said that the effects of system damping
α þ kα
I€ (3) on 2DOF flutter were small and could be assumed negligible
without losing the essence of the phenomenon. Thus, the struc-
where α is the wake-oscillator’s angular displacement, Ī is the tural damping and aerodynamic damping effects are ignored in
moment of inertia of the early-wake region about the center of Equations (10) and (11). Nakamura (1970) pointed out that the
 is the aerodynamic restoring moment as
the cylinder, and kα flutter appears in a limited flow velocity range around resonant
follows. velocity UR, and the fluctuating transverse force in that flutter
 2 region showed characteristics specific to 2DOF flutter.
 d þ l
I¼ 2ρlh (4)
However, as for the model by Funakawa (1969), the adopted
2 wake-oscillator is a simple linear pendulum, and the essential
non-linear features of vortex-induced vibrations could be nei-
  ther reproduced nor discussed by Nakamura (1970).
d As is well known, the structural damping effect on the vortex
k¼ 2πρU 2 þ l l (5) resonance phenomenon is very significant, and its non-linear fea-
tures are also strongly affected by structural damping and mass.
Here, the distance lt between the center of revolution and the Those are essential properties, and should be included in a math-
mass center G of the wake-oscillator is set at lt ¼ d=2 þ l as ematical model. Birkhoff’s wake-oscillator, Funakawa’s SDOF
shown in Figure 5. Then, the natural frequency of the wake- flutter model, and Nakamura’s 2DOF flutter model partially sug-
oscillator is given as: gested important aspects of the vortex resonance phenomenon,
but could not successfully elucidate all its features.
rffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Nonetheless, the wake-oscillator originated by Birkhoff
k π
ωv ¼ 2π f v ¼  ¼ d U (6) (1953) was still attractive, because it had a clear physical
I h þ l 2 image and a premonition of understanding.

Funakawa (1969) assumed the dimensions of the early-wake 4.4 Hartlen-Currie’s lift-oscillator model
 as follows based on his experimental results.
region, h and l, Along with the stream of the above reviews, it may be worth
introducing the mathematical vortex resonance model by Har-

h ¼ h d ¼ 1:25d (7) tlen and Currie (1970). They published a paper on the lift-

oscillator model of vortex-induced vibration at almost the same
l¼ l d ¼ 1:1d (8) time as Funakawa (1969) and Nakamura (1970). They pro-
posed to use a non-linear equation given in Equation (12),
Then, Strouhal number S is calculated as: which resembled to the Van der Pol equation showing self-ex-
cited and self-limited natures.
f vd d 1 (  2 )
S¼ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
d  ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 ¼ 0:2 (9) 4 C_ L
∗ €
U 4πh þ l 2
 4πh þ l
∗ 1
C L  G C L0  C_ L þ K 2 C L ¼ H Y_ (12)
3 K
and coincides with the experimental value in the subcritical
Reynolds number. The natural frequency of the lift oscillator is set as propor-
Funakawa (1969) attributed the self-excited mechanism to tional to flow velocity. The equation itself is not obtained by
the excitation of the wake-oscillator by the cylinder motion in detailed physical derivations. The form of the equation was
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transcendentally given because of its simplicity and self-ex-

cited and self-limited natures. The elastically mounted cylinder
is modeled as a second-order, linear, damped system. The
aerodynamic lift force is proportional to the instantaneous
value of a fluctuating lift coefficient. Constants G and H are
determined to fit the observed phenomena by trial and error.
This is a rather curve-fitting way of simulation. As discussed
in section 2.4, the parameters in the mathematical model
should be determined on a physical basis, and should not be
adjusted to fit the vortex-induced vibrations.
However, the high potential of simulation of the vortex reso-
nance by this type of non-linear equation was clearly demonstrated.

4.5 Iwan–Blevins model for vortex-induced vibration

Iwan and Blevins (1974) proposed a mathematical model for
vortex-induced vibration of structures. They introduced a “hid-
den” fluid variable z, where ż is a weighted average of the
transverse component of the flow within a specified control
volume and is proportional to the momentum within the con-
trol volume, as shown in Figure 6. The fluid oscillator is
obtained from the momentum equation in the transverse direc-
tion, and includes a term ż3. This non-linearity can reproduce
Figure 7. Responses by Iwan–Blevins model and experimental results
the non-linear features of vortex-induced vibrations. by Feng (1968) (Iwan and Blevins, 1974)
Figure 7 shows examples of a circular cylinder’s responses from
experimental results (Feng, 1968) and results obtained from the
Iwan–Blevins model (Iwan and Blevins, 1974). The model well
simulates the maximum response amplitude, but it appears just at on the wake-oscillator concept by Birkhoff (1953) could not
the resonant flow velocity UR, as for the normal forced vibration of reproduce the intrinsic non-linear phenomena of the vortex-in-
a linear system. However, the experimental data reach their maxi- duced vibrations. However, the author believed in the potential
mum at around 1.15 UR, and this significant delay of the maximum of the wake-oscillator. Hartlen and Currie (1970) suggested the
response for a light-weight and low-damping cylinder could not be necessity and the possibility of introducing non-linearity into
reproduced by the Iwan–Blevins model. the models. The author also strongly wished to reproduce non-
As seen in Figure 7, the vortex shedding frequency obtained linear features into the model as an easily recognizable physi-
from the Iwan–Blevins model shows the frequency locking-in phe- cal behavior. Meanwhile, Iwan and Blevins (1974) inspired the
nomenon. Although the reproduced locking-in region was narrower author to sculpt a hidden non-linear structure out of the early-
than the experimental result, this Iwan–Blevins model clearly wake region in a more instinctively direct way.
demonstrated the ability of reproducing the typical non-linear vor-
tex resonance feature. This also suggests the possibility of a hidden 5.1 di Silvio’s schematic drawing of early-wake vortex formation
structure in the wake region, which is essential to the non-linear The author found a paper by Giampaolo di Silvio entitled
vortex resonance features and worth finding out. “Self-controlled vibration of cylinder in fluid stream” (Silvio,
Thus, the above mentioned pioneers developed mathematical 1969). In this paper, di Silvio showed simple flow patterns
models of vortex-induced vibrations based on the concept of a during a half period of the vortex shedding process behind a
fluid or wake-oscillator, and demonstrated its various important stationary circular cylinder as shown in Figure 8.
aspects and potentials. The flow patterns shown in that paper were very “simple,”
excluding many trifling details, but the author trusted that they
5. Tamura’s Non-linear Wake-oscillator Model
The past studies by Funakawa (1969) and Nakamura (1970) on
the mathematical models of vortex-induced vibrations based

Elastically supported rigid cylinder Control volume

Figure 6. Model for vortex-induced vibration of circular cylinder Figure 8. Flow patterns behind a circular cylinder shown by di Silvio
(Iwan and Blevins, 1974) (1969)

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Figure 9. Primary concept of wake-oscillator with variable length (Tamura, 1978a; Tamura and Matsui, 1979)

contained “all essential properties.” These two requirements 2l ¼ 2l bsin2ωv t

are necessary for creating a desirable mathematical model, as  
discussed in section 2.4. ¼ 2 l 2 αα_
α0 ωv (13)
5.2 Tamura’s wake-oscillator with variable length ¼ 2l 1  αα_
5.2.1 Wake-oscillator model for a stationary circular cylinder where 2l is the mean length of wake-oscillator, b is the ampli-
(Tamura, 1978a, Tamura and Matsui, 1979)
tude of fluctuating component of length of wake-oscillator, and
The author was strongly inspired by the flow patterns demon- 
b∗ ¼ b=α20 l.
strated by Silvio (1969) and completely trusted those shown in Based on Equation (13), the natural circular frequency of the
Figure 8 (Tamura, 1978a; Tamura and Matsui, 1979). He tried wake-oscillator is given as:
to connect two separation points in each flow pattern as shown
in Figure 9A. Then, a line segment normal to the line connect- vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ing two separation points was also drawn in each flow pattern rffiffiffi u2πρU 2 l d þ l
as shown in Figure 9A. k t 2
¼ d 2
This figure supports the wake-oscillator concept replacing the I 2ρlh 2 þ l
early-wake region proposed by Birkhoff (1953) (Figure 9B). vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
However, it also clearly suggests that the length of the early- u αα_ α2 α_ 2
u 1D þE 2
wake region is not fixed and varies with time, as schematically uk ωv ωv (14)
indicated in Figure 9C. Thus, it was not difficult to reach the u
¼ u  
t I α _
α α α
2 2
_ α3 α_ 3
idea of “the wake-oscillator with a variable length,” proposed by 1A þB 2 C 3
Tamura (1978a). From the flow patterns in Figure 9A and C, the ωv ωv ωv
relation between the length 2l and the inclination angle α of the rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
wake-oscillator was extracted, as shown in Figure 10A (Tamura, ≈ωv 1 þ ðA  DÞ
1978a; Tamura and Matsui, 1979). ωv
Then, assuming the angular displacement of the wake-oscilla- where I and k are obtained by substituting Ī = I and k¼ k into
tor to be α = α0 sinωvt as shown in Figure 10A, the fluctuating Equations (4) and (5), and ωv is given in Equation (6). Con-
wake-oscillator length, 2l, is expressed as follows by the angular stants A ~ E in Equation (14) are given as:
displacement α and the velocity α_ of the wake-oscillator:  
∗ ∗2
b∗ 0:25 þ 2l þ 3l
A¼  ∗ 2
0:5 þ l
 ∗ ∗
b∗2 1 þ 3l l
B¼  ∗ 2
0:5 þ l
b∗3 l
C¼ ∗ 2
0:5 þ l
b∗ 0:5 þ 2l
D¼ ∗ (15d)
0:5 þ l

b∗2 l
E¼ ∗ (15e)
Figure 10. Wake-oscillator with variable length (Tamura, 1978a; 0:5 þ l
Tamura and Matsui, 1979). Note: a, b, c, d correspond to Figures 8 ∗
and 9A where l ¼ l=d.

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Then, the variation of the wake-oscillator’s spring constant rep- C ρUΓ v

resents the effects of the variation of length. From Equation (14), ζ¼ ¼ pffiffiffi (23)
2ωv I 2 2π 2 α0 lρU 2
the spring constant of the wake-oscillator is obtained as: 2

αα_ The numerator ρUΓv is roughly assumed as:

k 1 þ ðA  DÞ (16)
ρU 2 ρU 2
ρUΓ v ¼ CL0 d ¼ f α0 d (24)
Next, the effect of the vortex, which grows in the early- 2 2 m
wake region and discharges downstream of it, is examined. At
instant “a” in Figures 9 and 10, there is a vortex whose inten- where CL0 denotes the amplitude of the transverse force coeffi-
sity is − Γv behind the wake-oscillator. Based on Kutta-Jou- cient for a stationary circular cylinder. Then, the value of
kowski’s theorem, a lateral force L = ρUΓv is assumed during damping ratio ζ can be estimated as:
a half period. Setting the point of action to be the center of
1 fm
gravity of the wake-oscillator, the moment due to lateral force ζ ¼ pffiffiffi ∗ (25)
L with respect to the cylinder center is given as: 2 2π 2 l
d As discussed in sections 4.2 and 4.3, Funakawa (1969)
M v ¼ ρUΓ v þ l (17)
2 derived values of the Magnus effect factor fm = 1.16 and a

half mean length of the wake-oscillator l ¼ 1:1 based on
experimental results. Substituting these values into Equa-
To evaluate the equivalent damping coefficient of the wake-
tion (25), the damping ratio ζ of the wake-oscillator is given
oscillator, the work done by viscous damping force C 0 α_ during
as 0.038 for a circular cylinder in a uniform flow in the sub-
a period of α = α0 sinωvt is set to be equivalent to the work
critical Reynolds number regime.
done by the lateral force L as:
The amplitude of the steady-state periodic solution of the
non-linear Equation (21) is approximately obtained as:
R v
πC 0 α20 ωv ¼ 2 _
M v αdt
3π=4ωv α0 ¼ pffiffiffi (26)
pffiffiffi d 2 ∗ 3
¼ 2 2α0 þ l þ b lα0 ρUΓ v (18)
2 3
  Therefore, the amplitude of the fluctuating transverse force
pffiffiffi d
≈2 2α0 þ l ρUΓ v coefficient for a stationary circular cylinder is:
2f m
CL0 ¼ f m α0 ¼ pffiffiffi (27)
Then, the equivalent damping coefficient C0 is obtained as: P
2 2 d Finally, the equation of the wake-oscillator’s motion for a
C0 ¼  ρUΓ v þ l ≡  C (19)
πα0 ωv 2 stationary circular cylinder is given as:
Negative damping C is assumed to represent the effect of   4f 2m 2  ¼0
α  C 1  2 α α_ þ kα
I€ (28a)
the discharged vortex, and the following equation governing C L0
the wake-oscillator with a variable length is obtained.
C L ¼ f m α (28b)
α  Cα_ þ k 1 þ ðA  DÞ αα_ α ¼ 0
I€ (20)
ωv Here, the most important part of Tamura’s wake-oscillator
model with a variable length is formulated.
From Equation (20), the following equation is derived.
5.2.2 Wake-oscillator model for a vibrating circular cylinder
  (Tamura, 1978b, 1979, Tamura and Matsui, 1979)
€  2ζωv 1  Pα2 α_ þ ω2v α ¼ 0
α (21)
The wake-oscillator is subjected to a moment that is propor-
tional to the acceleration of the transverse movement of the
axis of revolution (Tamura, 1978b; Tamura and Matsui, 1979).
Then, the following term should be given on the right hand
P ¼ ðA  DÞωv  (22a) side of Equation (28a):
C d  (29)
ζ¼ (22b) 2þl
2ωv I
where y denotes the transverse displacement of a circular
That is to say, the non-linear damping mechanism cylinder. The velocity of the cylinder y_ changes the relative
2ζωv ð1  Pα2 Þα_ is added to the linear undamped wake-oscil- angle of attack of the wake-oscillator. Thus, α of the term of
lator model. The damping ratio ζ is given as: the fluid dynamic restoring moment should be transformed into

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α þ y=U. Hence, the equation of the wake-oscillator motion for  
4f 2
an oscillating cylinder is derived as: €  2ζν 1  2m α2 α_ þ ν2 α ¼ m∗ Y€  νS∗ Y_
α (35a)
C L0
y n
  4f 2m 2 
α  C 1  2 α α_ þ k α þ
y_ I€
¼ d  νo f nν2
I€ (30) Y€ þ 2η þ nð f m þ C D Þ ∗ Y_ þ Y ¼  m∗2 α (35b)
The equation of motion of a circular cylinder mounted elas- S∗ Y_
C L ¼ f m α þ (35c)
tically is: ν

M c y€ þ C c y_ þ K c y ¼ F L þ F Dy (31) Here, () denotes differentiation with respect to dimensionless time

τ. The above equations compose Tamura’s mathematical model
where FL and FDy denote the transverse force and y component for vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder in dimensionless
of the drag force, respectively, as follows. form, and the angular displacement of the early-wake region α
  plays the role of an intermediate variable to obtain the cylinder
y_ ρU 2 displacement Y and the transverse force coefficient CL.
F L ¼ f m α þ ds (32a)
U 2 The advantage of Tamura’s model (Tamura, 1978a, 1979)
replacing the early-wake region by “the wake-oscillator with a
  variable length” is that all parameters in Equation (35) have
ρ U 2 þ y_ 2 y_
F Dy ¼  C D d  s pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi clear physical meanings. The value of each parameter can be
2 U 2 þ y_ 2 (32b) determined physically, and cannot be adjusted to fit the experi-
ρCD U y_ mental data of responses. Thus, Tamura’s model directly sug-
≈ ds gests the mechanism of the vortex-induced vibrations and
leads to understanding of the phenomenon.
where CD denotes the drag force coefficient and s is the cylin- A wake-oscillator with a variable length might be easily
der length. Then, Equation (31) becomes associated with a swinging game that a child plays. As is well
  known, its mechanism can be explained by a “parametric exci-
ρU 2 y_ y_ tation.” This idea was also in the author’s mind. Such an anal-
M c y€ þ C c y_ þ K c y ¼  fm αþ þ CD ds (33) ogy can occasionally be useful for understanding a
2 U U
phenomenon. Analogy can provide a researcher with a useful
Here, the mathematical model of the vortex-induced vibration of hint, and efficiently propel the process of contemplation. It can
a circular cylinder is given by Equations (30) and (33), and the also convince the researcher of his/her way of thinking. How-
transverse force acting on the cylinder is given by Equation (32a). ever, we should be careful because it is a kind of “jump of
As it is convenient to describe the equations in dimensionless logic,” which has no scientific or logical basis.
forms, the following dimensionless parameters are introduced. Values of mass ratio n, structural damping ratio η, and natu-
ral circular frequency ω0 are constants peculiar to a cylinder,
y and values of wake-oscillator damping ratio are already

(34a) derived as ζ = 0.038 (Equation 25), m* = 0.625 (l ¼ 1:1,
Equation 34g), S* = 1.26 (S = 0.2, Equation 34f), and fm =
Cc 1.16 for a circular cylinder in the subcritical Reynolds number
η¼ (34b) regime in uniform flow. Drag force coefficient CD and trans-
2ω0 M c
verse force coefficient CL0 for a stationary cylinder are also
ρd 2 s given as CD = 1.2 and CL0 = 0.4 (Tamura, 1979; Tamura and
n¼ (34c) Matsui, 1979). It should be noted that those values depend
2M c upon the flow and cylinder conditions, but there is no space to
ωv U adjust them to fit the experimental responses.
ν¼ ¼ (34d) As mentioned in section 2.4, one of the necessary conditions
ω0 U R for mathematical models is “simple.” The number of parameters
included in Tamura’s model shown in Equations (35a)-(35c) is
τ ¼ ω0 t (34e) very limited and easily decided, as discussed above. The concept
of “wake-oscillator with a variable length” is very “simple” and
S∗ ¼ 2πS (34f) easily imagined. Another important condition is “possesses physi-
cal meanings,” and all parameters included in Tamura’s model
m∗ ¼ ∗ (34g) have physical meanings. As such, Tamura’s model satisfies two
0:5 þ l important necessary conditions for mathematical models.
Kc 5.2.3 Steady-state periodic solution (Tamura, 1978b, 1979,
ω0 ¼ (34h)
Mc Tamura and Matsui, 1979)
Equation (35a) of Tamura’s model is a highly non-linear dif-
where Y is the dimensionless cylinder displacement, η is the ferential equation, so analytical solutions cannot be obtained.
structural damping ratio of a cylinder, n is the mass ratio, v is Our interest is the region where both cylinder motion and
the dimensionless flow velocity, ω0 is the natural circular fre- transverse force fluctuation are approximately sinusoidal at a
quency of a cylinder, and τ is the dimensionless time. Equa- frequency very close to the natural frequency of the cylinder.
tions (31), (33), and (32a) lead to, Thus, the following solutions are assumed:

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cosðμτ þ ψ Þ
α¼α (36a)

Y ¼ Y 0 cosμτ (36b)

C L ¼ CL cosðμτ þ ϕÞ (36c)

Then, the approximate amplitudes of periodic solutions are

obtained as:
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi
u u  
C L0 u
u1  1 u f 2m ν2 m∗2 μ2 þ S∗2 ν2 ðν2  μ2 Þ2

α t t h i 
fm 2ζ S∗2 ð1  μ2 Þ2 S∗22 þ μ2 S∗ δ∗ þ ð f þ C D Þν 2 ν2 μ2
n π m


C L0 ν2
Y0 ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
S∗ S ∗2
S∗ ∗ 2
ð1  μ2 Þ2 2 þ μ2 δ þ ð f m þ C D Þν
n π
u u  
1u f 2m ν2 m∗2 μ2 þ S∗2 ν2
u u " ðν2  μ2 Þ
u 1  u #
u 2ζ u ∗2 ∗ 2 ν μ2 2
t tS∗2 ð1  μ2 Þ2 S þ μ2 S δ∗ þ ð f m þ CD Þν
n2 π

Figure 11. Locking-in region given by Tamura’s model and experi-
mental data (Tamura, 1978a)
where δ* is the mass damping parameter (Scruton number)
defined as:

δ∗ ¼ (38)
n Assuming fm = 1.16 (Funakawa, 1969), CL0 = 0.4, and

m* = 0.625 (l ¼ 1:1, Equation 34g), the locking-in region
The frequency equation is given as: given by Equation (41) is as shown in Figure 11 (Tamura,
n  1978a). The result obtained from Tamura’s model shows quite
   2 nνo2 good agreement with experimental results by Koopmann
ν2  μ 2 þ 2η þ ð f m þ C D Þ 
1  μ2
S (1967) and Tanaka and Takahara (1970). The locking-in region
  f m
n n nνo f nν3 μ2 appears near v = U/UR = 1, and becomes wider with increas-
þν2 μ2 1  μ2 m 2  2η þ ð f m þ C D Þ  m  ¼ 0 ing cylinder amplitude Y0.
S S S The frequency equation, Equation (39), is a cubic equation in
(39) μ2, so its roots can be obtained precisely. Depending upon the
The amplitude of the transverse force coefficient and phase dimensionless flow velocity v (= U/UR), Equation (39) can
angle are obtained as: have triple roots. Substituting the positive root of μ2 into Equa-
tions (37a) and (37b), α  and Y0 are obtained, respectively. Fur-
n   o ffi ther, substituting μ2, α , and Y0 into Equation (40a), CL is
u 2S ∗2 S∗ ∗
δ þ fm
þ C ν μ 2 obtained. The phase shift ϕ is obtained from Equation (40b).
t 2 π D
CL ¼ f m α
  Y 20 (40a) Figure 12 shows the approximate periodic solutions obtained
f m ν3
from Equations (37a), (37b), (39), (40a) and (40b) for a low-
  damping circular cylinder with mass damping parameter (Scru-
1 2η þ CSD∗nν μ ton number) δ* = 5.26. Locking-in or so called “synchroniza-
ϕ ¼ tan (40b)
1  μ2 tion” occurs in the flow velocity range va ≤ v ≤ vb. The
displacement Y0 corresponds to the frequency μ that has the
same number in Figure 12. The phase shift ϕ and the trans-
More detailed derivation of equations of motion of the
verse force coefficient CL are shown only for frequency ➀.
wake-oscillator with a variable length was introduced in
The maximum displacement Y0max occurs in the range 1 ≤ v ≤
Tamura (1978a, 1979) and Tamura and Matsui (1979).
vb. At a low flow velocity v < 1 and a high velocity v > vb,
Tamura (1978a) derived the locking-in region for a harmoni-
the vibration is of a normal forced excitation type due to the
cally vibrating cylinder assuming cylinder displacement
vortex excitation. It is also shown that the maximum transverse
Y = Y0 cosτ as:
force coefficient CLmax occurs at a lower flow velocity than
C L0   that at which the maximum displacement Y0max occurs. Even
Y 0 > pffiffiffi 1  ν2 for ν<1 ðU<U R Þ (41a) the solutions obtained here are approximate periodic ones in
2f mm ∗
the form of Equations (36a), (36b), and (36c). For the most
part, the results shown in Figure 12 are in good agreement
C L0  2 
Y 0 > pffiffiffi ν  1 for ν>1 ðU>U R Þ (41b) with the experimental results for a low-damping cylinder
2 f m m∗ (Parkinson, 1972). Especially, typical non-linear features of

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Figure 13. Maximum displacement estimated by Equation (42)

(Tamura, 1979; Tamura and Matsui, 1979)

Figure 12. Approximated periodic solutions of Tamura’s model

obtained from Equations (37a), (37b), (39), (40a) and (40b) for a 2D
circular cylinder in a uniform flow with δ* = 5.26 (Tamura, 1979; Calculating displacement Y0 for dimensionless flow velocity
Tamura and Matsui, 1979) v, which makes the square root positive, and v ≥ 1 by Equa-
tion (42) for a given mass damping ratio, and getting their
maximum values, the variation of the maximum cylinder dis-
placement Y0max with the mass damping parameter (Scruton
number) δ* is shown in Figure 13. Here, the transverse force
vortex-induced vibration such as hysteretic and multi-valued coefficients for a stationary circular cylinder CL0 were set at
responses with a locking-in phenomena are clearly demon- 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 for a uniform flow condition in the subcritical
strated, which all mathematical models are targeted to simu- Reynolds number regime, considering scatter of the experi-
late. In the process of ascending flow velocity v, the cylinder mental values. The results obtained from Tamura’s model
amplitude Y0 increases near v = 1 (U = UR) along the ampli- show good agreement with experimental data, showing that the
tude branch ➀, and abruptly decreases to almost 0 at flow transverse force coefficient for a stationary circular cylinder
velocity v = vb. In the process of descending flow velocity, the CL0 = 0.4 approximates all the results. This value is consistent
cylinder amplitude Y0 gradually increases from v = vb along with the experimental values in the subcritical Reynolds num-
amplitude branch ➂, and suddenly jumps up to branch ➀ at ber regime (Bishop and Hassan, 1964; Schewe, 1983; Yam-
flow velocity v = va, and decreases with decrease in flow aguchi et al., 1970).
velocity. Amplitude branch ➁ is a special limit cycle that can Now, let us go back to the necessary conditions of mathe-
be realized by giving an appropriate initial amplitude between matical models discussed in section 2.4. One of the necessary
va ≤ v ≤ vb. conditions is “includes all essential properties.” As shown in
Variation of solutions with increase in structural damping Figure 12 and discussed above, the results obtained from
of a cylinder was found as follows (Tamura, 1979; Tamura Tamura’s model could reproduce almost all essential properties
and Matsui, 1979). Multi-valued response in the range va ≤ v of vortex-induced vibrations, including strong non-linear fea-
≤ vb gradually disappears with increase in structural damp- tures. Thus, together with the two necessary conditions men-
ing, so vb shifts close to va and locking-in with a single-val- tioned in the last paragraph of section 5.2.2, it can be
ued response occurs. If structural damping is further concluded that Tamura’s model satisfies all necessary condi-
increased, the locking-in phenomenon tends to cease and tions for mathematical models.
both velocities vb and va come close to unity. The displace-
ment of course decreases with increase in structural damping. 5.2.4 Time-domain response analysis of Tamura’s model
Finally, the mechanism of vortex-induced vibration becomes (Tamura, 1979, Tamura and Matsui, 1979)
the normal forced excitation type for a high-damping cylin- Since the approximate periodic solutions discussed hitherto are
der. in the form of Equations (36a), (36b), and (36c), their mean-
As shown in Figure 12, both maximum cylinder displace- ings and applications are restricted (Tamura, 1979; Tamura
ment Y0max and maximum transverse force coefficient CLmax and Matsui, 1979). To compare the solutions of the mathemati-
occur in the range 1 ≤ v ≤ vb, corresponding to frequency ➀, cal model with the results of experiments over a wide range of
that is μ = 1. As far as the maximum responses are concerned, flow velocities, time-domain numerical solutions of Equa-
the oscillating frequency μ can be regarded at unity. Then, tions (35a), (35b), and (35c) were computed by the Runge-
substituting μ2 = 1 into Equation (37b) gives, Kutta method. Before computation, the amplitude of the trans-
ffi verse force coefficient for a stationary circular cylinder CL0
u vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u u must be decided. Considering the scatter of reported experi-
C L0 ν2 u 1u f 2 2
ν m ∗2 þ S∗2 ν2 ð ν 2  1Þ2
Y 0 ¼ ∗ S∗ ∗ t1 þ t m
 mental transverse force coefficients, for example 0.2 – 0.6 in
S π δ þ ð f m þ C D Þν 2ζ S∗2 S∗ δ∗ þ ð f m þ C D Þν 2 ν2
π the subcritical Reynolds number range, the value of CL0 must
(42) be decided separately for each experimental condition. How-
ever, as the value of CL0 was not necessarily given in the

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Figure 14. Comparison of Tamura’s model with Ferguson’s experi-

ment (Ferguson, 1965) (n = 0.0033, η = 0.001) (Tamura, 1979; Tamura
and Matsui, 1979) Figure 15. Comparison of Tamura’s model with Feng’s experiment
(Feng, 1968) (n = 0.00257, η = 0.0181) (Tamura, 1979; Tamura and
Matsui, 1979)

corresponding literature, CL0 = 0.4 was consistently used for

all cases. The mass ratio n and the structural damping ratio η
were set at the same values as in the experiments.
Figures 14-17 compare the experimental data and the solu-
tions of Tamura’s model (Tamura, 1979; Tamura and Matsui,
1979). In the figures, μv denotes the frequency of the transverse
force and μc denotes the vibrating frequency of the cylinder.
The former frequency μv corresponds to the vortex shedding fre-
quency and is called the Strouhal frequency. On the whole, the
results of Tamura’s model and the experimental data show good
agreement. The mass damping parameter (Scruton number) δ*
gradually increases from δ* = 1.89 (Figure 14), 4.41 (Fig-
ure 15), 5.26 (Figure 16A), and 10.43 (Figure 16B) to 14.29
(Figure 17). The cylinder response Y0 also gradually decreases
and the locking-in phenomenon becomes less significant with
increase in mass damping parameter δ*. As the experimental
results of Figure 14 include the pressure coefficients Cp,90° at
the side of an oscillating cylinder, they can be qualitatively Figure 16. Comparison of Tamura’s model with Okajima’s experi-
compared with the transverse force coefficient CL by Tamura’s ments (Okajima, 1976) (Tamura, 1979; Tamura and Matsui, 1979)
model, and it shows fairly good agreement between them too.
More interestingly, Figure 15 compares Feng’s experimental
results (Feng, 1968) with those of the Iwan-Blevins model
(Iwan and Blevins, 1974) in Figure 7. As is clearly seen, perpendicular to the flow direction due to the vortex resonance.
Tamura’s model almost perfectly simulates the cylinder The following assumptions were made.
response Y0 and vortex shedding frequency μv, including the
locking-in phenomena and the delay of the maximum response (i) Local 2D flow is maintained at each point along the
from the resonant flow velocity, say νmax> 1 (Umax> UR). cylinder axis so that Tamura’s model is applicable at
Thus, the advantage of Tamura’s model is clearly demon- each point. The aerodynamic parameters and the struc-
strated by comparing Figures 7 and 15. tural parameters are constant along the cylinder axis.
(ii) The vibration of the cylinder is harmonic and the
5.2.5 Extension of Tamura’s model to a continuous system with dynamic deflection has a form identical to a particular
a circular cross-section (Tamura and Amano, 1983, 1984) eigenmode of natural vibration.
Tamura and Amano (1983, 1984) developed the 2D Tamura
model to a 3D continuous system with a circular cross-section. Assumption (i) requires that the cylinder has a sufficiently
They consider a continuous cylinder oscillating in a plane large aspect ratio s/d, so that the 3D flow is restricted within

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Y ðr4Þ þ Aðνr ÞY⃛ r þ Bðνr ÞY€r þ C ðνr ÞY_ r þ Dðνr ÞY r

þ4Eðνr Þ Y⃛ r Y€r þ Y⃛ r Y 2r þ 2Y⃛ r Y€r Y r þ Y€r Y_ r þ 2Y€r Y_ r Y r þ Y_ r Y 2r
2 2

þF ðνr Þ 2Y⃛ r Y€r Y_ r þ 2Y⃛ r Y_ r Y r þ Y€r þ 2Y€r Y_ r þ Y€r Y 2r þ 2Y€r Y r þ 2Y_ r Y r
3 2 2 2 2

þGðνr Þ Y⃛ r Y_ r þ 2Y€r Y_ r þ 2Y€r Y_ r Y r þ Y_ r þ H ðνr ÞY€r Y_ r ¼ 0
2 2 3 2


where () denotes differentiation with respect to dimensionless

time τi = ωit, and (4) denotes its fourth-order differentiation. A
(vr) − H(vr) are given as:
nð f m þ CD Þ
Aðνr Þ ¼ 2ηi þ  2ζ e1 νr (47a)
n e2 o e2 f nm∗
Bðνr Þ ¼ e2 ν2r  2ζνr 2ηi e1 þ nð f m þ C D Þ ∗ νr þ 1  m∗2 ν2r
n e3 o e3 f nν3
Figure 17. Comparison of Tamura’s model with experiment by Yam- Cðνr Þ ¼ 2ηi e2 þ nð f m þ CD Þ ∗ νr ν2r  2ζe1 νr  m∗ r
aguchi et al. (1970) (n = 0.00178, η = 0.004) (Tamura, 1979; Tamura S S
and Matsui, 1979) (47c)

Dðνr Þ ¼ e2 ν2r (47d)

the vicinity of the ends of the cylinder. Assumption (ii) is
introduced because the linear superposition of solutions cannot 2e4 ζS∗4
be used in a non-linear equation like Equation (35a). This E ðνr Þ ¼ (47e)
assumption is appropriate for the cylinder oscillating in a sin- C 2L0 n2 ν3r
gle eigenmode.
From assumption (i), the mathematical model of vortex-in- F ðνr Þ ¼ 2ηi þ nð f m þ CD Þ νr (47f)
duced vibration of the continuous system with a circular cross- S∗
section is derived for unit length of the cylinder as: e5 2 e6 2
Gðνr Þ ¼ 4η2i þ 4ηi nð f m þ C D Þ ∗ νr þ n ð f m þ C D Þ ∗2 νr (47g)
∂2 y ∂5 y ∂4 y 1 2 1 ∂y 1 ∂y
ρc Ac þ C I þ E I ¼  ρU d f α þ þ CD e5 e6
H ðνr Þ ¼ 8η3i þ12η2i nð f m þ C D Þ νr þ 6ηi n2 ð f m þ CD Þ2 ∗2 ν2r
c c c c
∂t2 ∂t∂z4 ∂z4 2 m
U ∂t U ∂t
S∗ S
(43a) e7 3
    þn3 ð f m þ C D Þ3 ν
∂ α 2
4f 2 ∂α  1 ∂y I ∂2 y S∗3 r
I 2  C 1  2m α2 þk αþ ¼ d  2 (43b) (47h)
∂t CL0 ∂t U ∂t 2þl
where vr is the dimensionless flow velocity at the reference
point zr. In the above equations, e1 − e7 are constants depend-
From assumption (ii), the cylinder’s deflection at any point ing upon the eigenmode Xi (z*) and the mean flow velocity
along its axis is written as: profile W(z*), where z* = z/s.
R1 2 ∗
yðz,tÞ ¼ yr ðtÞX i ðzÞ (44) X ðz ÞW ðz∗ Þdz∗
e1 ¼ 0 Ri1 (48a)
2 ∗ ∗
where Xi (z) is the ith eigenmode, and it is normalized in such 0 X i ðz Þdz
a way that it is unity at a reference point zr, that is Xi (zr) = 1. R1 2 ∗ 2 ∗ ∗
X ðz ÞW ðz Þdz
Further, the variability of the mean flow velocity along the e2 ¼ 0 Ri 1 (48b)
2 ∗ ∗
axis is taken into consideration as: 0 X i ðz Þdz
R1 2 ∗ 3 ∗ ∗
U ð zÞ ¼ U r W ðzÞ (45) X ðz ÞW ðz Þdz
e3 ¼ 0 Ri 1 (48c)
2 ∗ ∗
in which W(z) is normalized as W(zr) = 1. 0 X i ðz Þdz
Eliminating α from Equations (43a) and (43b) gives an R 1 X4i ðz∗ Þ∗
equation that includes only one variable y. Then, multiplying 0 W 3 ðz∗ Þ dz
the ith eigenmode Xi (z) on both sides of the equation, and e4 ¼ R 1 (48d)
2 ∗ ∗
integrating them with respect to z over the whole length of 0 X i ðz Þdz
the cylinder, a fourth-order non-linear differential equa- R 1 X4i ðz∗ Þ
tion for the displacement at the reference point yr is ∗
0 W 2 ðz∗ Þ dz
obtained. Its dimensionless form is given as follows, defin- e5 ¼ R 1 X4 ðz∗ Þ (48e)
ing Yr = yr/d. 0W
ðz∗ Þ

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R 1 X4i ðz∗ Þ ∗
0 W ðz∗ Þ dz sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
e6 ¼ R 1 X4 ðz∗ Þ (48f) μ4  Bðνr Þμ2 þ Dðνr Þ
∗ Y r0 ¼
0 W 3 ðz∗ Þ dz (53)

Eðνr ÞfF ðνr Þðμ6  2μ4 þ μ2 Þ þ H ðνr Þμ4 g

X 4 ðz∗ Þdz∗
e7 ¼ R0 1 Xi4 ðz∗ Þ (48g) The transverse force coefficient at the reference point CLr is:

0 W 3 ðz∗ Þ dz
S∗2 € nC D
C Lr ¼ Y þ 2η þ ν Y_ r þ Y r (54)
r i r
Here, in deriving Equation (46), the aerodynamic parame- nν2r
ters, such as drag force coefficient CD, transverse force coeffi-
cient CL0, Strouhal number S (= S*/2π), and Magnus effect If the transverse force coefficient is assumed in the form
factor fm, are all assumed to be constant along the cylinder
axis. CLr ¼ CLr cosðμτi þ ϕr Þ, (55)
Then, approximate steady-state periodic solutions are
obtained, assuming the dimensionless displacement at the ref- then the amplitude CLr is
erence point in the form:
Y r ¼ Y r0 cosμτi (49) Y r0 S∗2 nC
CLr ¼
ð1  μ2 Þ2 þ μ2 2ηi þ ∗ νr (56)
nν2r S
The dimensionless displacement at any point along the axis
is: and the phase angle at the reference point ϕr is
Y ðz∗ ,τi Þ ¼ Y r0 X i ðz∗ Þcosμτi (50)  
1 μ 2ηi þ nC
S∗ νr

ϕr ¼ tan (57)
1  μ2
Substituting Equation (49) into Equation (46) and equating
the coefficients of cos(μτi) and sin(μτi), respectively:
  Here, the vortex-induced vibration of a circular-sectioned
μ4  Bðνr Þμ2 þ Dðνr Þ  Eðνr ÞY 2r0 F ðνr Þ μ6  2μ4 þ μ2 þ H ðνr Þμ4 ¼ 0 continuous system can be predicted. The frequency μ is
(51a) obtained from Equation (52). Then, substituting it into
Equations (53), (56), and (57), gives the amplitude of the
cylinder displacement Yr0, the amplitude of the transverse
  force coefficient CLr , and the phase angle ϕr, respectively.
Aðνr Þμ2 þ C ðνr Þ  Eðνr ÞY 2r0 μ6  3μ4 þ 3μ2  1 þ Gðνr Þ μ4  μ2 ¼ 0
Since the maximum response occurs when the frequency μ
(51b) is nearly equal to unity, the approximated solution is obtained

u1  Bðν Þ þ Dðν Þ  I ðν Þ þ I 2 ðν Þ þ J 2 ðν Þ  fC ðν Þ  Aðν Þ þ J ðν Þg2
t r r r r r r r r
Y r0,max ¼ max (58)
νr Eðνr ÞH ðνr Þ

Eliminating Yr0 from Equations (51a) and (51b), the fre- where
quency equation is given as:
e2 f m nm∗ ν2r
μ10 þ f3 þ Gðνr Þ  Bðνr Þ þ Aðνr ÞF ðνr Þgμ8 I ðνr Þ ¼ (59a)
þf3  Gðνr Þ þ 3Bðνr Þ  Bðνr ÞGðνr Þ þ Dðνr Þ
e3 f m nν3r
2Aðνr ÞF ðνr Þ þ Aðνr ÞH ðνr Þ  C ðνr ÞF ðνr Þgμ6 J ðνr Þ ¼ (59b)
þf1  3Bðνr Þ þ Bðνr ÞGðνr Þ  3Dðνr Þ þ Dðνr ÞGðνr Þ
þAðνr ÞF ðνr Þ þ 2C ðνr ÞF ðνr Þ  C ðνr ÞH ðνr Þgμ4 It must be calculated for the dimensionless flow velocity at
þfBðνr Þ þ 3Dðνr Þ  Dðνr ÞGðνr Þ  Cðνr ÞF ðνr Þgμ2  Dðνr Þ ¼ 0 the reference point vr which makes a positive value inside the
square root. Equation (58) indicates that the maximum value
should be taken by changing the dimensionless flow velocity vr.
Here, if all the constants e1 − e7 are unity, the above solu-
The dimensionless amplitude at the reference point Yr0 is tions are reduced to those of a 2D cylinder (Tamura, 1979;
obtained from Equation (51a) as: Tamura and Matsui, 1979).

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As mentioned before, for simplicity, the parameters for a

stationary circular cylinder CL0, CD and S (or S*) as well as
fm, ζ, and m* in the equations are assumed to be constant
along the cylinder axis. In fact, they vary locally along the
axis. If that information could be obtained, it might be possible
to reflect them, although it would be very complicated. The
above solutions will be approximately applicable in practice
by using their averaged values over the whole cylinder.
It should be noted that the aerodynamic parameters, fm, ζ,
and m*, vary depending upon the flow conditions, such as tur-
bulence intensity and Reynolds number, as well as the surface
roughness of a cylinder. There are some relations between Figure 18. Eigenmodes and velocity profiles along cylinder axis
these constants and the dimensions of the wake-oscillator, h* (Tamura and Amano, 1983, 1984)

and l . Since the separation point changes depending upon
Reynolds number, flow turbulence, and surface roughness, the
dimensionless width of the wake-oscillator h* may be smaller
in the transcritical regime than 1.25, which is the value in the
subcritical regime. Then, by assuming the value of h* in the
transcritical regime to be smaller than 1.25, and using an ade-

quate value of Strouhal number S, the values of l and m*
may be obtained from Equations (9) and (34g), respectively.
Although the value of fm cannot be determined without experi-
mental data in the transcritical Reynolds number regime,
Tamura and Amano (1983, 1984) provisionally used the same
value of fm = 1.16 as for uniform flow in the subcritical Rey-
nolds number regime. Then, the value of ζ could be estimated
from Equation (25).
Table 3 shows the values of the parameters used for calcu-
lating the numerical solutions of Equation (58) for both the
subcritical and transcritical Reynolds number regimes (Tamura
and Amano, 1983, 1984). Here, the value of the dimensionless
wake-oscillator width h* was estimated at 1.15 in the transcrit-
ical Reynolds number regime. The value of CL0 = 0.04 in the
transcritical regime was estimated from full-scale data mea-
sured on a 130-m high concrete chimney (Hansen, 1981).
By using the values shown in Table 3, the maximum
response of the cylinder immersed in the flow with the mean
flow profile shown in Figure 18 is calculated from Equa-
tion (58). Figures 19 and 20 indicate the variations of the max-
imum amplitudes of cylinder displacement at the reference
Figure 19. Maximum amplitudes of cylinder displacement at refer-
point and the flow velocities at which the maximum displace- ence point from Equation (58) (S: Subcritical, T: Transcritical, The num-
ment occur, respectively, with the mass damping parameter ber corresponds to a Type shown in Figure 18) (Tamura and Amano,
(Scruton number) δ*. In Figures 19 and 20, the notations of 1983, 1984)
the curves correspond to Figure 18.
Figure 21 shows the solutions calculated from Equa-
tions (52), (53), (56), and (57) for chimney-like cantilever 5.3 Application of Tamura’s model to transverse vibration of
cylinders with the eigenmode and flow velocity profile corre- square cylinders
sponding to Type 3 in Figure 18. The mass ratios and struc-
tural damping ratios are decided by considering tall reinforced- 5.3.1 Mathematical model of unsteady forces acting on a square
concrete chimneys. Hysteretic and multi-valued responses with cylinder (Tamura and Shimada, 1987)
a locking-in phenomena are clearly recognized in the figures, As is well known, the transverse vibration of a rectangular
especially for a low-damping circular cylinder shown in Fig- cylinder shows complicated combined behaviors of vortex-in-
ure 21A. duced vibration and galloping (Tamura and Shimada, 1987).
Parkinson and Sullivan (1979) and Parkinson and Wawzonek
(1981) suggested that the mutual effects of galloping instabil-
ity and wake vortex resonance on square cylinders could
Table 3. Parameters used for calculations of maximum responses cause large amplitude transverse vibrations not predicted by
shown in Figures 19 and 20 (Tamura and Amano, 1983,1984) the separate theories of galloping and vortex resonance. An
Transcritical Reynolds Number CL0 = 0.04, CD = 0.6, S = 0.22 attempt to simulate the unsteady force acting on a square
Regime (Atmospheric fm = 1.16, m* = 0.7, ζ = 0.045 cylinder combining quasi-steady perturbation with a fluid
Boundary Layer Flow) oscillator has been made by Parkinson and Bouclin (1977).
Subcritical Reynolds Number CL0 = 0.4, CD = 1.2, S = 0.2 They adopted the Hartlen-Currie model (Hartlen and Currie,
Regime (Uniform Flow) fm = 1.16, m* = 0.625, ζ = 0.038 1970) for the fluid oscillator, which is expressed by Equa-
tion (12).

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Figure 20. Flow velocities at reference point causing maximum

displacements occur obtained from Equation (58) (S: Subcritical, T: Figure 22. Wake-oscillator for square cylinders (Tamura and Shi-
Transcritical, The numbers of curves correspond to Figure 18) (Tamura mada, 1986,1987)
and Amano, 1983, 1984)

Thus, parameters m* and S* in Equations (35a), (35b),

and (35c) of Tamura’s model should be set as:

m∗ ¼ ∗ (60a)
1 þ l
∗ π
S ¼ 2πS ¼  ∗ (60b)
h∗ 1 þ l

If the Strouhal number S is determined by experimental data

and the dimensionless width of the wake-oscillator h* is deter-

mined by experimental flow patterns, the value of l can be
obtained from Equation (60b). Then, the value of m* is
obtained from Equation (60a). The Magnus effect factor fm
should be determined by experiment for a square cylinder.
Then, the value of damping ratio ζ of the wake-oscillator is
given by Equation (25). The remaining parameters are the
amplitude of the transverse force coefficient CL0 and the drag
Figure 21. Solutions of Tamura–Amano model calculated from Equa-
tions (52), (53), (56) and (57) for cantilever cylinders with flow velocity force coefficient CD for a stationary square cylinder, and they
profile W(z*) = z*0.2 and eigenmode Xi(z*) = z*1.8 (Type 3 in Figure 18) should be determined based on their experimental data. Then,
in transcritical Reynolds number regime (Tamura and Amano, 1983) the transverse force due to vortex excitation for a square cylin-
der can be formulated.
Regarding the transverse force due to galloping vibration,
Tamura and Shimada (1987) investigated and proposed a Parkinson and Brooks (1961) and Parkinson and Smith (1964)
mathematical model for the mutual complicated interactions of formulated the galloping vibration of 2D cylinders based on
vortex resonance and galloping for square cylinders. The the quasi-steady assumption. Novak (1969) further developed
unsteady forces due to vortex shedding are simulated by this formulation for continuous systems.
Tamura’s non-linear wake-oscillator (Tamura, 1978b, 1979; Tamura and Shimada (1987) assumed that the unsteady
Tamura and Matsui, 1979) and the unsteady forces for gallop- transverse force acting on a square cylinder was described by
ing are simulated by the quasi-steady theory (Parkinson and superimposing the force due to Tamura’s non-linear wake-
Brooks, 1961; Parkinson and Smith, 1964). oscillator model (Tamura, 1978b, 1979; Tamura and Matsui,
As shown in section 5.2, Tamura’s vortex-induced vibration 1979) onto the force due to Parkinson’s quasi-steady theory
model was developed for 2D (Tamura, 1978b, 1979; Tamura (Parkinson and Brooks, 1961). Here, Tamura and Shimada
and Matsui, 1979) and 3D (Tamura and Amano, 1983) circular (1987) made the same local 2D assumptions (i) and (ii) as
cylinders. Therefore, before application to a square cylinder, Tamura and Amano (1983, 1984) did for a 3D square cylinder.
Tamura’s model represented by Equations (35a), (35b), The dimensionless transverse displacement of a 3D square
and (35c) needs to be modified for square cylinders. Although cylinder can then be expressed by:
the center of revolution of the wake-oscillator for a circular
cylinder is assumed to be the axis of the circular cylinder as Y ¼ Y r X i ðz∗ Þ (61a)
shown in Figure 6, it should be the midpoint of the front side For simplicity, the angular displacement of the wake-oscilla-
of the cross-section for a square cylinder, as shown in Fig- tor is also assumed to be expressed as:
ure 22 (Tamura and Shimada, 1986, 1987) . For a circular
cylinder, the distance lt between the center of revolution and α ¼ αr X i ðz∗ Þ (61b)
the mass center of the wake-oscillator was set at (d=2 þ l),
also shown in Figure 6. However, for a square cylinder, the
 , as shown in Figure 22.
distance lt should be altered to (d þ l) The dimensionless flow velocity is assumed to be expressed
Here, d is the dimension of a side of the square section. as:

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(  ∗ 3  ∗ 5 )
ν ¼ νr W ð z∗ Þ (61c) S∗ Y_ S Y_ S Y_
C L ¼  ð f m  A1 Þ  A3  A5       þ f mα
ν ν ν
The equations of motion of the reference point of a 3D
square cylinder are derived using the integral transformation (64)
method, and are expressed as:
Tamura and Shimada (1987) assumed that the square cylin-
nð f m  A1 Þνr nA3 S∗ _ 2 nA5 S∗3 _ 4 der was forced to oscillate with a certain amplitude and a cer-
Y€r þ 2ηi þ c1 ∗  c2 Y r  c3 Y r  ::::: tain frequency, and the dimensionless displacement of the
S νr ν3r
cylinder was expressed as:
f nν2
Y_ r þ Y r ¼ c4 m∗2 r αr
S Y ¼ Y 0 cosτ (65a)
  The angular displacement of the wake-oscillator α on the
4f 2
€r  2ζνr c1  c5 2m α2r α_ r þ c4 ν2r αr ¼ m∗ Y€r  c1 νr S∗ Y_ r
α right hand side of Equation (64) was obtained as a steady-state
CL0 periodic solution by substituting Equation (65a) into the right
(62b) hand side of Equation (62b). Here, it is expressed as:

where α ¼ α0 cosðτ þ ψ Þ (65b)

R1 2 ∗ ∗ ∗
0 X i ðz ÞW ðz Þdz
c1 ¼ R1 2 (63a) For simplicity, Tamura and Shimada (1987) considered up to
0 X i ðz Þdz
∗ ∗
the seventh order of the series of the quasi-steady transverse
force coefficient CFY. Abbreviating the detailed derivations, the
R 1 X4i ðz∗ Þ ∗ approximate steady-state periodic solutions for the unsteady
0 W ðz∗ Þ dz
c2 ¼ R 1 (63b) aerodynamic force coefficients, CLR and CLI, are obtained as:
2 ∗ ∗
0 X i ðz Þdz
C LR ¼ f m α0 cosψ (66a)
R 1 X6i ðz∗ Þ ∗
0 W 3 ðz∗ Þ dz  
c3 ¼ R 1 (63c) S∗ Y 0 3A3 S∗ Y 0 3
C LI ¼ ðA1  f m Þ þ
0 X i ðz Þdz
2 ∗ ∗
ν 4 ν
R1  ∗ 5  ∗ 7 (66b)
X 2 ðz∗ ÞW 2 ðz∗ Þdz∗ 5A5 S Y 0 35A7 S Y 0
þ þ  f m α0 sinψ
c4 ¼ 0 Ri 1 (63d) 8 ν 64 ν
0 X i ðz Þdz
2 ∗ ∗

R1 Here, α0 is the solution of the following Equation (67) and the

4 ∗ ∗ ∗
0 X i ðz ÞW ðz Þdz phase angle ψ is described by Equation (68).
c5 ¼ R1 2 (63e)
0 X i ðz Þdz
∗ ∗ (  2 )
 2 2 f 2m α20  
ν  1 þ 4ζ ν 1  2
2 2
α20 ¼ Y 20 m∗2 þ ν2 S∗2 (67)
The integration is made over the whole length of the cylin- C L0
der, and () in Equations (62a) and (62b) denotes differentia-  
tion with respect to dimensionless time τi. The drag force f 2 α2
2ζνm∗ 1  Cm2 0  νS∗ ðν2  1Þ
coefficient CD is included in coefficient A1 related to galloping ψ ¼ tan1  L0
∗ f 2m α20
excitation, and does not appear explicitly in the equations. 2ζν S 1  C2 þ m∗ ðν2  1Þ
Equations (63a)-(63e) resemble Equation (48): c1 is equal to
e1, and c4 is equal to e2.
Equation (67) is a cubic equation in α20 , so its roots can be
5.3.2 Unsteady aerodynamic forces acting on a 2D square cylin- obtained easily. Substituting the positive real roots of α20 into
der (Tamura and Shimada, 1987) Equation (68), phase angle ψ is obtained. The values of the
Unsteady aerodynamic forces acting on a cylinder in motion unsteady aerodynamic force coefficients are then calculated by
have been measured by many researchers, for example Otsuki Equations (66a) and (66b). The amplitude of the unsteady
et al. (1972), Ito et al. (1972), and Yamada and Miyata (1983). aerodynamic force coefficient |CL| and the phase shift between
In order to discuss unsteady aerodynamic forces, Tamura and the cylinder displacement and the unsteady force ϕ are
Shimada (1987) derived unsteady aerodynamic forces acting expressed by Equations (69) and (70).
on a 2D square cylinder from Equations (62a) and (62b). For a qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2D square cylinder, both eigenmode Xi (z*) and flow velocity jC L j ¼ C2LR þ C 2LI (69)
profile W(z*) are unity, and constants c1 − c5 are all unity.
The transverse force coefficient CL is expressed as follows C LI
from Equation (62a): ϕ ¼ tan1 (70)

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Before calculating the unsteady aerodynamic force coeffi- combined phenomena of vortex resonance and galloping for
cients for a 2D square cylinder immersed in a uniform flow, square cylinders. In the reduced velocity range of U* = 3 – 4,
the values of the parameters in the equations should be given. the result of Ito et al. (1975) shows that CLI becomes positive
The dimensionless width of the wake-oscillator was set at and the possibility of vibration is indicated. This seems to
h* = 1.8 according to the flow pattern around a square cylin- coincide with the vibration at UR/3 reported by Parkinson and
der reported by Mizota and Okajima (1981). The Strouhal Bouclin (1977).
number was set at S = 0.12 (S* = 2πS = 0.75). Then, the Figure 24A-D show numerical results of unsteady force

mean half-length of the wake-oscillator l is calculated as coefficients obtained by Tamura and Shimada (1987) for

l ¼ 2:07 by Equation (60b), and the constant m* related to the Y0 = 0.1, in which variation of results by changing the Magnus
revolution arm is obtained as m* = 0.326 by Equation (60a). effect factor fm was examined. Here, the amplitude of the
Although the Magnus effect factor fm could not be determined transverse force coefficient for a stationary square cylinder was
without experimental data, the value used for a circular cylin- set at CL0 = 0.7. As seen in Figure 23A, the unsteady force
der, that is fm = 1.16, was provisionally used and the effects coefficient for galloping by the quasi-steady method (Parkinson
of the fm value were examined (Tamura and Shimada, 1987). and Brooks, 1961) alone could not represent all the compli-
The damping ratio of the wake-oscillator ζ was calculated by cated features of the experimental values, but Figure 24A
Equations (25) depending upon the value of fm, for example clearly demonstrates the advantage of the Tamura−Shimada
ζ = 0.02 for fm = 1.16. Next, the force coefficients had to be model (Tamura and Shimada, 1987), which shows good agree-
determined. Although some different values of amplitude of ment with the complicated feature of the experimental
transverse force coefficient on a stationary square cylinder CL0 unsteady force coefficients. It was suggested that the unsteady
had been reported by various experimental studies, CL0 = 0.7 aerodynamic force coefficients were not affected by the value
was basically adopted for the calculation by Tamura and Shi- of fm in the high reduced velocity range. The increase of fm
mada (1987). The coefficients Ai of a polynomial approxima- slightly decreased the peak value of CLI and broadened the
tion to CFy were calculated from the experimental data on the width of the peak in the reduced velocity range corresponding
force coefficients by Wawzonek (1979), that is A1 = 4.0, to the vortex-induced vibration. Further, for small fm values,
A3 = −260, A5 = 104, and A7 = −105 (Tamura and Shimada, CLI became positive in the low reduced velocity range. It
1987). seemed to coincide with the vibration at UR/3 mentioned
Several examples of experimental results of unsteady aero- above. The variations of phase shift ϕ physically agree with
dynamic forces by Otsuki et al. (1972) and Ito et al. (1972, the behavior of CLI.
1975) are shown in Figure 23A-D. These results are the case Incidentally, the effects of the value of CL0 were not recog-
of Y0 = 0.1. The variations of force coefficients with flow nized in the high reduced velocity range, as in the case of fm.
velocity are complicated and somewhat different to each other. However, at around the vortex resonance velocity, CLI
The oscillation may occur in the range in which CLI is posi- increased almost proportionally with the increase in the value
tive. A positive peak of CLI around the reduced velocity of CL0. The numerical results calculated using values of CL0
U* = U/f0 d ≈ 8 – 10 corresponds to the vortex-induced vibra- ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 seemed to be acceptable considering
tion, and the positive CLI in the higher reduced velocity range the dispersions of the experimental data.
represents the possibility of galloping vibration. The force
coefficient due to Parkinson’s quasi-steady theory, indicated by 5.3.3 Transverse vibration of a 2D square cylinder (Tamura and
a dotted line in Figure 23A, agrees closely with the experimen- Shimada, 1987)
tal results at the higher reduced velocity U* > 12, but it does Tamura and Shimada (1987) conducted time-domain response
not agree closely in the lower reduced velocity range. This analyses based on Equations (62a) and (62b) by the Runge-
suggests the necessity of a new mathematical formula for the Kutta method. The experimental results for comparisons were

Figure 23. Experimental results of unsteady aerodynamic force coefficients on square cylinders vibrating with amplitude Y0 = 0.1 by Otsuki
et al. (1972) and Ito et al. (1972, 1975) (Tamura and Shimada, 1987)

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Figure 24. Unsteady aerodynamic force coefficients on square cylinders vibrating with amplitude Y0 = 0.1 by mathematical model (Tamura and
Shimada, 1987)

the wind tunnel data by Wawzonek (1979). The amplitude of

the transverse force coefficient on a stationary square cylinder,
CL0, for these wind tunnel data was not known. Although any
value of CL0 ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 would do according to
the results of unsteady aerodynamic forces mentioned in sec-
tion 5.3.2, other experimental results suggested that the larger
value of this range was suitable. For example, Ito et al. (1972)
reported the value of CL,rms = 0.6 for a 2D square cylinder
immersed in a uniform flow. Then, CL0 = 0.7 was also used
for calculations of transverse responses of square cylinders.
The Magnus effect factor fm was assumed to be 1.16, because
there was no significant difference due to the value of fm, as
shown in Figure 24A, in the range of flow velocity higher than
the vortex resonance velocity where the value of CLI was posi-
tive. The values of coefficients of polynomial approximation to
CFY, that is A1 − A7, obtained from the experiments by Waw-
zonek (1979) were used as for Figure 24A-D in section 5.3.2.
The mass ratios n and structural damping ratios η were also fit- Figure 25. Transverse responses of 2D square cylinder in a uniform
ted with the values of Wawzonek’s experiments. The time-do- flow predicted by Tamura–Shimada model and experimental data by
main response analyses were made along both ascending and Wawzonek (1979) (Tamura and Shimada, 1987)
descending processes of the flow velocity.
Figure 25A shows the case of a low-damping 2D square
cylinder, and the critical velocity for galloping Ug = 2η/nA1 is
nearly equal to the vortex resonance velocity UR (correspond- be simulated fairly well by the Tamura–Shimada model
ing to v = 1). The vibration by the Tamura–Shimada model (Tamura and Shimada, 1987). Incidentally, from the viewpoint
starts at around the vortex resonance velocity (v = 1) and con- of coincidence with the experimental data, the model solutions
nects with the upper branch of the galloping vibration pre- using CL0 = 0.3 were better, as shown in Figure 25C.
dicted by Parkinson’s quasi-steady theory indicated by dotted
lines in the figure, closely simulating the experimental results. 5.3.4 Similar approach combining wake-oscillator model and
The model results around the vortex resonance velocity are a quasi-steady galloping model
little larger than the experimental data. Figure 25B shows the Corless and Parkinson (1988) tried to simulate the same com-
case of a higher damping cylinder and the critical velocity for bined effects of vortex resonance and galloping of square
galloping is Ug = 1.49 UR. In this case, the vibration arising at cylinders. They combined the Hartlen–Currie model (Hartlen
around the vortex resonance velocity also connects with the and Currie, 1970) for vortex resonance and the quasi-steady
upper branch of the galloping vibration. One special feature of model by Parkinson and Smith (1964) for galloping. To solve
this case is the clear recognition of unstable limit cycles. Fig- the non-linear equations, they used the method of Multiple
ure 25C shows the case of a high-structural-damping cylinder Time Scales (MTS). The MTS method is a singular perturba-
and Ug = 2.15 UR. In this case, the vortex-induced vibration is tion technique entailing the use of slow and fast time scales
clearly separated from the galloping vibration. The model (Corless, 1986). They suggested that their method of solution
results of the vortex resonance are larger than the experimental could be successfully applied to the Tamura–Shimada model
data, but the behavior of the square cylinder’s response could as well.

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5.3.5 Unstable closed-loop limit cycles (Allison and Corless, 1995) as a mathematical model for vortex-induced vibrations of 2D
Regarding the unstable limit cycles, Tamura (1979) and circular cylinders. It was successfully applied to the compli-
Tamura and Matsui (1979) demonstrated the successful repro- cated combined effects of vortex resonance and galloping of
duction of the hysteretic behavior including multi-valued square cylinders. Here, Tamura’s model also satisfies one of
responses and unstable limit cycles, as shown in Figures 12 the conditions for “desirable” mathematical models.
and 21A,B, for vortex-induced vibrations of circular cylinders.
5.3.6 Development of Tamura–Shimada model for 3D rectangular
Also for square cylinders, multi-valued responses could be
reproduced by the Tamura–Shimada model as shown in Fig-
ure 25C in the velocity range of vortex resonance. Recently, some researchers have developed Tamura’s model
Incidentally, as seen in Figure 25B, the experimental data by for a circular cylinder (Tamura, 1978a; Tamura and Matsui,
Wawzonek (1979) clearly show closed-loop hysteresis includ- 1979) and the Tamura–Shimada model for a square cylinder
ing unstable limit cycles for a 2D square cylinder with a med- (Tamura and Shimada, 1987) to 3D rectangular cylinders in
ium level of structural damping. turbulent boundary layer flow. Here, some of them are briefly
Allison and Corless (1995) tried to predict closed-loop hys- introduced.
teresis by applying the MTS method to the Tamura–Shimada
Development of Tamura’s model for 3D square cylinders based
model (Tamura and Shimada, 1987). The results by Allison and
on flow visualization results by Kikitsu et al. (2007a, 2007b,
Corless (1995) are shown in Figure 26, where the solid and dot-
ted lines are the perturbation solutions of the Tamura–Shimada
model obtained by the MTS method, and the open and solid cir- Kikitsu et al. (2007a, 2007b, 2008) developed Tamura’s model
cles are the numerical results similar to the solid lines shown in for 3D square cylinders based on Particle Image Velocimetry
Figure 25B. Closed-loop hysteresis was observed by Wawzonek (PIV) flow visualization data. They conducted wind tunnel
(1979) as shown in Figure 25B, but the simple numerical solu- tests using the PIV technique to observe the behavior of the
tions by Tamura and Shimada (1987) could not reveal it. How- early-wake region behind a 70 mm (B) × 70 mm (D) ×
ever, Allison and Corless (1995) clearly demonstrated it by the 560 mm (H) square cylinder in a uniform low-turbulence flow
perturbation solutions obtained by the MTS method. Then, they (W(z*) ≈ 1, IH = 0.2%) and a turbulent boundary layer flow
concluded as follows. “The Tamura–Matsui model (Tamura and (W(z*) = z*0.24, IH = 12%).
Matsui, 1979) for vortex-induced vibration (incorporating the They discussed the length of the wake-oscillator from the
Magnus effect and otherwise based on the Birkhoff’s wake- averaged flow field, and proposed the mean length of the
oscillator) is more rationally derived than the Hartlen-Currie wake-oscillator 2l in Equation (13) as a function of angular
model (Hartlen and Currie, 1970). Thus its combination with _ and the length of the wake-oscillator 2l was
velocity α,
the quasi-steady theory can also be called more ‘rational’. Thus assumed as:
it is not surprising that the model is able to successfully predict   δK
a qualitative feature, the closed-loop hysteresis observed experi- 2l ¼ 2 cK 1  aK α_ 2  αα_ (71)
mentally by Wawzonek (1979) (see Figure 25B), while the ωv
other model apparently is not.”
One of the requirements of desirable mathematical models is where cK is a constant related to the reference length of the
“wide scope of application” as discussed in section 2.4. The wake-oscillator, aK is a constant related to the oscillating
Tamura model (Tamura, 1978a; Tamura, 1979) was proposed angle, and δK is a parameter of the amplitude of the wake-
oscillator angle. Different values of constants cK and aK were
given for the uniform flow and the turbulent boundary layer
flow Kikitsu et al. (2007a, 2007b, 2008).
In addition, they introduced the amplitude fluctuation of the
wake-oscillator based on their observation. Then, the amplitude
α0 given in Equation (13) was treated as a time-variant func-
tion α0(t) Kikitsu et al. (2007a, 2007b, 2008).
The Magnus effect factor was derived as fm = 1.33 (Kikitsu
et al. (2007b, 2008) based on their PIV experiment for uniform
flow, while fm = 1.16 was provisionally used by Tamura and
Shimada (1987). For turbulent boundary layer flow, an equa-
tion of the fifth degree of angle α was used to define the trans-
verse force coefficient for a square cylinder based on their
experimental results Kikitsu et al. (2007a, 2007b, 2008). They
found that the wake characteristics varied along the cylinder
axis, and they adopted the representative values at 0.8 H for for-
mulation of the model. They calculated the transverse responses
of the 3D square cylinder and got good agreement with the
experimental data, as shown in Figure 27.
As already mentioned, one shortcoming of the Tamura–
Shimada model (Tamura and Shimada, 1987) was that aerody-
namic parameters, including the Magnus effect factor fm and the
sizes of the wake-oscillator, were not experimentally examined
for a square cylinder in the given flow conditions. Kikitsu et al.
Figure 26. Solutions of Tamura–Shimada model by Allison and Cor- (2007a, 2007b, 2008) is the first trial to develop Tamura’s
less (1995) demonstrating existence of closed-loop hysteresis model based on their own experiments to identify appropriate
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For a cylinder with a longer after body, it is apparent that

reattachment of the separated shear layers can happen during
vibration. Then, the wake-oscillator length and width, or the
center of revolution of the wake-oscillator, can change suddenly
with each reattachment. So, if those effects are not taken into
account in the mathematical model, good results might not be
obtained. All parameters related to the wake-oscillator that
appear in the Tamura–Shimada model should be experimentally
examined for such a rectangular cylinder with rounded corners.

Application of Tamura–Shimada model to rectangular cylinders

with various side ratios by Niu et al. (2015)
Niu et al. (2015) tried to apply the Tamura–Shimada model to
rectangular cylinders with various side ratios B/D from 0.5 to
Figure 27. Responses of square cylinder by modified Tamura model 2.5 to simulate the vortex resonance and galloping interaction
and experiments (Kikitsu et al. 2008) phenomena. They first compared the Tamura–Shimada model
(Tamura and Shimada, 1987) and the Corless–Parkinson model
(Corless and Parkinson, 1988), then adopted the Tamura–Shi-
aerodynamic parameters that represent the nature of the early- mada model for comparative numerical simulation, because
wake region. This kind of study is further recommended for the physical interpretations of each variable could be checked
improving and developing the mathematical model. and the whole equation group of the Tamura–Shimada model
was more rationally derived. This was also concluded by Alli-
Application of Tamura–Shimada model to rounded rectangular son and Corless (1995). They discussed the slope of increased
models by Zhou et al. (2014) amplitude over increased flow velocity as a new parameter SL
Zhou et al. (2014) tried to apply the Tamura–Shimada model defined as follows for establishing an empirical amplitude pre-
to rounded rectangular prisms with side ratios B/D = 0.7 and diction formula.
1.4, and compared their experimental results, as shown in Fig-
ure 28. Here, B is the streamwise length and D is the projected ΔY
SL ¼ (72)
width of a rectangular section. They tried to change the values ΔU ∗
of the Magnus effect factor fm, the amplitude of transverse
force coefficient of a stationary cylinder CL0, and the width of They calculated many cases by changing the side ratio B/D,
the wake-oscillator h* to find the most fitting values to simu- the wake-oscillator width h*, the Magnus effect factor fm, the
late the cylinder response Y0. amplitude of transverse force coefficient of a stationary cylin-
Figures 28A and B show examples of the comparison results der CL0, and aerodynamic coefficients A1 − A7.
of the cylinder responses by changing the wake-oscillator More effort might be necessary to establish a mathematical
width h*. Zhou et al. (2014) had not done experimental obser- model for a rectangular cylinder with various side ratios, based
vations on the early-wake region as Kikitsu et al. (2007a, on some experimental studies to capture the behavior of the
2007b, 2008) had. For a rectangular cylinder with side ratio B/ early-wake region as Kikitsu et al. 2007a, 2007b, 2008) did.
D = 0.7 shown in Figure 28A, the Tamura–Shimada model
shows fairly good agreement. However, a rectangular cylinder Application of Tamura–Shimada model to rectangular cylinders
with side ratio B/D = 1.4, in which after body length B is by Manini et al. (2018) and Mannini (2020)
longer than the projected width D, shows worse fit in the Mannini et al. (2018) applied the Tamura–Shimada model to
velocity range of vortex resonance as seen in Figure 28B. The simulate transverse responses of a rectangular cylinder with
reason is rather clear, and is explained as follows. side ratio B/D = 1.5 (Mannini, 2020). They slightly modified

Figure 28. Responses of 2D rectangular cylinders with rounded corners by Tamura–Shimada model and experiments: Effects of wake-oscillator
width h* (Zhou et al., 2014)

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the model formulation, and the way to determine a crucial and all parameters except for the Magnus effect factor fm were
parameter was changed. They assumed the wake-oscillator estimated based on wind tunnel tests on a stationary sectional
shown in Figure 29. The center of revolution of this wake- model. Because of the lack of flow observations in the early-
oscillator and the fluid force acting point were modified from wake region, the value of fm was calibrated from a single
those of the Tamura–Shimada model shown in Figure 22. aeroelastic test. Then, Mannini (2020) got satisfactory response
They studied the effects of the Magnus effect factor fm, the results for cylinders with different mass damping parameters
width of the wake-oscillator h*, the transverse force coefficient (Scruton number).
amplitude for a stationary cylinder CL0, the fluid force acting Mannini (2020) also cited unpublished papers, Chen et al.
point lt, and so on. Figure 30 shows an example of their results, (2020a, 2020b). The former applied the modified Tamura–Shi-

pffiffiffi the best fit case with fm = 9 and lt = 0.5l. Here,
demonstrating mada model to a bridge deck with open cross-section and the
Y0 means 2Y rms . As the Tamura–Shimada model (Tamura and latter applied the model to a rectangular cylinder with side ratio
Shimada, 1987) proposed, the width of the wake-oscillator B/D = 2. It is good to see some new applications and develop-
h* = 1.8 and the transverse force coefficient amplitude CL0 = ments of Tamura’s model and the Tamura–Shimada model.
0.7 were confirmed to give reasonable results also for B/ This section discusses various successful developments of
D = 1.5 cylinders. Their modified model provided results in sat- Tamura’s model originally proposed for the vortex-induced
isfactory agreement with experiments (Mannini et al., 2018). vibration of 2D circular cylinders to the vortex-induced vibra-
Because of the satisfactory application of the modified tion of 3D circular cylinders, complicated combined effects of
Tamura–Shimada model for a rectangular cylinder with side the vortex-induced vibration and galloping of 2D and 3D
ratio 1.5 in a uniform flow by Mannini et al. (2018), the turbu- square cylinders, and those of rectangular cylinders with vari-
lence effects were incorporated into the modified Tamura–Shi- ous side ratios. The Tamura model’s wide scope of application
mada model by Mannini (2020). and possibilities of development are also confirmed. Thus,
He also emphasized the Tamura model’s advantage as fol- Tamura’s model also satisfies another condition of a desirable
lows. Each parameter in the equations has a precise meaning mathematical model.
and it is known how to measure it, potentially even with static
tests only. The contribution of three-dimensional, partially cor-
6. Concluding Remarks
related, turbulent velocity fluctuations was taken into account,
This paper has focused on a mathematical model of wind-in-
duced non-linear transverse vibrations of cylinders, which was
the subject of the author’s doctoral thesis, as well as its recent
developments. It was assumed that disclosing the process of
reaching the target might be useful for young researchers to
learn how they made trials and errors. The author showed only
the beautiful results reached and obtained after great struggles.
However, these struggles are not described.
The author had the idea of a wake-oscillator with a variable
length in the early stage of his research on vortex-induced oscil-
lations. However, mathematical modeling of such a complicated
system was not easy. It took a long time to formulate the equa-
tions of motions. Even after formulation of mathematical equa-
Figure 29. Wake-oscillator in which the revolution center and fluid tions, getting their solutions was also not easy, because the
force acting point were modified from the Tamura–Shimada model equations were non-linear. It took a long time to get approxi-
shown in Figure 22 (Mannini et al., 2018) mated periodic solutions. Those solutions were of course not
necessarily good from the beginning. Then, the author went back
to the formulation stage to identify some mistakes. This process
was repeated, and it continued for almost 5 years after the origi-
nal idea of a wake-oscillator with variable length. The author
really experienced difficulties, as discussed in section 2.3. In
addition, without good solutions, there was no guarantee that this
mathematical modeling based on the idea of a wake-oscillator
with a variable length would be successful. It was mentally very
tough, and he spent a long time in a very bleak situation. This
was briefly described in an article (Tamura, 2019).
Researchers are always immersed in a dangerous environ-
ment with many causes of misunderstanding and mistakes.
However, even in such difficult conditions, one of the most
important matters in research is to understand a target phe-
nomenon, not only to simulate or predict it. It is still necessary
for researchers to pursue their end, which is “understanding”
of the phenomena. To accomplish this, we of course should be
careful and rigorous, and should devote ourselves to the target
of our common interest. In order to compensate for our imper-
Figure 30. Comparison of results obtained from modified Tamura–-
fect ability, some mathematical tools, such as the Proper
Shimada model for a 2D cylinder with side ratio B/D = 1.5 and Scruton Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) technique and the Singular
number Sc = 28 (Mannini et al., 2018) Value Decomposition (SVD) technique, are useful. Young

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researchers are also advised to arm themselves with such Chen, C., Mannini, C., Bartoli, G., Thiele, K. (2020b). Wake oscillator modelling
mathematical tools. the combined galloping and VIV instability of a 2:1 rectangular cylinder.
Proceedings of the 9th International Colloquium on Bluff Body
Many researchers tend to be satisfied if they can simulate or Aerodynamics and Applications, July 20-23 (Postponed), Birmingham, UK.
predict the phenomenon accurately. However, this does not Corless, R. M. (1986). Mathematical modelling of the combined effects of
mean understanding. For understanding a phenomenon, cre- vortex-induced vibration and galloping. PhD thesis, University of British
ation of a mathematical model of the target phenomenon is Columbia, Canada.
Corless, R. M., Parkinson, G. V. (1988). A model of the combined effects of
very useful. This mathematical model has three necessary con- vortex-induced oscillation and galloping. Journal of Fluids and Structures,
ditions and two desirable conditions as mentioned in section 2, 203–220.
2.4. It was very pleasing that the Tamura model was revealed Davenport, A. G. (1975). Perspectives on the full-scale measurement of wind
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The process of pursuing the research end “understanding” is stationary and oscillating circular and D-section cylinders. MASc thesis,
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Acknowledgments Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Wind Effects on Structures, Tokyo,
Japan, 115–122. (in Japanese with English Summary).
Firstly, the author expresses his sincere gratitude to all pioneers in the Funakawa, M. (1969). Excitation mechanism of elastically supported circular
study of the vortex-induced vibration and related matters. The author is cylinder immersed in flow. Transactions of the Japan Society of
Mechanical Engineers (JSME), 35(270), 303–312. (in Japanese).
also grateful to his supervisor, the late Prof. Gengo Matsui, of whom Hansen, S. O. (1981). Cross-wind vibrations of a 130-m tapered concrete
he has a happy memory. Prof. Matsui was a famous structural chimney. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 8,
designer, who left his name on the “Gengo Matsui Prize” for structural 145–155.
designers. Prof. Matsui supported various aspects of the author’s PhD Hartlen, R. T., Currie, I. G. (1970). Lift-oscillator model of vortex-induced
study, especially his way of thinking and way of observation, and gen- vibration. Journal of Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE EM5, 96,
erously allowed the author to study a topic that was off his beat. The 577–591.
author also expresses his sincere gratitude to two of his juniors, the Ito, M., Miyata, T., Morimitsu, Y. (1972). Measurement of aerodynamic forces
late Mr. Akihiko Amano and Dr. Kenji Shimada, for their great contri- on cylinder of square cross-section. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on
Wind Effects on Structures, Tokyo, Japan, 159–166. (in Japanese with
butions to his research. They collaborated with the author in develop-
English summary).
ing Tamura’s model to simulate vortex-induced vibration of 3D Ito, M., Miyata, T., Fujisawa, N. (1975). The characteristics of the aerodynamic
continuous circular cylinders and combined effects of vortex resonance forces acting on a square cylinder in vibration. Proceedings of the 30th
and galloping of square cylinders. The author expresses his thanks to Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, I-208, 431–432.
Dr. Hitomitsu Kikitsu for his kind cooperation in providing materials (in Japanese)
for his study on 3D square prisms. Finally, the author gives sincere Iwan, W. D., Blevins, R. D. (1974). A model for vortex induced oscillation of
thanks to his PhD student, Mr. Kunpeng Guo, who kindly made recal- structures. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions of the American
culations and reexaminations of some numerical solutions of the Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 41, 581–586.
author’s past studies. This study was partially supported by 111 Project Karman, T. v. (1911). Über den Mechanismus des Widerstandes, den ein
bewegter Körper in einer Flüssigkeit erfärt, 1. Nachrichten von der
of China (B18062, B13002) and the TPU Wind Engineering Joint Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische
Usage/Research Center Project of MEXT Japan (JPMXP0619217840). Klasse, 509–517.
The author is grateful for these financial supports. Karman, T. v., Edson, L. (1967). The Wind and Beyond: Theodore von Kármán,
Pioneer in Aviation and Pathfinder in Space (pp. 376). Boston, MA:
Little, Brown & Company.
Disclosure Kikitsu, H., Okuda, Y., Ohashi, M., Kanda, J. (2007a). Experimental evaluation
The author has no conflict of interest. of interaction phenomenon based on PIV measurement - fundamental
study on vibration mechanism of three-dimensional prisms in
consideration of wake interaction (part 1). Journal of Structural and
Construction Engineering (Transactions of AIJ), 612, 31–38. (in Japanese
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a flow-induced vibration model. Proceedings of the 15th Canadian 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE12), CD,
Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM 95), 2, Editors: B. Tabarrok Cairns, Australia, July 1–7, 2007.
& S. Dost. University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Kikitsu, H., Okuda, Y., Kanda, J. (2008). Numerical evaluation of interaction
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