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Amoya Thompson
Akeelia Meleon
Jahreille King
Marley Walters
Janee Facey
Shara-Kaye Nembhard
Rayonae anderson
Daniella Young
Demar Day

Poverty is a state of lacking money and resources needed for a decent standard of living. In these
cases poverty may lead a person to not live a comfortable life, not being able to afford basic needs like
food,housing ,healthcare,....It is a social issue that affects people all over the world.


There may be many factors that may lead to poverty, they are:

1. Lack of education: the limited access to quality education can hinder individuals from
acquiring the skills necessary for better job opportunities and stable income.

2. Unemployment: high levels of unemployment can lead to financial instability and differently
in meeting basic needs.

3. Limited access to financial services: without access to banking services or credit ,individuals
may struggle to start businesses or invest in their future, perpetuating a cycle of poverty.

4. Discrimination: based on factors like race, gender, or ethnicity can create barriers to
employment, education and other resources, contributing to poverty.

5. Unequal distribution of resources: when resources like land, wealth, and opportunities are
concentrated in the hands of few, it can leave others with limited means to improve their
living conditions.


There are many effects poverty may cause in persons, families or communities. They are:

1. Limited access to basic needs: People living in poverty may struggle to afford necessities like
food, clean water, housing, healthcare, etc.

2. Education barriers: Poverty can hinder access to quality education, limiting opportunities for
education to acquire skills and knowledge that can help improve their future prospects.

3. Health disparities: Lack of resources and limited access to healthcare can lead to poorer health
outcomes and higher outcomes and higher rates of preventable diseases among those living in poverty.

4. Cycle of poverty: Poverty can create a cycle that is difficult to break, as limited resources and
opportunities make it challenging for individuals to escape poverty and improve their circumstances.

5. Increase in crime rates: Poverty may lead to higher crime rates due to desperation, lack of
resources , and limited opportunities for alternative means of income.

There are various approaches to addressing poverty. Some are:

1. Education and skills development: Providing quality education and training can equip
individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to secure better job opportunities and break
the cycle of poverty.

2. Access to basic services: Ensuring access to essential services like healthcare, clean water,
sanitation , and affordable housing can improve living conditions and overall well-being.

3. Agricultural support : Providing farmers with access to resources, such as improved seeds,
irrigation systems, and training, can boost agricultural productivity, increase incomes, and
reduce rural poverty.

4. Social empowerment : Promoting social inclusion, equal rights, and opportunities for
marginalised groups can help reduce poverty by ensuring that everyone has a fair chance to

5. Infrastructure development: Investing in infrastructure projects like roads, transportation, and

electricity can create employment opportunities and improve access to markets, enhancing
economic growth in impoverished areas.


1. World Bank: The World Bank provides financial and technical assistance to developing
countries, supporting projects that aim to reduce poverty and promote economic growth.
World Bank also conducts research, analysis, and policy advice to help countries address
development challenges and achieve their goals. Its mission is to end extreme poverty and
promote shared prosperity.

2. Oxfam: Oxfam is an international confederation of organisations that works to combat

poverty, inequality, and social injustice through various programs and advocacy efforts.

3. Heifer International : Works to end hunger and poverty by providing livestocks , training, and
resources to empower communities to become self-reliant and sustainable.

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