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MAU air mix with DH air first in a joint duct, then MAU+DH air enter into the Supply

of the FCU.


RA Wall RA RA Wall
600 x 500 600 x 500 600 x 500
600 x 500
VRV CU 350 x 350

to open air
Auto damper
200 x 200 Auto damper
for FA 200 x 200
for FA
1) MAU control: One off coil sensor. Room CO2 sensor. 2 on-off Belimo actuators.
Calvin from Cool zone will help us install DH and
Control MAU with 2 compressors. Able to provide 1000 CMH with 1 compressor MAU / CU.
and 2000 CMH FA with 2 compressors..
And additional 2 fresh air damper at 2 FCU RA duct, which provide 500 CMH FA each DH and MAU will go out through the door.
total 3000 CMH of FA.
If RH low and CO2 high, then turn on the FCU RA duct FA damper first. Instead of The door is big enough when remove the hinges.
MAU. But when RH remain too low, then run raise MAU off coil, ( Off DH)
Pls see the latest drawing.
Control: DO: to command On-Off compressor, to command On-Off AHU fan
DI: status, trip etc
AI: CO2 sensor, off coil sensor We do not control Exhaust fan ( 2 sets axial fans)
AO: MAU fan speed - base on EBM fan and VRV FCU

2) Dehumidifier : One RH sensor, 2 VSD for fan speed control.

I thot of simplified the control. 1 AI for RH,
DI for all the trips
5 DO, 1 for process , 1 rxn fan, then 3 step heaters
base on RH:
RH high 1: On 1 heater, Rxn fan drop to prefixed low speed, process fan fix at low speed
RH high 2: On 2 heater, Rxn fan go to prefixed mid speed, process fan fix at mid speed
RH high 3: On 3 heater, Rxn fan go to prefixed high speed, process fan fix at high speed

3) add 2 RH+T sensor at FCU supply air duct: purpose is to study the FCU behavior.
And compare it with the Room condition. Use the PLC program to know such issue.
Compare FCU performance under full load against RH / CO2. I will explain further
how to do the logic. Because when full 200 pax, it may happen that RH too low.
Then we need to decide if let MAU run air in without compressor or not, subject to the
balance of RH, CO2, temp.

4) we will talk about control strategy later.

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