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Apply direct pressure to

the wound using a sterile
gauze pad or clean cloth.
Elevate the injured area
above the level of the
heart if there is no EYE INJURY
Don’t rub the eye.
Cover the area with a pressure bandage. If bleeding
does not stop, apply additional dressings. For any chemicals in the
eyes, immediately flush
If necessary, apply pressure to the artery with your hand. the eyes with lots of

Stop the burning. For a foreign particle such as dirt, sand, or sliver of
Remove the person from wood or metal, have the person pull the upper lid
the source of the burn. down, blink repeatedly and flush the eye with water.
Cool the burn. Hold the
burned area under cool
(not cold) running water SHOCK
or immerse for 10 to 15 A life-threatening
minutes. condition that occurs
Use cold compresses if water is not available. when the body is not
Cover the burn. Cover the burn with non-adhesive sterile getting enough blood
bandage or clean cloth. flow.
Prevent shock. Lay the person down and elevate legs. Lay the person down
on his or her back.

FRACTURES If it does not cause pain or injury, elevate the feet

Help support the 12 inches. Check for signs of breathing, coughing,
injured area. Stop any or movement. If absent, call 9-1-1 and begin CPR.
bleeding by applying Keep the person warm and comfortable. If choking,
pressure with a sterile
vomiting or bleeding from the mouth occur, turn the
bandage or clean cloth.
person on their side.
Check for feeling,
warmth and color below
fracture. CHOKING
Immobilize the injured area. Apply a soft or hard splint Signs of choking: The
above and below the fracture. person is clutching his
or her throat, unable
Apply ice or cold packs and elevate. to breath or talk. Skin,
Treat for shock. Lay the person down and elevate legs. lips and nails may be
turning blue.

Perform abdominal
thrusts by standing
Apply ice or cold packs behind the person and
wrapped in cloth to wrapping your arms
protect the skin. around the waist. Make
a fist with one hand and
Compress by lightly
position it just above the
wrapping an elastic
navel. Grab the fist with
bandage around the
the other hand and pull
injured area.
hard into the abdomen
with quick upward
Elevate the injured area above the level of the heart to
reduce swelling. thrusts. Repeat until
object dislodges.

In an emergency
CALL 9-1-1

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