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05/06/24, 19.



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Tandai satu oval saja.











Choose the best answer for the following questions based on the text. 1/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

4. In a small town nestled at the foot of a magnificent mountain, there lived a young boy * 2 poin
named Timmy. Every weekend, he would embark on adventures to explore the wilderness
and climb the beautiful peaks that surrounded his hometown. Timmy's hikes were not just
about reaching the summits; he also had a profound appreciation for the natural beauty
that adorned the trails. He was particularly fond of the wildflowers that painted the
mountain slopes with vibrant colors. To him, these flowers were like little bursts of magic
in the wilderness.

One sunny morning, as Timmy set off on a new hiking expedition, he noticed something
that troubled him deeply. Along the path, he encountered several other hikers who were
plucking wildflowers. They seemed oblivious to the fact that they were disturbing the
fragile balance of nature. Timmy knew that these mountains were not just a playground
for hikers like him; they were also a home for countless plants and animals. Some of
these wildflowers were rare and could only be found in this region. It was vital to protect

That evening, Timmy couldn't shake off the thought of those hikers picking the
wildflowers. He decided he needed to do something to raise awareness and protect the
delicate ecosystem of the mountain. With determination in his heart, Timmy got to work.
He created a striking poster with a message: “Protect Our Mountain's Treasures— Don't
Pick the Wildflowers! He wanted the message to be clear and bold.

But Timmy didn't stop there. He knew that sometimes, pictures could speak louder than
words. So, he decided to create a comic book. In his comic, he depicted the adventures of
a young hiker, just like himself, who discovered the importance of preserving the
mountain's natural beauty. The comic illustrated the harm that could be caused by picking
wildflowers and how it affected the mountain's ecosystem.

Timmy printed copies of his poster and comic and posted them at the trailheads, in local
shops, and even online. He wanted to reach as many fellow hikers as possible. To his
surprise, the response was overwhelming. Many hikers shared their concerns and joined
the campaign to protect the wildflowers. They started organizing clean-up events and
educational programs to raise awareness about preserving the mountain's beauty.

Over time, the culture among hikers began to shift. More and more people understood the
importance of leaving the wildflowers untouched. They learned to admire the beauty of
these fragile blooms without harming them.

Timmy's efforts had paid off. He had transformed from a passionate young hiker into a
true advocate for nature conservation. The mountain and its wildflowers were safe,
thanks to his dedication and the support of the hiking community.

And so, with each step he took on his beloved trails, Timmy knew he was not only
exploring nature's wonders but also helping to protect them for generations to come.

Question: What was Timmy passionate about?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Collecting rocks

b. Painting landscapes 2/53
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c. Climbing a mountain

d. Watching colorful birds

e. Camping in the wilderness 3/53
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5. In a small town nestled at the foot of a magnificent mountain, there lived a young boy * 2 poin

named Timmy. Every weekend, he would embark on adventures to explore the wilderness
and climb the beautiful peaks that surrounded his hometown. Timmy's hikes were not just
about reaching the summits; he also had a profound appreciation for the natural beauty
that adorned the trails. He was particularly fond of the wildflowers that painted the
mountain slopes with vibrant colors. To him, these flowers were like little bursts of magic
in the wilderness.

One sunny morning, as Timmy set off on a new hiking expedition, he noticed something
that troubled him deeply. Along the path, he encountered several other hikers who were
plucking wildflowers. They seemed oblivious to the fact that they were disturbing the
fragile balance of nature. Timmy knew that these mountains were not just a playground
for hikers like him; they were also a home for countless plants and animals. Some of
these wildflowers were rare and could only be found in this region. It was vital to protect

That evening, Timmy couldn't shake off the thought of those hikers picking the
wildflowers. He decided he needed to do something to raise awareness and protect the
delicate ecosystem of the mountain. With determination in his heart, Timmy got to work.
He created a striking poster with a message: “Protect Our Mountain's Treasures— Don't
Pick the Wildflowers! He wanted the message to be clear and bold.

But Timmy didn't stop there. He knew that sometimes, pictures could speak louder than
words. So, he decided to create a comic book. In his comic, he depicted the adventures of
a young hiker, just like himself, who discovered the importance of preserving the
mountain's natural beauty. The comic illustrated the harm that could be caused by picking
wildflowers and how it affected the mountain's ecosystem.

Timmy printed copies of his poster and comic and posted them at the trailheads, in local
shops, and even online. He wanted to reach as many fellow hikers as possible. To his
surprise, the response was overwhelming. Many hikers shared their concerns and joined
the campaign to protect the wildflowers. They started organizing clean-up events and
educational programs to raise awareness about preserving the mountain's beauty.

Over time, the culture among hikers began to shift. More and more people understood the
importance of leaving the wildflowers untouched. They learned to admire the beauty of
these fragile blooms without harming them.

Timmy's efforts had paid off. He had transformed from a passionate young hiker into a
true advocate for nature conservation. The mountain and its wildflowers were safe,
thanks to his dedication and the support of the hiking community.

And so, with each step he took on his beloved trails, Timmy knew he was not only
exploring nature's wonders but also helping to protect them for generations to come.

Question: Why did Timmy appreciate wildflowers on his hikes?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Because he wanted to sell them

b. Because they were valuable

c. Because they were magical 4/53
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d. Because they were delicious

e. Because they were dangerous 5/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

6. In a small town nestled at the foot of a magnificent mountain, there lived a young boy * 2 poin

named Timmy. Every weekend, he would embark on adventures to explore the wilderness
and climb the beautiful peaks that surrounded his hometown. Timmy's hikes were not just
about reaching the summits; he also had a profound appreciation for the natural beauty
that adorned the trails. He was particularly fond of the wildflowers that painted the
mountain slopes with vibrant colors. To him, these flowers were like little bursts of magic
in the wilderness.

One sunny morning, as Timmy set off on a new hiking expedition, he noticed something
that troubled him deeply. Along the path, he encountered several other hikers who were
plucking wildflowers. They seemed oblivious to the fact that they were disturbing the
fragile balance of nature. Timmy knew that these mountains were not just a playground
for hikers like him; they were also a home for countless plants and animals. Some of
these wildflowers were rare and could only be found in this region. It was vital to protect

That evening, Timmy couldn't shake off the thought of those hikers picking the
wildflowers. He decided he needed to do something to raise awareness and protect the
delicate ecosystem of the mountain. With determination in his heart, Timmy got to work.
He created a striking poster with a message: “Protect Our Mountain's Treasures— Don't
Pick the Wildflowers! He wanted the message to be clear and bold.

But Timmy didn't stop there. He knew that sometimes, pictures could speak louder than
words. So, he decided to create a comic book. In his comic, he depicted the adventures of
a young hiker, just like himself, who discovered the importance of preserving the
mountain's natural beauty. The comic illustrated the harm that could be caused by picking
wildflowers and how it affected the mountain's ecosystem.

Timmy printed copies of his poster and comic and posted them at the trailheads, in local
shops, and even online. He wanted to reach as many fellow hikers as possible. To his
surprise, the response was overwhelming. Many hikers shared their concerns and joined
the campaign to protect the wildflowers. They started organizing clean-up events and
educational programs to raise awareness about preserving the mountain's beauty.

Over time, the culture among hikers began to shift. More and more people understood the
importance of leaving the wildflowers untouched. They learned to admire the beauty of
these fragile blooms without harming them.

Timmy's efforts had paid off. He had transformed from a passionate young hiker into a
true advocate for nature conservation. The mountain and its wildflowers were safe,
thanks to his dedication and the support of the hiking community.

And so, with each step he took on his beloved trails, Timmy knew he was not only
exploring nature's wonders but also helping to protect them for generations to come.

Question: What troubled Timmy during one of his hiking expeditions?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. He lost his hiking gear.

b. He got lost in the wilderness.

c. He found too many wildflowers. 6/53
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d. He saw other hikers picking wild flowers.

e. He encountered a dangerous animal. 7/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

7. In a small town nestled at the foot of a magnificent mountain, there lived a young boy * 2 poin

named Timmy. Every weekend, he would embark on adventures to explore the wilderness
and climb the beautiful peaks that surrounded his hometown. Timmy's hikes were not just
about reaching the summits; he also had a profound appreciation for the natural beauty
that adorned the trails. He was particularly fond of the wildflowers that painted the
mountain slopes with vibrant colors. To him, these flowers were like little bursts of magic
in the wilderness.

One sunny morning, as Timmy set off on a new hiking expedition, he noticed something
that troubled him deeply. Along the path, he encountered several other hikers who were
plucking wildflowers. They seemed oblivious to the fact that they were disturbing the
fragile balance of nature. Timmy knew that these mountains were not just a playground
for hikers like him; they were also a home for countless plants and animals. Some of
these wildflowers were rare and could only be found in this region. It was vital to protect

That evening, Timmy couldn't shake off the thought of those hikers picking the
wildflowers. He decided he needed to do something to raise awareness and protect the
delicate ecosystem of the mountain. With determination in his heart, Timmy got to work.
He created a striking poster with a message: “Protect Our Mountain's Treasures— Don't
Pick the Wildflowers! He wanted the message to be clear and bold.

But Timmy didn't stop there. He knew that sometimes, pictures could speak louder than
words. So, he decided to create a comic book. In his comic, he depicted the adventures of
a young hiker, just like himself, who discovered the importance of preserving the
mountain's natural beauty. The comic illustrated the harm that could be caused by picking
wildflowers and how it affected the mountain's ecosystem.

Timmy printed copies of his poster and comic and posted them at the trailheads, in local
shops, and even online. He wanted to reach as many fellow hikers as possible. To his
surprise, the response was overwhelming. Many hikers shared their concerns and joined
the campaign to protect the wildflowers. They started organizing clean-up events and
educational programs to raise awareness about preserving the mountain's beauty.

Over time, the culture among hikers began to shift. More and more people understood the
importance of leaving the wildflowers untouched. They learned to admire the beauty of
these fragile blooms without harming them.

Timmy's efforts had paid off. He had transformed from a passionate young hiker into a
true advocate for nature conservation. The mountain and its wildflowers were safe,
thanks to his dedication and the support of the hiking community.

And so, with each step he took on his beloved trails, Timmy knew he was not only
exploring nature's wonders but also helping to protect them for generations to come.

Question: Why did Timmy decide to create a comic book?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Because he wanted to make money

b. Because he loved drawing comics

c. Because he wanted to become a famous comic artist 8/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

d. Because he didn't Imow how to create a poster

e. Because he thought comics were more effective in conveying his message This text is for
questions 13 to 16. 9/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

8. A girl named Lily lived in a' cozy little house on Bali Street. She had a deep love for books, * 2 poin
especially bedtime stories. Every evening, she would gather her younger siblings, Rangga
and Nayla, to share a magical tale before they drifted off to sleep.

Rangga, the youngest, was always eager to listen to Lily's stories. His eyes would sparkle
with wonder as she imagined the far-off lands and fantastical creatures from the tales. He
would fall asleep with dreams of adventures dancing in his head. However, Nayla, the
middle child, was a bit different. She never seemed too interested in listening to stories.
She'd often sit on her bed, gazing out the window as Lily read aloud. It puzzled Lily
because she knew how much Nayla loved imagination games during the day.

One sunny Saturday, Lily had an idea. She decided to take her siblings on a special trip tq
the neighborhood bookstore. As they wandered through the aisles, Lily noticed that Nayla
looked rather disinterested in the sea of bookq around her. But then, something magical
happened. Nayla)s eyes lit up when she spotted a display of pop-up books. Her
fascination was so evident, and she couldn't take her eyes off them. Nayla's enthusiasm
was contagious, and soon, Mia was just as excited.

Lily smiled and realized that Nayla was a visual learner. She didn't connect with stories
through words alone; she needed to see and touch them. Lily Imew she had found a way
to spark Nayla's love for stories. The family left the bookstore that day with a bag full of
pop-up books, and from that moment, bedtime stories took on a new dimension in their
house. Nayla was captivated by the intricate pop-up worlds that appeared with every turn
of the page.

As the years passed, Lily's collection of pop-up books grew, and her storytelling skills
became legendary among her siblings and friends. She spent hours crafting her own pop-
up tales, carefully designing each page to surprise and delight her young audience.
Nayla's love for stories blossomed, and she became an avid reader. She appreciated the
vivid storytelling of her older sister and often helped her with her pop-up book projects.

As time went by, Lily's talent for creating enchanting pop-up books became widely
recognized. Her stories brought joy to countless children, just like her sister Nayla, who
had once found her own unique path into the world of imagination.

Lily, the girl who had shared bedtime stories with her siblings, had now become a famous
author of pop-up books for children all over the world. It all began with a special trip to the
bookstore that opened a world of wonder for Nayla, the visual learner who had shown Lily
a new way to tell stories.

Question: What would have happened if Lily didn't go to the bookstore with her siblings?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Nayla would have lost interest in stories.

b. Nayla would have continued to be disinterested in books.

c. Lily would have stopped reading bedtime stories.

d. Rangga would have become an avid reader.

e. Lily's storytelling skills would not have improved. 10/53
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05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

9. A girl named Lily lived in a' cozy little house on Bali Street. She had a deep love for books, * 2 poin

especially bedtime stories. Every evening, she would gather her younger siblings, Rangga
and Nayla, to share a magical tale before they drifted off to sleep.

Rangga, the youngest, was always eager to listen to Lily's stories. His eyes would sparkle
with wonder as she imagined the far-off lands and fantastical creatures from the tales. He
would fall asleep with dreams of adventures dancing in his head. However, Nayla, the
middle child, was a bit different. She never seemed too interested in listening to stories.
She'd often sit on her bed, gazing out the window as Lily read aloud. It puzzled Lily
because she knew how much Nayla loved imagination games during the day.

One sunny Saturday, Lily had an idea. She decided to take her siblings on a special trip tq
the neighborhood bookstore. As they wandered through the aisles, Lily noticed that Nayla
looked rather disinterested in the sea of bookq around her. But then, something magical
happened. Nayla)s eyes lit up when she spotted a display of pop-up books. Her
fascination was so evident, and she couldn't take her eyes off them. Nayla's enthusiasm
was contagious, and soon, Mia was just as excited.

Lily smiled and realized that Nayla was a visual learner. She didn't connect with stories
through words alone; she needed to see and touch them. Lily Imew she had found a way
to spark Nayla's love for stories. The family left the bookstore that day with a bag full of
pop-up books, and from that moment, bedtime stories took on a new dimension in their
house. Nayla was captivated by the intricate pop-up worlds that appeared with every turn
of the page.

As the years passed, Lily's collection of pop-up books grew, and her storytelling skills
became legendary among her siblings and friends. She spent hours crafting her own pop-
up tales, carefully designing each page to surprise and delight her young audience.
Nayla's love for stories blossomed, and she became an avid reader. She appreciated the
vivid storytelling of her older sister and often helped her with her pop-up book projects.

As time went by, Lily's talent for creating enchanting pop-up books became widely
recognized. Her stories brought joy to countless children, just like her sister Nayla, who
had once found her own unique path into the world of imagination.

Lily, the girl who had shared bedtime stories with her siblings, had now become a famous
author of pop-up books for children all over the world. It all began with a special trip to the
bookstore that opened a world of wonder for Nayla, the visual learner who had shown Lily
a new way to tell stories.

Question: Why did Lily start to make her own pop up books?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. She needed a new hobby.

b. She wanted to become famous.

c. She wanted to impress her friends.

d. She realized Nayla's interest on visual storybooks.

e. She wanted to sell her books to make money. 12/53
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05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

10. A girl named Lily lived in a' cozy little house on Bali Street. She had a deep love for * 2 poin

books, especially bedtime stories. Every evening, she would gather her younger siblings,
Rangga and Nayla, to share a magical tale before they drifted off to sleep.

Rangga, the youngest, was always eager to listen to Lily's stories. His eyes would sparkle
with wonder as she imagined the far-off lands and fantastical creatures from the tales.
He would fall asleep with dreams of adventures dancing in his head. However, Nayla, the
middle child, was a bit different. She never seemed too interested in listening to stories.
She'd often sit on her bed, gazing out the window as Lily read aloud. It puzzled Lily
because she knew how much Nayla loved imagination games during the day.

One sunny Saturday, Lily had an idea. She decided to take her siblings on a special trip tq
the neighborhood bookstore. As they wandered through the aisles, Lily noticed that
Nayla looked rather disinterested in the sea of bookq around her. But then, something
magical happened. Nayla)s eyes lit up when she spotted a display of pop-up books. Her
fascination was so evident, and she couldn't take her eyes off them. Nayla's enthusiasm
was contagious, and soon, Mia was just as excited.

Lily smiled and realized that Nayla was a visual learner. She didn't connect with stories
through words alone; she needed to see and touch them. Lily Imew she had found a way
to spark Nayla's love for stories. The family left the bookstore that day with a bag full of
pop-up books, and from that moment, bedtime stories took on a new dimension in their
house. Nayla was captivated by the intricate pop-up worlds that appeared with every turn
of the page.

As the years passed, Lily's collection of pop-up books grew, and her storytelling skills
became legendary among her siblings and friends. She spent hours crafting her own
pop-up tales, carefully designing each page to surprise and delight her young audience.
Nayla's love for stories blossomed, and she became an avid reader. She appreciated the
vivid storytelling of her older sister and often helped her with her pop-up book projects.

As time went by, Lily's talent for creating enchanting pop-up books became widely
recognized. Her stories brought joy to countless children, just like her sister Nayla, who
had once found her own unique path into the world of imagination.

Lily, the girl who had shared bedtime stories with her siblings, had now become a
famous author of pop-up books for children all over the world. It all began with a special
trip to the bookstore that opened a world of wonder for Nayla, the visual learner who had
shown Lily a new way to tell stories.

Question: What did Lily do with her pop-up book collection as the years passed by?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. She sold them online.

b. She donated them to a library.

c. She kept them in her room.

d. She shared them with others.

e. She threw them away. 14/53
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05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

11. A girl named Lily lived in a' cozy little house on Bali Street. She had a deep love for * 2 poin

books, especially bedtime stories. Every evening, she would gather her younger siblings,
Rangga and Nayla, to share a magical tale before they drifted off to sleep.

Rangga, the youngest, was always eager to listen to Lily's stories. His eyes would sparkle
with wonder as she imagined the far-off lands and fantastical creatures from the tales.
He would fall asleep with dreams of adventures dancing in his head. However, Nayla, the
middle child, was a bit different. She never seemed too interested in listening to stories.
She'd often sit on her bed, gazing out the window as Lily read aloud. It puzzled Lily
because she knew how much Nayla loved imagination games during the day.

One sunny Saturday, Lily had an idea. She decided to take her siblings on a special trip tq
the neighborhood bookstore. As they wandered through the aisles, Lily noticed that
Nayla looked rather disinterested in the sea of bookq around her. But then, something
magical happened. Nayla)s eyes lit up when she spotted a display of pop-up books. Her
fascination was so evident, and she couldn't take her eyes off them. Nayla's enthusiasm
was contagious, and soon, Mia was just as excited.

Lily smiled and realized that Nayla was a visual learner. She didn't connect with stories
through words alone; she needed to see and touch them. Lily Imew she had found a way
to spark Nayla's love for stories. The family left the bookstore that day with a bag full of
pop-up books, and from that moment, bedtime stories took on a new dimension in their
house. Nayla was captivated by the intricate pop-up worlds that appeared with every turn
of the page.

As the years passed, Lily's collection of pop-up books grew, and her storytelling skills
became legendary among her siblings and friends. She spent hours crafting her own
pop-up tales, carefully designing each page to surprise and delight her young audience.
Nayla's love for stories blossomed, and she became an avid reader. She appreciated the
vivid storytelling of her older sister and often helped her with her pop-up book projects.

As time went by, Lily's talent for creating enchanting pop-up books became widely
recognized. Her stories brought joy to countless children, just like her sister Nayla, who
had once found her own unique path into the world of imagination.

Lily, the girl who had shared bedtime stories with her siblings, had now become a
famous author of pop-up books for children all over the world. It all began with a special
trip to the bookstore that opened a world of wonder for Nayla, the visual learner who had
shown Lily a new way to tell stories.

Question: What can we learn from the story?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. The importance of becoming a famous author

b. The significance of having a large collection of books

c. The value of catering to different learning styles

d. The need to read bedtime stories to siblings

e. The benefits of buying books from bookstores 16/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

12. Siti Soraya Cassandra, Office Worker * 2 poin

Who Resigned to Gardening

Even though she lives in an urban area with limited land, Siti Soraya Cassandra chose to
leave her job as a Social Performance Advisor and focus on gardening. Apparently, the
polluted urban conditions made her want to enjoy the freshness of nature through the
produce of his own garden. This made Siti Soraya Cassandra determined to establish
Kebun Kumara in 2016.

The woman, who is familiarly called Sandra, started thinking about gardening thanks to
conversations she had with her family. One time, while chatting about environmental
issues, he was touched and felt that he had been disconnected from nature for a long
time. "At first, my husband and my family often discussed environmental issues such as
air and water pollution," said Sandra. As a result, he wants to make something that
impacts on the environment, one of which is gardening.

Gardening comes with its own consequences for Sandra, from getting dirty until getting
ready to start over when the plants die. She also has to be exposed to sunlight and make
contact with worms and clay when gardening. Even so, she did not stop because she
likes the environment and is used to the ground and the hoe.

Sandra herself is active in providing gardening education for urban communities. Not
only adults, he also educates children to want to garden and be familiar with plants. "Not
only gardening, but also inviting them to care about the environment, such as
introducing the origins of our food, and where our waste goes, " she said again. Not just
that, She also had held various kinds of training such as making eco-bricks and growing
plants at home.

After three years, around 2019, Sandra felt that her gardening activities started to show
some results. Her name then became known as an environmental activist and she
appeared in a documentary called Semes7a which was produced by actor Nicholas
Saputra. In the film, Sandra is considered as one of the seven people who are actively
protecting Earth.

Question: What is the author's purpose of writing the text?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. To relate about Sandra's journey as an environmental activist

b. To show the steps on how to be a permaculture activist

c. To entertain the readers with a local imaginary story

d. To relate the reasons behind Sandra's resignation from her career

e. To relate about how Sandra has built a popularity as a permaculture activist 17/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

13. Siti Soraya Cassandra, Office Worker * 2 poin

Who Resigned to Gardening

Even though she lives in an urban area with limited land, Siti Soraya Cassandra chose to
leave her job as a Social Performance Advisor and focus on gardening. Apparently, the
polluted urban conditions made her want to enjoy the freshness of nature through the
produce of his own garden. This made Siti Soraya Cassandra determined to establish
Kebun Kumara in 2016.

The woman, who is familiarly called Sandra, started thinking about gardening thanks to
conversations she had with her family. One time, while chatting about environmental
issues, he was touched and felt that he had been disconnected from nature for a long
time. "At first, my husband and my family often discussed environmental issues such as
air and water pollution," said Sandra. As a result, he wants to make something that
impacts on the environment, one of which is gardening.

Gardening comes with its own consequences for Sandra, from getting dirty until getting
ready to start over when the plants die. She also has to be exposed to sunlight and make
contact with worms and clay when gardening. Even so, she did not stop because she
likes the environment and is used to the ground and the hoe.

Sandra herself is active in providing gardening education for urban communities. Not
only adults, he also educates children to want to garden and be familiar with plants. "Not
only gardening, but also inviting them to care about the environment, such as
introducing the origins of our food, and where our waste goes, " she said again. Not just
that, She also had held various kinds of training such as making eco-bricks and growing
plants at home.

After three years, around 2019, Sandra felt that her gardening activities started to show
some results. Her name then became known as an environmental activist and she
appeared in a documentary called Semes7a which was produced by actor Nicholas
Saputra. In the film, Sandra is considered as one of the seven people who are actively
protecting Earth.

Question: In paragraph four, the writer writes about?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. the reason why Sandra left her office job

b. the initial drive to Sandra's gardening journey

c. how Sandra got popular as an environmental activist

d. the activities are done by Sandra to give gardening education

e. how Sandra became a featured activist in a documentary 18/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

14. Siti Soraya Cassandra, Office Worker * 2 poin

Who Resigned to Gardening

Even though she lives in an urban area with limited land, Siti Soraya Cassandra chose to
leave her job as a Social Performance Advisor and focus on gardening. Apparently, the
polluted urban conditions made her want to enjoy the freshness of nature through the
produce of his own garden. This made Siti Soraya Cassandra determined to establish
Kebun Kumara in 2016.

The woman, who is familiarly called Sandra, started thinking about gardening thanks to
conversations she had with her family. One time, while chatting about environmental
issues, he was touched and felt that he had been disconnected from nature for a long
time. "At first, my husband and my family often discussed environmental issues such as
air and water pollution," said Sandra. As a result, he wants to make something that
impacts on the environment, one of which is gardening.

Gardening comes with its own consequences for Sandra, from getting dirty until getting
ready to start over when the plants die. She also has to be exposed to sunlight and make
contact with worms and clay when gardening. Even so, she did not stop because she
likes the environment and is used to the ground and the hoe.

Sandra herself is active in providing gardening education for urban communities. Not
only adults, he also educates children to want to garden and be familiar with plants. "Not
only gardening, but also inviting them to care about the environment, such as
introducing the origins of our food, and where our waste goes, " she said again. Not just
that, She also had held various kinds of training such as making eco-bricks and growing
plants at home.

After three years, around 2019, Sandra felt that her gardening activities started to show
some results. Her name then became known as an environmental activist and she
appeared in a documentary called Semes7a which was produced by actor Nicholas
Saputra. In the film, Sandra is considered as one of the seven people who are actively
protecting Earth.

Question: What inspired Siti Soraya Cassandra to start gardening?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Her husband's love for gardening

b. The polluted urban conditions

c. Her job as a social performance advisor

d. Her desire to become an environmental activist

e. The conversations with her family about gardening 19/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

15. Siti Soraya Cassandra, Office Worker * 2 poin

Who Resigned to Gardening

Even though she lives in an urban area with limited land, Siti Soraya Cassandra chose to
leave her job as a Social Performance Advisor and focus on gardening. Apparently, the
polluted urban conditions made her want to enjoy the freshness of nature through the
produce of his own garden. This made Siti Soraya Cassandra determined to establish
Kebun Kumara in 2016.

The woman, who is familiarly called Sandra, started thinking about gardening thanks to
conversations she had with her family. One time, while chatting about environmental
issues, he was touched and felt that he had been disconnected from nature for a long
time. "At first, my husband and my family often discussed environmental issues such as
air and water pollution," said Sandra. As a result, he wants to make something that
impacts on the environment, one of which is gardening.

Gardening comes with its own consequences for Sandra, from getting dirty until getting
ready to start over when the plants die. She also has to be exposed to sunlight and make
contact with worms and clay when gardening. Even so, she did not stop because she
likes the environment and is used to the ground and the hoe.

Sandra herself is active in providing gardening education for urban communities. Not
only adults, he also educates children to want to garden and be familiar with plants. "Not
only gardening, but also inviting them to care about the environment, such as
introducing the origins of our food, and where our waste goes, " she said again. Not just
that, She also had held various kinds of training such as making eco-bricks and growing
plants at home.

After three years, around 2019, Sandra felt that her gardening activities started to show
some results. Her name then became known as an environmental activist and she
appeared in a documentary called Semes7a which was produced by actor Nicholas
Saputra. In the film, Sandra is considered as one of the seven people who are actively
protecting Earth.

Question: How did Sandra's gardening activities impact her reputation?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. She became a famous actress.

b. She acted in a documentary about gardening.

c. She turned out to be a welI-known politician.

d. She started her own gardening business.

e. She became a famous celebrity. 20/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

16. How to Paint Your Wall with Two-Tone Colors * 2 poin

The wall in your room can be a place to express your creativity. Instead of using a single
monotonous color, you can try two-tone color wall painting to enhance your room. Here
are guides to paint your wall with two-tone colors like a pro.

Before we begin, prepare the necessary tools and materials. Get a tin of each color of
your choosing, a paint roller, a paint tray, and brushes. You'll also need a measuring tape,
a pencil, a ball of string, chalk, masking tape, and a pair of scissors. You are now ready
to add a little creativity to the wall.

First, measure up a line to create a two-tone wall. Mark where you want the two colors to
meet on your wall with a measuring tape and pencil. Create a marking line at regular
intervals across the wall.

After marking all the lines, paint the lighter color to the first half of the wall using a paint
roller. Paint slightly over the marking line. Then, wait for the paint to dry.

The first paint has dried. It's time to remark your wall split with chalk and string. Rub
chalk along a string, covering it with chalk dust. Stretch the chalk-covered string
between the points you marked in pencil on the wall.

After making all the lines, paint the ighter color to the first half of the wall using a paint
roller. Paint slightly over the marking line. Then, wait for the paint to dry.

The first paint has dried. It’s time to remark your wall split with chalk and string. Rub
chalk along the string, covering it with chalk dust. Strecth the chalk-covered string
between the points you marked inn pencil on the wall.

Use masking tape to secure the string's ends, Ensure the line is straightj then snap It
against the wall to create a chalk line.

Next, we will mask the chalk line using masking tape. Make sure the pain is completely
dry, Then, apply a strip of masking tape along the chalk line.

You've done masking the line. Now, paint the second half of the wall with a darker color
using the roller. This time, use the paintbrush to ensure you've painted just over the edge
of the masking tape.

The wall now has two colors applied. Before the darker paint dries, peel off the masking

Unveil your new two-tone wall.

Question: What is the purpose of the text?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. To explain the benefits of painting the walls with two-tone color

b. To describe the details of two-tone colored walls in a house

c. To provide the readers with guides in painting walls with two-tone color 21/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

d. To persuade the readers to try painting their walls with two-tone color

e. To entertain the readers with an interesting story of a person painting walls 22/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

17. How to Paint Your Wall with Two-Tone Colors * 2 poin

The wall in your room can be a place to express your creativity. Instead of using a single
monotonous color, you can try two-tone color wall painting to enhance your room. Here
are guides to paint your wall with two-tone colors like a pro.

Before we begin, prepare the necessary tools and materials. Get a tin of each color of
your choosing, a paint roller, a paint tray, and brushes. You'll also need a measuring tape,
a pencil, a ball of string, chalk, masking tape, and a pair of scissors. You are now ready
to add a little creativity to the wall.

First, measure up a line to create a two-tone wall. Mark where you want the two colors to
meet on your wall with a measuring tape and pencil. Create a marking line at regular
intervals across the wall.

After marking all the lines, paint the lighter color to the first half of the wall using a paint
roller. Paint slightly over the marking line. Then, wait for the paint to dry.

The first paint has dried. It's time to remark your wall split with chalk and string. Rub
chalk along a string, covering it with chalk dust. Stretch the chalk-covered string
between the points you marked in pencil on the wall.

After making all the lines, paint the ighter color to the first half of the wall using a paint
roller. Paint slightly over the marking line. Then, wait for the paint to dry.

The first paint has dried. It’s time to remark your wall split with chalk and string. Rub
chalk along the string, covering it with chalk dust. Strecth the chalk-covered string
between the points you marked inn pencil on the wall.

Use masking tape to secure the string's ends, Ensure the line is straightj then snap It
against the wall to create a chalk line.

Next, we will mask the chalk line using masking tape. Make sure the pain is completely
dry, Then, apply a strip of masking tape along the chalk line.

You've done masking the line. Now, paint the second half of the wall with a darker color
using the roller. This time, use the paintbrush to ensure you've painted just over the edge
of the masking tape.

The wall now has two colors applied. Before the darker paint dries, peel off the masking

Unveil your new two-tone wall.

Question: Why do you need a pencil to do the activity?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. To create a pattern on the wall

b. To create division on the wall

c. To mark several spots on the wall 23/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

d. To color the first half of the wall

e. To hold the string tightly on the wall 24/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

18. How to Paint Your Wall with Two-Tone Colors * 2 poin

The wall in your room can be a place to express your creativity. Instead of using a single
monotonous color, you can try two-tone color wall painting to enhance your room. Here
are guides to paint your wall with two-tone colors like a pro.

Before we begin, prepare the necessary tools and materials. Get a tin of each color of
your choosing, a paint roller, a paint tray, and brushes. You'll also need a measuring tape,
a pencil, a ball of string, chalk, masking tape, and a pair of scissors. You are now ready
to add a little creativity to the wall.

First, measure up a line to create a two-tone wall. Mark where you want the two colors to
meet on your wall with a measuring tape and pencil. Create a marking line at regular
intervals across the wall.

After marking all the lines, paint the lighter color to the first half of the wall using a paint
roller. Paint slightly over the marking line. Then, wait for the paint to dry.

The first paint has dried. It's time to remark your wall split with chalk and string. Rub
chalk along a string, covering it with chalk dust. Stretch the chalk-covered string
between the points you marked in pencil on the wall.

After making all the lines, paint the ighter color to the first half of the wall using a paint
roller. Paint slightly over the marking line. Then, wait for the paint to dry.

The first paint has dried. It’s time to remark your wall split with chalk and string. Rub
chalk along the string, covering it with chalk dust. Strecth the chalk-covered string
between the points you marked inn pencil on the wall.

Use masking tape to secure the string's ends, Ensure the line is straightj then snap It
against the wall to create a chalk line.

Next, we will mask the chalk line using masking tape. Make sure the pain is completely
dry, Then, apply a strip of masking tape along the chalk line.

You've done masking the line. Now, paint the second half of the wall with a darker color
using the roller. This time, use the paintbrush to ensure you've painted just over the edge
of the masking tape.

The wall now has two colors applied. Before the darker paint dries, peel off the masking

Unveil your new two-tone wall.

Question: What should you do after painting the first half of the wall?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Wait for the paint to dry

b. Apply the masking tape to the wall

c. Measure the wall with a measuring tape 25/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

d. Paint using the darker paint immediately

e. Mark the wall with chalk and string 26/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

19. How to Paint Your Wall with Two-Tone Colors * 3 poin

The wall in your room can be a place to express your creativity. Instead of using a single
monotonous color, you can try two-tone color wall painting to enhance your room. Here
are guides to paint your wall with two-tone colors like a pro.

Before we begin, prepare the necessary tools and materials. Get a tin of each color of
your choosing, a paint roller, a paint tray, and brushes. You'll also need a measuring tape,
a pencil, a ball of string, chalk, masking tape, and a pair of scissors. You are now ready
to add a little creativity to the wall.

First, measure up a line to create a two-tone wall. Mark where you want the two colors to
meet on your wall with a measuring tape and pencil. Create a marking line at regular
intervals across the wall.

After marking all the lines, paint the lighter color to the first half of the wall using a paint
roller. Paint slightly over the marking line. Then, wait for the paint to dry.

The first paint has dried. It's time to remark your wall split with chalk and string. Rub
chalk along a string, covering it with chalk dust. Stretch the chalk-covered string
between the points you marked in pencil on the wall.

After making all the lines, paint the ighter color to the first half of the wall using a paint
roller. Paint slightly over the marking line. Then, wait for the paint to dry.

The first paint has dried. It’s time to remark your wall split with chalk and string. Rub
chalk along the string, covering it with chalk dust. Strecth the chalk-covered string
between the points you marked inn pencil on the wall.

Use masking tape to secure the string's ends, Ensure the line is straightj then snap It
against the wall to create a chalk line.

Next, we will mask the chalk line using masking tape. Make sure the pain is completely
dry, Then, apply a strip of masking tape along the chalk line.

You've done masking the line. Now, paint the second half of the wall with a darker color
using the roller. This time, use the paintbrush to ensure you've painted just over the edge
of the masking tape.

The wall now has two colors applied. Before the darker paint dries, peel off the masking

Unveil your new two-tone wall.

Question: People would read the text because they want to ....

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. use the paint efficiently

b. fix the problem with their walls

c. divide the room into two sections 27/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

d. refresh the room's atmosphere

e. improve the lighting in the room 28/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

20. How to Paint Your Wall with Two-Tone Colors * 3 poin

Wendy :Brother, I'm thinking of ordering food online. But I want to make sure I do it right.
Any tips?

Raja : Ordering food online can feel overwhelming sometimes, but there are a few things
to keep in mind. Firstly, order your food through a reputable platform. Choose good apps
with good reviews.

Wendy : I think I have downloaded the same app as yours. It has good reviews and

Raja : Good. Secondly, compare the menus and prices. Different restaurants may have
the same menu with different prices. Don't forget to pay attention to the delivery fees.

Wendy : Good points. What else should I Imow?

Raja : Just like the apps, check the reviews and ratings of the restaurants. You can get
general information on the food and service quality from there.

Wendy :Noted. What about the distance from

the restaurant?

Raja : Of course. It is important to consider how far the restaurant is from our address.
You don't want to wait too long for the food to arrive as certain foods are better served
warm. You may wait even longer during rush hours due to traffic.

Wendy :That's true. Eating cold foods is awful.

Raja : Lastly, take advantage of customizing your orders. Customize your food the way
you like for the same price as the regular food.

Wendy : What excellent tips! I'll keep them in mind.

Raja : Just explore all the options you can get from the apps. It will enhance your eating

Wendy : I certainly will do that. Thanks, brother.

Question: What are the speakers talking about?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Reviewing restaurants

b. Finding good restaurants

c. Ordering comestible online

d. Choosing online applications

e. Checking online delivery services 29/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

21. How to Paint Your Wall with Two-Tone Colors * 3 poin

Wendy :Brother, I'm thinking of ordering food online. But I want to make sure I do it right.
Any tips?

Raja : Ordering food online can feel overwhelming sometimes, but there are a few things
to keep in mind. Firstly, order your food through a reputable platform. Choose good apps
with good reviews.

Wendy : I think I have downloaded the same app as yours. It has good reviews and

Raja : Good. Secondly, compare the menus and prices. Different restaurants may have
the same menu with different prices. Don't forget to pay attention to the delivery fees.

Wendy : Good points. What else should I Imow?

Raja : Just like the apps, check the reviews and ratings of the restaurants. You can get
general information on the food and service quality from there.

Wendy :Noted. What about the distance from

the restaurant?

Raja : Of course. It is important to consider how far the restaurant is from our address.
You don't want to wait too long for the food to arrive as certain foods are better served
warm. You may wait even longer during rush hours due to traffic.

Wendy :That's true. Eating cold foods is awful.

Raja : Lastly, take advantage of customizing your orders. Customize your food the way
you like for the same price as the regular food.

Wendy : What excellent tips! I'll keep them in mind.

Raja : Just explore all the options you can get from the apps. It will enhance your eating

Wendy : I certainly will do that. Thanks, brother.

Question: How does Wandy confirm Raja that she uses the same app as he does?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. She remembers the app's name.

b. She describes the app's functions.

c. She shows Raja her mobile phone.

d. She compares the delivery items.

e. She mentions her app's reviews and ratings. 30/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

22. How to Paint Your Wall with Two-Tone Colors * 2 poin

Wendy :Brother, I'm thinking of ordering food online. But I want to make sure I do it right.
Any tips?

Raja : Ordering food online can feel overwhelming sometimes, but there are a few things
to keep in mind. Firstly, order your food through a reputable platform. Choose good apps
with good reviews.

Wendy : I think I have downloaded the same app as yours. It has good reviews and

Raja : Good. Secondly, compare the menus and prices. Different restaurants may have
the same menu with different prices. Don't forget to pay attention to the delivery fees.

Wendy : Good points. What else should I Imow?

Raja : Just like the apps, check the reviews and ratings of the restaurants. You can get
general information on the food and service quality from there.

Wendy :Noted. What about the distance from

the restaurant?

Raja : Of course. It is important to consider how far the restaurant is from our address.
You don't want to wait too long for the food to arrive as certain foods are better served
warm. You may wait even longer during rush hours due to traffic.

Wendy :That's true. Eating cold foods is awful.

Raja : Lastly, take advantage of customizing your orders. Customize your food the way
you like for the same price as the regular food.

Wendy : What excellent tips! I'll keep them in mind.

Raja : Just explore all the options you can get from the apps. It will enhance your eating

Wendy : I certainly will do that. Thanks, brother.

Question: Why does Raja emphasize on considering the distance between his home and
the restaurant?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. To get the best prices

b. Tofind out about the traffic

c. To get more services quickly

d. To ensure the food is warm

e. To ensure the restaurant is reputable 31/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

23. How to Paint Your Wall with Two-Tone Colors * 3 poin

Wendy :Brother, I'm thinking of ordering food online. But I want to make sure I do it right.
Any tips?

Raja : Ordering food online can feel overwhelming sometimes, but there are a few things
to keep in mind. Firstly, order your food through a reputable platform. Choose good apps
with good reviews.

Wendy : I think I have downloaded the same app as yours. It has good reviews and

Raja : Good. Secondly, compare the menus and prices. Different restaurants may have
the same menu with different prices. Don't forget to pay attention to the delivery fees.

Wendy : Good points. What else should I Imow?

Raja : Just like the apps, check the reviews and ratings of the restaurants. You can get
general information on the food and service quality from there.

Wendy :Noted. What about the distance from

the restaurant?

Raja : Of course. It is important to consider how far the restaurant is from our address.
You don't want to wait too long for the food to arrive as certain foods are better served
warm. You may wait even longer during rush hours due to traffic.

Wendy :That's true. Eating cold foods is awful.

Raja : Lastly, take advantage of customizing your orders. Customize your food the way
you like for the same price as the regular food.

Wendy : What excellent tips! I'll keep them in mind.

Raja : Just explore all the options you can get from the apps. It will enhance your eating

Wendy : I certainly will do that. Thanks, brother.

Question: From the dialog, we know that ....

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. it is important to have different food apps

b. customizing your orders comes with additional fees

c. the restaurants' ratings may affect the food prices

d. the restaurants' service quality is determined by the distance

e. the delivery length contributes to the total amount of payment 32/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

24. As a high scholar, you may already have a motorcycle license and your first motorcycle. * 2 poin

Taking care of your motorcycle will be one of your routines. One of the essential skills on
maintaining a motorcycle is changing its oil. Here are simple steps on how to change
motorcycle oil by yourself.

1. Warm-up

Start your motorcycle and run it for around five minutes. This will warm the oil and allow
it to drain more easily.

2. Remove the dipstick

Locate the dipstick and unscrew it. Remove it from the engine.

3. Drain the oil

Locate the oil drain plug. You can find it at the lowest part of the engine. Prepare a
container to catch the oil. Unscrew the oil drain plug with a wrench and let the oil run dry.

4. Fill in the new oil

Clean the oil drain plug and screw it back on. Fill in the new engine oil using a funnel to
prevent any spill. Then, screw the dipstick back in. Ensure both the oil drain plug and the
dipstick are tightly screwed.

5. Run the engine

Run the engine for ten minutes. Be sure to check for leaks. Then, turn off the engine for
five minutes to allow the oil to settle.

You have finished changing your motorcycle oil. Regularly changing oil is crucial to the
performance of your motorcycle. With these simple steps, you can change motorcycle
oil by yourself.

Question: Why should you run the engine before changing the oil?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. To identify leaks

b. To clean the engine

c. To drain the oil easily

d. To locate the oil plug

e. To unscrew the dipstick easily 33/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

25. As a high scholar, you may already have a motorcycle license and your first motorcycle. * 2 poin

Taking care of your motorcycle will be one of your routines. One of the essential skills on
maintaining a motorcycle is changing its oil. Here are simple steps on how to change
motorcycle oil by yourself.

1. Warm-up

Start your motorcycle and run it for around five minutes. This will warm the oil and allow
it to drain more easily.

2. Remove the dipstick

Locate the dipstick and unscrew it. Remove it from the engine.

3. Drain the oil

Locate the oil drain plug. You can find it at the lowest part of the engine. Prepare a
container to catch the oil. Unscrew the oil drain plug with a wrench and let the oil run dry.

4. Fill in the new oil

Clean the oil drain plug and screw it back on. Fill in the new engine oil using a funnel to
prevent any spill. Then, screw the dipstick back in. Ensure both the oil drain plug and the
dipstick are tightly screwed.

5. Run the engine

Run the engine for ten minutes. Be sure to check for leaks. Then, turn off the engine for
five minutes to allow the oil to settle.

You have finished changing your motorcycle oil. Regularly changing oil is crucial to the
performance of your motorcycle. With these simple steps, you can change motorcycle
oil by yourself.

Question: Where can you typically find the oil drain plug on a motorcycle engine?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Inside the fuel tank

b. On top of the engine

c. Next to the dipstick

d. On the left side of the engine

e. At the lowest part of the engine 34/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

26. As a high scholar, you may already have a motorcycle license and your first motorcycle. * 2 poin

Taking care of your motorcycle will be one of your routines. One of the essential skills on
maintaining a motorcycle is changing its oil. Here are simple steps on how to change
motorcycle oil by yourself.

1. Warm-up

Start your motorcycle and run it for around five minutes. This will warm the oil and allow
it to drain more easily.

2. Remove the dipstick

Locate the dipstick and unscrew it. Remove it from the engine.

3. Drain the oil

Locate the oil drain plug. You can find it at the lowest part of the engine. Prepare a
container to catch the oil. Unscrew the oil drain plug with a wrench and let the oil run dry.

4. Fill in the new oil

Clean the oil drain plug and screw it back on. Fill in the new engine oil using a funnel to
prevent any spill. Then, screw the dipstick back in. Ensure both the oil drain plug and the
dipstick are tightly screwed.

5. Run the engine

Run the engine for ten minutes. Be sure to check for leaks. Then, turn off the engine for
five minutes to allow the oil to settle.

You have finished changing your motorcycle oil. Regularly changing oil is crucial to the
performance of your motorcycle. With these simple steps, you can change motorcycle
oil by yourself.

Question: What should you do after filling in the new engine oil?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Warm the oil

b. Check for leaks

c. Turn off the engine

d. Unscrew the dipstick

e. Tighten the oil drain plug 35/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

27. As a high scholar, you may already have a motorcycle license and your first motorcycle. * 2 poin
Taking care of your motorcycle will be one of your routines. One of the essential skills on
maintaining a motorcycle is changing its oil. Here are simple steps on how to change
motorcycle oil by yourself.

1. Warm-up

Start your motorcycle and run it for around five minutes. This will warm the oil and allow
it to drain more easily.

2. Remove the dipstick

Locate the dipstick and unscrew it. Remove it from the engine.

3. Drain the oil

Locate the oil drain plug. You can find it at the lowest part of the engine. Prepare a
container to catch the oil. Unscrew the oil drain plug with a wrench and let the oil run dry.

4. Fill in the new oil

Clean the oil drain plug and screw it back on. Fill in the new engine oil using a funnel to
prevent any spill. Then, screw the dipstick back in. Ensure both the oil drain plug and the
dipstick are tightly screwed.

5. Run the engine

Run the engine for ten minutes. Be sure to check for leaks. Then, turn off the engine for
five minutes to allow the oil to settle.

You have finished changing your motorcycle oil. Regularly changing oil is crucial to the
performance of your motorcycle. With these simple steps, you can change motorcycle
oil by yourself.

Question: "One of the essential skills on maintaining a motorcycle is changing its oil."
What is the synonym of the underlined word?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Casual

b. Critical

c. Crucial

d. Credential

e. Conventional 36/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

28. You have started a streaming channel and wanted to soundproof your wall. Discover * 2 poin

how to soundproof your walls with a D.I.Y solution using egg cartons. It may not be the
best soundproofing method, but it's easy and costeffective. Let's begin!

Step 1: Measure the area of the room

Measure the length and width of the area that will be covered. Then, calculate the
number of egg cartons to cover the area.

Step 2: Gather your materials

Prepare the necessary items for this project. Get empty egg cartons, Scissors, adhesive
(like glue or double-sided tape), and a cardboard sheet or poster board.

Step 3: Prepare the egg cartons

Carefully cut out the individual egg cups from the cartons. Trim any excess cardboard so
each cup is a complete, separate piece.

Step 4: Prepare the wall

Remove the wall from paintings or other decorations. Clean the wall from dust and
debris. Add layers of cardboard sheets or poster board for attaching the egg cartons.

Step 5: Attach the egg cartons

Apply adhesive to the back of the cartons. Press them firmly onto the board in rows until
the entire board is covered. Make sure they are evenly and securely attached.

That's it! You 've created D.I.Y soundproof walls using egg cartons. These panels can
help reduce noise and echo in your room.

Question: What is the best title for the text?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. How to Cover Your Wall Using Egg Cartons

b. How to Recycle Egg Cartons into Wall Covers

c. Tips on Choosing the Best Soundproof Materials

d. How to Soundproof Your Wall with Egg Cartons

e. Tips on Maintaining the Egg Cartons Soundproof 37/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

29. You have started a streaming channel and wanted to soundproof your wall. Discover * 3 poin

how to soundproof your walls with a D.I.Y solution using egg cartons. It may not be the
best soundproofing method, but it's easy and costeffective. Let's begin!

Step 1: Measure the area of the room

Measure the length and width of the area that will be covered. Then, calculate the
number of egg cartons to cover the area.

Step 2: Gather your materials

Prepare the necessary items for this project. Get empty egg cartons, Scissors, adhesive
(like glue or double-sided tape), and a cardboard sheet or poster board.

Step 3: Prepare the egg cartons

Carefully cut out the individual egg cups from the cartons. Trim any excess cardboard so
each cup is a complete, separate piece.

Step 4: Prepare the wall

Remove the wall from paintings or other decorations. Clean the wall from dust and
debris. Add layers of cardboard sheets or poster board for attaching the egg cartons.

Step 5: Attach the egg cartons

Apply adhesive to the back of the cartons. Press them firmly onto the board in rows until
the entire board is covered. Make sure they are evenly and securely attached.

That's it! You 've created D.I.Y soundproof walls using egg cartons. These panels can
help reduce noise and echo in your room.

Question: What is the benefit of using egg cartons?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. affordable.

b. It's expensive.

c. It's quick.

d. It's effective.

e. e.It's clean and fragrant. 38/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

30. You have started a streaming channel and wanted to soundproof your wall. Discover * 2 poin

how to soundproof your walls with a D.I.Y solution using egg cartons. It may not be the
best soundproofing method, but it's easy and costeffective. Let's begin!

Step 1: Measure the area of the room

Measure the length and width of the area that will be covered. Then, calculate the
number of egg cartons to cover the area.

Step 2: Gather your materials

Prepare the necessary items for this project. Get empty egg cartons, Scissors, adhesive
(like glue or double-sided tape), and a cardboard sheet or poster board.

Step 3: Prepare the egg cartons

Carefully cut out the individual egg cups from the cartons. Trim any excess cardboard so
each cup is a complete, separate piece.

Step 4: Prepare the wall

Remove the wall from paintings or other decorations. Clean the wall from dust and
debris. Add layers of cardboard sheets or poster board for attaching the egg cartons.

Step 5: Attach the egg cartons

Apply adhesive to the back of the cartons. Press them firmly onto the board in rows until
the entire board is covered. Make sure they are evenly and securely attached.

That's it! You 've created D.I.Y soundproof walls using egg cartons. These panels can
help reduce noise and echo in your room.

Question: Why is it important to measure your wall?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. To get enough soundproof areas

b. To calculate how much cost is needed

c. To predict the time required for the project

d. To determine the amount of egg cartons needed

e. To measure the effectiveness of the soundproofing walls 39/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

31. You have started a streaming channel and wanted to soundproof your wall. Discover * 3 poin

how to soundproof your walls with a D.I.Y solution using egg cartons. It may not be the
best soundproofing method, but it's easy and costeffective. Let's begin!

Step 1: Measure the area of the room

Measure the length and width of the area that will be covered. Then, calculate the
number of egg cartons to cover the area.

Step 2: Gather your materials

Prepare the necessary items for this project. Get empty egg cartons, Scissors, adhesive
(like glue or double-sided tape), and a cardboard sheet or poster board.

Step 3: Prepare the egg cartons

Carefully cut out the individual egg cups from the cartons. Trim any excess cardboard so
each cup is a complete, separate piece.

Step 4: Prepare the wall

Remove the wall from paintings or other decorations. Clean the wall from dust and
debris. Add layers of cardboard sheets or poster board for attaching the egg cartons.

Step 5: Attach the egg cartons

Apply adhesive to the back of the cartons. Press them firmly onto the board in rows until
the entire board is covered. Make sure they are evenly and securely attached.

That's it! You 've created D.I.Y soundproof walls using egg cartons. These panels can
help reduce noise and echo in your room.

Question: What can we conclude from the text?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. You need to attach the cartons immediatelly.

b. You can use the cartons immediately.

c. You'll need both glue and double-sided tape.

d. You must attach the cardboard to the wall surface.

e. You'll need to attach cardboard on top of the egg cartons. 40/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

32. Raffi : Aqila, about I've what been I would thinking be in a lot the recentlyfuture. It * 2 poin

seems so daunting.

Aqila : I know. Thinking about the future can be overwhelming, but it's also super
important. One of the best things you can do is to stay organized. Keep track of your
goals, deadlines, and responsibilities. Being organized sets you up for success better
than anything else.

Raffi : I agree. What else should I focus on?

Aqila: Well, I'd say developing good study habits is crucial. The more you learn and the
better you perform at school, the more opportunities you'll have down the road. It's a
superlative way to invest in your future.

Raffi : O.K., being organized and studying. What about extracurricular activities?

Aqila : Oh, they definitely get involved! Extracurriculars can teach you valuable life skills
and look great on college applications. Find something you're passionate about, whether
it's sports, clubs, or volunteering. It's the best way to make the most of your teenage
years and build a well-rounded future.

Raffi : Thanks for the advice. Being organized, studying diligently, and getting involved in
extracurriculars—it sounds like a winning formula for preparing my future!

Aqila : Let's hope.

Question: According to Aqila, what is the best thing Raffi needs to do to prepare for his

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Practice good study habits

b. Join student organizations

c. Set ambitious career goals

d. Save money for college since early

e. Enroll a lot of extracurricular activities 41/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

33. Raffi : Aqila, about I've what been I would thinking be in a lot the recentlyfuture. It * 3 poin

seems so daunting.

Aqila : I know. Thinking about the future can be overwhelming, but it's also super
important. One of the best things you can do is to stay organized. Keep track of your
goals, deadlines, and responsibilities. Being organized sets you up for success better
than anything else.

Raffi : I agree. What else should I focus on?

Aqila: Well, I'd say developing good study habits is crucial. The more you learn and the
better you perform at school, the more opportunities you'll have down the road. It's a
superlative way to invest in your future.

Raffi : O.K., being organized and studying. What about extracurricular activities?

Aqila : Oh, they definitely get involved! Extracurriculars can teach you valuable life skills
and look great on college applications. Find something you're passionate about, whether
it's sports, clubs, or volunteering. It's the best way to make the most of your teenage
years and build a well-rounded future.

Raffi : Thanks for the advice. Being organized, studying diligently, and getting involved in
extracurriculars—it sounds like a winning formula for preparing my future!

Aqila : Let's hope.

Question: According to Aqila, why is being organized important for preparing for the

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. To emphasize the need to set career goals early

b. To highlight the importance of setting a future career

c. To stress the significance of time management since early

d. To encourage us to travel and explore new things in the future

e. To suggest that we should pursue a creative hobby for the future 42/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

34. Raffi : Aqila, about I've what been I would thinking be in a lot the recentlyfuture. It * 2 poin

seems so daunting.

Aqila : I know. Thinking about the future can be overwhelming, but it's also super
important. One of the best things you can do is to stay organized. Keep track of your
goals, deadlines, and responsibilities. Being organized sets you up for success better
than anything else.

Raffi : I agree. What else should I focus on?

Aqila: Well, I'd say developing good study habits is crucial. The more you learn and the
better you perform at school, the more opportunities you'll have down the road. It's a
superlative way to invest in your future.

Raffi : O.K., being organized and studying. What about extracurricular activities?

Aqila : Oh, they definitely get involved! Extracurriculars can teach you valuable life skills
and look great on college applications. Find something you're passionate about, whether
it's sports, clubs, or volunteering. It's the best way to make the most of your teenage
years and build a well-rounded future.

Raffi : Thanks for the advice. Being organized, studying diligently, and getting involved in
extracurriculars—it sounds like a winning formula for preparing my future!

Aqila : Let's hope.

Question: Aqila says, 'It's a superlative way to invest in your future." What does it mean?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. She thinks that studying is a waste of time.

b. She suggests Raffi invest money in a stock market.

c. She recommends Raffi start running a small business.

d. She believes that studying hard leads to the best outcomes.

e. She advises that traveling is a way to invest in one) s future 43/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

35. Raffi : Aqila, about I've what been I would thinking be in a lot the recentlyfuture. It * 2 poin
seems so daunting.

Aqila : I know. Thinking about the future can be overwhelming, but it's also super
important. One of the best things you can do is to stay organized. Keep track of your
goals, deadlines, and responsibilities. Being organized sets you up for success better
than anything else.

Raffi : I agree. What else should I focus on?

Aqila: Well, I'd say developing good study habits is crucial. The more you learn and the
better you perform at school, the more opportunities you'll have down the road. It's a
superlative way to invest in your future.

Raffi : O.K., being organized and studying. What about extracurricular activities?

Aqila : Oh, they definitely get involved! Extracurriculars can teach you valuable life skills
and look great on college applications. Find something you're passionate about, whether
it's sports, clubs, or volunteering. It's the best way to make the most of your teenage
years and build a well-rounded future.

Raffi : Thanks for the advice. Being organized, studying diligently, and getting involved in
extracurriculars—it sounds like a winning formula for preparing my future!

Aqila : Let's hope.

Question: According to Aqila, why are extracurricular activities important for preparing
our future?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. They allow us to earn money ourselves for college.

b. They provide chances for us to relax and enjoy life.

c. They open opportunities for us to make more friends.

d. They enable us to explore new places and meet new people.

e. They teach valuable life skills and enhance college applications. 44/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

36. Galang's path began with an extraordinary accomplishment: a scholarship to a * 2 poin

prestigious university that recognized his academic excellence. He soared through his
university years, absorbing knowledge, meeting friends, and evolving as an individual,
with unflinching drive and endless hours of hard work.

Years passed by. Galang proudly stepped over the stage on a graduation day with his
diploma degree, a monument to his hard work. He couldn't help but think about his
future as he stood amid cheers and acclaim. Galang's heart was tugged in a new way
amid the flow of job offers, many from abroad organizations with excellent prospects.

During his university years, he became aware that the children in his own community
lacked access to a high-quality education. Their families couldn't afford the course
expenses, and their aspirations appeared far away. Galang turned down the rich offers
because he felt a strong sense of responsibility and empathy. He instead made the life-
changing decision to invest in his community.

Galang began on a mission to construct a secondary school that would provide free
education to these underserved students with the money he saved for his trip overseas.
His altruistic dedication to securing a brighter future for people around him
demonstrated the power of compassion and the possibility for change that one person
can bring to their community.

As the school doors opened, children's laughter replaced what would have been silence,
and young minds' hopes began to blossom. Galang's journey from scholarship to
community service became an encouraging illustration of how one person's decision can
affect lives and spark a positive circle of change.

Question: What remarkable thing marked Galang's initial journey?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Traveling overseas

b. Starting a secondary school

c. Graduating from high school

d. Becoming a successful entrepreneur

e. Receiving a scholarship to a university 45/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

37. Galang's path began with an extraordinary accomplishment: a scholarship to a * 3 poin

prestigious university that recognized his academic excellence. He soared through his
university years, absorbing knowledge, meeting friends, and evolving as an individual,
with unflinching drive and endless hours of hard work.

Years passed by. Galang proudly stepped over the stage on a graduation day with his
diploma degree, a monument to his hard work. He couldn't help but think about his
future as he stood amid cheers and acclaim. Galang's heart was tugged in a new way
amid the flow of job offers, many from abroad organizations with excellent prospects.

During his university years, he became aware that the children in his own community
lacked access to a high-quality education. Their families couldn't afford the course
expenses, and their aspirations appeared far away. Galang turned down the rich offers
because he felt a strong sense of responsibility and empathy. He instead made the life-
changing decision to invest in his community.

Galang began on a mission to construct a secondary school that would provide free
education to these underserved students with the money he saved for his trip overseas.
His altruistic dedication to securing a brighter future for people around him
demonstrated the power of compassion and the possibility for change that one person
can bring to their community.

As the school doors opened, children's laughter replaced what would have been silence,
and young minds' hopes began to blossom. Galang's journey from scholarship to
community service became an encouraging illustration of how one person's decision can
affect lives and spark a positive circle of change.

Question: Why did Galang turn down job offers from overseas companies?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. He wanted to focus on his studies.

b. He wasn't interested in those job offers.

c. He wanted to travel and explore different countries.

d. He wanted to make a difference to his community.

e. He was planning to start his own business. 46/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

38. Galang's path began with an extraordinary accomplishment: a scholarship to a * 2 poin

prestigious university that recognized his academic excellence. He soared through his
university years, absorbing knowledge, meeting friends, and evolving as an individual,
with unflinching drive and endless hours of hard work.

Years passed by. Galang proudly stepped over the stage on a graduation day with his
diploma degree, a monument to his hard work. He couldn't help but think about his
future as he stood amid cheers and acclaim. Galang's heart was tugged in a new way
amid the flow of job offers, many from abroad organizations with excellent prospects.

During his university years, he became aware that the children in his own community
lacked access to a high-quality education. Their families couldn't afford the course
expenses, and their aspirations appeared far away. Galang turned down the rich offers
because he felt a strong sense of responsibility and empathy. He instead made the life-
changing decision to invest in his community.

Galang began on a mission to construct a secondary school that would provide free
education to these underserved students with the money he saved for his trip overseas.
His altruistic dedication to securing a brighter future for people around him
demonstrated the power of compassion and the possibility for change that one person
can bring to their community.

As the school doors opened, children's laughter replaced what would have been silence,
and young minds' hopes began to blossom. Galang's journey from scholarship to
community service became an encouraging illustration of how one person's decision can
affect lives and spark a positive circle of change.

Question: How did Galang fund the establishment of the secondary school?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Using the savings he set aside for traveling abroad

b. Borrowing money from overseas companies

c. Making use of the scholarships he received

d. Using the money he earned from hig overseas job

e. Earning financial supports from big university 47/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

39. Emma had had a close connection with animals since she was a child. When she saw an * 2 poin

injured bird or a stray cat, her heart would fill with compassion. Her parents instilled in
her a deep love of animals, encouraging her to care for and comprehend the creatures
who shared their home. Emma's relationship with animals grew stronger as she grew up
in the middle of nature.

Emma came into a sight that would permanently mark her while trekking through a
woodland near her house on one fateful day. A young deer was entangled in a maze of
thorns and wires. Fearful and imprisoned, the deer looked Emma in the eyes with a mix
of despair and hope. Emma's heart surged with a desire to assist. She summoned help
from nearby hikers, and they worked furiously to liberate the terrified beast. Emma's
devotion to protect animals and their well-beings was strengthened by the experience.

Emma's love of animals remained unwavering over the years as she pursued her
education, After graduating from college with a degree in animal conservation, she knew
she wanted to be a voice for people who couldn't speak for themselves. Emma became
a member Of the national animal rangers, a group dedicated to preserving and
protecting endangered wildlife. Every day, she found herself in the heart of nature,
rescuing creatures in distress, nursing them back to health, and reintroducing them into
their natural habitats. Emma's transformation from a sensitive child to a dedicated
animal ranger demonstrated the strength of a lifelong passion, as well as the opportunity
to make a meaningful difference in the lives of creatures that share our planet.

Question: What initially built Emma's deep relationship with animals?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Her parents' encouragement and nurturing

b. Her fascination with animal when visiting a zoo

c. Her education in wildlife conservation

d. Her career as a national animal ranger

e. Her interest in studying wildlife habitats 48/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

40. Emma had had a close connection with animals since she was a child. When she saw an * 2 poin
injured bird or a stray cat, her heart would fill with compassion. Her parents instilled in
her a deep love of animals, encouraging her to care for and comprehend the creatures
who shared their home. Emma's relationship with animals grew stronger as she grew up
in the middle of nature.

Emma came into a sight that would permanently mark her while trekking through a
woodland near her house on one fateful day. A young deer was entangled in a maze of
thorns and wires. Fearful and imprisoned, the deer looked Emma in the eyes with a mix
of despair and hope. Emma's heart surged with a desire to assist. She summoned help
from nearby hikers, and they worked furiously to liberate the terrified beast. Emma's
devotion to protect animals and their well-beings was strengthened by the experience.

Emma's love of animals remained unwavering over the years as she pursued her
education, After graduating from college with a degree in animal conservation, she knew
she wanted to be a voice for people who couldn't speak for themselves. Emma became
a member Of the national animal rangers, a group dedicated to preserving and
protecting endangered wildlife. Every day, she found herself in the heart of nature,
rescuing creatures in distress, nursing them back to health, and reintroducing them into
their natural habitats. Emma's transformation from a sensitive child to a dedicated
animal ranger demonstrated the strength of a lifelong passion, as well as the opportunity
to make a meaningful difference in the lives of creatures that share our planet.

Question: What led Emma to pursue a career as a national animal ranger?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. Her love for hiking and exploring forests

b. Her desire to make a lot of money

c. Her degree in wildlife conservation

d. Her fascination with stray and wounded creatures

e. Her parents' recommendation 49/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

41. Emma had had a close connection with animals since she was a child. When she saw an * 3 poin

injured bird or a stray cat, her heart would fill with compassion. Her parents instilled in
her a deep love of animals, encouraging her to care for and comprehend the creatures
who shared their home. Emma's relationship with animals grew stronger as she grew up
in the middle of nature.

Emma came into a sight that would permanently mark her while trekking through a
woodland near her house on one fateful day. A young deer was entangled in a maze of
thorns and wires. Fearful and imprisoned, the deer looked Emma in the eyes with a mix
of despair and hope. Emma's heart surged with a desire to assist. She summoned help
from nearby hikers, and they worked furiously to liberate the terrified beast. Emma's
devotion to protect animals and their well-beings was strengthened by the experience.

Emma's love of animals remained unwavering over the years as she pursued her
education, After graduating from college with a degree in animal conservation, she knew
she wanted to be a voice for people who couldn't speak for themselves. Emma became
a member Of the national animal rangers, a group dedicated to preserving and
protecting endangered wildlife. Every day, she found herself in the heart of nature,
rescuing creatures in distress, nursing them back to health, and reintroducing them into
their natural habitats. Emma's transformation from a sensitive child to a dedicated
animal ranger demonstrated the strength of a lifelong passion, as well as the opportunity
to make a meaningful difference in the lives of creatures that share our planet.

Question: What does Emma's journey from a compassionate child to an animal ranger

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. The power of becoming a wildlife photographer

b. The potential to become a famous animal researcher

c. The importance of working in an office environment

d. The significance of following a traditional career path

e. The impact of a lifelong passion in making a meaningful difference 50/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

42. Anita had been pulled to the beach like a seashell to the shore since she could * 2 poin
remember. The soothing lapping of the waves, the salty breeze ruffling her hair, and the
huge expanse of sand and ocean all drew her in. She used to spend hours as a child
making sandcastles, collecting seashells, and staring out at the horizon, daydreaming
about future adventures.

Anita was finally drawn away from her childhood coastal bliss and into a bustling city
where she pursued her studies and career. Her affection for the seashore, on the other
hand, never faded. She would go to the beach whenever she could, reminiscing about
the days when the ocean was her playground.

One summer, Anita was returning to her favorite beach for a vacation and was struck
with a scene that left her heart sad and her spirit determined. The beach that had
brought her so much delight was now ruined by a depressing sight: it was filled with
debris, a harsh reminder of the consequences of human carelessness.

Anita resolved to take action in order to protect her precious memories. She realized that
if she felt this strongly about the beach, there had to be others who felt the same way.
Then, she initiated a campaign to clean up the beach with unyielding dedication. She
spread the news via her social media, community forums, and neighborhood gatherings.
The answer was overwhelmingly positive.

On the appointed day, people from various walks of life arrived with gloves, bags, and a
common goal. They searched along the beaches for hours, picking up discarded objects
and restoring the beach to its natural beauty.

Anita's action not only inspired a clean beach, but also a movement. Her tale went viral,
inspiring others to take control of their circumstances and make a change. The once-
trashy beach was now a testament to the power of collective action and the ability of
one person's love for nature to start change.

Anita's transformation from a beach-loving youngster to advocate for cleaner has

reminded everyone that no matter Wh life takes us, the places we cherish require care
and preservation.

Question: What attracted Anita to the beach at her early age?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. The bustling coastline atmosphere

b. The salty breeze and sound of

c. The allure of adventures in the ocean

d. The vast expanse of the reefs

e. The promise of an adventurous life 51/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

43. Anita had been pulled to the beach like a seashell to the shore since she could * 3 poin
remember. The soothing lapping of the waves, the salty breeze ruffling her hair, and the
huge expanse of sand and ocean all drew her in. She used to spend hours as a child
making sandcastles, collecting seashells, and staring out at the horizon, daydreaming
about future adventures.

Anita was finally drawn away from her childhood coastal bliss and into a bustling city
where she pursued her studies and career. Her affection for the seashore, on the other
hand, never faded. She would go to the beach whenever she could, reminiscing about
the days when the ocean was her playground.

One summer, Anita was returning to her favorite beach for a vacation and was struck
with a scene that left her heart sad and her spirit determined. The beach that had
brought her so much delight was now ruined by a depressing sight: it was filled with
debris, a harsh reminder of the consequences of human carelessness.

Anita resolved to take action in order to protect her precious memories. She realized that
if she felt this strongly about the beach, there had to be others who felt the same way.
Then, she initiated a campaign to clean up the beach with unyielding dedication. She
spread the news via her social media, community forums, and neighborhood gatherings.
The answer was overwhelmingly positive.

On the appointed day, people from various walks of life arrived with gloves, bags, and a
common goal. They searched along the beaches for hours, picking up discarded objects
and restoring the beach to its natural beauty.

Anita's action not only inspired a clean beach, but also a movement. Her tale went viral,
inspiring others to take control of their circumstances and make a change. The once-
trashy beach was now a testament to the power of collective action and the ability of
one person's love for nature to start change.

Anita's transformation from a beach-loving youngster to advocate for cleaner has

reminded everyone that no matter Wh life takes us, the places we cherish require care
and preservation.

Question: What sight did Anita encounter she returned to her beloved beach for a
summer vacation?

Tandai satu oval saja.

a. A thriving community of seagulls.

b. The shoreline with beautiful seashells

c. A pristine and untouched landscape

d. The beach littered with garbage

e. An exhibition of sand sculptures 52/53
05/06/24, 19.41 SOAL PAS SEMESTER GENAP 2024

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