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United Christian College (Kowloon East)

S.3 English - Teaching plan and allocation of daily marks of 2023-24

Autumn Session Winter Session Spring Session
- JS3A U1 (Healthy Body Healthy Mind), U2 - JS3A U3 (Let’s innovate), JS3B U5 (Think - JS3B U7 (Protect our wildlife yet more on
(Advertising) before you shop) local special and endangered species), JS3B
- RA U1, U18, U5, U17 - RA U8 (Culture)
- GB U2 (Subject-verb agreement), *U3 - GB U7 (Past Perfect), U11 (Passive), U15 - RA
(Present tense), *U4 (Past tense), U8 (Phrasal Verb), U17 (Linking words) - U12 (Conditionals Type III), U16 (Adjective
(Modals), U9 (Imperatives), U10 (Reported patterns), U17 (Linking words), U18
speech), U12 (Conditionals Type II), U13 (Inversion), U19 (Useful expression)
Reading (Gerunds and to-infinitives)
& Uniform Test (10%) Uniform Test (10%) Exam (35%)
Usage Coursework (15%): Coursework (15%): Coursework (15%):
 Vocabulary and Grammar Quiz  Vocabulary and Grammar Quiz  Vocabulary and Grammar Quiz
 Vocabulary Worksheet  Vocabulary Worksheet  Vocabulary Worksheet
 Newspaper Cutting  Newspaper Cutting  Newspaper Cutting
 Quizlet  Reading Test  Reading Test
 Reading Anthology  Quizlet  Quizlet
 Reading Anthology  Reading assignment – Book Talk Prep
 Reading Anthology
- A letter of advice (informal) - A blog entry (informal) - A letter to the editor (formal)
- A letter of proposal (formal) - A speech (semi-formal) - An article (semi-formal)
Coursework (20%): Coursework (20%): Exam (40%)
Writing  Outline  Outline Coursework (20%):
 Composition  Composition  Outline
 Correction / Peer Evaluation  Correction / Peer Evaluation  Composition
 Mukbang  Correction / Peer Evaluation
- PP Module 1, Test Paper 1 (Focusing on - PP Module 3, Test Paper 3 (Focusing on - PP Module 2, Test Paper 2 (Focusing on long
short tasks) short tasks and simple long tasks), Module 4 tasks), Test Paper 4
Coursework (10%): Uniform Test (25%) Exam (35%)
Listening  Listening Textbook Coursework (15%): Coursework (15%):
 Newspaper Cutting (video listening)  Listening Textbook  Listening Textbook
 Mukbang Intro (video listening)  Newspaper Cutting (video listening)  Newspaper Cutting (video listening)
 Listening Test (short tasks)  Listening Test (long tasks)
- Individual Presentation (TSA) - Individual Presentation (TSA) - Book Talk
Speaking - Commercial - Group Discussion (TSA) - Group Discussion (DSE)
Coursework (10%): Uniform Test (20%) Exam (40%)
 Assessment (Individual Presentation) Coursework (15%): Coursework (15%):
 Class Activity (Commercial)  Assessment (Individual Presentation)  Class Participation
 Pronunciation & Fluency  Class Activity (Group Discussion)  Book Talk
 Class Participation  Pronunciation & Fluency  Class Activity (Group Discussion)
 Class Participation
23-24 S3 English_Teaching Plan & Autumn Session Teaching Scheme (S) 1
S.3 English - Autumn Session Teaching Schedule (2023-2024)
1. To help students prepare for HKDSE;
2. To familiarize students with TSA / DSE skills;
3. To encourage students to be self-regulated and motivated learners;
4. To integrate positive values into curriculum, facilitating students to care for others;
5. To create opportunities for students to cooperate with and learn from their peers.

Summary Reading JS3A U1, U2; RA U4, U14, U15, U18

Grammar GB U2, U3, U4, U8, U9, U10, U12, U13
Listening Module 1, Test Paper 1
Writing A letter of advice (informal) and a letter of proposal (formal)

Date Objectives Reading / Vocabulary / Usage / Writing / Listening Remarks

Unit 1 Health Body Healthy Mind
Values Education: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10
Generic Skills: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
W1 1. Establish  Course outline (according to the objectives listed on the left)
routines and  Open exercise books (notebook and compo file)
4-8 Sep rules  Join Quizlet class Vocab WS
2. Introduce  Introduce Vocabulary WS and expectation
*4/9 syllabus, and  Introduce SCMP
Opening expectations
Business 3. Learn health- Suggested led-in activity: Which song / movie cheers you up?
related vocab - Padlet / Google Doc / any other e-platforms
4. Explore - Students share a link to the song / trailer of movie that makes them happy and the brief
health-related reasons (they can also include the specific lyrics / line)
issues - Ask some of them to share more in class
5. Learn and
practise READING
grammar  JS3A p. 1-5 Text 1: The pursuit of happiness
items:  U1 Vocabulary WS
a. give advice
b. conditionals GRAMMAR
Type II  GB U3, 4 Review the present and past, GB U12 Conditionals Type II
c. reported
6. write a letter  PP Listening Module 1 Listening Practice 1-6 (p. 5-10)
of advice

23-24 S3 English_Teaching Plan & Autumn Session Teaching Scheme (S) 2

W2 Suggested led-in activity: What makes you stressed?
 Group discussion NC 1
11-15 Sep  Topic: This is the second week of a new school year; you get together with a few of your
classmates to see how you all are doing. You may talk about:
* 15/9 o How you are feeling
Athletics o What makes you stressed
Meet 1  Invite some students to share

 NC 1: Signs of study burnout and what you can do to avoid it
 JS3A p.6-8 Text 2: Feeling a little frazzled?
 Quizlet – Introduce different activities for students to work on

 JS3A p.10-11 Giving advice; Talking about imaginary situations

 Preparation for the Writing 1 – a letter of advice
o JS3A p.15 (Ways to deal with stress)
o JS3A p.17 (A sample letter of advice)

 NC 1 (Video listening): Do it now

 GB U8 Give advice by using modals; U10 (Reported speech)
18-22 Sep  JS3A p.12-13 Reporting what people ask and reply

Athletics  JS3A p.16 Analyze Sam’s problems
Meet  Complete outline WS (Topic: JS3A p.16)
* 20/9 o Challenge: include the lyric / line from the song / movie from the led-in activity
Holiday  Peer evaluation (on the outline – focus on ideas generation)
after A

 RA U1, U18
25-29 Sep

23-24 S3 English_Teaching Plan & Autumn Session Teaching Scheme (S) 3

 Consolidation: GB U8 Modals, U10 Reported speech and U12 Conditionals Type II

 First draft
 Peer evaluation (on first draft)

 PP Listening Module 1 Listening Practice 1-6 (p. 5-10)

2-6 Oct  Second draft & Final draft/Correction

* 2/10 Buffer & Consolidation

Day after
* 5/10 Sp

Unit 2 Advertising
Value Education: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10
Generic Skills: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
W6 1. Read articles READING Quizlet (U1)
about different  JS3A p.22-24 Text 1 How advertisements influence us
9-13 Oct forms of  Introduce Newspaper Cutting 2 & SCMP Vocab and
advertising Grammar
2. Learn theme- GRAMMAR Quiz 1
based  JS3A p.30 Making suggestions (modals)
vocabulary  GB U2 Subject-verb agreement NC 2
3. Learn and
practice WRITING
grammar  Preparation for Writing 2:
items: Group discussion (Writing Booklet)
a. make  the food item to choose
suggestions  how to create an appealing mukbang
b. persuasion
c. gerunds and WRITING
W7 to-infinitives  Preparation for Writing 2: Vocab WS
23-24 S3 English_Teaching Plan & Autumn Session Teaching Scheme (S) 4
4. Explore a Group discussion (Writing Booklet)
16-20 Oct new trend –  Creating a mukbang
mukbang and
video in  U2 Vocabulary WS
groups  JS3A p.26-28 Text 2 My favourite Ads
5. Write a letter
of proposal GRAMMAR
 JS3A p.31 Persuading people to take action, GB U9 Imperatives
 JS3A p.32-33, GB U13 Gerunds and to-infinitives

 PP Listening Test Paper 1 Part A

 Quizlet Mukbang
23-27 Oct
*23/10  Consolidation: GB U2 Subject-verb agreement, U9 Imperatives, U13 Gerunds and to-
Chung infinitives
 (Individual and Group) Peer evaluation (on mukbang videos)

 RA U5, U17
31 Oct –
 JS3A p.37 a sample letter of proposal, Writing Booklet
 outline WS (Topic: Write a letter of proposal to the principal)
 First draft
 Peer evaluation (on first draft)
 Consolidation: GB U2 Subject-verb agreement, U9 Imperatives, U13 Gerunds and to-
 PP Listening Test Paper 1 Part A

23-24 S3 English_Teaching Plan & Autumn Session Teaching Scheme (S) 5

W12 WRITING Quizlet (U2)
Second draft, Final draft/Correction
6-10 Nov Vocab and
 Consolidation: GB U2 Subject-verb agreement, U9 Imperatives, U13 Gerunds and to- Quiz 2
W13 Buffer & Consolidation

13-17 *14-20/11 No HW & Test


20 Nov

21-27 UT

Values Education Generic Skills

1) Perseverance (堅毅) 1) Communication Skills (溝通能力)
2) Respect for Others (尊重他人) 2) Mathematical Skills (數學能力)
3) Responsibility (責任感) 3) Information Technology Skills (資訊科技能力)
4) National Identity (國民身份認同) 4) Critical Thinking Skills (慎思明辨能力)
5) Commitment (承擔精神) 5) Creativity (創造力)
6) Integrity (誠信) 6) Problem Solving Skills (解難能力)
7) Care for Others (關愛) 7) Self-management Skills (自我管理能力)
8) Law-abidingness (守法) 8) Self-learning Skills (自學能力)
9) Empathy (同理心) 9) Collaboration Skill (協作能力)
10) Diligence (勤勞)

23-24 S3 English_Teaching Plan & Autumn Session Teaching Scheme (S) 6

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