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6 Steps to

Writing Essay
-Aulia Shalsabila-

01 Emerge your 02 Latar 03 Goals

• Jangka pendek,
personal concern belakang diri
• Berangkat dari hal • Keluarga menengah, dan

yang sangat personal • Hal yang didapat panjang

• Give a hook selama kuliah/ kerja

04 Alasan Lanjut 05 Alasan Pilih 06 Penutup

• Paraphrase isu
Studi Kampus Tujuan
urgensi diikuti dengan
• Your personal urge that • Outstanding things
narasi optimis untuk
impacted to bridge the about your campus/
menjadi solusi nya
country’s problem degree

1. Pengalaman
pribadi 3. Kondisi di

2. Concern akan 4. Kenapa isu

isu tersebut tersebut penting
untuk dipelajari
dan dicari
Urge the issue
Buka dengan kalimat personal, yang berdasar Siapa kamu?

pengalaman. Sehingga kamu tertarik Kenapa kamu concern terhadap isu itu?

mengangkat issue tersebut.

an earthquake rocked Sukabumi in August 2019. I was on the In couple years later, I read an article which shown devastating

fifth floor of the campus and immediately asked my friends to potentials of Lembang Fault. The article talks about Lembang

go downstairs, but my friends were influenced by our senior who Fault will trigger to move when earthquakes around Bandung

said “just calm down, this building has been planned to be occur. I am Aulia Shalsabila, part of 8.8 million impacted

earthquake resistant”. On the next day, I found the floor in that residents, determined to preserved my hometown,

room was lifted and broken. Based on this, I realized that Bandung, Indonesia.

awareness about earthquake mitigation is still low.

Gausa berurutan

Latar belakang diri


• Pendidikan Family has a greatest factor to form who I am today. I raised by a working-parents, my

Menjelaskan apa yang kamu pelajari dan mom is a teacher and my dad is a senior civil engineer. Me and my brother, who is just

dapatkan di kuliah. Tambahin sedikit one year gap-age, became familiar to behave in education culture. Moreover, we gain the

“bumbu”/flexing capaian kamu selama insight of how education can transform to a better life. This upbringing has moulded me

kuliah (ip/penghargaan/prestasi dll) into an individual who has a willing to lifelong learning. My academic path started with

• Pekerjaan major in Civil Engineering.

Menjelaskan hal yang My academic experience led me to being awarded as the best graduate from Civil

dikerjakan/pencapaian dengan metode Engineering in 2022 GPA 3.48. Not only my academic thrives, I also actively participated in

STAR (Situation,Task,Action,Result) my major’s organization, namely Himpunan Mahasiswa Sipil (HMS). Within this

• Volunteer/ Inisiatif organization, I am dedicated to be a moderator for HMS’s event and play a role as Vice of

• Keluarga/ Pribadi Member’s Well-being, a task that provided me with precious opportunities to engage with

peers, senior, and junior students. I have discovered the genuine trait of myself, I am

delighted in togetherness and interacting with people.

Gausa berurutan

Latar belakang diri


• Pendidikan
My career path begins with water resources company as assistant engineer. At that
Menjelaskan apa yang kamu pelajari dan
moment, I have a task to design a pier. For finishing my project, I should learn about the
dapatkan di kuliah. Tambahin sedikit
design regulation of waterworks and how to apply earthquake standard in that. Running
“bumbu”/flexing capaian kamu selama
the design in structural application, I produced the pier with earthquake and sea wave
kuliah (ip/penghargaan/prestasi dll)
resistant with the aim of increase a traffic sea transportation. Ultimately, this experience
• Pekerjaan
provided me the valuable lesson that structural engineer’s skill is vital to all civil
Menjelaskan hal yang
engineering discipline………
dikerjakan/pencapaian dengan metode
STAR (Situation,Task,Action,Result)
• Volunteer/ Inisiatif
• Keluarga/ Pribadi
Renacana ini bisa dibuat time-based, 5 tahun pertama
Goals targetnya apa, 5 tahun selanjutnya apa, dan seterusnya

Short Term sampai tujuan utama kamu tercapai!

Paling memungkinkan untuk dijalankan
setelah pulang studi. Skala bisa kecil. During my master program, I project to conduct public education platform on the risks

and impacts of naturally occurring disasters then what to do when such hazards occur. I

Medium Term would exchange my viewpoint with another Indonesia students. By well-design graphic
Bisa dilakukan dengan planning dulu. and enlighten data, this project aims for improving shared information about
Bisa berupa lanjutan dari short term.
earthquake’s intensity on all Indonesia’s area.

Long Term
After completing my master’s degree, I intend to return to Indonesia and apply as a

Butuh waktu dan resource lebih untuk junior lecturer in UPI’s Civil Engineering undergraduate program. Through my final
diwujudkan. Skala paling besar. project experience on the analysis of earthquake-resistant buildings, I will enhance the

disaster public literacy by producing research of earthquake risk prevention and

management, also sharing that information on social media through my platform. By

approached academics, experts of earthquake engineering, seismic hazard, and risk

Apa rencana kamu setelah studi?
modelling, and professional, I propose to improve Community Disaster Resilience
Wadah apa yang bisa kamu
through the program of society services for encouraging residents and local official’s
manfaatkan untuk mencapai tujuan
Renacana ini bisa dibuat time-based, 5 tahun pertama
Goals targetnya apa, 5 tahun selanjutnya apa, dan seterusnya

Short Term sampai tujuan utama kamu tercapai!

Paling memungkinkan untuk dijalankan
setelah pulang studi. Skala bisa kecil. In the next couple years, I project to assess buildings in Indonesia’s hazard-prone area

by trying to land a job as a researcher assistant at BRIN (the National Research and

Medium Term Innovation Agency of Indonesia). This initiative may increase the availability of disaster
Bisa dilakukan dengan planning dulu.
data required for Disaster Risk Reduction. As a regard to sustainability resilience and
Bisa berupa lanjutan dari short term.
SFDRR targets, I plan on collaborating with PUPR (Minister of Public Works and Public

Long Term Housing), BMKG (Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency), and BNPB

Butuh waktu dan resource lebih untuk (National Disaster Management Agency) to enhance and broaden the coverage of
diwujudkan. Skala paling besar.
Multi-hazard Early Warning System in order preserve life safety, control damage in

minor and moderate earthquakes, and prevention collapse in a major earthquake.

Moreover, enhanced cooperation with developed countries in advanced technology for

Apa rencana kamu setelah studi? reducing economic losses, toward fulfilling the SFDRR targets.

Wadah apa yang bisa kamu

manfaatkan untuk mencapai tujuan
Renacana ini bisa dibuat time-based, 5 tahun pertama
Goals targetnya apa, 5 tahun selanjutnya apa, dan seterusnya

Short Term sampai tujuan utama kamu tercapai!

Paling memungkinkan untuk dijalankan
setelah pulang studi. Skala bisa kecil. Long-term, I propose including disaster education and planning in the school’s

curriculum, simultaneously with submitting Infrastructure Resilience course proposal to

Medium Term the chair of UPI's civil engineering department. Added to several prominent
Bisa dilakukan dengan planning dulu.
publications that highlight the important of the course. Assuming my proposal is
Bisa berupa lanjutan dari short term.
approved, I will develop and evaluate the course in order to make it applicable to other

Long Term universities' undergraduate civil engineering programs. Subsequently, I aspire for

Butuh waktu dan resource lebih untuk strengthen collaborating with the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing to
diwujudkan. Skala paling besar.
propose a new reliable approach on the nation's infrastructure development policy,

along with economic resilience, solutions to urban construction, development, and

other infrastructure-related issues.

Apa rencana kamu setelah studi?

Wadah apa yang bisa kamu
manfaatkan untuk mencapai tujuan
Alasan Lanjut Studi Alasan Pilih Kampus Tujuan

 Bagaimana program yang dituju sesuai dengan goal kita

 Tunjukkan bahwa kita serius dan sudah riset program tujuan
 Sebutkan dosen dan/atau mata kuliah yang diincar

Given it remains poor level of resident’s preparedness and infrastructure resilient for disaster, I need to continue my graduate study in Earthquake
Engineering with Disaster Management at University College London. The master’s program introduces risk modelling and advanced resilience for natural
hazards which related to attain the Indonesia’s concept of “Sustainable Resilience”. This program’s curriculum expected that I would be proficient in pre-
disaster risk mitigation as well as post-disaster management. I plan to take compulsory modules: (1) Introduction to Seismic Design of Structure, (2)
Seismic Risk Assessment, (3) Structural Vulnerability and Resilience, (3) Advance Seismic Design of Structures, (4) Research project, as well as optional
modules: (1) Earthquake Seismology and Earthquake Hazard, (2) Catastrophe Risk Modelling, (2) Integrating Science into Disaster Risk Reduction, (3)
Project Management for Engineers. An annual week-long field trip provides students having the opportunity to observe the aftermath of seismic disasters
directly and learn about cutting-edge structural reinforcement through.
Alasan Lanjut Studi Alasan Pilih Kampus Tujuan

 Bagaimana program yang dituju sesuai dengan goal kita

 Tunjukkan bahwa kita serius dan sudah riset program tujuan
 Sebutkan dosen dan/atau mata kuliah yang diincar

Furthermore, Professors Tiziana Rossetto and Dina D’Ayala, ones of notable lecturers, successfully developed new guidelines, statistical models and open
access computational code to assist vulnerability predictions. The concepts have been widely implemented and were applied in the first comprehensive
Seismic Risk Map of the world in December 2018 by GEM (Global Earthquake Model). I intend to produce research project under Professors Tiziana
Rossetto on Improving current seismic design codes (SNI 1726-2019) for inhabitants’ preparedness. Professors Tiziana Rossetto has undertaken to assess
damage to buildings and infrastructure in earthquake zones including Indonesia’s greatest catastrophe, the Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami 2004. Along
with that, Tiziana also involved in the researches of A mixed-mode data collection approach for building inventory development: Application to school
buildings in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia and Observations from the EEFIT-TDMRC Mission to Sulawesi, Indonesia to Investigate the 28th September 2018
Central Sulawesi Earthquake. She also founded and co-directs EPICentre (Earthquake and People Interaction Centre), which is a multidisciplinary research
Centre for the study of natural hazard risks to communities and the built environment.
• Sambungkan penutup dengan pembuka untuk It is only a matter of time that the disaster will again strike
merangkum dan meyakinkan pembaca tentang
densely populated in Indonesia. Therefore, I believe for
goal kita
• Jelaskan urgent nya isu ‘yang dipilih’. applying the LPDP Scholarship to support my study and help me
DITUTUP DENGAN NARASI YANG tackle this short-sighted as the potential loss of lives and
possessions in the next naturally occurring disaster. By
FEAR MONGERING (hanya terkesan
menakut-nakuti) developing Multi-hazard Early Warning Systems more

accessible for all ages and all areas throughout Indonesia, I am

optimistic that the residents are going to feel secure to live on

the condition of climate-related risks and its impact on the

largest archipelago in the “Ring of Fire”.

Siapa kamu? Kenapa kamu concern terhadap
suatu isu?

Apa yang kamu dapat selama kuliah, kerja,

atau pengalaman lain yang bisa dimanfaatkan
untuk isu yang kamu angkat?
Gimana kondisi actual isu tersebut, terutama
di Indonesia? Apa gap yang perlu diisi agar

RESUME masalah isu tersebut bisa diselesaikan?

Apa yang akan kamu pelajari agar bisa mengisi
Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu secara gap tersebut? Apa kegiatan di luar akademik
berurutan untuk bikin essay yang runtut dan gak selama S2 yang akan kamu ikuti dan bisa
ada lompatan cerita. menunjang tujuan kamu?

Apa rencana kamu setelah selesai studi?

Wadah apa yang bisa kamu manfaatkan untuk
mencapai tujuan tersebut? (rencana 5 tahun
pertama, 5 tahun selanjutnya, dan seterusnya)
Grab a pencil or computer and...

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