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Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

Forced Vibrations
In case of forced vibrations there is an excitation force acting on the system and it keeps the system
vibrating. The excitation force is considered to be a harmonic force of the form, F (t )  Fo sin t .
Where Fo is amplitude of excitation force and  is its frequency. The vibrations of air
compressors, internal combustion engines, machine tools and various other machinery are the
examples of forced vibrations.

Case (a): Forced Vibration due to Harmonic Force F (t )  Fo sin t :


Fig. (b)
Fig. (a)

Consider a spring-mass-damper system subjected to a harmonic force F (t )  Fo sin t ,where Fo

and  are the amplitude and frequency of excitation force respectively. Let the mass m be
displaced by a small amount x from its equilibrium position. Then the forces acting on mass m are
as shown in Fig. (b).
Now, from Newton’s second law, we can write
Mx  Cx  Kx  Fo sin t or Mx  Cx  Kx  Fo sin t --- (a)
Equation (a) is non-homogeneous differential equation of motion.
Solution: The solution of non-homogeneous differential equation consists two parts namely
(1) complementary solution and (2) particular integral.
Therefore, total solution, x = xc + xp --- (b)
Where, xc = complementary solution and xp = particular integral.
(1) Complementary solution (xc):
Consider a homogeneous differential equation,
Mx  Cx  Kx  0
Divide throughout by K, we get
x xx 0 --- (c)
M 1 C C Cc 2 MK 2 M K 2
But,  2 because n2  K and       .
K n M K Cc K K K K n
Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

Substituting into Eq. (b), we get

1 2
x  x  0 . Multiply throughout by  n , we get
x 
n2 n

x  2n x   n2 x  0 --- (d)

Equqtion (d) is the characteristic equation of motion. The roots of the characteristic equation are

2n 2  4n2
s1,2 
 2n 
 n   n  2


For under damped system, the above equation can be written as

s1,2  n  jd
Therefore, complementary solution is

xc  X 1e  nt sin( d t   ) (please see case (a) of damped free vibration) --- (e)
(2) Particular integral (xp): The non-homogeneous differential equation is
Mx  Cx  Kx  Fo sin t --- (f)
Since the RHS of Eq. (f) consists harmonic force, we can expect the solution for this equation is
also a harmonic of the form
x p  X sin(t   ) --- (g)
Where, X = amplitude of displacement
 = phase difference between force and displacement vectors.

Differentiate Eq. (g) w.r.t t twice we get

x p  X cos(t   ) and xp   2 sin(t   )
Substitute into Eq. (f), we get

 M  2 X sin(t   )  C X cos(t   )  KX sin(t   )  Fo sin t  0

Or M  X sin(t   )  C X cos(t   )  KX sin(t   )  Fo sin t  0


Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

Or M  2 X sin(t   )  C X sin(90o  t   )  KX sin(t   )  Fo sin t  0

i.e. Inertia force - damping force - spring force + excitation force = 0
The above equation consists four forces namely inertia force, damping force, spring force and
excitation force. These forces can be represented as shown in Fig. (c).

Fig. (c) Fig. (d)

For the equilibrium of mass, the forces shown in Fig. (c) should form a closed polygon as shown in
Fig. (d). Now from triangle OAB in Fig. (d), we can write
OA2= AB2 + OB2

 
  C X 
Fo2  KX  M  2 X

  M2 X 
2  2 2
2  M  2   C  
      
Fo2   KX 1 

 C X  KX 1    
  KX    K   K  
 
M 1 C C Cc 2
But  2 and   . Substitute into above equation, we get
K n K Cc K  n

 2 2
2   2   2  
Fo2  KX  1  2    
  n   n  

 

 Fo  KX 1   2  2
 2 2
Fo / K X st
Or X   --- (h)
1    2 2
 2  2
1   
2 2
 2 

Where,   a frequency ratio and Xst=Fo/K is called static deflection or zero frequency
deflection. Substitute X into Eq. (g), we get particular integral as
X st
xp  sin(t   )
1   
2 2
 2  2

Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

Therefore, total displacement is given by, x = xc + xp

X st
x  X 1e  nt sin( d t   )  sin(t   )
1    2 2
 2  2

Where, X1 and  are the constants which can be evaluated using initial conditions and  is the
phase angle or phase shift.
Magnification Factor (M.F): It is defined as the ratio of steady state amplitude to zero frequency
X 1
i.e. M.F,  (from Eq. (h))
X st
1    2 2
 2  2

Phase Angle (  ): It is the angle by which the displacement vector lags from excitation force. From
triangle OAB in force polygon (Fig. (d)), we can write,
C 2
 n
tan      
AB KX  m X
2  m X  1  m  2    2 
KX 1  1
 KX   K   2 
  n 

 2   m 1 C 2
   tan 1  
2  ; where
 ,  , 
1   n K n2 K n
Plot of v/s  : We have,
X st
X 1
M.F, 
X st
1    2 2
 2 2

1. When   0 , then X  1
 1 , independent of 
X st 1  02  02
2. When   1 i.e    n at resonance,
X 1 1
  , dependent on 
X st
1  1 
2 2
 2 2

X 1
For   0,  
X st 0
X 1
3. When    ,   0 , independent of 
X st
1   2 2
 2  2

Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

Plot of Phase angle  v/s  : We have

 2 
   tan 1  
 1   
1 0
1. When   0 , then   tan    tan 0  0
2. When   1 i.e    n case of resonance,   tan 1  2 2   tan 1   90o
11 
 1 
3. When    ,   tan 1    tan 1 (0)  180o
   

What is magnification factor? Derive an expression for the same and discuss its variation with
frequency ratio.
Hints: Derive the expression for M.F starting from differential equation of motion of forced
vibratory system, considering only particular integral part of the solution.

Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

Prove that the peak amplitude will occur at frequency ratio   1  2 2 when a single
degree of freedom system is excited by a harmonic force F  Fo sin t .
Solution: We have,
X 1
 --- (a)
X st
1   2 2
 2 

For peak value of X/Xst, the denominator of the above equation should be minimum.

Let D  1   2 2
 2 2

D to be minimum,  0 . Therefore, differentiate D w.r.t  and equate to zero, we get

 
2 1   2 (2 )  4 2  2  0

   
 4 1   2  8 2   0 or 4  2  1  2 2  0 
Or   1  2  0 or   1  2
2 2 2 2

   1  2 2 proved.

Case (b): Forced Vibration due to Rotating or Reciprocating Unbalance:


Fig. Fig. (b)


Fig. (c)
Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

Consider a system having unbalanced rotating part (Fig. a) or unbalanced reciprocating part (Fig.
Let, m = mass of unbalanced rotating or reciprocating parts
M = mass of entire system which includes mass of unbalance part
e = eccentricity.
Let the mass M be displaced by a small amount x from its equilibrium position. Then the forces
acting on it are as shown in free body diagram (c). From Newton’s second law, we can write

Mx  Cx  Kx  m 2 e sin t

Mx  Cx  Kx  Fo sin t , where Fo  m 2 e --- (a)
Let the particular integral solution of the above non-homogeneous differential equation be

x  X sin(t   ) , x  X cos(t   ) and x   2 sin(t   )

Substitute into above Eq. (a) and proceed same as case (a) to obtain
Fo / K
X 
1   
2 2
 2 2

Now substitute Fo  m e , we get


m 2 e / K
X 
1   
2 2
 2 2
Divide and multiply the numerator by M, we get
m M 2
 e e
M K  n2 e 2
X   
1   
2 2
 2 2 1   2 2
 2 2 1    2 2
 2 2

X 2 m
 ; Where,  
1   
2 2
 2 2

Plot of v/s  :
X 2
We have 
1   
2 2
 2 2

1. When   0 , then X  0
 0 , independent of 
e 1  02  2  02
X 12 1
2. When   1 i.e.  n at resonance,   , dependent on 
1  1 
2 2
 2  12

Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

X 1 1
For   0 i.e. undamped case,   
e 2 2  0
X 2
3. When    ,   1 , independent of 
1   
2 2
 2 

Note: The expression for phase angle  and its plot v/s  remains same for all the cases.

1  2 
i.e.   tan  
 1   
Vibration Isolation: Many kinds of vibrations are undesirable and hence they should be eliminated
or at least reduced. For example, the inertia force developed in a reciprocating engine or unbalanced
forces developed in rotating machinery should be isolated from the foundation so that the adjoin
structure is not subjected to heavy vibration. These kinds of isolations are called force isolations.
Another example may be the isolation of delicate instruments from their support or transporting
vehicle. This kind of isolation is called motion isolation.
Case (c): Force Transmissibility Ratio (T.R): Transmissibility ratio is defined as the ratio of force
transmitted to the foundation to that of impressed force. Mathematically it is expressed as

F 1  2 2
T. R, t 
1   
2 2
 2 2
Consider a mass M supported on the foundation by means of an isolator having spring of stiffness K
and dash pot of damping coefficient C and excited by a force Fo sin t as shown in Fig. (a).
Let, m = mass of unbalanced rotating or reciprocating parts
M = mass of entire system which includes mass of unbalance part
e = eccentricity
Fo = Impressed force
F(t) = Force transmitted to the foundation

Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

Let the mass M be displaced by a small amount x from its equilibrium position. Then the forces
acting on mass are as shown in free body diagram (b). From Newton’s second law, we can write
Mx  Cx  Kx  Fo sin t
Proceed same as case (b), draw force polygon as
shown in Fig. (c) and show that B
Fo / K
X  --- (A)
1   
2 2
 2  2

Fig. (c)

The force is transmitted to the foundation through spring and dash pot. Therefore the force
transmitted is the vector sum of spring force and damping force as shown in force polygon, Fig. (c).
𝐶𝜔𝑋 2 2𝜉𝜔 2
∴ 𝐹𝑡 = √(𝐾𝑋)2 + (𝐶𝜔𝑋)2 = √(𝐾𝑋)2 (1 + ( ) ) = 𝐾𝑋√1 + ( 2 ) = 𝐾𝑋√1 + (2𝜉𝛽)2
𝐾𝑋 𝜔𝑛

Substitute for X from Eq. (a), we get

K  1   2 
Ft  K 
1   
  2 
2 2

Ft 1  2 2
Therefore, T.R, 
1    2 2
 2 2
Plot of T.R v/s  : we have

Ft 1  2 2

1   
2 2
 2 2

Ft 1
1. When   0 ,   1 , independent of 
Fo 1  02  02

Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

Ft 1  4 2
2. When   1, i.e.   n at resonance,  , depends on 
Fo 2
Ft 1
For   0 , i.e. for undamped case,  
Fo 0
3. When   2  1.414,  1 , independent of 
4. When    ,  0 , independent of  .

Ft F
From the plot of v/s  , it can be seen that for effective force isolation i.e. for t less than 1,
Fo Fo
the operating range of frequency ratio  should be greater than 2 or 1.414.
Also for effective force isolation,
1. Damping should be small as possible when  > 2.
2. Spring stiffness K should be small as possible.

Case (d): Base Excitation or Motion Excitation or Motion Transmissibility:

Fig. (b)
Fig. (a)

Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

Consider a spring-mass-damper system as shown in Fig. (a). Let the base of the system moves with
simple harmonic motion y  Y sin t and mass M moves with a small amount x from its equilibrium
position. Then the forces acting on mass M are as shown in Fig. (b). From Newton’s second law, we
can write
Mx  C ( x  y )  K ( x  y )

Mx  Cx  Kx  Cy  Ky --- (a)

Let x  X sin(t   ) ,  x  X cos(t   ) and x   sin(t   )


Also, y  Y sin t ,  y  Y sin t

Substitute into Eq. (a), we get

 M 2 X sin(t   )  CX cos(t   )  KX sin(t   )  KY sin t  CY cost

Rearrange the above equation, we get

Or M X sin(t   )  CX sin(90  t   )  KX sin(t   )  KY sin t  CY sin(90  t )  0


The above 5 force components can be represented as shown in Fig. (c) and these 5 components can
be reduced to 4 components by taking resultant of 2 forces as shown.
From triangle OAB in Fig. (d), we have

KY 2  CY 2 
 KX  M 2 X 
 CX 2

  CY 2     C X 2 
2  M2 X
 KY  2
1       KX  1     
 
  KY   KX  KX 
  

Fig. (c) Fig. (d)

  2  2   2
2 2
2     2  
Y 1    X 2
1   
   n     n2    n  
   

Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

X 1  2 2 Ft
  =
1   
2 2
 2 2

Note: The expression of remains same as the expression of t and hence the plot of v/s 
Y Fo Y
remains same as v/s  .
Case (e): Base Excitation (Relative displacement):

Fig. (b)
Fig. (a)
Consider a spring-mass-damper system as shown in Fig. (a). Let the base of the system moves with
simple harmonic motion y  Y sin t and mass M moves with a small amount x from its equilibrium
position. Then the forces acting on mass M are as shown in Fig. (b). From Newton’s second law, we
can write
Mx  C ( x  y )  K ( x  y )

Let z  x  y  z  x  y and z  x  y  x  z  y
Substitution into the above equation yields
M ( z  y )  Cz  Kz or Mz  Cz  Kz   My --- (a)

Let z  Z sin(t   )  z   Z cos(t   ) and z   sin(t   )


Also, we have

y  Y sin t  y   2Y sin t
Substitution into Eq. (a) yields

M  2 sin(t   )  C Z cos(t   )  KZ sin(t   )  M  2Y sin t

Or M  sin(t   )  C Z sin(90  t   )  KZ sin(t   )  M  Y sin t  0

2 2

Changing sign throughout, we get

M  2 sin(t   )  C Z sin(90  t   )  KZ sin(t   )  M  2Y sin t  0

The above equation can be represented as shown in Fig. (c) and force polygon can be written as
shown in Fig. (d). The force polygon is similar to case (b).

Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

Fig. (c) Fig. (d)

From triangle OAB, we can write

𝑀𝜔 2 𝐶𝜔 2
(𝑀𝜔2 𝑌)2 = [(𝐾𝑍 − 𝑀𝜔2 𝑍)2 + (𝐶𝜔𝑍)2 ]or (𝑀𝜔2 𝑌)2 = (𝐾𝑍)2 [(1 − ) +(𝐾) ]

M 1 C C Cc 2
But  2 and   . Substitute into above equation, we get
K n K Cc K  n
𝜔2 2𝜉𝜔 2
(𝑀𝜔2 2 2
𝑌) = (𝐾𝑍) [(1 − 2 ) + ( ) ] = (𝐾𝑍)2 [(1 − 𝛽 2 )2 + (2𝜉𝛽)2 ]
𝜔𝑛 𝜔𝑛
𝑀𝜔2 𝑌 = 𝐾𝑍√(1 − 𝛽 2 )2 + (2𝜉𝛽)2or 𝐾 𝜔2 𝑌 = 𝑍√(1 − 𝛽 2 )2 + (2𝜉𝛽)2

𝑀 2 𝜔2
∴ = 𝐾𝜔 =
𝑌 √(1 − 𝛽 2 )2 + (2𝜉𝛽)2 √(1 − 𝛽 2 )2 + (2𝜉𝛽)2
𝑍 𝛽2
∴ =
𝑌 √(1 − 𝛽 2 )2 + (2𝜉𝛽)2

vs  curve is similar to case (b) . Simply replace by on y-axis.
Y e Y
1. What is vibration isolation? Briefly explain.
2. Write a note on commercial isolation materials.
3. Show that the vibration isolation is possible when the frequency ratio  2

Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

Prob. 1: A mass of 6kg suspended by a spring of stiffness 1.2 kN/m is forced to vibrate by a
harmonic force of 10 N. Assuming viscous damping of 0.086 kN-sec/m, find,
(i) The resonance frequency (ii) Amplitude at resonance
(iii) Phase angle at resonance (iv) Frequency corresponding to peal amplitude
(v) Peak amplitude.
Data: m = 6 kg, K = 1.2x103N/m, C= 0.086x103N-sec/m, Fo = 10N.

K 1.2  103
n    14.142 rad/sec, Cc  2 mK  2 6  1.2  103  169.71N  sec/ m
m 6

C 0.086  103
   0.507
Cc 169.71

(i) Resonance frequency ( r ): At resonance,   n ,

Therefore, resonance frequency,  r   n  14.142 rad/sec.

(ii) Amplitude (X) at resonance: The amplitude, X corresponds to    n i.e.   1 is the amplitude
at resonance. We have magnification factor as
X 1

X st
1   
2 2
 2 2

At   1 , the above equation reduces to the form,

X 1 1
 
X st
1  1 
2 2
 2 12

Fo 10
here,   0.507 and X st    8.33  103 m. Substitute into above equation, we get
K 1.2  103
X st 8.33  103
the amplitude at resonance as, X    8.22  103 m or 8.22 mm.
2 2  0.507
(iii) Phase angle (  ) at resonance: Phase angle at   1 is

 2 
  tan 1    tan 1   90o
11 

(iv) Frequency corresponding to peak amplitude (  p ): We know that, the peak amplitude occur at,

p   1  2 2  1  2  0.5072  0.697

 p  0.697  n  0.697 14.142  9.86 rad/sec

Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

(v) Peak amplitude: The amplitude corresponds to  p  0.697 is known as peak amplitude.
X 1 1 1
  
X st
1   
2 2
 2 2 1  0.697 
2 2
 2  0.507  0.6972

1 8.33  103
X  X st    9.531 103 m or 9.531 mm.
0.874 0.874
Prob. 2: A mass of 100 kg is suspended on a spring having a scale of 19600 N/m and is acted
upon by a harmonic force of 39.2 N at the undamped natural frequency. The damping may be
considered to be viscous with a coefficie3nt of 98 N-sec/m. Determine,
(a) The undamped natural frequency
(b) The amplitude of vibration of the mass and
(c) The phase difference between the force and the displacement.
Hint: since force acts at undamped natural frequency (i.e. at   n ), this is the case of resonance.
Therefore, determine the above parameters for   1 .

Prob. 3: A reciprocating machine which weighs 200 kg is supported on supports having an

equivalent spring of 100 N/mm and damping coefficient of 2 N-sec/mm. A piston weighing 5 kg
reciprocates inside the machine. The crank shaft speed is 1500 rpm and stroke is 100 mm.
Assuming the motion of piston as SHM, determine,
(i) Amplitude of vibration of machine (ii) The centrifugal force developed
(iii) Force transmitted to the foundation (iv) % of vibration isolation, if any.
Prob. 4: A vertical single stage air compressor having a mass of 500 kg is mounted on springs
having stiffness of 1.96 x 105N/m and dashpots with a damping factor of 0.2. The rotating parts
are completely balanced and the equivalent reciprocating parts weigh 20 kg. The stroke is 0.2 m.
determine the dynamic amplitude of vertical motion and the phase difference between the motion
and the excitation force if the compressor is operating at 200 rpm.
Prob. 5: A 75 kg machine is mounted on springs of stiffness k = 11.76 x 10 5N/m with an assumed
damping factor of 0.2. A 2 kg piston within the machine has a reciprocating motion with a stroke
of 0.08 m and a speed of 3000 cpm. Assuming the motion of the piston to be harmonic, determine
the amplitude of vibration of the machine and the vibratory force transmitted to the foundation.
Prob. 6: A 1000 kg machine is mounted on four identical springs of total spring constant k and
having negligible damping. The machine is subjected to a harmonic external force of amplitude
Fo = 490 N and frequency 180 rpm. Determine,
(a) The amplitude of motion of the machine and maximum force transmitted to the foundation
because of the unbalanced force when k = 1.96 x 106 N/m.
(b) Same as in 9a) for the case when k = 9.8 x 104 N/m.
Prob. 7: A motor is mounted on 2 springs each stiffness of 10 N/mm and a dashpot has a
coefficient of 0.16 N-sec/mm. The motor including the unbalanced mass weighs 18 kg and
unbalanced mass weighs 0.5 kg and is located 70 mm from the centre of shaft. The motor rotates
at 300 rpm. Determine,
(a) Amplitude and phase angle of the resulting motion.
(b) Magnitude of force on the foundation exerted by the spring, by the damper and by the spring
and damper together.

Mechanical Vibrations Forced Vibrations

(c) Resonance speed and resulting amplitude of motion.

Prob. 8: A single cylinder vertical petrol engine of total mass 320 kg is mounted upon a steel
chassis and causes a vertical static deflection of 2 mm. The reciprocating paerts of the engine
have a mass of 24 kg and move through a vertical stroke of 150 mm with SHM. A dashpot
attached to the system offers a resistance of 490 N at a velocity of 0.3 m/sec. determine:
(a) The speed of the driving shaft at resonance
(b) The amplitude of steady state vibration when the driving shaft of the engine rotates at 480
Prob. 9: A machine weighing 5 kN is supported on springs with a static deflection of 0.5 cm. If
the machine has rotating unbalance of 250 N-cm, determine,
(a) The force transmitted to the floor at 1200 rpm.
(b) The dynamic amplitude at this speed.


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