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1. Requirements:
- A group of 5-7 students will be randomly assigned a company that deals with
international trade (Samsung Electronics Vietnam; Nike Vietnam ; Nestlé
Vietnam; Toyota Vietnam; Bosch Vietnam; Intel Products Vietnam; Coca-Cola
Beverages Vietnam)
- From the theories acquired from this course, you are required to prepare a
procurement plan for that company such as spend forecast and spend category,
research the local market, analyze potential suppliers, develop a plan for
selecting the best supplier for that business as well as tracking supplier
performance and implementing the SRM. You could also consider any potential
risks and challenges that could arise from procuring from Vietnam.
- A practical date will be the base for the input of the assignment.
2. Maximum length of the Group Assignment:
- The group report should be 5 pages, font-size 11 Times New Roman, double-
spacing; EXCLUDING appendices/charts/figures/tables
- The presentation should be no more than 20 minutes per group
3. Scope of knowledge and skill of questions
Based on the taught chapters of this course
4. Key Notes of Group Assignment:
- This group assignment accounts for 15% of the overall grading structure
- The assignment includes two parts: a written report and an oral presentation
- All documents (report and slides) must be submitted via LMS. A deduction of
10% of the assignment mark will be applied for each day of late submission.
- Recommended: 70% for presentation and 30% for the written report.
5. Deadlines:
- Group Report & Presentation Slides Submission due date: all groups must submit
the group assignment (report and slides) via LMS on the 1st studying session of
Week 9 (Wednesday)
- Group Presentation: all groups will present on 2nd studying session of Week 9

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