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State of the art technology to resolve your combustion issues.


Find out, which measurement, control and optimization tools we have for your combustion system.
MECONTROL Coal utilizes two technologies to measure McON Air is a single channel solution which works accor-
the mass-flow rate. The velocity measurement uses the ding a patented correlation principle. The system measures
time of flight of unique signal patterns created by particles the time of flight of unique signal patterns created by
contained in the gas. Density measurement is based on particles contained in the gas. Because the principle is time
microwave resonance in the lower frequency range, matched based it is accurate and drift free over the entire lifetime.
to the typical pipe sizes in coal & biomass combustion.
Reliable measurement of dust laden gases
Absolut measurement
Temperature range up to 1000 °C/1800 °F
Drift free - no calibration
Airflow / flue gas
Drift free - no calibration, no purging
No maintenance - no purging
Virtually no maintenance
Balance fuel flow to the burners
SIL 2 version available
Detecting fuel pulsations
Turn down ratio up to 25
Detecting fuel layout
Over Fire Air No K-Factors - direct time of flight measurement
Monitoring minimum velocity
Hot tapping solution for full plant availability
In Burner Flow Measurement
Seondary Air flow Auxiliary Energy
Control System
110 VAC / 230 VAC V (m3/h) purging purging no purging
Control system room McON Air measurement
Coal Flow
Junction Box Periphery

Unburned Carbon MECONTROL Coal

Primary Air Measurement Cabinet

coal pipe direction of flow

delta P measurement

0 1 2 3 t (days)
Lowering NOx emissions

Balanced pulverised coal massflow to the

burners is crucial for low thermal NOx emissions.

Increasing boiler efficiency

MECONTROL UBC McON Temp Achieve drift free flow control to each burner or windbox,
„ We use PROMECON´s coal flow measurement
system and density dampers to improve
even at lowest flows. Reduce access air without suffering
higher CO or unburned carbon.
combustion. A new Kalman Filter will also
MECONTROL UBC continuously measures the content McON Temp temperature sensors are designed be applied to increase load swing capacity.”
of unburnt carbon in fly ash as the main combustion for purpose. Super fast response time guarantees Luis Andrade, Colbun, Santa Maria, Chile
quality control parameter. The patented system works fast tracing of process temperature changes on Increasing boiler availability
in-situ, without complicated sampling and for most mill outlet for better control of mill dynamics
robust and lowest maintenance requirements. combined with high wear resistance. Reduce flagging, avoid steam leaks and reduce fouling.

No sampling or extraction Ultra thin, low wear protection tube 54 countries, 292 plants and
Optimising fly ash quality thousands of PROMECON
No pneumatic transport Super fast - T90 < 10s

Simple mechanical design No thermal well necessary

Improve your ash sorting. Have in time control over your
ash sorting to minimize reject ash disposal.
sensors world wide – This is us!
No grind size separation due to sampling Fast tracing of temperature changes
and swings Increasing load swing capacity
Low total cost of ownership
Various lengths and measuring Ask us for more information!
High accuracy version available 0,2% inserts available

Contact us:
Primary Air, Classifier Temperature
Control System
Auxiliary Energy
110 VAC / 230 VAC Mecontrol Coal Massflow PROMECON
process measurement control GmbH
Solutions for
Control system room
t/h, °C Classifier Primary Air Temp. °C
Steinfeldstraße 5 • D-39179 Barleben • Germany Coal and Biomass
Junction Box
Coal mass flow
230 Phone +49 (0)39203-512-0 • Fax +49 (0)39203-512-202
info@promecon.com • www.promecon.com Fired Boilers
Measurement Cabinet Mill C-Pipe temp Colbun, Santa Maria, Chile
40 130

Sensor Box Impressum:

80 You can control what you can measure properly
Air Supply 20 Editor: PROMECON process measurement control GmbH
PA Temp Mill C 30
Steinfeldstraße 5 • D-39179 Barleben • Germany

00:00 02:24 04:48 07:12
Conception/Design/Layout: toolboxx-media, Magdeburg • Germany
Picture credits: PROMECON, toolboxx-media www.promecon.com POWER

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