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The opportunities, not guarantees, are available to anyone today.

Learning to Trade or
Invest on Your Own...
That title may have attracted your attention. But then you may have stopped to
think, “Is this an article about how to learn to trade on your own”? Or is it an
article about, “The pitfalls of learning to trade on your own”?

The answer is yes. It’s a bit of both.

This article should be looked at as your guide if you are looking to trade or invest
for yourself

This is a quick outline of the best way to do it yourself, how to get help free, and
where to go if you want to be a pro and can't figure it all out on your own.

No harm will come to you from reading this!

(It is just some good information)

2 / Disciplined Trading Strategies by Paul Lange

Before you begin an article like this it’s imperative you know
the author. My name is Paul Lange and I have been a
trader/investor for a long time. I spent a good deal of my time
at bigger companies writing and teaching various aspects of
trading / investing.

But there are huge problems that arise when you as a client
try to learn something from a big company. They have a lot of
bills to pay, and therefore a lot of sales to make. Perhaps you
been involved in the continuous up-sell routine of a big
company. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all bad. They have a lot
to offer and can offer a variety of potential methods or
instructors. That can be good, or it can be bad.

3 / Disciplined Trading Strategies by Paul Lange

Three years ago August of 2017 I went off and started my own company. But never
mind that for now. I just want you to know that I’ve been on all sides of this equation.
When I started as a trader, I had absolutely no market knowledge whatsoever. So I’ve
gone through the learning process. I’ve worked under and with a big company, and also
now off on my own. One thing I want to try and impress upon you is that I will tell it like
it is.

One thing I want to try and impress upon you is that I will tell it like it is. If you doubt
that, when you are done reading this article, read what is toward the bottom of the
homepage at DTS. That is my site. Disciplined Trading Strategies…

under the subheading called “Warning”.

Please feel free to trust the links on this page, but it is prudent to verify before you click.
You can Google ‘Disciplined Trading Strategies’ and Google will point you to the DTS
site, so you can see it is a legit site, not a malware link.

4 / Disciplined Trading Strategies by Paul Lange

Again I want to be upfront and I’m telling you that I currently run a company
that teaches people about the trading/investing (I consider long-term
trading to be investing, it’s all the same to me). I also have a trading room
where we daytrade the opening hour or two of the market, and long-term
investment letter.

But what I really push on people when they first are introduced to me or my
website is what I consider to be the biggest greatest collection of useful,
free information about trading/investing on the Internet. It is posted on
what is called the “Free Stuff Page”.

Notice that the word “useful” is highlighted because you can certainly find
more information, it’s often just worthless definitions. You need to
understand that an awful lot that is written about trading is not very good.
It’s cliché definitions that if you understand everything that the author has
written perfectly, you will know just enough to lose money slowly.

"Free Stuff"
I also offer to talk with anybody new, and to exchange emails, and to
look at and give comments on their trades or their trading record. I do
multiple free events every month that are in no way sales campaigns,
they are simply good information. As a matter fact the people who are
in a training program with me are required to attend all these events
and to know all the information on the Free Stuff Page.
Why do I do that? Well I started this concept because I think an awful lot of
smart people want to try it on their own. That’s actually what I did (a long
time ago). I considered myself to be a smart cookie and that I would figure
out how to do this. And after working with many people for many years, I
feel an awful lot of people have that same attitude. I think it is “possible” to
do it on your own, especially if you do have some kind of friend or mentor
that will occasionally chat with you.

And even if you don’t succeed, I think there is a certain need to exhaust
that possibility before you move on to the next possibility. So I genuinely try
to help people who want to learn on their own, or as the case often is,
they’re simply not ready at the moment to devote the time or resources to
learn to do this on their own so they are learning what they can in the
meantime. Either way I’m happy to help.

6 / Disciplined Trading Strategies by Paul Lange

I simply enjoy what I’m doing. Many people have been with me for years
and years. Some are just off on their own trading for a living, some still like
to hang around the chat room or stay in touch by email.

At the end I will give you some key links to get started, skip to there now if
you are bored. But here I want to get a few lines out to you on various
subjects, that to me, are critical to understand to be successful, however
you learn. These comments refer to anyone who wants to day trade, or
wants to invest for themselves. They refer to anyone interested in stocks,
futures, Forex, or commodities or options. I like stocks and some futures,
but I teach concepts that apply to all equally.

7 / Disciplined Trading Strategies by Paul Lange

Why should you bother
to learn ‘trading or
investing’ for yourself?
It is simple. For long term investing, your savings, your retirement
money. Where to you put it today?

Interest rates are… well ‘zero’. Mutual funds?

Do you realize the 93% of mutual funds do not
beat the market? Why is that? The managers
are not ‘stupid’, but they are handicapped by
having billions of dollars under management. It
takes them ‘weeks’ to get in and out. You can
outperform because you can be nimble.

For shorter term, you don’t have to commit suddenly to being a full
time day trader. As a matter of fact I would never tell anyone to do
that. While that is a very conceivable goal for anyone, you need to
prove you can do that. BUT, a great way to start is to begin daytrading
if you have even 1-2 mornings or afternoons free a week, or if you
have a week day off every week, or if you are semi-retired, or if you
have your own business or in any way can manage your own hours. I
like to focus on the opening hour of the market. That is all you need.

8 / Disciplined Trading Strategies by Paul Lange

Who is qualified to
trade or invest for
Anyone. Anyone that has the time to learn and to be with the market
enough to make money. As a matter of fact, the BEST student is one
that has NO previous market knowledge. Most anything you have
learned in the past will hurt you. You do not need any prior experience
or training.

You do not need much of an investment. As a long term trader all you
need is a laptop. As a day trader you need a little more, like an up to
date computer and a couple monitors and a good internet. Naturally,
you need your funds.

As a long term trader you have your funds and are looking to manage
them. As a day trader, it is possible even with limited funds. Email me
for more information about this.

9 / Disciplined Trading Strategies by Paul Lange

What exactly do you
need to learn?

That is easy. You need to learn technical analysis. There is no other

answer. It takes a while to explain. I do a free seminar that is 5 hours
long every six weeks and this is one of the topics I discuss. If there
were ANY value to looking at fundamentals I would do it. There is not.

You have to get good with charts. But it is not really that hard. It is not
‘difficult’; it requires the actual intelligence of a fifth grader. What
many do not understand is that charts only take you so far. I have
done presentations that discuss this, such as, “Three Legs of the
Trading Stool”. Charts alone without money management, math and
probabilities, and understanding some of the basic psychological
pitfalls you will encounter will assure failure.

But just as important as what to learn, it what NOT to learn. I feel the
first step to filling your head with the right information is to remove all
the wrong information. Understand, there are several right ways to
trade, there are different ways to make money. But there are also
wrong ways to do things. You need to know what is wrong, and learn a
right way. Just one of them.

Unfortunately many big companies in an effort to make revenue, will

have a never ending stream of seminars and new information to learn.
Unfortunately most of that becomes ‘filler’ information. A lot of it is
not even correct, and to the extent some is correct, it does not make
you money. I keep my trading very simple. All you need to know is in
price charts. I am often asked why I don’t use the blah-blah indicator,
or whatever. My answer is always the same. “It has never made me a
penny”. So I take it off the screen.

10 / Disciplined Trading Strategies by Paul Lange

And how do you go
about learning this?

I suggest you start looking at the educational

information that is on the DTS Free Stuff Page.
You can go there now, it is open to anyone.
There is a section on “Prior Events”, a section
on “Trade of the Week”, a section on “For
Newbies”, a section on “Other Educational "Free Stuff"
Topics”. New info is being added all the time.

Become a.. If you sign up to be a member at Disciplined

Trading Strategies (DTS), you can do that
HERE, you will receive the Weekly Market
Summary, a first looks at the Trade of the
Week. Other educational information, and also
invites to all DTS Educational events, usually
Member three per month.

*** There is NO need to fear becoming an member. You do NOT even need a
name, just an email. Your email is never sold and you get informative emails
and notice of events. You can always easily unsubcribe.

You can email me with questions, at

You can even set up at short coaching / questions asking session about any
trading topics you want HERE.
And how do you go
about learning this?

Do everything on the prior page. Get a feel for what you like. The time
frame, style, setups. There are many ways to make money.

The best thing you can do is start out paper trading. Learn what you
want to do. Start writing rules for what you like and what you think
works. Track what you do and evaluate it every day.

When you have ‘success’, move up to risking 5 dollars on a single

trade, that is it. You take share size, so that the spot on the chart that
tells you to exit will incur a $5.00 loss.

You can learn A LOT more about all of this on

the Free Stuff Page, AND at the half day class
that you will be invited to as a member called,
“Introduction to Mastering Technical Analysis”.
It is held every 6-7 weeks. You can see all the
DTS events on the DTS Calendar.

12 / Disciplined Trading Strategies by Paul Lange

Closing Comments…

Trading is not difficult. But it is a skill, a profession, like any other that
must be learned. While self teaching, be sure to set goals and see if you
are meeting them. You should NEVER lose any significant money while
learning. You will lose in the beginning. Make sure you are always
making progress.

Most people underestimate the task, and most lose. These are smart
people that come to the market and lose. Remember, you must be
different. If you are using common sense you will fail quickly at trading.
If you are listening to news, reading earnings reports, or looking up
fundamentals you will lose miserably. You are ‘way’ behind. It is not that
they are necessarily wrong; it is that they have been built into the price.
Way more than you likely imagine.

You should have fun doing this, no not ever get frustrated. The market
will know!

Good trading…

Paul Lange
Disciplined Trading Strategies

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