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By:Himangani and
Cultutral decor
In Italian decor, traditional kitchenware is often displayed. This can
include copper pots, pans, ceramic bowls, and vintage kitchen utensils,
sometimes hung from walls or displayed on open shelving.

Italian ceramics and pottery are common decorative elements, often

featuring traditional patterns and motifs. Items like colorful plates,
pitchers, and vases with floral or fruit designs are frequently used.
Food Preparation
Italian cuisine emphasizes using fresh, seasonal, locally-sourced ingredients
like - vegetables, olive oil, cheeses, and cured meats.

Common preparation methods include soffritto (sautéing aromatic vegetables),

cooking pasta al dente, baking dishes al forno in wood-fired ovens, and using
battuto (finely chopped vegetable/herb mixtures) as flavor bases. Italian meals
often follow a structured order of courses, from antipasti to dolci.

Overall, Italian food highlights simplicity, balance of flavors, and letting high-
quality ingredients shine through simple preparations.
Eating Patterns, Etiquette
And Manners
typically eat 4-5 meals per day, with lunch and dinner as the main
extended affairs following a traditional course order.

Meals are savored as social occasions, with etiquette like not rushing, using
bread to mop up sauce, pairing wines appropriately, and saying "buon

Table manners are refined, such as not mixing foods on one plate, using
provided utensils properly, and leaving a small amount on the plate when
Pasta dishes (spaghetti carbonara fettuccine Alfredo)
panna cotta
Menu (Appitizers) 1.
Small tasty but ugly bites-Traditional brutti ma
1. Olive and Capper Bread: This recipe is a buoni 'ugly but good' are a cookie made with
hazelnuts, egg whites and sugar, found in Rome
Mediterranean bread with olives, sun-
and central Italy. This savory spin uses fried
dried tomatoes, and capers makes for a cabbage and potatoes to make small ugly but tasty
deliciously impressive appetizer. bites that are perfect for aperitivo time.
Ingredients (Save On Foods) 2. Ingrediants
all-purpose flour- $5.99 Boiled Potatoes-$8.99
sundried tomatoes-$5.99 Flour-$5.99
Anchovy Sauce-$4.49
capers in brine-$3.59 Garlic Cloves-$3.99
extra-virgin olive oil-$8.29 Salt and Pepper- $6.49
black olive-$2.19 Carrots-$0.50/each
Taggiasca olive-$3.49/100g 1. Watermelon and Feta Salad With Olive Savary Cabbage-$5.09
fresh brewer's yeast-$6.79 and Tarragon Pesto-Olive and tarragon Large Eggs-$4.29
pesto accompany watermelon and feta Extra Virgin Olive Oil-$8.29
Penut Oil-$8.99
Total Cost:$39.02 salad in this refreshing Mediterranean Lemon-$0.99/Each
summer recipe. Total Cost:$58.10
2. Ingredients
Watermelon- $7.99
Pitted Green Olives- $3.49/100g
Feta Cheese- $8.99
Mixed Seeds- $9.49
Extra Virgen Olive Oil- $8.29
Total Cost:$43.73
Menu (Dinner)
1. Spinach Gnocchi-There is a wide range of

gnocchi found in Italy; some made from
1. Bolognese Style Soup-Mortadella and Parmigiano potatoes or breadcrumbs, with or without
Reggiano, two key ingredients from the region of flour, and flavorings of herbs, cheese, or
Emilia Romagna make this Bolognese-style soup, vegetables.
anything but ordinary 2. Ingredients
2. Ingredients Potatoes-$8.99
Semonila-$4.49 Rice Flour-$1.99
Unsulted Butter-$3.99
Tapocia Starch-$4.79
Large Eggs-$4.29
Spinich- $5.59
Beef Broth-$2.29
Cornstarch- $4.19
Parmigiano Reggiano-$7.49/Each
Mortadella-$3.79 1. Pumpkin Ravioli-Make a dough with the flour, 2 eggs, and
Large Eggs-$4.29
Nutmeg-$4.39 Total Cost:$29.84
a tablespoon of oil and knead until well mixed
Salt-$2.69 2. Ingredients
Total Cost:$33.42 Pumpkin-$5.99
mostarda di mela-$7
amaretto cookies-$34/lb
Salt and Pepper-$6.49
Grana Padano cheese-$7.49/each
Extra Virgin Olive Oil-$8.29
Total Cost:$96.41
Menu (Dessert) 1. Zabaglione-This light whipped-
custard dessert is perfect for
1. Tiramisu- layers of coffee-soaked savoiardi
and mascarpone whipped with sugar and
biscotti dipping
eggs, topped with cocoa powder 2. Ingredients
2. Ingredients Eggs-$4.19
Coco Powder-$6.29
Caster Sugar-$2.49
Vanilla-$6.99 Marsala-$5.99
Pastured Eggs-$4.19 Biscotti-$6.69
Sugar-$2.49 Total Cost:$19.36
Heavy Cream-$4.99
Ladyfinger Cookies-$3.99
Mascarpone Cheese-$11.49 1. Gelato-gelato is generally made with
Total Cost:$53.12
less cream and less air, thanks to a
longer churn period that results in a
denser dessert
2. Ingredients
Whole Milk-$3.79
Heavy Cream-$4.99
Total Cost:$15.46
Local Resturant
Local Restaurants: Olive Garden-
They’re doing multiple things right. For example, Olive Garden offer’s a
wide variety of options for appitizers, dinners, and desserts;by yourself or
with a group of people. However, they lack the ability to include if they
have allergy friendly options for people who have food allergies or food
It wouldn’t be our first choice for dinner. For myself, there is far too many
ways where I could get a flare from food that get’s me sick.
I feel like they’re representing the culture decently.
There is lots of popular dishes at olive Garden, an example of one would
be Breadsticks
We would market out restaurant on the most common social media
platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Tik tok, Youtube, and put ads
around the city. The customers would come to our restaurant
because we offer fresh and delicious meals. We are able to work
with our amazing customers when they have a food allergy,
sensitivity, and or just don’t like it. Our specials would be throughout
the year to provide as much access to all. They would be discounts
for the elderly, students, kids, and people who are struggling to
make ends meet. We would share this information with ads, social
media, our website, flyers, the radio, and magazines
1. Watermelon and Feta Salad With Olive and Tarragon Pesto (Level:Easy)
2. Ingredients-Serves 4
Watermelon- $7.99- 177 mL
Pitted Green Olives- $3.49/100g-147 mL
Tarragon-$2.79- a little bit
Salt-$2.69- a little bit
Feta Cheese- $8.99-266 mL
Mixed Seeds- $9.49-88 mL
Extra Virgen Olive Oil- $8.29- a little bit
3. New Skills:Removing the watermelon rind, shredded tarragon,
4. Steps
1.Remove the watermelon rind and the seeds and cut the pulp into wedges.
2.Cut the feta into pieces
3.For the olive and tarragon pesto: Blend the olives in a blender with a handful of tarragon leaves and 4
Tbsp. oil, and season to taste.
4. Mix the watermelon wedges with the feta pieces, the mixed seeds, and a few shredded tarragon
leaves. Season with a drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt. Serve the salad with the olive and tarragon pesto.
1. Our Inspiration for the local restaurant- We weren’t too sure of
what kinds of restaurants were in Italy, so we did a google
search it and selected the first decent one that came up that
made sense

2.. Restaurant Layout Inspiration- Google helped give me examples

of what some can look like. From there, I drew it by hand and
created what most restaurants look like. Obviously, the drawing of
our layout doesn’t look the most clean and good looking;however,
the important information is clearly there.

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