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1. What is the League of Nations?

An international organisation that aims to promote peace among the

2. Why was Russia not a member of the League?

Britain and France didn’t want communist Russia to join

3. Which powerful countries were not members of the League?

America, Germany, Italy, Japan

4. Which of the following is a peacekeeping measure that can be adopted by the

League of Nations? (three stages of collective security)
- Moral Disapproval
- Economic Sanctions
- Military Sanctions

5. How many times a year did The Assembly meet?


6. What effect did the League’s failures in Manchuria and Abyssinia have?
Both failures made league weaker

7. What percentage of members had to agree to a decision made by the Assembly?


8. List down the name of the organisation within the League of Nations?
Health Organisation, Refugee Organisation, Economic and Financial
Organisation, International Labour Organization, Slavery Commission
and Disarmament Commission.
9. What were the FOUR (4) main aims of the League of Nations?
- Stop war (by using collective security system)
- Improve health, life and jobs
- Disarmament
- Enforce the Treaty of Versailles
10. List down the FIVE (5) organisation of the League of Nations.
- Assembly
- Council
- Secretariat
- International Labour Organisation
- Permanent Court of Justice.
11. Explain the THREE (3) stages of collective security.
- Moral disapproval. Council will meet and vote to condemn the action
(the League starts off by telling the country that it is doing something
wrong and that it must stop).
- Economic Sanction. If moral disapproval failed, then Council could
impose economic sanctions on the aggressor (tell other countries to stop
trading with the country that was breaking the rules).
- Military Sanction. If economic sanctions failed, then Council could
impose military sanction (ask other member nations to send their
armed forces to enforce the League decision).
12. Explain TWO (2) disadvantages of collective security.
- Unanimous decisions. All decisions taken by the Assembly and Council
had to be unanimous. (Just one vote can cause the decision to be failed,
majority votes were not considered. Thus, decision making was hard.
Eg: Decision on stop trading. Some countries would not stop trading as
this would affect their economy.
- Lack of an army. League did not have an army of its own (No Army).
If military sanctions were imposed, then members were asked to
contribute their military forces, which takes time and no appropriate
army assemble. Sometimes, members would not give their soldiers.
13. List down the TWO (2) agreements made outside of the League.
- The Locarno pact: 1925
- The kellog-briand pact-1928
14. What is the Great Depression and what caused it?
- The Great Depression was a period of history whereby there was a
severe worldwide economic collapse which lasted throughout most of
the 1930s.
- The Great Depression was caused by the impact of the Wall Street
Crash in 1929.
15. Why League did not react to Japan during Manchurian crisis? Give TWO (2)
- All countries were worried about their own economic problems and if
they had gone to war with Japan or imposed sanctions it would have
cost them money and trade.
- And economic sanctions also would not have worked because Japan’s
main trading partner was the USA, which was not a member of the
16. Why France and Germany could not agree on terms of World Disarmament
- FRANCE: The France wanted to make sure that if they reduced the
size of their armed forces, they would not be threatened by Germany.
- GERMANY: Then, when Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in
1933, he claimed that Germany was already disarmed and the other
countries should follow its lead. As a result in October of 1933, Hitler
withdraw from the conference and began to ignore the restrictions
imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles.
17. Why the League did not stop Italy during Abyssinian crisis? Give TWO (2)
- Italy had signed an agreement with Britain and France called the
Stressa Front stating that the three nations would stand up to Hitler.
Therefore, Britain and France did not want to fight Mussolini.
- Also, Britain and France drew up a secret agreement with Mussolini
called Hoare-Laval Pact. This allow Italy to keep the richer part of
Abyssinia with best mineral and agricultural land.
18. In 1925, Greece complained that there seemed to be one set of rules for small
countries such as Greece, and a different set of rules for big countries such as
Italy. Explain what happened during Greece & Bulgaria (1925) and Corfu’s
(1923) events.
Greece & Bulgaria (1925): Some Greek soldiers were killed in a small fight
on the border between Greece and Bulgaria. The Greeks were angry. They
invaded Bulgaria. Bulgaria asked the League to help. The League
condemned the Geeks, and told them to leave Bulgaria. The Greeks left
Bulgaria. BUT, it did complain that the League had one rule for strong
nations like Italy and another one for weak ones like Greece.

Corfu’s (1923): An Italian general was killed in Greece. Thus, the Italian
leader Mussolini was angry with the Greeks. He invaded the Greek island
of Corfu. The Greeks asked the League to help. The Council of the League
met and condemned Mussolini, and leave Corfu. It told the Greeks to give
some money to the League. Mussolini refused to accept its decision did not
leave Corfu. The League changed its decision. It told Greece to
apologise to Mussolini, and to pay the money to Italy. The Greeks did as
the League said. Then Mussolini gave Corfu back to Greece.

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