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Theory of Education 11-28-2011 iPod as classroom tools Learning applications for: Maths. Reading.


#3 Voice-memo-collaborative story building Get a student to record the first... Seekn spell GPS Curricular materials Textbooks... They must reflect and encourage respect for: The constitutional principles: o Values. o Liberties. o Rights. o Duties.

Textbooks and other curricular materials are not cost-free. LOAN SYSTEM FOR BOOKS AND TEACHING MATERIAL. 2000/2001 Castilla La Mancha. 2003/2004 Galicia. Schools are free to choose the textbooks and other materials they deem to be more appropriate. GENERAL RULE: textbooks are chosen for minimum four-year period. Primary Education. Assessment 1. The Ministry of Education stipulates the general guidelines on the assessment process for the entire State. 2. Education authorities in the Autonomous Communities develop these guidelines. 3. The Teachers Assembly specifies the assessment criteria and includes them in the schools proyecto educativo. 4. Teachers are ultimately responsible for adopting the assessment techniques and instruments they deem most appropriate to assess their students. GLOBAL AND CONTINUOUS NATURE OF ASSESSMENT It is aimed at the overall progress of the student in every area of knowledge.

When the students overall progress is below program objectives, teachers must adopt the necessary measures so as to 1. Reinforce the learning process. 2. Adapt the curriculum as required. Strategies for Primary Education (MEPSyD) 1. Development and evaluation of basic competences. BASIC COMPETENCES The competences students must have acquired at the end of compulsory education to a. Fulfil themselves. b. Exercise an active citizenship. c. Take part in adult life satisfactorily. d. Continue learning throughout their lives. 2. Development of reinforcement and support plans to combat school dropout and promote academic success. PROA Plan A territorial cooperation project between the MEC and the Autonomous Communities. AIM To tackle the needs associated with students sociocultural environment by means of a set of Reinforcement, Guidance and Support Programs for schools. ON THE BUS You have the power to change lives and shape the future. What can you do? Engage your students. Look for ways to motivate learning by making it as fun and interesting as possible. Engage their parents. Make sure they are aware of your challenges and goals in the classroom. Inject real-world relevance into your instruction. Point out The lessons your students can learn from History. How useful the knowledge of maths or science can be in their daily lives. How the art and literature of the past constantly informs what they find entertaining today.

Encourage questions and questioning. What do your students think about what they are learning?

Ask them. Dont let them give you the answers they think youre looking for. Find out what they really think, and encourage them to seek out different points of view. Instil in your students a passion for learning. Chances are, youre passionate about education. Let that passion shine through in everything you do. When it comes to your focus on education, YOU will be the expert. 3. Promotion of reading through the revitalisation of school libraries. 4. Improvement of school environment and coexistence. The 1985 Act on the Right to Education, LODE The Spanish education system will be focussed on achieving the following goals: 1. Full development of students personalities and abilities. 2. Respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms, equal rights and opportunities. 3. Tolerance and freedom within the democratic principles of coexistence, as well as the prevention of conflicts and their peaceful resolution. 4. Education in individual responsibility, merit and personal effort. 5. Peace, respect for human rights, community life, social cohesion, and cooperation and solidarity among communities, as well as the acquisition of values promoting respect for living beings and the environment. 6. Development of students ability to regulate their own learning process, trust their aptitude and knowledge, and develop creativity, personal initiative and an enterprising spirit. 7. Respect and acknowledgement of the linguistic and cultural plurality of Spain and to view multiculturalism as an element enriching society. 8. Acquisition of intellectual habits and working techniques, scientific, technical, humanistic, historical and artistic knowledge, as well as the development of a healthy lifestyle, physical exercise and sport. 9. Enabling students to obtain professional qualifications. 10. Development of students ability to communicate in the official language, the coofficial language as applicable, and in one or more foreign languages. 11. Preparation for citizenship and active participation in economic, social and cultural life, with a critical and responsible attitude

Primary Education. General Objectives (LOE) 1. Provide students with education that enables them a. To consolidate their personal development and their own well being. b. To acquire the basic cultural skills.

i. Speaking, listening, reading, writing and basic mathematical operations. c. To develop social skills, study and work habits, artistic sensibility, creativity and affectivity.

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