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10/24/2018 Focus shifts to man-made fibre

( shifts to man-made fibre


Focus shifts to man-made fibre

Farmers sidelined in draft national fibre policy

By Jyotika Sood (

Last Updated: Saturday 04 July 2015
AIMING to catch up with global competition and India's fibre
requirement of the future, the Union Ministry of Textiles put up a
draft national fibre policy on its website in June. It has invited
comments and suggestions.

Though India is the second largest producer of man-made fibre in the

world, said the draft, its share in global exports of textiles made of
such fibre in 2008 was a mere 2.25 per cent. India's fibre consumption
tilts towards cotton in a ratio of 59:41 compared to manmade fibre.
Worldwide, the tilt is just the reverse where man-made fibre
consumption is 60 per cent compared to 40 per cent cotton fibre.

The global fibre consumption trend in future is likely to tilt further in favour of man-made fibre,
the draft policy said. "Given that the future demand is expected to be largely in favour of
manmade fibre-based textiles, special attention is required to boost the consumption and
production," the draft noted. The key producers of man-made fibre in India are Reliance India
Limited, Grasim, Indo-Rama Synthetics Limited, Century Euka Limited, Birla Cellulose. The
draft policy estimates India will need investment worth `1,76,510 crore by 2020 to enhance
capacity along the textile value chain— spinning, weaving, knitting, processing and garments.

Critics have taken strongly to the overemphasis on man-made fibre. D Narasimha Reddy of
Chetana Society, a Hyderabad NGO, said the policy has not spelt out a coherent strategy for
farmers, who come first in the fibre supply chain. "Among farmers, cotton growers get more
attention, while those who produce jute, wool and silk only get a passing mention," he

The policy has failed to address availability of cotton seed, prices and quality, he added. Nor does
it suggest measures to ensure proper returns for farmers, who have been plagued by rising cost of
production, Reddy said. "Once again industry has been given importance over agriculture." D J 1/7
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Gohain, managing editor of Textile Excellence and textile technologist, suggested the ministry
should include ramie fibre in the fibre category requiring special focus. He pointed out that the
( shifts to man-made fibre
government is promoting banana and pineapple fibres, which are still in nascent stage, but ramie
already has a technology for cultivation, crop management and production.

Gohain said natural fibres should be given preference as they grow from renewable resources.
Man-made fibres are made from chemicals and petroleum. A Saktivel of Tirupur Exporters'
Association in Tamil Nadu welcomed the policy. It will boost India's knitwear garment export, he

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Chhattisgarh's Korba district has a livelihood plan

for mining-affected families
If implemented well, the inititiative can not only lead to sustained livelihood generation, but also set a precedent
for other mining-affected districts

('s Korba district has a livelihood plan for mining-affected



By Chinmayi Shalya (

Last Updated: Tuesday 23 October 2018 3/7
10/24/2018 Focus shifts to man-made fibre

This could be the first district in the country to initiate a targeted resource and need-based livelihood plan through
the District Mineral Foundation. Credit: Chandra Bhushan /CSE
( shifts to man-made fibre
In a move that can improve the lives of families directly affected by mining, district authorities of
Korba, Chhattisgarh’s coal and thermal power hub, have initiated a resource-based plan that can
ensure sustainable income for hundreds.

This could be the first district in the country to initiate a targeted resource and need-based
livelihood plan through the District Mineral Foundation (DMF), and can set a precedent for other
mining-affected districts if implemented well.

In a circular dated September 12, 2018, the district authorities sought a proposal from external
agencies, particularly non-profits to implement a livelihood model for villages identified as
directly-affected by mining. Lakhtakiya or the one lakh rupees model is based on money spent per
family and is likely to be targeted towards “directly-affected” households, which include 202
villages within three kilometers of the mines. The proposed initiative will be 18-months long.

DMF is a non-profit trust set under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act,

2015 (
contribution-to-district-mineral-foundation-rules-2015/) to “work for the interest and benefit of NEXT NEWS ❯
persons, and areas affected by mining.” The mining companies pay a defined proportion of the
royalty to DMF as a way of sharing profits with those whose land is being mined upon.

So far, Korba district has a DMF corpus of about Rs. 700 crore and will be getting an estimated
Rs. 250 crore every year. However, in the past three years, the focus of the district’s DMF
investments has been on construction (roads, bridges and education infrastructure), according to
previous analysis (
by the Delhi-based non-profit Centre for Science and Environment (CSE). Skill development got
just 1.3 per cent investment from the district’s DMF until March 2018. There had been no focus
on livelihood creation based on local resources through DMF until now.

Target households – economically and socially disadvantaged

About 200 marginalised families will be identified within the 202 directly-affected villages. A
multi-livelihood option plan will be created on the basis of a resource mapping of the households
to suit the needs, resources and skills of the families. “The livelihood options could be based on
agriculture, Natural Resource Management, animal husbandry, Non Timber Forest Produce
(NTFP) or any other option which can enhance the income and also ensure regularity of income
on long-term basis,” says the circular.

The district proposes to spend Rs 1 lakh per unit, or family for expenditures like capacity
building, training, exposure, procurement of materials, construction support, seed money, subject
to the needs of the family.

Families headed by women, those falling below poverty line (BPL), landless and marginal
farmers, disabled, and families with single or no livelihood options will be targeted. The target of
the initiative is to double the household income of the families and ensure they move out of the
Above Poverty Line (APL) category. 4/7
10/24/2018 Focus shifts to man-made fibre

The district will incur an expense of just Rs. 2 crore for the ground implementation of the project.
District officials the author spoke to said they are aiming to successfully implement it and
( shifts to man-made fibre
replicate it in different areas to harness the local resource potential.
Implementation is key

Korba has one of the worst work participation rates in Chhattisgarh with only 43.2 per cent
working population, according to the Census 2011. Income stability is also a big concern. In
about 91 per cent rural households in Korba, the highest earning member earns less than Rs.
5,000 per month, says the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC), 2011. About 80 per cent are
marginal farmers as per the district’s estimates.

Locals say that unemployment and underemployment is acute in mining areas, where people
subsist on manual and unskilled labour. “Another issue is dependence on mines which are not
only hazardous but also not a sustainable source of income for unskilled labourers. People are
doing small jobs and once the mine shuts, those also would not be left,” said Lakshmi Chouhan, a
local who has been working on land acquisition and mining related issues in the region.

If implemented well, the initiative can not only lead to sustained livelihood generation, but also
set a precedent for other districts to follow, adds Chouhan. "Many big mining districts like Korba NEXT NEWS ❯

are rich in forests and DMFs can be used for NTFPs, which will link people to the local resources
and for
creation of market linkages,” says Srestha Banerjee, Programme Manager, Environmental
Governance Unit, CSE.

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India Environment Portal Resources :

Judgement of the Supreme Court of India regarding establishment of the District Mineral
Foundation, 13/10/2017
District Mineral Foundation (DMF): Status Report 2017
Mines and Minerals (Contribution to District Mineral Foundation) Rules, 2015



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