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Essentials of Sociology 9th Edition

Brinkerhoff Test Bank

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Essentials of Sociology 8th Edition Brinkerhoff Test


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1. When driving, we stop at a red light, whether or not a policeman is present. This is a form of:
a. internalized social control.
b. formal social control.
c. externalization.
d. anticipatory socialization.

ANS: a REF: Conformity and Deviance DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.1

2. According to your text, effective social control is dependent primarily on:

a. both self-control and informal social controls.
b. both self-control and formal social controls.
c. formal social controls only.
d. self-control only.

ANS: a REF: Conformity and Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.1

3. Internalization occurs when:

a. a person exercises self-restraint because of fear of what others will think.
b. sanctions such as fines, expulsion, and imprisonment are used to enforce conformity.
c. illegal acts are avoided because of fear of getting caught.
d. we don’t even think of violating the norms and values of our group because conformity is a part
of our self-concept.

ANS: d REF: Conformity and Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.1

4. Alan, a 14-year-old boy, finds himself in a situation where he can steal a digital watch from K-Mart.
He decides against the theft because he fears what others would think of him if they found out. In this
situation, Alan conforms to society’s values because of:
a. formal social controls.
b. informal social controls.
c. aversive social controls.
d. internalization.

ANS: b REF: Conformity and Deviance DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.1

5. Formal sanctions are LEAST likely to produce conformity when:

a. the police spend a substantial part of their time trying to eliminate illegal behavior.
b. formal sanctions for illegal behavior are severe.
c. economic conditions make illegal behavior attractive for quick rewards.
d. individuals and groups do not believe that the behavior should be illegal.

ANS: d REF: Conformity and Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.1


6. If caught cheating on this exam, you are likely to be punished by the professor and the university.
This is a type of:
a. informal control.
b. formal control.
c. self-control.
d. street-level justice.

ANS: b REF: Conformity and Deviance DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.1

7. Adrianne does not smoke or drink alcohol in front of her family because she is afraid they would
disapprove. This is an example of:
a. formal social control.
b. informal social control.
c. aversive social control.
d. internalization.

ANS: b REF: Conformity and Deviance DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.1

8. Unpopular norms can continue to exist because of:

a. internalization.
b. negative sanctions.
c. false enforcement.
d. formal social controls.

ANS: c REF: Conformity and Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.1

9. Which of the following is an example of false enforcement?

a. A teen who is not homophobic participates in taunting a gay peer for fear that he will be rejected
if he doesn’t.
b. A judge gives a violator a longer punishment than deserved because of minimum sentencing
c. A parent grounds a teen for marijuana use even though the parent uses marijuana
d. A teacher gives a “problem” student a detention for being late to class, but lets a “good” kid go

ANS: a REF: Conformity and Deviance DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.1

10. Norm violations that exceed the tolerance level of the community and result in negative sanctions are:
a. deviance.
b. eccentric.
c. rule violations.
d. fun.

ANS: a REF: Conformity and Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.2

11. When sociologists stress that deviance is relative, they mean that:
a. relative to criminal acts, deviance is a minor form of nonconformity.
b. it runs in the family, among relatives.


c. whether an act is regarded as deviant or not often depends on the time, place, or individual.
d. deviance is related to more serious criminal offenses.

ANS: c REF: Conformity and Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.2

12. In the definition of deviance, it is not the act itself that matters, but the:
a. audience.
b. reason for the behavior.
c. intention of the actor.
d. legal definition.

ANS: a REF: Conformity and Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.2

13. Biological and psychological explanations for deviance look for the causes:
a. within society.
b. in the groups a person interacts with.
c. in the processes internal to the individual.
d. in the audience for the behavior.

ANS: c REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

14. Sociological theories of deviance tend to emphasize that the reasons for deviance:
a. stem from personality disorders.
b. are based largely on genetic factors.
c. stem from personal disorganization.
d. are found in the social structure of society.

ANS: d REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

15. The structural-functional perspective was first applied to the explanation of deviance by:
a. Durkheim.
b. Merton.
c. Sutherland
d. Hirschi.

ANS: a REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

16. The term used to describe a situation in which the norms of society are unclear or no longer
applicable to current conditions is:
a. ambiguity.
b. moral decay.
c. anomie.
d. institutional change.

ANS: c REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

17. Durkheim first applied the explanation of anomie in his study of:
a. deviance.
b. social control.


c. suicide.
d. crime.

ANS: c REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

18. Extreme tattooing and body modification are used by some people:
a. to demonstrate their membership in a subculture.
b. to recover a sense of control over their body after a traumatic experience.
c. to indicate their rejection of dominant cultural values.
d. All of these are reasons cited for extreme forms of body modification.

ANS: d REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.2

19. According to the text, the stigma against extreme forms of body modification is strongest when it is
practiced by:
a. young people.
b. middle-aged people.
c. women.
d. the middle class.

ANS: c REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.2

20. Citizens sometimes complain that employees in government agencies are more concerned about
following the rules, even when this doesn’t make sense, than they are about helping citizens. Robert
Merton would refer to these employees as:
a. ritualists.
b. conformists.
c. innovators.
d. retreatists.

ANS: a REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.3

21. According to Merton’s strain theory, the social class most likely to engage in deviance is the:
a. lower class.
b. working class.
c. middle class.
d. upper class.

ANS: a REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

22. Youths growing up in poor neighborhoods are more likely to deal drugs to make money than middle-
class youth. This example represents the pattern of deviance called:
a. rebellion.
b. retreatism.
c. ritualism.
d. innovation.

ANS: d REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.3


23. Which of the following examples is NOT an innovative adaptation to situations of strain?
a. athletic achievement through the use of steroids
b. joining the mafia to get rich
c. cheating on exams to get a better grade
d. getting a free handout by dropping out and drifting from one city mission to the next

ANS: d REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.3

24. Retreatists __________ the culturally approved goals of society and __________ the institutional
means for achieving them.
a. accept; accept
b. reject; accept
c. accept; reject
d. reject; reject

ANS: d REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

25. According to Merton’s strain theory, rebels differ from retreatists in that:
a. rebels are committed to creating an alternative society; retreatists just drop out.
b. retreatists withdraw to communes whereas rebels start revolutions.
c. retreatists reject society’s values but accept the means; rebels reject both means and values.
d. rebels reject society’s values but accept the means; retreatists reject both means and values.

ANS: a REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

26. Examples of retreatists include:

a. revolutionaries and people who start communes.
b. steroid-using athletes and mafia types.
c. drifters and street people.
d. embezzlers and pranksters.

ANS: c REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.3

27. According to strain theory, the solution to deviance is to:

a. reform the individual who deviates.
b. make it easier to reach societal goals through acceptable means.
c. put more money into correctional facilities.
d. implement tougher sentencing guidelines for the more dangerous crimes.

ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

28. ________ refers to the extent to which individuals in a neighborhood share expectations that
neighbors will intervene and work together to maintain social order.
a. Collective efficacy
b. Anomie
c. Retreatism
d. Ritualism

ANS: a REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3


29. According to ________, crime is more likely to occur in neighborhoods that suffer extreme structural
disadvantage and as a result experience low collective efficacy.
a. differential association theory
b. collective efficacy theory
c. strain theory
d. symbolic interaction theory

ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

30. If __________ theory is correct, we would expect crime among the lower classes to rise during
economic recessions when it becomes difficult to meet basic needs.
a. anomie
b. differential association
c. self-esteem
d. conflict

ANS: d REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Conceptual OBJ: 6.3

31. Which of the following statements is NOT part of the conflict theory of deviance?
a. Class conflict affects deviance.
b. Those in power decide what is deviant and how it will be punished.
c. The lower class does not share the goals of the upper and middle classes.
d. Economic inequality leads to crime.

ANS: c REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Conceptual OBJ: 6.3

32. Which of the following situations is NOT consistent with the conflict theory view of deviance?
a. A young man who steals a pack of gum from Walgreens is sent to jail; a young man who steals a
box of pens from work is reprimanded.
b. A city allocates more money to preventing consumer fraud than to stopping mugging.
c. Ted Turner’s house is robbed and the police launch a full-scale investigation; Maria’s house is
robbed and the police take her statement and tell her to lock her doors.
d. A lawyer kills his wife but is found not guilty at the trial; a garbage man kills his wife and gets
life in prison.

ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.3

33. Conflict theorists point out that the class differentials in crime rates develop partly because:
a. the upper classes commit less important types of crimes.
b. law enforcement discriminates more heavily against the poor.
c. the lower classes are less integrated in their families and neighborhoods.
d. the lower classes have accepted subcultural values that are more supportive of crime.

ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

34. Which of the following statements about conflict theories of deviance is TRUE?


a. All conflict theorists believe that the upper classes commit more crime.
b. Conflict theorists are in agreement that the lower class commits more crime.
c. All conflict theorists agree that crime is an unnatural condition, resulting from unattainable goals.
d. All conflict theorists believe that class interests determine which acts are criminalized and how
heavily they are punished.

ANS: d REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

35. Symbolic interaction theories of deviance do NOT suggest that deviance:

a. is learned.
b. involves the development of a deviant self-concept.
c. is an inevitable product of an unequal society.
d. arises out of face-to-face interactions.

ANS: c REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Conceptual OBJ: 6.3

36. Both conflict and structural-functional theory view deviance:

a. as the product of face-to-face interactions.
b. as the result of social inequality.
c. as resulting from the overall social structure.
d. All of these are true about conflict and structural-functional views of deviance.

ANS: c REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Conceptual OBJ: 6.3

37. __________ theory sees deviance as a product of specific face-to-face interactions.

a. Conflict
b. Symbolic interaction
c. Structural-functional
d. Self-esteem

ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Conceptual OBJ: 6.3

38. Differential association theory was developed by:

a. Travis Hirschi.
b. Robert Merton.
c. Howard Becker.
d. Edwin Sutherland.

ANS: d REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

39. Differential association theory argues that:

a. people learn to be deviant when their associates favor deviance over conformity.
b. people choose deviance over conformity when normal avenues for success are blocked.
c. deviance results from social inequality.
d. differences in crime rates are associated with age, sex and, race.

ANS: a REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Conceptual OBJ: 6.3

40. Diane’s aunts, uncles, parents, and friends all take towels from the hotels where they stay. Diane also


takes the towels. “Everybody does it,” she reasons. Diane’s deviance is best explained by:
a. deterrence theory.
b. strain theory.
c. differential association theory.
d. labeling theory.

ANS: c REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.3

41. A similarity between differential association and deterrence theories is that they both:
a. see deviance as the result of social inequality.
b. view deviance results, at least in part, because there are greater rewards for deviance than for
c. locate the source of deviance in the social structure.
d. see deviance as the result of strain between goals and means of attaining them.

ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Conceptual OBJ: 6.3

42. Deterrence theories place the primary blame for deviance on:
a. parents.
b. an inadequate system of rewards and punishments.
c. individuals.
d. peer pressure.

ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

43. Which theory assumes that individuals consciously assess the costs and benefits of whether to
conform or be deviant?
a. labeling theory
b. deterrence theory
c. differential association theory
d. reward theory

ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

44. When social structures do not provide adequate rewards for conformity, more people will choose
deviance. This is part of which theory?
a. reward theory
b. differential association theory
c. labeling theory
d. deterrence theory

ANS: d REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

45. In deterrence theory, conventional social rewards are important because they:
a. make crime a rational choice.
b. allow people to rationally decide that “crime doesn’t pay.”
c. encourage individuals to turn in deviants.
d. eliminate criminal behaviors.


ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Conceptual OBJ: 6.3

46. Empirical studies show that three kinds of rewards are especially important in deterring deviance.
Which of the following is NOT one of them?
a. family ties
b. large friendship networks
c. doing well in school
d. having a good job

ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

47. Labeling theory is concerned with the process by which:

a. a person who associates with deviants learns to be deviant.
b. the label of deviant comes to be attached to specific people and specific behavior.
c. deviant labels are used to stigmatize criminal behavior.
d. public labeling of criminals is used to deter crime.

ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

48. Labeling theory incorporates elements of which two theories?

a. symbolic interactionism and conflict theory
b. structural-functionalism and symbolic interactionism
c. deterrence and strain theories
d. developmental and conflict theory

ANS: a REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

49. On a whim, three-year-old Bobby flicks a spoonful of mashed potatoes at his father. Bobby’s father
puts him in the time-out chair and tells him he is a bad boy. Bobby’s behavior is an example of:
a. primary deviance.
b. secondary deviance.
c. non-conformity.
d. bad manners.

ANS: a REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.3

50. Continued and deliberate deviance that results from labeling is:
a. primary deviance.
b. innovation.
c. secondary deviance.
d. white-collar crime.

ANS: c REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

51. Which of these is NOT a criticism of labeling theory?

a. It cannot explain the repeated deviance of persons who have not been labeled deviant.
b. It does not address how a person goes from primary to secondary acts of deviance.
c. It does not explain why primary deviance occurs.
d. It does not explain why secondary deviance occurs.


ANS: d REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

52. ____ combines the symbolic interaction and conflict perspectives into one theory.
a. Differential association theory
b. Merton’s strain theory
c. Labeling theory
d. Deterrence theory

ANS: c REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

53. The concept of “moral entrepreneur” refers to:

a. persons who are labeled as deviants.
b. those who promote their own moral ideas about who should be labeled deviant.
c. social scientists who look for causes of deviance.
d. persons who commit victimless crimes.

ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

54. Why is lower-class behavior more likely than upper-class behavior to be labeled as deviant?
a. The more power a group has, the more likely they are to be successful at defining deviance.
b. Lower-class people engage in more blatant forms of deviance.
c. The more numbers a group has, the more likely they are to be successful at defining deviance.
d. Very few upper-class people engage in deviant behavior.

ANS: a REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.4

55. In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward:

a. treating more types of deviance as legal infractions.
b. treating more types of deviance as diseases.
c. allowing fewer types of deviants to successfully claim the sick role.
d. demedicalization.

ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.3

56. Which of the following categories is most likely to be able to successfully claim the label of “ill”?
a. women
b. African Americans
c. the lower class
d. people in positions of power

ANS: d REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.4

57. Which of these statements about the labeling of a behavior as an illness is FALSE?
a. People who are labeled ill are generally absolved from blame for their behavior.
b. Despite being labeled as an illness, deviant behavior is still stigmatized and punished.
c. People in positions of power are more likely to be labeled ill than deviant.
d. Child abuse, gambling, murder, and rape may now be regarded as forms of mental illness better
treated by physicians than sheriffs.


ANS: b REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Conceptual OBJ: 6.3

58. All of the following are examples of the medicalization of deviance except:
a. cosmetic surgery to cure self-esteem.
b. taking a drug to cure shyness.
c. prescribing drugs to help someone get over the loss of a loved one.
d. prescribing drugs to cure bipolar disorder.

ANS: d REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.3

59. Deviant acts that are subject to legal or civil penalties are defined as:
a. eccentric.
b. crimes.
c. deviance.
d. social deviance.

ANS: b REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.4

60. The Uniform Crime Report summarizes the:

a. incidence of all crimes that occur.
b. number of victimless crimes that occur annually.
c. number of incidents of crimes that are known to police and are of five major types.
d. incidence of crimes of violence.

ANS: c REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.4

61. Compared to Britain, homicide rates in the U.S. are:

a. the same.
b. two times lower.
c. two times higher.
d. five times higher.

ANS: d REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

62. The Uniform Crime Report monitors all of the following major offenses EXCEPT:
a. forcible rape.
b. prostitution.
c. arson.
d. motor vehicle theft.

ANS: b REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

63. Property crime has declined steadily since 1980. Most observers agree that a major reason for this is:
a. a steady decline in the amount of personal property most people own.
b. a reduction in the number of young people throughout the country.
c. the decriminalization of marijuana in some areas.
d. better policing.

ANS: b REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5


64. Which of the following is generally considered to be a victimless crime?

a. burglary
b. illegal entry and trespass
c. gambling
d. larceny-theft

ANS: c REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

65. Victimless crimes are:

a. crimes that do not hurt anyone.
b. property crimes which do not involve victims.
c. voluntary exchanges between persons who desire goods or services from one another.
d. all crimes that are impersonal.

ANS: c REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

66. Victimless crimes are difficult for the police to control because they:
a. do not harm anyone.
b. lack a complaining victim.
c. have wide acceptance in the larger community.
d. involve property and not persons.

ANS: b REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

67. Laws regarding victimless crimes are enforced:

a. regularly.
b. only at the request of a complainant.
c. rarely.
d. through periodic crackdowns and routine harassment.

ANS: d REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

68. According to a 2010 study, which of the following groups is least likely to support the legalization of
a. Democrats
b. Republicans
c. people ages 65 and older
d. people ages 50-64

ANS: c REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

69. Crimes committed by respectable people of high social status in the course of their occupations are
known as:
a. victimless crimes.
b. graft and corruption.
c. white-collar crimes.
d. hidden crimes.


ANS: c REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

70. Which of the following is an example of white-collar crime?

a. the armed robbery of a small business by an unemployed lower-class white
b. an industrial plant ignoring the law which prohibits dumping toxic waste into the environment
c. legalized prostitution
d. the slaying of a government official by a subversive and radical political group

ANS: b REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

71. All of the following are examples of corporate crime EXCEPT:

a. polluting the environment.
b. selling defective products.
c. a CEO sexually harassing his assistant.
d. evading corporate taxes.

ANS: c REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

72. White-collar criminals are far less likely than street criminals to have all of the following happen
a. be sentenced to prison.
b. receive a lengthy sentence.
c. hire a competent lawyer.
d. be tried for a crime.

ANS: c REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

73. In regards to who commits crime in the U.S., the text suggests that:
a. people in lower classes commit the most crime.
b. the crimes committed by those in the lower class are the most costly to society.
c. people of different statuses have different opportunities to commit crime.
d. the crimes of people in the upper class are higher yield, but also higher risk.

ANS: c REF; Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

74. Less than half of violent crimes, and less than one-fourth of property crimes, ever result in an arrest.
This means that:
a. people arrested for criminal acts represent only a sample of people who commit crimes.
b. the police aren’t doing their job.
c. these crimes are the ones that most often go unreported.
d. those who are arrested are a good representation of those committing crimes more generally.

ANS: a REF: Crime DIF: Conceptual OBJ: 6.12

75. Persons arrested for criminal acts are disproportionately:

a. young adult males from minority groups.
b. young adult white males.
c. young females from minority groups.
d. older, lower-class white males.


ANS: a REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

76. Your text suggests that we need to be cautious when generalizing about crime and the larger
population of criminals based on UCR statistics because:
a. levels of crime reporting are much higher than actual crime levels.
b. the people arrested for criminal acts are not a random sample of the people who commit crimes.
c. the UCR overemphasizes the crimes of white-collar professionals.
d. UCR statistics do not include those crimes that have been cleared by an arrest.

ANS: b REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

77. Young people are more likely to be deviant than older people because they:
a. have more energy.
b. do not have as much to lose, such as a career or a credit rating, by being deviant.
c. don’t know any better.
d. are growing up in a more complex society than the older generation did.

ANS: b REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

78. Research on juvenile delinquency shows that it basically occurs when:

a. there is nothing better to do.
b. an individual experiences a hormonal imbalance.
c. parents are too strict with their children.
d. adolescents are labeled as troublemakers.

ANS: a REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

79. According to your text, the strongest social explanation for sex differentials in crime rates is that:
a. girls are supervised more closely than boys.
b. boys are bigger in physical size.
c. boys have a biological predisposition toward aggression.
d. boys are given less freedom so are more apt to rebel.

ANS: a REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

80. A significant proportion of crime among females is explained by their:

a. greater need for material goods.
b. victimization by males.
c. lack of supervision.
d. responsibility as single mothers.

ANS: b REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5


81. According to your text, all of the following are possible explanations for the higher rate of crime by
lower-income people EXCEPT:
a. blocked avenues to achievement.
b. receiving fewer rewards from school and the labor market.
c. the bias in law enforcement making their crime rate appear higher.
d. a biological propensity toward deviance.

ANS: d REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

82. Race differences in arrest rates are due mainly to:

a. race differences in the quality of employment.
b. discrimination by police.
c. poverty and segregated neighborhoods and housing.
d. All of these explain racial differences in arrest rates.

ANS: d REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

83. Differences in crime rates between members of minority groups and nonminorities are more apparent
than actual. This means that:
a. the apparent differences are real.
b. when members of the different groups engage in the same crimes, members of minority groups
are more likely to be cited, arrested, prosecuted, and convicted.
c. while there are differences in the rate of arrest, the differences disappear by the time the crimes
are prosecuted.
d. members of minority groups commit more crimes than do nonminorities.

ANS: b REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

84. Which of the following statements describing the relationship between race and crime is FALSE?
a. When engaging in the same criminal behavior, minorities are more likely to be cited, arrested,
prosecuted, and convicted than whites.
b. On average, whites commit more crimes than minorities.
c. Much of the difference in crime between whites and minorities is explained by social class
d. The UCR overestimates the percentage of crime committed by minorities.

ANS: b REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

85. When it comes to perceptions of crime, research indicates that the majority of people:
a. underestimate the amount of crime occurring.
b. overestimate the amount of crime occurring.
c. have a fairly accurate perception of how much crime is occurring.
d. have little interest in the amount of crime occurring.

ANS: b REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

86. Which of these is NOT a way in which the media contributes to overestimates of crime?
a. There is no reporting of the decline in crime rates.
b. When the news fails to report crimes, it makes the public fear what they do not know.


c. Highlighting crimes leads to higher ratings

d. There is a tendency for the media to misidentify isolated incidents as trends.

ANS: b REF: Crime DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.5

87. When society punishes offenders to avenge the victim and society as a whole, this is called:
a. reformation.
b. retribution.
c. retaliation.
d. specific deterrence.

ANS: b REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.6

88. Sending a juvenile delinquent to a boot camp rather than prison would be an example of:
a. deterrence.
b. retribution.
c. reform.
d. prevention.

ANS: c REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.6

89. Elliott receives a very harsh sentence for committing a minor crime. The hope is that he will think
twice before committing another crime. This tactic is called:
a. retaliation.
b. deterrence.
c. retribution.
d. reform.

ANS: b REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.6

90. Studies of crime prevention indicate that:

a. the length of sentences given for various crimes is a good deterrent for future crime.
b. the length of the sentence is a good predictor of how prevalent the crime is.
c. the certainty of getting caught is a better deterrent than lengthy sentences.
d. prisons are more important than law enforcement within the criminal justice system.

ANS: c REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.6

91. In the U.S. in 2010, there were _____ full-time police officers for every 1,000 people in the country.
a. 1.2
b. 2.6
c. 3.5
d. 4.1

ANS: c REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.6

92. The decisions made by police officers:

a. are less important than those made by the courts.
b. are less visible than those made in court and therefore harder to evaluate.


c. have little impact on the rate of imprisonment.

d. are the most objective measure of crime

ANS: b REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Applied OBJ: 6.6

93. The most important phase in determining a person’s guilt or innocence is the:
a. arrest.
b. processing.
c. pretrial phase of prosecution.
d. criminal trial.

ANS: c REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.6

94. The country with the highest rate of imprisonment is:

a. Russia.
b. the United States.
c. China.
d. Japan.

ANS: b REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.6

95. About what percentage of prison inmates are African American males?
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 35%
d. 40%

ANS: d REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.6

96. Your text suggests that __________ is the probably the least effective of the ways listed to deal with
crime and prison crowding.
a. developing more effective community-based corrections
b. putting more money into law enforcement
c. addressing the social problems and institutions that give rise to and encourage crime
d. building more prisons

ANS: d REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.6

97. Evaluation of newer intensive supervision probation programs indicates that they:
a. are not as effective as prison in terms of rehabilitation and deterrence.
b. reduce costs and increase the likelihood of rehabilitation when combined with drug treatment and
other service.
c. only work for the most serious offenders.
d. are effective at rehabilitation, but the services required make them more costly than prisons.

ANS: b REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.6

98. The 1972 Furman decision determined that capital punishment was:
a. racist but necessary to deter future crime.


b. racist and unconstitutional due to the uncontrolled discretion of judges and juries in sentencing.
c. not racist since more blacks than whites committed violent crimes.
d. a just way to deal with all rapists, regardless of race.

ANS: b REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.6

99. New research shows that the __________ is at least as important as race of the defendant in
determining who receives the death penalty.
a. violence of the crime
b. social class of the defendant
c. race of the victim
d. gender of the defendant

ANS: c REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.6

100. The text reports that a leading sociologist recommends addressing crime in the United States by:
a. building more prisons.
b. instituting more “three strikes and you’re out” rules.
c. reducing social inequality.
d. using more boot camps.

ANS: c REF: The Criminal Justice System DIF: Factual OBJ: 6.6


1. When people obey the law even when there is no reason to believe that they will be punished for
breaking it, they are said to have internalized social control.

ANS: True REF: Conformity and Deviance OBJ: 6.1

2. Effective social control depends almost entirely upon formal social control.

ANS: False REF: Conformity and Deviance OBJ: 6.1

3. When rules are not supported by group values, it is difficult for even formal agencies to enforce

ANS: True REF: Conformity and Deviance OBJ: 6.1

4. Whether or not an act is considered deviant depends on the time, place, actor, and audience.

ANS: True REF: Conformity and Deviance OBJ: 6.2

5. Most sociologists agree that deviance is always dysfunctional for society.

ANS: False REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.3

6. Both conflict theory and structural-functionalism locate the causes of deviance in the social structure.


ANS: True REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.3

7. Conflict theorists and structural-functionalists agree that members of the lower social classes are the
most likely to engage in criminal behavior.

ANS: False REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.3

8. Symbolic interactionists who study deviance argue that deviance is learned.

ANS: True REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.3

9. According to deterrence theories, inadequate sanctioning systems are the primary reason that
deviance occurs.

ANS: True REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.3

10. When deviant behavior is medicalized, the individual involved is more likely to receive treatment and
sympathy than punishment and stigma.

ANS: True REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.3

11. The Uniform Crime Report summarizes all crimes that are known by the police to have occurred.

ANS: False REF: Crime OBJ: 6.5

12. Victimless crimes are crimes that do not hurt anyone.

ANS: False REF: Crime OBJ: 6.5

13. Even though crime is decreasing, most Americans believe it is increasing.

ANS: True REF: Crime OBJ: 6.5

14. The United States has the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world.

ANS: True REF: The Criminal Justice System OBJ: 6.6

15. The U.S. prison system is designed for the rehabilitation of inmates.

ANS: False REF: The Criminal Justice System OBJ: 6.6


1. What is the difference between informal and formal social control?

ANS: Informal social control is self-restraint because of fear of what others will think, while formal
social control includes administrative sanctions such as fines, expulsion, or imprisonment.


REF: Conformity and Deviance OBJ: 6.1

2. What is meant by the statement that deviance is relative?

ANS: Whether or not an act is regarded as deviant often depends upon the time, the place, the
individual, and the audience.

REF: Conformity and Deviance OBJ: 6.1

3. What is anomie?

ANS: Anomie is a situation in which the norms of society are unclear or no longer applicable to
current conditions.

REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.2

4. What is the basic idea behind strain theory?

ANS: Strain theory suggests that deviance occurs when culturally approved goals cannot be reached
by culturally approved means.

REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.2

5. What is the collective efficacy theory?

ANS: The extent to which individuals in a neighborhood share the expectation that neighbors will
intervene and work together to maintain social order.

REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.2

6. What is the basic idea behind differential association theory?

ANS: Differential association theory argues that people learn to be deviant when more of their
associates favor deviance than favor conformity.

REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.2

7. What is the basic concern of labeling theory as it relates to crime and deviance?

ANS: Labeling theory is primarily concerned with the process by which labels such as deviant come
to be attached to specific people and behaviors.

REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.2

8. Explain the concept of medicalization.

ANS: When deviance is defined as resulting from illness, either mental or physical, instead of a lack
of morals or other deficit, the person engaged in the behavior is more likely to receive treatment and


sympathy than to be punished.

REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.2

9. What is white-collar crime?

ANS: White-collar crime is crime committed by respectable people of high status in the course of
their occupations and by companies.

REF: Crime OBJ: 6.5

10. Why are rates of imprisonment higher in the United States than anywhere else in the world?

ANS: Imprisonment rates are higher in the United States because of harsher sentencing policies,
especially for drug-related offenses, such as mandatory minimums and “three strikes and you’re out”

REF: The Criminal Justice System OBJ: 6.6


1. Define false enforcement and give an example of how it reinforces unpopular norms.

ANS: Not provided

REF: Conformity and Deviance OBJ: 6.1

2. Describe the three different types of social control and rank them in terms of their general importance
in reducing deviance. Identify the circumstances in which this order might be reversed.

ANS: Not provided

REF: Conformity and Deviance OBJ: 6.1

3. Briefly outline the four types of strain deviance identified by Merton and give an example of each.

ANS: Not provided

REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.3

4. Explain the process by which a person is labeled a deviant. Include the concepts of primary and
secondary deviance and their role in the process.

ANS: Not provided

REF: Theoretical Perspectives on Deviance OBJ: 6.3

5. Are lower-class individuals really more deviant than those from the upper classes? Discuss from the


standpoint of one of the following theories: strain, deterrence, labeling, or conflict. Provide evidence
to support your answer.

ANS: Not provided

REF: Crime OBJ: 6.4

6. Give an example of a “victimless” crime. Is it really victimless? Explain using a major theoretical
perspective to support your answer.

ANS: Not provided

REF: Crime OBJ: 6.5


7. Define white-collar crime. What are its costs and why does it receive so little attention relative to
street crime?

ANS: Not provided

REF: Crime OBJ: 6.5

8. Discuss the differences in crime rates for each of the following characteristics: age, sex, race, and
social class. Summarize the major reason(s) for each pattern.

ANS: Not provided

REF: Crime OBJ: 6.4

9. Explain the role of the media in the creation and maintenance of a “culture of fear” in the U.S. How
do the media contribute to the public’s overestimation of the dangers of crime?

ANS: Not provided

REF: Crime OBJ: 6.5

10. Explain the punishment rationale behind capital punishment. Is justice served by death penalty
sentencing? Why or why not? (Be sure to discuss issues of race differential in your answer.)

ANS: Not provided

REF: The Criminal Justice System OBJ: 6.6

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