192J25027 Gildearana Sanchez Ninfaguadalupe Syllabus1

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Course Syllabus Design: English Language Teaching for Fifth and Sixth Grade

General Information of the Course:

Course Title: English Language Teaching (Primary


Course Duration: 1 month

School: Escuela Primaria Luz del Carmen de la

Cruz Zalaya

Grade and Group: Fifth Grade, Group A,B and Sixth Grade


Teacher’s Relevant Information (Profile):

Name: Ninfa Guadalupe Gil de Arana Sánchez

Qualifications:  Bachelor’s Degree in Classical


 Bachelor's Degree in Accounting

 Methodological Course in Teaching

Baby ballet and Pre-ballet

Experience:  At the moment teacher of ballet and


 Social Service in Museo Interactivo


 Ballet teacher in Studio de Danza

School Context: Escuela Primaria Luz del Carmen De la Cruz Zalaya Av. Olmeca esq.

Venta Sur, Fracc Olmeca, Ciudad Industrial.

The English Language Teaching program aligns with the principles outlined in the Nuevo

Modelo Educativo 2017, emphasizing communicative competence, critical thinking, and

cultural awareness.

The relationship between the languages that coexist in a country influences the value that

society gives them, so that attitudes can be generated positive or negative towards the

acquisition of a second language. Additive bilingualism and subtractive bilingualism are

consequences of such attitudes. It first occurs when in the social environment it is

thought that bilingualism implies cultural enrichment; As a consequence, children

develop the knowledge and use of both languages in harmony. This is why English

classes are currently taught in some of the country's public primary schools.

The Secretaría de Educación Pública has undertaken the task of preserving and

promoting the use of national native languages. For this, the Mother Language subjects

have been created. Indigenous Language and Second Language.

The Foreign Language subject. English, unlike the rest of the subjects, is made up of two

stages: one aimed at the initial degrees of education basic whose purpose is to promote

familiarization and contact with English as a foreign language in students; and the other,

intended for the rest of the levels that make up this educational level, which aims at basic

competence and mastery in this language.

Objective: The objective of this course is to develop

students' English language proficiency in

the areas of listening, speaking, reading,

and writing, with a focus on form-focused

instruction and task-based learning.

Class Methodology: The course will employ a variety of

teaching methodologies, including Form-

Focused Instruction (FFI) and Task-Based

Instruction (TBI). FFI will be used to teach

the linguistic system, focusing on grammar

and vocabulary, while TBI will be utilized

to develop students' language skills through

meaningful tasks and activities.

Form-focused instruction (FFI) refers to

any pedagogical practice aimed at drawing

learners' attention to language form. The

“form” may consist of phonological

(sound), morphosyntactic (word form,

word order), lexical, pragmatic, discourse,

or orthographical aspects of language.

Task-Based Instruction (TBI). Its principal

focus is on the completion of meaningful

tasks. Such tasks can include creating a

poster, producing a newsletter, video, or

pamphlet, or designing a map of the school

or neighborhood.

Theory (FFI): Form-focused instruction (FFI) refers to

“any pedagogical effort which is used to

draw the learners' attention to language

form either implicitly or explicitly …

within meaning-based approaches to

second language (L2) instruction (and) in

which a focus on language is provided in

either spontaneous or predetermined ways”

(Spada, 1997:73).

Form-Focused Instruction (FFI) will be

integrated into lessons to provide explicit

instruction on language forms, including

grammar rules and vocabulary usage.

Practice Class:  Students will engage in interactive

activities, group discussions, role-

plays, and language games to

practice and reinforce language


 Materials such as textbooks,

workbooks, audiovisual resources,

and authentic materials will be used

to support learning objectives.

Learning Assessment:  Assessment will include formative

and summative methods, including

quizzes, presentations, projects, and

performance tasks.

 Rubrics and checklists will be used

to assess students' language

proficiency and progress.

Follow-Up Activities:  Follow-up activities will be

assigned to reinforce learning

outside the classroom, including

homework assignments, online

exercises, and collaborative


Portfolio (Evidences):  Students will maintain a portfolio

of their work throughout the course,

including samples of writing,

speaking tasks, and assessments.

Achievement (Aprendizajes Esperados): By the end of the course, students are

expected to demonstrate proficiency in

listening, speaking, reading, and writing in

English, according to the learning

objectives outlined in the curriculum.

Teaching Strategies or Guideline: Teaching strategies will align with the

Nuevo Modelo Educativo, emphasizing

student-centered learning, collaborative

activities, and real-world applications of

language skills.

Schedule of Course Content:

Unit: 1

Content: Unit one covers greetings, public road

signs and physical appearance.

Receptive/Productive Skill(s): Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing

Suggested Session: Weekly sessions focusing on different

language skills.

Week (1, 2, or 3): 1: Greetings

2: Public Road Signs

3: Physical appearence

Date: February 19th to March 15th

Time: 60 minutes per class

Total Time/Sessions: 18

Schedule of Video Recording Section:

Video recordings will be scheduled for three sessions: at the beginning, middle, and end

of the course.

Week 1 2 3
February 19th-22nd February 26th-29th March 4th-7th

Monday Recording Monday Monday

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday

Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday


Thursday Thursday Thursday


Social Learning Environment The classroom will be a supportive

(Ambientes Sociales de Aprendizaje): environment where students feel

comfortable practicing English and

collaborating with their peers.

Social Practice of the Language: Communicative activities will encourage

students to use English in real-life

situations, promoting language fluency and


Communicative Activity: Role plays, pair work, group discussions,

and presentations will provide opportunities

for students to practice speaking and

listening skills.

Strategies: Differentiated instruction, peer tutoring, and

scaffolded learning activities will be

implemented to accommodate diverse

learning styles and abilities.

Material: Audiovisual resources, authentic materials,

online platforms, flashcards and

supplementary materials.

Visual Aids: Visual aids such as flashcards, posters, and

multimedia presentations will enhance

learning and engagement.

Learning Outcome (Evidencia de Students will demonstrate their learning

Aprendizaje): outcomes through assessments, projects,

and classroom participation.

Integrative Task (Producto Final): The final integrative task will involve a

project where students apply their language

skills to a real-world scenario, such as

creating a presentation or role-playing a


Diagnostic and Learning Styles A diagnostic assessment and learning styles

Questionnaire: questionnaire will be administered at the

beginning of the course to identify students'

strengths, weaknesses, and preferred

learning styles.

Evaluation Tool: Rubrics, checklists, and self-assessment

tools will be used to evaluate students'

progress and achievement throughout the

Bibliography and New Sources of Information:

AGELET, Joan et al., Estrategias organizativas de aula. Propuestas para atender la

diversidad, Barcelona, Graó, 2001.

Aguerrondo, Inés (coord.), La naturaleza del aprendizaje: Usando la investigación para

inspirar la práctica, s/i, OCDE-OIE, UNESCO-UNICEF y LACRO, 2016.



AIMIN, Liang, The Study of Second Language Acquisition Under Socio-Cultural Theory,

China, Universidad of Jinan, 2013.


instrumentos de evaluación desde el enfoque formativo, México, SEP, 2012.

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