Opening Speech

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AGENDA: Deliberating Upon Arbitrary Detention Enforced Disappearances and

Extrajudicial Execution of Human Rights Defenders.

Honourable Chair, Esteemed Delegates

The Kingdom of Denmark is deeply honored to stand before you today as we convene in this
Model United Nations conference. As delegates representing Denmark, we carry with us the
commitment to fostering dialogue, cooperation, and global solutions that mirror the ideals of the
United Nations itself.

Denmark is a nation known for its rich cultural heritage, strong democratic traditions, and a
commitment to promoting peace, human rights, and sustainable development. We have
consistently worked towards a world where diplomacy prevails over conflict, where human
rights are upheld, and where the global community joins hands to tackle pressing global issues.

In a world where the principles of justice, dignity, and human rights should be the cornerstones
of our actions, it is deeply troubling to witness the continued violation of these principles. The
arbitrary detention of individuals without due process, their disappearance without a trace, and
their extrajudicial execution are not just violations of human rights; they are affronts to the very
essence of our shared humanity.

Denmark firmly believes that the protection and promotion of human rights defenders are vital
components of our collective commitment to upholding human rights. These defenders are the
champions of justice, often risking their lives to ensure that the voices of the marginalized are
heard, and that accountability prevails.

In this session, Denmark calls upon all member states to reaffirm their commitment to the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights. We urge countries to take concrete steps to prevent arbitrary detention, investigate cases
of enforced disappearances, and hold perpetrators of extrajudicial executions accountable.

Furthermore, we call for the establishment of a special rapporteur to monitor and report on the
situations of human rights defenders worldwide. This rapporteur would play a crucial role in
shedding light on cases of violations, facilitating international cooperation, and ensuring that
those who defend human rights are protected.
Honorable delegates, let us remember that our actions today will shape the future of human
rights defenders and the world's commitment to justice. Denmark stands ready to work
collaboratively with all member states to address these pressing issues and to ensure that the
values of human rights and justice remain at the core of our global agenda.

Tak! (Thank you!)

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