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TSA Practice Paper 1

Reading and Writing
1. Stick barcode labels on pages 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the spaces provided.
在第 1、3、5、7 及 9 頁的適當位置貼上電腦條碼。
2. There are 14 pages in this Question-Answer Booklet. Answer all questions.
本卷共有 14 頁,全部題目均須作答。
3. Do not write in the margins.
4. Time allowed is 25 minutes.
評估時限為 25 分鐘。
5. Write your School Code, Class and Class Number in the boxes below.
Instructions for answering questions:
Multiple Choice Questions - Blacken the circle next to the correct answer with an HB
pencil. For example :
選擇題 - 選出正確的答案,並用HB鉛筆把該選項的圓圈塗黑和塗滿,如:
 A.
 B. or A. B. C. D.
 C. 或
 D.

School Code
班別 1 Class No.

Write one capital letter in this box.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2015 1 P1 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
Part 1

Paul is looking at the cover of a book.

Look at the book cover.

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Alan Arthur Adventure Series Book 4

Happy birthday, Alan!

Choose the best answer by blackeningStory

the circle.
by William White
Pictures by Stella Brown
1. __________ draws the pictures for this book.
 A. Goose Publishing
Alan Arthur
 B. William White
 C. Stella Brown
 D. Golden Goose

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2. Who is the writer of this book?

 A. Alan Arthur
 B. William White
 C. Stella Brown
 D. Golden Goose
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3. Which picture can Paul see in this book?

 A.  B.  C.  D.

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4. _________ publishes this book.
 A. Alan Arthur
 B. William White
 C. Stella Brown
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 D. Golden Goose Publishing

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Part 2
Paul and his sister, Jenny, are reading the menu at a food stall.

Read the menu.

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Sam’s Snacks and Juice


Fresh Fruit Juice

Apple juice $10
Orange juice $10
Mango juice $12
Mango and lemon juice $14
Apple and pineapple juice $16

Cola $7
Hot chocolate $14

Egg sandwich $12
Ham and cheese sandwich $14
Tomato and cheese sandwich $14

French fries $15
Fish balls $8

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Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. Paul wants to buy a mango juice. How much is it?

 A. $10
 B. $12
 C. $14
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 D. $16

2. There are three types of _________ at the food stall.

 A. fruit juice
 B. sandwiches
 C. snacks
 D. drinks

3. Patty gets a hot drink. She pays _________.

 A. $10
 B. $12
 C. $14
 D. $16

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2015 6 P1 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
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4. Paul cannot buy _________ at the food stall.

5. P
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 A.  B.  C.  D.
has $11. She can buy __________.
 A. fish balls
 B. an egg sandwich
 C. a ham and cheese sandwich
 D. French fries

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Part 3
Paul gets an invitation card from his friend.

Read the invitation card.

Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.
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Daisy’s 7th Birthday Party

To: Paul
From: Daisy

Date: 12th November, 20XX (Sunday)

Time: 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

Place: Flat E, 3/F, Happy Housing Estate,

Happy Valley, Hong Kong

Food: chocolate birthday cake, sausages,

potato chips, pizza, spaghetti

Activities: draw pictures, ball games,

chess, board games

Come and join us!

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2015 8 P1 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing
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Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. The birthday party is on ______________.

 A. Saturday
 B. Sunday
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 C. Monday
 D. Tuesday

2. Daisy is ____ years old after her birthday this year.

 A. five
 B. six
 C. seven
 D. eight

3. Daisy lives in _______.

 A. Valley Estate
 B. Valley Fields
 C. Hat Valley
 D. Happy Valley

4. The party ends at _______.

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 A. 2:00 p.m.
 B. 2:30 p.m.
 C. 5:00 p.m.
 D. 5:30 p.m.
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5. What can Paul play with at the party?

 A. 1 and 2
 B. 1 and 3
 C. 1, 2 and 3
 D. 1, 2 and 4

6. Paul can eat _______ at the party.

 A.  B.  C.  D.
Part 4
Paul is reading a story.

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Read the story.

A clever bird
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It is a hot, sunny day. A big black bird is

 A.  B.  C.  D.
It finds a pot under a tree.

‘Water!’ it says.

There is some water in the pot, but the mouth

of the pot is small. The bird cannot drink the


‘Ah ha!’ The bird picks up some small stones and

drops them into the pot. At last, the water rises

to the top of the pot and the bird drinks it.

Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. What is the weather in the story?

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2. The bird wants to ________.
 A. take a rest
 B. eat some fruit
 C. drink some water
 D. visit its friend
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3. What does the bird put into the pot?

 A.  B.  C.  D.

4. Read line 8. ‘… and the bird drinks it.’ What does ‘it’ refer to?
 A. the bird on the tree
 B. the stones under the tree
 C. the pot under the tree

 A.  B.  C.  D.
 D. the water in the pot

5. How does the bird feel in the end?

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Part 5
Paul is writing about his pet.

You are Paul. Complete what he writes.

You may use the following pictures and words to help you.
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Milo / white stand / on two legs

sleep / bedroom love

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My lovely pet
I have a pet. It is a _______________________.
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Its name is _____________________. It is

____________________ in colour. It can

__________________________. It ________________ in my

________________________. I _____________________

very much.


© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2015 14 P1 TSA Practice Paper 1 Reading and Writing

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