Tugas 3 Reading

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Nama : Nurul Ana Malia

NIM : 044485317

Prodi : Sistem Informasi

Tugas 3


1. a. The main ingredient of my favorite food is tempe.

1.b. We can add the egg after the tempeh has been mashed with flour and royco seasoning.

1.c. The number of ingredients needed to cook my favorite meal is five.

2. a. If a smart phone is used during the exam, it will result in evidence being confiscated and
handled in accordance with the provisions of the academic misconduct procedures.

2. b. If communicating with other candidates during the exam then what will happen is that the
student will be dealt with in accordance with the academic misconduct procedure

2.c. The coordinating proctor will announce to the room when the exam has finished if twenty
minutes remain, five minutes remain and when the exam ends.

3. a. parts of the verb abide are -ding, abided and abode

3.b. The first meaning of the word abide is tolerate

4.a. USC and Yale have almost the same percentage of female and male students.

4.b. The colleges that have the largest disparity between the percentage of male and female
students are NYU and Pepperdine.

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