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Module 7 Reflection

Many elements of prayer were discussed over the course that are personally relevant and

important for my spiritual growth. One key element that stood out to me is humility. It was

evident that true prayer requires recognizing our need for God and asking for guidance. It is

opposed to the common behavior of demanding specific outcomes. As the course emphasized

highlighted, prayer should be about strengthening our relationship with God and the divine. It is

evident that the purpose of prayer is opposed to treating it like a wish list (Paloutzian et al.,

2021). Developing humility and focusing on spiritual connection rather than material gain are

lessons that will serve me well both in my faith and in life.

Two other important elements from the course are gratitude and compassion. They entail

Cultivating an attitude of thankfulness, even in challenging times. The attitude improves well-

being and perspective (Sawyer et al., 2022). Taking time each day to acknowledge blessings, big

and small, reinforces optimism. The course emphasized praying for others, which fosters

empathy and brotherly love. Remembering that all people experience suffering helps curb

judgment. Advocating for social justice and supporting the vulnerable became priorities after

learning how prayer can nurture compassion.

Throughout my research in Module 7, I have come to several critical conclusions. I was

reminded first of the importance of conducting thorough and rigorous research in my practice.

Rigorous research helps to support essential scholarly business decisions. The study highlighted

the significance of collecting and analyzing relevant data when carrying out studies. Accurate

studies are essential to inform strategic choices. I also realized the value of effective

communication in driving organizational success. The research emphasized the need for clear

and concise curation of messages to convey ideas and goals to stakeholders. I also recognized the

significance of adaptability and continuous learning in today's rapidly evolving professional

landscape. Most importantly, I learnt the need for professional to embrace change and cultivate a

culture of innovation to stay competitive. The three key takeaways will undoubtedly shape my

approach to future professional endeavors.


Paloutzian, R. F., & Park, C. L. (2021). The psychology of religion and spirituality: How big the

tent?. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 13(1), 3.

Sawyer, K. B., Thoroughgood, C. N., Stillwell, E. E., Duffy, M. K., Scott, K. L., & Adair, E. A.

(2022). Being present and thankful: A multi-study investigation of mindfulness,

gratitude, and employee helping behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(2), 240.

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