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To the Conference Attendee f

• These notes provide an outline of

the presentation.

• Space has been provided for addi­

tional notes.

• At the conclusion of the

presentation, a complete text will
be made available to conference
delegates. The text will contain
comprehensive information

- specific live line techniques

and equipment used in Ontario

- detailed content of specific

training programs developed/
delivered by Ontario Hydro.


• Intent of presentation

• Our Country-Canada

• Our Province-Ontario

• Our Company-Ontario Hydro

• Ontario Hydro operations

• Ontario Hydro performance

Training at Ontario Hydro

• The key role of training

• Scope of training

Line Maintenance Techniques

• Dead line vs live line

• Four main techniques

• Three Live Line Techniques

- Rubber Gloves

- Live Line Tools

- Barehand

Training Techniques r'

• Issues, problems faced

• "Systems Approach" to Training

• Needs Analysis

- task inventory

- task analysis

- what we find out regarding

each task

• Selecting Training Strategy

- alternate strategies available

- selecting the most effective/

efficient strategy

• Developing Training Materials/


- text

- audio visuals

• Delivering the Training

- at central institute

- in practice yards

- at satellite centres

- on-the-job

• Skill Maintenance

- "The neglected species"

- Pro Skill


• System reliability

• Unit performance

• Training time and costs

• Working relations

• Performance error rates

• Safety statistics

• W ork equipment maintenance costs

The Human Element

• The essential ingredient for success

in any performance effort.





Increased wants for continuous energy supply and raised costs of work on weekend
forced Steweag to study live working also in high voltage systems. The analysis of
interruption data showed, that cleaning of substations would be of interest. After
trained by Dedasz working groups of Steweag have cleaned 20- and
30-kV-installations live since 1988. The experiences have proved expediency,
efficiency and safe practicability of these works.

KEY WORDS: Live work in Austria,

de-energizing statistics of STEWEAG,
cleaning of high voltage substations,
meteorological requirements

The Austrian way of live working

As everywhere in Austria duty and target of the electricity companies is the optimal
supply of their customers, who want electric energy low-priced and at any time
available. Like in other countries of Central Europe the development of Austrian
electricity supply started with the principle that working is not allowed live, but only
when the installations are dead. This principle was non left for any decades. Also in
the years after Second World W ar the staff had to sign that any live working is
prohibited, even in low voltage installations. The planning and the construction of the
electric networks and installations were coordinated with this principle. To ensure a
continous supply a two-sided feeding of important customers was necessary.

In the last decades the wants for continuous supply without any interruption have
increased because of the great diversity of the use of electric energy in all fields of
our life. Although being informated in time of the de-energizing the customers less
and less understand the necessity of any blackout for maintenance even on weekend
or during night. In the sixties live working began in the Austrian low voltage supply
systems. But when it became more difficult and therefore more expensive to build
lines only for better availability, in Austria considerations were started also for live
working in high voltage systems. After a modification of the Austrian operation
instruction the necessary legal condition was attained.

First tests in the 20 kV overhead-line-network of one Austrian company were stopped

after some time because of personal reasons. But a new law since 1984 has much
increased the costs of work on Sunday and during night, because besides the double
wages the staff has to get as compensation a time of rest afterwards. That means
virtually triple wages. This fact has initiated new thoughts and studies. The effect
was, that Steweag and some more companies in Austria have decided to make some
works live also in high voltage systems. The fundamental outlook, that a second line
and a ringed or meshed network are the primary want of the operation management
and better should not be displaced by live working, has not changed however.

Decision of Steweag to live cleaning

The Steweag has been observing the results of live working in different countries
since many years. In the middle eighties an intensive study was started what
advantages live working in the 20 kV and 30 kV networks would bring. The statistics
of interrupted supply in the years 1986, 1987 and 1988 in fig. 1 show, that
interruptions were more caused by maintenance and renewal than by disturbances and
faults. Fig. 2 lets see the high quote of cleaning. From fig. 3 one can learn, that in
Steweag the cleaning of substations is a rather frequent work that causes
de-energizing, whereas the replacing of insulators, works at mast switches and the

9 -2
exchange of single poles are done very seldom because Steweag prefers to renew all
the line or at least great sections of it.

All this analysis showed clearly, that live working is for Steweag especially interesting
when cleaning substations or when renewing overhead lines. For the decision to begin
w ith the first task, there were two important reasons: At first the staff, for many
years not allowed to do any work live, should be acquainted with the new principles
by a rather simple job. In the second place it was intended to begin with live working
by w ay of testing and then step by step. Live maintenance work would quickly
demand an adaption of the constructions of installations, lines and so on.

As at that time in Austria there were no experiences with live working in high voltage
systems, the training of the staff had to be done abroad. W ith the Hungarian
electricity supply company Dedasz a rather near helper and partner was found, who
could comply with all wishes and ideas of Steweag, offer a very proper w ay and last
not least could organize the training in German. In 1987 four working teams for two
of the seven operation districts of Steweag were trained in Szigetvar. In 1989 and
1990 more staff was sent to Dedasz, so that now in each operation district two
working teams can do live cleaning in 20 kV and 30 kV substations.

Experiences and results

In Spring 1988 live cleaning in 20 kV installations was started by the already trained

First problems were the sufficient motivation of the staff, but also of the chiefs and
the management, and the agreement of the works committees, who wanted to obtain
with the new method also profits for the engaged staff. The main reason of these
problems was of course the fact, that in Austria live working had been forbidden for
many decades. It was a great help for solving these problems, that not only the
working staff, but also the operation managers and the works committees could see
actual live works in Hungary. It was an advantage too, that only staff was trained
which had volunteered for it.

The equipment for the cleaning works - a vacuum cleaner, customary in the trade and
powerful, and special fittings for tensions up to 35 kV, at first bought in the DDR
- were tested before use in the institute for high tension technics of the Technical
University at Graz, to learn its insulation quality on very different conditions. As very
dry dust occasionally made the hose of the vacuum cleaner electrostatically charged,
which could not mean a direct danger, but the possibility of an unintentional reaction
of the working person, a simple device for removing the charges was installed. It

makes possible at the same time a continous measurement of the leakage current in
the vacuum hose and so it is a good contribution to the safe feeling of the staff.

The first live works were only done in classic, open switching gears of substations,
because no special adaptions of these stations were necessary. Later on a method for
compact distribution stations was developed, using a platform, which could be
adjusted to the particular size of the station. The stations themselves had to be
changed a little. Induced by a big Austrian company, at last a method was looked
for live cleaning of "tower stations" in the overhead line network. The great distance
of 6 of 7 meters from the ground to the highest insulators to be cleaned requires a
special platform.

Automatic switches and circuit breakes are not live cleaned, because by touching these
components with the cleaning equipment an unwanted switching may be effected.
Satisfactory blocking measures were not yet found.

The cleaning effect of all works done up to now was good. Of course the live
cleaning means a working time 30 per cent longer. But this additional time is fully
compensated because the customers must not be informed of the necessary supply
interruption. It has been especially this result, the no longer necessary, since years
scarcely possible coordination of the very different wishes of all the customers, which
has motivated the staff to the live working.

It is true that this cleaning means on the other hand to take into consideration the
meteorological situation. To ensure a safe work it is necessary to follow definite limits
of temperature and relative atmospheric humidity (fig. 4). W hen there are greater
différencies between the temperatures in the working area and in the surroundings
the limit of the humidity must be reduced (fig. 5), otherwise the working area has to
be well ventilated or the tools have to be stored in the working room for longer time.
W hat all this means for the practical work shows fig. 6, where for one region of
Styria the restriction by the climatic dates in the first ten months of 1989 is

Altogether the decision for live cleaning effected a clear improvement of Steweag’s
operation sector. Although the new method can’t be used for all types of substations
and installations and though the time of testing is not yet finished, it was already
possible to reduce the interruptions for cleaning to 80 per cent. The operation
managers, who have to deal with hard saving of staff, think the new method is a
good help.

View, intensions for the future

Besides developing the live cleanings method for more types of installations as
prescribed before, the Steweag thinks about the starting of more difficult live works.
Of actual interest seem to be: The exchange of over-voltage protectors in substations,
to prune out near overhead lines, which are no more live but without earthing and
short-circuiting procedure, the installation of a cable line as by- pass in an overhead
line network for renewing a sector of the line without de-energizing. If Steweag will
begin w ith such works in the future, it would be again a way in small steps.









unplanned planned

Fig. 1 Unavailability time in 20 and 30 kV

n e t w o r k of S t e w e a g (1986 - 1988)

frequency energy
(number) hours MVh

Fig. 2 De-energizing for cleaning (hatched part)

and maintenance

III n ew in s t a l l a t i o n s , renewal

□ m a i n t e n a n c e of s t a t i o n s

^ c l e a n i n g o f sta t i o n s

I m a i n t e n a n c e of lines

Fig. 3 P l a n n e d u n a v a i l a b i l i t y i n 20 and
30 k V n e t w o r k o f S t e w e a g
(1986 - 19 8 8 )
Fig. 4 Limits for temperature and humidity
Hatched area: Live working is not

Fig. 5 Necessary reduction of humidity

l i m i t if the t e m p e r a t u r e d i f f e r ­
e n c e b e t w e e n w o r k i n g r o o m a nd
surroundings i n c r e a s e s =
H a t c h e d area: L i v e w o r k i n g is
not allowed

da y s

Fig. 6 N u m b e r of d a y s wh e n the c l i m a t i c dates

a l l o w e d l i v e w o r k in W e s t e r n Styria.






The maintenance work usually requires the shutdown of lines which produces a
significant unavailability rate in the installations. Live working avoids the necessary
shutdown of these installations which cold working requires.
This paper attempts to show how Red Eléctrica de España performs live working in
its lines.

KEYWORDS: live working

overhead transmission lines

10- 1

Red Eléctrica de España is the company responsible for the planning, construction,
operation and maintenance of the transmission lines network in Spain.

Nowadays, Red Eléctrica has 16.904 km of transmission lines, of which 12.830 km

are of 400 kV and 4.074 km of 220 kV.

The maintenance work usually requires the shutdown of lines; which has caused in
1991 an unavailability rate in the installations of 1,28%.

The improvement of service in the transmission network in reference to availability,

involves a decrease in the rate detailed below, which will be achieved by promoting
and increasing live working.


The performance of live working on a transmission line implies the following:

- Higher availability of the

installation for transmission of

- A very good level of stability in the

Electric System

- Availability of other electrical

installations for cold working
(disconnected lines)

Other characteristics of Live Working


- The performance of the work

implies a higher cost than that of
cold work, due to the safety rules
which must be observed.

- The use of equipment and special

tools. In general this work requires

specific tools which must be studied, designed, constructed and tested.

- High qualification of the workers.

- The work must be carried out according to a procedure especially prepared by a

technical bureau.

- Training of the personnel involved, who will be examined at least once annually, to
determine adequacy of their knowledge for the performance of this technique.

- W eather conditions, which can impede the work.

On overhead transmission lines of Very High Voltage, two basic methods are

- Hot stick method

- Barehand method

Red Eléctrica sometimes employs the method of working close to live conductors.
Though this method is not a method for live line work, it permits qualified personnel
to carry out some specific tasks, according to the prescribed safety distances for this
method. These minimum clearances, for qualified personnel only, are 4 m for 400 kV
transmission lines and 3 m for 220 kV transmission lines.


The most critical phase of this method is when the worker approaches the live
conductor. During this movement, a safety distance must be maintained with the
following considerations:

"t" is the electrical distance to avoid a flashover between live conductor and earth.

The distance "t" is increased by a safe length of 0,5 m obtaining the minimum
distance of approaching "D".

During the approach of the worker to the live conductor, it must always be that
d 1 + d2 > 2t where d 1 and d2 are the distances from the worker to the live conductor
and earth, respectively. In regard to equipment and tools used in the procedure, it
must always be observed that d l + d2 > D (fig. NQ 1 ).

10 - 3

FIG. 1

The approach of the worker to the line conductor is generally done in a safety
position, and the worker is belted with appropriate type safety belt and safety
lanyards are securely fastened to the approach equipment (ladders, bucket, etc.).



In Spain, there are some general conditions for the performance of live work. Besides,
Red Eléctrica de España has established other particular conditions for each actuation
carried out in its installations.

The general conditions involve the following aspects:

a General requirements for live line works. Before using the live line technique of
performing work directly on energized very high voltage conductors or parts, a
check shall be made of the clearances from energized parts to the ground and to
other energized phases, thus Red Eléctrica considers as live working every work to
be performed in a distance less than:

- 3 m for electrical installation up to 220 kV

- 4 m for electrical installation
up to 380 kV

All the works shall be personally

supervised by the Foreman or a
Supervisor trained and certified
to perform this work and, also,
by responsible personnel from
Red Eléctrica.

b Qualified personnel and special

tools. The following must always be

- Workers will be qualified

and certified.

- Workers must pass annual

medical examinations.

- Workers will be examined

once annually, to determine
the adequacy of their
knowledge about live working

- W orkers must have and wear the safety clothes and equipment.

- There must be technical worksheets for the correct use of tools and

- The Foreman must check regularly and thoroughly the tools and equipment.
He must have an appropriate maintenance checklist.

- Tools and equipment must be tested periodically in an electrical laboratory.

c Development of each procedure. All procedures to be carried out on the installations

of Red Eléctrica must observe the following aspects:

- Type of installations

- Description of the work

- Scope of work

- Tools and equipment necessary

- Detailed description of the different operations

- Drawings and detailed plans with safety distances

- Tools and equipment certification of electrical tests

Red Eléctrica has established the minimum clearances for the different methods of
live working:


220 kV 2 m
380 kV 3,20 m

TABLE I: minimum clearances for Hot stick method

The minimum clearance for approach will always be the length of the insulator string.

VOLTAGE 220 kV 380 kV

MINIMUM Phase - Phase Phase - Earth Phase - Phase Phase - Earth
Minimum 2,5 m 1,6 m 4,5 m 2,5 m
The distances can be reduced to the length of the string when it is replaced by
insulated strain poles.
If portable gaps are used, the distances can be reduced, in some cases, depending
on the level of overvoltages of the transmission line and the clearances of the gap.

TABLE II: minimum clearances for Barehand method.

MINIMUM 220 kV 380 kV
W ork close to live 3 m 4 m
Cold work > 5 m > 7 m

TABLE III: minimum clearances for working close to a live line method.

d Approval of procedures. Red Eléctrica has established a process of approval of the

different procedures of live working that will be carried out in its transmission lines.

e Permission to perform live work. Red Eléctrica asks for the completion of several
documents before working on any energized line or equipment. One of these
documents is the live line order.

f Safety conditions for personnel. Red Eléctrica asks for certain conditions before the
beginning of the work and during its performance:

« Foreman:

- Confirms that the line is ready to carry out live work

- Meets with crew, in order to talk about the procedure

- Checks the tools, equipment and materials

- Personally supervises the work

- Supervises the observation of the procedure

- Reports faults or incidents when the work is finished.

® Workers:

- Know the details of the work

- Carry out the procedure without any modification

- Keep and maintain the safety equipment

- Report any observed defects


Red Eléctrica de
España has improved
the use of live working,
in order to avoid the
unavailability of its
transmission lines when
it is justifiable
technically and

In table IV is shown the development, during the last six years, of the unavailability
of the installations and the application of live line work.


1986 1.98 46
1987 1,89 48
1988 1,60 52
1989 1.47 63
1990 1,53 77
1991 1,42 88

- TABLE IV: Effect of Live Line Work on Unavailability rate

The types of Live W orking carried out during 1991 in the installations of Red
Eléctrica de España are the following:

- Change of suspension clamps

- Installation of armor grip suspension clamps

- Change of insulator strings

- Change of insulator tension string

- Replacement of fittings in strings

- Replacement of spacers

- Replacement of damaged insulators

- Cleaning of insulators with jet water

- Installation of earth wire

- Installation of optic fiber cable around earth wire

- Installation of optic fiber cable over earth wire

- Change of dampers

- Installation of approach beacons on earth wire

- Painting of steel towers

The work of changing of spacers, changing suspension and dead-end or tension

clamps and insulators, is usually carried out by Barehand Method. In this work the
approach of the worker to the conductor is more difficult on lines of up to 220 kV
and particularly on lines with the three conductors at the same level. In every case,
the different steps of the approach operation must be executed with special care,
observing carefully every clearance.

A general procedure could be:

- Place the insulated ladder at hardware support points

- Install cold and yoke

- Install live end tool with yoke strain pole

- Secure jack screw to cold and tool yoke, and apply tension to hold tool yokes

- Increase tension with jack screw to provide slack in insulator string

- Remove the insulators, fittings or the elements to be replaced

- Install the new ones

- Remove the hot end tool yoke and strain poles

- Remove the insulated ladder

The painting of steel

towers will be carried
out either by hot stick
method or using the
method of working
close to live

The method used to

work on the earth
cable is working close
to live conductors.

The cleaning of
insulators with jet
water is carried out
from a safe distance, although water makes contact with the conductor.

The equipment for washing consists of:

- Hoses and nozzles

- Stainless steel tank

- Four stage high pressure centrifugal water pump

The characteristics of the equipment used by Red Eléctrica are shown in Table V.

Tank Capacity (litres) 4.000
Pressure in the pump (kg/cm2) 50:60
Pressure in the wash gun 28:35
Nozzle diameter (mm) 6,35
Safety clearances 5 m for 380 kV 4,5 m for 220 kV
W ater flow (1/min) 150
Conductivity meter rated (p,s/cm) (water < 400
to 20°C)

TABLE V. Jet water cleaning. Characteristics of the equipment.

Red Eléctrica de España cleans annually more than 2.500 insulator strings in
transmission lines located primarily in the Mediterranean coast.


As previously stated, the cost of live working is higher than cold working. However,
within this cost must be considered the quality of service given by the company, in
maintaining its transmission lines while energized.

In Table VI are shown the percentage costs of different types of work carried out in
cold lines compared with the same word carried out in live lines.

Change of dampers on earth wire 100 % 135 %
Change of armor grip suspension 100 % 161 %
clamps in duplex transmission lines
Change of suspension insulator strings 100 % 118 %
Change of tension insulator string 100 % 170 %
Painting of steel towers 100 % 120 %
Cleaning of insulators with iet water 100 % 164 %
Stringing and sagging of earth wire 100 % 152 %

TABLE VI. Cold and live costs comparison

10- 11

As was stated previously, the use of live working for transmission lines maintenance
signifies a better usage of the network and better conditions of operation, w ith a
maintenance cost slightly higher than that of cold working conditions. The company
might assume this extra cost if the resultant higher quality of service is taken into


A uthor Leiv Kleppe

Firm s city, country :

Bergenshalv 0ens Kommunale Kraftseiskap, Bergen, Norway.

A bstract The paper discuss the questions regarding use of Live Line
m ethods a nonexperinced power com pany must take in
consideration in the decision process of using this m ethod in
the maintenance policy of transit power lines.

K ey w ords : Life Length maintenance.

Questions to Live Line methods.


There are no experience in our Company in maintenance of transit pow er lines by

live line methods and our intention by participating this conference are to collect
knowledge about the m ethods.

This reflections are the first step regarding analyze of the problem and we
presume that the conference will give suitable information.

It is usual in Norway, to have at least two equal transit power lines to carry pow er
to each substation, depending of the station importance.

That means, if the numbers of equal transit power lines are (N) and one line is
out of service, that (N -1 ) >1 will give suitable reliability.

On this conditions we don't use live line methods, but m aybe it is wrong attitude
and that live line m ethods will save money.

There are also a lot of small substation in rural areas supplied by single
distribution lines.

Live line methods are used in Norway on distribution lines, and we have
governments instructions and rules, valid for all kind of power lines.

Scope of the problems.

1. Take in consideration the possibilities of using live line methods in the

maintenance already during design of the line and, if live line methods are
economic favourable, prepare the line details for this methods.

2. Connected to the design, establish a life length general maintenance plan

for the line.

Elements in the plan :

3. The basic element in the general plan is estim ated to be periodic
inspection of the line, in frequencies depending on the importance of the
line and desirable improvement of dam age frequency.

4. The purpose of periodic inspection is to discover starting but not

fulfilled dam ages not interrupting the power delivery.

5. Next element will be choice of repair techniques, taking in consideration

which dam ages will come up and possible developm ents of maintenance

6. If life line methods are a part of the plan take in regard that live line
methods only are useful inside the risk distance from the conductor, which
in usual are dam ages on the conductor and insulator unit including clamp
and parts.

Calculation assumptions and codes.

As mentioned in the introduction section it is usual in Norway to have at least two,

(N )> 2, power lines supplying substations of importance, each line able to
transfer the substation dem and of power, but there is also lots of substations of
different importance supplied by a single line.

One of the tasks are to com pare this two systems regarding live line methods,
m aybe it is possible to save money by using live line m ethods and single lines
instead of twice, or at least use more single.

One of the difference between this two systems are the energy prices, because
single line supplying cause delivery loss by interrupted service while twice line
supplying cause energy loss.

Delivery loss are loss also for the consumers, and it is usual in Norway to price
delivery loss much higher than energy loss.

Traditional maintenance is in this paper defined in the way that all dam age repair
inside risk distance have to be done by interrupted service.

^ 2 -2
In usual cases the total cost of construction an operation of a power line, or parts
of the line, consist of investment, prevent maintenance, interrupted service and
repair costs of damages.

C odes used in the equations :

Price of delivery loss = o. : Price of energy loss = o 1 ( o > o1)

Total Yearly cost = Oy. : Yearly investment cost = O e

Yearly cost of periodic inspection = 0

Yearly d a m ag e and interruption cost = Ob

Hence the yearly total costs Oy = Oe + O + O b

In additional the different codes are provided by indexes :

Single line = 1 : Twice lines = 2 : Live line methods = 1

Considering dam age o a fixed member, repaired either bye live line methods or
by traditional methods. Traditional methods cause interruption of the service.

Repair cost of fixed damage, traditional methods = ou

Repair cost of dam age, live line methods = o1 : )Assum ed o1 > ou)

The norm al yearly frequency of dam age on a fixed m em ber, as cause interruption
in the service = (f)

Estimate that preparing for and use of live line m ethods reduce the yearly
frequency of dam age, which cause service interruption, from the value (f) to (f1).

N um ber of dam ages repaired by line methods = (f—f 1), and yearly cost of repair
by live line w ork = 01 = o1 x (f—f1).

Interruption frequencies relation factor = f1/f = q : and (f—f 1) = f x (1 - q)

Single line delivery loss factor = 0.

Twice system power loss factor = 01.

Interruption tim e = Repair time = t.

Transit pow er = P : Energy loss= P x t x 0 (0 1 )

12- 3
Compare two equal pow er lines, one where live line methods are used, and one
where traditional m aintenance m ethods are used.

Live line methods estim ated that interruption service frequency is f1 :

Oyl = Oel + 01 + O + (o x P x 0 x t + ou) x f1 (1)

Traditional methods :

Oy = Oe + O + (o x P x 0 x 1 + ou) x f (2)

!f use of live line m ethods, to cost (Oyl), shall be cheaper or equal to traditional

methods, to cost (Oy), then Qv > = O v l:

Oe + 0 + (oxPx0xt + ou)x f > = Oel + 0 1 + o1xfx(1-q)+(oxP x0xt + ou) x f1

(Oel - O e) + (01 - O)
ox Px0 xt >= ...- + o1 - ou (3)
f x (1 - q)

If no additional periodic inspections has been done then (01 - 0 ) becam e

zero and if the investment cost (O e l- Oe) is considered as investment

in live line equipment which is written of over the life length (/E) of

the equipment and obtain from equation (3) :

(Oel - Oe)
o x Px0 xt >= ■ - + ol - ou (4)

Assume that equation (4) give expression of the usual way to consider and solve
the problem.

Compare transit of pow er, on a single line maintenance bv live line m ethods to
total cost ( 0 v 1P, and on two lines maintenance by traditional to total cost (Oy2).

All three lines are each able to transfer the substations total need of power,
compare the reliability dem and in Norway (N - 1) > = 1.

Estimate that single line will cause som e delivery loss to a price (o) and that
interruption service frequency, caused by live line work and efforts, will decrease
to the value (F1), m aybe to zero.

12 - 4
Twice lines will only cause energy loss to a price (o1) and the interruption service
frequency is (f).

Introduce a length factor between length of twice and single, L2/L1 = â.

If the single line maintenance shall be cheaper than twice lines then :

Qv2 > = Ov1l.

(0 e 2 + 0 2 + (o1xPx02xt+ou)xf)xâ > = 0 e 1 + 0 1 l+ 0 1 + (oxPx01 xt+ou) xf1

From this equation :

( Oe1 -0 e 2 x f)+ (0 1 l-0 2 x â )
Pxîx ((o 1 x 0 2 )x â -(o x 0 1 )x q > = — — + o lx (1 -q )-o u x (â -q ) (5)

If the reliability on the single line shall be equal to the twice, efforts have to be
don in investment and periodic inspections and Live Line work to decrease the
interruption frequency (f1 ) close to zero.

Then (q) became close to zero and neglectable which give : (~k x 01 x 0 = 0).

Perhaps there will be som e small loss, but neglectable, and obtain :

( Oe1 -O e 2 x à ) + (01 l-0 2 x â ) oe

P x t x o1 x 0 2 > = ■ ......... .......... ' - + — - ou (6)
â xf â

The sense of the terms in equation (3). (4) and (6) are :

o1 x P x 0 2 x t = The limited economic value between energy loss by

traditional maintenance caused by each interruption, and
economic profit of using live line methods.

(Oe1 -O e2xâ) = Additional investment preparing the single line for live line
work and in equipment for the live line maintenance.

( 01 l-02xà ) = Additional periodic inspection in intend to reduce the

interruption service frequency (f) on the single line by live line

fx (1 - q) = Expected reduced frequency of interrupted service on the

single line caused by live line maintenance on the line.
ol - ou = Cost difference between execution of repair by live line
methods and traditional.

Sum m ary and comments.

The equations (3), and (6) are presented in graph on fig. numb.(1) and (2).

All the terms in the equations (3), (4), (5) and (6) are known and possible to
calculate, except dam age and service interruption frequency.

The defining of the therm "fixed member" in this paper is tied to available statistic.

Live line work is in usual restricted to the insulator unit including clamp and
connection parts.

It is therefor necessary, and because of available statistic, to define this unit as

"fixed m em ber".

It is necessary to have dam age statistics both by traditional and live line
m aintenance to m ake correct calculation from equation (3) and (6).

Because the insulator unit is important, m aybe statistic for traditional maintenance
is available at almost of the power companies.

If such statistic is available it is possible to estimate the dam age frequency factor
f1/f = q, because the factor value is limited between (0 ) and (1), and the
calculation will give an approximate value.

If the intention is m ake a life length maintenance plan., additional investment an

additional periodic inspection costs is an important part of the expenses, because
the value of (f) in usual cases are small.

In the graphs on fig.numb. (1) - (2) are used different constant values of this
additional costs, and the graph emphasize how important the value of (f) is.

Another interesting values are the energy price (o1) and the delivery loss price

Energy loss in m eshed transit system is easy to handle because the price
consists of production and transit cost including profit.

Delivery loss is also economic loss for the consumers which give different loss
depending on the consumers demand and activity.

The last examination in Norway indicate variation in delivery loss cost from
approxim ate 0,3 US. $ in household to 8,0 US.$ pro KVh in the industry.
After adjustment according to living cost index for Norway examination taken in
the last of seventies indicate approximately the sam e result.

1 2- 6
In the mind that a single line give delivery loss, by a loss factor estimated to 0,90
and connected to a average delivery loss price in Norway of 4,0 US.$, the value
of the therm (o x 0 ) is approximately 3,6 US.$ pro KVh.

The twice line system give a energy loss factor of approxim ate 0,10, and
connected to a energy price in Norway of approximate 0,04 US.$, and estimated
length factor (&) = (2) the value of the therm (o1x01x&) is approxim ately 0,016
US.$ pro KVh.

According to this the limited economic value of energy loss by traditional

maintenance, caused of each interruption, for a single line will be approxim ate five
to Four hundred tim es the value for twice lines, depending on the price of
delivery loss.

However, the possible investment regarding live line m ethods are small com pared
to the total investment in the lines.
The total investment, interruption service frequency and dem and of power
reliability will dom inate in the decision process, but the selection of m aintenance
methods are a part of the process.

Consider a substation supplying (n) numbers of consumers each having a power

dem and of (Pc) and then the therm (n x Pc), connected to the limited econom ic
value of energy loss, emphasize how important the num bers of consum ers are.

The interruption time (repair time) many times are expression for the access to
the line.

Caused of roughly terrain, hard wintertime and several others natural conditions
the access som etim e is impossible.

By such conditions the interruption time is long and will signify m uch in the
decision process regard to choice of transit system and m aintenance methods.

Personnel accidents.

The accident rate for different maintenance methods are im portant because of
that social aspects and life quality of the victims are impossible to value in money.

In lack of experience, by start of a new method, the security enterprises in usual

is strictly to ensure not to increase the accident rate com pared to form er

In fact this usual attitude estimate that the accident rate will increase by use of a
new m ethod, in spite that the experience tell something else.

12 - 7
Questions unsolved by the reflections.

a. The amount of the delivery loss prices ?

b. Is it possible to reduce the interruption service frequency for the insulation

unit close to zero by use of live line methods ?

c. Available statistic for the interruption service frequency on the insulation

unit ?

d. Expense difference between execution of a fixed dam age by live line

methods and traditional ?

e. Is it more accident by live line methods than by traditional ?

f. Is equation (4) express of the usual way to consider and solve the
10 000

12 - 8

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P o
a. <
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For many years now, the helicopter has been used as an auxiliary aid in the
construction and maintenance of electric lines so as to bring up the men and
especially the equipment and materials to the worksites located in areas inaccessible
to transport vehicles.

- 90,000 km of transmission lines to be supervised and maintained,

- 10 staff crews (pilot and mechanic),

- 10 single and twin-engined aircrafts,

- 120,000 flying hours, without an accident, for the last 35 years.


For many years now, work on cables equipping HV and EHV overhead lines has been
carried out in the dead line mode by EDF teams. This has been done on the basis of
a single-engined LAMA or ECUREUIL helicopter, with intermittent interventions, and
with an obvious desire for efficiency as in the cases of a breakdown or for locations
of very difficult access.

At the beginning of 1987, a project committee (1), was constituted and the
Transmission Department gave it the mission:

- to study the codes of practice enabling airborne teams to work on EHV conductors or
earth wires with a view to carrying out works, in the dead or live line mode, of a
"lightweight" (preformed positioning, warning systems) or "heavyweight"
(replacement, installation of mid-span joints) nature.

- to define the most appropriate type(s) of helicopter for this type of work.

- to study and even define the regulations which would prove necessary for this


The first objective of the group was to study codes of practice which would facilitate
the tasks of linemen called in to work on overhead cables. Its aim was to achieve a
greater safety level for them when compared to the traditional modes of work.

As a matter of fact, more and more often, it was observed that the linemen felt
reticent about setting out on "uncertain" cables whether the latter were earth wires,
simple conductors or bundles.

The securing of the team onto a neighbouring cable is sometimes feasible but often
quite unrealistic.

In most cases, and where this is possible, the linemen prefer to lower the cables to
the ground so as to work within the maximum safety conditions. This obviously
results in a significant increase of the work time.

The use of the helicopter as a mean of positioning the team allows us to settle this
problem and supply a greater level of safety in the carrying out of such works.

Two types of use for the helicopter can be recalled:



- The case of work on a cable or simple conductor (the replacement and placing of a
mid-span joint),

- The weight of the bucket is not compatible with the mechanical strength of the line,
even after restoring the mechanical safety of the uncertain part of the cable.

- The surrounding environment does not allow for the off-loading of the team onto the
cables (which is hazardous owing to various obstacles nearby).



- The case of work on a cable, or simple conductor, or bundles (the placing of a joint,
the replacement of spacers etc.).

- The weight of the bucket is compatible with the mechanical strength of the line and,
in particular, from the moment of the securing of the uncertain section of the cable.

- The surrounding environment allows for the off-loading of the bucket onto the

The helicopter permits the fully secure positioning of the bucket onto the cable(s).
Once this positioning has been assured, the helicopter flies off to deposit a second,
or even third, bucket onto other work sites. At the end of the work, the helicopter
returns to pick up each bucket.

It should be borne in mind that each bucket is suspended from the helicopter by
means of a cargo hook and a main sling.

For some types of job, a safety sling of high-resistance rope passing in a continuous
loop within the helicopter also intervenes in this action of suspension. Moreover, this
enables us to create a negative torque thus preventing the bucket from pivoting on
itself and consequently facilitating its hooking onto the cables.


To carry out such a mission successfully, and always with a preoccupation for
increased safety, it was absolutely necessary to rely on a team of aeronautical
specialists (Compagnie Générale des Turbo-Machines, Aérospatiale, Société Française
des Instruments de Mesures).

The first and foremost priority was, and this can be easily understood, to remedy the
failure of the helicopter and, especially, of an engine.

Then, consideration had to be given to the aeronautical regulations in force, within

which category could the airborne works carried out by EDF be classified ?

Such a consultation was carried out in close cooperation with the General Directorate
of Civil Aviation (D.G.A.C.) so as to obtain the necessary flying authorizations.

The fundamental postulate adopted was the following:

- In the case of the breakdown of one engine, the helicopter must be able to continue
its hovering with its load (bucket and linemen): this automatically imposes the use of
a twin-engined helicopter.

- The F A .R . (Federal Aviation Regulations) standard - PART 133 then specifies that
the helicopter used must have been certified in class A "for the mass of utilization
and to allow for a hovering position for this aforesaid mass of utilization and for this
altitude with an engine broken down".

- Since we are in the case of a flight with a non off-loadable weight with sling
(bucket plus linemen), the latter must be classified in category "D" .

- Moreover, EDF has made it mandatory that, in t"}*,4<ne breakdown and under
the conditions recalled above, the helicopter had to dispose of a sufficient power level
so as to maintain a climbing speed of 150 feet/minute. Due to this latter fact, safety
in operations could only be all the greater.

However, it was necessary to know the characteristics of the helicopter used in all its
smallest details so as to be certain that the machine fulfilled all the desired criteria
of utilization, in terms of:

- the altitude of the work site,

- the ambient temperature,

- the helicopter-bucket weight.

All these criteria have been taken into consideration during the works and, of course,
form an integral part of the job preparation.

Furthermore, and with a view to knowing the behaviour of a twin-engined aircraft in

great detail in the case of engine failure, it was necessary to launch a real-scale

This experiment was carried out by C.G.T.M. (Compagnie Générale des Turbo-

This had to allow us to establish that the transient variations of the rotor regime
involve a descent of the helicopter. This loss in height depends on the mass of the
helicopter and the power level available in the remaining working engine.

Thanks to these tests, it is possible to determine the maximal masses of the helicopter
and its weight in terms of the demands of the specific work of the EDF teams (the
length of sling, the difference in height of the cables of a line, the possibility of
vertical flying upwards after an engine breakdown).

All these criteria, including the reaction time of the pilot, were recorded and have
formed the subject of very detailed technical reports.

The Aérospatiale aircrafts used by EDF which fulfil the imperative criteria briefly
recalled above are the following:

- ECUREUIL AS 355, fitted with two GTM TM 319 engines



To carry out a flight in the hovering mode for about 30 minutes involves a definite
fatigue on the part of the pilot and a perfect mastery of this technique.

W ith a view to facilitating this hovering, the methods used have resulted in taking
on a part of the weight of the conductors by means of the sling. The buckets are
fitted with two hooks (or an analagous system in the case of bundles) enabling us to
firmly anchor the bucket with the conductors or with the earth wire.

This enables us:

- to avoid any relative movement between the bucket and the cables, which facilitates
the work of the linemen.

- to allow for a more manageable flight in the hovering for the helicopter (a hovering in
terms of a cone whose top is represented by the hooking point on the cables).

In spite of this device, the level of fatigue of the pilot(s) remains significant.

It has therefore been decided to create an APACHE type "Aid to hovering"

mechanism in liaison with C.G.T.M., a mechanism now the subject of a patent
presented by EDF.

This system provides valuable information to the pilot, presenting him with data in
the form of "crossed needles", about the longitudinal and lateral ditferential with
regards to the apparent vertical of the bucket.

An Automatic Pilot calculator has also been developed with the S.F.I.M. so as to be
able to automatically transmit the information of the APACHE to the A.P. of the
helicopter. This mechanism is operational these days.

An additional data (from a dynamometer) was given to this device in order to get an
evaluation of the vertical force applied on the helicopter.

Still on this point, research is under way so as to transmit these items of information,
via the computer, to the A.P. of the helicopter: this will enable us to obtain a
perfectly stable flight in the hovering.


In the case of engine failure taking place during an operation, it was advisable to be
certain of the behaviour of the helicopter (see above) so as to ensure the total safety
of the linemen.

In some cases and to the extent that the surrounding environment allows this, it seems
an interesting option to off-load a part of the weight (bucket) so as to obtain a
maximum lightening, thus facilitating the recovery of the remaining engine's power
level and a climbing speed of 150 feet/minute.

A pyrotechnical system, adapted to buckets and allowing for such off loading, has
been developed in collaboration with PYROMECA, Toulon.

If need be, this system is put into operation by the pilot. A so-called "emergency"
off-loading is also possible from the bucket and it can put into action by the linemen.

This mechanism has still not been taken into consideration for live line works but is
presently under study.

The linemen obviously are linked up to the lifting fixture of the helicopter's sling
hook by safety ropes so as to always remain connected to the aircraft.

A radio link (also doubled up) is put into operation between the workmen in the
bucket and the helicopter crew.

As this excellent quality radio link is absolutely necessary during the very possible
application of safeguard clauses, it is also necessary during the whole operation and
particularly during the phases of approach, hooking and unhooking of the bucket.

As we have already seen above, however, there still remains the possibility (this forms
part of the work preparations) of off-loading the "bucket-linemen" assembly onto the
cables when the latter are bearing the corresponding static, even dynamic, load.


The airborne work demands very great care in:

- the preparation of the work,

- the in situ respect of the exact criteria in the preparation phase.

Owing to their specific characteristics, these jobs need specialized and perfectly
trained teams with tested automatic reactions.

The works can be carried out by various crews but, during the initial operations, are
headed by an experienced s specialist lineman. However, training is necessary on the
field, before any real work is carried out. For live line works, this training is supplied
following the criteria as they are defined by the S.E.R.E.C.T. Department.



The S.E.R.E.C.T. Department of EDF has established the Conditions for Carrying out
of the W ork (C.E.T.) and the Technical Sheets, enabling the workmen to work in the
live line mode on overhead lines from a helicopter.

A fter an experimental period during which the works are carried out on mission
orders delivered by the S.E.R.E.C.T. Department, the Conditions for Carrying out of
the W ork must be approved by the French Live W orking Committee.

In order to know in detail the behaviour of the AS 355 helicopter when it is at line’s
voltage and/or exposed to a strong electrical field, tests were carried out at the
Aeronautical Testing Centre in Toulouse with the S.E.R.E.C.T. Department, the
Research and Development Division, and the S.T.H.

The study of behaviour of the digital control system, the analysis of different
parameters, when the aircraft is connected or disconnected from the voltage supply
source (AC 250 kV superposed to DC 250 kV), study of the pilots’ reactions, etc.,
these tests were very conclusive.


The teams which carry out live line work with the aid of helicopter comply with the
Conditions for Carrying out of the W ork and respect the operational modes as
described in the Technical Sheets.

Every work is the subject of a meticulous preparation, both from the electrical and
mechanical point of view (line behaviour).

W ith the bucket being mobile in the air, it is necessary to appreciate its trajectory
within the electrical View N° 1
environment. W e must take
into consideration its
displacement in the case of
engine failure, a
displacement connected to
the loss in altitude of the

The distances for safety in

work and/or fractioning
imposed by the C.C.W. are
checked in terms of the
elements recalled above.
(View N° 1.)


During the first years of

working on electric lines,
the primary objective of
EDF-STH was to carry out
"heavyweight" operations
(the replacement of joints
or of a portion of cable,
etc) with the assistance of
PUMA type helicopters
bearing large-size buckets
with three linemen on
board. (View N° 2.)

View N° 2.

Very quickly, and within the framework of live line works, it turned out that there
was an incompatibility between large-size buckets and the electrical environment
linked to the imposed technological features of towers (phase-to-phase or
phase-to-earth wire clearance).

1 3- 1 0
It was advisable to develop the use of lighweight means and infrastructures, a narrow
bucket with one or two linemen on board and perfect systems or means allowing us
to carry out so-called "heavyweight" operations.

This objective is practically achieved, even if development is still in progress.

As an example, we can mention the constitution of a heavy bucket which is laid

element by element on a conductor bundle. The work site thus built enables two
linemen to carry out live line work both efficiently and safely. (View N° 3.)

View N° 3.

The advantage drawn from this new philosophy also resides in the use of the
twin-engined ECUREUIL type light helicopter with a cost price lower than that of
PUMA or SUPER PUMA type helicopter.

The ECUREUIL helicopter obviously is systematically used for lightweight operations

such as the repairing of cut wires, the placing of preformed elements, warning
systems etc.

The SUPER PUMA helicopter is used for dead line works, for the stringing of small
cables and/or conductors and for the lifting of towers (View N° 4).

View N° 4

13- 12
Every job, in fact, is the subject of an in-depth reflection and analysis by the

- the specific needs of the work

- the compliance with regulations and the conditions of execution

- the inventorying of the available means and infrastructures (the type of helicopters


As with all Electricity Companies, EDF does its best to develop methods and means
thus enabling it to improve productivity levels and the quality of its service.

The airborne works carried out in the dead and live line mode are a very good

- the high working rate (the work time reduced by a ratio of 5 to 12 when compared
with traditional methods)

- the better availability of electric networks

- the possibility of working in places where traditional means (elevators, etc) do not
allow the linemen to carry out their works in total safety, whether in the dead or live
line mode.


The airborne methods allow:

- W orks on very varied line configurations where conventional methods (dead and live
lines) could not, or only with great difficulty, be used.

- The development of specific means, procedures and materials which can have
beneficial effects on the linemen work.

13 - 1 3

S.T.H. can intervene in the form of:

- Direct work

The preparation and carrying out of all airborne operations:

• Observations

• Transportation by helicopter

• Dead and live line maintenance

• Construction, work stringing (tower erection).

- Consultancy - Assistance - Training

For the perfect adequation of methods and means within interested companies and

- Technology transfer

To have as an objective the transmission of necessary information and to train

personnel with a view to rendering the beneficiary independent as quickly as possible,
knowing that EDF-S.T.H. ensures an "after sales service" and the certainty of
permanently updated information about potential trends in means and methods.




Ing. S.Polevoy, A.Bazoulin, A.Boiev

Leading firm on adjustement improvement of technology and

operation of power stations and networks (Firm ORGEES)

Moscow, Russia


The paper reports results of live line work

environment studies:

kinds of switchings likely to appear during live

line work;

- switching overvoltage level at worksite;

- minimum safe distances for specific live work

methods, determined from test data on flashover

characteristics of air gaps;

- minimum allowable number of undamaged insulators

per string in term of safety replacing strain insulator

string and suspension insulator string, including weted and

contaminated insulation.

14 - 1
Key words: overhead line, switching overvoltage, air

gap, weted and contaminated insulation.


The stadies of dielectric strength of air gap between

the line conductor and tower with the lineman and tools in

it are the most important among divers live line work

aspects. The worker safety must be secured under not only

rated level voltage, but also impulse overvoltage.

The minimum air gap establishing methods do not

differ on principle from those universally used for option

of overhead line insulation. The difference is the

necessity of taking into account the lineman and tools in

the air gap and providing additional safe garantees.

Two various discharge paths are possible during the

live work on suspension towers when overvoltages arise

along the string ("line conductor - tower crossarmMgap) and

from line conductor to tower leg. Therefore the live line

work safety will be secured by experimental determination

of minimum allowable number of undameged insulators per

string and the requered air gaps between line conductor and

suspension tower leg with the lineman and tools in it.

During the strain insulator string live maintenance

on the anchor towers the possible discharge trajectory will

pass along the insulator string. In this case it is

sufficiently to determine the minimum allowable number of

14 - 2
undameged units per insulator string to provide the safe

live working.

In this paper report the values of possible switching

and atmospheric overvoltages which are likely to occur at

the worksite and the minimum air gaps between the line

conductor and the tower leg for suspension tower are


The minimum allowable number of undamaged units per

insulator string during the live work is determined in the

report of I.Barg and S.Polevoy "Studies of safety level

during live working on suspension towers of 22 0-750 kV

overhead lines".



The wide application of live line maintenance has put

many problems of the air gap electrical strength with

various switching surges. The most actual problem is the

necessity that circuit breakers be prevented from reclosing

during live line work. The reclosure blocking will lower

the per unit level of switching overvoltages, besides it is

necessary to carry out a number of preparatory actions to

establish a special operating mode on the line to be

repaired, and in many cases the live work will be


14 - 3
The switching operations resulting in the heaviest

overvoltages are:

- scheduled closing of the line;

- manual reclosing of the line;

- opening of the line accompanied by an asymmetrical

fault including that after an unsuccessful autoreclosing;

three-phase or single-phase autoreclosing of the


-- opening of the line in the out-of-step operating


The switching operations due to scheduled closing of

the line being live worked on cannot arise. The regulations

in force in Russia forbid manual reclosing while the live

line work is carrying out without the authorisation of the

person in charge. Thus two first-named switching operations

are not considered further.

Values of possible switching overvoltages during live

work on 220-750 kV lines were calculated for the most

characteristic line parameters of each voltage class (Table

1) •
Table 1

P.u. level of switching overvoltages

Rated Line opening Autoreclosing Line opening

voltage, due to fault due to out-

kV of-step

14 - 4
1* 2 ** 1* 2* * 1* 2 **

220 2.6 2 .6 3.1 3.1

330 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.7 2.8

500 2.5 2 .6 2.5 2.7 2.5 2.7

750 2 .1 2.2 2 .1 2.4 2.1 2 .4

1* - at the line ends; 2 * * - in the middle of the

Therefore the highest switching overvoltage on

220-750 kV lines can appear during circuit breakers

reclosing or opening the line in the out-of-step operation

mode. Regulations forbid to work near live parts when

lightning storm is approaching. However the lightning storm

could cause an overvoltage on the live conductor beyond the

distance where the lightning can be visually or audibly

detected by workers.

To determine values of lightning overvoltages at the

worksite it is necessary to know their amplitude, wave

length and damping rate of wave.Peak overvoltages that

arrive as a result of lightning strike anywhere on a line

has the amplitude exceeding in several timesthe impulse

strength of the line insulation. Extending on the line

conductor the overvoltage wave will cause flashover of

insulation at the towers adjacent to the lightning strike

point. After running a small distance (few spans) the wave

14 - 5
amplitude will be decreased to value of discharge voltage

of line insulation. Further wave extension on line

conductors will reduce the wave amplitude by effect of

corona pulse, conductor resistance and other factors. Value

of the insulator strings length (L) for each voltage class

used for calculations and the appropriate values of the

line insulation impulse strength (Uo) are shown in Table 2.

Using determined values of lightning wave damping ratio

after 10 km wave path (Ua / U o ) , amplitudes of damped waves

(Ua) reaching the worksite and minimum safe working

distances between the lineman working at the line potential

and grounded parts in case of lightning overvoltages (A

min.a) were calculated.

Table 2

Ur, kV L, m Uo, kV Ua/Uo Ua, kV A min.a, m

220 2.2 1470 0.79 1160 1.2

330 3.2 1900 0.77 1460 1.5

500 4.2 2300 0.79 1820 2.2

750 5.8 2700 0.79 2130 2.9


14 - 6
In order to make accurate calculation of the safe air

gap lengths between the lineman (his work position) and the

grounded structures experimental data {1} on the dielectric

strength of actual air gaps including live line tools and

worker in conductive clothing must be used. Taking into

account possible overvoltage per unit level, values of 50%

flashover voltage for overvoltage versus air gap length

relationships that were found experimentally were applied

to chose the minimum safe working distances between the

lineman in the seat near the live line connector and the

grounded components of the suspension tower leg (Table 3).

Table 3

Ur, kV U max, kV P.u.level of U50%, kV Minimum safe

overvoltage working dis­

tance (A) ,m

Line opening due to fault

220 252 2.6 605 1.7

330 363 2.6 870 2 .2

500 525 2.6 1250 3.2

750 787 2.2 1570 4.4


220 252 3.1 720 1.9

14 - 7
330 363 2.8 940 2.4

500 525 2.7 1300 3 .3

750 787 2.4 1715 5.2

Line opening due to out-of-step

220 252

330 363 2.8 940 2.4

500 525 2,7 1300 3 .3

750 787 2.4 1715 5.2

Lines whose suspension tower design provides maximum

air gap lengths of given in table 3 (autoreclosing) might

have their circuit breakers not blocked during the live

work and the power transmitted may not be reduced.

On condition, that only minimum safe distances of

given in table 3 (line opening due to fault) are secured on

the suspension towers, circuit breakers must be prevented

from reclosing. In this case the line will not be liaded to

steady-state stability limit.


1. Switching overvoltages p.u.levels likely to occur

during the live line work on 220-750 kV overhead lines were

determined for the characteristic circuit designs.

14 - 8
2. Minimum allowable air gaps used for the live

working were specified for the above-mentioned switching

overvoltage p.u. levels.

3. Switching overvoltages are the determinant for

establishing safe working conditions during the live work

on 220- 750 kV lines.

4. When the suspension tower designs garantee the

specified air gaps between the lineman and the tower leg,

the circuit breaker may not be blocked and the transmitted

power will not be reduced while the live work is in


5. Whenever the repair of outer phase conductor

insulator strings of suspension towers will not be secure

the minimal safe working distance with the lineman disposed

between the conductor and the tower leg, another work

method has to be used, for example, the lineman approaching

to outer phase conductors from the outside of the phase.


1. D.G.Kolker, O . I .Pissarenko, S.V.Polevoy.

Experimental determination of air gap flashover performance

for 220-750 kV line work applications. Sess.8, ESMO-90,

5-nd I n t .C o n f .Live-Line Maint.,1990, Toronto, p . 139-142.

14 - 9
The flexible distribution pillar system

A solid investment in
a safer working environment.

IG I — In te rn a tio n a le G esellschaft
fü r In d u s trie b e d a rf G es. m. b.H. T e le fo n (0 2 2 2 ) 69 16 36
Eisgrubengasse 2/4 T e le fa x (0 2 2 2) 69 16 38
A-2334 Vösendorf bei Wien Telex 116089


I .G .I


In the late 1980s, some heavy storms struck middle Europe and Scandinavia. Also the
ecological planning and personnel safety of low voltage distribution systems improved.
This all caused a rapid increase in installation of new cable systems including IP2X
insulated distribution pillar systems. From this time on, very few new bare wire
overhead LV Lines were installed.

KEY WORDS: Low voltage distribution system

16- 1

The LV-Network in cities and villages above 3000 residents consists mainly of cables
laid into ground. In the beginning, feeder cables were connected to each other with
T-joints. They were also used for connection service - to main cables. This is still in
use in some countries. Early 1930 the first distribution pillars were introduced. Today
the W est European LV network uses a great number of distribution pillars. This has
increased the personnal safety, flexibility of energy distribution and reduced the
accidents by arcing to zero.


As there are many pillars connected to each transformer station, it is most important
that the pillar has a design that makes accidents unlikely. In the 1960s the pillar with
its open busbar system was fitted with fuse-switches. This semiinsulated systems
fulfilled the requirements for insulation protection class IP IX. It prevented contact
with live parts by hands or elbows during maintenance work. Early 1970, new
systems with insulation class IP 2X were introduced. IP 2X means, that live parts
cannot be touched with the fingers. Mid 1970 many national standards came into
force, asking for class IP IX. Many utilities in Scandinavia agreed to use IP 2X . So
maintenance and additional installation of apparatus and cables were allowed with
fewer restrictions.


W ith the pillar door open, IP 2X is fulfilled. This is also maintained with the
fuse-switches in an open position.


The cornerstone of this new system is the insulated U-profile busbar. The insulation
coating is Polyamid (Nylon). Only the 2 contact surfaces are bare. A test finger of
12mm cannot reach a live part. Busbars are available from 400 to 1600 Amps in A1
and Cu. The busbar distance-phase to phase was reduced to 85mm to get a very
compact pillar system.


The system offers all types of apparatus needed for a complete installation job. Fuse
switches for blade fuses size 00 to 2. IP 2X connectors and earthing equipment of
outgoing cables is available. The latest developement is a disconnector, which allows
single-pole disconnection of live voltage lines using blades. It is possible to render
the busbars dead without interrupting a loop-feed into the pillar.


All equipments are designed for direct cable clamping by connectors without using
cable lugs. They have further only one attaching screw per busbar phase. It is done
by a profile nut on the reverse side of the equipments. The screws are reached from
the frontside of the unit and are tightened by using only one type of insulated
hexagonal key for all installations and cable fixing.


System is tested against IEC-408, cat. AC 22 and AC 23 requirements. The high

level of protection allows single-man service, for example when changing fuses or
when carrying out other normal maintenance procedures. According to statistics from
the Swedish Energy Agency we understand, that with increasing number of
Transformer Stations (1983 - 35.000, 1988 - 40.000) and distribution pillars the
number of accidents in LV-distribution systems caused by arcing went down from 9
to 1. The statistics do not show whether the failures were in the old or new IP 2X
distribution pillars. But we can see the very positiv trend to a high personnel safety.
Therefore in the neighbour country Austria a number of large city utilities agreed to
this system.


Cenelec will revise their current standard for LV- distribution pillars to conform with
the forthcoming European Standard EN60439-1. After 7 years experience in
Scandinavia and Middle Europe it shows that the end user is anxious to increase
personnel safety and is also prepared to stand a higher cost for the equipment,
knowing that there will be a return in terms of better safety and lower costs for
installations and maintenance.




Since 1985, when the live line work was introduced at the branch companies, the
power-plants also indicated their interest in connection with the introduction of LLW
methods. A power plant, as a project is a well organised thermal, mechanical and
electrical unit, inside it the various functional units have to work in close cooperation.
The trend of modernization and the main developing tasks depend upon the technical
leaders’ attitude to mechanical-thermal or electrical field in the given power-plant

In the electrical appliances and the inside networks of a power plant mostly can
be cut off the current. But in certain cases every point of the standard no voltage
state cannot be kept. In such cases the leaders, who give the orders, like to use the
"working near voltage" expression.

Treating the regulations such a several times simplified way proceed from the
simple consideration that to create a strictly defined no voltage state would necessitate
the cutting off the bigger units and collecting bars. And at the same time, these
bigger cutting offs would make the work of the operating block impossible, and they
would require the stoppage of it in an extreme case.

The briefly sketched technical and expense factors led to the consideration in
single power-plants that in certain cases and on certain appliances would be expedient
to apply the successful LLW methods.

Examining the inner, middle voltage ancillary plant network of the Hungarian
power-plants, their previous voltage was 3kV and it has recently been 6kV. It can be
ascertained that the existing cable system is looped, and one-one part of it most
frequently can be brought into no voltage state without any trouble. The Live Line
W ork can only be extended to clean and to remove dust from the middle voltage
switch and distributing instrument boards beside such construction, and the oil
refilling of cable-heads of the impregnated paper insulated cables in certain systems
can be made possible. There is not any serious interest from the part of the
power-plants concerning the above listed possibilities.

More serious interest was showed toward the low voltage LLW methods in the
first place. Staff of the Hungarian power-plants, who can perform work on the inner
low voltage networks, can be divided according to the following:

The electrical operational staff have the task to remove the less or bigger failures
and abnormities which indicate themselves in the operating power-plant unit, to
perform the neccessary no voltage state, and to make certain the presence of
surveying staff to the assemblies if it becomes neccessery. During the operational
interferences, their behaviour is regulated by the 1585 factory rules and regulations
of the Hungarian Patents; nevertheless, observing of the rules often meets difficulties.

The electrical maintenance electricians have the task to perform the prescribed
and planned jobs on the electrical units switched off for maintanance. The earlier
sketched "almost no voltage" situation is very frequent in the course of field work.
Emergency situations are avoided with various improvizations.

The electrical laboratory is the working place of the relay security experts.
Electricians working here have to perform the jobs arising in the relay-room, on the
controlling boards and occasionally to carry out jobs on the appliances of ancillary
plants. This field includes interferences which cannot be performed beside fully no
voltage state in case of operating block.

The live line work appears at less-bigger rate or occasionally in each of the
sketched special fields, as it was mentioned earlier. The low voltage LLW methods
give safe solutions, which are effective in the most of the cases, for the standard and
safe performance of these.

The low voltage network of the power-plant, including the relay defending
circuits of the direct and alternating current and the low voltage energy transmission
appliances as well, differs from the network companies’ cables in that the
consequences of errors and wrong manipulations can be worse. W e can count upon

the stoppage of one-one operating block and upon serious burning injury among the
consequences in an extreme situation.

In the relay defending special field, we can rather count upon breakdowns which
are originated from the wrong manipulation or carelessness on the closely and strictly
cooperating electrical system in the course of LLW interferences. The personal
protective equipments give generally proper defence against electric shock and against
the effects of short circuit arc at such kind activity. Since the live line interferences
had not been rare, before introducing the LLW, it can be said that the introduction
of LLW in this special field only meant the legalization of the earlier jobs beside the
above listed risky factors, and the LLW as well as meant the system oriented way
of thinking and protective equipments too.

The low voltage, heavy current assembling activity essentially differ from the
described laboratory activity. Operating in a polluted environment, the numerous
branch circuit connected to the same collecting bar and the locking of the circuits,
all make the work and breakdown removal difficult, and during the prevention,
maintenance and installation should be paid more attention.

In the frame of LLW activity the most often existing tasks are the following:
connection of a new branch circuit to collecting bar of the ancillary plant, appliance
or part changing and repairing, separation of branch circuits from the collecting bar
with the purpose of upkeeping. The listed are mostly so tasks whose predominant part
was carried out beside the given line section being in no voltage state, and before
performing the interference they had to made a row time and task reconciliation.

New possiblities appeared with the introduction of LLW methods, which

simplified the difficulties of the previous state. The trained electricians are able to
perform the predominant part of the neccessary work with the approved personel
protective equipment and with wide selection of the available insulated tools.

Besides it is expedient to check the appliences whether they are suitable for LLW
from the side of assembling as well as from the side of their danger sources which
mainly appear as short circuit performances.

Some point of view of suitability for LLW and possibilities of assembling can be
seen in the following list:

- Openableness, interference from before

- Parts which do not cover each other

17- 3
- Parts which do not close mechanically each other

- Accessibility with hand and tools

- Proper insulating against electric shock and short circuit

- Tolerable corrosion effects

- Suitability of the environment of the appliance

According to the practice the earlier made "more breezy7' appliances are the most
suitable related to the above conditions. Construction of the newer appliances (06 P;
06 R types) demand small place, but they are less logical regarding the would be
assembly and their forming are over packed.

The question of the other low voltage LLW activity is the short circuit
performance which should be checked, it means worker’s safety.

The low voltage power transmission networks of the power-plants gets their
supply mostly from 6/0.4 kV or 3/0.4 kV voltage and 630 kVA or 1 MVA capacity
transformers. The distributing appliances can be mostly found directly beside the
transformers. Both the supplying cables and the collecting bars are made with
relatively big cross-section, beside considerable short circuit capacity situated behind.

Let’s compare the electrical circumstances of a concrete network LLW activity

and a power-plant LLW activity from the point of view of short circuit capacity:

1. Network case (Kaposvar town)

Ui = 120 kV Sm = 4.000 MVA A

E = 9,3 % 120/20 kV

U2 = 20 kV Szi= 391 MVA B

E = 6 %

U3 = 0,4 kV
Izc = 22,22 kA

2. Power-plant case (power plant in Pecs, 1st block)

= 366 MVA
= 10,5 kV A
12 MVA J 10,5/3 kV
10/120 kV Szi = 83 MVA
3/0,4 kV
120 kV C Sz2= 9,8 MVA

Jzc= 14 kA
It seems to be clear from the above example, the short circuit capacity of a town
supplying circuit which is near the source, and the short circuit capacity and short
circuit current of a low voltage bar supplied from a less effective power plant block
have considerably high parameters.

According to the earlier years’ short circuit checkings, if the inner insulating of
the low voltage appliance is properly made, then the usual personal protective
equipments (safety goggles, synthetic fibre free clothing, leather glove over the rubber
glove) give proper safety up to almost 10 kA short circuit value.

It is m y opinion that the communal and industrial circuits, which have a bigger
short circuit current and as well as the power plant blocks with bigger capacity, make
necessary to introduce the use of more effective personal protective equipments. You
should think first of the face protecting mask, arc and fireproof clothing (NQMEX),
closed and fireproof face protecting means and leather protective glove with longer

I think it should be expedient to work out the mentioned questions in detail and
to make the necessary decisions as soon as possible.

40 electrical laboratory electricians and 25 operating and upkeeping electricians

were trained during the past period. These workers perform interferences occasionally
or relatively regularly in our power plants.

In some cases, I was present at the trained groups’ power-plant jobs. I acquired
important experiences on the spots, and these should be taken into consideration in
the course of developing the system in the future.




1. Introduction

Elektricians trained in Hungarian educational centres first carried out Live Line Work
on low voltage networks in 1980. Among the Hungarian pioneers, there were also the
workers of the Pecs Plant of the South W estern Region Power Supply Co.

I think, that the working method initiated at that time by the power supply companies
and not unambiguously approved by experts, has proved its viability in the past years
and has become an everyday practice. Of course, this process was performed in
various ways depending on the local peculiarities at the different organisational units.

I would like to demonstrate the development of this process briefly with a view to
common characteristics at the Pécs Southern Plant. My opinion is that the wide range
of its utilization at the present time was realised in two phases .The characteristics of
the first period, from 1980 to 85 are the following:

- getting acquainted with it and its acceptance,

- searching the way of adapting it to field utilization.

- This phase was the most strikingly defined by the willingness to accept the method at
various levels of the organisational hierarchy, this is what I would like to demonstrate

First we analyse the level of electricians carrying out the tasks. In the eighties and
nineties the Hungarian practice preferred the no voltage works on networks owing to
the prevealing work safety regulations; the live line works were strongly prohibited.
This led to an opposition in the electricians’ behaviour proceeding from the mentality
of Hungarians. This trend was strenghtened by the earlier practice, too. The domestic
standards and the industrial regulations authorized the live line work, providing the
work and certain personal as well as technological conditions had been secured on
defined type of networks, as early as in the 1950s. The social and economic processes
of the period strenghtened this trend in the practice. (The more serious advance was
hindered not only by the lack of comprehensive theoretical background but also by
the lack of technical means too.) The trend of the seventies meant a step back
compared to it. This situation was solved by the introduction of the LLW method
which received an unambiguous welcome in this circle in the 80s.

The upper level of the work organisation also urged its introduction. Based on foreign
experiences, a decrease in the number of electrical shocks and the more continuous
power supply were expected from this higher level working culture.

Finally, let us look at the middle level managers who directly instruct the electricians.
This level, which could have done the most in order to further the application of the
new technology, welcomed the most passively the introduction. This attitude can be
traced back to the following: aversion to the new method, conditioning of the previous
years, the lack of the relevant information and the additional tasks of work
organisation and administration as well. This is reflected in the relatively slow
advance of the first phase.

The second phase, beginning in 1985, has been the period of wide range factory
application. It is the result of the new concepts, worked out according to the
experiences of the previous years. The most important characteristics are the

- the method became generally accepted at every level,

- its field of applicability became clear,

- numerous electricians have been trained and supplied with the necessary tools to do

- simplification of administration.

Before giving detail of the field experiences, I wish to mention some facts about the
characteristics and tasks of the Pecs branch. Our operational area covers the southern
part of Pécs town and five villages situated in a ten kilometre circle southward from
it. 80 000 people live in the urban area and 2500 in the villages, which means
altogether about 27 000 consumers.

The town is characterised mainly by the 4-10 storey blocks and its smaller pari is
built in w ith smaller detached houses with their own gardens. The detached houses
are supplied with power by aerial cables and the block hauses get their power through
an underground cable network.A part of this latter is a network laid under ground
level while the other part was placed into underground public utility tunnels which
form an uninterrupted system under the buildings. In the villages only aerial cable
networks are operating. Altogether 90 kilometres aerial wiring and 220 kilometres
underground cable can be found on the territory of our branch.

Our task is to supply the cummunity and industrial consumers with electricity. This
includes securing the reliable operation of the networks, regular maintaining works,
repair the operational faults, connecting new consumers to the network and all the
smaller network extensions required.

W hen I listed the tasks I only mentioned those which are connected with the low
voltage live line works. Only three trained electricians worked at the branch between
1980-85 as compared to the present staff. The number of the interferences was few,
therefore in what follows I will deal only with the period which began in 1985 and
has continued up to the present.

At the present nine electricians carry out operations, they have two and three degree
authorizations, the whole staff is 11. The most frequently occuring works are carried
out by one interfering electrician and one foreman. Since the branch has other works
too, the teams carry out those too. In period under consideration the number of inter­
ferences exceeded thousand. The exact number cannot be known because of the
factory type application and the simplified administration.

In my opinion, some general conclusions can be drawn from the Hungarian

application of low voltage live line works according to the territorial and network
pecularities of the branch.

2. Live line works on different type of networks

2.1. Low-voltage aerial networks

90% of the aerial networks consists of bare wires, within this the most widely used
is the plane console. This layout is very favourable for interferences.

The so called "P" supporting layout, where wires are placed under each other on the
two sides of the supporting sructure, on bent consoles are less advantegeous. New
networks are not built in this way any more. The age of the existent ones is over
twenty years. Aerial cable networks built with insulated wire are the more favourable
for live line work. Its further advantage is the minimal need of maintenance, while
the same cannot be said about the other types.

Interference means making or ceasing power connections in a considerable part of

these works, for example the in and off tying of the consumers carried out by the
hundreds each year. Installation and exchange of section securing boxes occurs in a
smaller number. The holding, tightening and securing insulators break in considerable
number on networks made 8-10 years ago, their exchange also requires a lot of

W e have carried out wire exchanges or full armature exchanges on several hundred
aerial networks during the modernization of public lightning. In the last years demand
has increased for the installation of communication cables on the holding frames of
low voltage networks. The above listed works can be carried out most easily on the
insulated wired networks. The observation of the instructions related to the short
circuit and the prevention of electrical shock demands only minimal covering.

At plane console networks the layout of wire requires relatively little covering. The
duration of interferences is incrased if wires are fixed on the insulators with tying
cable or bandage connections are made.

The most covering is required to get hold of the nought wire situated on the pylon
top. This pylon layout is the most disadvantageous of all.

W ork are considerably slowed down and hindered, if the existing consumer
connection is bare wired. This crowded and airless pylon layout makes it necessary
to put up a lot of coverings.

The unsatisfying corrosion protection applied on aerial wired networks often causes
difficulties and slows the work.

2.2, Low voltage cable networks

Cable networks built in the territory of the Pecs branch till the end of the 70s are
nought wire types without insulation. The cross-section of the spine cables is 120
mm . The cross-section of the spine "T" joining branch offs is generally 50 mm2.
Networks built in the eighties are characterised by 240 mm2 cross section. Consumers
are exclusively connected to the networks "strung". Majority of the cables was placed
into the public utility tunnels. From the late eighties the use of nought wire types
was abandoned. The material of wires is exclusively aluminium.

W e have carried out installation jobs, which modified the network layout only in some
cases, w ith live line interference. But as a result of the densely built in housing
estates, there is no place for building appliances which require independent cable
connection, hitherto no need has arisen for it.

Live line work is limited to interferences in the distribution boxes to check their
connections and to retighten the bolts. These were carried out by the 1000s. One year
after installation, we have to check every screwed bond owing to the sinking of the
aluminium. As it is verified by our experiences the lack of suitable spring joints
makes this operation necessary. Decreasing the transit resistance at the numerous
bonds of the serial strung system can prevent their buming-in and losses can be
reduced in the network.

The experiences of interferences, which modified the network layout in some cases,
show that it is difficult to work on nought wired cables. Uniting divided wires and
securing continuity is a problem. Twisted and insulated wired cables are undoubtedly
more suitable for such operations.

2,3, W ork in distribution boxes

The distribution and safety boxes of low voltage aerial wire networks and of cable
networks are made of metal. The efforts aimed at decreasing their size as much as
possible brought the big surface ground potential parts too close to the parts under
voltage. Complex coverings make the live line work more difficult or even impossible
in some cases.

Besides the previously mentioned bond repairing works, the following can occur at
our branch: exchange owing to fuse base burn-in and break, yearly 5-10 pieces. The
exchange of commutators built in for measuring, because of alteration of load and
the outer insulating covering grows old or becomes faulty, in more than ten cases
yearly. It causes trouble at the exchanges that the bolts, which secure the fixing are
almost unaccessible front-wise. The mechanical and electrical bonds have nuts. In

releasing them the drift correction of nut is difficult, because of this the live line
work cannot be carried out in a lot of cases.

Number of the newer branching offs ends which can be tied in the transformer
stations is strongly limited by the small size and the closeness of the big surface
structural elements on the ground potential.


In my opinion the considerable part of the interferences carried out on low voltage
networks is necessary owing to the unreliability of the built in parts, their short life
span and the defaults of technology. This tendency will become stronger in the near
future because the reconstructions are dragging on. Interferences on cable networks
in case of installation of current bonds would be facilitated and accelerated if such
screw binding elements were placed into the system, which are suitable to combine
the large cross- section spine wire and the small cross- section consumer connection
wire, instead of the traditional bandage bonds. The long term reliability of easy
untying would also be an important requirement.

Building in four insulated and twisted wired types should be urged on the cable
networks. W e should apply branching off mountings which would secure the
possibility to make the cunsumer connections end easily and quickly. This also
requires a binding element suitable for installing an electrical connection with live
line work.

Distribution boxes made of insulating material would increase the feasibility of live
line interferences.

In order to promote the better satisfaction of consumers’ needs when improving the
system, we should pay more attention to the feasibility of live line work and the
conditions of a reliable and long term operation when new network elements are
placed into the system.


Károly DÖRGŐ



19- 1
During the 1960-s and 1970-s, the Hungarian energy service tradesmen during their
foreign studies became aquainted with carrying out live working, as a new technology
applied on electrical networks and electrical equipment. This technology differed
entirely in practice to that acknowledged in Hungary and regulated by Hungarian
standard MSZ 1585.

On the basis of this, in 1976 the Hungarian Electricity Board, commissioned one of
the country’s electric energy supply companies, the Southern Over the Danube
Electricity Service Company (DÉDÁSZ), to undertake introduction and spreading of
the live working practice in Hungary.

The DÉDÁSZ specialists studied and acquired knowledge of the Live Working (LW)
technology partly in France at EdF and partly in the previously called East Germany.
In September of 1978 here, on the shores of Lake Balaton at Siófok, the first public
LW was carried out. This technology was publicly introduced in the maintenance
work on a 20 kV pylon switch.

If we take this date as being the commencement of LW here in Hungary, then we

have more than 10 years training, workshop and practical experience behind us. It is
true this is not a long time if we consider that Hungary has had public electricity
service for more than 100 years. In the Easter section at Mátészalka this was
introduced in 1988, before the capital Budapest.

Continuing the spread of LW technology in Hungary, in 1980, in the DÉDÁSZ

Company area at Szigetvár in the country’s southern region, then in 1981, - in the
country’s eastern region in the TITÁSZ company area at Hajdúszoboszló, the
continuous training of the electricity companys’ electric fitting tradesmen for live
working was started.

It must be mentioned that at Szigetvár more extensive training is carried out, from
the managing directors down to electric fitting apprentices, 1 kV to 20 kV inclusive.
At Hajdúszoboszló however training only takes place up to 1 kV level, plus substation
cleaning and topping up of transformer oil up to 20 kV LW.

About the Hajdúszoboszló LW Training Base in more detail.

As mentioned earlier training commenced here in 1981, therefore we have 10 years

behind us. The fortunate coming together of circumstances allowed the establishment
of Hajdúszoboszló as the second LW Training Base in the country.

The Training Base is equipped with:

- a modem hostel for 140 workers satisfying demands for comfortable


- with independent kitchen, dining room, buffet for serving the trainees,

- with classrooms for 25 and 80 persons. The number who can be taught
simultaneously is: 130 persons.

- with a 3 hectare open line and covered cable training circuit, with cable distribution

The open line training circuit represents all types of low voltage networks operating
in Hungarian towns and villages in relation to pole types and arrangement of lines.
This also applies to the cable network, provided with the most special cross sections
and types of cable.

- with sports field, sauna, swimming pools and culture rooms.

The process of training and instruction.

The Training Base gives a proposal for the various LW courses to the companies,
prior to start of a given year. At present 4 electricity supply companies fall in the
area covered by the Training Base. The forms of training proposed by the base are
as follows:

- a 4 week basic course on live working for electrical fitters, with provision of basic
tool kits for the group if required. Type symbol: FAM II/A /a.

- substation cleaning and transformer oil topping up course for electrical fitters who
have taken the prementioned basic course, here also we ensure tool kits if required.
Type symbol:FAM II/A /b.

- a 2 week course for electrical fitters who carry out big and small consumer inspection
activities, with provision of tools. Type symbol: FAM II/F.

- Training revision and further training for those tradesmen authorised to carry out
LW work, who 4 years earlier completed the basic course and continuously carried
out LW activity following this. This is a 3 day course. Type symbol: FAM II/C.

- Training revision and further training for those specialists whose activities are in the
operational management and work safety areas and who completed the relative 2
week course 4 years earlier. Type symbol: FAM I/E.

The Training Base arranges the years training programme on the basis of the replies
to the above proposal.

According to FAM Regulations, persons satisfying the stipulations below can be

accepted for the above courses.

- Men over 18 years of age with electrical fitter qualifications, and having at least 2
years electricity supply or operational management practical experience, can be

- For the electrical fitter trade a valid doctors certificate of health, not older than 1-
year, is necessary.

- A valid work safety certificate is necessary.

In general the years training starts in April, when weather conditions allow continuous
instruction on the open line, and generaly lasts until the end of October. According
to programme one of the summer months is allowed as a holiday for the instructors
recreation and rest.

The training staff who deal with LW instruction is made up of the following:

- 1 person, the base manager having electrical engineering qualifications

- 1 person, electrical industry technician, who besides instruction, sees to the

laboratory activities also, (electrical inspection of rubber gloves).

- 1 person, technician, the training circuit operational manager, who organizes and
directs the practical tasks.

- 5 persons, practical instructors with the necessary LW qualification, 20 years

electricity service experience, electrical fitter tradesman having certificates in
several trades.

The training documents.

1. Regulations for live working. This is made up of, a higher level instruction
and appendices to this, which regulates in general, but in some case concretely
the method of carrying out live working, thus for low voltage, medium voltage
and high voltage. More explicitly it contains the following:

- The LW definitions

- W here and by whom can LW be carried out

- The organizations and training form of LW

- Documentation giving directions on instruction, practical work and


- Methods, authorizations

- Stipulations relating to weather, visibility, and audibility.

2. Conditions for carrying out work, for the following material

3. Material for refreshing electrical and mechanical basic knowledge

4. Energy management and energy policy knowledge.

The first two days are theoretical and work safety basic knowledge, which are
necessary for the first practical activity.

On the third day, tools are issued, get to know the tools, and some simple L W tasks
are carried out.

One practical instructor deals with a group of 3-4 persons continuously during the
practical part of the training period.

Even the first task is carried out by the learner on a network under actual operational

On the rest of the working days during the 4 weeks, theoretical and practical
activities alternate with each other. Of the 4 week, 20 training days, 40 % are
theoretical and 60 % practical activities.

Below are the practical tasks carried out by the student during the 4 week basic

1. W ork carried out on open line:

- 1/1 Fitting and opening up of an insulated air cable connector, which

is varied with single and three phase and above a bare telephone wire.
On wooden or concrete pole, with the line arrangement as plain holder,
rod screwed, and "P" holder.

- 1/2 Insulator replacement varied for holder pole, break pole and end
tension pole, with the pole and line arrangement variations as in the
previous point.

- 1/3 Branching connection and disconnection of underground cable.

- 1/4 Connection and disconnection of section cabinet to network.

2. W ork carried out on underground cable network.

- 2/1 Cutting and joining of cable similarly varied, for solid or twisted
wire, divided 0 wire cable, with various crossections.

- 2 /2 Preparing "T" branch from the spine cable, with the variations in
the above point.

- 2 /3 Pulling in, joining, disconnection of underground cable, pulling out,

into connection or distribution cabinet, or out of the cabinet.

3. W ork carried out in cased distribution cabinet:

- 3/1 NKI fuse socket replacement

- 3 /2 Bar replacement

- 3/3 Replacement of cased cabinet itself

4. Work carried out at 10-20/0.4 kV transformer and switch substation.

- 4/1 Cleaning and tidying of the 10 and 20 kV cells and operating

instruments and equipment at sheet metal and brick sub-stations.

- 4 /2 Topping-up oil in transformers.

Examination of students.

On the last day of training every student gives an account of his theoretical and
practical knowledge, before an examination committee set up for this purpose.

The first student of the 3-4 man group receives the task. Then as section leader he
explains the theoretical and practical process orally to the group and to the
examination committee. W hen he has explained the task the committee members put
questions. After satisfactory answers, the answering student, as section leader, takes
the group and they carry out the given task in practice. After the job is completed,
the next member of the group receives a task, and this process is repeated for each
member of the group.
When the groups have completed the examination tasks, the examination committee
evaluate the knowledge shown by the students during the 4 week and in the
Results are announced.
Recommendations are made in writing to the employers on the degree of qualification

- KIF 1. qualification for the fitter who can only carry out intervention
activity under direction of section Leader.

- KIF 2. qualification for the fitter who can carry out KIF 1. tasks, but can
also carry out LW tasks alone and can be trusted with direction of a 2-3
man group, working in the same place of work.

- KIF 3. qualification for the fitter who can carry out KIF 2. tasks and can
perform Section Leader work for groups with more than 3 members.

Besides the qualification recommendation, the training base fills out the examination
certificate for the student and sends it undersigned to the employer.

In the case of revision course, naturally there is no examination, but the student gives
an oral account of his knowledge to the committee.
Here there is theoretical and practical instruction where the instructors check the
students knowledge. In this case recommendations for reduction in status or
promotion to a higher grade may be made.

The factual data below show the Hajdúszoboszló LW Training Base instruction
activity for 1981-1991.

Number of students paticipating in courses and passing exam:

II/A /a/b 785 persons

II/A / /b 300 persons
II/F 114 persons
II/C 265 persons
I/E 110 persons

Regarding the number completing the basic course and taking one LW group as 4
man, there are 196 groups in the 4 electricity supply companies' areas.

Taken on average about 50 LW groups operate in each electricity supply company.

Quantity of tool sets handed over to the groups:

basic set 185 pcs

substation cleaning set 46 pcs

big- and small consum:

inspection set 83 pcs
reduced individual set 39 pcs

Here also if we consider the 4 electricity supply companies individually, there are on
average about 46 basic sets available for live working per company.


Our Training Centre sees the advantage of live working technology, besides the
continuous unbroken electricity supply, as playing a great part in prevention of
electrical accidents. This is proved by the more than 10 years practical experience
also. During this period there have been no electrical accidents in the country during
carrying out live working at low voltage.





In the branch areas of the TITÁSZ Co. LW Training Base and laboratory, LW
interventions are studied several times a year.

During our checks we collect information and make recommedations according to the
viewpoints below.

- W ork safety distortions.

- Section Leader activity.

- Evaluation of joint work.

- State and usability of the equipment.

- Technological proposals for interventions carried out on new network elements.

- Frequency of LW application.

The workmanship during interventions, practical application of theoretical knowledge,

on the whole can be said to be excellent.

Our trained fitters take the LW work as giving them certain status.

The increased feeling of responsibility favourably influences the group’s work


Occasionally a m anager’s opinion is that the LW work is slow, and does not initiate
such intervention, thus his group really slows down.

The circuit is closed, for he see his opinion justified in one or two cases.

This behaviour can also induce another process, which the activity of the manager
can modify in two bad directions.

1. The less experienced work manager in general uses too much coverage. (By
too much covering is meant eg. covering of sections of overhead lines which
are never approached during the work.

He tries to make up lost time of too much covering by quicker working, which
can lead to becoming flustered.

2. The work manager decides on the insufficient (under coverage) to protect
the LW prestige.

The dangers of this need not be further explained.

Fortunately these work safety distortions only show minute signs and their prevention
can be achieved effectively.

The frequency of LW interventions is less than expected in all work areas.

The main reasons for this are:

- lack of transport means,

- inexpedient completion of tools and implements

In theory the sets are compiled for all configurations.
Frequently it is shown that about 30 % of the tools come into use.

- The simplicity of switching off the power in areas of low consumer demand.

- Lack of material incentives system.

The frequency of laboratory checks on LW implements was 3 months in the initial

period, then 6 months and later 1 year.

- Insulated hand tools and rubber covering sheets were purchased from the earlier
named East Germany.

- The insu 1ated gloves are made in Hungary.

- The rubber mats were initially from Czechoslovakia and since 1991 they are made in

The insulated tools are of medium quality:

The insulation and electrical resistance is good, they do not stand up to

mechanical loading however, (if dropped from a pole the insulating material is
completely shattered.)

The wearing resistance of their working surfaces (cutting edge) is bad,
tempering is not even. (Equally frequent is bending and fracture). Rate of
sorting out is: 20-30 %.

- Insulating gloves: electrical resistance is good, if stored correctly

changes due to ageing can hardly be measured. During recent years, a
Hungarian manufacture has introduced a thinner type which
significantly eases the finer works.

Rate of sorting out the insulating gloves is 5-7 %.

The material of the 1 mm rubber covers is inclined to age quickly.

They do not retain flexibility even under the best storage conditions.

Rate of sorting out 70-90 %.

The Hungarian manufactured rubber mats have been used for less than one year, thus
there is no real practical experience.

The first test results show them to be excellent from both mechanical and electrical

These experiences unambiguously justify the constant replacement of existing

implements for such products which satisfy the conditions.

The arising cost effect can be contained by the already mentioned expedient
completion of tool sets.


István NAGY



Live working (LW) - as established in the various publications and lectures - was first
carried out in Hungary on medium voltage equipment in 1978. The commencement
period, was followed by constantly searching for the correct route and spreading the
application of LW to ever greater area and ever more working operations.

One of the most significant stages of the LW application, was the establishment of
a system for carrying out work at low voltage (LV LW) and creation of conditions
of means for training and instruction in connection with this.

The Hungarian Standard No. MSZ 1585/1-87 "Heavy Current Operation Regulations"
- including supplementary standards also -, permits carrying out of simple operative
activities on equipment under voltage, and permits the carrying out of the live work

The conscious utilization of the standard’s specifications, can be raised to an optimum

level with acquisition of theoretical and practical training within the LW framework
and with the LW implements provided for this purpose.

W ith the LV LW training and implements, during

- establishing
- operation
- prevention and correction of faults
- repairs and
- maintenance

we can carry out work, with continuous energy supply.

Following initiation of the LV LW training, the demand arose for specialization

similarly to the Medium Voltage LW.

An everyday task of the big consumer- and energy inspectors whose activities cover
a very important area of the electricity supply service, is working under voltage which
at the same time is special work. Thus there arose the consideration that with regard
to its special nature, separate training for this should be initiated on our part.

The Hungarian Electricity Board - today a Share Company, - through their Live
Working Committee, had a detailed plan prepared, under the II/F indication code for
the training of big consumer- and energy inspectors for LW , in which the setting of
problems for both theoretical and practical training material were determined.

21 -2
Applying the specifications of Hung. STD MSZ 1859/1. or interpreting and enlarging
these specifications to suit the specialities of the trade, the training material of
practical side are as follows:

1./ Exchange of electricity meters and accessories at places paying general electricity

2./ Exchange of electricity meters and accessories at places paying "T" electricity

3./ Exchange and repair of terminal blocks

4./ Exchange of transformers at transformer substations

5.1 Exchange of metering instruments at substation metering positions.

Besides the general theoretical LW training, occurs the theoretical training related to
tasks to be carried out fitting into the practical training material.

Training of the first group orientated to this purpose occurred at Pécs in 1988,
followed by the next at Hajdúszoboszló in 1989.

The theoretical training study material for individual practical work substantially
exceeds the period of this lecture, thus I only touch upon those aims formulated here.

Task of the theoretical training:

- Introduction: Ensuring favourable psychological conditions, firstly arousing interest

in live working, and by the social necessity of LW.

- W ork safety: Acquaint workers with the detailed regulations, satisfying local
conditions, for work in progress on the training circuit and in the electrical premises,
which are a pre-condition for starting the training.

Explain to them, the role and importance of work safety, and of the necessary
of protection equipment use.

- Knowledge of regulations: Teach and acquaint them with all those basic conceptions,
instruction, working conditions, the thorough knowledge of which is essential for
practical trade training and for carrying out tasks arising in their jobs.

- Technology: Give them a review of the tools, equipment, and methods for
intervention utilized. Summarize the structural elements occurring on consumption
equipment, during LW interventions.

- Summarizing revision: Strengthen, systematize uniform interpretation of the

training material, in the interest of joining into the unit.

For individual working operations the usable literature is determined eg.

LW regulations
Conditions for Carrying out Work
Technical forms, Operational Methods

Besides the detailed training plan, the usable literature and study material, the
practical tasks and utilization of the established 80 hours framework are also

The thematic section gives, the course for working out the training material, the
training methods used, and the auxilary means, in a break-down by themes. The
demonstrations, sound films, slide series, training tables, and occasionally video films
are used depending on sphere of theme.
The further training is also carried out with suitable efficiency in connection with the
training system. Thus for the LV LW instructors and workers qualified for LW work.

I place special emphasis, as general material for LV LW training and further training
on the publication entitled "Power service regulations for public electrical plant
equipment", prepared and issued - not on the commercial market - under the auspices
of the Hungarian Electricity Board, which is in practice a combined explanatory issue
of Hung. Std. MSZ 1585/1-1987., which is prepared for electricity supply workers.

The number of trained workers yearly by training base, and in total, following
initiation of the big consumer- and energy inspection course, are shown separately in
tables, (tables No. 1, 2, 3.). For information the number of those trained for the benefit
of plant managements, is also shown.

From among the big consumer- and energy inspection sections, the main activity of
the section employed in company headquarters, inspection of electric meters, is
emphasized, the one year results of which are given in tables Nos. 4. and 5.

As an addition to the data contained in the tables I would mention that following
evaluation of tests carried out on the equipment, replacement of 30 main meters and
31 check meters had to be arranged.

The substance of faults calculated from measurements, was shown as 0,68 %-for main
meters and 0,45 % for check meters.

Naturally from this, supplemented by further inspections we also drew our conclusions
on the quality of the meters. This however is outside the scope of questions raised
by the title of this lecture, thus details of this are not covered.

According to our conclusions up to now the training assists greatly in, preparation of
workers orientated to the purpose, application of knowledge connected with work and
self confidence during work. Problems for the most part are caused when changing

During LV LW work no accidents or interuption in supplies have occurred. W ith our

activity in the framework of LW, we effectively serve our fundamental task, the high
class continuous supply of electrical energy, restrict the number, length of unavoidable
power cuts.

W ith on site inspection of consumption metering equipment we assist greatly in the

keeping of the Nat. Metering Council specifications, thus ensuring both the consumer
and our company’s interest, the provision of creation of exact metering.
The LV L W work, carried out by the big consumer- and energy inspectors, we wish
to maintain at present level or aim to increase this according to our possibilities.

21 - 5
Table No. 1.
Training of big consumer - and energy inspectors at the Live W ork Training
Centre No. 1.
Units: persons

Company 1988 1989 1990 1991 Total

DÉDÁSZ 27 6 1 10 44
ÉDÁSZ 11 9 9 5 34
DÉMÁSZ 7 _ _
1 8
TITÁSZ 4 _ _ _
ELMŰ 1 _ _ _
Total 30 15 10 16 91

Table No. 2.
Training of big consum er - and energy inspectors at the Live W ork Training
Centre No. 1.
Units: Persons

Plant unit 1989 1990 1991 Total

Training Centre 4 1 _ 5
Debrecen 7 1 _ 8
Nyíregyháza 2 _ _ 2
Szolnok 11 _ _ 11
Berettyód ifalu 10 2 4 16
Mátészalka 12 _ _ 12
Karcag _ _ _ _

TITÁSZ total. 46 4 4 54
ÉMÁSZ 1 1 4 _
DÉMÁSZ 7 9 1 17
ELMŰ 1 10 _
Total 55 27 5 87

21 - 6
Table No. 3.
Statem ent on the trained big consumer - and energy inspectors
(Training centres 1-2.)
Units: persons

Company 1988 1989 1990 1991 Total

DEDASZ 27 6 1 10 44
EDASZ 11 9 9 5 34
DEMASZ 7 7 9 2 25
TITASZ 4 46 4 4 58
ELMU 1 1 10 _
1 4 _
Total 50 70 37 21 178

21 - 7
Table No. 4.
Statement on instrum ent inspections carried out by the substation and
m easurem ent section at power payment consumers in 1991.
Units: pcs

Month Piecwork
Main outside Check outside Idle Time inexact
meter fault limits meter fault limits meter switch
+ _ + _
+ -

January 16 16 1 32 16 7
Z-/ 3
Februaruv 15 1 1 15 1 1 30 15 1 2
March 24 4 24 1 48 23 3
April 23 1 23 2 44 21 1 2
May 20 1 20 2 40 18 1 1
June 26 2 23 1 48 22 3
July 20 1 1 19 1 38 18 1 2
August 23 1 1 22 1 1 34 22 1
September 22 1 19 2 40 18 1 1
October 23 23 9 40 20 2 1
November 16 1 2 16 1 32 14 1
December 12 12 1 24 11 I 1
Total 2 40 5 13 232 3 15 450 218 10 21

21 -8
Table No. 5.
Statem ent on instrum ent inspections carried out by the substation and
m easurem ent section at substations in 1991.
Units: pcs

Month Subst ation

measu •ement
posit ions
Main outside Check outside Idle Time inexact
meter fault limits meter fault limits meter switch
+ _ + _
+ -

January 23 3 23 3 28 12 3
February 17 1 17 1 21 8 2
March 14 14 18 7 1
April 13 1 13 1 19 4
May 16 16 15 8 11 1
June 15 1 15 1 20 7 1
July 18 18 1 1 21 9 2
August 21 1 21 1 30 10 1
September 11 11 15 5
October 17 3 17 1 25 8
November 17 2 17 2 26 9 2
December 18 18 1 22 9 3
Total: 200 2 10 200 2 11 260 96 2 15

21 - 9



In the paper the share of the live-line working in the low-and medium-voltage
networks, the evolution of the failures and the data of the operations are summarized,
then the developments needed by the live-line workings are outlined.

The rapporteurs of the Hungarian Electrical Energy Industry summarized the
adoptation of the methods of the live-line working in Hungary. Before introducing
this technology, both the low-and medium voltage networks have been investigated,
how they meet the requirements of this new technolgy, and how this live-line working
technology can be adopted to our existing networks respectively. They declared in
unison, it can be adopted to the Hungarian networks. The application of the live-line
working have been continuously controlled and after ten years of the adaptation the
results have been analyzed and evaluated, whereas the introduction of this technology
to low-voltage networks produced good results, to medium-voltage networks it
remained behind the expectations. In this paper we should focus on the results of the
live-line working in the networks of the ÉDÂSZ company, together w ith our
experiences, as well as its perspective role in the economy.

The analysis carried out, is based on 1990 year’s data, within this scope we
investigated the conditions of the low- and medium voltage network, the payments
allocated to the networks and within these the share and the extent of the live-line

The data are summarized in Tables 1. and 2. The financial data don’t correspond to
the new, unified account system. The paper focuses on the most important statements

Low voltage networks.

The disturbances affecting the consumers, can occur as consequences of failures or

of planned outages. Both disturbances can be reduced or prevented by live-line
working interventions, can be classified into two groups.

According to Table 1. if we regard the live-line working -2634 cases- as the

preventation of the disturbances in communal networks, while the other live- line
working activity can be classed to the preventive maintenance. If we take into
consideration, in spite of this, there have been more than 13000 disturbances
affecting more consumers the share of the live-line working activity can be classified
low. If the maintenance activities are converted to the live-line working activities it
can be found that the live-line working activities remained behind the possibilities.

The low surplus payments given to the mechanics reflect low share of the live-line
working activities too. Although the live-line working in low-voltage networks has
been accepted, based on the proportions, mentioned before, in spite of this it is worth
studying its perspective.

The average life-time of the network is about 18-20 years. In spite of lack of
comparative data it can be proved, that in spite of means of payments given to
reconstructions and to maintenance the frequency of failures are unfavourable. This
is due to the damages of the isolators, breaks of the phase-conductors, and breakdown
of the devices. The damages of the isolators are mostly due to the imperfect fitting
carried out more than 20 years ago. Most of the failured elements should submit to
live-line working.

In the last five years the number of the consumer’s complaints did not increase, the
consumer’s expectations altered slowly. According to our expectations, the
improvements in the quality of our networks will precede the successive increase of
the qualitative requirements of the communal and residential consumers. The
reconstructions ensure, that network elements served the purposes of live-line
working, should be mounted on the same prices. As a result, the smaller maintenance
and operation costs, and fewer consumer disturbances could be evaluated.

As seen in Table 1. more than half of the mechanics, qualified for the live-line
working left their field of qualification. Nowadays only about 14. percentage of the
mechanics have a right to carry out live-line working. Beside the probable and
required reconstructions the education of the skilled workers should be realized.
According to the tests the older mechanics refuse the new technology, therefore the
skilling should start already in training college and it must be supported.

Medium voltage network.

The faults of the elements of the medium voltage network and the forced or planned
outages effect a great amount of consumers. For these reasons the live-line working
has been developed. In spite of this the share of the live-line working is of no
importance, regarding the traditional technologies even its remarkable regress should
be experienced. W ithout going into detail we summarize the fundamental reasons:

- according to the occurance of the faults in the networks the live-line working is too

- in the case of visual line revision only a part of the defected network elements can be
determined according to the features of the mounted network components, thus it
causes fundamental operational difficulties

- according to the features of the network components a part of the components is

unadequate for live-line working

- the consumers don’t pay the excess operational costs which is needed to ensure the
continuous supply

- the contracts don't force the utility company for the disturbance-free supply.

Analyzing the data of Table 2. we can find that the disturbance level in the medium
voltage network is high, as compared with the international data too. There are more
frequent protests from the new industrial consumers because of the different
disturbances. The more frequent short-circuits in the network increase the burden of
the switchgear of the substations and this can increase the disturbances too. These
verify the need for the reconstructions in the medium voltage networks. The
reconstructions in the medium voltage network produce a possibility for the
introduction of the live-live working technology.

Analysed the faults -shown in Table 2.- we can verify that the greatest part of the
faults are caused by the insulators associated with break of the phase conductors. The
conditions of the frames are adequate. The improvement of the state of the networks
can be realized by the exchange of the devices, the isolators, and selected such types
which are adequate for live-line working the state of the network operation will

Perspectives of the live-line working.

Summarize of our present problems, that our low voltage distribution system can be
made appropriate in the following 5-6 years for live-line working with small
expenditure while the medium voltage networks can be made appropriate for live-line
working only in the next 7-10 years because of the probable expenditures,
simultaneously the frequency of disturbances in the network will be reduced.

The reconstructions wish for new type-solutions, for enlarged choice according to the
requirements of the economy.

The education for the live-line working must be started already in trade school, and
this must be assistanced.

ÉDÂSZ Co. Gyôr - 1990. -
Lengthof thelowvoltagedistributionnetworks:
cables:2160km, overhead-lines: 9790km,
total: 11950km.
Networksfor streetlighting:
cables: 1850km, overhead-lines: 160km,
total: 2010km.

affectingmoreconsumers: 12767pc.,
affectingsingleconsumers: 17477pc.
Faultsonthenetworksfor street-lighting:
mostlylampfailures: 18427pc.

Failures/100km, inlowvoltagenetworks,
affectingmoreconsumers: 107
affectingsingleconsumers: 146
onthenetworksfor street-lighting: 920

Inlowvoltagedistribution networks:
lineconstructions+reconstructions+maintenance: 120km
constructionsof substations 115pc.
cost 80million Ft
othermaintenances 1176km
cost 64million Ft
operational expenditures 94million Ft
amortizement 121millionFt.

Live-lineworkingonlowvoltagedistribution networks 2634pc.

connectingnewconsumers 8329pc.
otheractivities 6125pc.
total 17088pc.
cleaningof stations 180pc.

Live-lineworkingper 100kmof thenetwork 143

Valueof thenetworks
lowvoltagedistributionnetworks 3.1billion Ft
networksfor street lighting 1.3billion Ft

Valueof thetools, total 21million Ft

Valueof thetoolsfor live-lineworking 3.1million Ft
Valueof vehicles 190million Ft

Educationof skilledworkersfor live-lineworkingtill

1990 271persons
numberof personalsat present 189persons
ofwhichmechanics 125persons
cost of their education(Ft. 1990) in thelast 10
yearsapproximately 10millionFt

Local mechanics 532persons

Maintenancemechanics 340persons
total 872persons
W agesurplusfor live-lineworkingin theyear 1990 600thousandFt

Table 1. Summarized data of the low voltage distribution networks and

of the live-line working in the year 1990.

ÉDASZ Co. Györ - 1990. -

Lengthof themediumvoltagenetwork
cables:1060km, overhead-lines:10030km,
total: 11090km

Numberanddurationof faults
cables 91pc. 136hours
overhead-lines 901pc. 1446hours
total 992pc. 1582hours

Faultsper 100kmcables 8.6

overhead-lines 9.0
durationoffaults, cables 1.5hours/pc.
overhead-lines 1.6hours/pc.

Reasonsof thefaults
ageing 362pc. natural phenomena482pc.
damages 56pc. others 92pc.

insulators 788 isolators 34
conductors 338 cables 65
cablefittings 50 others 158
total 1433

Valueof thenetworks, cables 0.9billionFt.

overhead-lines 2.1billionFt.

Cost of thereconstructionsandmaintenance 106millionFt.

operational costs 22millionFt
amortizement 121millionFt.

Technical data: reconstructions+maintenance1060km

mainequipments insulators
6950pc. rodinsulators

52changeof support insulators
18maintenanceof isolators
401 total

Educationof mechanicsfor live-lineworkinginmedium

till 199042persons,
ofwhichtill working25persons
costsof their education(Ft. 1990) 2.9millionFt.

Number of tool sets6,

Theirvalue4.7millionFt (Ft. 1990)for live-lineworkinginmediumvoltagenetworks

Wagesurplusfor live-lineworkinginmediumvoltagenetworksFt 80thousands.

Table 2. Summarized data of the medium voltage networks and of the live-line
working in the year 1990


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