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LLW technology at low- and middle voltage in Hungary was established in 1976. To
fulfill the special educational demands a system of LLW training was worked out and
two Training Centers were founded. As an experienced trainer, the Author summaries
the teaching principles and methods and gives a short account on the various courses
available in the Training Centers of LLW.

KEY WORDS: Training;

Methods of LLW-training;
System of LLW-courses.


The introduction of LLW required the technical and economic development. The
Supply Co. got assignment from the National Electrical Bord (MVM) to develop the
low, medium voltage LLW technology in 1976. After the successfully finished work
a new branch of industry got permission to apply the method from the competent
Ministry. Specialists, who took part in elaborating of the technology, were prepared
to hand it on.

An effective and safe LLW method can only be applied with well trained specialists.
A high level, special training should not have been realised within the given national
education system owing to the lack of instruments and suitable knowledge in this
special field. The new educational structure of the electricians’ training did not bring
a proper change, because it influenced only a narrow special field of the economy.
The raising special educational demands were recognised by the leaders of the branch,
and they established two educational centers at two part of the country. The first
educational center was founded in Szigetvar by the DÉDÁSZ (in 1981), and the
second in Hajdúszoboszló (in 1981) by the Eastern Region Electricity Supply Co.
General training of working and maintenance at low and medium voltage are held in
Szigetvar, meanwhile the low voltage training and postgraduate courses are held at

Documentations of the two educational centers have been drawn together, and well
trained specialists provide the safe application of the LLW works.

Working out of the system

Variously trained workers of the companies used the method with different details.
This fact demands an educational structure of the LLW method which provides
proper preparation for the different levels of workers. The different types of training
were analysed horizontally and vertically. We had to explicitly differentiate among
the LLW performance, checking work, auxiliary work and the effectively feasible
special tasks. According to the special fields of the trainings, we divided them into
two main parts: general LLW training, LLW technician training. The general LLW
training was introduced for the high level specialists with different topics and
duration, leaders who take part in the everyday operation also acquired the necessary
knowledge of LLW.

As the above mentioned specialists, who make decisions concerning the work, also
have a considerable detailed theoretical and experimental knowledge they are able to
perform any arising tasks. Training of the technicians has more difficulties and is
more complex. During the compulsory training period the special experiences must

be handed on - taking into consideration the students’ knowledge and ability and
proper performance of basic tasks should be solved in coordinating the work. Special
knowledge of the LLW method should be kept on and completed at suitable level,
besides it should involve the postgraduate courses as well. The previously introduced
tasks are demonstrated by the 1st supplement, which is taking into consideration the
special characterization and demands of new training methods.

The social and technical environments influence the professional training system
(involving LLW) therefore it should be revised and altered according to the new

Methodical questions of electrician training

In the course of the educational training, we apply the didactical principles and the
general educational standards in the LLW training centers, and we take into
consideration the professional demands. I am going to demonstrate the main didactical
tasks through our educational methods.

The first task is to provide the psychological conditions of active learning. We also
point out the importance and development of LLW technology in worldwide during
the training. We motivate the importance and advantages of its learning. It has a
great importance how the instructors’ personality influence and wake up the students’

The second important step is related to the solution of the didactical tasks. At first
teaching of the professional matters appears, the teacher applies the modern
educational instruments too beside the verbal information. The main tasks is after
acquiring a certain level of knowledge to fix the results of studies, it can be realised
by frequent repeats. We investigated the topic in its complexity, but the units of the
professional knowledge are not detailed. So far the theoretical part of the study has
been mainly elaborated.

Aim of all kind of study is the application of it, the acquired knowledge should be
put into practice. This didactical task is realised during the practical training.

The training covers the prescribed expertise and the necessary abilities as well.
Observing the principle of graduality, difficulties of the study are increasing from the
simple tasks to the complex solutions. We make any effort so that our trainees will
be able to perform LLW just after learning the use of the tools.

The practical training can be divided into 3 main parts: First of them is the
preparation of the work. In this period the teacher is relying on the given professional

23 - 3
knowledge and on the heuristic method which guides the trainees to solve their tasks.
Effect of this like as if the trainees had invented the method, and they reach a success
experience performing the work. Well educated teachers are nedeed to realise the
successful aim. The second is the completion of the work. The teacher controls the
performing of it and discontinues it when the trainees depart from the plan without
reason or if the work security gives reason for it. The third is the evaluation of the
work. This is a common activity of teachers and trainees. The teacher reveals the
mistakes made by the trainees and applies the heuristic method in order to find the
correct solutions. To increase the efficiency of training and analyse, we use the video
technique too.

The last main didactical task is to check and to control the knowledge of trainees.
The final examination takes place at the end of the training and it consists of
checking the students' theoretical and practical knowledge, and these are realised by
tests. The teachers evaluate the trainees in accordance with their achievement.

Experience of training

Our experiences are more numerous now, in the possession of the accumulated
experiences acquired on the field of training for the last ten years. These results are
evaluated and utilized regularly built into the training plan.

I want to make some prominent occurences known.

Almost during the whole first period of training the used methods are unusual for
the trainees, because they have not met them up to now. The teachers instruct them
in writing and orally. The trainees recognize the impartance of preparing the work
and they accept the method with its utilization as well. Not only our experiences are
connected with the usage of LLW techniques, but we teach the trainiees to become
more self-efficient in their special field, and they gain a professional self-respect and
the ability to solve the tasks meanwhile, they positively change themselves, too.

Some of them made advance in their career after successfully finished the training.

My opinion is that the introduced training method considerably contributed to the fact
of low drop out during the past years (only 1 or two). It is the general experience
that the members of the younger generation who have the necessary knowledge in
their field are the most successful tranees of the courses. The older electricians have
several and deeply fixed habits which reduce the effectivity of their training. Our
method has the advantage to select the most advanced trainees for performing
foreman tasks, that is to prepare and to organise work.

Our results:

Number of the qualified LLW specialists, in 1990-91, at Education Centre in


- General training 1243 qualification

- Technician training 1519 qualification

If we include the trainees of the other courses, postgraduate and basic courses etc.,
then more than 4000 men were educated during the given period.

Austrian, German, Soviet and Yugoslavian specialists have been educated beside the
native students since 1987. We flexibly accomodated ourselves to the requirements
of the foreign partners, their professional training mostly includes medium voltage
courses, 114 got qualification. We are at the disposal of our foreign and home
partners concerning the training of LLW technique in the same way in the future.

1st Supplement

General training

Sign Specification Duration

I.A General training for leaders

(including high level leaders) 2
I.B Training for the direct work
controlling leaders and security specialists 8
ID Training for the branch directors 2
I.E Postgraduate training for the managing
directors and security specialists 3

23 - 5
Technician training

II.A Training for the local branch technicians 20

II.B Training for the special technicians 5
II.C Training for the laboratory workers of the
power-plant 5
II.D Training for the maintenance electricians of
the power-plant 10+5
II.E Training for the consumer supervisors 10
II.F Postgraduate training for the local branch
technicians 3




At the time of the Hungarian introduction of Live Line Work (LLW), we first aimed
at the general spread of LLW at middle voltage within the Hungarian Electricity
Board. The tool handling or "action compositive" technology has been introduced on
the basis of the above aim, after analysing the Hungarian conditions. On the one hand,
the handling instructions of the different tools should be known and, on the other
hand, the duties and work organisation conditions, which are necessary to perform the
given task should be observed. So, the concrete performance of a particular job is
built up as the organic part of the elementary technology. The foreman determines
the tools of job to be used in case of LLW, the order of their usage, the tasks of
the participants and their interconnection according to a previous survey, and he
continuously instructs the specific job with full knowledge of this information. The
primary advantage of the action compositive method can be summarized as follows:

- it makes it possible to select the most suitable tools and parts of technology for
relatively many kinds of network constructions, - it can also be used in case of single
network constructions, complex tasks can also be solved by using its elements.

The regulations for the application of this technology have been published -giving
heed to the above- in the Work Performance Terms, in the Technological News, and
in the instructional papers of Operational Method.

We reached a extension in middle voltage LLW application, on the one hand, by

making every effort that the typical tasks demonstrated be carried out as many times
as possible during the training of the teams, and on the other hand, we wanted to
apply this technology in the widest possible range as the part of the operational and
network construction jobs.
The position of the middle voltage(MV) LLW team within the organisational system
of factory management considerably furthers the wide range application of MV LLW
technology. We operate the MV team as a central organizational unit within the
factory operational department.

In this way the leader of the team directly takes part in the work of the factory
management which co-ordinates the operational activities of the branches. This
organisation is also responsible for co-ordinating network reconstruction, installation
of new networks, switching off and on electrical appliances; the combined system of
MV LLW activity and network installation can be secured by way of this
co-ordination. Of course, the successful integration was also promoted ten
years’experience of the foreman and the team members. Besides the above mentioned
action compositive technique and organisational linkage the realisation of producing
the double tensile insulating covering as a result of the successful Hungarian
development also furthered the widespread application of MV LLW technique, and
furthermore, the LL maintenance of each pylon switch on middle voltage spine wires
was practically solved by this.

Following their formation in 1980 the MV LLW team of the Szigetvár factory
management mostly carried out jobs taught in the course of their training in the first
years. Important change can be experienced in the inner structure of the live line
work since 1990; this is primarily evident in the increasing rate of connecting and
disconnecting electrical bonds as shown in table 1.

Distribution of MV LLW jobs (%)

Number Definition of jobs 1980-1989 1990-1991

piece (%) piece (%)

1. Supporting insulator 111 8.9 33 8.2

2. Tensile insulator 201 16.2 31 7.7
3. Current bond disconnection 225 18.2 132 32.7
4. Pylon switch maintenance 62 4.9 111 27.5
5. Branching off connection 109 8.8 25 6.2
6. Electric substation cleaning 163 13.2 16 4.0
7. Measurement, check 370 29.8 55 13.7

Table 1

The table illustrates the most frequently applied middle voltage live line interferences.
It can be seen that in the last two years of the examined period the rate of current
bond disconnection and installation increased from the previous 18.2% to 32.7%, the
efficiency of the pylon switch maintance is shown by the increase of its rate from
4.9% to 27.5%. While the rate of the supporting insulator and tensile insulator
exchanges showed similarity in the earlier years, the rate of insulator exchanges
lessened especially at the rod insulators.The considerably increased rate of current
bond disconnection and installation can be attributed to the relatively numerous
interferences carried out by us in order to transform pylon-head structure, bridging
end tightening and so on; with these we created the right conditions for the later
LLW maintenance. We realised considerably numerous transformations on current
bonds, which can be disassembled and, at the same time, we disconnected branching
off pylon switches on several places. With a view to lessening consumer power cuts
in the course of middle voltage network reconstructions, wire exchanges or when
numerous insulators have to be exchanged at the same time, we more frequently apply
LLW for network disconnection.

Figure 1 illustrates such an
LLW job, in this case the
current bonds disconnection on
the middle voltage branching-off
and the branching off pylon switch
disconnection were realised by the
LLW technology without
swtiching off the line.

The MV LLW technology can also be successfully applied on over-voltage discharge

wires for aerial cable networks and their installation in the sub-stations. We also
practical experience in repairing the mechanical bend of pylon switches. LLW
technique has also proved useful in the covering of the pylon switch elements
remained under voltage, this made the adjustment and strengthening of the pylon
switch rocking lever without switching off the power. We secured the performance
of the connection test with shunt cable.

We could also successfully apply the LLW technology in cases when our task was
to measure and to record the value of the current-meter and voltmeter on middle
voltage network intersections; we could realize the mounting and connection of the
measuring relay without switching off the power.

More and more tasks were successfully carried out with the co-operation of low and
middle voltage LLW teams, which guaranteed that safe working conditions could be
created in the course of the interference, for example: in the case of a pylon switch
exchange on common pylon rowed network.

24 - 4
The LLW technique is also suitable for creating the security conditions of special
tasks which should be be carried out in sub-stations without cutting power supply for
the consumers.

In my opinion, the above examples, although the list is not complete, reflect well the
increase of application, which finally means the more organic integration of the LLW
as a technology into the daily operational and network mounting tasks, which arise
day after day.

2 4- 5



Efficient operational conditions of LLW (Live Line Work) on low voltage and
medium voltage electric power lines under new economic circumstances, efforts to
co-ordinate demand and supply.

1. The supplier’s tasks for profitable implementation of LLW procedures:

- the necessity of domestic, technical improvements

- preparations and planning for promoting computerized procedures
- new means for transporting equipment to job sites
- profitability study of implementation on own power lines

2. Profitability study of contracted LLW operations.

- profitability of taking preventive measures for operational troubles

- study of maintenance procedures for reducing power cut intervals

3. Study of increasing consumer demands for higher quality service. Tasks related to
the satisfaction of increased demand on the part of suppliers and users.

4. Relations of efficiency and profitability regarding LLW procedures. Possibilities of

computerized profitability studies.

Profitability study of the "Live Line Work" procedures

The low voltage and the medium voltage LLW procedures have longer history than
an entire decade, but in the past few years, unfavourable tendencies appeared in the
economy therefore the efficiency and the profitability of LLW often became
overemphasized, which resulted in repeated réévaluation of the procedure. THe
profitability study is primarily linked to the medium voltage LLW because the
intervals of the power interruptions are substantially longer here than with the
traditional technology. Therefore this paper focuses on the profitability study of the
medium voltage LLW procedure. The continuous increase in demand for electric
power which was characteristic in the past few decades has stopped, and in the last
4-5 years, it has even significantly fallen back.

The decreased demand does not cause considerable problems in case of interruptions
in the supply for maintenance works.

The lack of expansion of the industrial plants means that the intended reconstructions
and improvements on the power lines as well as the discontinuation of multiple
feedings did not take place.

The adaptation of the system to LLW standards usually failed to come about for lack
of funds. In Hungary, the LLW procedures on medium voltage showed a definitely
decreasing demand in the activity of LLW working teams. The LLW committee
under pressure - and as a result of the field- inspections - has discontinued the works
of quite a few teams, and decision was made for developing a so-called simplified
LLW procedures. It is common knowledge that this procedure can barely be called
Live Line Work, instead, it is rather 'Work Near Live Line" with the application of
LLW tools and equipment.

At each company, the activities are restricted to one, but at best, to two working
teams under the present circumstances, for doing LLW on medium voltage lines with
the justification of technical, but mainly of economic aspects.

This condition - as far as our hopes are concerned - must change in the next decade
simultaneously with the much hoped- for period of economic prosperity, with the start
of production, and with the increased demand for the improved technical features of
energy at our disposal.

- 1. During the transition period, the most important task is to preserve the existing
technology, to secure the work of the skilled personnel, and to organize and supervise
the effective workmanship profitably, under the present circumstance s.

These are the solutions that the &MASZ is seeking to realize the profitable
implementation of LLW, under the present circumstances.

- We must be prepared for the economic prosperity as far as the supply of

skilled personnel as well as the tools and equipment are concerned.

- With a view to profitability, domestic improvements must be continued in

such a good quality and extent that this technology should be marketable
on the European or even on the international markets. The cost of
production development should pay off from the profits made on the tool
and equipment export.

- Every work phase of LLW procedures must be studied, from the stage of
decision making to the stage of implementation, and every fraction of time
has to be reduced. It must be made clear to everyone that taking into
consideration the overall time requirement and the expenses arising from
service interruptions, the works carried out by LLW procedures can be
more effective and less expensive than the procedures of traditional service

- With the application of computer technology, LLW procedures must be

made easier and the transportation of the necessary tools and equipment
(only what is necessary) has to be made quicker and more accurate, £MASZ
has developed the software and all calculations required for planning and
selection of tools are available, only some known parameters of the network
should be entered.

- The difficulties with the transportation of equipment and tools to the field
have already arisen at every power supplier company. Damages done by
the oversized, heavy container vehicles to the agriculture and the
restitutions made for the damages have to be taken more and more
seriously. Each company made efforts to develop lighter-weight container
vehicles, transporting only the most important tools and equipment, which
move easily along the field, and their operational costs are much less than
of the traditional vehicles.

In connection with the design of this vehicle, the most important requirement
was the safe, damage-free transportation of the highly valuable tools and

LLW teams’ tools and equipment, suitable for carrying out limited operations,
further simplify the transportation process because the standardized operations

2 5 -3
require identical tools and equipment, and the vehicles can be equipped

I must remark that, at present time too, these teams operate extremely
profitably and efficiently on the medium voltage lines of power supplier
companies. The several decade-long, obsolete maintenance procedures as well
as the planning methods merely based on guessing have already been
fundamentally changed.

Live-line tension tests and high-tech procedures for inspecting insulators give
such essential information which is indispensable in the course of maintenance

- The maintenance of the plant must be particularly noted. According to our

studies, before the introduction of LLW procedures, the degree of the
consumers’ inconvenience due to systematic service interruptions was about
two or three times higher than the power-outages because of natural causes.
The studies made it clear that more than 60% of the time of power cuts
was connected with the regular plant cleaning tasks. The cleaning activities,
even today, are still remarkably economical, effective and popular at each
and every power supplier company.

Here we can mention live (LLW) oil-refills, heat-checkings and instrumental

control activities in operating current transformers, live ratio-measurements of
current transformers.

- 2. As we mentioned in the introductory chapter, the demand for LLW maintenance

works on mains, on equipment, at substations as well as the demand for operating
trouble prevention is very low at this time. We studied the reasons in several
instances. The truth is, our marketing activity is not sufficient, but it must be
remarked that the economic situation of the companies did not allow the relatively
expensive application of LLW procedures.

When LLW was introduced, it might have become overemphasized that the
implementation of LLW was primarily the interest of the electric power

In the future, at each service agreement, the possibilities of LLW must be

taken into consideration concerning the risk- taking of both the consumer and
the supplier. The trend may be to apply one-way feedings instead of two-way
feedings, but we must expect LLW procedures in case of both maintenance
and operating trouble prevention activities as well.

Consumer demands, in connection with LLW, will primarily be based on the
service agreements between the consumer and the supplier. Because of the
differences in the conditions, individual profitability studies are required and,
according to the European experiences, consumer claims to recover for damage
as a result of power interruptions must be considered as well.

In the course of the efficiency and profitability studies on medium voltage

lines, we have to be prepared to accept much higher quality service
expectations than what we experienced in the earlier years.

The problem solving procedures of the profitability study have already been
worked out. As for the future contract and for the works expected to be done
on the premises the determining factors will all be different, therefore the
profitability studies can only be practical with the assistance of the latest
computer technology.

The computer experts of EMASZ are well prepared to carry out all these tasks.
The future studies with the help of the high-tech programs will be able to
satisfy the demands of the consumer society and also to help us perform our
work in a more profitable way.



In the territory of our factory m anagem ent, the break and closing of electric bond
carried out by L L W technique have becom e an everyday practice, and it is com petitor
of the already existing switching apparatuses - OK and A K K - in the field of planned

In my contribution, I w ant to show m ethods through the exam ples o f com pleted
checkings and analyses that facilitate decision-making in case of dism antling and
changing switching apparatuses.

26- 1


Károly ZSEBŐ



Experiences with live-line working in medium voltage networks of the Tatabánya
Utility district of the ÉDÁSZ Co.

In our local utility district there is a live-line working group active since 1989. It
consits of 6 persons of whom 2 persons are qualified for guiding the live-line working
activities and 4 persons are mechanics. The group is organized in contrast to the
former experiences and in complience with it they have been educated. They have
been selected not from different regions of our local utility district, but from a given,
local district. It has a considerable advantage namely the members of this group meet
each other and work together not only when undertaking live-line working activity,
but on every day and they became accustomed and familiar to each other, they know
the behaviours and motions of each other, their good and less good qualities, thus
more effective and succesful working activity could be performed, as the group
organized from time to time, can perform. After being authorized, the live-line
working group received the equipment, tools and vehicles immediately.

Thus they could take part alieady in autumnal maintenance activity on the 20 kV

In the supply area of our local utility district special operational conditions can be
created only in
- Kisigmánd
- Tata
- Bicske

120/22 kV substations, thus live-line working can be carried out in medium voltage
network supplied by these substations. The group belongs to the Komárom regional
district, thus their activity is in this region the most active. This region is supplied
from the Kisigmánd 120/22 kV substation by five 22 kV feeders, their total length
is 230 km.

Our live-line working activity is focused on the working processes as follow:

- autumnal and vernal maintenances
- exchanges of support and rod insulators
- the connections of new lateral lines
- dismounting and making joints of phase conductors
- exchange and maintenance of isolators
- line control with mirrors

After the initial difficulties the working group got accustomed to the more accurate
and high level working activity, they became fond of the new technology and they
carried out their working better and better.

The results and the favourable experiences increased the success of the working
group, thus we think possible to sell our activity for external consumers. We make
use of our accumulated knowledge and experience to external companies who have
own 20 kV networks. We started our marketing in 1990 and even in this year, we
already found external consumers, we had contract with Komárom crude- oil
company, and we carried out the autumnal and vernal maintenances of their 22 km
long, 20 kV network, mereover we completed the maintenance of the 12 km long
network of the Komárom Agricultural Cooperation. We try to extend our technology
to the 150 km long medium voltage network of the Bábolna Agricultural Cooperation.
Our business negotiations have favourable character.

Our marketing policy in the case of the live-line working.

We considered and consider primary importance to demonstrate the live-line working

technology and its advantages to the companies which posses own 20 kV networks,
we gave demonstrating lectures, and invited their experts for exchange and handing
of technical experience when doing live-line working.

On these meetings and demonstrations introducing the advantages of the technology

to them, it succeeded to make contract, mentioned before, with them.

Experiences with live-line working carried out for external companies.

It was very fortunate for us, that the private networks of the mentioned companies
are supplied from the Kisigmánd 120/22 kV substation too, thus the special
operational conditions needed, could be created in our substation without any
investment. Hence the technical conditions of the live-line working could be guaranted
from the supply side. Our consumers are satisfied with our live-line working started
two years ago, their experiences can be summarized as follows:

- Komárom Agricultural Cooperation

The feeder supplies important and from technological point of view sensitive
consumers, i.e. cold-storage plant, slaughter-house, crop-driers., etc.

When making traditional maintenance, the plants had to be reorganized, the workers
had to be given holidays, and auxiliary supply had to be put into service for the
supply free intervals. According to our cooperation now continuous supply and
operation can be guaranteed when making the autumnal and vernal maintenances.

The Komárom crude-oil company experienced same.

27 - 3
Naturally the same experience occured when maintenancing our own network, but
without disturbing the consumers’ continuous supply we can fulfil our activity and we
have not only this advantage but a financial result occurs, the energy supply and
consumption remain continuous.

The main data of live-line working in the year 1991.

1880shift/hour 236 shift/day maintenanced

230 km own network
34 km external network.

Numbers of the cases:

Insulator controll with mirror: data are not summarized

maintenance of isolators: 90 pc...
exchange of isolators: 15 pc.
exchange of support insulators : 64 pc.
exchange of rod insulators: 11 pc.
disconnecting joints: 16pc.
making joints : 16 pc.

Perspective of the live-line working activity.

Bounds of the use and spreading of the live-line working activities can be summarized
as follows:

- high cost of the activity- lack of social and consumer’s demand

- inconvenience of the present network
- human uninterest and lack of incitement
- insufficiencies in education and in skilled labour’s training.

We hope that as consequence of the social rearrangement, the following economical

growth as well as the spread of more developed technologies will induce the demand
on the high level energy supply too.

This demand could be satisfied by helping the spread of live-line working in medium
and low voltage distribution network, both increasing its level and qualitative

We hope that the perspective of technical development will determine and require the
daily and wide use of the live-line working.





The distance method of Live Line Working adapted in Hungary ten years ago
requires special hot-sticks, protective covers and other accessories. In the early 80s,
the economic situation suggested the development of LLW tools was a necessary step
towards the wide-spread of LLW at the distribution network. Manufacture of
foam-filled insulating tubes and solid rods, protective covers and dozens of tools and
accessories was established in Hungary. Type tests were carried out by independent
laboratories in accordance with the IEC recommendations and other standards.
Because of the small quantity Hungary needs, we are looking for international
cooperation in development and manufacturing of LLW tools.

KEYWORDS: hot-stick; protective cover; development of tools;

distance-method; IEC; rotary-cast;


Ten years ago, when the distance-method on the distribution network was adapted in
Hungary, the instruments were almost totally imported. After a few years of
beginning it became a basic condition to have LLW tools available to promote wider
utilization of live maintenance at distribution voltage.

Upon the well known economic situation in the early 80s, manufacturing of LLW
tools in Hungary seemed to be a necessity. Previous analytical calculations suggested
that - in spite of the little quantity Hungary needed - several special tools and
accessories would be produced economically.

Today, foam-filled insulating tubes and solid rods, plastic protective-covers, fittings
and accessories are manufactured in Hungary. Without the intention of completeness
in the following we present some characteristic features of the development work.


"Take care of your tool and your tool will take care of you." It is true even more for
a job where you have to work being aware of the nearness of danger where the safety
of the linesman depends, considerably, on the reliability of his tools. That is why
our developing principle is: Safety comes first, and it should be provided by quality.


When preparing our developing programme, we formed four groups of LLW tools
and equipment:

- Foam-filled insulating tubes and solid rods;

The developing programme started with the simple adaptable tools and accessories.
And, of course, there are still several, more complicated pieces of equipment we don’t
think we will ever produce.

3.1 Foam-filled insulating tubes and solid rods

These are the key - items of the distance-method. It took about three years for us to
develop this product. Because of the relatively low quantity demand we chose a
simple machinery by which the poles are manufactured individually. The product and
the process are patented. We had to overcome several difficulties, we carried out
plenty of developing tests. In the end, type tests were carried out by an independent

In our opinion, some of the requirements of the IEC Publication 855 are rather hard
to fulfill. For example, the electrical test before and after exposure to humidity should
be mentioned:

100 kV AC is applied on a 30 cm long piece of pole and the current is measured.

In case of the 32 mm diameter pole Ii= 5.6 - 6.3 microAmpere

12= 6.6 - 9.0 microAmpere

¿Qc-Vn iOQ ItN AC

Fig. 2. Electrical test of the foam-filled tubes.

The test pieces were cut at the centre of the specimens that had been subjected to
4000 bending cycles.

2 8- 3
Fig. 3. Bending test on foam-filled tubes and solid rods.

The foam-filled insulating tubes and rods meet all the requirements of IEC
Publication 855. The product is primarily used for manufacturing LLW tools. (Hot
sticks) The continuous good quality is ensured by strict quality control built into the
manufacture, for example, the measurement shewn in Fig. 2 is carried out on short
pieces cut from each product.

3.2 Protective covers

The developing work was started by the fact that a cover, suitable for putting on a
double string dead-end used in the 20 kV overhead-line network in great number in
Hungary, was not included among the offers of the known manufacturers, but there
was a clear demand for a tool like this for live maintenance of pole-switches. That
is why we set the aim to establish manufacturing of this double-type cover at first.

We tried out several basic material and technology. Since the IEC recommendations
were already given at that time, the target was exactly defined by the quality
parameters. Finally, we found the appropriate technology: the rotary cast. It can
provide us with a product with excellent mechanical and electrical parameters at a
reasonable price. A closed form comes out of the casting die, the cover is then
produced from it by cutting and hot-air welding. An independent laboratory tested
and qualified the product according to the requirements of the IEC TC 78/CO/46.

Fig. 4 Electrical and mechanical tests of protective covers

Taking into consideration the Hungarian LLW Regulations and the climatic
conditions in Hungary, the mechanical tests were carried out after conditioning the
covers at -15 °C and +70 °C respectively. Considering the especially important safety
role of covers, we perform the electrical test on every single product with the test
voltage prescribed for type test. The protective covers developed in Hungary are
compatible with the well-known foreign products.

3.3 Metal fittings, adaptable tools

The metal fittings and adaptable tools or accessories are generally made from light
metal cast. In order to find the best quality material, we performed lots of mechanical
tests under similar conditions to the real stress. And where we were not able to
achieve a safety factor of min. 2.5 , according to the IEC recommendations, we gave
up domestic production.

3.4 Accessories

Development of ladders, ropes, slings and other auxiliaries didn’t need any special
capacity. Their mechanical tests were also performed in accordance with the IEC
recommendations and other well-known standards.


When working on live distribution network from a distance, hot-sticks, protective

covers and other special tools are needed. It was a necessary step to establish
domestic production of LLW tools in Hungary in the middle of the 80s, when the
financial conditions preferred development in order to promote utilization of LLW
technique. Now, in the early 90s, international cooperation comes into the limelight.
Right from the beginning of the development work the internationally recognized
quality-level was stressed, and type tests were always carried out by independent
laboratories. Some of the test reports are also available in English. These days, with
maximum demand on quality besides relatively low numbers of special LLW tools
needed in Hungary, economic efficiency is coming into prominence. We are sure that
live line maintenance will get more and more important role at the electrical utilities,
new methods and new tools are needed.
Upon the full experience of LLW tool development, our engineers’ creativeness
together with the craftsmen’s expertise will always be something that we can rely on.
Special LLW equipment for the distance method manufactured in Hungary, with the
various training programmes, will probably arouse the interest of the experts in the
neighbouring countries. And, as it might be included into integration processes, the
cooperation with mutual interests, even in the field of live line working, is worth to
be considered.

2 8- 5

László VARGA




The author presents the structure of the joints used on the medium voltage overhead
distribution line insulators in Hungary. The technical aspects of the supporting-joints
structure for the hot line work is presented. The test results of the mechanical loading
tests on the supporting-joints are published. Strand breaks, caused by eolian vibration
occur on the wires or on the joint’s wires at the fixed joints. Insulators with head
fitting were developed in order to prevent the break of wires. These insulators can
be favourably used for hot line work. There is a strong connection between the
insulators with fitting and the hot line work and the compact overhead distribution
lines. The new insulators with fitting are more expensive than insulators with joint’s
wire, but the mounting time is less.

The insulators with fitting are useful on hot line work and at the building of compact
overhead distribution lines. The space occupation of a compact line, insulated by this
insulator is less important and the environmntal impact is more acceptable.

KEYWORDS: pininsulator,
head fitting,
compact trans mission line


The medium voltage overhead distribution line in Hungary is radial network,

consequently outages due to break of the insulator, or joint as well as to the damage
of the conductor result in complete breakdown of the low-voltage distribution line
section. Further damages resulted by outages depend on the kind and sensitivity of
the consumers. Sometimes due to the type of the breakdown, direct outage isn’t
caused to the customer, but as a consequence of the failure, it results later in energy
supply failure. Elimination of the outage can be implemented in the traditional way
by means of switching off of the line, but prevention of the fault may be solved by
hot line work, without switching off of the consumers.

Introduction of hot line work activity of medium-voltage distribution line affected the
development of the insulators and supporting-joints too, and it also required testing
of the mechanical strength and ageing of the joint too.

The development and the testing were realized in Institute for Electrical Power
Research (VEIKI) by financing and participation of DEDASZ and MVM Corporations.

In the medium voltage distribution lines AASC conductors of 50-120 mm2 and
porcelain insulators are used. In consequence of transmission distances and loadings,
the majority of the conductors is of AASC 95 type.

The arrangement of insulators on the poles is triangle or horizontal. The conductor is

fixed on the pininsulators with fi bandaged-joint on the poles.

The most frequent outages of the overhead lines, needed hot line work are resulted
by the break of the insulators. In the course of failure termination the pininsulator
shall be replaced. The supporting-joint shall be dismounted and new supporting-joint
has to be made on the new insulator. In respect of the time demand of mounting and
the quality of the supporting-joint by hot line work the structural construction and
design of the head fitting of the insulator are not negligible.

Traditionally n bandaged-joints are used for supporting-joint in the domestic medium

voltage distribution lines (Fig. 1.). By the introduction of the hot line work technology
the wire joint, used on the French medium voltage distribution lines, have got in
general use in our country too, where the bandaged joints from the wire strands of
diameter 2.5-3 mm have been replaced with joints, composed of 5-6 turns on both
sides of the pininsulator made of wires of 6 mm (Fig. 2.).

1.conductor 3. joint-wire
2. îî shackle 4. insulator
4 4

F i g u r e 1. F i g u r e 2.
S t r u c t u r e of fl j o i n t S t r u c t u r e of j o i n t of h o t line work

Joint, shown in Fig. 1. is favourable as to the reduction of the vibration stress

affecting the conductor, however it is disadvantageous in respect of the hot line work

Removal of the bandage, made of thin aluminium wires and making the new
bandaged-joint on the hot line is time consuming. In respect of the hot line work
technology the wire-joint shown in Fig. 2. is more advantageous, however it less
favourable is respect of the slight damping of eolean vibration.

The wire-joint illustrated in Fig. 2. was appropriate with conductors of 50 mm2 cross
section, while the results of the vibration tests were negative with the conductors of
95 mm2. Failure occured on the strands of the conductor and on the bandage-wire of
6 mm.

The results of the vibration tests, performed with the joints, proved that the bandage,
with many thin wire turns produce a distributed loading cripping the conductor at
several points, while in case of the joint of Fig. 2. the conductor is relatively rigidly
gripped on the insulator and is subject to mechanical loading in one area, contacting
the insulator, and it results in fatigue failure.

For the purpose to prevent failures of the strands and with consideration of the hot
line work technology, was developed the construction of insulators with head fitting.
Conductor supporting cradle and clamping unit, similar to the floating clamp, used
for the high-voltage transmission lines, are located on the insulator, supplied with
head fitting. (Fig.3.). Limited turning of the cradle round the axle reduces the
vibration stress of the conductor and makes failure of the strands avoidable.

2 .cradle
3. clamping unit
4. insulator

Figure 3. Head fitting

The clamping unit is connected to the cradle through a shaft and clamping force is
ensured by screw joint or spring clamping. The mechanical connection, made by
means of a spring or eyebolt is favourable adapted to the hot line work technology.
The application of straight and sloping head fittings makes possible to use pole heads
of sloping layout, being more faurable than triangle and horizontal pole heads (Fig.4.).

Pole head illustrated in Fig. 4. is favourable not only for the application of hot line
work, but also for the purpose of compact overhead line. Under the same levels of
insulation the space demand and the environmental inpact is more acceptable.

By means of the head fittings, better mechanical joints can be made, as compared to
the bandaged-joints, so the possibility of using single insulators in cases requiring
increased safety, is possible, with supplementary drop-safe fittings, mounted onto the
pole. (Fig. 5.)

1. head fitting

Figure 4. Pole head

1. head fitting
2. drop-safefitting

Figure 5. Head of the pole with drop-safe fittings

29- 5
The insulator head fittings were developed in VEIKI, in cooperation with the
manufacturers and users, and the tests of electrical and mechanical stresses have also
been carried out in VEIKI.Fig. 6. shows the arrangement for vibration test, and Fig.
7. illustrates the scheme of overhead line with variable spans constructed for the
purpose of short-circuit test of the drop-safe fittings.

Figure 6. Arrangement for vibration test

d ro p -s a fe fittin g

Figure 7. Arrangement for the test of drop-safe fittings

The tests of insulators with head fittings and drop-safe fittings were successfully
completed. Widespread application is retarded by the fact that these insulators are
more expensive than the porcelain insulators without head fitting. The reduction in
assembling worktime demand and aptness for hot line work technology may
favourably affect the unfavourable reception provided so far, due to the higher price.
Investment and maintenance demand of the overhead lines and safety in power supply
have to be assessed always in the function of the topography of the given overhead
line and the sensitivity of the consumers to outages. Based on the analysis of
economicalness we can estimate the benefits involved in using more up-to-date
although more expensive fittings.

In course of the analysis the aspects of building of compact overhead lines and the
environmental inpact shall be favourably considered, as being generally characteristic
criteria in Europe.


A n tal SZABÓ,
DÉDÁSZ P ow er Supply Co.,
N ational E lectricity Board Co L td.,


In two years the author has gained personal experience with every middle voltage
team and also their upper management in Hungary. LLW has temporarily decreased
and the complex jobs were replaced by simple ones. The causes are the collapse of
the previous management system, on the one hand, and, on the other, the early
difficulties of the new one based on different ethical and economic principles. The
old management system does not function any more, while the new one has not
started functioning yet. An economic boom will bring the Renaissance of the Live
Line Works and we have to prepare for it in good time. The mistakes made in the
application of this highly developed technology are mainly due to the lack of
practice and their number can be reduced in the future.

KEYWORDS: obstacles to the general introduction

experiences with the application
mistakes in job performance

1. The purpose of the paper:

On the basis of the experiences gained during field checks I intend to answer the
following questions:

- to what extent have the efforts to spread LLW at middle voltage in Hungary
been successful;

- what further steps should be taken;

- what mistakes do electricians make and how can their number be reduced?

2, History

In 1985 the Hungarian LLW Committee decided to supervise LL works in the field
mainly from a technological point of view. At that time the aim of these checks was
exclusively to reveal the distortions of the technology and to take measures for their
remedy. Since 1990 the check has been extended to the organisation including the
variety and frequency of works and the analysis of the other factors which influence
the application. This was justified by the considerable decrease in LL works, and a
shift towards simpler jobs.

In the last two years I have had the opportunity to see all the Hungarian middle
voltage LLW teams, to observe their work and consult with high ranking managers.

My experiences fall into two large groups:

- experiences related to management and application

- experiences related to technology.

3. Experiences related to management

a/ The original objectives of the application.

The objectives are expressed in the publications and papers issued after 1979, eg.

- Villamosság (Electricity) Vol. 1981, No 5.

- ÖZE Vol. 1983, No 10

30 - 2
The statements given in these publications are true even today, except for the
schedule of the introduction, the volume, frequency, variety and inner proportions of

LLW was introduced to decrease power cuts, in 1979, 63,5 % of all the 20 kV power
cuts were planned stoppages.

According to our original schedule, by 1985 every utility management was supposed
to have a suitable and well trained team fully equipped with the required tool, and
LLW was to become everyday routine. After 1985 the introduction and spread of the
touch (glove) method was the next project. These objectives could not be realized
owing to the fact that the conditions which existed when the decision was made,
changed considerably later.

b/ Changes in the conditions and modification of the objectives

Characteristic phases in the changes of the conditions:

- in the period between 1984-87 the resources required for the purchase of the tools
were at the disposal of the National Electricity Board however, the government
could not provide their equivalent in foreign currency. Only a small part of the
demand could be met. This stimulated the development of tools that could be
manufactured in Hungary.

- between 1987-89 the central control of the economy relaxed and local decisions
based on local resources came to be authorized. It was in this period that the
technology of LLW spread faster than consumer demand for it emerged. Several
utility managments decided not to spend money of their own on this technology
considering the lack of demand.

- in the years 1989-91 the disintegration of the previous centrally controlled system
became more and more intensive and, at the same time, the creation of local
resources and their utilization based on local decisions became more important. The
price of electricity increased manifold. The process of privatization is slow, the new
interest relations are not quite clear yet. Legislation adapted to the new conditions
is slow. The customers still feel defenceless, accepting what they can get as far as
continuous supply and safety are concerned.

In addition to the above-listed problems several other difficulties also arose in the
maintenance of large LLW teams:

+ the electricians who had been trained and acquired skills in LLW were promoted
and therefore left the LLW teams.

+ the electricians who turned 40 could not pass the severe medical tests and became

+ the plant or the section often did not have a big enough staff to organize a LLW
team. The team members were not employed on LLW all the time, therefore, when
need arose, the teams had to be completed with workers from two-three other plants,
which lead to a conflict of interests.

+ as the number of quality works decreased the performance of the teams also
deteriorated due to the lack of practice.

+ in the past few years development funds have been spent mainly on network
development: to construct the wires that connected various parts of the networks.
Instead of building networks we could have improved continuity of supply more
cheaply, e.g. by using the LLW technology.

+ originally a group of LL works consisted mainly in the exchange of insulators.

The traditional bell-shaped insulators were replaced by solid insulators in the past
decades. The majority of the latter, however, got damaged in 8-10 years, and their
mass repair was not possible with LLW.

+ For financial reasons the simpler, touch LLW technology was not introduced in
Hungary. Work performed at a distance became overcomplicated therefore workers
are reluctant to do it.

Under the influence of the above-described considerations several utility managers

decided that the maintenance of full LLW teams and their tools is not economical,
therefore their number should be reduced and they authorize only a few works that
do not require the use of many tools.

Exceptions are those plant managements who consider the present situation to be
temporary and hope to see an increase in consumer together with a boom in the
economy and find a way of employing their large LLW teams.

cl Future opportunities.

In the analysis of the future opportunities supposing an improvement in the economic

situation, we have to take into consideration the present conditions and those that are
to be expected. These are the following:

the central control of the economy will disappear and be replaced by the market

- the distributor companies will become independent, with some central co-ordination
in certain fields;

- the various resources whose utilization has so far been strictly regulated will become
equal. The accounting system of the companies will be transformed in 1992 and will
reflect the situation more realistically;

- the privatization of the state-owned companies, both in industry and agriculture will
take up speed. In the new situation the companies will make more serious efforts to
enforce their own interests.

All this seems to suggest that demand will increase for LLW teams especially on
simple jobs. Their number will grow without any specific regulation or pressure and
soon they will outnumber the large LLW teams introduced in 1980. The employment
of these small teams will only mark the beginning, because they will generate new
demand first for the variety of works performed with the LLW technology and later
for the " touch" method.

Therefore the present setback should not lead us to consider the elimination of the
LLW technology - that an extrapolation would also justify - instead we should focus
efforts on restructuring it, taking the new business conditions and consumer demands
into consideration.

d/ General Evaluation

The decision made some 16 years ago on the introduction of LLW technology at
middle voltage was right. This technology had been completely unknown in Hungary
although it had become widely used in other, more highly developed countries. The
extent of its utilization was, of course, different in the various countries, depending
on the general conditions. The introduction and familiarization of the technology was
of great importance in Hungary because it meant the introduction of a highly
developed technology that was indispensable for future development. The rate of
familiarization and adoption was, however, far below the original concept. The

volumes and the range of application were planned on the basis of a given set of
conditions, which has changed in the meantime and resulted in the reduction of both
the rate and the range of application. In the course of time the teams that were set
up, and their tools originally planned for complex activities have gradually eroded.
This went together with the decrease in the number of complex works to be
performed. The main reasons for this regression are the changes in the economic,
social environment as well as in attitudes. Attitudes often shifted in the opposite
direction. It is important to note that nowadays the application of the technology, the
transformation of large teams into smaller ones or the establishment of new teams is
stimulated by the demand. It can be concluded then, that the existence of the LLW
teams is fully justified, and they should be employed in activities where they are
indispensable, and can work economically. The distortions and one-sided view in the
economy will, for some time, slow down development and the process of
transformation. With the onset of the new conditions, however, the process will get
accelerated and even new LLW methods will be required.

After all these considerations we can state that there is going to be a need for the
training and technology development centres already established because experts will
have to be trained in these facilities for a long time to come. This is why their
maintenance, keeping in good shape is particularly important.

4. Experiences with the technology.

In the development of the technology for LLW performed from a distance with a rod
and the increase of the variety of works we experienced a tendency for the use of
complicated tools and techniques reflecting the ambition to solve a certain problem
by all means. Beyond a certain level these solutions proved to be too cumbersome
because they did not come up to the requirement of practicability. All this unnatural
manipulation has made the technology unpopular and led experts to find reasons for
reducing the number and complexity of the works performed with it. At present the
more complicated techniques tend to be neglected, and thus there is a setback in the
application. As a result people trained in LLW gradually forget their skills, get out
of practice, which, in turn, leads to an increasing number of mistakes made during
the work. For example:

insulator exchange represented 35 % in 1982, but only 11 % in 1990

simple works accounted for 29 % in 1982 and 69 % in 1990.

The mistakes made are quite varied. The checks of the past few years as well as
the inspections I performed in the last 2 years are shown in a separate study on page
140, illustrated with 70 photos.

30- 6
a/ Classification of the mistakes.

The typical LL works peformed in Hungary at present are the following:

Complex works: supporting insulator exchange

tightening insulator exchange
pylon switch exchange and maintenance
branching off connection

Simple works : current bond opening and closing

phase identification
transformator station cleaning
other smaller works

In the course of the field inspections all the listed activities were seen. Deviation from
the regulations was considered as a mistake.

For the purposes of analysis the mistakes were divided into four group as follows:

- Disregard for regulations, which decreases work safety

Mistake made in the application of the technology, which

causes difficulty and tiredness for the worker

- Occurrence of the mistake:

+ new mistake
+ recurring mistake
+ frequently recurring mistake
+ poor training

- Trends in mistakes:
+ increase (as compared to previous year(s)
+ decrease
+ stable

In spite of the great variety of the mistakes I give a few examples grouped according
to the objects on which they were made.

- mistakes made on insulating rods: include placement of rods, moving and fixing of

- mistakes related to covering: lifting in, incomplete covering, wrong judgement of the
electric function

- mistakes related to the wire connections: disconnection, cutting off the disconnected
ends, mirror checks, etc...

- mistakes related to the mechanical tools: wrong placement of pulleys, of rigging

rope, misuse of mechanical tools, wrong placement and fixation of the ladders, etc...

b/ Causes of the mistakes:

The experts selected for training in and performing LLW are above average as to
their expertise, theoretical knowledge in electrical and mechanical engineering, or
human qualities. In spite of this the number of mistakes is significantly high. The
reasons, in my view can be grouped as follows:

- to a smaller extent the lack of discipline

- forgetting, due to the lack of experience, small number of LLW operations


- lack of experience also due to the scarcity of such works.

c/ Elimination of the mistakes:

It is practically impossible to reduce the number of mistakes to zero. It is more

realistic to attempt cutting them down to an acceptable level that does not involve
risks. The latter solution can, however only be realized if the individual work teams
can be guaranteed a sufficient number of LL works. The effort to avoid mistakes
must be made conscious by familiarizing workers with field experiences, and the
typical mistakes.

Care should also be taken of the way in which these are presented, because it can
effect efficiency. Repetition, systematic review, and good presentation are of vital
importance here.

In conclusion we can state that the field expreriences gained with LLW have not
justified the doubts that this technology has a role in the power supply system. The
only way to reduce the mistakes made in the application of the technology is to gain
more and more practice and publish the analysis of the mistakes.





KEY WORDS: Live line working,

hot stick,
three method,
bare hand,
protection unit,
middle voltage.


1.1. Historical Background

By the early sixties, Electricité de France was examining the possibility of introducing
live line working on all its networks. Beside the commitment to improving continuity
of supply by reducing outages for system maintenance, Electricité de France also
wished to review the organisation of maintenance work and staff safety.

After a number of trials in different Areas from 1965 to 1970 with the assistance
of the SERECT Section and in consultation with the Live Line Working Committee,
hot stick operations began to be developed from 1970 onwards, with a good record
of network efficiency and safety.

1.2. Impact on Continuity of Service

The ’Outage Time for Dead-Line Working’ is representative of the effect of the
widespread introduction of live line methods, but records do not start until after these
methods were introduced. They indicate a trend from approximately 3 hours’ outage
in 1974 to 46 minutes by 1990. This is a top estimate because it includes for all
measures taken to avoid outages for new construction as well as maintenance.


Trials with bare hand and rubber glove working methods commenced in 1973 and
1977 at three experimental Centres. They were then pursued and extended by trials
in two other Areas with a procedure embracing all three conventional methods - hot
stick, rubber glove and bare hand.

These first experiments have enabled us to develop equipment, operating methods and
workings conditions.

Since late 1982, the SERECT Section, at the request of the EDF GDF SERVICES
(EGS) Division and the Live Line Working Committee, has been running trials at the
EGS Toulon and Evreux Centres on the possibility of providing linesmen with all
three methods - hot stick, bare hand and rubber glove - known as C3M.

2.1. New Approach - Protection Unit

The linesman had to be attentive at all times to keeping regulation clearances when
working in an environment at different potentials. With improved skills in working

31 -2
safely near live and exposed conducting parts emerged the concept of ’protection
units’ (PU’s).

The argument was that a man working on a live distribution is surrounded by

phase-to- phase and phase-to-earth circuits. He must protect himself against
electrocution by inserting PU’s in these circuits (PU’s are resistances keeping the fault
current well below the fibrillation value). The number of units which must be used
depends on the system voltage (6 between phase and earth and 8 between phases at
20 kV).

After suitable testing, it was decided to consider, for example that:

-1 0 cm air clearance or 10 cm of stick is equivalent to 1PU

-1 cover is equivalent to 8PU’s
-1 mat is equivalent to 1PU
- Wearing insulating gloves and sleeves is equivalent to 2PU’s
-10 cm of insulated boom of aerial lift is equivalent to 1PU

There is also the risk of short circuits while work is proceeding, not due to the
linesman’s presence. This risk must be removed by using the same principle (the
number of PU’ is set at 1 at 20 kV) for faults.

2.2. Combination of the Three Methods

Combining these three methods is very versatile and has enabled regulations to be
slimmed down. The Maintenance Engineer decides the method best suited to each
stage of the job, with reference to the minimum number of PU’s specified in the
Work Performance Conditions (WPC).

For example, on the 20 kV system where 6 Protection Units are stipulated, he can
choose between:

- 60cm air clearance, or

- 60cm of insulating stick, or
- the wearing of insulating gloves (2 PU’s) plus 40cm air (4 PU’s), or
- insulating gloves (2 PU’s) plus insulating mat (1 PU) plus 30cm air (3 PU’s).

In addition, all the linesmen use the same vocabulary, regardless of the method being
used at any particular time.

31 -3
The introduction of this working method by SERECT Job Order at the EGS Toulon
and Evreux Centres has led to the development of appropriate tools and elevating
platforms by SERECT, the drafting of regulations by the Live Line Working
Committee, and an ergonomics study by the Industrial Health General Department and
the University of Paris I.

2.3. Ergonomics Study of Three-Method Combination

The results of the ergonomics study, which focused on whether changing from one
method to another was the cause of added fatigue for the linesman, were submitted
to the meeting of the National Committee on Health, Safety and Working Conditions
in late 1986 by the Industrial Health General Department.

The increased mental burden (in having to think about electrical factors affecting his
safety) is amply offset by a distinct reduction in his physical burden (better
positioning and less muscular effort).

The favorable findings from this study, and the improved working conditions and
enhanced safety for the linesmen in the trial have been confirmed by the men at the
Centres which have since adopted the C3M system.

2.4. Cost Approach

The rubber glove and bare hand methods, together with the new equipment, extend
the list of operations which can be performed 'live.' In addition, some already feasible
live line operations are made easier (see appendix).

We must therefore look at three types of live line working:

1) Operations already feasible by hot stick, but improved in terms of working time
and convenience.

2) Operations which can be performed 'live' only by the combination of the three
methods, reducing outages and saving on non-distributed kWh’s.

3) Those which are unchanged by the new approach.

The results indicate :

a Some operations of type 2 were performed as soon as the C3M team was operational,
to bring the network up to standard. An example is midspan compression joints. In

31 -4
this case, the kWh saving may be very considerable, but not fully repeatable every

b The saving nevertheless offsets the cost to each EGS Centre in developing the three

c In more than 70% of time spent on line work, completion times remain unchanged.

d In every case, linesmen reported less fatigue and a wish to keep using the C3M
system, since they felt their working conditions were improved.

e The workmanship of the finished job was better in some cases (greater use of
compression connections).

At the present time, it can be shown that the annual time saved by a three-man team
and foreman is of the order of 20-30%.

This is not necessarily applicable to the second team, considering the limited number
jobs amenable to the C3M approach.

The enthusiasm shown by linesmen for the three-method combination is also

manifested by foreign electricity utilities wishing to adopt it.


The interest shown in the C3M system and protection unit concept by experimenters,
the Live Line Working Committee, SERECT and the EGS specialists is vindicated by
the expected number of change-overs to the new method.

There have been very well received and EGS have confirmed this analyse by notifying
us that intend to adapt this in their trainig and equipment.

One of the first consequences of the adoption of C3M and PU’s was the simplifcation
in vocabulary and regulations. The decision to generalise the PU vocabulary
independently of the method(s) used is a direct result of this.

The approach to be followed in promoting the successful deployment of the new

method is as follows.

31 -5
3.1. Training

The instructors at the training establishment took a course organised by SERECT to

train in the new method, followed by on-the-job experience with previously trained
linesmen, and then took part in an evaluation trial to evaluate the specification drafted
by the Vocational Training Department, in the course of which a team of linesmen
with no previous experience were trained in the hot stick method at EGS Le Mans.

This evaluation trial focused on the required duration and proportions of classroom
teaching and practical exercises, teaching methods, etc.

3.2. Equipment

3.2.1. The additional equipment needed for the C3M system is supplied by SERECT.

3.2.2. Insulated Elevator Platform

There are two standard working heights: 14m and 17m. The special modifications to
the truck (chests particularly) are kept to a minimum in order to conserve its off-road

The elevating platform for a new C3M team may be new or a modifed earlier vehicle.

Insulated elevator platform trucks are tested at the same intervals as tools.

In view of the steadily growing fleet of such vehicles, more private and EDF
laboratories are needed. They must be approved by SERECT and EGS.


The expected gains from C3M are:

a Improved productivity from the live line working teams, reckoned in saved kWh’s, of
around 30% by shortening the time hitherto required for hot stick jobs and enabling
new works to be performed on ’live’equipment.

b Improved working conditions for linesmen, enabling them to work directly on the
conductors, in the same way as the fitters during initial construction.

3 1- 6
The steady expansion of C3M is well under way and estimates indicate a sustained
trend up to 1995.

As of 31 December 1990, 23 EGS Centres out of a total of 81 had at least one

operational C3M team. By 31 December 1995, this will grow to 57 Centres.

EDF’s decision to commit itself to achieving a substantial reduction in outages for

planned maintenance necessarily implies a major contribution from the Centres. Live
line working, and more particularly C3M, is a vital factor in successfully meeting the




a) Operations on aluminium-steel and Almelec-steel conductors

-conductor repairs by compression jointing

-installation and removal of double anchorages

-anchor clamps replaced by compression anchor sleeves

b) Operations on all conductors

- replacement of damaged lengths of conductor

- conversion of double anchorage into suspension insulator

- important conductor movements for installation of double anchorages in hilly terrain

and at midspan or for modification of double anchorage.



As a general rule, feasibility of all operations is improved by reason of:

a The lifting equipment on the elevator trucks offering a convenient and flexible
means of handling equipment and moving conductors, and dispensing with the need
for three- legged derricks.

b The reduced tools and equipment needed.

c The more comfortable working positions for the linesmen.

d Direct access to live conductors for bare hand working.

31 -8
The operations benefitting include:

- repairs to conductors by compression splices at sites not accessible from the support

- installation of counterweights

- work on heavy conductors to fit double anchorages, replace tension or suspension

insulators, etc.

- replacement of insulators

- installation or replacement of equipments without the need for cranes.



Pin insulator replacement 25-33

Suspension insulator replacement 40-50

Tension insulator replacement 40-50

Conversion of suspension insulator to double anchorage 25-30

Single-conductor cross-arm 15-20

Three-conductor cross-arm 40-50

Conductor transfer 50

Compression anchor installation 50

Line switch installation/removal 50

31 - 9

+— C.LV.M V C.LV.LV C .LV .Total


Miguel Angel FERNANDEZ



Procedure for replacement of conductor on a 66 kV Transmission Line in Canary


KEY WORDS: Replacement of conductor.


- Brief Introduction of Cobra Group.

- Live Line Works.
- Procedure.

Cobra has begun its activities in 1944, which are within the electricity field, carrying
out studies, projects, tenders, supplying materials and the construction and
maintenance of all types of electrical installations.

Since 1964, Cobra has increased and developed a number of activities, always around
public services, till nowadays, being one of the most important contractor in Spain,
invoicing nearly 500 million dolars.

Some of these activities, including Electricity, of course, are: Gas and Hydraulic
works, Communications, Railways, Electromechanical Installations, New Technologies,
Engineering, etc. . .

Cobra has its Head Office in Madrid, with branches all over Spain and overseas, for
we consider important to be near the clients, in order to know their needs. Each
branch developes. bassically, one of these activities involved in a geographical area,
so an Area Management carries out all the activities of the Group through its
branches, in its area of influence. Besides, each activity has a Management which
defines the critérium of performance.

Cobra began the development of Live Line Works of 1968, carrying out in Spain the
first work by the Hot Stick Method: replacement of a wooden pole on a 15 kV
Distribution Line. For this work to be performed, Cobra needed a special permitt from
the Spanish Labour Ministry, having to renew it each time a work of that
charasceristics has to be carried out. To avoid this inconvenience, the Spanish Labour
Ministry modifies the law which prohibited the performance of electrical works
without grounding.

From then on, Cobra continued the development of the different methods of Live Live
Works, carrying out the first Barehand work in Spain in 1975 on a 132 kV
Transmission Line, replacing a suspension insulator string. Then, in 1980, with an
insulated aereal platform with rubber gloves, Cobra performs the first work by the
Contact Method, consisting of the replacement of a pin insulator on a 20 kV
Distribution Line.

The Trainning School, for Live Line is located in Martorell, a village of Barcelona,
and there have taken place 40 courses for Linemen, Supervisors and Engineers. There

is also the Store for tools and equipment, the Workshop and the Electrical Laboratory
for testing up to 40 kV.

Nowadays, Cobra has for Live Line:

- 273 certified workers for Low Voltage.

- 232 for Medium and High Voltage, being:

67 for Contact Method with rubber gloves.

222 for Hot Stick.
92 for Barehand.

- 44 tools equipments, being:

14 for Contact.
22 for Hot Stick.
8 for Barehand.

- 24 vehicles specially prepared for tools transport.

- 13 washing machines, for cleaning insulation.

- 12 insulated aereal buckets.

The Live Line Works in Cobra are integrated on a Division with a Manager, 4 Senior
Engineers and 10 Technical Engineers. The Division is responsible for the technical
aspects of engineering, for the procedures to be done, tools and materials receipt,
training, periodical tests and engineering for new tools and materials to be

It will be long to detail all the works carried out since 1968 till our days, cause we
have been developing and extending the number of procedures performed.

With the experience acquired, we continue developing new procedures, always

considering Safety as the first and most important requirement.

The trainning courses time is of two months for linemen who had experience in cold
works in Electrical Installations. However, the duration of the course for unexperience
linemen will be of 6 months.

Actually, there are 180 men carrying out daily Live Line Works in Low Voltage and
32 Live Line crews in High Voltage, of which 12 carry out works by the Contact
Method, 15 by Hot Stick and 5 by Barehand. There are also 10 washing machine
equipments cleanning. Of these crews, 50 linemen are working abroad.

Our clientes are, bassically, Spanish Utilities which have let Cobra the development
of Live Line Works. We are working also for Utilities and Oil Companies in Asia,
Africa and America.



The work consists of the replacement of a 125 mm2 conductor for another one of
145 mm2 on a 66 kV simple circuit Transmission Line.

The work was performed by the Hot Stick Method, with a clearance of 1.60 m.

The conductors were replaced between dead-end towers.

So, on suspension towers, the conductor was moved and supported by the use of a
wire and a rope block with a strain line stick. The wire tong is being used for
holding, and the rops block and strain link stick for lifting. (Figure 1)

Moving conductor on suspension tower. Figure 1.

32- 4
The same operation is repeated for the other two conductors at each suspension tower.

The minimum clearance between the position of linemen at the tower and the
conductor moved outward will be, at least, 3.60 m.

At each dead-end tower is installed, along the steel crossarm, a wooden pole used as
auxiliary crossarm, with an eye bolt at its end. This wooden pole has a copper wire
between the fitting and the crossarm steel tower for grounding. The length of the
wooden pole will be, at least, 4 m, with 2 m from the end of the steel crossarm to
the end of the pole.

With two rope blocks, each one with a link stick attached come along to, the
conductor is moved from the end of the steel crossarm to the end of the wooden pole,
being installed with the same strain insulator strings (Figure 2). Previously, it is
necessary to install wire guy to avoid twisting. The operation is repeated for the other
two conductors at each dead-end towers.

Moving conductor on dead-end tower. Figure 2.

So the new conductor is stringing over blocks attached to tower.

A proper sagging is carried out with the conductor on stringing blocks.

The new conductor is moved to the end of the crossarm into the new insulator string

It is also installed the dead-end insulators being moved the conductor to that position,
and it’s tested the sag. With 6 by- passes at the dead-end towers, the current passes
to the new conductor, leaving the old conductors deenergized. Then, these old
conductors are descended to ground. This procedure with some additional safety rules,
specially prepared for it, has permitted the replacement, in the last three years, of
about 80 km of 3 phases conductor on 66 kV Transmission Lines in Canary Island,
where desenergizing a line is very difficult due to the touristical problem all over the

Improving this procedure, last year was replaced a 66 kV Transmission line with a
281 mm conductor.

Indeed, Cobra continues developing procedures, in order to improve the quality of the
service to our customers.






In 1989 Experts of the Hungarian State Railways visited the Training Center for Live
Line Working at Szigetvár, run by the DÉDÁSZ Electrical Utility, and soon after that
demonstration the idea emerged that live line technology might be used on the
railways-overhead-lines, as well. The technical and administrative measures needed to
establish Live Line Working (LLW) have been taken, and some regulations have been
The LLW System of MÁV (Hungarian State Railways) is an adaptation of the
distance-method having been elaborated by the DÉDÁSZ Electrical Utility. The LLW
"on potential" method is considered to be used perspectively.

KEY WORDS: overhead-line ;

substation ;


The great invention at the end of the 19th century, the electrical railway traction,
conquered the world in a century. After some trials and experiences, in America,
Germany, Italy, France and Switzerland at the beginning of the 20th century, the
development of this new, economic and environment-friendly traction method started
in Hungary.

In our country, electric traction was commenced on a standard-gauge railway side-line

between Rákospalota and Gödöllő, in 1911. The electrification of the main lines
started in 1922, and the work has been being continued since then. These days there
are 7500 kms of rail networks in Hungary, of which 2700 kms are electrified
performing 65 % of the railway traffic.

At the beginning, direct current and series motors were used in electrical traction.
Then, as the demands increased, the voltage level was raised, and alternative current
with asynchronous motors were adapted.

During the progress of electrical traction, in Europe, four systems came into general
use. In certain countries two systems were adapted in railway electrification. Before
the Second World War, these countries began the railway electrification with direct
current or with multi-phase system. But, when they recognized the disadvantages of
these systems, the work was carried on with the single-phase system.

At present the four systems are as follows:

- 1.5 kV direct current at the railways of Holland, France, Switzerland and Spain, but
only for short distances.

- 3 kV direct current in France, Italy, Czecho-Slovakia, Belgium, Spain and in a part of

the former Soviet Union.

- 15kV 16 2/3 Hz AC traction is typical in German-speaking areas.

- 25 kV 50 Hz AC traction is in relation with the name of the Hungarian inventor

Kálmán Kandó. Nowadays, due to the fast development of electrical engineering and
electronics, this traction system may be considered as the most up-to- date one. New
railway lines in Europe are only built in this system.

33- 2

Length of electrified railways on the Earth is expected to grow, due to the

increasing demands.

The railway lines in all countries of the World have been electrified by 3 kV DC in
35 %, by 50 or 60 Hz AC in 27 %, by 1.5 kV DC in 18 %, by 16 2/3 Hz AC in
18 %, and in 9 % other system is used. Among the other systems the 6 kV DC, and
the 2x25 kV and 50 kV AC supplies should be mentioned.


In Hungary, as mentioned above, the overhead-lines, the substations, and their

diagnostics and technical features have considerably changed since 1991, the year of
commencement of railway electrification. Unfortunately, it is not true for installation
and maintenance technologies. Certain changes can only be seen in the utilization of
up-to-date tools, but not in the technology that troubles the railway operation so

Recognition of these problems made us try to find other methods of maintenance to

be used at the Hungarian Railways.

The basic supply of electrical traction is provided from the national high voltage
power system. The feeding-points, the railway-transformer-stations, are usually
connected to the 120 kV voltage level with two-sided feeding. The configuration of
our substations is usually V ', however, some " T " configurations can also be found
at older or inferior places. In the transformer stations the electrical energy is

converted to the appropriate voltage level needed by the electric locomotions, and is
provided through the overhead-lines in sufficient quantities continuously.

The Electrical Traction Department has considerable interest in the uninterrupted

supply, that is why it tries to keep the system working in case of maintenance, or
break-down, as well. The design of the traction-supply-substations are suitable for this
safety policy, they usually have more than one transformer and feeding cells.

In Hungary, the railway-transformer-stations convert the electrical energy from the

120 kV voltage level to a solidly- earthed 25 kV 50 Hz AC single-phase system.
One end of the transformer coil, being on potential, feeds the overhead-line network,
while the other end, being straight-grounded, is connected to the rails.

The range of the feeding voltage is 19 - 27.5 kV, with a 25 kV +10% -24%
nominal value. In accordance with this, control transformers, or voltage-switchable
transformers are used.

The railway overhead-line system is a special transmission network that transfers
electrical energy, and, on the other hand, it is a feeder at every point of it through
the current-collectors to the locomotions. This network is a double radial type one
from the substations to the overhead-line network, and the substation - feeders are
connected parallel.


When establishing an electrical traction system, the basic principle is the necessity of
the uninterrupted power supply. A transformer station should have feeders at least
from two directions, and there should be more than one transformer in the substation.
The design of the supply cells should provide stand-by feeders, the overhead-line
network should be able to be sectionalized in order to separate a possible failure to
a minimal extension. A stand-by feeder should also be able to take over the duty of
another one that has been switched off for any reasons.

The basic principle of the maintenance activities at a traction department is to reduce

troubles to the railway operation to a minimal level, of course, without any unjustified
extra expenses. The widely used live line working seems to be a solution to the
railway-overhead-line maintenance.

In 1989 we got in touch with the DEDASZ Electrical Utility of the Hungarian
Electricity Board /MVM/, tha basic company for Live Line Working in Hungary.
That year the experts of the Hungarian State Railways were invited to the LLW
Training Centre where after a lecture on the principle of the method we were also
able to watch the practice of a team being trained. It was the first time when the
idea occured that the LLW system having been elaborated by the DEDASZ might be
adapted to the maintenance of the Hungarian State Railways’ overhead-lines.

Two methods of LLW seem to be suitable to establish this technology at our works:

- The "distance-method" could be utilized at those places where not only undisturbed
railway-operation is a must, but the space for the trains, the clearance, should also be
kept free.

- The other method may be the "working on-potential" at those places where a certain
part of the railways is available without any serious troubles, but as a part of the
whole system, that section of the overhead-lines mustn’t be switched off. For
example, at a railway station with heavy traffic, the maintenance of a part of the
overhead-line network belonging to one or more circuits may be carried out in this

Firstly, we studied the possibilities of the "distance method", taking into consideration
the voltage level of the railway overhead-line system. In order to get some
experiences, we carried out several trials with the efficient help of the LLW
Department of the DEDASZ Utility.

The conclusions of these trials have been encouraging. Some modifications on the
protective covers and on the hot-sticks have been made. When adapting these tools,
we also accomplished the electrical and mechanical tests on the protective covers
according to the IEC 78/S/49 Draft, and on the hot-sticks according to the IEC
Publication 855, in accordance with the voltage level and mechanical stress typical at
the railway-overhead-line system. The covers and hot-sticks met the requirements
under the most unfavourable electrical and mechanical conditions.

The electric withstand voltage tests were also carried out on the covers with
contaminated surfaces (for example with oil-paint, enamel-paint, or thinners on). These
tests were also succesful.

33- 6
It is an experimental period for LLW to establish it with the Hungarian State
Railways. The technical and administrative regulations needed to have the work go
on have been elaborated. Our teaching and training system is ready to commence. The
first electricians trained for this work have justified the method with real live works.

Our possible jobs with LLW:

- Painting the steel structures in the overhead-line network without having it made

- Connections and disconnections of conductors with the voltage on.

- Covering the conductors when a third party is working near our live equipment.

- Inspecting conductor joints, insulators and contactors while the system is operating.

- Measuring the height of the conductor and the insulating clearances, as stated in the
standards, with the voltage on.

- Working on the feeder line with undisturbed traction- operation.

- Replacing insulators in the spanned conductor system.

Our next task in development is to work out the LLW regulations needed for
installation, operation, inspection, trouble-shooting and preventing operation troubles
as well, as for maintenance and repairing. Upon these regulations our trained and
authorized personnels can perform their activities economically and in safety.

In our long-range plan we are going

- to establish LLW methods and LLW attitude to the maintenance system of the
Hungarian State Railways,

- to elaborate and to establish the "on potential" LLW-technique in the overhead-line



The economic situation of our country and that of her greatest enterprise, the
Hungarian State Railways, are not favourable to utilize the LLW technology for
maintenance of the overhead-line system. For the time being, the operational demands
do not urge on it, either, due to the stagnation of the economy.

However, keeping this in mind, we insist on spreading the utilization of this highly
advanced technology, in the expectation that fee advantages it provides will also help
us to recover and to join up the developed world.

PAKS Ta m ási

i 120 kV
VA 1 7 3 / 1 0 . 2
*—Jí—t__h“6^" VDC 1 4 5/ 2
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SOHK 1 2 - 3 1 . 5 ^ FFOK 123 1 2 0. / ?/
0,1 : / 5 / 0,1 / 3 kV
"R ","T " f á z i s b a n SO HK 12- 31,5
HPGE 11-13
RHTF- 60/136
AOK 1 2 3
4*250/1/1/1 A
VA 123/10,2

CESU - 35
500/5/5/5 A 12 0 0 0 / 1 2 0

O 12 M VA

VA 3 3 / 1 0 , 2


2 5 / 0 , 1 kV

b2 CP CESU - 35
500/5/5/5 A

A © b1

C E S U - 35 CESU - 3 5
300/5/5/5 A 0 500/5/5/5 A

Q 25 0/25 /8 00 P * =0 250/25/800
RHTF 6 0 I 5 0 RHTF 6 0 / 5 0

A© b A O S z a b 2 5 / i o ¡pj; A© P

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n t e b u - 25
2 5 / 0 , 1 kV

C E S U - 35 25 kV CESU - 3 5
500/5/5/5 A
0 eb 50 0/5/5/5 A

BV A ®
VA 33/10,2 'H Z 3 - VA 3 3 / 1 0. 2

Al.BV Al.BT To Al.PT Al PV

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"BELECSKA" Scheme of a typical 120/25 kV

MÁV Transformer Station.

Pécs 1984. XI, 1.


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