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o…/ W/o……
Resident of
… … … .. ………
re d in el ec toral roll of r an d na me
… … … ..o f part numbe
Serial N o… ……..
tion)………… ule 4 of the
(Polling Sta dia, under R
si on of In by the
tion Comm is l rolls where
fo rm ed that the Elec ed th e fo rm at of electora te d in th e said
in , has modifi in
It is hereby R u l es , 19 60 lso be re qu ir ed to be pr
of Electors tails, will a
Registration ith other de
o of th e el ector, alongw * your photog
raph is
phot o yo ur notice that quality
b ro ug ht t nt ly g oo d
th e abo ve sa id Rules, it is is ol d an d is of not sufficie
28(2) of ilable photo
2. Under Rule ersigned/ *ava
b le on re co rds of the und de r pre p aration. ……….(plac
not avai la
n in ph ot o electoral roll un y o ur ow n cost at… I de nt it y
io present at o to
for incorporat quired to be raphy and issue of an El
ectoral Ph
yo u ar e re
3. Hence, …(hrs) for ph
by the Gover
ate) at……… will be borne office, which gi
on…………(d co st o f ph ot og ra ph
b e en re ceived in this dres s in
Th e ha s ad
Card to you. t no response and registered
e iss ue d to you earlier, bu ri ly re sid en t at the place t o ra l ro l l.
er er ordina e said elec
*4. Notices w you are no long registered in th
of the fact that continue to be that in case
presumption t en tit le d to le Act, 1950
ns tit ue nc y and are thus no e pr es en ta tion of Peop p l a c e o r otherwise
the Co R
de r Se ct io n22 of the ai d ap po in ted date and ll w ithout any
un es e electoral ro
5. Take notice ot og ra ph y on the afor of f fr om th
pear for ph be struck
you fail to ap ur name will
re s po n d to this notice, yo Seal of
fail to Signature and
further notice
gi st ra tion Officer
Electoral Re ituency
sembl Const

applicable otice
chever is not Service of N
*Strike off whi Certificate of
pe rs on to whom the
Signature of g se rved
notice is be in
00_ on
of ………… ,2
me on th is ……… day
ed by
s been serv e.
the Notice ha ly/ by affixation on residenc
Certified that ..… … .. pe r s on al
... ...
(name)……..... ial
e serving offic
Signature of th



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