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You applied to Codelco’s company and you have been called to an-interview!

Prepare your responses with your own information.

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself

You: My name is Paula Gonzalez, i am 46 years old, I have 4 children (3 woman

and 1 men), I live in Placeres, Valparaiso, Chile with my husband and children. At
the moment I working in Carlos Van Buren Hospital when call taker and radio
operator in base SAMU coast.

Interviewer: What is your greatest strength?

You: My greatest strength is good relationship with the persons, in my daily life
and working. I am also characterized by being a responsible, honest and
trustworthy person.

Regarding work and meeting objectives, I am quite persistent and very flexible to
adapt to new technological trends that arise over time.

Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?

You: My greatest weakness is being too perfectionist and detail-oriented, I am

also too self-critical, when I should evaluate my performance and improve
respectively. Although I like to have good relationships with my environment, it is
quite difficult for me to speak and present a topic in public when it is massive.

Interviewer: Why are you leaving your job?

You: I really like my current job, but thinking about a better future and career
development, I would like to work in a position or field directly associated with
my knowledge, business administration specifically. And I feel that Codelco is the
perfect place to gain experience, as well as provide me with job stability.

Interviewer: Why did you resign?

You: For the same reason expressed in the previous question, since I feel that it is
the best option to polish my professional profile and forge myself in my field.
Also prioritizing the economic stability that Codelco can offer me as it is one of
the most recognized companies in the mining sector.

Interviewer: What are your salary

You: My salary expectative starts at one million Chilean pesos, considering that I
am a recent graduate and I am gaining experience in the administrative area and
mining sector, however, with projections of increasing it within the first six

In my opinion it is a moderate amount taking into account my level of study and


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