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[0118] • multiple imprinting on more than one

Access Devices Regulation Act (RA 8484) transaction record, sales slip or similar
Access Device (Sec. 3.a) document, thereby making it appear that the
• Card device holder has entered into a transaction
• Plate other than those which said device holder had
• Code lawfully contracted for, or submitting without
• Account number being an affiliated merchant, an order to collect
• Electronic serial number from the issuer of the access device, such extra
• Personal identification number (PIN) sales slip through an affiliated merchant who
connives therewith, or, under false pretenses of
In essence, Other means of account access to being an affiliated merchant, present for
obtain money, good, services or any other collection such sales slips, and similar
thing or value or to initiate a transfer of funds documents;
(other than a transfer originated solely by paper • disclosing any information imprinted on the
instrument) access device, such as, but not limited to, the
account number or name or address of the
Account Access device holder, without the latter's authority or
- ability to access account and transaction permission;
information on Accounts, transfer funds • obtaining money or anything of value
between Accounts and make payments from through the use of an access device, with intent
accounts through the Internet to defraud or with intent to gain and fleeing
Features of the Law • having in one's possession, without authority
from the owner of the access device or the
Credit Card access device company, an access device, or any
- open–end credit plan material, such as slips, carbon paper, or any
other medium, on which the access device is
Prohibited Acts (Sec. 9) written, printed, embossed, or otherwise
•producing, using, trafficking in one or more indicated;
counterfeit access devices • writing or causing to be written on sales slips,
•Using, with intent to defraud, an unauthorized approval numbers from the issuer of the access
access devices. device of the fact of approval, where in fact no
•using an access device fraudulently applied such approval was given, or where, if given,
for; what is written is deliberately different from the
•possessing one or more counterfeit access approval actually given;
devices or access devices fraudulently applied •making any alteration, without the access
for; device holder's authority, of any amount or
• producing, trafficking in, having control or other information written on the sales slip;
custody of, or possessing device-making or •effecting transaction, with one or more access
altering equipment without being in the devices issued to another person or persons, to
business or employment, which lawfully deals receive payment or any other thing of value
with the manufacture, issuance, or distribution • without the authorization of the issuer of the
of such equipment; access device, soliciting a person for the
• inducing, enticing, permitting or in any purpose of —
manner allowing another, for consideration or 1) offering an access device; or
otherwise to produce, use, traffic in counterfeit 2) selling information regarding or an
access devices, unauthorized access devices or application to obtain an access device; or
access devices fraudulently applied for;
• without the authorization of the credit card circumstances of such loss upon knowledge of
system member or its agent, causing or loss
arranging for another person to present to the
member or its agent, for payment, one or more CASES
evidence or records of transactions made by Cruz v. People, GR No. 210266, 7 June 2017
credit card. • Cruz was accused of having in his possession
counterfeit access devices
Frustrated and Attempted Access Device Fraud • A Citibank Visa Card when he was purchasing
(Sec.12) from Duty Free Philippines perfume worth
Frustrated US$96.00.
• Any person who performs all the acts of • He purchased Ferragamo shoes but could not
execution which would produce any of the present a valid ID in the same name as the
unlawful acts enumerated in Section 9 of this credit card
Act, but which nevertheless does not produce it • Credit card transactions were disapproved.
by reason of causes independent of the will of • The credit card was captured from Cruz and
said person, shall be punished with two-thirds turned over to the CIDG
(2/3) of the fine and imprisonment provided • Credit card was not marked and identified
for the consummated offenses listed in said during pre-trial but certification that it is a
section. counterfeit was presented
Attempted • RTC: Guilty; CA: denied appeal because
• Any person who commences the commission prosecution had sufficiently established
of any of the unlawful acts enumerated in possession
Section 9 of this Act directly by overt acts and ISSUE:
does not perform all the acts of execution Is a credit card an access device?
which would produce the said acts by reason of Yes, because it is used for the purpose of
some cause or accident other than said person's obtaining money, goods, property, labor or
own spontaneous desistance, shall be punished services or anything of value on credit.
with one half (1/2) of the fine and What is the corpus delicti of the crime of
imprisonment provided for the consummated possession of a counterfeit access device?
offenses listed in the said section. What is prohibited is the possession and use of
a counterfeit access device.
Intent to defraud for credit cards Therefore, the corpus delicti of the crime is not
• A cardholder who abandons or surreptitiously merely the access device, but also any evidence
leaves the place of employment, business or that proves that it is counterfeit.
residence stated in his application for credit Does the non-presentation and non-marking of
card, without informing the credit card the credit card render it inadmissible?
company of the place where he could actually No. The presentation of a certification that it
be found, if at the time of such abandonment or was counterfeit which makes the possession
surreptitious leaving, the outstanding and and use of the access device illegal.
unpaid balance is past due for at least ninety
(90) days and is more than Ten thousand pesos Soledad v. People, GR No. 184274, 23 February
(P10,000) shall be prima facie presumed to 2011
have used his credit card with intent to defraud. • Henry received a call from a credit card agent
who offering a Citifinancing loan assistance at a
IN CASE OF LOSS low interest rate. Henry gave his information
LOSS OF ACCESS DEVICES including his Globe handy phone original
•The holder thereof must notify the issuer of platinum gold card, IDs and statement of
the access device of the details and accounts.
• He was being charged for 5 mobile numbers the credit card and the issuance of a
bearing his name, photo ID and forged supplementary card.
signature ISSUE:
• His Citibank database was altered and he had What is a pre-screened client?
a pending application with Metrobank • Filing of application and form submission has
•Entrapment. Arrested Mark Soledad who been dispensed with.
pretended to be Henry when the card was • Upon receipt of the card, the pre-screened
presented. He was charged with possessing a client has the option to accept or to reject the
counterfeit access device or access device credit card.
fraudulently applied for. • The receipt of the credit card by signing a
•RTC: Guilty. CA: denied appeal. receipt and using it is the contractual
Issue: relationship between the parties.
Was Soledad in possession of the counterfeit Did Mr. Sarda receive the credit card?
card? • No proof that Ms. Tandogon had the authority
Yes. Animus possidendi is a state of mind, the to receive the card.
presence or determination of which is largely •The use of the card, faced with the denial that
dependent on attendant events in each case. It it was issued to Mr. Sarda, places the burden on
may be inferred from the prior or BPI to prove that it was indeed used by Mr.
contemporaneous acts of the accused, as well Sarda.
as the surrounding circumstances. Did BPI observe the duty imposed on banks?
• No, it did not. Banks are prohibited now from
Proof of possession issuing pre-approved credit cards.
•Prior to commission: obtained documents • Banks must exercise proper diligence by
• Obtained cell phones ascertaining that applicants possess good credit
•Applied for a credit card under Henry's name standing and are financially capable of fulfilling
and used the collected documents their credit commitments. must exercise proper
•He received the credit card after showing the diligence by ascertaining that applicants possess
IDs and signed the acknowledgment. good credit standing and are financially capable
of fulfilling their credit commitments.
BPI v. Spouses Sarda, GR No. 239092, 26 June
• Ram Sarda was pre-qualified to receive a
credit card.
• BPI issued a credit card in Ram Sarda's name
which was received by Ms. Tandogon, who was
also issued a supplemental card in her name.
• Ram Sarda failed to pay his credit card
statement amounting to PHP 1,213, 114.19
• Sarda claimed that he did not apply for or
have received the credit card issued by BPI..
•RTC: Ordered to pay because an employee
received the credit card which may have been
done on his behalf. Sarda failed to call the
attention of BPI of the non-receipt of the credit
card when it received the first billing statement
• CA: granted appeal because BPI failed to
prove that Mr. Sarda had physical possession of
[0125] -All persons/entity engaged in any trade,
PHILIPPINE COMPETITION ACT industry and commerce in the Republic of the
Forms of rivalry -Those engaged in international trade having
-Price direct, substantial and reasonable foreseeable
-Quality effects in trade, industry or commerce in the
-Services Philippines even those outside of the
-Combination of any Philippines.(extraterritoriality)

MONOPOLY In relation to 4(h) Entity means all

Join acquisition or maintenance by members of -person, natural or juridical
a conspiracy formed for that purpose, of the -Sale proprietorship
power to control and dominate trade and -Partnership
commerce in a commodity to such an extent -Combination or association, in any form:
that they are able, as a group, to exclude actual Incorporated or not
or potential competitors from the field, Domestic or foreign
accompanied with the intention or purpose to GOCC or not, directly or indirect in any
exercise such power. economic activity
-Trade association to promote quality standards
Purpose of anticompetitive laws and safety issues
To ensure that these trusts did not permanently
undermine competition in these or other Excluded:
markets. -Combination of employees (Association of
Anti-Trust Law -Agreements or arrangements with
Legal arrangements where someone is given employers(CBA)
ownership of property to hold solely for
Controlled or threatened to control entire *It is not illegal to have market power or to use
nationwide markets for rail transport, steel, it.
petroleum, banking and related lines of What is illegal is if it has the purpose, effect, or
commerce. likely effect of substantially preventing,
restricting, or lessening competition.
Purpose of competition – to encourage 1. Object or effect
competition to protect consumers. To level the 2. Action prevents, restricts or lessens
playing field. Level playing field. Everyone plays competition
by the rules. 3. Substantial

*What pillar was violated. How was it Violated. Substantial lessening of competition. HOW
EX: In doing so, X substantially lessened 1. Consider the likely state of future
competition which is detrimental to the interest competition in the market with and without the
of the consumers. impugned conduct; and
2. On the basis of such consideration, conclude
Coverage: whether the conduct has the proscribed anti-
competitive purpose or effect
-Even if there is an increase in price, consumers
RELEVANT MARKET would not turn to substitutes.
-Where supplier would gain profit from
Define market first. monopoly, then there is relevant market.
To ascertain which competitors have the power
to restrict the behavior of the undertakings SUBSTITUTABILITY (see IRR)
under examination.
Will a firm have market power? Will they have a
dominant position?

Relevant Market
Market in which a particular good or service is
sold and which is a combination of the relevant
product market and relevant geographic market

Relevant product market

Comprises all those goods and/or services
which are regarded as interchangeable or
substitutable by the consumer or the customer,
by reason of the goods and/or services’
characteristics, their prices, and heir intended
use; and

Relevant Geographic Market

Comprises the area in which the entity
concerned is involved in the supply and demand
of goods and services, in which the conditions
of competition are sufficiently homogenous and
which can be distinguished from neighboring
areas because the conditions of competition are
different in those area

If sufficient numbers of buyers are likely to
switch to alternative products and the lost sales
would make such price increase unprofitable,
then the hypothetical market should not be
considered a relevant market for the basis of
litigation or regulation.

If there is SSNIP in price that would make

consumers turn away, then this is not a relevant


[0201] Continuation of Philippines Competition THERE IS NO DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ANY
Act LEGITIMATE INSURER. There might be two
Drivers had to secure in the acquisition that groups but these two groups also composed of
there was monopoly; several insurance companies. It just so happens
The case shows that even without the PCA, that they had to group it according to odd or
there are already regulations that sought to even so that there would be more efficient and
curtail monopoly; as instructed by the 1987 more orderly, but in the particular group there
Constitution. Here, LTFRB mandated passenger are several insurance companies that will also
accidents insurance requirements for public be available to give insurance coverage to the
utility vehicles and issued Memorandum public utility vehicle. SO in that particular group
Circular with a two group system such that there is still competition it is not just limited to
certainty. one action, collectively they are referred to
PAMI vs Great domestic Insurance. family collected….
There is monopoly which will curtail free
Simply there is no restraint on trade and there APPLY WHETHER FAMILY OR GENERAL
is competition, and the memorandum circular INSURANCE. PAMI general insurance is not
of the LTFRB did not curtail free competition engaged in insurance business, they are just a
amongst insurance businesses; no violation of group or a consortium, but actually it’s the
equal protection and substantive due process. members of the consortium that will be selling
Monopoly and competition in restraint of trade insurances to the public. Meaning there is no
SC: restraint in competition.
While embracing free enterprise is an economic
freedom, the constitution does not totally HOW TO DETERMINE IF THERE IS RESTRAINT ON
prohibit the operation of monopolies. So there COMPETITION, IF IT IS SUBSTANTIAL LESSENING
is permission from the Supreme Court in OF COMPETITION, take a look at the
interpreting the constitution, “monopoly is not circumstances prior to the act and then after.
in itself bad” but the state must regulate that How it’s going to be affected by whatever is the
this monopoly will not work against public part of the pillars of the Philippine Competition
interest. Once public interest and consumer act.
welfare is no longer promoted, then these KEYWORDS when talking about the Philippine
monopolies are evil. Wordings of Atty. Tadeo. Competitions Act, to say that it is unlawful, it
In those situation where it is no longer should be:
beneficial to the consumer welfare that’s the
time that the state should either deem to “Substantial lessening of competition” SLC–
regulate it. there is substantial lessening of competition in
the relevant market that will not serve
UNLAWFUL IN THIS CASE. It is promoting public
interest. The purpose of an insurance, in case Prohibited Acts (Three Pillars)
passenger suffer any accident it is the insurance 1) Anti-competitive merger and acquisitions
that will pay for any injury of the passenger, this 2) Anti-competitive agreement
is beneficial to the riding public. In this 3) Abuse of dominant position – there must be
particular type of monopoly, there is no abuse
restraint on competition because it is beneficial
to the public, it protects the riding public. 1) Anti-competitive merger and acquisitions
Merger is the joining of two or more entities
into an existing entity or to form a new one.
There is someone who does not survive if it is to because they control the entire market 100%,
form a new one. they have the ability to increase prices and
ie. merger of BPI and Robinsons Bank reduce quality.
Purpose of Merger Review by the Philippine
Why does entities merge? Competition Commission
1. economies of scale – in order to survive This is the way by which the PCC intervenes in
merge with another entity who has certain these situations, it now regulates anti-
abilities that they could take advantage of, and competition, anti-competitive merger and
to maximize profit. acquisition.
ie. BPI is strong contender in the universal and The purpose is to avert structural changes that
commercial banking; RB has equity in digital would damage incentives for businesses to
banking; SLU and UC; nike and apple compete. Simply they would be the one to
2. efficiencies for better bargaining power, make sure that there is no structural changes
market power and management that would lead to anticompetitive practices or
it is done when a company starts to pivot, or that would deter from free competition.
include other businesses in their line of
business; expand business. Two kinds of Merger Review:
ie. instead of starting from scratch, take 1. ex ante merger control (before merger and
advantage of their technology; acquisition) – present in the Philippines; more
3. profitability preventative that there would be no abuse of
dominance that cannot happen by merger and
There is a problem when it increases the price acquisition
or when it downgrades quality, meaning 2. ex post merger control (after merger and
merger and acquisition is anti-competitive acquisition)

Purchase acquisitions – purchase of securities Advantages of Merger Review:

and assets; the purchase is to obtain control; 1. prevents potential damage to consumers –
can be done by one entity of the whole or part because it happens before; the PCC will not
of another, two or more entities over another, approve if it determines that it is
one or more entities over one or more entities; anticompetitive, so before it happens it is
meaning you can have an agreement with already being prevented; it is more timely.
another entity to purchase another business, or
one entity purchases part of the business or the The difficulty if it is after, the damage will have
whole already been done.

Ultimate Parent Entity (UPE) – juridical entity Even if there is merger and acquisition, that is
that directly or indirectly controls a party to the valid under obligations and contracts, it cannot
transaction and is not controlled by any other be consummated because there is no approval
entity. ie. Robinsons bank, the UPE is from the PCC. What would an otherwise be a
Gokongwei; SM development Corporation, …; valid contract between parties can be rendered
unlawful, void cannot be cleared by the PCC and
Prohibited Merger and Acquisition – those that the consequence is as if there was no contract,
prevent, restrict, or lessen competition in the as if there was no merger and acquisition.
relevant market.

Eg. PAL – market share of 40%; Cebu Pac – 60%. Triggers for Review - not every merger and
If they merge into Philippine Pacific Airlines; is it acquisition will be subject of review by the PCC
Anti-competitive merger and acquisitions? Yes,
Compulsory Notification – depends on the size compulsory notification, show and prove that it
of the person (soP) and size of the transaction is not anti-competitive by showing whatever is
(soT) gained in the merger will be greater than what
Motu proprio by the PCC – if they were is now going to be the consequence to the
required to submit themselves for review but limitation in competition, in other words, the
failed to notify, or if it is noticeable that there joining of the two entities, the merger and
was already consummation without any acquisitions, will be beneficial to consumer
clearance; referred to as gun jumping or benefit, and even if there are going to be some
jumping the gun, meaning that you adverse effects, it still is going to be less
consummate something that needs clearance compared to the benefits. Simply, that the good
first outweighs the bad. Greater improvement in the
quality of goods and keep the cost of prices at a
Compulsory Notification – seek clearance from minimum increase which is more beneficial.
the PCC; triggers: b) the other entity is in imminent financial
a) size of transaction(soT) – if the value of the failure
transaction exceeds 2.9 billion, the properties similar to social justice, instead of allowing the
and equities that will be purchased; according entity to continue to fail, the best thing to do
to 2023 Circular issued by the PCC; the law would be to purchase or acquire the entity,
states 1 billion; because there is some good that could happen
it is considered as one transaction, a successive if it is purchased.
transaction or acquisition of part or one or Show and prove through financial statements.
more entities within a period of one year
between same parties. What is not prohibited is – acquisition of stock
b) size of person(soP) – presence of one is for investment, purpose is only for investment,
enough to trigger notification; aggregate gross to make money from the purchase of the shares
annual revenue (not income), or the value of of stocks not to exercise control.
assets of the ultimate parent entity, the
resulting entity would be 7 billion (2023 Defense in Merger and Acquisition (yes we are
Issuance of PCC) submitting ourselves for compulsory
notification and we are saying that)
if equity acquired in the company, if one entity a) there exist substantial efficiencies created by
purchases 35% control, or if there is already the merger and acquisition;
35% and they are purchasing more that is now efficiencies meaning it will reduce or be
additional 50%, then this will qualify for beneficial for the prices, economies of scale will
compulsory notification. 35% means there is be improved, produce more with lesser cost,
sizeable control over the entity, it is not meaning prices will not be increased;
necessary that it be 50%, the threshold is 35% efficiencies created by having all the manpower
which will be beneficial to the consumer
PCC has motu proprio ability to make “always frame defenses for CONSUMER
determination if the merger and acquisition is WELFARE”
Exemptions from Prohibited Mergers and Standard: Substantial lessening of competition
Acquisitions: (SLC)
a) gains in efficiencies that are greater than the Who has the burden of proof: if you want to
effects of any limitation on competition prove exemptions (same principles under the
Not all mergers and acquisitions would be anti- law), the ones claiming exemptions should show
competitive, if the entity qualifies for the (a) gains from the merger outweigh the losses in
the lessening of competition, or b) that there is a) Approved by government agency tasked over
financial instability of one of the parties) it (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas - Banks, banking
institutions, building and loan associations, trust
Notification is done at the end of the companies; Insurance Commission - insurance
negotiations, meaning the contract has been companies; LTFRB/LTO - public utilities;
finalized. CHED/DEPED - educational institutions), and
b) PCC
Phase One: Notification will be …, the PCC will
issue a notice of sufficiency and payment of Approval of Merger and Acquisition is Final,
filing fee; some information that might be except if it is obtained via fraudulent means.
obtained by the PCC (further investigations Final means it is not subject of appeal; It is
wherein certain documents will be required to subject of Review via Petition for Certiorari Rule
be submitted). After this, the PCC rules on 65
whether or not to clear the merger or
acquisition. PCC can A TRO cannot be issued by the RTC, only from
a) prohibit outright, or the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court.
b) prohibit unless parties modify (1. structural,
meaning they may dispose certain assets and no
longer be engaging in this business in such Cases
aspect which is causing the substantial lessening 1. Previous case on Sugar, Universal Robinsons
of competition; 2. Every action shall have engaged in sugar business took a look at the
behavioral remedies [ie. price control relevant markets who included molasses in
commitments, that they will not increase prices refining sugar and sought to determine if in this
above this]), or area there is anti-competition. There was. That
c) prohibit unless they enter into enforceable is why the PCC did not clear the merger and
agreement (undertakings by the merging acquisition.
parties or the surviving in case of acquisition on
How to avoid lessening substantial 2. BPI and Robinsons Bank (decided 2023)
competition), or Merger and Acquisition case determined by the
d) clearing or approving it. PCC
Engaged in Banking; BPI is the surviving entity.
If there is no action within the prescribed The market share: BPI is the 3rd largest bank in
period, the merger is deemed approved. 90 the country
days. Relevant product market: (to determine if
there is monopoly in this certain areas)
In mergers and acquisition, to consummate a) Deposits in Universal Bank(UB) and
means all those agreements or undertakings Commercial Bank(KB)
under the contract of merger and acquisition b) Deposits in Thrift Bank(TB)
will already be given effect. c) Loans offered by Universal Commercial
Entities under PCA, wherein PCC must approve d) Credit Card Issuance
(considered to be of public interest): e) Trust Management
Banks, banking institutions, building and loan f) Life Insurance offered thru Bancassurance
associations, trust companies, insurance g) Merchant Acquiring
companies, public utilities, educational h) Commercial Leasing
institutions, other special Relevant Geographic Market: Nationwide
(because there are branches all over the
Two approvals: country)
Pre Bank
Difference Between Universal Banking and Transaction
Commercial Banking: (the existence of allied Deposits in Significant No
investments) Universal share Significant
There are certain things that a KB can engage in, Bank(UB) and share
can have control over which is not going to be a Commercial
deterrent for UB because they can do allied and Bank(KB)
non-allied financial investments Deposits in Top 20 in Top 20 in
Thrift the market the market
Trust Management – banks are incharged of Bank(TB)
mananging certain assets of other people; Loans offered Significant No
utilized in mutual funds. by Universal share Significant
Commercial share
Bancassurance – because banks cannot engage Bank(UKB)
directly in insurance, it is an offshoot of the Credit Card Significant No
bank Issuance share Significant
Merchant Acquiring – purchasing certain Trust Significant No
assets; they pay for goods that are purchased Management share Significant
by other individuals share
Life Insurance No No
Commercial Leasing – leasing business or offered thru Significant Significant
properties for commercial use Bancassurance share share
Merchant No Top industry
Relevant Market Acquiring Significant players
Relevant Product Relevant Geographic market
market Market share
Deposits in Universal Commercial No No
Bank(UB) and Leasing Significant Significant
Commercial share share
Deposits in Thrift
Bank(TB) Market Share Pre Combined BPI
Loans offered by Transaction
Universal Deposits in Universal Retain market share
Commercial Bank(UB) and
Bank(UKB) Commercial Bank(KB)
Credit Card Issuance Deposits in Thrift No significant
Trust Management Bank(TB) market, negligible
Life Insurance increase
offered thru Loans offered by Retain market share
Bancassurance Universal
Merchant Acquiring Commercial
Commercial Leasing Bank(UKB)
Credit Card Issuance Retain market share
Trust Management Retain market share
Market Share BPI Robinsons Life Insurance
offered thru Anti-competitive Agreements
Bancassurance Definition. Any type or form of contract
Merchant Acquiring BPI will not even (regardless of whether it’s in writing, electronic,
reach Top 5 public instrument, should have been in a public
Commercial Leasing instrument but it’s just in writing),
understanding, collective recommendation, or
Ruling: PCC approved the merger of BPI and concerted action, whether formal or informal,
Robinsons bank because there is no substantial explicit or tacit, written, or oral. Done by any
lessening of competition. The post transaction entity (including government-owned and
market share is insufficient. It is at its peak right controlled corporation)
now and even with the merger with Robinsons
bank it’s not going to be affected by it. Banking Gentleman’s agreement is covered. Everything
is highly competitive. Through the existence of and everyone
its competitors, they will not put a pressure on
the surviving entity to continue or to maintain Horizontal Competitors – they are two or more
its prices to improve the efficiency in the quality businesses competing at the same level in the
of goods. It’s not going to cause substantial market, and that they are buying or selling
lessening of competition, the gains outweigh interchangeable goods or services.
the losses.
Bank Clients, people switch. SNIPP, a little Ie. fuji, canon, sony –horizontal competitors of
increase in prices, meaning that the interest is one another. Wholesalers against wholesalers;
going to be lower because of the merger, retailers against retailers; NOT wholesalers
people will switch banks because they are against retailers (NOTE be careful).
sensitive to changes in the prices. So there can
be no monopoly. They are not competitors if they are controlled
by a common entity.
Competition, if there is a merger, will that
foreclose or will it be a bar for competitors They are unable to decide or act independently
because there is now control over the market of one another. ie Jollibee foods corporation
share, will the merged firm occupy a dominant and Mang Inasal, they are not competitors
position post transaction? NO, by analysis, it will because they have the same parent company
remain as is.
What are not Anti-competitive agreements?
Post transaction for loan products: 50%, Those that contribute into the production or
optimistic assessment, it is the ceiling already; it distribution of goods and services, or
is not enough to foreclose rivals To promote technical or economic progress (ie.
Bancassurance products: insurance done by agreement that all electronic companies will
banks; there is no significant market share, top establish technohub in SLU, it is an agreement
10 and it will remain as such among them because they are promoting
Commercial leasing: there are a lot of technical progress)
competitors so they cannot enjoy any
monopoly. What are the Prohibited agreements?
Merchant acquiring services: other competitors per se rules (on its own/ by itself anti-
can engage competitive)
objects rule (consecquences)
March 9, 2023 – Merger Approved.
Per se prohibited: (immediately unlawful)
a) Restricting competition as to price, any ethical and anti-competitive can coexist. Let the
component thereof, or other terms of trade; people decide according to prices.
b) Price-Fixing, Bid-Rigging, Output Limitation US filed a suit because the engineer’s
and Market Sharing. Fixing price at an auction canon of ethics prohibit members from
or in any form of bidding, including cover submitting competitive bids for engineering
bidding, bid suppression, bid rotation and services. They cannot give information as to the
market allocation, and other analogous prices of their services to prospective
practices of bid manipulation. (ie. construction consumers. Engineering should not be based on
company, they will agree that they will make a prices, it should be based on the quality of
bid and will respectively take turn to bid the service that is the reason why they cannot give
lowest amount) any information about the cost of services.
The National Society of Professional
Price fixing is a per se violation because there is Engineers defended the canon, arguing that it
almost always a tendency to restrict was adopted to minimize the risk that
competition. Restrict competition meaning they competition would produce inferior engineering
can dictate on the prices already, always work endangering public safety. However, the
guaranty a profit regardless of the Supreme Court rejected this justification. It held
consequences of consumer welfare. that the canon, by banning competitive bidding,
They increase prices to decrease output. By restrained trade within the meaning of Section
decreasing the output they can always control 1 of the Sherman Act.
the prices. The Court stated that the Rule of
Reason does not support a defense based on
Conclusively presumed to be unreasonable the assumption that competition itself is
because they lack reviewing value. There is no unreasonable. It emphasized that the Sherman
argument of gains in efficiency. Act is predicated on the assumption that
“competition is the best method of allocating
Defense in case of Price-fixing: deny that there resources” in the nation’s economy.
is price-fixing, it is the only remedy because it is
conclusively presumed. US Case (1940) – pertains to oil, diesel and
gasoline. Major oil company selling gasoline in
Rule of Reason the Midwestern area, so around Texas. Over
weigh any pro-competitive and anti-competitive supply of oil, prices would be low. Demand is
effects of an agreement not enough, it is little compared to the supply.
So no one’s purchasing oil. Seller assigned to
The true test of legality of any agreement is certain buyers
whether to regulate and promote competition
or is it to suppress or destroy competition. To United States v. Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., 310
what extent is it going to suppress competition U.S. 150 (1940), a landmark decision by the
United States Supreme Court.
The Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, along with
Price-fixing agreement Case (US Case, 435 US other major oil companies, was accused of
679(1978)) price-fixing. The companies had created a
Ruling: it is anti-competitive agreement when program to buy up excess oil on the market in
the engineers cannot give any information order to stabilize prices. This was done during a
about the cost of services. Just because it is time when there was an oversupply of oil, and
conducive to ethical behavior does not mean prices were low due to insufficient demand.
that it is now promoting competition, being The Supreme Court held that this program
constituted price-fixing and was thus a per se
violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. The
Court stated that any combination that tampers
with price structures is engaged in an unlawful
activity. Even though the members of the price-
fixing group were in no position to control the
market, to the extent that they raised, lowered,
or stabilized prices they would be directly
interfering with the free play of market forces.
This case is widely cited for the proposition that
price-fixing is illegal per se.
Agreement which has the effect of raising prices
is per se anti-competitive.

Agreement among psychologist and

psychiatrists to fix the prices at 40 thousand, is
that considered anti-competitive agreement?

Prohibited depending on effect

Object or effect rule – intent is immaterial, only
the consequence
Restraint on the impact on competitive
condition, we value free competition.
The effect of the agreements, it tends to restrict
free competition.

Setting, limiting, or controlling production

markets, technical developments or
investments. (ie factory had the ability to
produce 5000 semiconductors. There will be
agreement with another entity, produce 10000,
agreed to only produce only 5000. It justifies
the raise the price, more expensive and all
other products will be expensive. Entity is
capable of producing more, they want to
maximize on profit at the expense of free

Dividing or sharing the market, whether by

volume of sales, or purchases, territory, type
of goods or services, buyers or sellers, or any
other means
ie. ChocNut same entity or same producer of
goods, substantial lessening of competition.
[0208] • Benefits to consumers
Prohibited Acts • Requirement of law
Mergers and Acquisitions (S. 1 6) • Need to respond to international competition
Anti-Competitive Agreement (S. 1 4) • Past behavior of parties
Abuse of Dominant Position (S. 15) 4. Balance competition is prevented with the
effects of overzealous intervention (exercise of
Anti-Competitive Agreement (S. 14) regulation should be enough in order to balance
-agreement between horizontal competitors, competition)
not between wholesaler and a retailer 5. Assess totality of evidence

Sec. 14 (b). Agreements between or among ABUSE OF DOMINANT POSITION

competitors which have the object or effect of For one or more entities to abuse dominant
substantially preventing, restricting or lessening position their by engaging in conduct that
competition shall be prohibited: would substantially prevent, restrict or lessen
Object or Effect Rule (take a look at the
consequences and not the intent) Determination of Dominance Rule 8 IRR
-dominance is a pre-requisite
RULE OF REASON (ROR) Dominant Position, def. Sec. 4(g). Position of
Weighs procompetitive and anticompetitive economic strength that an entity or entities
effects of an agreement hold which it makes it capable of controlling
the relevant market independently from any or
TRUE TEST OF LEGALITY a combination of the following: competitors,
Whether an agreement imposed merely customers, suppliers or consumers.
regulates and perhaps promotes competition (able to dictate prices, demand, or limit supply
or whether it is such as may suppress or even on its own - independently)
destroy competition
1. (supply) Setting, limiting, or controlling Market share is 50%
production, markets, technical development; or To be punishable: (if)
2. (demand) Dividing or sharing the market, The abuse of dominance should be for the
whether by volume of sales or purchases, purpose of substantially restricting, lessening or
territory, type of goods or services, buyers or preventing competition
sellers or any other means; Not punishable: (if)
- Maintenance or increase of market share is
Ie. selling semicon products; manufacturer through legitimate means (ie. first entity to be
agreed to sell quality products to certain engaged in such business, meaning it can enjoy
retailers, there is collusion; there is no fair play dominant position)
and competition. - Improvement of production is beneficial to
AGREEMENT Sec.26 Pricing (influence the prices)
1. Define the relevant market allegedly affected (a) predatory pricing
by the competitive agreement -undercutting the selling price of competitors
2. Determine actual or potential adverse (d) Price discrimination and discount
impact on competition (e) Loyalty rebates and discounts/ requirement
3. Adopt a broad forward-looking perspective contracts
• future market developments (g) Imposing unfair prices
(h) Monopoly Prices enterprise and other marginalized service
(b) refusal to deal Monopoly Price
(c, f) tying and bundling Discourages new entrants and subjects to
(i) Limiting output barriers to entry.
>It is abuse to (it is abusive because)
Predatory Pricing Charge a price which is excessive because it has
Selling goods or services below cost with the no reasonable relation to the economic value of
object of driving competition out of the the product.
relevant market >Example: Increase of prices of medicine which
Not abuse of dominance: (if) done in good faith were not based on non-cost factors. (but if it is
Compete with a lower price of a competitor in based on cost, then the high price will be
the same market selling the same justified)
(clear sign of predatory pricing is when the cost >Not abuse of dominant position (if)
of the good does not justify the price that was Prices that develop in the market as a result of
set) or due to a superior product or process,
business acumen or legal rights or laws shall
Price discrimination and discount (d) not be considered unfair prices (ie. patent
Setting prices or other terms and conditions rights)
that discriminate unreasonably between >We do not punish dominancy
customers or sellers of the same goods or Efficient Entity must benefit from its success (by
services imposing high prices)
EXAMPLE: Selling gasoline. Selling to gasoline
station and B at a lower price than it sells to Loyalty rebates and discounts/ requirement
station C and D. Reason: No reason for the contracts (e)
discrimination. There was a presumption of Imposing restrictions on lease or contract of
adverse effect. (it is permissible if it is justified) sale of goods or services
Permissible price differential (prices may vary Examples:
from costumer to costumer) a) Fixing prices;
1. Socialized pricing for less fortunate b) Giving discounts or rebate upon price;
2. Reflects cost of manufacture, sale or delivery c) Imposing conditions not to deal with
3. Price differential or terms or sale offered in competing entities (Example: discounted rates if
response to the competitive price of payments wholesaler only purchased from supplier)
4. Price changes in response to changing market
conditions, marketability of goods or service or Refusal to deal (b)
volume Imposing barriers to entry to prevent growing
within the market in an anti-competitive
Imposing Unfair Price (h) manner
High prices on purchase or selling price on their
competitors, customers, suppliers or consumers Tying and Bundling
(ie. manuf x selling to x1 sister company, and y; Tying - Purchase of one product is conditional
y is charged more; if no basis then it is clear on purchase of a second product
indication to drive out a competitor) Bundling – Where two products offered for sale
Imposing Unfair Price “imposing unfairly low in a bundle
purchase prices” Tying and bundling
For goods or services of marginalized - Making a transaction subject to acceptance by
agricultural producers, fisherfolk, micro other parties of obligation which, by their
nature or according to commercial usage, have as if he pleaded guilty (meaning just taking on
no connection with the transaction (h) the penalty)
- Making supply of particular goods or services - Cannot be used to prove civil liability
dependent upon the purchase of other goods or
services from the supplier which have no direct Leniency (Sec. 35) –entity seeks certain benefits
connection with the main goods or services (f) from the PCC
Immunity from Suit
Limiting Output Voluntary disclosure of information regarding
Limiting production, markets or technical anticompetitive agreement
development to the prejudice of consumers (if If:
there is limit in production, then there is limit in a. Information is new (the Commission does not
supply, meaning increase the price because know of the anticompetitive practice)
there are no more goods to satisfy the demands Or if information is not new
of the consumers) a. Entity is the first to come forward and
qualify for leniency
b. Information of commission is
Powers of the Philippine Competition insufficient to convict
Commission c. Granting leniency would not be unfair
Quasi-judicial Body to others
• Investigate and hear and decide on cases b. Upon discovery of illegal activity, it took
involving violation actions to terminate it
• Review proposed mergers and acquisitions c. Reports the matter completely, and gives
• Issue subpoena duces tecum and ad complete cooperation during investigation
testificandum d. Entity did not coerce another party to
• Original and primary jurisdiction in the participate in the activity
enforcement and regulation of competition-
related issues Cases:
Forbearance by the PCC (Sec. 28) (meaning No. 217158, March 12, 2019)
they will not implement or apply the provisions Pieces of Evidence to Establish Monopoly that is
of law in the following situations); (in order to Unlawful (elements to show)
exercise this, there must be the conduct of (1) the relevant market is that of airport
public hearing, and explanation of the non- development, maintenance, and operation
application of the Philippine Competition to (under the facts-based criteria enumerated in
certain actions by certain entities, and such Section 24 of RA No. 10667);
decision be made public) (2) the entity has achieved a dominant position
1. Enforcement is not necessary to the (under the facts- based criteria enumerated in
attainment of policy objectives Section 27 of RA No. 10667) in that relevant
2. Forbearance will neither impede competition market; and
in the market where entity operates (3) the entity commits acts constituting abuse of
3. Consistent with public interest and the dominant position (under the facts based
benefit of the welfare consumers criteria enumerated in Section 27 of RA No.
Nolo contendere
- (an entity) Does not accept or deny BOARD, PETITIONER, V. MANILA WATER
responsibility but agrees to accept punishment COMPANY, INC., RESPONDENT. G.R. No.
217590, March 10. 2020
IRR limiting Contractor's License to 60%
(Filipino) is anticompetitive
Absent any showing that the competition
expected in the construction industry, should
we open the same to foreigners, would be
unfair to our citizens, the industry should not be
restricted to Filipinos only. As opined by the
PCC, it would encourage healthy competition
among local and foreign contractors and the
market will have alternative options
depending on the needs of each construction
project. This will also open opportunities for
development and innovation that the foreign
industry may introduce to our local contractors
to make them more competitive in the world
The Supreme Court agreed with the PCC that it
is an anti-competitive policy (because there is
elimination of competitors thereby substantial
lessening of competition)
In 2015, out of the 1,600 special licenses issued,
only 20 were issued to foreign firms while 4
were issued to joint ventures with foreign
participation. PCC also showed that from 2013-
2015, a large majority of the total licenses
issued during this period did not translate to the
entry of new participants in the construction
industry. Apart from these statistics, and
considering the limited scope of the special
license, the additional burden and expenses of
securing the same scare away foreign investors.
Evidently, the assailed regulation is a deterrent
to the entry of foreign players in the
construction industry.

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