A Botched Delivery

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D E L I V E R Y The PCs are headed to a commercial

Equipped with Charin0t
Driver: Pistol (d6)
This scenario is written to tie two separate groups plaza in the Business District for
Passenger: SmartGun (d6a)
of PCs together into a central narrative. One group the handoff. They are pursued by
of PCs are fleeing from the Reaper Repo scenario
their target’s security force in a
while another group of PCs are waiting in a getaway
car. This scenario references a seed inspired by van and on a cyberbike. HP 25 Max Speed 6
Fire Starters and rules for vehicular engagement
which require the Full Auto supplement. Steel Frame -d4 Weight 2d6
Equipped with Qwest
Equipped with Push T H E D R O P O F F
Driver: Monosword (d8)
Doc Joy, the reaperdoc, is waiting
HP 20 Max Speed 6 for the PCs in a plaza in the
HP 15 Max Speed 8
Business District. The Doc is a
Steel Frame -d4 Weight 2d6
No Armor Weight 1d12 trusted ally, but is thoroughly
pissed and expectedly impatient to
Whenever a vehicle is over half its recover his stolen property. He’s
Enemies act first each round. The
Max Speed and takes 8+ damage or easy to find, however someone
Van will try to stay on the PC
fails a test with the !!! symbol, doesn’t want Doc Joy to receive this
driver’s side. At the end of each
roll on the hazard table, adding +1 package.
round (after the PCs act), roll on
each time until the encounter ends.
the Road Events table. If the enemy
vehicles lose half their HP, the PC As the party approaches, their
T H E D R I V E R Driver tests AGILITY DR12 to shake optics are still buzzing from the
the enemy vehicle and knock them out Cyberbiker’s Push ability (or so
In a round, the PC Driver can shift of the chase. If both enemy vehicles they think). As the impatient Doc
their speed, make a turn at <4 are knocked out, proceed to the drop greets them, the party’s optics shut
speed, etc. In addition to that, off. down. The PC holding the package is
they may shift speed again, use a shoved to the ground and when the
vehicle’s weapon / system (KNOWLEDGE PC’s optics finish rebooting, a very
DR12), attack with a one handed unamused Doc Joy tells them the
weapon, ram into something (AGILITY thief fled into the Cairo Market and
DR12), or do something dynamic such that they’ll get payment when they
as a handbrake turn, a high speed retrieve it. The Doc slips a
turn, and evasion (AGILITY DR8 + credstick back into his jack.
current speed).
1 - A grimy hole in the wall, reeking like the acrid stink of the
streets. Hungover salaryfolk come for artificial coffee. The
shelves are stocked with petty goods. There’s a heavily secured, C A I R O
shuttered cabinet against the north wall holding a veritable drug
den’s worth of meds. The door to the south is the front entrance.
The glass doors of a cold case are to the west of the entrance
door. An unmarked door, leading to the bathrooms, is in the
north-east corner. The clerk stands behind a cluttered counter in
the north-west corner, a double-hinged door behind him.
2 - Flickering, neon-pink lights and a slippery floor. Gunked up
cleaning supplies in the corner, including a sloppy mop bucket
and various jugs of strong chemicals. Stall 2 is an empty, filthy
toilet. A strung-out junkie is crashing in Stall 1.
3 - The Pharma Cartel pushes highly addictive substances on the
public via this unassuming bodega. The only lights here are dim
work lamps over crowded, makeshift tables. A disorganized mess of
vials, burners, syringes, pill bottles, scales, etc are
haphazardly strewn across the various surfaces. The drug is a d6
on the second half of the Drugs table (p. 66). PCs can identify
the drug with a Knowledge DR14 test. The door to the north leads
back into the streets and is barred from the inside. The door to
the south is a flimsy wooden affair leading to the back office.
4 - A cramped back office. Hastily hung shelves hold rolls of
receipt paper, various files, stacks of papers, etc. The desk has
a computer that is powered on and idle. If a PC checks the
computer, roll on one of the Net Data tables. The door to the
south is a heavier metal door with a levered handle, leading to
the walk-in cooler.
5 - Dark, loud, and breezy cooler. Crates of energy drinks,
synthetic water, and powdered beer line the walls and floor. The
thief is here, crouched behind stacks of product. If the PCs
begin to search for her, she’ll attack. If her morale drops,
she’ll attempt to jump through the drink racks (and glass doors)
along the east wall and flee out of the bodega’s front door. [Hilariously based on original art by Johan Nohr]
HP 6 Morale 7 HP 6 Morale 7 HP 5 Morale 5

Van Driver No Armor 9mm Pistol d6 Van Passenger No Armor SmartGun d6a Cyberbiker Leathers -d2 Monosword d8
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
The van driver will try to stay on the While the driver is matching the PCs Finagling a sword through the windows of
PC Driver’s side + match the PC’s speed, speed, the passenger is relentlessly a moving vehicle is incredibly
giving her passenger a clear shot. firing at the PC’s and their vehicle. difficult, so the Cyberbiker will try to
Remember, if the vehicle speeds aren’t use Push on the PCs nearest her,
PCs might figure this out + try to matched, the DR is +1 attack for each temporarily disorienting them, and going
outmaneuver the van, which will likely level between the vehicles. to work on their vehicle with her
cost the van driver her entire turn to Monosword.
get back on the PC Driver’s side. She If the driver is killed, disabled, etc -
might also shoot at or attempt to the passenger will enable the Charin0t Due to the biker’s low health and
collide with the PCs. (see left). general vulnerability on a bike, the PCs
will likely kill or ram her fairly early
If the driver is killed, disabled, etc - If the passenger is killed, disabled, in the encounter, and she knows this. As
the passenger will enable the Charin0t etc - the driver will attempt to ram the such, she’ll make the most of her Push /
system for d6 rounds, after which time PCs. Sword combo in the time she has.
the van will crash and be knocked out of
the chase.

“Kei” HP 3 Morale 3 HP 14 Morale - HP 13 Morale 10

The Bodega No 9mm Pistol Bathroom Chalked 9mm Pistol The Thief Virid Shotgun d8
Clerk Armor d6 Junkie Out -d4 d6 jacket Machete d6
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
Kei’s priority is self-preservation. The Junkie is quietly crashing in a After swiping the package, the Thief
He’s a shifty one, and rightfully so - bathroom stall, occasionally moaning or ducked into this bodega and bribed the
he works in a drug front and a stranger ruffling his sweaty clothes. clerk to hideout in the walk-in cooler.
just paid him 30 creds to hide in the
walk-in. If the PCs bother him, he’ll harass them This really was the Thief’s best plan.
right back. He knows nothing of their
If the PCs cause him trouble, he’ll pull target and has no patience for any sort If the PC’s kill the Bathroom Junkie,
a gun in self-defense, but it will be a of mistaken identity scenario. the Thief will try to make a run for it,
short-lived conflict due to his low but the PCs will catch her when they
morale (or his low health). He’s strung out on Sunset Chalk, so he return to the Store Front and combat
won’t attack unless provoked. The PCs will follow.
may mistake him for the thief, so a
conflict is highly possible.

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