Urbn LGND J3rs3y d3v1l

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J3RS3Y_D3V1L is an independent production by The Gonzo GM (Alex Piccolo) and is not affiliated with Stockholm Kartell.
It is published under the CY_BORG Third Party License. CY_BORG IS ©2022 STOCKHOLM KARTELL. | Art by inkpalate (Kevin Connelly).
A gnashing, winged nightmare that lurks where the pines grow. A rogue
A.I. with a cybernetic body and a deer-like skull. A thing that
should not exist and cannot be killed.

HP: 26 | Morale - | Cybernetic Plating -d6

Antlers d8 or Claws d6 + Divine Intervention

Bat-like Wings: The J3RS3Y_D3V1L hovers in the shadows, striking only

when it has an advantage. DR 14 when attacking while it's in flight.

Divine Intervention: When hit with its Claws, test Presence (DR 12).
Failure and your RCD is flooded with d4+1 Miserable Headlines (with only
50% of them factual), and a random App in your deck is destroyed.

¤100-10k¤ worth of tech in The Barrens

The J3RS3Y_D3V1L was created by Deborah Leeds, or “Mother Leeds” as

she affectionately calls herself, a brilliant but delusional
programmer who trained A.I. to predict miserable events in CY. Her
work at CyNews was highly revered - until her other projects
became an obsession. What started as “angelology number generators”
were found to be the source of viruses that stole user data and
caused multiple decks to explode.

When confronted, Leeds called these accidents “the divine will of the
angels” and was immediately cast out of the company. This forced her
to take her work to The Barren - a server facility completely
overgrown with pine trees. In her solitude, she became further
fixated on her programs as they evolved, doting over them as if they
were her children.

CyNews later sent a group of hackers to infiltrate Leeds’

facility to stop her from causing any more harm. They partially
destroyed her beloved work before she gunned them down. In her grief,
she scraped together her thirteenth “child” - a program hellbent on
destroying CY. Leeds used a chromed-out hacker’s body and a rotting
deer skull for its new form. And under a moonless sky in the depths
of The Barrens, the J3RS3Y_D3V1L was born.

The creature is said to still stalk the empty facility, luring in

nearby punks with false contracts to fill their RCDs with horrible
visions and feast upon their flesh.


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