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It's no surprise to anyone when Chaeyoung arrives one day, with new short blonde hair and

a bunch of tattoos, she tends to be a very spontaneous person and her antics don't surprise
anyone in the group so everyone just kinda goes trough with it, making comment about
chaeng and how good she looks

So when Nayeon asks Chaeyoung about her new changes, she simply shrugs it off.

- Ah, but it's deeper than that, isn't it? - Nayeon knows.

It's also no surprise when she starts to become more and more reclusive, preferring to hang
out in the dorms and turning down every opportunity to hang out with Nayeon and
Jeongyeon. Nayeon sees the signs, she's not dumb, she knows why Chae is being like this,
for crying out loud, she's been through this before, so it hurts her that Chae won't tell her.

She's in love.

-But who with?-Nayeon wonders a little loudly, just loud enough for Jeongyeon to hear her.

-What?- She asked, they were sitting on Nayeon's bed, some generic love movie playing in
the background, they were getting used to spending their time there, just the two of them, it
wasn't that hard though, Jihyo was always somewhere busy studying, Sana was probably on
a date with Dahyun as usual and Momo, well, no one knows what momo is doing most of the
time anyway.

-Have you noticed that Chaeng is being a little weird these last few weeks?-

-I mean, she's Chae, she's always a little weird- Jeongyeon smiles, turning her body to look
at Nayeon- What's on your mind?

-I think she's-She pauses, indicating Jeongyeon to come closer to her, whispering in her ear,
even though there's no one else there- -She's in love-.

- In love? What? With whom? -

- Think about it for a second! She's been making these changes, I mean, that hair looks
great on her, but those tattoos? What do they mean?- Jeongyeon looks at her, confused.

- I didn't think you weren't a fan of tattoos?

-I am! Just, carrots? Flowers on your fingers? Aren't they supposed to have a meaning or
something? -

-How do you know it doesn't?- Nayeon shares an incredulous look ...

- Okay but even with that, it literally proves nothing-

-Yah! Jeongyeon, listen to me! She's in love, I know her. She’s just to weird to tell us, she’s
embarrassed- Nayeon suddenly looks sad- Ah Jeongyie, our little Chaeng its all grown up
now- She says, making a sad face and a few crying noises, snuggling jeongyeon lightly

-Aish, stop it- Jeongyeon does an annoyed face, although she does nothing to put distance
between them- So, what now? Do we tell her that we know?

-Absolutely, i wont let her live now that shes in love, but maybe not now. Let’s wait-

-Alright, but whit whom can she be in love? its not like she has that many friends aside from

-Don’t let her hear that, she might attack you- Nayeon teases- Shes our cub for a reason-

-You know what i mean!-

-I do! I’m just teasing- She lets herself fall onto the bed- It can’t be anyone on the group
right? maybe shes in love with me-

-You wish Im Nayeon- The put her elbows down the mattress to hold herself up with an
offended face- I’m kidding! Come on!-

-You’re going to sleep on the couch tonight-

-What?! Why?!-

-For insulting me-

-It was a joke!-

-Damn, you guys do fight like a married couple- A voice said suddenly, the two pair of eyes
looked at the door where a brunette with a bright smile was standing, holding some bags

-Yah! Park Jihyo, when did you get here?-

-Like 10 minutes ago, you were too busy flirting to notice-

-We weren’t flirting!- Jeongyeon said with a blush, standing to take the bags from Jihyo’s
hands who accepted with a smile and a small nod of gratitude.

-Yeah, clearly. So, what where you talking about?-


-Oh, what about her?- She asked, taking the groceries out of the bags with the helps of
-Shes in love- The reaction its almost instant, her mouth formed a perfect circle and her big
eyes opened.

-Shes what?! Whit whom?! She doesn’t know anybody!-

-That’s what i told Nayeon!- Jeongyeon says pointing an acussing finger at the girl who
looked more offended that before

-Trust me guys! I’m dead serious, i know my people and that girl it head over heals for

-You’re delusional!-

-And you’re dumb-

-Okay, that doesn’t even make any sense!- Nayeon and Jeongyeon starts bickering, not
noticing a very quiet Jihyo- What do you have to say about this?! Chaeyoung its like your
daughter!- Jihyo opens her mouth to talk when Nayeon interrupts her

-So that makes you the grandma?- She laughs at the annoyance in the face of the girl.

-I swear to god Im Nayeon-

-Stop it you two!- The two girls looked at each other, startled -I’m trying to remember

-Can you do it faster? Im really hungry-

-Shut up Nayeon-

-Okay, jezz-

They fall into a silence that seems to last at least 15 minutes, neither of the girls dared to
talk, no one want to deal with a mad Jihyo-

-I got it!- The brunette says

-Finally! What is it?-

-I thought i saw Chaeng with the exchange student. What was her name again?-

-The blonde one?- Nayeon wonders

-Yeah, that one-

-Oh! Park Chaeyoung, we’re taking chemistry together, shes so smart, last week she helped
with my project, honestly i have never meet someone so sweet, she was so happy to help-
Jeongyeon says, ignoring the glare of the older girl

-So her name is also Chaeyoung? Unbelievable!

-She’s really pretty too-

-Marry her then!- Jihyo sighs at the sight of a very jealous Nayeon

-I was just making a comment!-

-Shut up!- The two girls looked at Jihyo- As i was saying, i saw them together like a week
ago, they seem close and chaeng had this stupid little smirk that she has when she does
something bad

-That little…- Nayeon says under her breath- We have to talk to Chaeng, make sure shes
fine and comfortable. I don’t trust this Park girl-

-We do have plans next week with the group, think it’s ideal to talk there?- Jihyo asks

-We’ll see, now i just wanna eat-

Its been a week since the trio of friends decided to talk to Chaeyoung, but Nayeon was
losing her patience.

She loves Chaeng, she even goes as far as saying that the girl is her best friend (even
though she wouldn’t want Jeongyeon to know that) so when the little blonde arrives and sits
between Dahyun and Sana she can’t help but to want scream at her at hug her at the same
“Be gentle with Chae, you know how she is and i don’t wanna make her feel bad” Nayeon
remembers the words of Jihyo, but how can she be gentle with the girl when she’s just here,
sitting in front of her, like she didn’t ignore every call and text from the older girl

-So, how you been?-

—We see each other every day Sana- Jihyo jumps in, sitting across her

-And? It feels like we never talk, you’re always so busy being a nerd and Nayeon is too busy
flirting with Jeong to notice me- She pouts

-Your girlfriend is literally next to you-

-So? She knows what i mean, right Dahyunnie?- The pale girl smiled widely, resting her
head on Sana’s shoulder, the latter kissing her forehead softly, Nayeon had to stop herself
from gag at the intimate display


-Shut up Nayeon- Every girl in the table says at the same time and she just rolled her eyes-

-Anyways, Chaengie what you been up to lately?- The girl with the bunny smile said
casually- We haven’t see you properly in weeks-

-Uh, i been busy- Chae shrugged-

-With what?- Jihyo looks over at Nayeon, kicking her feet under the table trying to make the
girl stop.

-School and just… Stuff-

-Wait what you mean you haven’t see her lately? I saw her with that blonde girl, remember
Chaengie?- Sana looks at Chae, oblivious

-Oh really? i don’t remember that- Chae shifts in her seat

-Yeah, i was with Dahyun on our date and saw you holding hands with that pretty girl- Jihyo’s
eyes actually open at the statement but Nayeon stands before she can comprehend whats

-Holding hands?!- A look of hurt crosses her eyes- You’re now holding hands with Park and
Sana knew before me?! I’m your best friend!- Chae smiles sheepishly

-Nayeon unnie! Calm down- The cub says

-Calm down? No, you calm down!- She points at her- How come i was the first to know you
were in love with someone but Sana was the first to see it? It doesn’t make any sense!-

-I wouldn’t say “in love” per se. Wait what you mean you were the first to know?- she ask,
utterly confused

-Doesn’t matter! Why didn’t you tell us? Me at least?-

-You didn’t ask- A laugh can be heard next to Jihyo, it’s Jeongyeon that’s been quiet since
the whole conversation started.

-Not the time Jeong!-


An uncomfortable silence sets in and moments later a series of laughter ensues

-Seriously now, why didn’t you tell us?- Jeong still laughing a little bit

-I guess i just wanted to make sure the things with Rosé were serious, i didn’t want to tell
you about someone if it was just a flavor of the week or something- The girls nod,
understanding. Chae it’s reserved about her life, it took Nayeon almost 2 years to gain
Chae’s trust, so she could see where she was coming from- I guess now i can finally
introduce you to her-
-Wait, how long have you been goin out?- Dahyun wonders

-Like 2 months, we meet each other last year in some programs the school has, at first we
were just friends but things escalated a little to quick, it’s totally fine tho! I like her so much -

- Aw, Chaengie- Sana hugs her- We’re so happy for you, i can’t wait to meet her. She
sounds so fun-

-Thanks Sana, you will, all of you-

And then a silence sets it again, this time fill with tenderness, it was no secret that the girls
had a soft spot for the cub and seeing her so happy was enough.

It didn’t last long though, not when a very exalted Momo walked in.

-Sorry! I got distracted, what did i miss?-

-Momo, you have no idea- Nayeon says and the fit of laughter starts again


They broke up, it wasn’t a surprise for anyone, again.

Two months after the talk Chae had with the girls things stared to go bad. Rosé started
to ignore her, making excuses to not see each other and Chaeyoung could sense that
something was wrong and had to do something fast to try and save her relationship (that
Rosé refused to make oficial)

So, one week after their 5th anniversary Rosé finally sit down to talk to her, admitting to
be having doubts about the relationship and her sexuality. To say that Chae’s heart hurt
was an statement but she assure herself and Rosé to be fine with it, even though it
stung having another conversation about the same issue, the little cub was tired of the
same “i wish you were a boy” convo, it never stop hurting.
An so she let Rosé go, assuring her that she didn’t hate her and could still be friends,
because that all Chaeyoung could do, be friends with the person she was potentially in
love just cause she wasn’t a boy.

She told herself it didn’t matter, and so she painted her hair again, black this time, she
liked it. Her hair had grown in the course of five month and it already reached below her

She liked how she looked, so why her ex had preferred a man before her? She wasn’t
even sure she could call her an “ex”.

She knew she wasn’t pretty like Sana or Nayeon, or all of those models she sees
everyday but she wasn’t bad looking either, she had her things and was proud, but it
never stopped hurting. She convince herself to let go of the girl, spending more time with
Jeongyeon and Nayeon or being a third weel on Dahyun and Sana’s dates, her friends
started to notice Rosé absence, raising a confused look whenever Chae avoided the

They notice though, Chae seemed a little more lonely and a little more sad, so they
stopped asking until the girl confirmed their break up after Momo saw the girl holding
hands with some man

-Oh yeah, we broke up- She said casually, not daring to look at her friends eyes, not
wanting to see the look of pity in their gaze.

-Oh chaeng, i’m sorry. Can i ask why?- Jihyo as motherly as always patted Chae’s back

-Well, she meet someone else, a man-

Nobody said much after that, they just move on not wanting to hurt Chae more.
But she was hurting, and so she started to paint, simple things, things she loved. She
couldn’t help but cry sometimes, when she was sure neither Dahyun or Momo listened to
her sobs in the middle of the night or when she spent her time drawing until it was to
hard to focus her eyes.

But she was fine, she could continue with her life with that little spine that stung her heart
every time she dare to let herself feel. Slowly things started to get better, dedicating her
free time to painting or just existing, it was a good routine.

She didn’t meet nobody else, even after the six month mark of her break up with Rosé,
she couldn’t bring herself to meet anyone else.

Something changed in those months though, in January Momo had bring two new
additions to their little friend group, Tzuyu and Mina.

Chae liked Tzuyu, she was pretty and very shy but chae liked spending time with her.

Chae didn’t like Mina, she was to loud for her, when they first meet the girl just talked to
her like they were friends for years, Chae didn’t like people like that but Mina didn’t seem
to mind nor care, often making the cub uncomfortable. Its not like the japanese girl was
bad, she was just to much for her, that didn’t hurt the group dynamic however, they were
fine when everyone else was there.
She’d never dared to talk to the girl for her own so when Mina sat down besides her and
started to make questions she wanted to run, she wasn’t used to the girl presence, at it
didn’t help at all that the Japanese girl was apparently a hugger, not respecting Chae’s
personal space often, which only made matter worse, she didn’t hated hugs or a few
stolen kisses here an then in the cheeks.

Sana was one of her best friends after all but she had know sana for over 5 years now,
so it was a lot more different when a girl you meet a few weeks ago kisses you and hugs
you, a pretty girl at least

-Ah chaengie. You're so soft and pretty, let’s get marry!- Mina said, very excited while
hugging Chaeyoung arms, the latter could only laugh between teeth.

She knew she was kidding, she had to be right?

Momo hadn’t told her anything more than “She’s just a new friend, oh and also a
Japanese like me!” so she had no idea if she was straight or not

”she must be” she though “Mina it’s beautiful, so maybe she has a boyfriend or

She was indeed beautiful, she knew everyone thought so, so then Chaeyoung was more
than startled when Mina started talking about a date she had, with a woman, out of
nowhere too, the cub couldn’t help to ask herself is everything she knew about the girl
was wrong.

It didn’t take long to chaeyoung to feel bad about her feelings, Mina was nothing but nice
to her and she had reacted wrong

So then she started to make it up to the girl, returning her hugs whenever she came
closer, smiling at her when she made comments about how cute was Chaengie and how
they should get married to prove to her how good of a wife she would be.
Soon they were talking on the phone, almost everyday now. Mina promised baking
Chaeyoung some cookies for valentine’s day to show how “good wife she is” cause
that’s other thing she started doing, Calling her “her wife”

Chaeyoung didn’t mind, she tried to ignore the butterflies forming in her stomach at the
pet name, reminding herself that “No, Mina is dating someone” and when Momo told her
she was that way with everyone she understood with a little disappointment in her chest.

-Shes a little weird honestly- Chaeyoung had said -She texts me every day and when i
answer she stops responding, she even started calling me “babe” out of nowhere too-

-Well you know Mina, she has this thing with being affectionate to people- That didn’t
help Chaeyoung

-She even said she’d bake me cookies as my gift for valentines- The cub said casually,
this time is different tho cause Momo didn’t laugh or smile at this newfound information

-Look Chae, i know Mina can be a little to much sometimes but i really don’t wanna see
you get hurt again-

-You think shes gonna hurt me?- She said playfully

-I know she’s gonna do it- Momo saw Chaeyoung’s eyes, surprise behind them -She’s
dating someone, and i just wanna warn you before it’s too late for you, she can be a very
good friend but she’s a terrible partner-

-Don’t worry Mo, it’s not like i’ll fall for her. Im not ready after..what happened with Rosé,
i just wanna spend time by myself-

-I just wanted to make sure you didn’t confuse your feelings-

-I wont- She tried to play it off, ignoring the pang on her chest.
And Chaeyoung really tries, she still does all her usual stuff trying to keep herself busy
and burry Mina at the back of her mind, she lost count of how many excuses she made
in the past week trying to avoid the girl often opten to spent her time concentrating on
her paintings.

And then the day she feared most came, Valentine’s day.

She wake up with a groan, listening the sounds of Momo and Dahyun getting ready in
the morning. The voice of Dahyun resounding loud through the walls probably worrying
about her surprise to Sana.

-Chaeng!- Dahyun barging at the door -Wake up! You need to get dressed- She opened
the courtains bringing a groan once more from Chae.


-Because it’s valentine’s day! You have to get ready-

—What are you talking about? I don’t have a date- She sat on her bed, confused

-Mina unnie told Sana you did-

-What?!- Mina? Had told Sana? Wait, so what happened with her own girlfriend?,
Dahyun could sense the confusion from the girl.

-She’s still going out with her girl, she just told Sana that wanted to make some time for
her “wifey”-

-Oh my god, her girlfriend is gonna kill me! I basically stole Mina from her without doing
anything- She passes her hand trough her hair, exasperated. The nerve of that girl, now
she’s supposed to accept, just because?

-So…Whats up with Mina?- Dahyun smirks, raising an eyebrow

-Nothing! We’re just friends!- She ignores the suspicious gaze upon her

-Come on Chaeng, i know you. You're guys have something going on, i mean i thought
you were dating cause it looks like she spends more time with you than her own

-She does?!- This is bad, Chaeyoung thinks, afraid Mina’s girlfriend was gonna go after
her, she didn’t knew the girl personally but by the photos she found in Mina’s phone
(totally not on purpose) she was never gonna make it out alive if it came a time to fight

-Well yeah, you’re the one going on a date with her aren’t you?-

-So…-Dahyun came closer, sitting on the bed apparently forgetting they were supposed
to be ready -How you feel about her?-

-She’s nice, and pretty. Really pretty-


—There’s nothing more, i don’t even know her that well. We’d been talking for a month
now and i didn’t even like her before that so…-—

-Then this is your chance-


-Look chaeng, its not my place to tell you what to do but i don’t wanna see you like this
anymore- She reached to grab the cub’s hand

-Like what?-

-All gloomy and sad- Chaeng opened her mouth to let an offended scowl out

-Im not!-

-You totally are! Look, i just think that this is your chance to figure things out, get to know
her better. You deserve being happy and i know this thing with…-She quiet down a little
not wanting to say her name- …her, hurt you more than you let yourself show. Mina
seems to be a great girl, she’s cool and i’m pretty sure she likes you-

-Dahyun unnie…-

—Yeah, yeah. I know, just don’t let this opportunity go to waste-

—I don’t think there’s an opportunity when the other person isn’t single, isn’t it?-

—Well for what Sana told me, Mina is just fooling around-

-She is?-

-I mean, yeah. Mina told Sana she was just having fun, so why not having fun with you?-

-I guess i’ll try…-

The bright smile of Dahyun calmed her nerves down a little, still insecure about what she
was supposed to do, just go on the date with her, pretend everything’s alright and let
Mina cross all the boundaries she’s built around her for months?

It didn’t sound like a bad idea at all, right?

But that was the thing, she didn’t thought it was a bad idea

Sure, she had spent weeks trying to ignore her little crush and move on. Maybe failing
more than she could recall, she wasn’t the one to blame though, nobody could resist
Myoui Mina’s gummy smiles (not even Jihyo)

“What i’m even thinking about?” Chaeyoung sigh, that girl was gonna be the death to her

—Good morning little beast- Momo chirped at Chaeyoung from the counter in the
-Morning Momo unnie-

—So…i was told you have a date- Momo smirked, sipping from her cup of coffee and
trying to hide her smile behind it

-I was told the same thing-

-Who’s the lucky girl then?-

—Mina unnie-

Momo couldn’t hide her surprise, coughing violently after taking a big sip of coffee.

-Mina Myoui?!-

—Um, yes?- Chaeyoung said sheepishly

-THE MINA MYOUI? JAPANESE? PENGUIN? HER?- Momo raised her voice, walking
fast to chae and grabbing her shoulders with a little too much force

-Yah! Momo unnie, let me go!-

-Im sorry! I- just, what?!— She stutter

-I know! I didn’t even knew about it until like 30 minutes ago, Dahyun unnie told me-
Momo was flabbergasted

-That bitch-

—Momo unnie!- She warned

-Im sorry! Im just surprised you two are going out. How did this happened? Did you not
listened to what i told you about her? She’s bad news! Terrible news!-

—She’s your friend!-

—Don’t get me wrong, i love her but not to date my little sister!-
-We’re not dating!-

-Yet! For all i know you could end up marrying her by the weekend. I know how lesbians
work, they’re fast!-

-She’s lesbian?- Chaeyoung asked with a little smile

-Oh hell no!- The dark haired Japanese snapped her finger- Erase that little smile you
have there cause it’s not gonna happen-


-No! stop- She raised a hand- Listen, i’m not telling you this cause i’m secretly in love
with Mina but because i love you but she’s gonna break your heart if you continue with
this crush. I get it! She’s funny, and pretty, and that beauty mark she has it’s charming,
not to say her gummy smile…-

-Sure you’re not in love with her?-

-Shut up! My point is that i care for you, you deserve someone that truly loves you no
matter what and Mina is not that someone-

-How can you know for sure?-Chaeyoung’s head had started to hurt- I understand Mo,
you’re scared for me and i think it’s cute but maybe we have to give it a chance. Hell, i
don’t even know if it really a “date date” and you’re here all nervous for me-

-I just don’t wanna see you get hurt-

-I won’t, Mina wouldn’t hurt me or anyone-

And Chaeyoung truly believed in that

She was nervous, extremely nervous. After her little chat with Momo and a mini
breakdown in her bedroom, she was ready and waiting for Mina to pick her up for their

“Their date”, was still something very strange to say out loud.

-You’re ready?- Dahyun asked with a smile on her face, Chaeyoung was sitting in the
living room, checking her phone every 5 minutes for updates of Mina, all she had
received was a text from the girl 2 hours ago


Hey lovely, get ready. I’ll pick you up at 12


Minarin, where we going?


Can’t spoil the surprise :)

And that was all, no call, no text, no nothing and Chaeyoung didn’t like any bit of it, she
was getting anxious.

-Relax Chaeng- Mo said, noticing the bouncing leg of the shorter girl

Chaeyoung sighs, stretching her back to relieve some tension -Sorry, i'm just very
nervous, she’s almost here and i don’t know what i’ll do when she shows up-

-You said it already, we don’t even know if it a date date and even if it is you just have to
act natural, be yourself-

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Chae tensed all of her muscles

--What do i do?!- She said panicking

-Open the door like a normal person would- Momo told her

Chaeyoung scowl, irritated -Let's get this over with- She said between teeth

She walked slowly, cleaning her sweating hands on the shorts she was wearing and
then she opened the door, a smiling Mina appearing behind it.

-Hi chaengie!- The penguin said with excitement, viewing the girl from top to bottom -You
look so handsome- Chaeyoung simply died

-She does, right?- Dahyun interfered, coming behind the cub and grabbing her shoulders
to wake her up from her trance -She spended like 45 minutes trying to find something
you’d like-

-Oh did you now? How sweet chaeng-chaeng- Chaeyoung could feel the blush in her
cheeks, her mouth opened but no words came out.

“Okay now i think Mina broke her” Dahyun thought

-Okay! Well, have fun. Don’t bring her early, she needs this- Dahyun watched Mina
closely, her tone serious this time -Take good care of her or you’ll have problems with

Mina smiled more, rolling her eyes a little -Don’t worry Dahyun-ah, she’s in good hands-

-Alright then, don’t do anything i wouldn’t!- Chaeyoung seemed to wake up, looking at

-That doesn’t say much-

-Just go!-

And Dahyun closed the door, not waiting for a response.

-That little…- She said annoyed -I’m sorry about her, she’s just excited-

-It’s okay, i think it’s cute she cares for you this much- Mina said, guiding Chaeoung with
a hand on her back -So, are you ready for this?-
What’s even this?

-I am, where are you taking me?-

-Ah, it wouldn’t be fun if i told you the surprise now- They walked to the elevator, mina
watching Chaeyoung from the corner of her eye -I meant it, you look handsome-

This caught Chaeyoung off guard, her heart skipped a beat.

-Oh, umm…I- She stumbled with her words -I’m sorry, i…- What the hell was she
supposed to say to that?- I suck at this, sorry. What i wanted to say is thank you, you’re
very nice-

Mina giggled loud and Chaeyoung couldn’t help but to stare at her in awe

She’s so pretty…

-What’s so funny?-


The elevator door suddenly opened, they both entered, a uncomfortable silence setting

-Um, i..- Chaeyoung started, stuttering a little -I also think you look beautiful today- She
didn’t dare to look her in the eyes, she was sure she was a blushing mess

God Chaeyoung, get a hold of yourself

She was lost in thought when Mina came closer and pressed her lips against her cheek.
Chaeyoung opened her eyes, confused.

Mina smiled, this time was her turn to be a blushing mess, they locked eyes for a few
seconds before breaking the contact -Thanks chaeng-

They stayed in silence, avoiding each other gaze, until the door opened and they step
Mina guided her to the exit, her shoulders brushing lightly which only made the
butterflies on chaeyoung’s stomach worse

She felt so dumb, she was acting like a highschooler for what? A girl taken?

-We’re going to eat first, i assume you haven’t- Mina interrupted her thoughts

-Oh yeah, that’d be great. Where we going?-

-A surprise- Mina winked, she should have expected that.

-Lead the way then-

Chaeyoung was nervous again, they were standing outside a coffee shop though it
wasn’t a regular coffee shop, it was Chaeyoung’s favorite place on earth.

She went there regularly, for anything really. She remembers spending her time there,
writing her poems in the corner or just watching the streets for inspiration.

The place had something that’d made her feel safe, comfortable, cozy

Where on earth did Mina knew about it?

-Do you like it?- Mina asked, Chaeyoung just stared at her -Dahyun and Sana helped a
little- Ah, there it is, Chaeyoung thought

-I figured-

-So, you like it?-

-I love it!, Minari this is my favorite place in the city, hell, even in korea- Mina showed her
gummy smile, hugging chaeyoung's arm

-I’m glad you like it, lovely. Now let’s get inside, we’d got things to do after this-
Mina held the door open for her, signaling her to enter and the cub complied.

They sat at a table far from the few people there, a waitress walked towards them
smiling at the cub.

-Well, hello again Chaengie- The pale girl said

-Somi! Hi, how’s it going?- The shorter girl answered with the same excitement

-Great, you’re talking to the new manager actually- Chae’s smile grew even more

-That’s amazing, Somi! Oh my god, congratulations, really- The latter just smiled more, a
little shy.

-Thanks chaeng, what brings you here?- a cough caught their attention

-Oh, right- Chaeyoung said sheepishly - This is Mina, my…-

-Girlfriend- The japanese said before Chaeyoung could comprehend what was
happening -I’m her girlfriend-

-Nice to meet you, Mina- Somi looked at her and the penguin held her gaze. A noise was
heard as more customers were entering the place, they broke the contact and Somi
sight lightly -Okay, i will be right back to take your orders, nice to meet you again - And
she left, leaving an short circuited Chaeyoung at the table and a very oblivious Mina.

-Do you think i should have the red velvet cake or just a french toast?- Mina asked, not
noticing that the cub was processing what she said

She introduced me as her girlfriend?!

Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with this girl? First the improvised date and now this?

Why are lesbians so fucking complicated, god. This is so wrong, I have to get out of
here before she decides we have to get married.

Oh my god!

Momo was right!


This girl, i swear-

-Chaeyoung- The girl said, getting the attention of the cub -Are you okay? You were
spacing out-

-Eh? Oh! Yeah, i was just…- She cringed at her stumbled words- Thinking-

-About what?-


Mina was shocked, certainly not expecting that answer

-I mean! What you said, you introduced me as your girlfriend- Chaeyoung looked down
at her hands

-Ah, that!-

“That?!” That’s all you have to say? Chaeyoung though, a little irritated

-Yeah, that. What was that?-

-i didn’t think you’d have a problem with me calling you that, we’re on a date after all-

-A fake date- She couldn’t help but say with a tone more harsh than intended

Chaeyoung instantly regretted saying that, looking at the hurt that flashed through Mina’s
eyes before disappearing and turning into something more scary, more empty.

Before the cub could open her mouth to talk, the food came and Mina avoided her eyes
completely, not lifting her gaze from the plate in front of her.

They ated in silence, Chaeyoung tried to initial some small talk, asking her about the
weather and her classes in the University, obtaining only one or two words from the
Was her comment that hurtful for her? Chaeyoung didn’t understood why the girl was
acting like that, it was a fake date wasn’t it?

Unless the girl didn’t want it to be fake?

Finally, they finished eating, Chaeyoung took care of the bill, while Mina excused herself
to the restroom.

Is she even coming back? What if she leaves me here? Agh Son Chaeyoung you’re so
stupid for saying that!

-You’re ready?- The japanese said, her tone serious

Chaeyoung look at her, before standing -Sure, let’s go-

Mina turned around, without waiting for the shorter girl and exited the place.

They walked in silence, their hands brushing lightly this time. Chaeyoung had to resist
the urge to interlace her fingers.

They kept like this for a while, the cub was more occupied worrying about what to say
and Mina seemed lost.

-Minari- The cub said and the latter just hummed as a response.

This is not good

-Minari- She repeat, waiting for a verbal response - Minarin, look at me, please-
Chaeyoung grabbed Mina’s arm, stopping her from walking.

-I’m sorry- She lifted her face with delicate hands, each palm caressing Mina’s soft
cheeks -I shouldn’t have said that. It just confused me a little and it’s no excuse for me
talking to you like that. Will you forgive me?- The japanese finally stared at her with an
unreadable expression

-No, i’m sorry- Mina sigh -I thought i was clear with my intentions but you’re right, this is
confusing. I’m sorry-
-It’s okay, now- The shorter girl said -Just don’t ignore me like that ever again, i can’t
stand an angry Minari-

The japanese smiled, shyly at first.

-I could never stay angry at you, you’re too cute for that- They smiled at each other, the
heaviness in Chaeyoung’s chest dissipating after that -Come on dork, our fake date it's
not over yet-

Mina interlaced her fingers, tugging at her to keep walking and Chaeyoung simply
complied, happy

-Okay, now. Close your eyes- Mina demanded, they had stopped five minutes ago in
front of a gigantic building

-What are we doing here?-

-Just close your eyes!-

-Okay, damn. As you wish ma’am- Mina laughed, taking the cub’s hands again

-Don’t cheat-

-I won’t!- Mina guided Chaeyoung inside the building, making sure the girl didn’t bump
into anything -But seriously, where are we?-

Mina rolled her eyes at the impatience of the cub -You remember when you said that you
wanted to see that Van Goh art exposition?-

-You remember that?! It was a comment i made almost two months ago, we weren’t
even close back then-

-Of course I remember, I listened to you. You can open your eyes now by the way-

And chaeyoung did, looking around her in instantly awe.

They were in the middle of a small room, illuminated by the dim light of hanging lamps.
The walls, lined with his vibrant brushstrokes, display a symphony of colors that bring
sunflowers, starry nights and wheat fields to life.

The creaky wooden floor bears the imprint of previous visitors, while in the air floats a
subtle blend of floral scents and the characteristic aroma of fresh paint.

Chaeyoung wanted to cry, she wasn’t even sure what for. She was feeling so much in so
little time.

Mina watched Chaeyoung expectating, the girl was even more nervous than the cub
before while waiting a reaction from her. She couldn’t help but to stare at the shorter girl
and how her eyes glowed with tears at the sight

-Do you like it?- She came closer

-Minari, i- She sniffled, she wasn’t even sure when she had started to cry- How? I
thought it was closed for public now, that’s why i didn’t got to see it before-

-I have a friend who knows someone- She simply said, Chaeyoung didn’t even knew
what to say, she was too startled, too excited, too happy to even think of another thing
that wasn’t the art in front of her, and of course the exhibition.

She laughed, loud and free. And hugged Mina, her arms circled Mina’s neck, burying her
face in her chest.

Mina’s hands quickly held Chaeyoung’s waist, bringing her closer to her body as
humanly possible. She closed her eyes, inhaling the scent of Chaeng’s hair before
leaving a peck on her forehead

This was different, they both felt it. They had hug before, mostly because of Mina and
her love for skinship but those hugs weren’t like this, so intimate, so close, so full of

-Thanks- It was all Chaeyoung managed to say, tears already gone, her eyes still closed
against Mina’s chest. -I love it-

And Mina didn’t need to hear more, so she just stayed there.
She didn’t notice when she started to swing them slowly at the faint sound of the music
in the background nor when Chaeyoung raised her head slowly to stare at her eyes,
stealing quick glances at her eyes

She was to busy to notice when she started to come closer, her face merely inches away
from her’s. Their noses now touching, and a faint of chae’s perfume invaded her senses,
her grip on the waist of the cub grew stronger and Mina tilted her head, ready to give
herself up to Chaeyoung but the girl never closed the distance, even though she felt her
breathing against her own lips.

And Mina decided to do it herself, she didn’t mind, that’s why she was here in the first
place, so she closed the distance between her and the cub, not really putting a lot of
pressure against her lips, barely touching them, afraid of breaking the moment.

They both sigh, exasperated from more

And then, Mina’s phone rang, startling the girls, Chaeyoung finally opened her eyes,
smiling shyly and putting some distance from Mina’s body but not enough

-You should answer that- Mina groaned and nodded, a little annoyed she was being
bothered just when she and Chaeyoung were about to kiss.

-I think I should. Wait here- And she left, leaving a very flustered Chaeyoung

What the hell just happened?


What the hell just happened?

Chaeyoung was still standing in the same spot Mina let her, blushing very hard.

Did we almost kiss?!

God, Son Chaeyoung, you’re so done

Now you’re a cheater! Oh no, her girlfriend is gonna kill me.

-I’m so dead- She whispered to herself not really paying attention and not noticing that
Mina was already back.

-Who's dead?- Mina smiled at the sight of Chaeyoung jumping lightly at the little scare
-Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you-

Chaeyoung let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding -What happened? You were
gone for a while-

-Miyeon was going crazy- And Chaeyoung’s mouth suddenly went dry.

Miyeon, of course it was her. Miyeon, Mina’s girlfriend

Miyeon, not her.

And she felt so dumb, so hurt thinking of what a fool she has been, almost letting Mina
kiss her, almost letting her go through her walls, she was stranded there, not really
knowing what to say, how to feel.

Sadness? No, she knew it was a fake date and Mina was, in fact, not single

Dumb? Yeah, maybe that could be. How did she let this happen? The Japanese wasn’t
the only one to blame.

No, it wasn’t any of that.

She was angry, at herself for letting a girl she didn’t even like before take her on a date,
at Mina for being Mina, at Dahyun for convincing her to go out and the universe for
putting her in this position.

-Chaeyoung?- Mina asked, reaching to hold her hands slowly.

-What?- The cub said, not reacting at the touch of Mina

She couldn’t bring herself to do it, not anymore, not when she only felt numb

-Are you okay?-

-I’m great- She said with a sarcastic tone what Mina didn’t quite noticed -You need to go

-Yeah, sorry- Mina caressed her hands, bringing them close to her face and leaving a
chaste kiss there -I will make it up to you, i promise-

-Don’t need to- She pulled away from Mina, causing her to let go of her hands, leaving
the Japanese woman with a confused look on her face due to the girl's changed

-Something 's wrong?- Mina tried to reach the cub’s shoulders but she backed up when
she noticed how tense Chaeyoung was, the girl just nodded and began walking.

Mina stayed there, confused

Had she done something bad? She didn’t think so

She quickly followed the cub, who was already close to the exit.

They left the place, and Chaeyoung found out that the Japanese girl had already called
a cab, she thanked Mina internally for that. She wanted to leave, fast.

She felt uncomfortable, the knot on her throat was strong and her eyes started to water.

She felt so useless, so hopeless and so alone.

She wanted to cry, but she couldn't in front of Mina, so she blinked fast trying to fight
back the tears.

-Chaeyoung- Mina called, signaling at her to hop onto the cab. Chaeyoung just nodded,
not daring to see the girl.

They sat next to each other, Mina trapped the girl before she could pull away and had
buried her face on her neck, inhaling the perfume of the cub.

She felt dirty, the touch was not right. Suddenly her clothes started to feel heavy against
her skin, and a little sweat was on her forehead.
She was not right.

Tears rapidly started to form in her eyes, again. But this time she couldn't fight them, with
a rapid hand she whipped it, hoping Mina didn’t see it.

The japanese seemed calmed, not really paying attention to Chaeyoung

She was a little confused though, this had happened before.

Mina had noticed from before, how Chaeyoung usually stopped talking whenever she
was sad or mad, how she would avoid looking directly at their faces.

And Chaeyoung knew Mina had noticed, she wasn’t that stupid.

But even Chaeyoung didn’t understand why that happened.

She doesn’t remember when it started, for all she knew she has been this way all of her

She can’t explain the sensation, it’s something in her brain, something that forbids her
from talking, something that hurts whenever she is feeling angry or sad.

So she stops talking when everything hurts. Until the sadness or the angryness went
away, the girls had noticed too.

Jeongyeon was the only one to approach her, asking her about it and Chaeyoung really
appreciated her concerns, so she helped the girl to read and tell her what she knew.

Jeongyeon was surprisingly good at it, she had learned to control Chaeyoung swing
moods after that, she spent hours studying, trying to find a reason for the non verbal girl.

She had learned to handle situations, pushing the girls away from her when Chaeyoung felt
too overwhelmed. Or trying to make her laugh until whatever she was feeling transformed
into something more positive.

It didn't always work, unfortunately.

There were times when not even Jeongyeon's bad jokes or Jihyo's motherly care worked to
calm her down, and that caused her to go days without speaking. It wasn't that she didn't
want to, I just couldn't. She felt guilty days later, and although she knew that none of her
friends blamed her for her attitudes, Chaeyoung was afraid that they would get tired or

They didn’t, she knew they wouldn’t ever leave her, no matter how rude Chaeyoung could be
when she had those attacks.

-Chaeyoung- Mina called, with a worried look in her eyes.

Chaeyoung stared at her, confused. She didn't say a word, not that she could or would, so
she just raised a confused eyebrow at her.

-We’re here, do you want me to walk you to the door?

No, her word choked in her mouth, she didn't want to.

She wanted to get out of there, hide in her room and never come out. She wanted to run
away, she was tired of Mina's gaze on her.

Why did she look so worried? I’m sick of it

-Chaengie,- Mina spoke again, touching her cheek delicately. -Are you okay?-

Chaeyoung nodded, tired.

-Do you want me to accompany you to the entrance?-

Chaeyoung denied, perhaps too much since a small flash of pain crossed her eyes.

-Okay, see you later. I'll call you- Mina told her, and tried to approach her for a kiss,
fortunately Chaeyoung, even in her lost state, was able to turn her face to avoid Mina's lips,
and consequently made them land on her cheek. .

-Right, goodbye Chaeng- The Japanese woman did not try to hide her deception but the girl
was in too bad a state for her to even notice it.

So she didn't do anything, she opened the taxi door and got out, without looking at Mina in
the back seat of the cab and entered the building.
Tears quickly began to fall from her eyes, she couldn't stop them, not now when she was
finally alone and her chest hurt like it had never done before.

She didn't have the strength to go up the stairs so she opted to wait for the elevator. She
could notice the strange looks that the other people in the lobby were giving her but she
couldn't care less.

She stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for her floor, praying that none of her
roommates were in.

She didn't have the strength to face their questions, she knew that if someone
confronted her now she would be rude and she didn't want to hurt her friends, they didn't
deserve it.

Chaeyoung practically ran to her door, trying to unlock the door with shaking hands.

It took her almost 4 minutes to do it and when she entered she breathed a sigh of relief
when she saw the lights off and didn't hear any noise.

She took off her shoes and left them carefully next to the door, with a groan she left her
coat on the coat rack in the entryway.

She looked into the kitchen, making sure Momo wasn't there. She then walked to the
living room and, not noticing signs of her friend, went up the stairs.

The doors were closed and there seemed to be no one there, so Chaeyoung walked to
her room.

She slammed the door a little too hard causing a bang that made her jump.

-Great - she said to herself, lying on the bed while she closed her eyes and remembered
today's events.

Tears began to fall from her eyes again, this time Chaeyoung did nothing to hide her
loud sobs.

She felt so pathetic, crying in her bed over a girl.

She didn't think she would be in that position again so soon.

But she couldn't help the painful sobs that came from her throat and the pain in her
chest only grew bigger. She didn't know how long she was there, lying in a fetal position
with a pillow in her arms and a lot of painful thoughts in her head. .

She was almost falling asleep when she heard a noise and she quickly panicked. She
could hear the laughter of her friends from the hall.

-Chaengie!- Sana’s loud voice startled her -You’re home yet?- She didn’t mutter an

-Sana, please. Shut up- Nayeon said

-I just wanna see my chaengie, i’ve miss her so much- Sana pouted and hugged Momo
from behind

-She’s not even here, there’s no way she didn’t hear that scream- Tzuyu said to the girls

-She’s here, her shoes are on the entryway- Jeongyeon said

-Yeah and Mina texted me saying to check on her- Momo showed the text -That means
she’s here, right?-

-Maybe she’s asleep babe, don’t worry. I’ll go check on her- Dahyun told Momo, not
noticing the pet name slipping from her lips and the suspicious looks that Nayeon and
Jihyo shoot at them.

-I will go Dahyunnie, don’t worry- Nayeon interrupted Dahyun, without really waiting for
an answer she was already on her way to Chaeyoung’s room.

Nayeon knocked on the door -Chaeng? it’s Nay, all of the girls are also here, are you
okay?- No answer and so she knocked again, this time louder.

-I’m getting in Chaeng, i know you’re here-

She opened the door, only to find Chaeyoung in her bed, with tears stain on her face.

Nayeon rapidly sat down beside her, and caressed her hair slowly. -Chaeng, what is it?-

Chaeyoung finally snapped out and made eye contact with the older girl. Her lips started
to shiver, and the tears once again started flooding.

The cub threw her hands around Nayeon’s neck, making the girl fall on top of her with a
surprised sound. Nayeon stood there frozen for a moment before hugging Chaeyoung
too, they laid there until Nayeon’s arms started to burn for the effort.

Chaeyoung hasn't let go of her, her face deeply buried on the older girl’s neck.

She was still crying, a damp spot had appear on Nayeon’s shirt, but neither of them

-Chaengie, my arms hurt- Nayeon said, breaking the silence but the cub didn’t seem to
mind -Chaeng, please. Let me at least lay on the bed and we can cuddle, okay?- She
felt a little nod on her neck and finally freed herself from the cub’s arms

She rested now besides the cub, and Chaeyoung hugged again with so much force,
resting her face on Nayeon’s chest and putting her leg on top of the tall girl, making her
almost impossible to move or go

Nayeon just complied, not that she wanted to leave the girl alone anyways.

They stayed there, with Nayeon caressing Chaeyoung’s dark hair and the shorter girl
shaking now and then.

-Chaeyoung- Nayeon talked, after what it felt like forever -What happened?-

Chaeyoung just moved her head to look at Nayeon’s eyes and the cub didn’t have to say
for Nayeon to understand

The look on chaeyoung’s eyes showed so much hurt that she had to close her eyes to
prevent her tears from falling.
She took chaeyoung’s cheeks, and kissed her forehead. Making the girl sob again, she
buried herself in Nayeon’s chest

-Don’t go- Chaeyoung’s voice sounded so weak and Nayeon tightened her hold around
the girl

-I wasn’t planning to- She left a kiss on her forehead again, with a heavy heart and a
million questions on her mind

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