Casal 1983

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Mycopathologia81, 63-64 (1983). 0301 486x/83/81/0063-2/$00.20/0.

9 Dr W. Junk Publishers, The Hague. Printed in The Netherlands.

Preliminary evaluation of a new test for the rapid differentiation of Candida albicans and
Candida stellatoidea

M. C a s a l & M . J. Linares
Department ofMicrobiology, School ofMedicin~ C6rdoba University, C6rdoba, Spain


A preliminary investigation test was carried out concerning the use of esculin hydrolysis to differentiate
Candida albicans from Candida stellatoidea is described. This test provides a rapid and reliable means of
distinguishing C. albicans from C. stellatoidea.

A m o n g hospital acquired nosocomial infections, belonged to the culture collection of our depart-
opportunistic microorganisms play a very impor- ment and had been obtained from the yeast collec-
tant part. Due to a great number of favouring risk tion of the Wadley Institutes for Molecular Medi-
factors, the yeasts, among all these microorga- cine, Dallas, Texas or had been isolated in our own
nisms, are becoming increasingly more important laboratory and in Dr. Calbo Torrecillas's in Mfila-
because of serious diseases that they can cause in ga, from clinical material.
patients. Of all these - yeasts Candida albicans is The conservation media used for the cultures
without doubt the most important species due to its were Sabouraud's dextrose agar or Sabouraud's
frequency and capacity to produce disease. dextrose agar with chloramphenicol or both. The
The problem which arises is that the differential cultures were incubated at 25-28 ~C until the mo-
diagnosis is difficult with another species, Candida ment for use.
stellatoidea, - which is also pathogenic. Identifica- The medium used for the study esculin hydrolysis
tion is usually based on chlamydospore production, was composed of peptone water (100 ml) esculin
germ tube formation, whose results are not always (0.1 g) and ferric citrate (0.05 g). The test was car-
100% accurate. Therefore carbohydrate assimila- ried out by making an emulsion of a young culture
tion tests with sucrose have to be used for definitive of the yeast to be studied in 3 ml of the medium (5).
identification. The incubation was at 37 ~ and the reading was
For this reason it was considered important to made on the 2nd and 7th day. The other methods of
find a rapid differential diagnostic test that could identification such as chlamydospore production,
unequivically differentiate these species. With this germ tube formation, fermentation and assimila-
in mind, a new medium with~cycleheximide had tion of carbohydrates were made according to me-
been proposed recently to differentiate these species thods previously described (1-4).
(7). However the results of the works of other au- With these tests the preliminary identification of
thors do not seem to agree (6). cultures as C. albicans or C. stellatoidea was made.
In this paper we hypothosize that esculin decom- The results are summarized in Table 1. All the C.
position could be used as a possible differential albicans isolates tested were positive for esculin
character between C. albicans and C. stellatoidea. hydrolysis within 48 hours. However this was not so
We used a total of 206 yeasts isolates of which 186 for C. stellatoidea as none of the isolates hydro-
were C. albicans and 20 C. stellatoidea. They all lyzed esculin in 48 hours nor after many days of
incubation (Table I).

Table 1. Comparative study of the different tests used.

% of positivity

Species N ~ of Chlamydospores Germ tube Sucrose esculin


C. albicans 186 94 98 97 100

C. stellatoidea 20 85 98 0 0

On the basis of our results it seems that esculin Acknowledgements

hydrolysis can be used as a test to differentiate C.
albicans and C. stellatoidea with 100% effective- We thank W. H. Fleming, Wadley Institutes of
ness, which makes it even more effective than the Molecular Medicine, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.; and F.
sucrose assimilation test. The esculin has advan- Calbo Torrecillas Department of Microbiology,
tages compared with other standard morphological School of Medicine, Malaga University, Spain, for
and physiological methods of identification: 100% providing some of the cultures used in this study.
accuracy and rapidity. It does not require difficult We are grateful to Dr. L. Ajello, Director My-
or expensive media to prepare or interpret. cology Division, CDC, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A., for
It seems that this test should be incorporated in his helpful advice on the preparation of this paper.
the routine system of all hospital laboratories which
work with these yeasts as an extra test to differen-
tiate between C. albicans and C. stellatoideal For References
this reason we can recommend as a system for their
1. Casal, M. & Linares, M. J., 1980. Contribucion al diagnosti-
identification two tests to he performed at the same co de los hongos levaduriformes de importancia clinica hos-
time, the chlamydospore production test, and the pitalaria. Med. Clin. 75: 384-386.
esculin hydrolysis test so that in 48 hours it can be 2. Casal, M. & Linares, M. J., 1980. Investigaci6n comparativa
possible to read and interpret the tests. If the first de diferentes medios de estudio de la fermentaci6n de carbo-
hidratos por los hongos levaduriformes pat6genos para el
one is positive and the second is negative or both
hombre. Laboratorio 69: 321-332.
prove to be negative, it would indicate presence of 3. Casal, M. & Linares, M . J . , 1981. The comparison of six
C. stellatoidea. media for chlamydospore production by Candida albicans.
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stellatoidea. 5. Mac Faddin, J. F., 1980. Biochemical Test for Identification
As this is a preliminary investigation, it would be of Medical Bacteria, 2nd. ed. The Williams and Wilkins Co.
interesting to repeat and amplify this study with Baltimore.
more isolates to confirm the effectiveness of the 6. Saez, H., 1979. Interet de la resistence a l'actidione et de la
temperature maximale dans la diagnose des Candida. Rev.
Inst. Pasteur 12: 361-370.
7. Salkin, 1. F., 1979. New medium for differentiation of Can-
dida albicans from Candida stellatoidea. J. Clin. Microbiol.

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