Kristianus W. Mas

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Aim of the Book:

This book is designed to help beginners understand the basics of language through a
comprehensive and step-by-step approach. By studying this book, readers are expected to:

1. Recognize the Alphabet and Basic Phrases

2. Learn Important Words

3. Communicating in Daily Conversations

4. Listening and Telling Stories

5. Reading with Comprehension

6. Writing Correctly.

Through a clear structure and continuous practice, this book aims to equip readers with the basic
skills needed to read, write and speak the language.

Book title : : "Language Learning for Beginner"

Table Of Content:

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

1.1 Getting to Know the Alphabet

1.2 Greetings and Greeting Phrases

CHAPTER 2 World learning

2.1 Adjetives

2.2 verbs

2.3 nouns

CHAPTER 3 learning to talk

3.1 Greeting New Friends

3.2 Introducing Yourself

3.3 Daily Conversation

CHAPTER 4 Story telling

4.1 Listening to Simple Instructions

4.2 Listening to Short Stories

CHAPTER 5 Learning to Read

5.1 Simple Word Recognition

5.2 Reading Words in Context

CHAPTER 6 Learning to Write

6.1 Writing Your Own Name

6.2 Writing Simple Words


Aim of chapter

This chapter aim to introduce readers to the english alphabet, including the recognition of
uppercase and lowercase letters, the pronunciation of each letter, and the correct writing of
letters. Readers will learn the order of the alphabet, the function of letters in forming words, and
some simple word examples for each letter. Through this chapter, readers are expected to
recognize and use the letters of the alphabet in basic english contexts.

1. Introduction to the alphabet:

- The alphabet is a set of letters used to write words.

- the english alphabet consists of 26 letters:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

2. Classification of Letters:

- Vowels: A, E, I, O, U

- Consonants: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z

3. Pronunciation Guide:

- Each letter has a name and a sound.

A ei I ai Q kyu Y wai

B bi J jei R ar Z Zad/zi

C ci K kei S es

D di L el T ti

E i M em U yu

F ef N en V wi

G jie O ou W dablyu

H eich P pi X eks
4. Uppercase and Lowercase Letters:

- Each letter has an uppercase (capital) and a lowercase form :

- A/a, B/b, C/c, D/d, E/e, F/f, G/g, H/h, I/i, J/j, K/k, L/l, M/m, N/n, O/o, P/p, Q/q, R/r, S/s, T/t,
U/u, V/v, W/w, X/x, Y/y, Z/z.


1. Introduction to Greetings:

- Greetings are words or phrases used to acknowledge someone’s presence or to start a

conversation. They are important for polite interaction.

2. Common Greetings:

 Hello: A universal greeting.

 Hi: A casual, friendly greeting.

 Good morning: Used before noon.

 Good afternoon: Used from noon to around 6 PM.

 Good evening:Used after 6 PM.

 Good night: Used when saying goodbye at night.

 Hey: Informal greeting, often used with friends.

 Greetings:Formal and somewhat old-fashioned.
3.Polite Phrases for Starting a Conversation:

 How are you? / How are you doing?: Used to inquire about someone's well-being.

 Nice to meet you: Used when meeting someone for the first time.

 How have you been?: Used to ask about someone's well-being over a period of time.

 What’s up?: Informal way of asking what someone is doing or how they are.

4. Responses to Greetings:

o I’m fine, thank you. And you?:A polite response to "How are you?"

o I’m good, thanks: Informal response.

o Nice to meet you, too: Response to "Nice to meet you."

o Not much, you?: Informal response to "What’s up?"

 Example greetings dialog :

Teacher : Good morning, class!

Students : Good morning, Mr. Lee!

Teacher : How are you all today?

Students : We are fine, thank you. How are you?

Teacher : I’m grat,thank you.

Task 1 :

1. Match Uppercase and Lowercase Letters

Pair the uppercase letter with the correct lowercase letter:

1. A - __

2. B - __

3. C - __

4. D - --

2 : Vowel or Consonant?

Decide whether the following letters are vowels or consonants:

1. A - __

2. B - __

3. E - __

4. F - __

5. I - __

6. J - __

3 : Recognizing Letter Sounds

Listen to the following letter sounds and write down the corresponding letters:

1. /biː/ - __

2. /siː/ - __

3. /diː/ - __

4. /ɛf/ - __

5. /dʒiː/ - __
Task 2 :

1: Choosing the Right Greeting

Choose the appropriate greetings for the following situations:

1. In the morning before 12 o'clock: __

- a) Good morning

- b) Good night

- c) Hello

2. In the afternoon after 6 o'clock: __

- a) Good afternoon

- b) Good evening

- c) Hi

3. When meeting friends at school: __

- a) Hey

- b) Greetings

- c) Good night

2: Answering Greetings

What is the correct answer to the following greetings?

1. How are you? - __

- a) I'm fine, thank you. And you?

- b) Good night

- c) Hello
2. Nice to meet you - __

- a) Good evening

- b) Nice to meet you, too

- c) What's up?

3: Complete the Conversation

Complete the following conversation with the correct greeting or answer:

1. A: Good morning! B: __

2. A: How are you? B: __

3. A: Nice to meet you! B: __

4: Draw a Greeting Situation

Draw appropriate situations for the following greetings:

1. Good morning (picture of a sunrise)

2. Good night (picture of the moon and stars)

3. Hi (picture of two friends meeting in the park)


This chapter provides a structured framework for teaching alphabet concepts, introducing and
reinforcing students' understanding of the English alphabet through interactive and engaging
activities. In this chapter students not only learn about letters in English but also learn about

The activities presented in this chapter are designed to get students actively involved in learning,
so that they can better understand and apply the concepts of the alphabet and greetings phrases.

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