Cuestionario - Inglés

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SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024

Student: Grade: Seventh

Lic. Gabriela Romero / Msc. Marcela
Teacher: Nogales
Paralelo: A
Area: Foreign Language Working day: Morning / Afternoon
Subject: English Date:

1. Read the paragraph and complete with the actions in parenthesis:

Hi! My name is Annie, and this is what I normally do (hago) with my

family. I love to ……………….. (caminar) to school. During the week I
…………………. (levantarse) early in the morning. My mother
…………………. (cocina) the breakfast, and my father and I ……………
(corremos). I usually go with my father to ………… (conseguir) some
fresh air before we ………………… (empezar) our day. We
…………………. (vivimos) in a small town far away from the noise and
pollution of the city. We ……………….. (tenemos) a dog, it plays in the

2. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions:

He is David Watson. He is twenty-three years old. He is from the United States. He is

a pilot in an airline of the United States. He likes to play musical instruments and
listen to music in his free time. His favorite singer is Bruno Mars.

a) David is: c) What does David do in his free time?

29 years old. He plays the guitar.
12 years old. David dances.
23 years old He watches T.V.

b) Where does he work? e) …………… is his favorite singer.

David works at Avianca Airlines. Queen.
David works at American Airlines. Michael Jackson.
He works like a pilot. Bruno Mars.

3. Read the sentences and relate with the pictures then underline the correct option.

1.- She is writing. a

2.- He is singing. A.- 1c – 2d – 3b – 4c

B.- 1a – 2d - 3c - 4b
3.- We are drinking.
C.- 1d - 2a - 3c - 4b
4.- I am watching. D.- 1b- 2d - 3c – 4a
SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024

4. Choose the right answer to the following questions:

1. Do Sebastian and Domenica study French?

A. Yes, we do. B. Yes, they do. C. Yes, she is. ………………

2. Does George live in Mexico?

A. Yes, he are. B. No, it does. C. No, he doesn’t. ………………

3. Am I a teacher?

A. Yes, you are. B. No, she isn’t. C. No, I am not. ..…………….

4. Do the students do their homework in class?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, they don´t. C. No, they doesn’t. ………….......

5.- Choose the words that completes the text according to the reading.

5.1.- My family lives in a house. Our _______ is very ______ .

A) car - red
B) house - nice
C) school - big
D) none
5.2.- It has two ______ We cook and ______ in the kitchen.
A) living romos - study
B) bathrooms - play
C) bedrooms - eat
D) none
5.3.- We watch TV in the ______ My favorite room is my ______I like to read books and do my ______
A) living room - bedroom - homework
B) bedroom - kitchen - exam
C) kitchen - bathroom - exercises
D) none
6. Select the correct answer according to positive form about SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE.
My sister ……………….. a shower every morning.

A) take
B) takes
C) took
D) none
SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024

7.- Choose the correct answer according to negative form about PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE.

I ……………………… my teeth three times a day.

A) do brush
B) doesn’t brush
C) don´t brush
D) none
8.- Select the correct answer according to the yes/questions in SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE.

………………………….. Sofia get up early every morning?

A) Do
B) Does
C) Did
D) none
9.- Apply the rules to add s-es-ies. Choose the correct option.

1. enjoy a.- enjoys b.- enjoies c.- enjoyies

2. fix a.- fixs b.- fixes c.- fixies
3. try a.- tryes b.- tries c.- tryes
4. have a.- haves b- havees c.- has

10.- Read the following sentence and choose the correct answer with the STRUCTURE OF PRESENT SIMPLE
1.- My mother __________________ a delicious meal and my father _____________ to the bank.

a. cook / goes
b. cooking / go
c. cooks / goes

11.- Read and relate the column A with the responses in column B. Choose the correct answer.
1. Auxiliary of Past simple
a. am-is-are
2. Negative form of: are A.- 1c, 2e, 3d, 4d, 5a
b. writing
3. Auxiliaries of Present Continuous B.- 1e, 2b, 3a, 4d, 5c
c. aren`t
4. Past simple form of buy C.- 1d, 2c,3a, 4e, 5b
d. did
5. V-ing form of: write D.- 1b, 2d, 3c, 4d, 5e
e. bought

12.- Which of the following words are irregular verbs in past simple. Choose the correct option.

1. Practiced- enjoyed-listened
2. Bought-paid-played
3. Took-wrote-did
4. Read – ate – completed

13.- Relate the auxiliaries with the correct tense and choose the correct answer.
SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024

a.- Present Simple A.- 1c - 2b -3a

1. Am-is-are
b.- Present continuous B.- 1b – 2a -3c
2. Do-does
c.- Past Simple C.- 1ca- 2b -3c
3. Did
14.- Select the correct option according to the STRUCTURE of SIMPLE PAST TENSE.
(-) We __________ to Cuenca last vacation.
a) did travel not
b) did not travel
c) did not travelled
15.- Select the correct option according to the STRUCTURE of SIMPLE PAST TENSE.
(?) _______ Luisa go to the cinema last Sunday?

a) Do

b) Does

c) Did

d) Are
16.- Select the correct option according to the STRUCTURE of PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE

1.- In this moment, I (are doing – am doing ) my English exam.

2.- Paty and Leo (are swiming- are swimming) in the pool right now.

17.- Select the correct answer according to the positive form in SIMPLE CONTINUOUS

Sofia _________________ early every morning

A) is get
B) is getting
C) are getting
D) are geting
18.- Read the following sentence and choose the correct answer using PRESENT CONTINUOUS
1.- Martha__________________ her book and her parents _____________ the housework.

a. are watching / are playing

b. is reading / are watching
c. is reading / are doing
19.- What is the correct form of the V-ing- Select the correct option
1. run a.- running b.- running
2. eat a. eating b.- eatting
3. lie a.- lying b.- lying
4. fly a.- flying b- fliing
20.- Select the correct auxiliary of Present continuous in each sentence
1. I (are – is - am) traveling to Peru today.
2. Patrick and I (am – is - are) climbing the mountain right now.
3. We (aren´t – isn´t – am not) speaking English in the class
4. (Are – Is - Am) the giraffes drinking water in the zoo?
SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024

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