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u rek a

Stoc k ad e
By Kanishga.G
The Eureka rebellion was a
series of events that happened
during the Gold rush in
Victoria, Australia. Some say it
was the "Birth of Democracy"
in Australia. It was when the
miners revolted against the
British administration of the
colony in Victoria. The Eureka
stockade occurred on
December 3rd, 1854. This
happened in Ballarat, Victoria.
H a p p e n e d ?
What e r to re v olt a g a in st
am e to g e t h
All miners c r t he c a u se s:
d m in is tra tio n f o
the Br it ish a sa
n se (3 0 s h illin g
h c os t m i ni ng lice
y o u d o n ’t h a v e a
e l p u nis h m e n t s if
g h t s fo r m in e r s
No Voting ri
The m
iners b
st the
their l
gover icense
built a n m e s to vo
stocka nt. The w
and h de (th miner
oisted e Eure s then
3rd, 18 their o ka sto
54, a wn fla ckade
br g . O n )
occur ief but Decem
red be devas ber
tween t ating b
the m attle
The V tr in ers an
ictoria oopers. d the
least 6 n Gov
troope ernme
rs nt cla
125 m and 2 ims th
iners w 2 min at at
the ex ere ta e rs wer
ceptio ken as e kille
n of P prison d.
eter L er, wit
the re a lor, th h
bellion e lead
. er of
A Closer Look
Tipping point How the miners
The miners had to pay for the were treated
license. If they didn’t have one, The miners were treated poorly by
they would be tied up and beaten the colonial government and the
up until they pay the fine. And they police. They also encountered
didn't have any guarantee of frequent and harsh “license hunts”
actually finding gold! by the police, who often took
As well as this, the miners did not money, accepted bribes and
even have a voting right. imprisoned miners without due
process. James Scobies, a miner,
was killed, but did not even receive
Who's Lal
Peter Finta or?
n Lalor was
an Irish-Aus y t h e
later, a pol
itician who tralian rebe e a rb a n d
l and, e s w to st
the Balarat r o se to fame as the " W ro s s d
Reform Lea leader of rn C r a n
gue. Lalor w t h e o th e s
Feb, 1827 in as born on Sou y e a c h
r r ig ht
Tenakill, Qu 5, ly b d o u
During the ee n's County, tru e fe n
severe fam Ireland. t o d tie s "
ine in Irelan t er
to Melbour d, Lalor mig figh lib
ne. He then ra ted and
Ballarat. Af st a rte d gold mini
ter he'd join ng in 1853,
League, the ed the Balla
miners orga rat Reform
troopers. P nized to ba
eter Lalor w ttle against
a s c hosen as th th e
During the e leader.
battle, he l
hiding succ ost an arm,
essfully. Aft but went in
e r e to
Lalor was e merging fro
lected to p m hiding,
arliament. H
e died on 9
1889. , Feb,
Mining License
Before the Eureka Stockade, all miners had to
pay 30 shillings per month. If miners did not
have a license, they would be prosecuted.
This includes fines, imprisonment and
floggings. After the Eureka Stockade, the
mining license was replaced with a miner's
right, renewable for £1 annually. However,
Chinese miners had to pay more than this
because of the racism and discrimination.
EARLY 1851 1, SEP, 1851 29, NOV, 1854 3, DEC, 1854 MAR, 1855

Discovery of gold in Introduction of Hoisting of newly 15-minute Battle of Mining license replaced
Victoria mining license in Vic. created Eureka flag The Eureka Stockade with Miner's right, £1 per
(30 shillings per year. Peter Lalor (leader of
month) Eueka Stockade) elected
to parliament. Miners get
voting rights.

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