Noorani Taalim (Part-4) English and Arbic

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ALLAH'S NAME I START WITH, Q. Where is the proof that there is only one
THE MOST MERCIFUL A. There is proof in many verses of the Holy
Q. How should we think of Allah Almighty ? Quran of the oneness of Allah. In the 30th chap-
ter (Amma) e.g. the verse "Qul Huw Allaho
A. That He is one and He has no equal. Al- Ahad" which means 'oh beloved prophet give
lah created the sky, the earth, the moon, the the message that Allah is one.' and in the sec-
sun and all of creation. The sun, moon and stars ond chapter 3rd Rukoo "Wa llahukum Ila hum
rise and set (fall) by Allah's command. Allah Waahid, La ila ha illaho" meaning 'Your deity is
alone is worthy of worship, there is no other one deity, and beside him there is no other de-
worthy of worship. He has no need of anyone, ity.' And the 28th chapter, 6th Rukoo
Nor does He need to rely on anyone, and the "Huwwallazee Lailaha illahowa" meaning 'He is
whole of his creation relies on Him. Allah gives Allah, besides whom there is no other deity.'
everyone and everything their livelihood.
Whether someone is rich or poor, whether they Q. If there were other Deity (Lords) beside
have respect or are disrespected is in the con- Allah Almighty, what would be wrong with that ?
trol of Allah. Rest, difficulties and life and death A. If there were more than one lord, one
are all done by the command of Allah. There is would say that I created warmth, the other would
always a reason behind Allah's reaction, say that he created the cold, one would say that
whether you understand them or not. His favours he sets the Sun, another would claim that he is
and gifts are uncountable. Allah knows and sees in control of the moon. So everything between
all things, whether they be revealed or con- and including the Earth and the Sky would be
cealed. There is absolutely nothing which is ruined. As explained in the 17th chapter of the
outside Allah Almighty's knowledge. He is mi- Holy Quran 2nd Rukoo "Luwaqana Fee Hima
raculous and unique. Allah is completely pure Aalihatun illallaho Lafasadata" meaning "if there
from all bad deeds such al lies, deceit, oppres- were other Lords besides Allah, then they would
sion, dishonesty, jealousy etc. Anyone who be ruined' (The things mentioned before i.e. all
thinks of Allah as impure is definitely a Kafir (In- things between and including the Earth and
fidel). Sky).
1 2
Q. It is not possible that humans, animals and A. i) Whatever Allah the respected one de-
mountains just evolved by themselves ? cides will happen.
A. No, this is impossible because we can see ii) Original help is from Allah alone then
for ourselves that the tiniest things such as pens yours.
and pencils can not make themselves, then how iii) Original support is from Allah then
can the Earth and Sky and other big things come yours.
into being all by themselves. iv) Invisibly Allah is the helper, visibly you.
Q. If a Muslim says that Allah is nothing and
says that the Earth and Sky just came into be-  ANGELS (FARISHTEH) 
ing and were not created by Allah, what is the
Q. What do Angels do ?
ruling on this ?
A. Angels look after all thing from the Earth
A. Whoever says this has stepped outside the
to the Skies. They have been created from the
folds of Islam and is deemed a Kafir (Infidel).
court of Allah to carry out specific duties. Some
Q. What is the Islamic ruling of someone who have been sent to look after the needs of the
speaks badly of Allah ? Holy Prophets of Allah and to bring messages
A. It is an act of Kufr to speak or think of Al- from Allah to the Holy Prophets. Some have
lah in this way. been given the duty to perform rain, some have
Q. Some people say that whatever the one been given the duty of controlling the winds,
up there decides will happen, and they say "Al- some have the duty to deliver wealth, some have
lah is up there, you are down here" or they say the responsibility to create the child's face in
"Allah is up there Creation is down here" is there the mothers womb, some have the duty to look
anything wrong in saying this ? inside the human body, some have the respon-
sibility to blow the horn on the day of judge-
A. Of course it is wrong and is a misguided
ment, some have the role of protecting humans
statement, Muslims should abstain from saying
from their enemies, some angels have the re-
such phrases.
sponsibilities of roaming the Earth and attend-
Q. Please can you tell me what is the correct ing ceremonies such as Khatam Sharifs, Mehfil-
phrase one should use ? e-Durood, Milad Sharif, Zikr-e-llahi, Zikr-e-
3 4

Rasool and writing down and the attendees and make this kind of mistake. It is stated in the Holy
then being a witness in the court of Allah Ta'ala Quran : YAF ALOONA MA YU'MAROONA'
of this fact. Some angels have the responsibil- meaning 'angels only do that, which is com-
ity of writing down the good and bad deeds of manded of them.'
humans, these are known as 'Kiraman Q. Can angels appear as humans "
Kaatibeen'. A lot of angels have been specifi- A. Yes, they appear in whatever form they
cally created so they would attend the Holy Court choose.
of the beloved Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi
Wasallam and some take the Salaat-o-Salaam Q. What is the ruling on someone who says
prayed by Muslims to the court of the Holy that Angels are no such thing or 'Angels is a
Prophet. One angel has the responsibility of name given to strength goodness' ?
taking out the souls and have the role of asking A. Both these things are act of Kufr (Infidel-
questions in the grave these are called 'Munkar ity).
Nakeer. There are many many other duties
which angels have been delegated to do.
Q. Do angels do anything which is against Q. Why did Allah Ta'ala reveal His holy
Allah Almighty's orders ? books ?
A. No, never angels only do what Allah Al- A. Allah Almighty revealed His holy books to
mighty commands and orders. Angels never do teach and show people the right path i.e. so that
things which go against Allah's commands, nei- people will believe in Allah and His Prophets
ther intentionally or unintentionally. They are and do what Allah and His Prophets require.
Allah's innocent creations who are totally im- Q. How is it known that Tauret (Old Testa-
mune from committing sins small or large. ment), Injeel (Bible new testament) and Zaboor
Q. I have heard that in a town, village or city, (book revealed to Hazrat Dawood Alaihi Sa-
where there are two people of the same name, laam) are Allah's books ?
angels sometimes make mistakes when extract- A. There is evidence of this fact in the Holy
ing a person's soul (Rooh). Is this true ? Quran that these books were revealed by Allah
A. No, this is not possible, angels can never Almighty.
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Q. How is it known that the Holy Quran is Al- A. The Holy Quran was not revealed all in
lah Almighty's book ? one go, but was revealed in parts over 23 years,
as and according to the people's needs.
A. There were people in Arabia who were
against the Holy Quran and who said that this Q. How was the Holy Quran revealed ?
was not Allah Almighty's book. These people A. The Holy Quran was revealed in the fol-
were therefore told that if the Holy Quran was lowing way :
of Human creation then they should try and write Hazrat Jibra'eel Alaihi Salaam would bring
ten similar surats, but these people were not passages of the Holy Quran and recite them to
capable of doing this. So they were told to try our Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam
and write on similar Surah, and again these who would remember them and in turn recite
people were not capable of doing this. It was an the to his beloved companions (Sahaba-e-
impossible task for them, and so Allah Almighty Kiram). The companions of the Holy Prophet
said "You will never be able to imitate even just would then memorise these passages and write
one Surah of the Holy Quran". Allah also said them down on paper, leather, bones etc.
that "if all the humans and all the Jinn joined Q. Where was the Holy Quran first revealed ?
together they still could not be able to imitate A. In Makkah Mu'azzama (Mecca) there is a
the Holy Quran. However, many people who are mountain called 'Hira'. Our Holy Prophet used
against the Holy quran have tried very hard and to go and offer prayers in a cave on this moun-
despite their fluency in Arabic, they could not tain and the Holy Quran was first revealed to
imitate even a single Surah of the Holy Quran. him in this cave.
For over one thousand and four hundred years
enemies of the Holy Quran who have been flu- Q. Which is the first passages (Ayat) to be
ent in Arabic, to this day they have not been revealed ?
able to imitate even a single Surah of the Holy A. The first five passages of Surah IQRA (Iqra
Quran. All this evidence proves that the Holy Bismi.) were the first to be revealed.
Quran is Allah's book. Q. Which is the last passage to be revealed ?
Q. Was the Holy Quran revealed all in one A. The last Ayat (passage) to be revealed is
go, or in parts ? in the third chapter and it reads 'Wattaku
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Yawman Turja'oona Feehi illallahi' (Tafseer Hazrat Zakaria, Hazrat Yahya, Hazrat Isa,
Kabeer, Part-2, Page-38). Hazrat Yunoos, Hazrat Zoolkifl, Hazrat Saaleh
Q. Is it necessary to bring faith in all Surats Alaihimussalam and our beloved Prophet
or passages of the Holy Quran ? Huzoor Sayyadana Muhammad Mustapha
A. Yes, it is essential to bring faith in all Surats Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam.
and Ayats (passages) of the Holy Quran. Q. Please tell us the grades of the Holy Proph-
Q. What does Islamic law say if someone ets ?
says the Holy Quran is not what it was and has A. The Prophets are the beloved servants of
had additions to it or has had some parts taken the Allah Ta'ala. Their grade is of the highest
out ? esteem. No matter how high a person's grade
A. Whoever says this is a Infidel (Kafir) and is it will never be a high as a Prophets. They are
apostate (murtad). immune from sins (Masoom), to obey their or-
der is to obey Allah's order. To make a slightest
 THE HOLY PROPHETS insult to their dignity is an act of Kufr (infidelity).
ALAIHI SALLAM  Allah has give them knowledge of the unseen
(ghaib) in other words every little piece on earth
Q. What are the names of the Holy Proph- and what ever is going to happen they have the
ets ? knowledge.
A. All the names of the prophets are not Q. Can one by praying and being obedient
known, however, here are the names of the become a Prophet ?
prophets that have been mentioned in the
Quran; A. No, never, Prophecy and becoming a
messenger of Allah is done at the will of Allah,
Hazrat Adam Alaihi Salaam, Hazrat Nooh,
He has chosen the ones He wants as Proph-
Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Ismail, Hazrat Ishaac,
ets, praying and obedience has no involvement
Hazrat Yakub, Hazrat Yusuf, Hazrat Moosa,
in it.
Hazrat Haroon, Hazrat Shoeb, Hazrat Loot,
Hazrat Houd, Hazrat Da'ood, Hazrat Suleman, Q. Can Jinn or Angels also be Prophets ?
Hazrat Ayyub, Hazrat Ilyas, Hazrat Ilyasa, A. No, Prophets can only be in the form of
9 10
humans and only males can be Prophets, fe- A. Yes, of course all prophets are alive in their
males can not be Prophets. shrines.
Q. Who is immune from sins (Masoom) ? Q. What proof is there that the Holy Prophets
A. Those are the protection of Allah and are alive ?
therefore can not commit sins. A. It is quoted in the Hadith Sharif that the
Q. Can there be other creation except for Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam has
prophets who are Masoom ? stated 'Innallaha Harrana Alalardi An Ta'kula
A. Yes, angels are Masoom (Immune from Ajsadal Ambiya'i Fanabiyyullahi Hayyun Yur
sins) and other than these two creations there Zuk' meaning;
is no other creation that is Masoom. Allah Ta'ala has made it Haram (forbid-
Q. Are Imams or Walis not Masoom ? den) for the earth to eat bodies of Prophets. So
A. No, only Prophets and Angels can only be all Prophets are alive, they are given food
Masoom. However, Allah through his gracious- (Mishkat Sharif page-211) Hazrat Shaeikh Abdul
ness sotps the Islamic scholars and Walis Haqq Mohaddis-e-Dehlvi Rahmatullah Ta'ala
(friends of Allah) from committing sins but only Alaih states Prophets are alive with the same
Angels and Prophets are Masoom. reality that they were alive on earth'.
Q. To show earth follower's (Ummatee) grade Q. What is the Islamic rule on one who says
higher than a prophet for the same as a prophet, 'that Prophets have died and mixed in the soil ?'
is this allowed ? A. Those who say this have lost the right path
A. To show someone as the same rank or and are without faith.
higher than a prophet is Kufr (infidelity). Q. Is it possible that other than Prophets, High
Q. Can a follower become higher than a ranking Islamic scholars and other pious peo-
Prophet in deeds (Amal) ? ple are not eaten by the earth after death ?
A. No, never, to believe someone to be higher A. Yes, other than Prophets, the soil can not
than a prophet in deeds is incorrect and stupid- eat the bodies of very pious people, highly
ity. ranked Islamic scholars, martyrs of Islam,
Q. Are the Holy Prophet Alaihi Salaam alive ? Hafeez-e-Quran (who act upon the teachings
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of the Quran), those who love Allah and his respected, most beloved person and is the high-
messenger and those who pray the Durood est ranking in the whole of creation. Muhammad
Sharif continuously and those bodies who have Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam is the Prophet of the
never committed a sin. prophets i.e. All the Prophets are Ummatees
***************************** (followers). It is stated in the Holy Quran that
'KHATAMUN NABIYEEN' which means that he
 SAYYADUL AMBIYA  is the last prophet and after him there will be no
(LEADER OF PROPHETS) other Prophet born. Our Prophet has himself
said "Anna Khatamun Naiyyeena La Nabiyya
Q. Who is the leader of all the Prophets ? Badi" meaning "I am the last Prophet, after me
A. The leader of the Prophets and the high- there will be no other Prophet born".
est ranking Prophets is our beloved Prophet The whole of creation desires the will and
Muhammad Mustapha Sallallaho Alaihi pleasure of Allah and that they keep Allah Ta'ala
Wasallam. happy and Allah Ta'ala desires that our Holy
Q. Where is the evidence that our Prophet is Prophet be happy.Those who are loyal to our
the leader of all the prophets ? Holy Prophet are loyal to Allah Ta'ala and to
A. It is evident from many passages of the dishonour and disrespect the Holy Prophet is
Holy Quran and there are many Hadith proving to dishonour and disrespect Allah Ta'ala. Our
this fact, and our Prophet has said himself : Ana Holy Prophet has been given keys to all the
Sayyidu Wuldi Adama Yuwmal Quiyaamati. treasures of the world and if our Holy Prophet
meaning 'On the day of judgement I will be so desired mountains made of gold would walk
master of the children of Adam.' It is clear that alongside him.
all the Prophets are descendants of Hazrat Our Holy Prophet used to tell people about
Adam therefore it is evident that our Holy Proph- the unseen (ghaib). He was shown all things
ets is the master of all the Prophets'. about the earth and the skies. Our Holy Prophet
Q. Can you inform us of other great aspects could see everything in every part of the world,
of our Holy Prophet ? and what will happen until the day of judgement
A. In Allah's view our Holy Prophet is the most as easily as one can see the palm of the hand.
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Our Holy Prophet saw all things, above, below, ily which was the highest ranking family in Ara-
ahead and behind. There is absolutely nothing bia. He was part of the Bani Hashim family. This
which could conceal itself from our Holy Prophet. is a branch of the Quraish family which was the
He knows what is happening underneath the most respected from all the branches of the
earth. He knows the fear of Allah in people's Quraishi family. This is why our Holy Prophet is
heart. He knows what we eat, drink, sit, walk, referred to as Quraishi-Hashmi.
talk and what we talk about. Q. What are the names of our Holy Prophet's
Our Holy Prophet was astonishingly beau- parents ?
tiful and handsome. His beloved face was round A. The answer to this has already been given
and shone brighter than the moon. He was nei- in Noorani Ta'alim part two, which you should
ther very tall or short but of medium height, how- have read. Our Holy Prophet's father was called
ever, when he was in a crowd he seemed the Hazrat Abdullah and his mother was Hazrat
tallest. He had a small round bump on his back Amina (May Allah be pleased with them).
about a size of a pigeon's egg, which is call Q. When did Hazrat Abdullah and Hazrat
Mohr-e-Naboowat (Stamp of Prophethood) and Amina pass away ?
on it the first Kalima was written. Our Holy A. Two months before the birth of our Holy
Prophet did not have a shadow in either the Prophet, Hazrat Abdullah passed away in
moonlight, sunlight or shade. His sweat shown Madinah Munawwara. When our Holy Prophet
like a pearl and smelt sweeter than musk. was six years of age his mother Hazrat Amina
Whichever path our Holy Prophet took that path- took our Prophet to Madina Sharif and on the
way smelt pure. Once a bride scented herself way back to Mecca she also passed away at a
from the sweet smelling sweat of our beloved place called Abwa.
Prophet armpits which resulted in generations Q. After Hazrat Amina passed away who
after generations of her children and grand chil- looked after our Holy Prophet ?
dren smelling of perfume. A. After Hazrat Amina passed away, our
Q. Which family was our Prophet Sallallaho Prophet was looked after his grandfather Abdul
Alaihi Wasallam born into ? Muttalib. When our Prophet reached the aged
A. Our Holy Prophet was into te Quraish fam- of eight his grandfather also died. After this our
15 16

Prophet was looked after by his uncle (Father's SAHABAA-E-KIRAM

younger brother) whose name was Abu Taalib.
Abu Taalib looked after our Holy Prophet until
he reached a good age. Q. Who is a Sahabi ?
Q. At what age did our Prophet get married ? A. A Sahabi is a person who has seen the
Holy Prophet with Imaan (faith) and died with
A. Our Holy Prophet's first marriage was at
the age of twenty five.
Q. Who holds the highest grade in all the
Q. What was the name of our Prophet's first
Sahabis ?
wife ?
A. Out of the Sahabis the highest position is
A. He's first wife's name was Hazrat Khadijah held by the first Khalipha Hazrat Abubakr Siddiq
(May Allah be pleased with her). (May Allah be please with him). After this the
Q. How old was our Holy Prophet when he second Khalipha Hazrat Umar Farooque holds
become a Prophet ? the highest positiion. After the four Khaliphas
the other six sahabis (in total ten) that were given
A. Our Holy Prophet revealed his
the order of Jannat on earth i.e. Ashra
Prophethood at the age of Forty. However, he
Mubashara are of the highest grade. After the
was a prophet even before Hazrat Adam Alaihi
Sahabis of Badr and then the Sahabis of Uhud
Salaam as stated; "Kuntoh Nabiyyaw Wa Adamu
hold the highest grade. After these the Sahabis
Baynar'rooh'e Waljasad" (Mirqat Shareh
of Baiate Rizwan (as explained in Surah Fateh)
Mishqat, Vol.-5, Page-363)
hold the highest position and then the rest of
Meaning : "I was a Prophet when Adam was the Sahabis (May Allah be pleased with them).
between body and soul" i.e. the body of Adam
Q. Who is known by a Khalipha ?
was prepared but life had not yet been but into
it. A. A Khalipha is a person who holds the po-
sition of the leader of Islam after the Holy
Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam.
Q. Who is known by Ashra Mubashara ?
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A. Ashra Mubashshara are those ten Sahabis Fatima Zohra, Hazrat Imaam Hasan, Hazrat
who were given the news about their entrance Imaam Hussain, Sahabi-e-Badr, Sahabi-e-Uhud
in Jannat, on earth. and Sahabi-e-Baitur Rizwan have all been given
Q. Who are these ten Sahabis called ? order of Jannat.
A. These are : Q. Who are Sahabi-e-Badr ?
i) Hazrat Abubakr Siddiq Radi allaho Ta'ala A. Badr is a well, situated approx. One Hun-
anho dred and fifty kilometres away from Madina
ii) Hazrat Umar Farooq Radi allaho Ta'ala Sharif. At this place Islam's first major battle took
anho place between the Muslim and the infidels of
Mecca. The Sahabis that took part in this battle
iii) Hazrat Usman Ghani Radi allaho Ta'ala are known as the Sahabi-e-Badr.
Q. Who are Sahabi-e-Uhud ?
iv) Hazrat Ali Murtaza Radi allaho Ta'ala
anho A. Uhud is a mountain situated five kilome-
tres from Madina. At this mountain the second
v) Hazrat Talha Radi allaho Ta'ala anho largest battle took place between the Muslim
vi) Hazrat Zubair Radi allaho Ta'ala anho and the infidels of Makkah. The Muslim that took
vii) Hazrat Abdul Rahmaan Bin Auf Radi part in this battle are known as the Sahabi-e-
allaho Ta'ala anho Uhud.
viii) Hazrat Sa'ad Bin Abi Waqqas Radi Q. Who are the Sahabi-e-Baitur Rizwan ?
allaho Ta'ala anho A. There is a velley Twenty Two kilometres
ix) Hazrat Saeed Bin Zaid Radi allaho from Makkah called Hudaibiya. At this place
Ta'ala anho Muslim took oath by our Holy Prophet to fight or
x) Hazrat Abu Ubaida Ibne Jarrah Radi die for Islam. The Sahabis that took part in this
allaho Ta'ala anho oath are known as the Sahabi-e-Baitur Rizwan.
Q. Apart from these have no other Sahabi Q. In total how many Sahabis are there ?
given the order of Jannat ? A. In total there are approx. One Hundred and
A. Apart from Ashara Mubashshara, Hazrat Twenty Four Thousand Sahabis.
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Q. Can a pious person or Islamic scholar be Q. What is the recognition of true Majzoob ?
higher in rank than a Sahabi ? A. Recognition of a true Majzoob is a person
A. No matter how high or religious a person who will never challenge the Islamic Law
is, they can never be of similar of higher rank (Shariat) i.e. If he was asked to pray Namaz he
than a Sahabi. would not opposeit. (Almalfooz vol-2, Page-80)
****************************** Q. If a person who is within his senses does
not adhere to the Shariat but claims to be a Wali,
 AULIA-E-KIRAM  can this be the case ?
(FRIENDS OF ALLAH) A. That sort of person can not be a Wali but
a fraud.
Q. Who is Aulia-e-Kiram ?
Q. Can one perform the death anniversary
A. People who have been given by Allah (Urs) of the Aulia-e-Kiram ?
Ta'ala the ability to be very close to Allah Al-
A. To perform the Urs of the Aulia-e-Kiram
mighty are known as Aulia-e-Allah.
meaning to pray the Holy Quran, perform reli-
Q. Can a person by his efforts become a gious speeches, Milad Sharif and distribute food
Wali ? is all allowed. To sing and dance is not allowed
A. No, this position is given by Allah Almighty in any situation and to do this close to a Holy
to whom he desires. However, a person per- Shrine is even worse.
forming good deeds is given this position by Q. Are women allowed to go to the Holy
Allah Ta'ala and some are Walis from birth. Shrines of Aulia-e-Kiram ?
Q. How can one recognise a Wali ? A. For women to go to the Holy Shrines of
A. A Wali can be recognised by firstly his Aulia-e-Kiram is not permitted.
beliefs. He must be of the Ahle Sunnat Wal Q. Can Aulia-e-Kiram heal Leprosy and cure
Jamaat sect. He must be a pious person and the blind ?
performs Islamic deeds. Therefore a person A. Of course Aulia-e-Kiram can heal leprosy
from a bad sect or a person who does not per- and cure the blind, in fact they can cure any
form Islamic deeds can not be a Wali. illness. Allah Ta'ala has given them strength to
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perform these duties. iv) His Silsila (connection) should reach

Q. Is it allowed to ask for help from Aulia-e- straight to the Holy Prophet i.e. His Peer then
Kiram and call from far ? His Peer etc. should go straight upto the Holy
A. Of course it is allowed to call Aulia-e-Kiram
i.e. Ya Ali, Ya Ghous, Ya Khwaja etc. asked for Q. If a Peer consisted of three of these things
their help. and missed one can be Mureed ?
A. No, one should not be a Mureed of this
Q. Are the Aulia-e-Kiram alive in their
sort of a Peer.
graves ?
A. Yes, they are alive in their graves as they
were on earth, in fact, their strength and power  MAU'JIZAA AND KARAMAT 
is increased in their graves.
Q. Should one become a Mureed (follower)
of a Wali ? Q. What is known by a Maujizaa ?
A. An action performed by a Prophet which
A. Yes, they should certainly become a
would generally be impossible for a person to
Mureed of a Wali because there are a lot of
perform. This is called a Mujizaa (miracle.)
benefits in the worldly and religious aspects by
becoming a Mureed. Q. Can you state some Mujizaa of the Proph-
ets ?
Q. What should a Peer be like ?
A. There are a lot of Mujizaas performed by
A. A Peer should consists of four things : the Prophets, out of which here are some :
i) He should be of the right sect, i.e. Ahle Hazrat Saaleh created a pregnant camel
Sunnah Wa Jamaat from a large stone on a mountain and then gave
ii) He should be literate upto the extent birth to a camel about the same size whose milk
that he should be able to read up to important was enough for all the cities. Hazrat Moosa's
aspects of Islam from books. Stick turned into an Adder snake so large that it
iii) He should not be a wrongdoer i.e. does swallowed over one hundred thousand of the
not perform deeds or a Fasiq. magicians snakes. Also Hazrat Moosa Alaihi
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Salaam created birds from soil then blew them, A. The Karamats by Aulia-e-Kiram are count-
who then flew away. Also Hazrat Eisa used to less. Out of which here are just a few :
heal the born blind and those with leprosy and Ghouse-e-Pak rubbed his hand over a
he also used to bring back to life the dead. Our skeleton of a chicken and said Kum Bi'iznillah'
beloved Prophet also had many muajizaas. meaning 'with the order of Allah become alive'
Q. Can you also state some of our Holy and the chicken became alive. Once Khalifa-e-
Prophet's Maujizaas ? Mustanjid presented a bag of coins for his 'Ho-
A. Our Holy Prophet's greatest Maujizaa was liness and asked his Holiness to take the bag,
Me'raj, when during a short period in the night so his Holiness squeezed the bag and blood
our Prophet went from Makkah to Baitul came pouring out. Hazrat Ghous-e-Pak replied
Muqaddas and prayed two rakats Namaz with "Oh Khalipha, are you not ashamed of sucking
the rest of the Prophet's as Muqtadees. Then other people's blood and then bringing it to me,
went above the seven skies upto Arsh and then I swear by Allah if I did not have the respect of
performed dialogue with Allah Ta'ala, travelling being from the family of the Holy Prophet I would
through Jannat and saw Dozakh and then re- let this blood flood the walls of your palace."
turned to Makkah where the rocking chain was Once Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz reduced all
still moving and the mattress was still warm. the water from a large lake in Ajmer into a small
Another maujizaa was when the debate with the bowl and it looked as it there had never been
infidels lead to the Holy Prophets proving his any water in the lake.
point by splitting the moon far apart and when Q. What is it to reject the fact of Karamat ?
everybody clearly saw it, he put the moon back A. To reject the existence of Karamat would
together again, this Maujizaa is called 'Shaqqal be misguidance and of the wrong sect.
Qamr'. Q. Is it necessary for a Wali to provide a
Karamat (miracle) ?
Q. What is known by Karamat ? A. No, it is not necessary for a Wali to show
A. The miracles performed by Aulia-e-Kiram a Karamat. The case can be that a person may
are known as Karamats. never perform a miracle all his life but yet still
Q. Can you explain some of the Karamats be a Wali.
done by Aulia-e-Kiram ? **************************
25 26

 THE GRAVE  will be heard from the heavens "My servent has
said the truth, lay a bed from Jannat for him,
Q. What question do Munkar Nakir ask in the give him the clothes from Jannat for him, give
grave ? him the clothes from Jannat and open one door
A. In the grave Munkar Nakir asks three ques- from Jannat" and all this will be done for him.
tions : The width of the grave will then be widened and
1) MAN RABBUKA - Who is your lord ? the fresh air from Jannat come to the grave and
2) MAA DINUKA - What is your religion ? the dead will rest in the grave.
3) MAA KUNT TAQULU FEE HAZAR Q. When the Infidel will not be able to answer
RAJOOL - What do you say about this person the questions what will happen ?
present ? A. For the dead Infidel, it will be ordered to
Q. What will the dead reply to these ques- lay a bed of fire for him and make him wear
tions ? clothes of fire and a door from hell will be open
for him whereby the heat of hell will come to his
A. If the dead is a Muslim he will reply :
grave and this will be done. To Punish this per-
1) RABBI ALLA H- My lord is Allah
son two angels will be ordered who will be blind
2) DEENIL ISLAM - My religion is Islam
and death. They will have a hammer on them
so strong that if a mountain was hit by this ham-
ALAIHI WASALLAM - He is the messenger of
mer the mountain would be smashed into smith-
ereens, this hammer will be used to beat the
Q. If the dead is not a Muslim but Infidel then deed.
what will he reply ?
Q. If the dead is burnt, (cremated) then will
A. If the dead is a Kafir (Infidel) then the an- there be any questions after death ?
swer to all the questions will be HAA HAA LA
A. Whatever the dead is burnt or thrown into
ADRI meaning : Shame I know nothing.
the sea, the questions will still be asked. Upto
Q. When the Muslim answers correctly to all the extent that if an animal eats a person the
the questions then what will happen ? questions and answers and the reward and pun-
A. When all the answer are correct a voice ishment will occur in the animals stomach.
27 28

Q. What is regarded for a person who rejects really be Dozakh and his Dozakh will really be
the fact about the questions and answers and Jannat. Apart from Makkah and Madina he will
the reward and the punishment in the grave ? travel the whole world. Whoever will bring faith
A. Question and answers, reward and pun- on him, he will put in his Jannat and whoever
ishment in the grave is a fact who ever rejects will deny him, he will put in his Dozakh. He will
this is a misguided person and from the wrong bring back to life the dead and he will grow crops
sect. from the ground and perform rain from the skies.
He will do many things like this which really are
*************************** not miracles but will be magic.
 THE LARGE SIGNS OF Q. Where will Hazrat Imaam Mehndi be rec-
ognised ?
A. Hazrat Imaam Mehndi will become recog-
Q. Can you inform us some of the big signs nised in Makkah Sharif.
for the coming day of judgement ? Q. Can you explain it in some detail ?
A. Some of the big signs of Qayamat (Day of A. In short the details are so; It will be the
Judgement) is that Dajjal (great imposter) will month of Ramadan and great great Aulia will
be born. The recognition of Hazrat Imaam be performing Tawaaf (circuits) of Ka'aba and
Mehndi. The coming of Hazrat Eisa Alaihi Sa- Hazrat Imaan Mehndi will also be present there.
laam from the sky. The spreading and destruc- The Aulia-e-Kiram will recognise him an will want
tion done by YAJOOZ MAJOOZ. Dabbatul Ardh him to be the leader but he will decline and then
will come out and spread a cool sweet wind. there will be a voice from the unseen "Haza
Q. What will Dajjal be like after coming what Khalifatullahil Mahdiyyoo Fasm'oo Lahoo
will he do ? Wa'ati'oohoo" meaning : This is the Khalifah of
A. Dajjal will be blind in one eye. On his head Allah, 'Mehndi', listen to what he says and obey
the word 'KFR' (Kaaf feh Reh) will be written, his orders' After this voice, all people will be-
which all Muslims will see ut infidels will not be come his followers (Mureed) then he will take
able to. He will claim to be the lord. He will have all his people with him and go to Syria.
Jannat and Dozakh. However, his Jannat will Q. Where will Hazrat Eisa descend on earth
29 30
and can you tell us this story ? tion so Hazrat Eisa Alaihi Salaam will perform a
A. Hazrat Eisa will come down from the skies prayer for their destruction and Allah will fulfil it.
onto the Jamia Mosque in Damascus. The time Allah will cause a disease to grow in their throats
will be of Fajr Namaz. Hazrat Imaam Mehndi hence they will all die from it.
Radiallaho Anho will also be present there. Q. When will Hazrat Eisa Alaihi Salaam come
Hazrat Eisa Alaihi Salaam will order him to be down from the mountain of Toor ?
the Imaam and will pray Namaz behind him. At A. After Yajooz Majooz will all die off Hazrat
this time the cursed Dajjal will be in Syria. Hazrat Eisa Alaihi Salaam will come down from the
Eisa will follower him and Dajjal will try to es- mountain with his group of Muslims. He will stay
cape but Hazrat Eisa will stab a spear into his on Earth for forty years, He will marry and have
back and sent him into hell. Then as per the children and then he will be buried next to the
order from Allah, Hazrat Eisa will take all the Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam.
Muslims to the Mountain of Koh'e Toor. Q. What sort of creation is Da'bbatul Ardh ?
Q. Who are Yajooz Majooz ? A. Da'abatul Ardh will be a sort of an animal.
A. Yajooz Majooz are a group of Humans who In whose hands there will be Hazrat Moosa
started eating people, So Hazrat Sikander Alaihis Salaam's stick (Asaa) and Hazrat
Zulkarnain who was the king at that time who Sulaimaan Alaihis Salaam's ring. With the stick
imprisoned them in a cave between two moun- he will mark a shining light on all Muslim's fore-
tains and sealed the entrance with molten iron. heads and with the ring a dark mark on all infi-
Q. When Yajooz Majooz come out ? del's foreheads which will never come off.
A. When Hazrat Eisa has taken the Muslims Q. When will the sweet smelling cold wind run
to the mountain, this group Yajooz Majooz will and what effect will it have ?
come out. They will cause great Destruction in A. After the departure of Hazrat Eisa Alaihis
the world. They will kill people. They will shoot Salaam from this world and there will only be
arrows towards the sky (intending to aim at Al- forty years of before Qayamat arriving will be
lah) to which Allah will cover the arrowheads left this wind will run. Which the effect will be
with blood and the group will be happy when that all Muslim's soul will be taken out of them
they see this. They will be busy in their destruc- (they will die). There will be no one left who will
31 32

say the word Allah. Infidels and only infidels will Syria.
be that all Muslim's soul will be taken out of them Q. What will the situation be of the people of
(they will die). There will be no one left who will Hashar ?
say the word Allah. Infidels and only infidels will A. In Hashar the people will be awaiting to
be left in this world. For forty years they will have present their deeds. The ground will be made
no children, meaning there will be no one left of copper and the Sun will be one mile off the
under the age of forty. Now Qayamat will come ground. People's brains will be splitting open
on these. with the heat. People will be sweating to the
************************ extent that some will have sweat upto their an-
kles. Some will have sweat upto their knees and
 HASHAR  the infidels will have sweat upto their heads and
(THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT) will be gagged by it. They will be drowing in their
Q. How will Qayamat begin ? Q. In these difficulties will one's parent or oth-
A. When Hazrat Israfeel Alaihis Salaam ers not be of any help ?
blows the horn the first time all things including A. No. Nobody will help anybody. Parents,
the earth and skies will be destroyed, upto the brothers, sisters, wives, children, etc. will all be
extent that even Hazrat Israfeel will himself be worried about their own problems. Nobody will
fininshed. After this when Allah wishes He will be willing to help.
bring Hazrat Israfeel back to life and order him
Q. Then how will one be freed from the wor-
to blow the horn again. This time all things will
ries ?
come back to life and everybody will come out
of their graves and take with them the book of A. The situation will be that everyone will
deeds performed in this world and make them- be in search for an intercessor to relieve them
selves to the ground of Hashar. from these difficulties. People will go to all the
Prophets but no-one will be prepared to help.
Q. Where will the ground of Hashar be situ-
Then finally they will go to the Holy court of
ated ?
the beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustapha
A. The ground of Hashar will be situated in Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam and ask for his
33 34

assistance for intercession. Huzoor will reply  MEEZAN &POOL SIRAAT 

ANA LAHA meaning "I am present to help".
The Holy Prophet will then perform prostra- Q. What is known by Meezan ?
tion (Sijdah) in the Holy court of Allah and the A. Meezan is the name given to the weigh-
order will be "Ya Muhammado Ir Fa Rasaka ing scales which will be used on the Day of
Wa Qul Tus Ma' Wasal Tu'tah Wush Fa Judgement to weigh each person's deeds, good
Tushaffa" meaning "O Muhammad ! lift your and bad.
head and say your words will be listened and Q. What is known by Pool Siraat ?
ask whatever will ask will be granted and per-
form intercession your intercession will ac- A. Directly above Hell there is a bridge which
cepted". The Holy Prophet will lift his head is thinner that a hair and sharper than the sword.
from Sijdah and the accounting will begin. The This bridge is known as Pool Siraat.
Jannatees will go to Jannat (Paradise) and Q. Who will cross the bridge ?
the Dozakhees will go to Dozakh (Hell). The A. Every person will have to cross this bridge
Holy Prophet will perform Intercession for his because this will be the only way to Jannat.
Q. When this bridge is thinner than a hair and
Q. Will nobody else be able to perform inter- sharper than the sword then how can one be
cession except our Holy Prophet ? able to cross it ?
A. First of all our Holy Prophet Sallallaho A. The Kafirs will not be able to cross it an
Alaihi Wasallam will perform intercession, then will fall into hell. Every other person will cross
all the Prophets, Aulia, The Martyred and Ulema according to their Islamic status and grade.
will perform intercession for their followers. Some will cross faster than lightening, some will
cross fast as the wind, some will cross if sat on
Q. What is the order for those who rejcet the
a very speedy horse, others will cross as if they
fact about intercession ?
were running as fast as a human can, some will
A. Those who reject the fact that intercession cross it walking, some will cross it crawling, some
will be performed in misguided and from the will cross it very very slowly, some will cross it
wrong sect. the speed of an ant and others will fall into hell.
35 36

Q. Who will be the first person to cross the seventy years to reach.
Pool Siraat ? Q. What is Jannat made of ?
A. The first person will be the Holy Prophet A. The walls of Jannat are constructed from
Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam then the rest of the bricks made of gold and silver and are laid in
Prophets, then the followers (Ummat) of the Holy alternate position i.e. one gold, one silver, one
Prophet then the other Prophet's Ummats. gold etc. The cement is made from sweet smell-
Q. What is the order of those who reject the ing musk and the stones are of pearls and dia-
aspect of Meezan an Pool Siraat ? monds.
A. The person who rejects Meezan or Pool Q. Can you explain other qualities of Jannat ?
Siraat is misguided and from the wrong sect. A. There are many qualities of Jannat which
can not even be explained, out of which here
are some :
Q. What is Jannat (Paradise) ? i) Jannat has oceans of water, milk and
A. Jannat is a beautiful place which has been honey. The streams of these oceans will go upto
made specially for the ones with faith by Allah the Jannatees houses and will be sweet smell-
Ta'ala. ing.
Q. What is Jannat like ? ii) The women of Jannat are so beautiful
A. Jannat is so unique that an example of it that is one was to be shown in this world, from
has never been seen by one's eye, never been the earth to the skies would be brightened. Their
heard by one's ear nor has any mind ever had bangles are so shiny that the sun's rays would
an imagination of it. disappear like the stars with the sun's rays.
Q. How many grades are there in Jannat ? iii) When the Jannatees will eat and drink
but they will not perform excretion or urine, they
A. Jannat has one Hundred different grades
will also be clean from saliva and mucus. Their
(levels), and the gap between two levels in the
sweat will be sweet smelling. Their food will be
same as the gap from the earth to the sky. Each
completely digested.
levels doors are so big that to get from one side
of the door to the other it would take a fast horse iv) The Jannatees will have all kind of fruit
37 38

and food. If one desired to eat some meat that for another thousand years it was heated and it
would be presented to them straight away. If went black. It is now completely black with no
they desired to drink something that would be light whatsoever.
there straight away in a glass. Q. Is there any light in Hell ?
v) If the Jannatees wanted to meet with A. No, Dozakh is completely dark.
each other they would straight away be pre- Q. How hot is the fire of Dozakh ?
sented in from of the guests. Their carriage
would get to their destination straight away. A. The fire of Dozakh is seventy times hotter
than fire in this world.
vi) Jannatees will always stay healthy and
free from illness. They will never become ill, they Q. How deep is Dozakh ?
will always remain alive, they will always remain A. Only Allah knows how deep it is, but it is
young and never grow old. They always remain quoted in the Hadith Sharif that if a stone was
in luxury and never face difficulties. thrown inside it after seventy years it would still
vii) The Jannatees from the lower grades not hit the bottom.
will have Eighty Thousand servants and sev- Q. What food and drink will be given to the
enty two wives. Dozakhees ?
***************************** A. The puss that will come out of the
Dozakhees will be given to them to drink and to
 THE FACTS ABOUT DOZAKH  eat they will be given a fruit with thorns which if
a part of it comes into the world with it's heat
Q. What is Dozakh (Hell) ?
and bad smell the whole world would suffer.
A. Dozakh is a place made for Kafirs (Infi- However, the Dozakhees will eat it without any
dels), Wrong sects and sinful Muslims and is choice and it will get suck in their throats. To
made of fire. obtain relief from this they will ask for water and
Q. What is the fire of hell like ? will be given boiling hot oil to drink, which after
A. The fire of hell was fired up for a thousand drinking their insides will burn out.
years then it went red, it was then heated for Q. Can you explain some other details of
another thousand years and it went white then Dozakh ?
39 40

A. i) There is fire in the hell is every direction SECTION-2

and everything is made from fire of Dozakh is
so strong that if a pin-point of it was thrown into  AAMAAL (ACTIONS) 
this world everything would die with it's heat.
Also if one link from the chains of the Dozakhees  FACTS ABOUT WUZU (ABLUTION) 
was to be put on top of the mountain, the moun- Q. What is the best way to perform wuzu ?
tain would shake and the link would sink in.
A. First of all make the intention to perform
ii) The face of the guard of Dozakh is so Wuzu then pray 'Bismilla Hirrhma Nirrahim' then
scary that if it was seen on earth all the people at least three times perform Miswak (rushing of
would die of fright. the teeth with a stick) on the top of the teeth
iii) In hell there will be snakes the size of and bottom teeth width ways, to the right side
large camels and scorpions the size of large first then left side. After this wash both hands
donkeys whose bit sting would have the painful upto the wrist and flow water through the finger
effect of upto forty years. gaps washing your right hand first then left hand
ensuring all parts get throughly wet. After this
iv) The last punishment given to the less
perform gargle three times ensuring that water
sinful is that they will be shoes of fire to wear,
reaches all the teech and between all te gaps
which with the heat will boil the wearer's brain
and if you are not fasting then always gargle
and his head will blow open like a pan's cover
your throat. After this by using your index finger
blows open.
and the thumb of your left hand clean both nos-
Q. What is the order for those who do not trils out with water sucking it up with your breath
believe in Jannat or Dozakh ? upto the soft part of your nose. Then wash your
A. The one does not believe in Jannat or face fully, one side of the right ear to the other
Dozakh is an Infidel (Kafir). [Bahare-e-Shariat] side of your left ear and from the top of your
forehead to the bottom of the chin ensuring
water reaches all the parts. After this wash both
******************************* arms upto and including elbows, beginning with
your right arm from your fingernails to the top of
41 42

your elbow flowing water and ensuring the skin face, elbows and feet once. However, if there
gets wet, this is to be done three times on your isn't enough to wash these items then perform
right arm then repeat on your left arm. Then Tayammum and pray Namaz.
perform a masah (wiping) of the head. This is Q. What is meant when said washing a part ?
done by wetting three fingers on both hands, A. Washing a part means ensuring that wa-
that is except your thumb and index finger and ter reaches all part and then to massage the
then wet your head starting from the top of your water like oil and not just to run water over it.
forehead to the back of your hair with the front [Bahar-e-Shariat]
side of your fingers. Then wet the sides of your Q. How many items in Wuzu are compulsory ?
head by using the palm of your hands bringing
A. There are four items that are compulsory :
your hands from the back to the front. Then
clean your index finger inside and use your i) To wash the face. From top of the fore-
thumb to clean your ears outside. Then using head where the hair starts growing, down to the
the back of your hands wet your neck. After this bottom of the chin. Also from one earlobe to the
wash both your feet upto the ankles three times. other earlobe. Making sure that all of the face
Starting from the front to the back cleaning them gets wet. Upto the extent that if your nose is
thoroughly. Cleaning the toes on your right foot pierced and the gap is small then it is compul-
from your little toe to the big toe, flowing water sory to take out the nose ring and wash it and if
through freely. Then your left foot from your big the gap is large that the water get to all the
toe to te little toe again ensuring all parts are places then you can wash without removing it.
wet. It is also recommended that wehn wash- ii) To wash both arms above the elbows.
ing every part you pray the Durood Sharif. That is to wash both arms fro the fingernails
upto and including the elbow and ensuring that
Q. What if there wasn't enough water avail-
water reaches all places so that not even a hair-
able to perform Wuzu according to the above
point is left dry otherwise the Wuzu will not count.
instruction ?
Upto the extent that if bangles or rings are worn
A. If there isn't enough water to wash all part and are tight so that the water does not get be-
three times then wash them twice. If there isn't hind these articles then it is compulsory that
enough to wash them once then only wash your these articles are removed so that water is
43 44

reached to all parts of the arm. If the items are When you start a Tayammum make the inten-
loose then ensure that water gets behind them. tion that I am performing this to cleanse from
iii) To perfom masah of the head upto a impurity and gain cleanliness, this is the Niyyat
quarter is compulsory. for Tayammum.
iv) To wash both feet upto the ankles en- Q. Is it necessary to say the Niyyat with your
suring that all the foot is washed completely so tongue ?
that not a pin-point is left dry, between the toes A. No, it is not ncecssary to say the Niyyat
and upto and including the ankles. Otherwise with your tongue, however,it is better.
the Wuzu will not count. [Fatawa Alamgiri] Q. If you say the Niyyat with your tongue the
what should you say ?
A. Say :- 'Nawayto An Atayammama
 TAYAMMUM  Takarruban Ilallahi Ta'ala'.
Q. In Tayammum does one not perform a
Q. What is the routine of performing the
Masah of the head and feet ?
Tayammum ?
A. No, the masah of the head and feet is not
A. First of all perform the intention to do
performed in Tayammum.
Tayammum. Then with both hands spreading
your fingers wide hit them on the floor. If a lot of Q. Is this routine of Tayammum used when
sand or earth gets on them then hit them to- one wants to perform instead of Wuzu or Ghusl
gether to see the excess material is shaken off, (bath) ?
then rub your hands all over your face (masah). A. This routine is used for both Wuzu and
Then repeat by hitting your hands on the floor Ghusl.
and with your left hand rub your right arm and Q. How many actions are compulsory in
with your right arm rub your left arm. Your Tayammum ?
Tayammum is now complete. A. Three actions are compulsory in
Q. How is the Niyyat (intention) performed for Tayammum :
a Tayammum ? i) To make the intention (Niyyat)
A. Niyyat means to make a firm intention. ii) To rub your hands all over your face so
45 46

that no part is left out. Even if a hair is left out Q. What is the definition of when water is not
then the Tayammum will not count. available or can not be used ?
iii) To rub all your arm for both hands so A. It means when a person is so ill that by
that not one small bit is left out otherwise the using water to perform Wuzu or Ghusl they defi-
Tayammum will not count. If a ring is worn then nitely know that their illness will get worse or
it must be removed and the skin underneath it they are in a place where there is no sign of
is fully covered. If a woman wears bangles or water for distance of one and a half square kilo-
other jewellery then they should also be remove metres. Or one has such a bad cold that by us-
and masah is done on the skin underneath those ing water they will die or get severely ill and are
jewellery items otherwise the Tayammum will completely sure about this. Apart from these
not count. [Bahar-e-Shariat] there are other situation of not being able to use
water which you will find detailed in large books.
Q. With what items is it allowed to perform
Tayammum with ? Q. If water was not available so one prayed
the Namaz by performing Tayammum and then
A. Clean earth, stone, sand, raw or baked there was still time left and water was found then
brick, chalk etc. is allowed to perform what is the rule ?
Tayammum with. Diamond or oyster is not al-
A. The Namaz is completed and there is no
lowed. [Bahar-e-Shariat]
need to pray it again. However, the Tayammum
Q. With what items is it not allowed to per- has now broken. [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Bahar-e-
form Tayammum ? Shariat]
A. Gold, silver, copper, brass, iron, wood, alu- Q. With what things does a Tayammum
minium, clothing, ash, rice, wheat and any type break ?
of material that would melt when heated or burn A. With all the things that break a Wuzu or
into ashes when heated can not be used to per- make necessary to perform a Ghusl the
form Tayammum. Tayammum breaks, with the addition of water
Q. When is it allowed to perform Tayammum ? being available the Tayammum would break.
A. When water is not available or can not be
used then it is allowed to perform Tayammum. *************************
47 48

 THE REMAINING QUALIF than a quarter of that e.g. less than a quarter of
IERS OF NAMAZ  the sleeve, or less than a quarter of the front, or
less than a quarter of the trouser leg then it is
Q. What is meant by the clothes being clean ? not necessary to clean. If it is the same size as
A. The clothes worn by the person praying a quarter of that part or greater than a quarter
Namaz i.e. shirt, trousers, jacket, topi, amama then it is compulsory to clean, otherwise the
etc. must be clean from impurities i.e. If any one Namaz will not be counted. [Bahar-e-Shariat]
of these articles had an impurity Ghaliza greater Q. What things are Impurity Ghaliza ?
than the size of a 50p piece then it is compul- A. Whatever excretion which comes out of a
sory to clean it, so if a Namaz is prayed without human which makes the Wuzu or Ghusl neces-
cleaning it then the Namaz will not count. If a sary is Impurity Ghaliza. Like faeces, urine, run-
Namaz is prayed like this on purpose then it is ning blood, puss, mouthful vomit, water from a
also a sin. If an impurity of the same size as a painful eye etc. Also excretion from Haram ani-
50p piece is present then to clean is wajib (nec- mal like dogs, tigers, wolfs, cats, mice, donkey
essary). If a namaz is prayed without cleaning it etc. their stool (toilet), urine and a horse's dung.
then the Namaz will become Makrooh-e-Tahrimi All Halal animal dung like cow's dung, goat or
and therefore it is Wajib for one to repeat the camel's dung, chicken's turd etc. Also elephant's
Namaz again and if it is prayed on purpose then trunk saliva, dog's saliva, all these are Impurity
it is a sin. If the impurity is less than the size of Ghaliza. Also a milk drinking child's (boy or girl)
a 50p piece then to clean is Sunnat and if Namaz urine is also Impurity Ghaliza. [Bahar-e-Shariat]
is prayed without cleaning it the Namaz would Q. What thing are Impurity Khafifa ?
be counted but against the Sunnat and is better
A. Whichever animal's meat is Halal, like cow,
to repeat. [Bahar-e-Shariat].
goat, lamb, sheep, chicken their urine is Impu-
Q. If the impurity Khafifa becomes present rity Khafifa and whatever birds meat is Haram
on the clothes then what is the order of clean- their dropping like, cow, eagle etc. is also Impu-
ing it ? rity Khafifa.
A. If an impurity Khafifa becomes present on Q. If you get impurity on your clothes how
whatever part of the clothing or body and is less many times does one have to wash for it to be-
49 50
come clean ? low the ankles and hands below the wrist. Oth-
A. If the Impurity is solid like faeces, turd etc. erwise her Namaz will not count.
than there is no limit of how many time one has Q. What is the meaning of the fifth qualifica-
to wash it but it is necessary to clean it com- tion which is 'time' ?
pletely from impurity. If by cleaning it once it A. The fifth qualification which is time, means
becomes clean then once would be enough, if that whatever Namaz you are praying must be
by cleaning it five or six times it becomes clean prayed within that time. If Namaz is prayed be-
then it must be cleaned as many times. If it takes fore that time then it will not count.
less than three times to clean it is still better to
clean it three times. If the impurity is of liquid Q. What is meant by sixth qualification which
nature like urine etc. then one must clean it three is 'Facing towards Qibla' ?
times and each time wringing the cloth with your A. This means that when praying Namaz it is
full strength, this will be sufficient for it be compulsory that the Namazees face towards
cleaned. 'Qibla' (Ka'aba Sharif) otherwise the Namaz will
Q. What is the third Namaz qualification which not count.
is the cleanliness of place ? Q. What is meant by the seventh qualifica-
A. The third qualfication 'cleanliness of place' tion of Namaz 'Niyyat' (Intention) ?
means that where the Namazee is standing the A. Intention means that is it compulsory to
place under his feet the place where his hands make the intention of what Namaz you are pray-
are placed and the place where he performs ing for what time, e.g. When praying the two
prostration is completely clean from impurities rakat Farz Namaz of Fajr it is compulsory to
otherwise Namaz will not count. make the intention that "I am praying Two
Q. What is the meaning of the fourth qualifi- Rakats Farz for Fajr" otherwise even if the time
cation 'Satr-e-Aurat' (to cover the body) mean ? is correct the Namaz will not count.
A. 'Satr-e-Aurat' means for men it is compul- Q. Is it compulsory to say the Intention with
sory to cover their body from and including the your tongue ?
navel to and including the knees. If it is a woman A. No, it is not necessary to say the Niyyat,
then all her body except her face, her feet be- simply make the intention in your heart. How-
51 52

ever, it is better to also say it. Q. What is the best way to say the Azaan ?
A. To stand at a high point, facing the Qibla,
 AZAAN  put both your index fingers into each ear and
pray the Azaan loudly, slowly and clearly, do
Q. Is it compulsory (Farz) or Sunnats to say
not rush it. When praying 'Hayya Alas Salah'
the Azaan ?
turn your face to the right and when praying
A. For the Farz Namaz prayed via Jamaat in 'Hayya Alal Salaah' turn your face the left.
a Mosque it is Sunnat Maukidaa to pray the
Q. What is the rule about answering the
Azaan. However, it's order is defined as neces-
Azaan ?
sary. Meaning if Azaan was not prayed then all
the attendees will be responsible and would be A. The rule about answering the Azaan is that
sinners. whoever hears the Azaan should answer back
the same words as the Azaan itself. The only
Q. When shoud the Azaan be prayed ?
exceptions are when the person praying Azaan
A. When the time has arrived for Namaz it says 'Hayya Alas Salaah' and 'Hayya Alal
should be prayed. It is not allowed to pray it Falaah' the person listening should answer 'La
before time, if it is prayed before time then it is Hawla Wa La Quwwata Illa Billah'. Also in Fajr
necessary to repeat it. Namaaz when hearing the words 'Assalaat
Q. Except for the Farz Namaz is there any Khairum Minan Naum' the answer to this is
other time that Azaan is prayed ? 'Sadaqta Wa Bararrta Wa Bil Haqqi Nataqta'.
A. Yes, in a child's or person in deep worry's [Bahar-e-Shariat]
ear. A person who has continuous nose bleeds, Q. What is the rule about answering the
in an angry or bad tempered person's ear, dur- Azaan of Khutba ?
ing a huge fight or when something has caught
A. For the Muqtadees to answer to the Azaan
fire, after burying a dead person, when a Jinn is
of Khutba with one's tongue is not permitted.
teasing someone, when a person is lost in a
jungle and there is nobody to show them the Q. What is the rule of praying Takbeer or oth-
correct route. In all these situation it is advised erwise known as Iqamat ?
to pray the Azaan. A. To pray Iqamat is also Sunnat-e-Maukkida
53 54

and more emphasis has been put on to pray  THE WAY OF PRAYING
this than the Azaan. NAMAZ 
Q. Should the person who has prayed the
Q. What is the way of praying Namaz ?
Azaan also pray the Iqamat and no other ?
A. The way of praying Namaz is as follows :
A. Yes, only the person who prayed the
After performing Wuzu face towards Qibla
Azaan prays the Iqamat and without his per-
and stand with a gap of four fingers between
mission no other person prays the Iqamat. If one
the feet. Then take both hands upto the ears
prayed the Iqamat without the permission of the
and touch the earlobes with your thumbs and
one has prayed the Azaan and are not happy
keep the fingers slightly apart but not too
about this then it is Makruh-e-Tahrimi. [Bahar-e-
stretched apart but as normal. Face the palms
of your hands towards Qibla and perform Niyyat
Q. What is the rule of staying standing during and whilst saying Allah-o-Akbar lower your
Iqamat ? hands and join them together below your na-
A. To stay standing during Iqamat is not al- vel. The way to join them is that the palm of
lowed. One must remain seated until the per- your right hand is on top of your left wrist, with
son praying Iqamat gets upto 'Hayya Alal three fingers straight on the wrist and the little
Falaah' then all should stand in rows. [Fatawa-e- finger and thumb grasping the wrist like a brace-
Alamgiri, Durr-e-Mukhtar, Shami etc.]
let. Then pray Sanaa. 'Subhanak Allahumma
Wabehamdeka Watabarakasmoka Wa Ta'ala
Q. What is the rule of praying Salaat between Jaddoka Wa Laa Ilaaha Ghairok;
Azaan and Iqamat ?
Then pray Ta'awwoz : Aoozo Billahi Mi-
A. To pray Salaat meaning 'Assalaato nas Shaitaanirrajeem
Wassalamo Alaika Ya Rasoolallah' is allowed Then pray Tasmiyya : Bismillahirrahman
and advisable. This Salaat according to the Nirrahim.
Shariat is called Tasweeb', and to pray Tasweeb After this pray Surah Fatiha and upon com-
in all the Namaz's except Maghrib is advisable. pletion say Ameen quietly. After this pray any
Surat of the Holy Quran or at least three small
55 56

verses (ayats). After this say Allah-o-Akbar and lah-o-Akbar again and repeat the Sijdah. Then
go into Rukooh. Ensure that both hands grasp whilst standing back up say Allah-o-Akbar and
the knees so that the fingers are stretched apart put your hands on your knees and stand up-
not one thumb on one side and four fingers on right.
the other side nor all of the thumb and fingers This time only pray
on one side. Make sure that your back is straight 'Bismillahirrahmannirrahim' and then pray Surah
and your head is level with your back, not tilting Fatiha and another Surat and repeat Rukooh
lower or rising higher. Then pray 'Subhanarabbi and Sijdah then after the second Sijdah remain
Yal Azeem' at least three times. Stand up from seated with again your right foot staying upright
the Rukooh whilst saying 'Sami Allaho Liman and your left foot flat on the ground. Now pray
Hamidah' and If one is praying Namaz on their Tashahhud :-
own also pray 'Rabbana Lakal Hamd'. Then go 'Attahiyato Lillahi Wassalaw To
into Sijdah by first of all your knees touching Wattayyibaato Assalamo Alaika Ayyohannabiyo
the ground, then between your hands place your Warahmaatullahi Wabarakaatohoo Assalmo
head with your forehead touching the floor then Alaina Wa Ala Ibadillahis Saaliheen, Ashhado
your nose. Your forehead and nose must both An Laa Ila Ha Illallaho Wa Ashhado Anna
be firmly placed on the ground not just your fore- Muhammadan Abdohoo Wa Rasooloh'.
head and the tip of your nose but the bone of
your nose also. All your toes must have their Whilst praying tashahhud when you ap-
base flat on the floor so that the toes are facing proach the word's 'Laa Ilaha' circle your thumb
the Qibla and your hands also flat with your fin- with your middle finger and touch the rest of
gers pointing towards Qibla. Then pray at least your fingers with your palm except your index
three times 'Subhana Rabbi Yal Aala'. Then finger, which is to be raised from the words 'Laa'
whilst saying Allah-o-Akbar sit up with your right and keep raised until 'Illallaho' then straighten
foot staying upright with all toes still firmly on your hand back to normal immediately. Now if
the ground and pointing towards the Qibla and you are praying a three or four Rakaat Namaz
your left foot is to be laid flat on it's side and then stand back up and complete the remain-
firmly sit on it. Place your hands on your knees ing Rakaats. However, in the Farz Namaz it is
and your fingers pointing towards Qibla. Say Al- not necessary to pray surah after 'Alhamdu' for
57 58

the third and forth rakaats. Now when you come or Tasmiyya nor does he pray Surah Fatiha or
to sit back down for your last 'Qaida', after any other Surat but stays completely silent. Af-
Tashhhud also pray Durood-e-Ibrahim :- ter standing up from Rukooh one does not also
'Allahumma Salle Ala Sayyedina pray 'Sami Allah Hu Liman Hamida' but the rest
Muhammadin Wa Ala Aale Sayyedina they pray as normal.
Muhammadin Kamaa Sallayta Alaa Ibraheema Q. How is the Witr Namaz prayed ?
Wa Ala Aale Ibraheema Innaka Hameedum A. Witr Namaz is prayed the exact same way
Majeed, Allahuma Barik Ala Sayyidina as the other Namaz but in the third Rakat after
Muhammadin Wa Alaa Aale praying Surah Fatiha and other Surat raise your
Sayyedinamuhammadin Kamaa Barakta Ala hands to your ears and fold them again below
Ibraheema Wa Ala Aale Ibraheema Innaka your navel, and pray Dua-e-Kunoot. The rest of
Hamidum Majeed'. the Namaz, like Rukooh, Sijdah etc. are the
Then pray Dua-e-Masoora : 'Allahumagh same.
Firli Wa Liwa Lidayya Wali Ustaadi Wal Jamee *********************************
il Mu'mineena Wal Mu'meenat Wal Muslimeena
Wal Muslimaat Be Rahmatika Ya  TEXT OF ISLAMIC LAW 
Q. What is Farz (Compulsory) ?
If one does not know this dua then pray
A. Farz is that aspect which, to not perform
any other dua. After this turn your head towards
on purpose is a grave sin and if that aspect is a
your right shoulder and say 'Assalaamo Alaikum
rule in a particular worship then without perform-
Wa Rahmatullah' and then turn your head to-
ing it the worship will not count.
wards your left shoulder and repeat. After
Namaz perform dua for all your needs from Al- Q. What is Wajib (Necessary) ?
lah. A. Wajib is that aspect which, not to perform
Q. If one prays behind an Imaan then does on purpose is a sin. If missed in Namaz then it
the same rule apply or is there a different or- would necessary to repeat the Namaz and if left
der ? out by mistake then one has to perform 'Sijdah-
e-Sahwa'. To leave a Wajib once on purpose is
A. The rule is that one does not pray Ta'wwuz
59 60
a 'Sagira' (small) sin and to make a habit of leav- A. Makrooh-e-Tahrimi is that act which, to
ing it out become a 'Kabira' (large) sin. perform makes the worship incomplete and to
Q. What is Sunnat-e-Ghair Mukida ? perform on purpose is a sin even though it holds
A. Sunnat-e-Mukida is that aspect which, to less in than a Haram act.
leave out is a bad thing and to perform is a good Q. What is meant by Makrooh-e-Tanzeehee ?
thing. To leave out by mistake an offence re- A. Makrooh-e-Tanzeehee is that act which,
sulting in a warning and to make a habit of leav- to perform is disliked by Shariat and to abstain
ing it out is a punishable act. from is advisable and holds Sawab.
Q. What is Sunnat-e-Ghair Mukida ? Q. What is meant by Khilaf-e-Oula ?
A. Sunnat-e-Ghair Mukida is that act which, A. Khilaf-e-Oula is that act which, to perform
to perform is a good thing and to leave out even is disliked by Shariat but to perform carries no
to make a habit of leaving out does not obtain a sin nor is there a warning against it.
warning. However, to leave out continuously is
disliked in Shariat.  THE FARZ ASPECT OF
Q. What is Mustahab ? NAMAZ 
A. Mustahab is that act which, to perform Q. How many aspects in Namaz are Farz
carries reward and not to perform has no im- (Compulsory) ?
pact and there is not sin.
A. There are six aspects within Namaz that
Q. What is Mubah ? are Farz :
A. Mubah is that act which, to perform or not i) Qayaam
to perform is the same.
ii) Qira'at
Q. What is known as Haram (forbiden) ?
iii) Rukoo
A. Haram is that act which, to perform even
iv) Sijdah
once on purpose is totally forbidden and is a
grave sin and to abstain from it is compulsory v) Last Qaida (Sitting)
and holds reward. vi) Khuroojeh Besuneehee (To finish the
Q. What is meant by Makrooh-e-Tahrimi ? Namaz)
61 62

Q. What is meant by Qayaam ? In both Rakats of Fajr, Juma, and Eid Namaz
A. Qayaam means to stand and pray Namaz. and during Ramadan all Rakats of Witr Wajib
Q. What is the rule of Women who sit and and Tarawih it is necessary to pray the Holy
pray Namaz ? Quran loudly.
A. It is compulsory for wormen also to stand Q. In which Namaz should the Holy Quran
and pray Namaz. All the Farz and Wajib Namaz be prayed quietly ?
that they have prayed without any valid reason A. In all four Rakats of Zohar and Asr third
they must perform Qaza and Tauba (repent- Rakat of Maghrib and last two Rakats of Isha
ance). the Imaam and the Munfarid (one who prays
Q. It is also compulsory to pray Nafl Namaz Namaz on their own) must pray quietly. Also in
standing up ? Witr Namaz the Munfarid should pray quietly.
A. No, it is not necessary to pray Nafl Namaz Q. What is the minimum category of praying
standing up, one can pray Nafl Namaz without the Holy Quran loudly ?
any valid reason sitting down. A. The minimum category of praying the Holy
Q. What is meant by Qiraayat ? Quran loud is that people nearby can hear.
A. Qiraayat means to pray the Holy Quran. Q. What is the minimum category for praying
the Holy Quran quietly ?
Q. How much of the Holy Quran does one
have to pray in Namaz ? A. The minimum category for praying the Holy
Quran quietly is that one hear himself praying.
A. To pray at least one Aayat is compulsory. If this does not happen then the Namaz will not
To pray the whole of Surah Fatiha is Wajib and count.
in Farz Namaz in the first two rakats and Wajib,
Sunnat or Nafl Namaz all rakats to pray one Q. What is the minimum category of perform-
Surat or one large Aayat or three small Aayats ing Rukooh ?
after Surah Fatiha is also Wajib. A. The minimum category for a Rukooh is that
Q. In which Namaz should the Holy Quran the hands reach the knees and the proper way
be prayed loudly ? is that back is level and the head is also level,
not too high or too low.
A. In the first two Rakats of Maghrib and Isha.
63 64

Q. What are the facts about Sijdah ? Q. W h a t i s k n o w n as 'Khuroojeh

A. When the forehead touches the floor this Besuneehee' ?
is Sijdah. One of the other qualifying factor (for A. After the Last Qaidah, to perform an ac-
the Sijdah in Namaz) is that at least one toe of tion to finish the Namaz like Salaam is called
each foot has its base flat on the floor. If some- 'Khuroojeh Besuneehee'. However, to perform
one perform a sijdah that both feet stay above anything else except salaam on purpose to fin-
ground level then Namaz will not count or even ish the Namaz would mean that the Namaz
on the tip of the toes touch the floor not all the would have to be repeated.
base then Namaz will not count. [Durr-e-Mukhtar,
Q. What is the proper way of performing  THE WAJIB ASPECTS OF
Sijdah ? NAMAZ 
A. The Proper way is to ensure that both the
forehead and the nose are touching the ground. Q. Can you inform us the things that are Wajib
And keep away the arms from the body and the in Namaz ?
thighs from the stomach and ensure all toes from A. The following things are Wajib in Namaz :
both feet are lying flat on the ground. 1. To say the words 'Allaho Akbar' in
Q. What is in Sijdah the nose does not touch Takbeer-e-Tahrima.
the ground ? 2. To pray Alhamdo.
A. If the nose does not touch the ground the 3. In the first two Rakats of Farz Namaz
Namaz will become Makrooh-e-Tahrimi in other or in all four Rakats of all other Namaz.
words one must pray Namaz again. If he doesn't 4. To pray at least three short Aayats
then he will be regarded as a sinner. or one long Aayat.
Q. What is the meaning of the last Qaidah ? 5. Alhamdo to be prayed before a Surat
A. When all the Rakats of the Namaz are or Aayat.
complete and to sit upto 'Attahiyyat.... Wa 6. To pray Alhamdo before a Surat in
rasooloohoo' is compulsory. every Rakats once only.
65 66

7. After Qirayat to perform Rukooh 22. Not to perform Qaidah before the
straight away. second Rakat.
8. In sijdah to have three toes from each 23. Not to have a Qaidah in the third
foot to be placed flat with their base firmly touch- Rakat on a four Rakat Namaz.
ing the ground. 24. When praying a Sijdah Aayat to per-
9. To pause between actions. form Sijdah Tilawat.
10. Quwma meaning to stand up straight 25. Not to have a gap of more than three
after Tashahhud. Tasbeehs between two Farz acts or a Farz and
Wajib act.
11. To pray full Tashahhud in every
Qaidah. 26. When the Imaam is performing
Qirayat whether loudly or quietly for the
12. To say the word Assalaam twice.
Muqtadees to remain silent.
13. To pray Dua-e-Kunoot in Witr.
27. Except for Qirayat to perform all
14. To pray Takbeer i.e. Allaho Akbar Wajibats behind the Imaam.
before Dua-e-Kunoot in Witr.
28. Except for Farz and Wajib aspects
15. All six Takbeers in Eid Namaz. everything else in Sunnat or Mustahab which
16. To perform Takbeer in Eid second you will read in larger books.
rakaat before Rukooh. *************************
17. In all loud Namaz to for Imaam to
pray Qirayat loud.  ASPECTS THAT BREAK
18. In all quiet Namaz for Imaam not to THE NAMAZ 
pray loud. Q. What things break the Namaz ?
19. For all Wajib and Farz to be within
A. To speak, whether it is done by mistake
their time.
or on purpose, whether with your happiness or
20. To perform only one Rukooh in all on someone's demands in all cases the Namaz
Rakats. will break. To greet someone with salaam with
21. To have two Sijdahs in all Rakats. your tongue, on purpose or by mistake it breaks
67 68
the Namaz. To reply to someone sneezing less than the size of a rice grain then the Namaz
'Yarhamokallah' or in happiness to say will become Makrooh but if it is larger then that
'Alhamdolillah' or in appreciation to say then the Namaz will break. A woman is praying
'Subhanallah' or when hearing bad news to say Namaz and a child suckles her breasts and if
'Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Ra'Jioon' in all these milk comes out then the Namaz will break. To
cases the Namaz will break. If one sneezes him- walk in front of a person praying Namaz will not
self then you should stay quiet however, if you break the Namaz whether the person walking
do say 'Alhamdolillah' your Namaz will not break. is a women or man. However, the person walk-
If one gives a 'Luqma' to anyone else except ing across is committing a great sin. It is quoted
fortheir Imam then Namaz will break. In the in the Hadith Sharif that if a person knew how
same way for a Imaam to take a 'Luqma' from much of a sin they are committing they would
anyone else except their Muqtadee then the prefer to be buried in the ground rather than
Namaz will break. If one gives a wrong 'Luqma' walk across.
then the Namaz will break for the person giving Q. If the large toe of the right foot moves from
the 'Luqma' instead of Allah O Akbar to say it's place would the Namaz break ?
Aalahoakbar or to say Allahoaakbar or Akbaar
A. No, it will not break. The general view that
then the Namaz will break. Instead of Nasta'Een
people have if the right foot toe moves the
one prays Nastaa'Een or instead of An'Amta one
Namaz will break is incorrect. [Alamgiri, Durr-e-
pray An'Amto then the Namaz will break.
Mukhtar, Bahar-e-Shariat]
To use phrases like AAH,OOH, OOF,
TOOF etc. when in pain or to cry loudly will all  ASPECTS THAT MAKE THE
break the Namaz, However, if an ill person uses NAMAZ MAKROOH 
the above phrases without even realising then
the Namaz will not break. Just like this the Q. What are the Makrooh aspects within
sounds that automatically come out when one Namaz ?
sneezes, coughs, yawns, burps etc. then the A. To play with your clothes, beard or body.
Namaz will not break. If there is some food stuck To pick up your clothes e.g. when going into
between the teeth and whilst praying Namaz it Sijdah to lift your trouser legs. To hang your
comes out and goes down the throat and it is clothes e.g. to put a piece of cloth on your shoul-
69 70
der or round your head where both ends dan- To have a photograph above a Namazee's head
gle down. To fold any part of the clothing that is or on their side or in front of them or behind or
worn more than half it's length. To turn up your where they are performing Sijdah. To pray the
trouser legs or shirt sleeves. When in desper- Holy Quran backwards. To shorten a Wajib act
ate need to go to the toilet for bowl movement e.g. Not to perform Quwma or Jalsa properly
or urination or to hold wind back when in des- and going straight into the next act. To pray the
perate need to release will all make the Namaz Holy Quran in any other act except Qayaam. to
Makrooh. For a male to tie back their hair. To finish the Qirayat in Rukooh. To go into Sijdah
move stones whilst praying Namaz, however, if or Rukooh or to come out of Sijdah or Rukooh
they are preventing you from performing a before the Imaam. All these acts are Makrooh-
proper Sijdah then to move them in one move- e-Tahrimi. [Durr-e-Mukhtar, Raddul Muhtar, Bahar-e-
ment then it is allowed but if you can refrain from Shariat]
doing so then you should. If the stones are pre- Q. If a Namaz a Makrooh-e-Tahrimi act is
venting you from performing any Wajib acts then performed by mistake then what is the order ?
it is Wajib to move them. To twiddle with your A. If a Makrooh-e-Tahrimi act is performed
fingers or to cross the fingers. To look here and in Namaz then one must pray the Namaz again.
there whilst moving your head. To lift your sight If they don't then they have committed a sin.
towards the sky. Whilst in Tashahhud or Sijdah [Durr-e-Mukhtar]
to sit like a dog. For a male whilst in Sijdah to
lay the arms flat on the floor. To pray Namaz in
front of someone's face i.e. facing you. To hide Milad Sharif meaning to organise an oc-
your body in your clothes that all the body hides casion to celebrate the Nativity (birthday) of The
even the hands. To leave a gap on top of your Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam. Also
head so that the topi shows when one is wear- to perform speeches highlighting the Holy
ing an Amama. To hide the nose and face. To Prophet's Graciousness and his miracles is al-
clear your throat or go Ahham without reason. lowed and is a good thing. To call it 'not allowed',
To yawn without cause, if a yawn comes auto- or 'Bid'at' is a misguided act and from the wrong
matically then there is no fault. To pray Namaz sect. Also during this occasion to stand up and
whilst wearing clothing with a photograph on it. pray 'Salaat-o-Salaam' and to distribute food is
71 72

also allowed. Just like this to organise an occa- saturday, Monday or Thursday is better. It is also
sion during Moharram and to perform speeches to go on holy nights like 'Shab-Meraj', 'Shab-e-
about the martyrism of Hazrat Imaam Hussain Barat' or 'Shab-e-Qadr'. Like this it is also good
from well known Islamic books is also allowed. days like Eid or Baqri Eid. to travel and visit Holy
To fictionise and make up stories about Shrines of great Aulia is also allowed. To call
Moharram or Milad Sharif is not allowed and this Shirk or Kufr is a great misguidance and
rather than gain reward one would actually ob- totally wrong. The routine of going to the graves
tain sin from doing this. is to enter from the feet end and stand near the
One should definitely attend these Mehfils head of the buried. Then say 'Assalamo Alaikum
of Milad or Moharram and obtain spiritual gain Ahla Daareh Quwmin Mu'mineeha Antum Lana
and auspiciousness. When one attends they Salfuw Wa Inna Insha Allaho Bekum
should not attend without properly being clothed Laahiqoona Nass'allaha Lana Walakumul Afwa
or without Topi on their heads as this would be Walaafiyata'. When going to Holy Shrine don't
against the respect of these occasion. If possi- rub your hands over it or kiss it or perform Sijdah
ble one should also put scent on. If you reach but stand with respect like one would if they were
one of these Mehfils and there is a speech be- physically alive and pray Fatiha. [Alamgiri] Then
ing performed, you should not perform salaam after praying Fatiha leave walking out back-
loudly but quietly sit in a vacant position and wards with respect.
listen to the speech carefully and not to drop off
to sleep. One should not cause disruption when  EASY WAY OF
obtaining food but quietly remained seated and PRAYING FATIHA 
if given food take it otherwise quietly get up and
First of all pray Durood Sharif three, five
or seven times. Then whichever way you can
 VISITING THE GRAVES AND pray Surats or Aayats from the Holy Quran. At
SHRINES  least pray Quls (Kafiroon, Huwallaho, Falaq and
Naas) pray Surah Fatiha and Alif Laam Meem
To visit graves is Mustahhab. At the least upto Muflihoon. Then at the end pray Durood
visit the graves once a week. To go on Friday, Sharif three, five or seven times. Then raise your
73 74

hands for Allah and make this Dua : 'Oh Allah  MAKTAB-E-TAIBA 
whatever Durood Sharif we have prayed and
whatever parts of The Holy Quran we have SUNNI DAWAT-E-ISLAMI
prayed (If food is distributed then also mention Noor Mosque - Noor Street - Preston -
the food) please send the sawab of the Fatiha Lancashire - PR1 4QL
to the Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam WWW.SunniDawateIslami.Net
as a donation from us. Then with the Wasilah  CASSETTES - Day of Judgement - Punishment
(assistance) of The Holy Prophet please send of Hell - Love of the Prophet - Knowledge - Women
the Sawab to All the other Prophets Alaihimus & Islam - Fear of Allah - Muslim’s Character - Vir-
Salaam an to the Sahaba-e-Kiram and to the tues of Muharram - Virutes of Ramadhan Impor-
Aulia-e-Kiram and to all the Ulema-e-Kiram. tance of Namaz - Death & many more.
Then if there is a particular Aulia that you are  Also available the stories of the companions of
performing Fatiha for then mention their name, the Prophet Hadhrat Bilal, Hadhrat Salman,
e.g. say 'In particular to Hazrat Ghouse-e-Pak Hadhrat Ammaar, and many more.
Radi Allaho Anho or Khwaja Gharib Nawaz Radi  350 Questions & Answers on Fasting, moon
Allaho Anho etc, then please send the Sawab sighting, Tarawih & Eid.
to All the Muslims souls. If Sawab is to be sent  350 Questions & Answers on Zakat, Sadaqah, &
to particular person then mention their name e.g. Qurbani.
'Please send this Sawab to my late Mother or  Naats by Al Haaj Mohammad Qari Rizwan and
Father, Grandfather, Grandmother, Uncle, etc. Bayaans by Amir-e-Sunni Dawat-e-Islami Hafiz-
then to All Muslim Men and Women's Souls. o-Qari Mohammad Shakir Razvi Noori - books,
Aameen. Itr, Miswaks etc. available.

Aameen Ya Rabbal Aalameen

Beramatika Ya Arhamarrahimeen Attend the weekly gathering to learn the
Sunnats of the beloved Prophet
Sallallahu Alahi Wa Sallam and seek
knowlegde of Islam.
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