Parts of Body

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Name : Rezky Eka Safitri

Officel Number : A3S224148

Asigment : Ruang kolaborasi (Worksheet 6.4)

Worksheet 6.4

Target siswa (Kelas) : Kelas IV

Nama game : Guess The Word Order
Tujuan game :1. Vocabulary
2. Pronunciation


 Hello class
 We meet again in English class
 Today we will play game, do you want to play a game?

Guess The Word Order

Pengenalan benda-benda (Bagaimana saudara akan mengenalkan benda-benda yang
akan digunakan dalam game tersebuta).

Vocablary of the game is Random Alphabet, recognize a lot of vocabulary

1. Whiteboard
2. Markers

Ok students, good job

Ok, we well start the game

Explanation of how to play the game:

 Students are divided into five groups

 After that the teacher writes the letters of the alphabet randomly on the
blackboard using a marker.
 The teacher invites each group that can compose letters faster to raise their
 The group that raises their hand first is invited to go up to the front of the
blackboard to write the words they have obtained.
 The group of students who succeed in finding the most vocabulary words is the
winner of this game

Pelaksanaan game:

Shall we do it now?
Ok, let’s start

Please take a good look at this random alphabet

Groups who have succeeded in arranging the alphabet into vocabulary are welcome to
Name : Rezky Eka Safitri
Officel Number : A3S224148
Asigment : Ruang kolaborasi (Worksheet 6.4)
raise their hands

and so on, until the final game


great, good cooperation

Are you happy with this game?

Song; cicak cicak di dinding

House lizard on the wall
Creeping quietly
A mosquito comes
Hap! Then arrested
House lizard on the wall
Creeping quietly
A mosquito comes
Hap! Then arrested
House lizard on the wall
Creeping quietly
A mosquito comes
Hap! Then arrested
House lizard on the wall
Creeping quietly
A mosquito comes
Hap! Then arrested

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