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Worksheet 6.

Target siswa (Kelas) : Kelas IV

Nama game : Random alphabet
Tujuan game : Strengthen vocabulary knowledge and language skills

Tahapan Rencana

⚫ Hello class,
⚫ We meet again in English class
⚫ Today we will play game, Do you want to play a game?

Acak Abjad

Pengenalan benda-benda (Bagaimana saudara akan mengenalkan benda-benda yang

akan digunakan dalam game tersebuta).

Vocablary of the game is Random Alphabet, recognize a lot of vocabulary

1. Papan tulis
2. Spidol

Ok students, good job

Ok, we well start the game

Penjelasan tata cara bermain game:

Students are divided into several groups

After that the teacher writes the letters of the alphabet randomly on the blackboard using
a marker.

Students arrange scrambled letters of the alphabet into one vocabulary

The grup student who succeeds in finding the most vocabulary words is the winner of
this game

Pelaksanaan game:

Shall we do it now?
Ok, let’s start

Please take a good look at this random alphabet

Groups who have succeeded in arranging the alphabet into vocabulary are welcome to
raise their hands
and so on, until the final game


great, good cooperation

Are you happy with this game?

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