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The project aimed to understand customer satisfaction with Maruti Suzuki in the Medchal
district of Hyderabad, focusing on its customer base in the area. The study used an open-ended
questionnaire approach, allowing respondents to express their opinions freely. Despite
challenges, the data collected provided nuanced insights into customer experiences and
satisfaction levels with Maruti Suzuki vehicles and services. The analysis revealed key themes
and patterns concerning customer satisfaction, including perceptions of vehicle performance,
service quality, brand reputation, and overall ownership experience. These insights are crucial
for Maruti Suzuki to understand customer needs and enhance their products and services to
better cater to the local market in the Medchal district. The findings offer actionable
recommendations for Maruti Suzuki to strengthen its position and meet the evolving needs of
its customer base in the region.


Customer perception plays a pivotal role in shaping the success of companies in today's
marketplace, influencing consumer preferences, loyalty, and overall brand reputation. In the
automotive industry, customer perception of after-sales service quality holds particular
significance, as it reflects the effectiveness and responsiveness of a company's support
ecosystem beyond the point of sale. This study delves into the perceptions of after-sales service
quality among customers of Maruti Suzuki in the Medchal district of Hyderabad, employing
an open-ended questionnaire approach to gather qualitative insights.

After-sales service quality encompasses a spectrum of factors, including the efficiency of repair
and maintenance services, accessibility of spare parts, and overall customer satisfaction with
post-purchase support. By exploring these dimensions, the study aims to provide a
comprehensive understanding of customers' experiences and expectations regarding Maruti
Suzuki's after-sales service offerings.
Moreover, the project endeavours to compare Maruti Suzuki's after-sales service quality with
that of its competitors operating within the same geographical area. This comparative analysis
offers valuable insights into Maruti Suzuki's strengths and areas for improvement relative to
its peers, enabling the identification of strategic opportunities to enhance customer satisfaction
and competitiveness.

Recognizing that customer perception is shaped by interactions and experiences, the study aims
to uncover key drivers of satisfaction and areas for enhancement within Maruti Suzuki's after-
sales service ecosystem. Through an in-depth exploration of customer feedback and
experiences, the project seeks to provide actionable recommendations for optimizing after-
sales service processes and fostering positive customer perceptions.

In summary, this project underscores the importance of after-sales service quality in shaping
customer perceptions and driving long-term loyalty. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and
benchmarking against competitors, Maruti Suzuki can strengthen its market position and
cultivate sustained growth in the Medchal district of Hyderabad.


The primary objective of this study is to thoroughly investigate and analyse the factors
influencing customer perceptions and satisfaction regarding Maruti Suzuki's after-sales service
quality, with a specific focus on the Medchal district of Hyderabad. The study aims to delve
into how customers perceive various aspects of after-sales service, including the efficiency of
repair and maintenance services, accessibility of spare parts, and overall satisfaction with post-
purchase support. Additionally, it seeks to understand the impact of these factors on customer
loyalty and repeat usage of Maruti Suzuki's services.

Furthermore, the study aims to compare Maruti Suzuki's after-sales service quality with that of
its competitors operating within the same geographical area. By examining customer
perceptions and experiences, the research aims to identify areas where Maruti Suzuki excels
and areas where improvements are needed in comparison to its competitors.

Moreover, this study endeavours to explore strategies for optimizing after-sales service
operations and processes to enhance the overall customer experience with Maruti Suzuki. By
addressing these objectives, the study aims to provide valuable insights for Maruti Suzuki to

improve customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, and maintain a competitive edge in the Medchal
district automotive market.


Maruti Suzuki is a big car company in India known for making good cars that many people
like. They don't just sell cars; they also help customers with things like fixing problems and
providing spare parts after they buy a car. This kind of help, called "after-sales service," is
really important for keeping customers happy.

My project is about understanding how people in a place called Medchal, near Hyderabad, feel
about the help they get from Maruti Suzuki after they buy a car. I want to know if they are
happy with it and how it compares to the help people get from other car companies. To do this,
I'll ask people questions and listen to what they say about their experiences.

I'm interested in things like how quickly Maruti Suzuki fixes problems, how good their
mechanics are, and if their service centres are nice. By talking to people who own Maruti
Suzuki cars and comparing their experiences with people who own cars from other companies,
I hope to learn what Maruti Suzuki does well and where they can improve.

My project will have two main parts:

• Finding out what Maruti Suzuki customers in Medchal think about the help they get
after they buy a car.
• Comparing this with the help customers of other car companies get in the same area.

Once I gather all this information, I'll write a report summarizing what I found. I'll share my
insights with Maruti Suzuki so they can make their after-sales service even better. This project
is not just about cars; it's about making sure customers are happy and getting the help they need
when they buy a car.


This project aims to investigate customer satisfaction with Maruti Suzuki's after-sales service
quality in Medchal district, Hyderabad, while also comparing it with competitors in the same
area. The objectives include evaluating customer perceptions of after-sales service, identifying

factors influencing satisfaction and loyalty, and assessing Maruti Suzuki's performance against
competitors. The methodology involves survey design, sampling from Medchal district, and
both quantitative and qualitative analysis of data collected through surveys, interviews, and
focus groups. Factors influencing satisfaction, such as service quality, accessibility, and staff
behaviour, will be examined, and recommendations will be provided for enhancing Maruti
Suzuki's service quality and maintaining competitiveness. The findings will contribute insights
for Maruti Suzuki's management and potentially inform future research directions in the
automotive industry.


This project aims to fill crucial gaps in the literature concerning customer perceptions of Maruti
Suzuki's after-sales service in Medchal district, Hyderabad, with a specific focus on comparing
it with competitors. By investigating perceptions of service quality and conducting a
comparative analysis, it seeks to offer insights that can guide strategic decision-making within
Maruti Suzuki and the broader automotive industry. The findings from this research hold the
potential to inform improvements in after-sales service practices, enhancing the overall
customer experience and bolstering brand loyalty. Furthermore, by addressing these research
gaps, the project contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the automotive sector, paving
the way for future research endeavours. Ultimately, the project seeks to foster positive changes
within Maruti Suzuki's service ecosystem, nurturing increased customer satisfaction, loyalty,
and trust, while also providing a foundation for further studies aimed at enhancing the after-
sales service experience in the automotive industry.


This project aims to examine customer satisfaction with Maruti Suzuki's after-sales service
quality in Medchal district, Hyderabad, while also conducting a comparative analysis with its
competitors. Firstly, the introduction and research objectives will articulate the project's
intention to delve into customer perceptions regarding after-sales service quality, with a
particular focus on aspects such as trust/security and service timeliness/accuracy, aiming to
understand their influence on satisfaction and loyalty. It will highlight the importance of
addressing these factors to enhance the overall customer experience and strengthen brand
loyalty within the automotive industry.

Secondly, the methodology and data collection approach will be outlined, emphasizing a
mixed-methods strategy comprising literature review, surveys, and potentially interviews. The
sampling strategy will target a diverse demographic of Maruti Suzuki customers in Medchal
district, ensuring comprehensive representation. Surveys will be employed to gather
quantitative data on customer perceptions, while interviews may provide qualitative insights to
complement the findings. Rigorous data collection procedures will be implemented to
effectively address the research objectives and provide robust insights into customer
satisfaction with Maruti Suzuki's after-sales service.

Following this, the results and discussion section will present and analyze the findings derived
from the data analysis. It will explore the implications of these findings for Maruti Suzuki, its
competitors, and the broader automotive industry, offering actionable recommendations for
enhancing after-sales service quality and improving customer satisfaction. Moreover, it will
delve into potential strategies for addressing identified gaps and improving customer
experience, aiming to foster increased loyalty and trust. The conclusion and future directions
will summarize the key findings of the project, reflect on its contributions to understanding
customer satisfaction in after-sales service, and propose potential avenues for future research,
including the expansion of the study to other districts in Hyderabad. Ultimately, the project
aims to drive positive changes within Maruti Suzuki's after-sales service ecosystem, fostering
increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and trust, thereby contributing to the advancement of
the automotive industry as a whole.



Overview: The automotive sector in India stands as one of the pillars of the country's industrial
economy, playing a crucial role in driving economic growth, employment generation, and
technological advancement. With a diverse landscape encompassing passenger vehicles,
commercial vehicles, two-wheelers, and three-wheelers, the industry caters to the mobility
needs of a vast and rapidly expanding consumer base. As one of the largest automotive markets
globally, India presents a dynamic and competitive environment shaped by evolving consumer
preferences, regulatory frameworks, and technological disruptions.

Historical Evolution: The journey of India's automotive sector dates back to the early 20th
century when the first automobiles were imported into the country, primarily for luxury and
governmental purposes. However, significant strides were made post-independence,
particularly in the 1940s and 1950s, with the establishment of indigenous automobile
manufacturing units such as Hindustan Motors. This era marked the beginning of domestic
production, laying the foundation for the sector's growth and development. Over the decades,
the industry witnessed the entry of international players through collaborations and joint
ventures, contributing to technological advancements and product diversification.

Market Dynamics: Today, the Indian automotive market is characterized by robust demand
across various vehicle segments, fuelled by factors such as rising disposable incomes,
urbanization, and infrastructural development. Passenger vehicles, including hatchbacks,
sedans, and SUVs, constitute a significant portion of the market, with companies like Maruti
Suzuki, Hyundai, and Tata Motors dominating the landscape. Commercial vehicles play a
crucial role in facilitating logistics and transportation, while the two-wheeler segment caters to
the diverse commuting needs of urban and rural populations. Additionally, the emergence of
electric vehicles (EVs) and connected technologies is reshaping industry dynamics, offering
new opportunities for innovation and sustainable mobility solutions.

Key Players and Market Trends: The Indian automotive industry boasts a diverse ecosystem
comprising domestic manufacturers, multinational corporations, component suppliers, and
aftermarket service providers. Maruti Suzuki, a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation, holds

a dominant position in the passenger car segment, exemplifying its market leadership and brand
recognition. Furthermore, international players such as Hyundai, Toyota, and Honda have
established a strong presence in the Indian market through strategic partnerships and localized
production. Recent trends indicate a growing emphasis on environmental sustainability,
digitalization, and customer-centricity, with companies investing in research and development
to meet evolving consumer expectations and regulatory requirements.

Challenges and Opportunities: While the Indian automotive industry presents immense
opportunities for growth and innovation, it also faces several challenges. Regulatory
compliance, technological disruptions, and changing consumer preferences are among the key
challenges confronting the sector. Additionally, intense competition, rising input costs, and
fluctuating economic conditions pose significant challenges for industry players. However,
amidst these challenges lie opportunities for companies to innovate, collaborate, and leverage
emerging technologies to enhance their competitiveness and meet the evolving needs of

Conclusion: In conclusion, the Indian automotive industry is a dynamic and evolving

ecosystem characterized by rapid technological advancements, changing consumer
preferences, and intense competition. As the sector continues to evolve, it is imperative for
industry players to adapt to emerging trends, navigate regulatory complexities, and prioritize
customer-centricity to sustain growth and remain competitive in the global market landscape.
Moreover, fostering innovation, promoting sustainable practices, and enhancing collaboration
across the value chain will be essential for driving positive changes and fostering long-term
success in the Indian automotive sector.



Overview: Maruti Suzuki India Limited, as the largest car manufacturer in India, is esteemed
for its steadfast commitment to producing reliable and affordable vehicles, thereby enhancing
mobility for millions of Indians. A subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation, a Japanese
multinational automotive manufacturer, Maruti Suzuki has not only entrenched itself in the
Indian automotive market but also significantly influenced its trajectory. With a market share
that continues to grow, Maruti Suzuki remains a cornerstone of the Indian automotive industry,
driving innovation and setting industry standards.

History: Established in 1981 through a groundbreaking collaboration between the Indian

government and Suzuki Motor Corporation, Maruti Suzuki swiftly garnered acclaim with the
introduction of the Maruti 800, a vehicle that transcended mere transportation to become an
iconic symbol of mobility in India. Since then, the company's expansion of its product lineup
to encompass a diverse range of vehicles has solidified its reputation as a trailblazer in the
Indian automotive industry. Over the years, Maruti Suzuki has not only adapted to changing
market dynamics but also emerged as a trendsetter, consistently delivering vehicles that exceed
consumer expectations.

Manufacturing and Operations: Maruti Suzuki's advanced manufacturing facilities in

Gurugram and Manesar epitomize the company's unwavering commitment to stringent quality
standards and cutting-edge technological integration, ensuring unparalleled efficiency and
sustainability in its operations. Furthermore, its extensive network of dealerships and service
centres sprawled across the country underscores Maruti Suzuki's dedication to providing
unparalleled customer service and support. The company's manufacturing prowess extends
beyond its domestic borders, with its products earning acclaim in international markets, further
solidifying its reputation as a global automotive leader.

Product Portfolio: Renowned for its innovative prowess and customer-centric approach,
Maruti Suzuki boasts a diverse portfolio of vehicles ranging from hatchbacks to sedans, SUVs,
and utility vehicles. Models such as the Alto, Swift, Baleno, Dzire, Vitara Brezza, and Ertiga
exemplify the company's commitment to delivering vehicles that combine performance, fuel
efficiency, and affordability, thus resonating strongly with Indian consumers. Maruti Suzuki's

constant endeavour to introduce new models and upgrade existing ones showcases its
dedication to staying ahead of market trends and meeting evolving customer needs.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Embracing corporate social responsibility as a core

value, Maruti Suzuki endeavours to make a positive impact on society through various
initiatives spanning education, healthcare, skill development, and environmental sustainability.
Through its CSR endeavours, the company underscores its commitment to being a responsible
corporate citizen and contributing meaningfully to the well-being of communities it serves.
Maruti Suzuki's CSR initiatives go beyond philanthropy, aiming to create long-term,
sustainable solutions that address societal challenges and foster inclusive growth.

Conclusion: Maruti Suzuki's illustrious legacy, coupled with its advanced manufacturing
capabilities, expansive product portfolio, and unwavering commitment to corporate social
responsibility, positions it as an indisputable leader in the Indian automotive industry. With a
steadfast focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, the company is primed to uphold its
dominant position and continue shaping the future of mobility in India. As it navigates through
an ever-evolving automotive landscape, Maruti Suzuki remains committed to delivering value
to its customers, stakeholders, and society at large




Objectives Sampl Industr Findings Implications
YEAR e size y

1 2013 Consumer The study 1000 Automa Maruti Suzuki, The study
tive advises focusing
Behaviour aimed to Mahindra, and
Rakesh in Four- understand on Maruti
Industr Tata are
Kumar Wheeler consumer y Suzuki,
preferred brands
Industry: behaviour in purchasing, Mahindra &
A Case in Himachal with consumers Mahindra, and
Study of Pradesh's favouring Tata vehicles to
Himachal four- authorized meet consumer
Pradesh wheeler dealerships and preferences. It
market by instalment suggests
examining payments. integrating price
brand Quality, after- and quality
preference, sales services, considerations
price and resale value, and for better
quality mileage are alignment with
impact, and critical factors expectations,
purchasing influencing aiming to
behaviour buying enhance market
through a behaviour. competitiveness
survey. in the

2 2013 Performan The study Not Automa The growth of The findings
ce aims to Given the passenger underscore the
Lokhan Evaluation evaluate Industr car industry is importance of
de. A & of Maruti Maruti y
fuelled by strategic
DR. Suzuki Suzuki factors like easy marketing
Murlid India India vehicle finance structuring,
har Limited Limited's availability and innovation, and
marketing attractive responsiveness
strategies interest rates. to customer
within the Maruti Suzuki's demands for
evolving success is success in the
Indian attributed to competitive
automobile innovative automotive
sector, marketing, market. Maruti
focusing on brand Suzuki's
its positioning, and marketing
sustainabilit advertising strategies are
y amidst tactics. vital in
competition maintaining its
position amidst

3 2013 Marketing The study Not Automa Easy vehicle Success hinges
Strategies tive
assesses Given finance on adept
Vishal of Indian Maruti Industr availability and marketing
Sunil Automobil Suzuki y
attractive strategy
Rana e India interest rates structuring,
Companie Limited's have fuelled continual
s: A Case marketing impressive innovation, and
Study of strategies growth in the responsiveness

Maruti within the passenger car to customer
Suzuki Indian industry. Maruti demands. Maruti
India automobile Suzuki's success Suzuki's
Limited sector to is attributed to effective
understand innovative marketing
their impact marketing, underscores the
on industry brand importance of
progress positioning, and strategic
and advertising planning and
competitive tactics. customer-centric
positioning approaches for

4 2014 The The study 40 Automa Statistical Both brands in

tive Nagpur exhibit
research aims to analysis
Prof. compares compare similar service
Industr suggests no
Pallawi service service y quality levels.
quality at quality at difference in Implementing
Maruti Maruti service quality suggested
Suzuki Suzuki and between Maruti improvements
and Hyundai Suzuki and could enhance
Hyundai showrooms Hyundai. customer
showroom in Nagpur, Improvement satisfaction and
in Nagpur, using a suggestions competitiveness
aiming to sample of include offering for both Maruti
identify 40 car flexible payment Suzuki and
key factors owners to options, Hyundai in the
influencin identify key comprehensive local market.
g customer factors and model displays,

satisfactio assess brand knowledgeable
n through performanc staff, and
a e. extended
comparati operating hours.
ve study.

5 2014 Analysis The study Not Automa The Indian Understanding

of analyses tive
Given automobile consumer
Vikram Research consumer Industr industry's behaviour is
Shende in behaviour y
attractiveness is crucial for
Consumer trends in the driven by effective
Behaviour Indian increased marketing
of automobile disposable decisions in the
Automobil industry, income and easy automobile
e focusing on finance, industry.
Passenger factors like attracting new Adopting a
Car disposable players like "Think-Global,
Customer income, Porsche, Act-Global"
value for Bentley, and approach
money, Ferrari. enables car
safety, Consumer manufacturers to
driving behaviour is categorize
comforts, influenced by human
and brand value for money, behaviours and
image to safety, driving tailor marketing
inform comforts, and strategies
marketing brand image. accordingly to
strategies. meet diverse

6 2015 A Study of The study 500 Automa Surveying 500 Effective
Consumer investigates tive Maruti and marketing
Dr.Vis Preference consumer Hyundai strategies and
hal s& preferences y customers in responsive
S.Rana, Attitude and Marathwada complaint
Dr.M.A towards attitudes revealed that the resolution
Lokhan Passenger towards majority earn systems are
de cars of Maruti between 2-5 crucial for
Maruti Suzuki and lakhs annually, automotive
Suzuki & Hyundai with a companies to
Hyundai passenger preference for retain customers
Motors in cars in the Maruti vehicles and foster
Marathwa Marathwada (66.6%) over loyalty in the
da Region region of Hyundai competitive
of Maharashtra (33.4%). Key Marathwada
Maharasht , focusing preferences region market.
ra on after- were based on Understanding
sales comfort, consumer
service, convenience, preferences can
resale value, fuel efficiency, help tailor
fuel and pricing. marketing
efficiency, efforts and
and overall improve
satisfaction. customer
satisfaction for
both Maruti
Suzuki and

7 2015 A Study of The study 100 Automa Descriptive Understanding

Behaviour examines tive statistics and complex
Dr. of Maruti consumer Industr tests reveal that consumer
Manish SX4 and behaviour y Honda City behaviour is

Kumar Honda among owners crucial,
Srivast City Maruti SX4 generally exhibit especially with
ava & Customers and Honda higher the increased
Dr. in Jaipur City owners satisfaction purchasing
A.K.Ti in Jaipur, levels compared power of the
war aiming to to Maruti SX4 Indian middle
understand owners. Key class. Car
preferences considerations manufacturers
and for consumers should prioritize
satisfaction include safety, safety, brand
levels brand name, and reputation, and
through driving comfort. driving comfort
data Effective to meet
collected communication consumer
from 100 mediums expectations and
questionnair identified leverage
es. include word of effective
mouth and car communication
magazine mediums like
advertisements. word of mouth
and car
to enhance
brand visibility
and customer

8 2015 A study on The study Not Automa Research The implications

role of aimed to tive
Given findings suggest the
Dr. R. automobil evaluate the Industr highlighted the necessity for
e industry impact of y
Menak pivotal role of sustained
a& in India key factors delicensing and government

K. and its like favourable support,
Ashath customers delicensing government stakeholder
satisfactio and policies in investment in
n government driving industry enhancing
policies on growth, service quality,
industry alongside and adapting to
growth, initiatives like evolving
assess the 100% foreign customer
significance direct preferences to
of customer investment. ensure long-
satisfaction, Furthermore, term
and identify customer competitiveness
influencers satisfaction and
of customer emerged as a sustainability
behaviour critical within the
within the determinant Indian
sector. influenced by automobile
service quality, services sector.
pricing, and

9 2015 A Study A Study on 150 Automa While Maruti Maruti Suzuki

on Customer Suzuki cars needs to
Customer Satisfaction Industr enjoy high prioritize
Satisfactio towards demand and addressing
n towards Maruti overall concerns like
Maruti Suzuki in satisfaction, maintenance
Suzuki in Coimbatore concerns over costs and
Coimbator high performance
e maintenance issues while
costs and investing in
performance advanced

issues were technologies and
noted. new models to
Suggestions stay competitive
included and meet
enhancing evolving
advertisement customer needs.
strategies and
addressing these
concerns to meet

10 2015 The The study 60 Automa A 90% response Maruti Suzuki

Variation assessed rate highlighted should prioritize
of customer Industr the importance service quality
Customer satisfaction of effective and online
Satisfactio with Maruti customer service strategies,
n in the Suzuki management fostering
Sphere of vehicles in and B2C online collaboration
Maruti Bangalore, strategies, between
Suzuki focusing on stressing the manufacturers
Car service need for and dealers
Marketing quality and manufacturer- while enhancing
online dealer personalized
strategies. collaboration communication
and personalized to meet evolving
communication. customer needs.

11 2016 A Study The study Not Automa The research Organizations

on aimed to Given highlighted the should prioritize
Dr. R.
Emerging comprehend Industr importance of customer
Menak y
Trends in emerging developing retention
Indian trends in the high-quality alongside other
Automobil Indian vehicles for business

K. e Industry automobile diverse operations. They
Ashath and Its industry, audiences. It must develop
Customers categorize underscored the effective
Satisfactio production, necessity of strategies to
n sales, and balancing enhance
exports, and rewards to customer
analyse prevent satisfaction and
global customer loyalty, ensuring
trends in the discomfort and sustainable
light vehicle emphasized the growth in the
sector. It significance of competitive
also focused improving automobile
on customer customer industry.
satisfaction satisfaction and
within a loyalty for
customer company
orientation growth.

12 2017 Customer The study 100 Automa Results revealed To address

satisfactio aimed to a positive customer
n towards investigate Industr correlation concerns, the
ta & y
Maruti the between age, study suggests
Suzuki correlation education, and maintaining the
cars: a between income with Maruti 800
case study demographi service quality, model with
of solan c variables car safety, and reliable spare
city, and ownership cost. parts and
Himachal customer The most enhancing after-
Pradesh satisfaction common issue sales service at
at Maruti reported by Maruti
Suzuki customers was dealerships,

among driving on ensuring
customers bumpy roads. continued
in Solan, satisfaction and
India. loyalty among

13 2017 Consumer The study 720 Automa High Manufacturers

’s aimed to tive satisfaction was should prioritize
satisfactio evaluate reported for addressing
n towards consumer driving comfort consumer needs,
various satisfaction and safety, but particularly
product and identify dissatisfaction regarding fuel
attributes issues faced existed with fuel efficiency and
of with efficiency. servicing costs,
compact compact Common issues to enhance
cars cars in included vehicle brand loyalty
Coimbatore pick-up and satisfaction,
city among problems and ensuring
respondent high costs of sustained
spare parts competitiveness
replacement in the compact
during servicing. car market.

14 2017 A study on The study 102 Automa Results revealed Recommendatio

customer tive
aimed to male ns include
Shri. perception maintaining
analyse Industr dominance,
A.V.Sa towards y
factors particularly customer
khare Hyundai influencing among relationships,
i10 car i10 car businessmen regularly
with choices, with monthly updating the i10
special focusing on incomes ranging model, and
reference brand from Rs. 35,001 organizing

to Gandhi preference, to Rs. 60,000. customer meets
Hyundai, maintenanc Comfort and to enhance
bale, e handling, maintenance satisfaction,
Solapur and dealer costs were ensuring
service primary continued
satisfaction. purchase success in the
drivers, with market.
peer influence
playing a
significant role.

15 2017 A study on The study 250 Automa Results The findings

factors analysed highlighted a suggest the
Joshi influencin first-time Industr strong emphasis importance of
g car buyers on brand image, maintaining a
consumer’ in with price and positive brand
s Ahmedabad reputation being image through
preference 's primary factors like price
while automobile concerns. competitiveness,
making market, Quality and reputation, and
purchase focusing on durability were product quality.
decision of brand image also significant Manufacturers
first own and factors, should prioritize
car in decision- indicating these aspects to
Ahmedaba making consumer attract and retain
d city factors, preferences first-time car
using data beyond financial buyers in the
collected considerations. competitive
from Safety, price, Ahmedabad
respondents and feedback market.
impacted brand

image, while
comfort and
services showed
no significant

16 2018 Consumer The study 107 Automa Results Manufacturers

satisfactio aimed to indicated that should prioritize
Moham n of analyse Industr Maruti Suzuki strategies aimed
med Maruti factors cars are at enhancing
Majid, Suzuki influencing appreciated for customer
J.Abdul cars in Maruti affordability, satisfaction,
Khadar Tirunelvel Suzuki car availability, and such as offering
& i city purchases, comfort. free after-sales
A.I.Sha assess Strategies to service and
kur customer enhance competitive
satisfaction customer pricing, to
with after- satisfaction maintain and
sales include offering further
services, free after-sales strengthen
and service, Maruti Suzuki's
evaluate conducting position in the
overall roadside market, ensuring
satisfaction campaigns, continued
levels effective customer loyalty
among 107 advertising, and
Maruti car competitive competitiveness.
owners in pricing, and
Tirunelveli considering
city, factors like
supplement price, mileage,
ed by

secondary and interior
sources space.
over two

17 2018 Consumer The study 150 Automa Consumer Both brands

Preference aimed to preferences should innovate
Towards compare Industr showed no to differentiate
Maruti consumer significant and enhance
Suzuki preferences difference brand equity,
and for Maruti across brands particularly
Hyundai Suzuki and concerning focusing on
Motors: A Hyundai colour, interiors, areas like resale
Comparati Motors in and after-sales value and
ve Study Delhi using service, but pricing
of The convenience varied on resale strategies to
Automobil sampling value and price. remain
e Sector with competitive in
respondents the Delhi
, employing market.
a self-

18 2018 A study The study 300 Automa Customers Maruti Suzuki

the buyer examined tive
A. prioritize price, should promote
behaviour buyer Industr fuel efficiency, other brands,
towards behaviour y
han and and after-sales adapt to
small cars towards services, changing family
produced Maruti preferring dynamics, and
by Maruti Suzuki's models like reduce after-
Suzuki small cars Alto, Swift sales service

India in Nilgiris DZire, and fees to enhance
limited in District, Swift. customer
the Tamil Dissatisfaction satisfaction and
Nilgiris Nadu, with arises from remain
district of purposively maintenance competitive in
Tamil sampled costs and the Nilgiris
Nadu respondents delivery time. District market.
, focusing Word-of-mouth
on factors and media ads
influencing effectively
preferences spread product
and information,
satisfaction while
levels. demographics

19 2018 A The study 100 Automa Family members Brands should

Research aimed to significantly prioritize
on analyse Industr influenced car comfort and
Customer customer purchase adapt to
Preference preferences decisions, with changing market
towards towards comfort rating dynamics to stay
Car: With cars in as the most competitive.
Special Visnagar crucial factor. Competitors
Reference city amidst Maruti 800 and need to innovate
to Liberalizati Maruti Alto to address
Visnagar on, were preferred challenges
City of Privatizatio brands, while posed by new
Gujarat n, and the introduction entrants like
Globalizatio of Tata Nano Tata Nano,

n policies, posed while customers
with car competition. benefit from a
users Diverse brand wider range of
surveyed, availability options in the
focusing on offers customers Visnagar city
factors varied options, car market.
influencing with comfort
purchase being key in the
decisions small car

20 2019 A study on The study 75 Automa Consumers Maruti Suzuki

consumer aimed to prioritize quality should focus on
Dr. D.
satisfactio investigate Industr over price, maintaining
n towards factors comfort, and quality,
Maruti influencing availability, with enhancing
Suzuki car consumer Maruti Suzuki's comfort, and
with purchases good reputation ensuring
reference of Maruti and availability availability to
to Suzuki Cars making it a maintain its
Coimbator and their popular choice. popularity.
e city satisfaction Modifying Adapting
levels, using marketing marketing
convenience programs could strategies to
sampling propel the emphasize these
with company to strengths can
respondents market solidify its
from leadership and market
Coimbatore, satisfy most leadership
employing consumers. position and
both meet consumer
primary and

secondary expectations
data effectively.

21 2019 A Study of The study 500 Automa Family and Car

Source of aimed to friends' opinions manufacturers
Informatio analyse the Industr were the most should prioritize
n towards information significant advertising
buying sources influencer efforts through
& Patil
decisions influencing (42.6%), TV
of budget car followed by TV advertisements
Customers purchases advertisements and company
with among 500 (36%) and showrooms,
reference buyers in company leveraging the
to Budget the Malwa showrooms influence of
Segment region of (15.8%). Social family and
Car in Madhya media had friends' opinions
Malwa Pradesh, minimal impact. to effectively
Region. focusing on This suggests reach and
the impact car engage budget
of family manufacturers car buyers in the
and friends, should prioritize Malwa region.
TV advertising
advertiseme efforts targeting
nts, these influential
company channels.
and social

22 2019 Customer The study 400 Automa Male Hyundai should
satisfactio aimed to respondents adapt
S. n towards assess dominated the mechanisms to
Karthik Hyundai customer y sample, attract female
& Car in awareness, indicating consumers and
Selvak Virudhuna buying Hyundai's need address
gar decisions, to attract female concerns
District and consumers. regarding after-
satisfaction Dissatisfaction sales service and
levels of with after-sales interior
Hyundai service and decoration to
cars in interior enhance overall
Virudhunag decoration was customer
ar District, noted, satisfaction and
gathering suggesting areas competitiveness
data from for in the
Hyundai improvement. Virudhunagar
users Despite District market.
through concerns,
questionnair Hyundai
es and remains a
secondary preferred brand,
sources. with high
satisfaction in
style, safety,
and driving

23 2019 A Study The study 150 Automa Preference Maruti Suzuki
Mr. R. on aimed to distribution: should diversify

Aravin Customer assess Industr 31% SUVs, colour options,

d Satisfactio Maruti 23% ensure safety
n Towards Suzuki sedans/luxury measures
Maruti showroom cars, 16% equality, extend
Suzuki services, MUVs, 11% credit facilities,
Cars in consumer hatchbacks. No minimize
Chennai awareness, gender-car type unnecessary
satisfaction correlation expenses,
levels, and found. introduce new
customer Recommendatio tech models,
opinions in ns span enhance
Chennai, diversifying advertising, and
utilizing colour options improve sales
convenience and ensuring services to meet
sampling safety measures varied customer
with 150 equality. preferences and
respondents maintain
in Chennai.

24 2020 A study on 120 Automa The majority of Insights from
The study tive
consumer respondents the study can
Dr.Ra aimed to
satisfactio Industr were male guide product
mkuma analyse the y
n of (90%) and aged and service
r, demographi
Maruti 31-40, with enhancements in
R.Sara c profile of
Suzuki income ranging the automotive
vanan Maruti
cars in from Rs. 20,001 industry,
Madurai to Rs. 30,000. identifying
users and
city. Gender didn't consumer issues
their and behaviour
affect towards car
levels with
satisfaction, but services.
their cars
age did. Maruti Manufacturers
among 120 should prioritize
Suzuki cars
respondents aspects like
, focusing were highly
spare parts
on the regarded due to
reliability, boot
influence of reliable spare
gender and parts, improved
age. boot capacity,
and performance
and enhanced enhancement to
performance. meet consumer

25 2020 Determina The study 412 Automa A strong Understanding

tion of the aimed to positive and prioritizing
factors investigate Industr relationship was these factors are
affecting the factors found between essential for the
arahisar the car influencing factors like
user’s customer structural competitiveness

satisfactio satisfaction quality, in the global
n and loyalty durability, costs, landscape,
within the driving emphasizing the
automotive experience, and need for
sector, comfort, manufacturers to
utilizing underscoring focus on
data from their structural
car users significance in quality,
determining durability, cost-
customer effectiveness,
satisfaction driving
levels within the experience, and
automotive comfort to
industry. enhance
satisfaction and

26 2021 Consumer The study 150 Automa No significant Manufacturers

Choice aimed to difference in should innovate
Anjali Towards compare Industr preferences was to differentiate
Gupta, y
Passenger consumer found across the and enhance
Manav Cars of preferences two brands, brand equity,
Sharma Maruti for Maruti except for varied particularly
Suzuki Suzuki and preferences on focusing on
and Hyundai resale value and areas like resale
Hyundai Motors in price. The value and
Motors in the Delhi research pricing
Delhi Region recommends strategies to
using adopting attract and retain
convenience innovative customers
sampling techniques to effectively in the

with 150 establish higher competitive
respondents brand equity. Delhi market.
, utilizing a
e to collect

27 2021 Determina Investigate Not Automa Extraversion Tailoring

nts Of the Given tive significantly marketing
Brand relationship influences strategies to
yabhara Industr
Loyalty between sociability, match
thy & y
For Maruti personality organization, customers'
Vitara traits and competitiveness, personality traits
Brezza brand and can be key to
With loyalty in stubbornness, fostering
Reference Maruti while corporate stronger brand
To Vitara and honest traits loyalty in Maruti
Madurai Brezza notably affect Vitara Brezza
City customers. brand loyalty. customers.

28 2021 Customer The study 250 Automa Analysis reveals Maruti Suzuki's

satisfactio aims to tive a commendable strong

n towards gauge level of performance in

after sales customer satisfaction with after-sales
service of satisfaction Maruti Suzuki's service fosters
maruti across key after-sales brand loyalty
suzuki dimensions service, with and enhances

of Maruti particularly high retention.
Suzuki's ratings for Understanding
after-sales service the demographic
service, reminders, profile can
including appointment inform targeted
service booking marketing
quality, convenience, strategies, while
staff and timely continued
behaviour, vehicle delivery. emphasis on
and Most technology
technology respondent’s integration and
integration. own hatchback staff training can
Additionall cars, sustain and
y, it seeks to predominantly elevate customer
understand male, with an satisfaction
overall car average age of levels.
satisfaction 38.
c profiles of

29 2023 Analysis The study 500 Automa Results indicate Insights from
Shilpa of research aims to that car quality, the study
Singh, in Maruti identify the Industr performance, provide valuable
Prof. Suzuki key factors and after-sales guidance for
Vidhya consumer influencing service Maruti Suzuki to
Laxmi satisfactio consumer significantly enhance
n in satisfaction influence customer
with Maruti consumer satisfaction in

Vadodara Suzuki in satisfaction with Vadodara City.
city Vadodara Maruti Suzuki. Strategies
City, Furthermore, should focus on
focusing on satisfied improving car
the quality customers are quality,
of the car, more likely to performance,
performanc exhibit brand and after-sales
e, and after- loyalty and service to foster
sales engage in greater brand
service. It positive word- loyalty and
seeks to of-mouth positive word-
understand recommendation of-mouth,
how s, highlighting ultimately
consumer the importance strengthening
satisfaction of these factors the company's
impacts in driving market position
brand customer and reputation.
loyalty and loyalty.

30 2023 A study on The study 50 Automa Recommendatio Implementing

Arjun customer aims to ns include suggested
MA satisfactio evaluate Industr incentivizing improvements
n of indus customer government can bolster
motors satisfaction employees and customer
thevara at Indus businessmen, satisfaction and
Motors with offering test loyalty at Indus
Maruti drive facilities, Motors. By
Suzuki enhancing addressing

vehicles and communication feedback and
propose between sales focusing on
actionable staff and enhancing sales
improveme customers, processes,
nts based on conducting communication
feedback regular training channels, staff
from 50 sessions, training, and
respondents ensuring after-sales
. It seeks to thorough car services, Indus
identify inspections pre- Motors can
areas for delivery, and further solidify
enhancemen improving after- its reputation,
t in sales, sales services. attract more
communicat The study customers, and
ion, highlights Indus strengthen its
training, Motors' diverse position in the
and after- product range, market.
sales exemplary after-
services. sales service,
and stringent
quality control

31 2023 A Study Assess 100 Automa Customers Addressing

on customer appreciate identified areas
Customer satisfaction Industr service advisor can elevate
har y
Satisfactio and responsiveness customer
n with expectations but desire satisfaction,
respect to at Revankar enhancements in foster loyalty,
ta &
After Motors for waiting room and enhance
Sales after-sale ambiance, Revankar
Service at car services pricing Motors'

Revankar among 100 transparency, competitiveness
Motors respondents service fees, and in the market.
turnaround time.
ns include
regular service
facilities, and
technology for
detailed service

32 2023 Customer Investigate 384 Automa Analysis of 384 Implementing

Satisfactio customer tive questionnaires strategies like
n in satisfaction reveals a the Kano model
Industr can effectively
Rohit Automobil with after- significant
Kumar e Industry sales correlation address

Shresth in services in between consumer needs

a Kathmand the customer and enhance

u District Kathmandu satisfaction and satisfaction,
automobile after-sales contributing to
industry service the competitive
through a components advantage of
descriptive such as cost, automobile
quantitative quality, businesses in
research responsiveness, Kathmandu.
design. and speed,
emphasizing the

importance of
consumer needs
in the
sector in

33 A Study Explore 70 Automa Analysis of 70 Understanding

2023 on Factors factors tive surveyed these factors can

Affecting influencing customers guide marketing
the consumer Industr reveals ten key strategies and
Patel y
Purchase buying factors product
& Behaviour behaviour impacting positioning to
Trishna of Maruti of Maruti Wagon R effectively meet
Suzuki Suzuki purchase consumer
Wagon R Wagon R in behaviour, preferences and
Bardoli including enhance
through perception of competitiveness
descriptive luxury, value for in the Bardoli
research money, safety, automotive
design and and customer market segment.
statistical satisfaction,
analysis. providing
valuable insights
into automotive
dynamics in

34 2023 Factors Investigate 201 Automa Analysis of Insights from
Affecting customer tive respondents the study can
Customer satisfaction indicates that inform R&D
Lim Industr
Satisfactio with the customer service activities,
Rui y
n in 2017 Honda and product improve sales
Purchasin car model in quality strategies, and
g Car Johor state, significantly enhance the
Malaysia, influence overall
focusing on satisfaction, reputation of the
key drivers while price and automobile
such as brand image do industry in Johor
customer not. Prioritizing state, Malaysia,
service and these aspects by emphasizing
product can lead to customer service
quality, organizational and product
utilizing success and quality.
quantitative long-term sales
methods growth in the
and pilot automobile
surveys. industry.

Rakesh Kumar [2013] - The study in Himachal Pradesh surveyed 1000 consumers to
understand brand preference, price and quality impact, and buying behaviour for four-wheelers.
Maruti, Mahindra, and Tata are favoured, while Hyundai and Toyota show lower commitment.
Price and quality significantly influence decisions, with consumers preferring authorised
dealers and instalment payments. After-sales services, resale value, and mileage are crucial,
emphasising thorough research before purchase. Recommendations include prioritising Maruti
Suzuki, Mahindra & Mahindra, and Tata vehicles and considering both price and quality.

DR. MURLIDHR [2013] - The study focuses on Maruti Suzuki India Limited's historical
growth and performance across exports, sales, production, and sales network. Maruti Suzuki's
continuous innovation and technological advancements have positioned it ahead of
competitors, with a strong emphasis on research and development to offer superior and
environmentally friendly products. The company's environmental efforts, including the
introduction of advanced K-Series engines, have significantly reduced emissions. Economic
performance indicators, such as domestic sales and exports, reaffirm Maruti Suzuki's
leadership in the Indian automobile sector.

Vishal Sunil Rana [2013] - The study aims to assess the progress of the Indian automobile
sector and scrutinise the marketing strategies of Maruti Suzuki India Limited. Amidst a
dynamic and competitive market landscape, factors like easy vehicle finance availability and
attractive interest rates have fueled the impressive growth of the passenger car industry. Maruti
Suzuki, a frontrunner in the sector, maintains its prominence through innovative marketing,
brand positioning, and advertising tactics. Success in today's competitive environment hinges
on adept marketing strategy structuring, continual innovation in products and services, and
responsiveness to customer demands.

Prof. Pallawi B. Sangode [2014] - The research paper investigates service quality at Maruti
Suzuki and Hyundai showrooms in Nagpur through a comparative study. Utilising a
convenience sample of 40 car owners, the study employs a 26-question self-completion
questionnaire to identify factors influencing service quality, categorise them, and compare the
two brands. Statistical analysis suggests no significant difference in service quality between
Maruti and Hyundai. Suggestions for improvement include flexible payment options,
comprehensive model displays, knowledgeable staff, and extended operating hours.

Vikram Shende [2014] - The Indian automobile industry is highly lucrative due to increased
disposable income and easy finance. New players like Porsche, Bentley, and Ferrari are
influencing the market. Consumer behaviour in the Indian car industry is driven by disposable
income, value for money, safety, and driving comforts, with brand image playing a crucial role.
Understanding consumer behaviour helps marketers make marketing decisions that align with
consumer needs. Car manufacturers should classify human behaviours into main categories,
such as safety, driving comfort, and brand image, and adopt a "Think-Global, Act-Global"
approach to strategy making.

Dr. M. A. Lokhande [2015] - A study in Marathwada region surveyed 500 Maruti and
Hyundai customers on after-sales service, resale value, fuel efficiency, and overall satisfaction.
The majority earn between 2-5 lakhs annually, with 66.6% owning Maruti vehicles and 33.4%
owning Hyundai. Key findings revealed preferences based on comfort, convenience, fuel
efficiency, and pricing. The study emphasises the importance of effective marketing strategies
and responsive complaint resolution systems for automotive companies to retain customers and
foster loyalty.

Dr. Manish Kumar Srivastava [2015] - The study investigates consumer behaviour in Jaipur,
focusing on Maruti SX4 and Honda City owners. Data was collected from 100 questionnaires,
and descriptive statistics and tests were used to analyse preferences and satisfaction levels. The
Indian middle class's increased purchasing power highlights the importance of understanding
complex consumer behaviour. Honda City owners generally have higher satisfaction levels,
while safety, brand name, and driving comfort are key considerations. Effective
communication mediums include word of mouth and car magazine advertisements.

K. Ashath [2015] - The Indian automobile industry has significantly contributed to the
country's economic growth since the 1990s, thanks to factors like delicensing, favourable
government policies, and increased purchasing power. Government initiatives, including 100%
foreign direct investment, have been crucial. Customer satisfaction is vital for industry success,
emphasising the importance of quality service. The research aims to provide insights into
customer behaviour in the automobile services sector, helping stakeholders make informed
decisions to improve service quality and customer satisfaction.

M. Akhila [2015] - The study aims to investigate the services provided by Maruti Suzuki
showroom in Coimbatore and assess consumer awareness, satisfaction, and opinions regarding
Maruti cars. A sample size of 150 respondents was chosen for data collection through primary
methods such as questionnaires distributed at showrooms and secondary sources like journals
and the internet. Suggestions for Maruti Suzuki include enhancing advertisement strategies,
addressing high maintenance costs, and improving mileage and performance issues to meet
customer expectations for easy handling, safety, security, and higher performance. Overall,
Maruti Suzuki cars are highly demanded, requiring advanced technologies and new models to
meet evolving customer needs.

Samidh Pal [2015] - The study examines customer satisfaction with Maruti Suzuki vehicles,
focusing on marketing, pre-sales, and after-sales services. Surveyed at service centres in
Bangalore, 54 out of 60 customers responded, indicating a 90% response rate. The findings
emphasise the importance of effective customer service management and B2C online
strategies, highlighting the need for manufacturer-dealer collaboration and personalised
communication to improve online customer satisfaction in the evolving automotive industry.

K. Ashath [2016] - The study aims to understand emerging trends in the Indian automobile
industry, categorise production, sales, and exports of automobile products, and analyse global
trends shaping the light vehicle industry. Additionally, it focuses on customer satisfaction
within a customer orientation model. Effective strategies include developing high-quality
vehicles for diverse audiences, but businesses must carefully balance rewards to avoid
customer discomfort. Improving customer satisfaction and loyalty is crucial for company
growth, yet organisations often overlook customer retention compared to other business

Amandeep Singh [2017] - The study, conducted among 100 customers in Solan city, India,
examined the correlation between demographic variables and customer satisfaction at Maruti
Suzuki. Results showed a positive correlation between age, education, and income with service
quality, car safety, and ownership cost. The most common issue faced by customers was
driving on bumpy roads. The study recommends continuing the Maruti 800 with reliable spare
parts and improved after-sales service at Maruti dealers.

Ranganathan [2017] - The study aimed to assess consumer satisfaction and identify problems
faced with compact cars in Coimbatore city. Data from 720 respondents owning various
compact car brands revealed high satisfaction with attributes like driving comfort and safety,
but dissatisfaction with fuel efficiency. Common issues included vehicle pick-up problems and
high costs of spare parts replacement during servicing. The study emphasised the importance
of consumer satisfaction in brand loyalty and highlighted the need for manufacturers to
prioritise customer needs to foster loyalty and satisfaction.

Shri. A.V.Sakhare [2017] - The study examines factors influencing i10 car choices, including
brand preference, maintenance handling, and dealer service satisfaction. Results show male
dominance, particularly among businessmen with monthly incomes ranging from Rs. 35,001
to Rs. 60,000. Comfort and maintenance cost are primary reasons for purchasing i10 cars, with
peer influence playing a significant role. Recommendations include maintaining customer
relationships, regularly updating the i10 model, and organising customer meets to improve

Dipanti Joshi [2017] - The study analyses first-time car buyers in Ahmedabad's automobile
market, focusing on brand image and factors influencing their decisions. Data was collected
from 250 respondents using convenience sampling and structured questionnaires. Results show
a strong emphasis on brand image, with price and reputation being primary concerns. Quality
and durability were identified as significant factors, reflecting consumer preferences beyond
financial considerations. Safety, price, and feedback significantly impact brand image, while
comfort and after-sales services showed no significant impact.

Mohammed Majid [2018] - The study examines factors influencing Maruti Suzuki car
purchases, assesses customer satisfaction with after-sales services, and evaluates overall
satisfaction levels. Data from 107 Maruti Car owners in Tirunelveli city and secondary sources
over two decades was collected. Strategies to improve customer satisfaction include offering
free after-sales service, roadside campaigns, effective advertising, competitive prices, and
considering factors like price, mileage, and interior space. The study concludes that Maruti
Suzuki cars are satisfied for affordability, availability, and comfort.

Dr. Gayatri Chopra [2018] - The study aimed to compare consumer preferences for Maruti
Suzuki and Hyundai Motors in the Delhi Region. A convenience sampling technique was used
with a sample size of 150 respondents. Primary data was collected through a self-designed
questionnaire. Independent T test analysis was used to compare preferences across five
attributes: colour, interior, price, after-sales service, and resale value. The study found no
difference in consumer preferences across the two brands on colour, interiors, and after-sales
service. However, preferences varied on resale value and price. The research recommends
adopting innovative techniques to differentiate themselves and establish higher brand equity.

K. Palanichamy [2018] - The study examines buyer behaviour towards Maruti Suzuki's small
cars in Nilgiris District, Tamil Nadu, with 300 respondents selected through purposive
sampling. Customers prioritise price, fuel efficiency, and after-sales services, with
dissatisfaction with maintenance cost and delivery time. The company's Alto, Swift DZire, and
Swift are preferred, with word-of-mouth and media ads effectively spreading product
information. Demographic factors influence satisfaction levels, and the company should
promote other brands, adapt to changing family dynamics, and reduce after-sales service fees.

Mahammadali A. Masi [2018] - The study conducted in Visnagar city with 100 car users
highlights customer preferences towards cars in light of Liberalisation, Privatization, and
Globalization policies. Among social factors influencing car purchase decisions, family
members had the most significant impact, with comfort rating as the most important factor.
Maruti 800 and Maruti Alto emerged as the preferred brands, while the introduction of Tata
Nano posed a challenge to competitors like Maruti 800 and Maruti Alto. Overall, the
availability of diverse brands offers customers varied options, with comfort being a key
determinant in the small car market.

Nandhini [2019] - The study explores factors influencing consumers to buy Maruti Suzuki
Cars and their satisfaction levels. Convenience sampling was used, with 75 respondents from
Coimbatore selected. Data was collected through primary and secondary methods. Consumers
prioritise quality over price, comfort, and availability when purchasing cars. Maruti Suzuki's
good reputation and availability make it a popular choice. By modifying marketing programs,
the company can become a market leader and satisfy most consumers.

Dudhale Prateek [2019] - A study surveyed 500 budget car buyers in the Malwa region of
Madhya Pradesh found that the majority (42.6%) rely on family and friends for information,
followed by TV advertisements (36%), and company showrooms (15.8%). Social media had
minimal impact on car purchase decisions, with TV advertisements and company showroom
information being key influencers. Family and friends' opinions were found to be the most
significant factor in budget car purchases, suggesting car manufacturers should prioritise
advertising efforts.

R. Selvakumar [2017] - A study in Virudhunagar District examined customer awareness,

buying decisions, and satisfaction levels of Hyundai cars. Data from 400 Hyundai users was
collected through questionnaires and secondary sources. Male respondents dominated the
sample, suggesting Hyundai needs to adapt its mechanisms to attract female consumers.
Dissatisfaction with after-sales service and interior decoration suggested improvements.
Despite these concerns, Hyundai remains a preferred brand, with high satisfaction in style,
safety, engine performance, and driving comfort.

Mr. R. Aravind [2019] - The study investigates Maruti Suzuki showroom services, consumer
awareness, satisfaction levels, and customer opinions in Chennai, using convenience sampling
and data from 150 respondents. The study reveals that 31% of respondents prefer SUVs, 23%
prefer sedans and luxury cars, 16% prefer muvs, and 11% prefer hatchbacks. No significant
relationship exists between car type and gender. Recommendations include introducing more
colours, providing equal safety security, extending credit facilities, avoiding unnecessary
expenses, offering new technology models, effective advertising, and improving sales service.

Dr.Ramkumar [2020] - The study examines the demographic profile of Maruti Suzuki users
and their satisfaction with their cars. The majority of respondents from overall 120 are male
(90%) and aged 31-40, with 68.34% falling within the income bracket of Rs. 20,001 to Rs.
30,000. Gender doesn't significantly affect satisfaction levels, but age does. Maruti Suzuki cars
are regarded highly due to reliable spare parts, improved boot capacity, and enhanced
performance. The study provides insights for product and service enhancements in the
automotive industry, helping to identify consumer issues and behaviour towards car services.

Belirlenmesi [2020] - The automotive sector is crucial for manufacturing output and essential
industries like iron, steel, and petrochemicals. However, it faces increasing pressure to
prioritise customer satisfaction and loyalty. A study involving 412 car users found a strong
positive relationship between factors such as structural quality, durability, costs, driving
experience, and comfort, highlighting their importance in determining customer satisfaction
levels within the automotive industry. Understanding these factors is essential for the industry's
competitive global landscape.

Anjali Gupta [2021] - The study aimed to compare consumer preferences for Maruti Suzuki
and Hyundai Motors in Delhi Region. A convenience sampling technique was used with 150
respondents. Primary data was collected through a self-designed questionnaire. Independent T-
test analysis was used to compare preferences on five attributes: colour, interior, price, after-
sales service, and resale value. The study found no difference in preferences across the two
brands, but varied preferences on resale value and price. The research recommends adopting
innovative techniques to establish higher brand equity.

Dr.P.Jeyabharathy [2021] - The study explores the impact of human personality traits on
brand loyalty among Maruti Vitara Brezza customers. Data collected through questionnaires
revealed that extraversion is the dominant personality trait, affecting sociability, organisation,
competitiveness, and stubbornness. The analysis also revealed that corporate and honest traits
significantly influence brand loyalty variation. The findings suggest that marketing strategies
should align with customers' personality traits to effectively boost brand loyalty.

Shubham Gurung [2021] - The study investigates customer satisfaction with Maruti Suzuki's
after-sales service, service quality, staff behaviour, technology usage, and overall car
satisfaction. Data was collected from 250 respondents via a Google Form questionnaire,
supplemented by secondary sources. Analysis reveals high overall satisfaction with after-sales
service, service quality, staff behaviour, and technology usage. Majority of respondents own
hatchback cars and are mostly male with an average age of 38. Maruti Suzuki excels in service
reminders, ease of booking appointments, and timely vehicle delivery. The average rating for
after-sales service is 3.8 out of 5, indicating satisfactory performance.

Shilpa Singh [2023] - The study examines the factors influencing consumer satisfaction at
Maruti Suzuki in Vadodara City, based on a survey of 500 car owners. The results show that
the quality of the car, its performance, and after-sales service are the most critical factors.
Consumer satisfaction is positively related to brand loyalty and word-of-mouth
recommendations. The findings offer valuable insights into the factors affecting Maruti
Suzuki's satisfaction and suggest strategies for the company to enhance customer satisfaction.

Arjun M A [2023] - The study assessed customer satisfaction at Indus Motors with Maruti
Suzuki vehicles and suggested improvements based on feedback from 50 respondents.
Recommendations included offering incentives to government employees and businessmen,
providing test drive facilities, improving communication between sales staff and customers,
conducting regular training, ensuring thorough car inspections before delivery, and enhancing
after-sales services. The study concluded positively, highlighting Indus Motors' wide product
range, excellent after-sales service, and rigorous quality control measures.

Gangadhar Sheeri [2023] - The study examines customer satisfaction and expectations in
after-sale car services at Revankar Motors, involving 100 respondents. It suggests
improvements like regular service reminders, discounts, improved car washing facilities,
cleanliness in waiting rooms, and offering beverages and reading materials. It also recommends
the use of advanced technology for faster service delivery and detailed service communication.
Customers express satisfaction with service advisors' responsiveness but also seek
improvements in waiting room atmosphere, pricing transparency, service fees, and turnaround

Rohit Kumar [2023] - The study examines customer satisfaction with after-sales services in
the automobile industry in Kathmandu, utilising a descriptive quantitative research design.
With 384 questionnaires collected via purposive sampling, it encompasses both two-wheeler
and four-wheeler users from diverse backgrounds. Employing Likert scale-based multiple
choice questions, the analysis indicates a strong association between customer satisfaction and
after-sales service components such as cost, quality, responsiveness, and speed. This suggests
the importance of meeting consumer needs through strategies like the Kano model within the
automotive sector in Kathmandu.

Trishna Shah [2023] - The study investigates the factors influencing consumer buying
behaviour of Maruti Suzuki WagonR in the Bardoli region. It uses a descriptive research design
and statistical tools like KMO, Bartlett’s Test, and Factor analysis. The research involved 70
randomly selected WagonR customers surveyed through structured questionnaires. The study
identified ten factors affecting WagonR's purchase behaviour: Perception of luxury, Value for
money, Product value, Place, Price, Motivational, Practicality, Safety, Social influence, and
Customer satisfaction. The findings provide insights into the drivers behind consumer choices
in the automotive market segment.


1. Perceptions of After-Sales Service Quality: While many studies may have assessed overall
customer satisfaction with Maruti Suzuki cars, there may be a research gap in understanding
perceptions of after-sales service quality. Exploring factors such as the responsiveness of
service centers, the quality of repairs and maintenance, and the availability of spare parts
could provide valuable insights into the factors that contribute to overall customer satisfaction
beyond just the vehicle itself.

2. Comparison with Competitors: Another potential research gap is the lack of comparative
studies that benchmark customer satisfaction with Maruti Suzuki cars against those of its
competitors. By comparing customer satisfaction levels across different automotive brands,
researchers can identify Maruti Suzuki's strengths and weaknesses relative to its competitors
and gain insights into areas for improvement to better meet customer needs and preferences




• Valuable insights into the factors that contribute to overall customer satisfaction beyond
just the vehicle itself
• Identify factors that contribute to customer satisfaction with after-sales service quality
for Maruti Suzuki cars
• Evaluate the quality of repairs and maintenance conducted by Maruti Suzuki service


While existing research provides valuable insights into the factors contributing to overall
customer satisfaction, there is a lack of focused investigation into the specific elements that
drive satisfaction with after-sales service quality for Maruti Suzuki cars. This research problem
aims to identify and prioritize these factors, such as service responsiveness, technical
competence, communication effectiveness, and service turnaround times, to enhance the
overall customer experience.


For the study the primary data is collected through a close ended questionnaire which was
designed, and an online survey was done using google form. The secondary data was collected
from previous research projects i.e., google scholar. The sample size of 107 was collected.


Sample units are from the respondents who were residing from Medchal District Hyderabad


The survey was conducted on 107 respondents that consists of students, self-employed &


The respondents have been selected on the basis of convenience sampling. Convenience
sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where researchers select individuals who are
easiest to reach or are most readily available to participate in a study.


The research design is descriptive in nature



1. AGE


Options Frequency Percentage

20-25 years 85 79.4
25-30 years 6 5.6
30-35 years 6 5.6
35-40 years 7 6.5
40 years and above 3 2.8
Source: Primary data


In fig 1 this data suggests that most individuals fall within the 20-25 years age range,
comprising about 79.4% of the total. The percentage decreases as age increases, with fewer

people in older age brackets. Only a small fraction, around 2.8%, are 40 years old and above.
In simple terms, it shows a concentration of individuals in the younger age groups, tapering
off as age increases.



Options Frequency Percentage

Male 63 58.9
Female 44 41.1
Others 0 0
Source: Primary data



In fig 2 the data indicates that there are more males (58.9%) than females (41.1%) in the
sample. There are no individuals categorized as "Others." In simple terms, it suggests a
gender distribution skewed towards males, with almost 59% of the sample being male and
about 41% female.



Options Frequency Percentage

Student 77 72
Employed 19 17.8
Business 10 9.3
Retired 1 0.9
Home Maker 0 0
Source: Primary data



In fig 3 the data shows that most individuals in the sample are students, comprising 72% of
the total. Employed individuals make up 17.8%, while those in business constitute 9.3%.
There's a negligible percentage of retired individuals and none categorized as homemakers. In
simple terms, most people in the sample are students, followed by those who are employed or
involved in business, with very few retired individuals and no homemakers.



Options Frequency Percentage

Below INR 25,000 44 41.1
INR 25,000 - INR 50,000 14 13.1
INR 50,000 - INR 75,000 20 18.7
INR 75,000 - INR 1,00,000 16 15
Above INR 1,00,000 13 12.1
Source: Primary data



In fig 4 the data suggests that the largest proportion of individuals in the sample earn below
INR 25,000, accounting for 41.1%. The percentages decrease as income brackets increase,
with fewer individuals earning higher amounts. The next significant group earns between
INR 50,000 to INR 75,000 (18.7%), followed closely by those earning between INR 75,000
to INR 1,00,000 (15%). A smaller portion earns between INR 25,000 to INR 50,000 (13.1%),
and an even smaller fraction earns above INR 1,00,000 (12.1%). In summary, most

individuals in the sample earn lower incomes, with progressively fewer earning higher



Options Frequency Percentage

Married 29 27.1
Single 78 72.9
Source: Primary data



In fig 5 the data indicates that most individuals in the sample are single, comprising 72.9% of
the total. Married individuals make up 27.1%. In simple terms, most people in the sample are
single, while a smaller portion are married.

6. Are you aware of Maruti Suzuki Cars?


Options Frequency Percentage

Yes 86 80.4
No 21 19.6
Source: Primary data



In fig 6 the data shows that the majority, 80.4%, responded "Yes," while 19.6% responded
"No." In simple terms, most individuals answered "Yes," with a minority responding "No."

7. Are you a part of Maruti Suzuki Cars?


Options Frequency Percentage
Yes 77 72
No 30 28
Source: Primary data



In fig 7 the data indicates that 72% of respondents answered "Yes," while 28% answered
"No." In simple terms, a majority of 72% answered "Yes," while 28% responded "No."

8. What aspects of owning a Maruti Suzuki car contribute most to your satisfaction?


Options Frequency Percentage

Vehicle performance 49 45.8
Fuel efficiency 18 16.8
Comfort and features 26 24.3
Customer service experience 5 4.7
Others 9 8.4

Source: Primary data



In fig 8 the data suggests that the highest percentage of respondents, 45.8%, prioritize vehicle
performance. Fuel efficiency follows at 16.8%, with comfort and features close behind at
24.3%. Customer service experience is less emphasized, at 4.7%. There are also 8.4% who
have other considerations. In summary, vehicle performance is the top priority for most
respondents, followed by comfort and features, while fuel efficiency also plays a significant

9. How satisfied are you with the overall dealership experience when purchasing or servicing
your Maruti Suzuki car?

Options Frequency Percentage

Very satisfied 44 41.1
Satisfied 48 44.9
Neutral 14 13.1

Dissatisfied 1 0.9
Very dissatisfied 0 0
Source: Primary data



In fig 9 the data shows that the majority of respondents are satisfied with their overall
dealership experience when purchasing or servicing their Maruti Suzuki car, with 86%
reporting being either very satisfied (41.1%) or satisfied (44.9%). A smaller portion, 13.1%,
expressed a neutral sentiment, while only 0.9% reported being dissatisfied. There were no
respondents indicating being very dissatisfied. Overall, satisfaction levels with the dealership
experience are high.

10. Have you utilized Maruti Suzuki's after-sales service (e.g., repairs, maintenance and

Options Frequency Percentage

Yes 81 75.7
No 26 24.3
Source: Primary data



In fig 10 Yes, the data indicates that 75.7% of respondents have utilized Maruti Suzuki's
after-sales service, while 24.3% have not.

11. Are satisfied with the responsiveness of Maruti Suzuki's after-sales service?


Options Frequency Percentage

Very satisfied 42 39.3
Satisfied 38 35.5
Neutral 23 21.5
Dissatisfied 4 3.7
Very dissatisfied 0 0
Source: Primary data



In fig 11 the data shows that most respondents are satisfied with the responsiveness of Maruti
Suzuki's after-sales service, with 74.8% reporting being either very satisfied (39.3%) or
satisfied (35.5%). A notable portion, 21.5%, expressed a neutral sentiment, while only 3.7%
reported being dissatisfied. There were no respondents indicating being very dissatisfied.
Overall, satisfaction with the responsiveness of Maruti Suzuki's after-sales service is
relatively high.

12. How satisfied are you with the resolution of issues or complaints by Maruti Suzuki's
after-sales service?

Options Frequency Percentage

Very satisfied 39 36.4
Satisfied 45 42.1
Neutral 21 19.6
Dissatisfied 1 0.9
Very Dissatisfied 1 0.9
Source: Primary data



In fig 12 the data indicates that the majority of respondents are satisfied with the resolution of
issues or complaints by Maruti Suzuki's after-sales service, with 78.5% reporting being either
very satisfied (36.4%) or satisfied (42.1%). A smaller portion, 19.6%, expressed a neutral
sentiment, while only 1.8% reported being dissatisfied or very dissatisfied. Overall, the
satisfaction levels are notably high.

13. How satisfied are you with the after-sales service provided by Maruti Suzuki
dealerships/service centers?

Options Frequency Percentage

Very satisfied 37 34.6
Satisfied 51 47.7
Neutral 16 15
Dissatisfied 3 2.8
Very Dissatisfied 0 0
Source: Primary data



In fig 13 the data indicates that the majority of respondents are satisfied with the after-sales
service provided by Maruti Suzuki dealerships or service centers, with 82.3% reporting being
either very satisfied (34.6%) or satisfied (47.7%). A smaller portion, 15%, expressed a neutral
sentiment, while only 2.8% reported being dissatisfied. There were no respondents indicating
being very dissatisfied. Overall, satisfaction levels with the after-sales service provided by
Maruti Suzuki dealerships or service centers are quite high.

14. Have you utilised Maruti Suzuki's repair or maintenance services for your car?


Options Frequency Percentage

Yes 85 79.4
No 22 20.6
Source: Primary data



In fig 14 Yes, the data shows that 79.4% of respondents have utilized Maruti Suzuki's repair
or maintenance services for their car, while 20.6% have not.

15. How would you rate the quality of repairs and maintenance performed by Maruti Suzuki
service centres?

Options Frequency Percentage

Excellent 49 45.8
Good 46 43
Average 12 11.2
Poor 0 0
Very Poor 0 0
Source: Primary data



In fig 15 the majority of respondents, 88.8%, rated the quality of repairs and maintenance
performed by Maruti Suzuki service centers positively, with 45.8% rating it as excellent and
43% as good. A smaller portion, 11.2%, rated it as average. No respondents rated it as poor or
very poor. Overall, the quality of repairs and maintenance performed by Maruti Suzuki
service centers received favorable ratings.

16. How satisfied are you with the timeliness of repairs or maintenance conducted by Maruti
Suzuki service centres?

Options Frequency Percentage

Very satisfied 44 41.1
Satisfied 38 35.5
Neutral 24 22.4
Dissatisfied 1 0.9
Very Dissatisfied 0 0
Source: Primary data



In fig 16 the data indicates that most respondents are satisfied with the timeliness of repairs or
maintenance conducted by Maruti Suzuki service centers, with 76.6% reporting being either
very satisfied (41.1%) or satisfied (35.5%). A notable portion, 22.4%, expressed a neutral
sentiment, while only 0.9% reported being dissatisfied. There were no respondents indicating
being very dissatisfied. Overall, satisfaction levels with the timeliness of repairs or
maintenance are quite high.

17. Did you experience any problems or concerns with the repairs or maintenance performed
on your Maruti Suzuki car?


Options Frequency Percentage

Yes 65 60.7
No 42 39.3
Source: Primary data



In fig 17 Yes, according to the data, 60.7% of respondents experienced problems or concerns
with the repairs or maintenance performed on their Maruti Suzuki car, while 39.3% did not.

18. How satisfied are you with the timeliness of repairs and maintenance conducted by
Maruti Suzuki service centres?

Options Frequency Percentage

Very satisfied 44 41.1
Satisfied 44 41.1
Neutral 17 15.9
Dissatisfied 2 1.9
Very Dissatisfied 0 0
Source: Primary data



In fig 18 the data suggests that the majority of respondents are satisfied with the timeliness of
repairs and maintenance conducted by Maruti Suzuki service centers, with 82.2% reporting
being either very satisfied (41.1%) or satisfied (41.1%). A smaller portion, 15.9%, expressed
a neutral sentiment, while only 1.9% reported being dissatisfied. There were no respondents
indicating being very dissatisfied. Overall, satisfaction levels with the timeliness of repairs
and maintenance are quite high.

19. Have you had any warranty-related issues addressed by Maruti Suzuki service centres?


Options Frequency Percentage

Yes 67 62.6
No 40 37.4
Source: Primary data



In fig 19 Yes, according to the data, 62.6% of respondents had warranty-related issues
addressed by Maruti Suzuki service centers, while 37.4% did not.




♦ Vehicle performance is the top priority for most respondents, followed by comfort and

♦ Most respondents reported being either very satisfied or satisfied with various aspects of
Maruti Suzuki's services, including after-sales service, dealership experience, and
♦ High satisfaction levels were observed regarding the quality and timeliness of repairs and
maintenance conducted by Maruti Suzuki service centers.

♦ A significant portion of respondents experienced problems or concerns with the repairs or

maintenance performed on their Maruti Suzuki cars.


♦ Maruti Suzuki can focus on diversifying their target demographic to cater to a wider age

♦ Strategies should be implemented to attract more female customers.

♦ Enhance services and support for employed individuals and business owners.

♦ Offer more affordable options or incentives for customers with lower incomes.

♦ Improve after-sales service to address concerns raised by respondents.

♦ Enhance the quality of repairs and maintenance to reduce the number of issues reported
by customers.

Conclusion: Overall, the data reflects a generally positive perception of Maruti Suzuki's brand
and services among respondents. it underscores the importance of ongoing efforts to address
concerns and enhance customer satisfaction, ensuring continued loyalty and success in the market.
While there are areas for improvement, such as addressing concerns with repairs and maintenance,
most of the customers express satisfaction with various aspects of their experience with Maruti


♦ Our study has indeed provided valuable insights into various aspects of customer
satisfaction towards Maruti Suzuki. Shedding light on common challenges encountered
highlighting factors influencing customer decision making. However, it is crucial to
acknowledge several limitations inherent in the data collection and interpretation process.
♦ Geographic scope is limited, possibly overlooking regional variations in customer

♦ External factors like economic conditions aren't accounted for, potentially influencing
satisfaction levels.


♦ Conduct further research to delve deeper into specific issues identified in the survey, such
as concerns with repairs and maintenance.

♦ Continuously monitor customer feedback and satisfaction levels to identify areas for

♦ Implement targeted marketing strategies to attract underrepresented demographics, such

as females and older age groups.

♦ Invest in training and resources to enhance the quality of services provided by Maruti
Suzuki service centers.



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