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It was a wonderful opportunity to have it show view of

CreintorsTeknosol Pvt ltd. as the present project work has been done in the
nizational studies. It aslo include the study of organizational different
departments such as human resource study on regular employee at that time
they told many problems from company and main problem at theirwhere I am
giving suggestion to company the management should come up with

Limitation of study

 There may be error of interpretation

 Non availability of some current data
 The project is Conducted in Short Duration of time



Company Name : Laila Sugars The

Khanapur ,Karnataka
Operational Status Working Condition
Plant Name Kupatgiri
Code 40601
Fax Number (08336)222482
Address Vill. Kupatgiri
City Tq. Khanapur
Pin Code 591302
District Belgaum
State Karnataka
Reg Office Adress 40-15-14-Brindavan Colony Labbipet
520010, Ph-(0866)2473468

Laila Sugars Private Limited is an unlisted private company incorporated on

22 September, 2009. It is classified as a private limited company and is
located in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. It's authorized share capital is INR
100.00 cr and the total paid-up capital is INR 98.06 cr.

1 Description: The company manufactures sugar products such as molasses,

bagasse, and press mud.
2 Products & Services: Sugar molasses, sugarcane bagasse & cane mud
Category: Manufacturer
3 The current status of Laila Sugars Private Limited is - Active.
4 The last reported AGM (Annual General Meeting) of Laila Sugars Private
Limited, per our records, was held on 18 December, 2020. Also, as per our
records, its last balance sheet was prepared for the period ending on 31
March, 2020.
5 Laila Sugars Private Limited has two directors - Sadanand Maruti
Patil and Vittal Somanna Halgekar.
6 The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Laila Sugars Private
Limited is U15422AP2009PTC065156. The registered office of Laila
Sugars Private Limited is at 40-15-14 Brindavan Colony, Labbipet,
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
7 Laila Sugars Private Limited is an unlisted private company incorporated
on 22 September, 2009. It is classified as a private limited company and is
located in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. It's authorized share capital is
INR 100.00 cr and the total paid-up capital is INR 98.06 cr.
8 Description: The company manufactures sugar products such as molasses,
bagasse, and press mud.
9 Products & Services: Sugar molasses, sugarcane bagasse & cane mud
Category: Manufacturer
10 The current status of Laila Sugars Private Limited is - Active.
11 The last reported AGM (Annual General Meeting) of Laila Sugars Private
Limited, per our records, was held on 18 December, 2020. Also, as per our
records, its last balance sheet was prepared for the period ending on 31
March, 2020.
12 Laila Sugars Private Limited has two directors - Sadanand Maruti
Patil and Vittal Somanna Halgekar.

The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Laila Sugars Private Limited is

U15422AP2009PTC065156. The registered office of Laila Sugars Private
Limited is at 40-15-14 Brindavan Colony, Labbipet, Vijayawada, Andhra


Sr.No Name Of Directors

1 Sadanand Maruthi Patil

2 Vittal somanna halgekar





shree Bhagyalaxmi Sahakari Sakkara Karkhana Nayarit, Khanapur is a co-

operative sugar factory in the state of Karnataka, This factory was registered
in the year 1982 and it has collected the shares capitalfrom the farmers and
others. The total number of the share holder is around 60,000. The total
amount ofshare invested in the factory is Rs.1,795.00 lakhs. Out of this,
Government's share capital investmentis RS.1170.00 lakhs. The aim and
purpose of establishing the factory was availability of plenty of sugarcaneIn
nearby Villages and to improve the financial condition of the farmers. Because
the Khanapur Taluka istotally backward area as there are no industries in
thisT'aluka Under the leadership of late Shri.NILKHANTRAO
BHAGWANTRAO SIRDESAI the founder, chief promoter, chairnman and
Ex.MLA Khanapur the factory is established. He was always thinking
aboutthe larmers to inerease their standard of living of sugar cane growers of
this area and overall developmentof the Khanapur taluka. The promoter
worked hard to collect the share capital from farmers and aftercollecting share
amount the factory was registered under Karnataka Co-operative Society act in
the year1982. After registration the sugar factory came into existence in the
year 1996 with the crushing capacityof 2500 TCD

Literature review
The occupalional Satety and Health Act is a law passed in 1970 to encourage
safer workplace condition in the United States. The Occupational safety and
Health Act established the federal occupational safety and Health
Administration (OSPA) to set standards and perform inspections at job sites in
some parts of the country, an OSHA-approved state agency helps enforce job
safety standards,With which must be at least as stringent as federal guidelines.
The 1970 legislation gave the new occupational safety and Health
Administration the authority to create industry-specific guidelines. However,
the act also outlined a "general duty" clause, which stipulates that an employer
must provide an environment
The occupational safety and health act applies to most private and public
employers. Individuals not protected by the law include self-employed
individuals, workers on small family farms and those working in an industry
regulated by a separate federal agency
Occupational health and safety is a discipline with a board scope involving
many specialized fields. In its boldest sense, It should aim at; In other wards,
occupational health and safety encompasses the social, mental and physical
well-being of workers that is "whole person.
Efficiency in work is possible only when an employee is healthy on one hand.
On the other the industry expose him to certain hazards which he could not
meet elsewhere and which may affect his health.
 Reduction labour turnover.
 A reduction in absent eeism.
 Reduced spoilage.
 Improved morals.
 Increased productivity.
The area of policy and legislation covering employee wellbeing .Health and
Satety within an organization is often coordinated by a particular person, but it
is the responsibility of all employees Maintaining a sare working practice and
ensuring that employees' health is not detrimentally affected by their work is a
statutory duty of organizations.
Important of health and safety:
Efficiency in work 1S possible only when and employees is healthy on one
hand. On the other industry exposes him to certain hazards which he would
not meet elsewhere and which may affect his health it is with the attention of
reducing these hazards and improving of industrial health came into being as a
branch of public health in its own right.
 Reduction labour turnover
 A reduction in absenteeism
 A reduction in the incidences of occupational decrease
 Reduced spoilage
 Improve morals
 Increased productivity
It is therefore obvious that without health, a worker will not be etficient or
productive. Occupational decrease.
McKinsey introduced the 7-S framework for strategy in the late 1970's, The
framework maps seven interrelated factors that influence an organization's
ability to change shared values, skills. staff, strategy structure, style, and
systems and shows how these forces interact. Unlike Porter s ramewor.
Framework emphasizes coordination more strongly: 7-S suggests that they can
make significant progress any of their parts only if they progress in the others.
Mc-Kinsey's 7s model:
The 7- s elements are distinguished in so called hard S's and soft S's. The hard
elements lake structure, System and strategy are feasible and easy to identify.
The four soft - S like Style, skill, staff and shared values are hardly feasible.
I think 7-S Framework is more important today. The important aspect of
7-S tramework is its Simplicity- These elements allow organizations to step
back and look at its position in the global competitive environment
holistically. It acts as a complement to Porter' s strategy framework.
Hard Elements:
 Structure
 Strategy
 System
Soft Elements:
 Skill
 Staff
 Style
 Shared values

The way in which the organization unit relates to each other is called as
structure. Organization structure and authority and responsibility relationship
are included in the structure. Organization structure explains how the authority
and responsibility flows from top to the bottom. LAILA SUGAR has a well-
built organization structure.
Skill refers to the distinctive capabilities of an organization. Skills are those
capabilities that are possessed by the employees of an organization. These
skills will have direct impact on the employee's productivity and their
performance. Ihus skills of the employees have a direct impact on the
company's Over all performance.
Managerial Skills:
 Technical expertise
 Communication
 Coordination with labour union
 Upgrading the training skills

All organizations have their own distinct culture and management style. It
includes the dominant values, be lieis and norms which develop over time and
become relatively enduring features of the Organizaional life. It also entails
the way managers interact with the employees and the way they spend their
time. Culture remains an important consideration in the implementation of any
strategy in the Organization. LSPL 1S using the participative management
style. Employee's participation in the process or
day to day activities is encouraged. Employees at all levels can have direct
discussion with the top management for smooth functioning of the
The LSPL Sugar Ltd is basically follows a participating and democratic
type ot leadership style .Before taking any decision a meeting is conducted
and the final decision is taken with the consent of all.Since every employee's
ideas and opinions are taken by the managers before arriving at a final
decision effective decisions can be taken.
 Maintain discipline in the company
 Give instruction and orders to the subordinate
 Maintains unity in the Company.
Strategy implies a game plan to achieve the defined business goals. Every
business uses the unique strategy to reach its destiny. It 1s a set of decisions
and actions aimed at gaining a sustainable competitive advantage. Cost
reduction can be achieved through reduction, elimination, modification of
manufacturing activity.Through in depth analysis the best and least cost path is
adopted for each activity. The best method to achieve results are to bench
mark operating parameters to world class companies. I his drives everyone to
match or even surpass the seigures
systems are the procedures and processes such as information system,
manufacturng processes dudgeting and control processes. Every organization
has some systems or internal processes to support and emplement the strategy
and run day-to-day affairs. The company operations are computerized. Ihe
system also ineludes data collection, storage and utilization for record and
appraisal purposes. (Managenment information systems i.e. reports of
various departments, financial information system 1.e. marketing an
sales information, employee information system.
The company is using ERP System
Enterprise Resource Planning is integrated cross functional software that
reengineers manufacturing, distribution, finance, human resource, and other
basic business processes of a company to improve its efficiency and
profitability. ERP helps to company in production, order processing and sales.
Organizations are made up of humans and it's the people who make the real
difference to the Success of the organization in the in ereasingly knowledge-
based society. The importance of human resources has thus got the central
position in the strategy OT the organization, away from the traditional model
of capital andland


The company's vision is to become the most efficient processor of sugar and
the largest marketer of sugar and its allied products in the country


Its mission meeting these objectives is to expand its installed capacity, achieve
end-to-end integrationfor all the plant to improve margins and reduce
cyclicality of business, achieve greater raw material security, increase its focus
of corporate and high value customers to reduce price-risk in sugar by hedging

To encourage self help, saving and support between members.

 To acquire lands, either by way of sale, lease or otherwise for

cultivation of sugarcane and other crops and for creation of building,
Machinery etc.
 To in estimate among members, improved modern methods of
agriculture and cultivation of sugar cane and to supply seeds, material,
manure implements etc., for growing sugar cane and other crops and to
promote agriculture, Agro industries education for the well being of
the members.
 To manufacture sugar, and others by products out of sugar cane grown
and supplied by members of the society and others and to sell the same
to the best advantage
 To make advance to members on the security of sugarcane or sugar
made out of their sugarcane and to advance loans for raising their crops
and development of Agriculture.
 To install machinery for the utilization of by-products and buy raw
materials and finished products in the course of utilizing and marketing
the by-products.
 To sell or otherwise dispose oft the whole or any part or parts of its
business assets or under takings or its factory, buildings, machinery
and lands in the interest of the society with the prior approval of the
Director of sugar and Addl. Registrar of co-operative societies or in the
course of winding up the society
 To undertake such other activities as are incidental and conductive to
the development of the society.
 To encourage raising food and cash crops in the area where sugar cane
1S notgrown.
 They give the loan to worker


M/S Laila Sugars Private limited is having many tough competitors they are as

 Shree Renuka Sugars private limited,soundatti

 Shree halasidhanath sahakari sakharkarakhanalimited,limited
 Satish sugar
 Om sugar Limited, chikodi
 Shrishshivsagar sugar agro product limited, Ramdurg
 Anagadi sugar Power private limited, gonikoppa.


 Finance department- finance manager

The department of Accounting and Finance of Creintors is run under the
department head Sunil K (chartered accountant) and this section was carried
out by him and there were many points were being discussed some of them are
mentioned below.

The department of accounting and finance plays an essential role in the

management of any organisation or business, companies’ operation on money,
and if you don’t control that money, you don’t control your business. By
properly accounting for your company’s income and expense you can manage
the flow of money and controlling over investing and there by direct the
course of your business.

Before starting any business or organisation it is very important to

have first finance and accounting department, because to start organisation is
first required is capital to be invested and second is its resources and at last
planning the function of an organisation so that function should be run proper
manner and it is the department which is directly connected to board of
directorate and managing director.

Accounting: -

It is the systematic process of identifying, recording, measuring,

classifying, verifying, summarizing, interpreting and communicating financial
information. It reveals profit and loss for a given period.

Finance: -

It is defined as management of money and includes activities like

investing, borrowing, lending, budgeting, saving and forecasting.... corporate
finance also the tools and analysis utilized to prioritize and distribute financial

Role of accounts and finance manager in an organization:

1. Treasury management
2. Cost control

3. Billing and credit control

4. Investment appraisal

5. Ensuring compliance with relevant laws

6. Handling tax issues.

7. Preparation of financial statements.

8. Safe guarding assets through internal control.

9. Inventory management and control

10. Business advisory function

11. Writing accounting policy and procedure manual.

12. Customer service function

13. Procurement management

14. Working capital management

 Individual ledger Accounts

 .Balance Sheet
 . Profit and Loss Account
 Trading Account
 Cash Account

All the account sections are come under in finance department

 Sale department - sales manager

 The sales department plays a crucial role in any business organization.
Its primary responsibility is to generate revenue for the organization by
selling its products or services. Here are some of the key functions of
the sales department:
 Identifying potential customers: The sales team identifies potential
customers for the organization's products or services through market
research and other sales techniques.
 Generating leads: The sales team generates leads by reaching out to
potential customers through various means, such as email campaigns,
social media, and phone calls.
 Qualifying leads: Once leads are generated, the sales team qualifies
them to determine which ones are most likely to become paying
 Closing sales: The sales team's ultimate goal is to close sales and
generate revenue for the organization. This involves negotiating with
potential customers, addressing their concerns and objections, and
finalizing the sale.
 Building relationships: The sales team is responsible for building and
maintaining relationships with customers to ensure repeat business and
 Providing feedback: The sales team provides feedback to the
organization regarding customer needs, preferences, and trends, which
can help inform product development and marketing strategies.
 The sales department is critical to the success of any business
organization as it drives revenue and helps to build strong relationships
with customers.

 Types of Designation in Sales Dept

 Sales departments can have a variety of designations based on the
organization's structure and size. Here are some of the most common
roles found in sales departments:
 Sales Representative: A sales representative is responsible for selling
the company's products or services to potential customers. They
typically work on the field and are the primary point of contact for
 Sales Manager: A sales manager oversees the sales team and ensures
that the team is meeting its targets. They are responsible for setting
goals, developing sales strategies, and managing the team's
 Account Executive: An account executive is responsible for managing
existing customer accounts and maintaining relationships with them.
They work closely with customers to understand their needs and ensure
that they are satisfied with the company's products or services.
 Sales Director: A sales director oversees the sales department's entire
operation and is responsible for driving revenue growth. They typically
develop long-term sales strategies and work with the executive team to
align sales goals with the organization's overall objectives.
 Business Development Manager: A business development manager is
responsible for identifying new business opportunities and developing
partnerships with other organizations. They work closely with the sales
team to develop new sales strategies and expand the company's
customer base.
 Sales Operations Manager: A sales operations manager oversees the
day-to-day operations of the sales department. They are responsible for
managing the sales team's administrative tasks, developing and
implementing sales processes and procedures, and ensuring that the
team has the resources they need to succeed.
 The sales department can have various roles depending on the
organization's structure and size. These roles include sales
representatives, sales managers, account executives, sales directors,
business development managers, and sales operations managers.
 What are The Responsibility of Sales Dept?
 The sales department is responsible for generating revenue and
increasing the organization's customer base. Here are some of the key
responsibilities of the sales department:
Developing Sales Strategies: The sales department is responsible for
developing effective sales strategies that will help the organization reach
its revenue goals. This includes setting sales targets, identifying target
markets, and developing sales plans that are aligned with the
organization's overall objectives.
 Generating Leads: The sales department is responsible for generating
leads, identifying potential customers and creating a pipeline of
opportunities for the organization.
 Qualifying Leads: Once leads are generated, the sales team qualifies
them to determine which ones are most likely to become paying
customers. This involves understanding customer needs and
preferences, assessing their budget, and evaluating their purchasing
 Sales Presentations and Proposals: The sales team is responsible for
creating sales presentations and proposals that effectively communicate
the organization's value proposition and address customer needs.
 Closing Sales: The sales team's ultimate goal is to close sales and
generate revenue for the organization. This involves negotiating with
potential customers, addressing their concerns and objections, and
finalizing the sale.
 Customer Relationship Management: The sales team is responsible
for building and maintaining strong relationships with customers to
ensure repeat business and referrals.
 Reporting and Analysis: The sales department is responsible for
reporting on sales performance and analyzing data to identify trends and
opportunities for improvement.
 Collaboration: The sales department collaborates with other
departments such as marketing, finance, and operations to ensure that
the organization's sales efforts are aligned with overall business
 The sales department is responsible for generating revenue and
increasing the organization's customer base. This involves developing
effective sales strategies, generating and qualifying leads, creating sales
presentations and proposals, closing sales, managing customer
relationships, reporting and analysis, and collaboration with other

 Delivering the sugar on time

 .Open market sales
 Managing sales activities
Administrative department- deputy manager
For anyone looking to prove themselves in a challenging and fast-
paced work environment, a career in the administrative department is
perfect and can direct you to a spectrum of varied and exciting jobs.

The market for skilled business administrators has seen an expansion lately,
inspiring more students to pursue a career in this field. Working in the
administrative department can be very rewarding if you decide to step outside
your comfort zone and are willing to take risks.

Besides, one of the best features of a career in the administration department is

that you will probably never focus on just one department of an organization.
In fact, a career in the administrative field means you will be overlooking
various business operations ranging from marketing to finance.

Read on to find out the roles and responsibilities of administrative department.

Roles and responsibilities of Administrative Department
Every organization, irrespective of the industry, needs an excellent
administration to organize the company. The admin department often gets
unheralded in business; however, their role should not be underestimated.
Without this backbone, things can instantly fall apart, making it challenging
for the organization to function as intended.

The admin department provides valuable services, enabling work processes to

operate seamlessly and decision-makers to focus on value-added tasks and
responsibilities. Administrative roles include day-to-day tasks that keep an
organization running smoothly and efficiently.

Let’s have an inside look at what all the admin department is responsible for.

 To establish goals for each department.

 To take timely decision about various activities.
 To plan day-to-day activities and put policies in effect with the
Sugar cane department - general manager (cae)
The GM supervises lower-level managers. These lower-level
managers may be in charge of several smaller divisions but report
directly to the GM. The GM gives specific directions to each
department head
o achieve goals, GMs collaborate with higher-level managers and executives
and with the employees that they supervise. This person is responsible for
budgeting resources for marketing, supplies, equipment, and hiring. Because
of their high level of responsibility, complex duties, and the need for
extensive relevant experience, GMs earn more than entry-level employees.
Requirements for a General Manager

A GM typically gains experience in a lower-level management position

before being hired or promoted to GM. GMs can advance by moving into top
executive positions or to larger and more prestigious companies. They must
thoroughly understand their departments or company's operations, be skilled
at managing and leading employees, and make sound decisions for the
company. They must also possess:

 Budgeting, planning, and strategy skills

 Problem-solving abilities
 Business processes and functions knowledge
 Communication skills
 Analytical ability
 A college or graduate degree, which would vary by industry

 To give the permit with sleep wise

 Collect the reports
 Procure the fresh sugar cane and quality sugarcane
 Maintain the proper and good relationship with thefarmer.

Engineering department-assistant general manager (engineering)

 Repairs and maintenance of machinery of the factory.
 Turning of bars by lathe machine
 To cutting the bars.
 Drilling and tapping materials
Production department- deputy general manager (process)

The process of Transformation from raw materials or natural resources and

people into value added goods and services under controlled conditions by
applying some form of technology to the inputs.

In production industries, the production can be defined as the process of

transformation of raw materials into the value-added finished goods, so that it
should be accepted by the customer according to their requirements. In service
industries, the production can be defined as the conversion of available man
and machine power into valuable services, so that these should satisfy the
customers. In both the cases there should be a specified working condition and
utilization of technology

● Work Order: - A work order is a document give to the manufacturing

shop floor by the production planner as a signal to manufacture a

certain quantity of a certain item. The work order also helps generate
the material requirement (stock entry) for the item to be produced from
its bill of materials.

● Bill of Material: - A bill of materials or product structure is a list of

the raw materials, sub-assemblies, intermediate assemblies, sub-

components, parts, & the quantities of each needed to manufacture an
end product. A BOM may be used for communication between
manufacturing partners or confined to a signal manufacturing plant.

Change of priority: -The main factor that affects elasticity of supply is the
ease of changing production to respond to price change. The more quickly an
industry can respond to changes in price by either increasing or decreasing
production, the more elastic that industry
 Smooth production process
 Maintain the quality of sugar
 Maximum utilization of sugarcane
Purchase Department - Purchase Officer

Purchase: -

Purchasing means buying of equipment, materials, tools, parts, stores

etc, required by the industries. Good purchasing the competitiveness in the
market cannot be made. Careful buying helps in reducing the cost of materials
and thereby increasing the profits. Some of the important purchase tools used
in the industry are,

1. GRN- goods receive note

2. CRMS- It is software name and to includes the data
3. BOM-Bill of materials
Purchase: -

Purchasing means buying of equipment, materials, tools, parts, stores

etc, required by the industries. Good purchasing the competitiveness in the
market cannot be made. Careful buying helps in reducing the cost of materials
and thereby increasing the profits. Some of the important purchase tools used
in the industry are,

4. GRN- goods receive note

5. CRMS- It is software name and to includes the data
6. BOM-Bill of materials

 Purchasing materials
 Calling quotations
 Placing orders for supply of materials.
 Passing bills to Accounts section for payment
Human Resource Department - Human Resource Manager
Human Resource (HR) means company department charged with
finding, screening, recruiting, and training job applicants, and administering
employee benefit program.

Human Resource (HR) deals with the followings.

1. Recruiting the right people for the right job.

2. Maintaining a safe environment.
3. Employer-Employee relation.
4. Compensation and benefits.
5. Training and development.

1. Recruiting the right people for right job: -

The success of recruiter and employment specialists generally is

measured by the number of positions they fill and the time it takes to fill those

Recruiters who work in house as opposed to companies that provide recruiting

and staffing services play a key role in developing the employer’s workforce.
They advertise job posting, source candidates, screen applicants, conduct
preliminary interviews and coordinate hiring efforts with managers
responsible for making the final selection of candidates.

2. Maintaining a safe environment: -

Workplace safety is an important factor. Under the occupational Safety

and health, employers have an obligation to provide a safe working
environment for employees. One of the main functions of HR is support
workplace safety training and maintains federally
reporting. In addition, HR safety and risk specialists often work closely with
HR benefits specialists to manage the company’s workers compensation

3. Employer-Employee relations: -

In a unionized work environment, the employee and labour relations

functions of HR may be combined and handled by one specialist or be entirely
separate functions managed by two HR specialists with specific expertise in
each area. Employee relations are the HR discipline concerned with
strengthening the Employer-Employee relationship through Measuring job
satisfaction, employee engagement and resolving workplace conflicts. Labour
relations functions may include developing management response to union
organizing campaign’s negotiating collective bargaining agreement and
rendering interpretations of labour union contract issues.

4.Compensation and benefits: -

Like employee and labour relations, the compensation and benefits

functions of HR often can be handled by one HR specialist with dual
expertise. On the compensation structures and evaluating competitive pay
practices. Compensation and benefits section of HR however, in many cases,
employers outsource such administrative functions as payroll.

5. Training and development: -

Employers must provide employees with the tools necessary for

their success which, in many cases, means giving new employee’s extensive
orientation training to help them transition and professional development.
Leadership training may be required of newly hired and promoted supervisors
and managers on topics such as performance management and how to handle
employee relations matters at the department level.

Professional development opportunities are for employees looking

for promotional opportunities or employees who want to achieve personal
goals such as finishing a college degree. Programs such as tuition assistance
and tuition reimbursement programs often are within the purview of the HR
training and development area.

 Recruitment of employees
 Induction orientation
 Training and Development
 Employee welfare activities
Stores Department- store manager
 Storage of purchased material
 Maintaining the inventory
 Taking safety measures

SWO analysis means Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats.
Strengths are the internal. Positive characteristics that the company possesses.
One should look at these competitive advantages. Weaknesses are internal as
well as negative aspects of the company and indicate competitive
vulnerabilities. These
should be distinguished from problems in that immediate collapse is not likely.
Opportunities are external and provide areas of growth or improvement of the
company. Threats are external to the company and action is required.

 Factory has its Own Diesel bunk.
 Modern equipment and machinery.
 Basic industry to agriculture.
 Good source of raw material
 Healthy management labor relations
 Fully integrated players
 Reduced impact of seasonally
 Right products, right and liability.
 New technology in manufacturing.

 Lower compensation for employees compared to other orgnization
 High cost of production.
 No control on minimizing the losses during the process.
 Non availability of raw sugar inexcess.
 Lack of Research and development
 Scope to improve the profitability.
 Government Issue certificate to take loan.
 Superior technology.
 Well placed for export.
 Focus to wards buyers.
 Superior utilization of fixed asset


 Advancement of technology and changing job profile

 Hugecompetition
 Competition from other sugar mills
 Pricing policy of the government
 Dependent on the farmers for the supply of sugarcane


 To measure the level of job satisfactions among at Creintors Tenosol
Pvt. Ltd
 To find out factors contributing towards the job satisfaction Creintors
Tenosol Pvt. Ltd
 To analyze the relationship between job satisfactions of employees and
contributing variables.
Methodology /procedure adopted for writing the report: -


This report is based on study performed in CreintorsteknosolPvt.Ltd..

For a period of one month. The information provided in the report is taken
from certain sources. The sampling was taken of 30 workers


Sources of data: To produce a reliable questionnaire both primary and

secondary information was used. Beside the demographic profile items, the
questionnaire comprised 20 questions which over almost all areas of employee


Data that has been collected from first-hand experience is known as

primary data. In this source the information is gathered with the help of
discussion, personal interview and interaction and carried on with officials of
different departments.


Data collected from a source that has been published in any form is called
as secondary data. A part of the information provided in the respect is
collected from the following sources:

● Quotation & brochures provided by the company.

● Website of Creitorsteknosolpvt ltd.


● The study focuses on overall organization structure of the company.

● The study analysis workers overall satisfaction towards their wages.

● The study puts lights upon the vision, mission, and quality policy of


● The study also gives information on the processes of various

1. Interviews
2. Questionnaire
3. Survey
4. Observation
5. Focus group

Topic introduction

(Employee satisfaction)


Employee satisfaction is the term used to describe a situation when

employees are satisfied and contented with their job and the office

Importance of employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is of utmost importance in any organization be it small

or large. Thinking that employee’s satisfaction is importance only for the
employee then it is not right. It is equally importance for the organization for
which the employee is working as well.

The following points will show the importance of employee satisfaction


In light of the organization:

1. It enhances employee retention and the company does not need to train
employee repeatedly.

2. The overall productivity of the company is increased and it assists in

achieving the goals of the company.
3. When employees are satisfied with their job they deal with customers
in a better manner and thus customer satisfaction is achieved to great

4. It helps the company in getting better services and products from its

5. Money spent on training new candidates and recruitment of new

candidates can be saved extensively.

In light of the employee

1. When the employee gets satisfactory services from the company initially,
he tends to believe that same treatment would be offered in long run.

2. Employee would start taking interest in his work instead of worrying about
other issues.

3. The employee starts feeling senses of responsibility towards the


4. He deals with customers in a better way and builds strong relations with

5. They would try to produce better results in other to get appreciation from
the company.

Factors Influencing Employee Satisfaction

Various factors exist in an organization that contributes to area of employee

Following are listed factors affecting employee satisfaction they are: -

● The brand name of the organization is of utmost importance to

employees and it is considered when employee satisfaction is


● The aims and objectives of the organization where an employee

works is likely to affect employee satisfaction.

● Salary and wages is one of the most important factors behind

employee satisfaction. The salary should always be in accordance to

the position of the employee in the company.

● Rewards and penalties are other important things that affect level of

satisfaction of an employee in his job.

● The kind of treatment given by the supervisor to the employee

largely determines his satisfaction level. It is desired to treat

employees in a good manner.

Benefits of employee satisfaction

1. It can increase productivity.

2. It saves time and money.

3. It can uncover issues not readily apparent.

4. It leads to employee commitment to industrial peace by avoiding the

occurrence of industrial disputes.

Improving Employee Satisfaction

If some organization does not see employee satisfaction amongst its

employees then there is to be worried about. By following some steps, the
organization improves employee satisfaction. One of the best possible ways is
to conduct a feedback program. During this program, the organization should
take feedback from the employees so that they can know what the
requirements of the employees are and what exactly they are getting in the

Factors affecting employee satisfaction

1. Environment: Is the workplace pleasant, efficient, and healthy? Are

there spaces to work suitably for the tasks and to take breaks
comfortably? Is the lighting good, with some natural elements to ease
the eyes? Are there reasonable temperature controls and amenities such
as water, bathrooms, and parking? Is there flexibility for individual

2. Support: Are there competent supervisors, who give good and

constructive feedback? Is there an there incentive program? DO the
employees feel as though they have a voice in policies? Regular staff
meetings for evaluation and updates of projects and policies? Is the
employee well-informed?
3. Benefits: Do the employees have good options about health-care,
retirement plans, and leaves of absence, vacation-time, and ongoing
education? Has the employer tried to hear what the needs of the
employees are?

4. Mission: Is there an overall mission that the employees can identify

with? The team-spirit of a workplace can carry the day when times are
stressed or deadlines loom. Are there some social ties and celebrations
for the employees to bond with? Encouragement and extra-curricular
activities, such as sports teams or even just Casual Fridays can bring a
personal touch to the job and increase camaraderie.

Analysis and Findings


The analysis of this report begins with analysis of each question.

Research helps in generating information by analyzing data after its

collection. Data analysis usually involves reducing accumulated data to a
manageable size, developing summaries, looking for a pattern and applying
statistical techniques. Scaled responses on Questionnaires and experimental
instruments often require the analyst to drive various functions, as well as to
explore relationships among variables.

In various cases when we deal with statistics are related to each other or we
can also say two variables seems to move in some direction such as both are
increasing or increasing and other is decreasing analysis has been done by
applying various statistical tools to study the basic factor that lead to job
satisfaction among the job work assignees.

1. Your work is according to your knowledge and skills?

SI No Response No of respondent percentage

1 Yes 28 93%

2 No 2 7%

Total 30 100%

Out of 30 respondents ,28 respondents response is yes that they are
satisfied according to their knowledge and skills and 2 respondent
response is no.

1. Employees are satisfied with top management?

SI No Response No of respondent percentage

1 Yes 22 73%

2 No 8 27%

Total 30 100%


Out of 30 respondents, 22 respondents response is yes that they are satisfied

with top management , 8 respondents are not satisfied with the top
1. Are you satisfied with training provided for your current job?

SI No Response No of respondent Percentage

1 Agree 15 50%

2 Disagree 8 27%

3 Neutral 7 23%

Total 30 100%


Out of 20 respondents ,13respondent are agree, 6 respondents are disagreed ,1

respondent is natural. Most of employees are satisfied with training given.

3. Working hours at creintorsteknosol Pvt. Ltd is satisfactory?

SI No Response No of respondent percentage

1 Good 18 60%

2 Bad 9 30%

3 Neutral 3 10%

Total 30 100%


Out of 30 respondent ,18 respondent response is good,9 respondent response is

bad And 3 respondent response is natural. Some of the employees are not
satisfied with

Working hours.

2. Organization organizes counseling program for the employees?

SI No Response No of respondent percentage

1 Yes 21 70%

2 No 9 30%
Total 30 100%


Out of 30 respondent ,21 respondent response is good ,9 employee respondent

response is bad. Most of employees are satisfied with counseling program .

3. Whether the organization fulfills your needs?

SI No Response No of respondent percentage

1 Agree 25 83%

2 Disagree 5 157%

3 Total 30 100%
Out of 30 respondent,25 respondents are agreed,5respondents are
disagreed with regards the fulfillment of the needs.

4. Employees in creintorsteknosol shares his experience to help each


SI No Response No of respondent percentage

1 Agree 16 53%

2 Disagree 9 30%

3 Both 5 17%

Total 30 100%

out of 30 respondent ,16 respondent are agree ,9 respondent is disagree
, and 5 respondent are both .
5. Employees get application and rewards if desired work, target is

SI No Response Noof respondent Percentage

1 yes 26 87%

2 No 4 13%

3 Both - -

Total 30 100%

out of 30 respondent ,26 respondent response is yes,4 respondent
response is no, it means that the employees get reward if he/she has
completed the desired work.
6. Company has good career prospects for its employees?

SI No Response No of respondent percentage

1 Agree 21 70%

2 Disagree 3 10%

3 Both 6 20%

Total 30 100%

Out of 30 respondent ,21 respondent are agree ,3 employees are
disagree and 6 employees are both. It means that employees are
satisfied with company growth and prospect.

7. Welfare facilities provided to the employee by the organization are

SI No Response No of respondent Percentage

1 Yes 16 53%

2 No 14 47%

Total 30 100%


Out of 30 respondent 16 respondent response is yes, 14 respondent response is

no. Majority employees are satisfied with welfare facility provided to

8. Which of the following factors motivate you most?

SI No Response No of respondent Percentage

1 Salary increase 10 50%

2 Promotion 15 10%
3 Motivation talks 3 7%

4 Recognition 2 33%

Total 30 100%

Out of 30 respondents,10 employees’ response is salary increase, 15
respondent response is given promotion ,3 respondent response is
motivations talks, and 2respondent response is recognition. It means
that Promotion / Salary hike motivates most of the employees.

9. What are the safety facilities provided by the organization?

SI No Response Noof respondent Percentage

1 Watchman 18 40%

2 File extinguisher 4 20%

3 Hand gloves and 8 40%


Total 30 100%

Out of 30 respondent ,18 respondent response is provide the watchman

facility, 4 respondent response is file extinguisher, and 8 respondent response
is to provide hand gloves and mask.

10. Does the company arrange any development program for the

SI No Response No of respondent percentage

1 yes 18 60%

2 No 10 33%

3 Both 2 7%

Total 30 100%

Out of 30 respondent,18 respondent response is yes ,10 respondent
response is no and 2 respondent response is both. Some employees are
not satisfied towards arrangements of any development program.

11. What is your opinion about management?

SI No Response No of respondent `percentage

1 good 28 93%

2 Bad 2 7%

3 Both - -

Total 30 100%

Out of 30 respondent ,28 respondent response is good ,2 respondent
response is no. employees are satisfied about management.

● The employees in the organization are satisfied because the company

also believes in the employee’s career development.

● It is also been analyzed that many employees are satisfied with their

working hours and rewards from the company.

● Some of the employee is not happy with their physical working

condition in the organization. The working conditions in the

organization must be improved ie ventilation, lighting and bathroom

● Company does not provide sufficient salary to the employees

according to their work. So to motivate them to work better, timely

salary increases as per the performances must be given.

● The coordination among the employee and departments are good.

More number of development programs must be conducted to improve

the performance of the employees.

● Organization sees towards employee’s qualification and skills, and

gives them job.

● Some of the employees do not get proper acknowledgement for their

work by the organization. Hence efforts must be made to design

systems that will identify and acknowledge the efforts and hardwork of
good employees to further motivate them.


As a part of our project work, I got an opportunity to spend

a period of 30 days in creintorsteknosol Pvt. Ltd. It helped me to
analyze the working of the organization which helped as to convert our
theoretical knowledge into practical.

The present study is an earnest attempt to determine to employee’s

satisfaction in creintorsteknosol Pvt is necessary for any
organization to understand the need of their employees and fulfill them
before they leave the organization. If nothing is done by its
competitors. Hence it is necessary for any organization to ensure
employee satisfaction.

From the study it was identified that the most of the employees are
satisfied with the job. Majority of the employees are satisfied with the
salary structure, promotional programs, working condition, allowances
provided by the organization they are also satisfied with employer-
employers relationship and communication channel in the organization
but still only 40% of the employees get opportunities to participate in
decision making. Also, majority of the employee’s suggestions of their
survey, we hopefully believe that the organization can further bring out
their labor with full satisfaction and obtain good result.


● Insufficiency of time.

● Interaction with the employee was limited because of work schedule.

● Faced bit difficulty in digging out answers from unsatisfied employees.

● This is subjected to the basis and prejudices of the respondent

● The research was carried out in short span of time

● The finding are based on the answer given by the employee.

⮚ Bibliography: -
Human resources management by K. Ashwathappa

www.creintors .com


⮚ Annexure: -

⮚ Questionnaire: -

I Miss.Priyankas patilof B.B.A VIthsemester studying at Government First

Grade B.B.A College Khanapur. I have undertaken a project on Employee
Satisfaction at Belgaum creintorsteknosol Pvt Ltd. as a part of my academic

I assure you that the information provided by you will be kept confidential and
will be used only for study purpose.
Place: (Miss.Priyankas

Date: B.B.A
VIth Sem

Personal information :

Name of the respondents :

Address :

Age :

Contact no :

Email ID :

Occupation :

Gender : Male Female

You use scales as






● Your work is according to your knowledge and skill◻

● Employee are satisfied with top management◻

● Are you satisfied with training provided for your current job◻

● Working hours at creitorsteknosolpvt. Ltd. Is satisfactory◻

● Organization organize counseling program for the employee


● Whether the organization fulfill your needs◻

● Employees in creitorsteknosol shares experience to help each other ◻

● Employees get application and rewards if desired work, target are


● Company has good career prospect for its employee◻

● Welfare facility provided to the employee by the organization are


● Which of the following factors those motivate you most◻

● What are the safety facility provide by the organization◻

● Do the company arrange any development program for the


● What is your opinion about management. ◻



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