Advantages of Flight Simulator Games in Comprehensive Aviation Education in WCC ATC North Manila Senior High School

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“Advantages of Flight Simulator Games in Comprehensive Aviation Education in WCC

ATC North Manila Senior High School”

A Research to be Conducted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements in Practical Research For Grade 11 - Senior High School.

John Ahndrei D. Asopardo

Rico Charles Aeron G. Uy

Karyll Claire C. Regalado

Jedidiah T. Dionisio

Josef Joel C. Castro

Kevin M. Penawin

May 2024

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Background of the Study………………………………………………………pg. 3 - 4

Statement of Objectives……………………………………………………… 4 - 5

Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………… 5 - 6

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………pg. 6

Scope and Delimitation of the study………………………………………… 7

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature………………………………………………….pg. 8 -21

Theoretical Framework of the Study…………………………………………pg. 21 - 22

Conceptual Framework of the Study…………………………………………pg. 22 - 23

Chapter 3
Methodology of the Study…………………………………………………… 24 -32

Bibliography…………………………………………………………………pg. 33 - 35

Chapter 1

The Study


1.1 Background of the Study

The advancement of technology that people have today has revolutionized the use

of learning, including education in aviation. Flight simulation software is accessible

through gadgets such as cell phones, tablets, and computers. The usage of Flight

simulations in gadgets has become a tool for aviation students, that has a massive impact

on students and offers a great experience allowing users to virtually pilot an aircraft and

navigate or simulate a real-life experience.

Despite the growing prevalence of flight simulator games among aviation

enthusiasts, what are the specific benefits that aviation enthusiast students derive from

playing flight simulator games, and how do these advantages contribute to their learning

and skill development within the field of aviation?

Traditionally, aviation education has relied on a combination of classroom

instruction, hands-on training, and flight experience to impart knowledge and skills to

aspiring pilots.

While these methods remain invaluable, flight simulator games offer a

supplementary approach that allows students to practice flying techniques, experiment

with different scenarios, and gain confidence in their abilities within a controlled virtual


So far, there is a lack of research specifically investigating the advantages accrued

by aviation enthusiast students through engaging with these simulations. This gap in

knowledge presents an opportunity to explore the educational potential of flight simulator

games and their impact on student learning outcomes. This study addresses the

aforementioned research gap by examining the advantages of flight simulator games for

WCC ATC North Manila Senior High School aviation students. Through empirical

investigation and qualitative analysis, the study aims to elucidate how engagement with

these simulations contributes to the development of aviation knowledge, practical skills,

aeronautical phraseology, and overall learning experience among students.

1.2 Statement of Objectives

For its stated purpose, this study's claimed objective is to determine the

advantages of flight simulator games for students who are aviation enthusiasts, as well as

to understand the potential personal experiences and viewpoints of students who play

Flight Simulator games.

● To determine what specific advantages Flight Simulator Games give to

Aviation students of WCC ATC North Manila Senior High School.

● To identify what level of skills and experience Aviation students get in

Flight Simulator games.

● To know if it is worth having a flight simulator.

● To discover whether Flight Simulator Games are an Advantage to Aviation

Students in WCC ATC North Manila Senior High School.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The major concern of the study is to determine the advantages of WCC ATC North

Manila Senior High School students in playing flight simulator games in their

comprehensive aviation studies such as the "aviation" subject in their curriculum. In this

study, we seek to find answers to the following questions:

● How do flight simulators games contribute to student understanding of

aviation principles and procedures?

● How do students perceive the integration of flight simulator games into

their aviation curriculum?

● What are the potential limitations or drawbacks of relying on flight

simulator games into their aviation education?

● How can the contribution of flight simulator games in aviation education

be measured and evaluated?

1.4 Significance of the Study

The significance of the study of this research is to identify the advantages

WCC-ATC Aviation students get from playing Flight simulator games in WCC North

Manila Campus. The results of this research will be beneficial to the following group:

To the Aviation Students. This study will help the students know what

advantages students will get from playing Flight Simulator games.

To the Professors or Instructors. This study can guide the professors or

instructors, create a way for them to apply Flight Simulators in their teachings.

To the Future Researcher. This study can serve as an important research tool and

comparison to whatever studies they want to expand later.

1.5 Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study includes aviation students and is to be conducted within the WCC

North Manila Senior High School only. In identifying the possible outcomes, the

instrument that will be used is a digital survey that will be given out to Senior High

School students. This will serve as a source of information in knowing the perceptions of

WCC ATC North Manila Senior High School aviation students about Flight Simulator

Games being an advantage to their aviation studies.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Simulator Games

Computer simulations can be considered as dynamic, computer-created models

that imitate real-world processes and scenarios, often illustrating a simplified or

theoretical version of reality (Smetana and Bell, 2012). These simulations provide a

platform for students to delve into the intricacies of real-world phenomena and gain a

deeper understanding of the scientific principles behind them. There is a substantial

volume of academic work focused on the use of computer simulations in scientific

education. This came from a detailed and critical analysis that was recently presented by

Smetana and Bell (2012).

Digital simulations, ideally, are adaptable, dynamic, and interactive, thereby

promoting investigation-based exploration. This allows students to form their own

understanding of scientific theories and notions by modifying the values of various

parameters and noting the results (Windschitl and Andre, 1998; de Jong, 2006; Perkins et

al., 2012). The consensus among most scholars is that computer simulation's interactivity

and student engagement potential is crucial for leveraging its benefits towards enhancing

student learning (Tversky et al., 2002; Day, 2012). Interactive computer simulations

empower students with a feeling of control and ownership over their exploration and

discovery, which in turn heightens their comprehension and recall of information

(Podolefsky et al., 2013). These simulations provide an avenue to reproduce

and visualize real-world processes/phenomena that might be either too time-consuming

(such as geologic processes), overly dangerous or too complex for a traditional classroom

or laboratory environment (Akpan, 2001).

Significance of Simulator Games

Technological advancements are rapidly transforming, with games and

simulations becoming a mainstream part of traditional education. Their extensive use in

education has led to numerous studies investigating the interplay between these games

and educational outcomes (Yang, Chen, & Jeng, 2010; Chiang, Lin, Cheng, & Liu,

2011). In recent times, digital and web-based games have played a growing role in

facilitating learning. This area of research garners considerable attention in the realm of

online education, drawing interest from various stakeholders such as educators, learners,

and game developers. As technology continues to evolve, educators and policymakers are

exploring the potential of innovative tech tools like video games, virtual realities, and

Massive Multiplayer Online Games (MMPOGs) (Buckless, 2014; Gómez, 2014).

The influence of games and simulations on various areas such as student

achievement, involvement, and enthusiasm for learning is not consistent. Yet, these

studies are confined to specific disciplines, leaving a void in the literature regarding a

comprehensive usage framework across all academic courses. For that reason, the

effective incorporation of games and simulations into education often falls to the teacher's

judgment. Therefore, this study seeks to build a structure that enables educators from all

fields to more accurately comprehend the advantages and limitations of games and

simulations relevant to their teaching field.

Flight Simulator Games

Playing flight simulator games provides advantages to experts, pilots, and

enthusiasts. These simulators allow pilots to simulate challenges without any expense or

danger. Additionally, it allows them to practice, helping them become more skilled. In an

enthusiast perspective, it helps them familiarize with flying paths and the cockpit setting.

Flight simulator games can improve knowledge on aircraft parts, air traffic control

phraseology, and develop their problem-solving abilities. In conclusion, flight simulator

games can be a cheap and safe approach to develop fundamental piloting abilities.

(Golden Epaulettes Aviation, 2023)

Aviation Field in Terms of Game Based Learning

We first need to understand the different types of games that can be used for

educational purposes in order to discuss how the aviation sector has incorporated

game-based learning. These include Educational games, Online Games, Leisure games

and, in the case of aviation, Simulators. Simulators are among the earliest forms of

games, used not just by military and automobile manufacturers, but also recently by

commercial aviation. "Historical and quasi-historical simulations like Sid Meier’s

Gettysburg allow gamers to replay military conflicts under different conditions" (Freitas,

2006). These games enhance the users' comprehension of handling real world situations.

Clearly, Sid Meier's games are not limited to military use, they can also be used for

leisure gaming.

Microsoft in doing Flight Simulator Games.

The Microsoft Flight Simulator series, while intended for general gaming

enthusiasts, is particularly suited to current or aspiring pilots aiming to replicate actual

flight situations without the costs associated with real aircraft or simulators (Lackey,

2006). This acclaimed series initiated in 1984 and has since seen Microsoft make

significant strides in creating a game that closely mirrors reality. The 2006 release, Flight

Simulator X, garnered substantial success. Studies indicate that pilot training with

simulators enables what is termed as Adaptive Training. This method refers to the

automatic modification of the training task's difficulty, complexity, or novelty based on

the learner's progress (Williges, 1973). It ensures that trainees proceed in alignment with

their growing proficiency.

Xplane Flight Simulator Serving its Role in Helping Aviation Students.

The flight sector is witnessing an increased need for skilled workers, especially

pilots and airplane mechanics. To cater to this need and adequately equip students for the

intricacies of the profession, educational bodies are on the hunt for efficient instructional

methods. Conventional classroom education fails to fully cover the hands-on aspects of

aircraft instrument systems, thereby necessitating the enhancement of practical learning

experiences. (Dimaano, PHILSCA, 2023)

A rising strategy to augment hands-on learning in aviation instrument systems

involves incorporating flight simulators into lab sessions. The X-Plane flight simulator,

noted for its authenticity and security, provides an economical substitute to real flight

exposure. Through mimicking various situations and airplane systems, learners can

deeply engage in structured, lifelike environments. Yet, the complete capabilities of flight

simulators in an educational setting for enhancing experiential learning are still largely

untapped. (Dimaano, PHILSCA, 2023)

Study aims to assess the effects of incorporating the X-Plane flight simulator into

lab sessions at the Philippine State College of Aeronautics. We will evaluate student

involvement, enthusiasm, and overall scholarly achievement to determine the value of

this method. Furthermore, it examines the advantages and difficulties of integrating flight

simulators into the syllabus, offering valuable perspectives for teachers, policy makers,

and experts in the aviation industry. (Renette, PHILSCA, 2023)

Lockheed Martin having their own step in Flight Simulators

In November 2010, Lockheed Martin launched Prepar3D, pronounced as

"prepared". This simulator's genesis can be traced back to the original Microsoft Flight

Simulator franchise, starting with Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0 in 1982. This franchise

was Microsoft's most enduring title until its progression was paused in 2006.

Unexpectedly, Lockheed Martin acquired the rights to Microsoft Flight Simulator X in a

licensing agreement that left the home flight simulation community flabbergasted at the

time. Over the past decade, Lockheed Martin has been enhancing it under the moniker

Prepar3D. Up until now, this remains the sole product that Lockheed Martin markets

directly to its customers. (Chris Mcgonegle, Nov 2021)

In order to enhance flexibility and encourage the creation of exceptional

third-party content, Prepar3D was developed as an "open ecosystem".

This unique approach, combined with Prepar3D's decade-long history, has resulted in a

vast selection of top-notch "add-ons" for the simulator, specifically in the civilian airliner

category. Prepar3D offers highly realistic simulations of well-known and widely used

aircraft such as the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320.

Additionally, there is a wide range of authentic general aviation aircraft available as

add-ons from developer A2A Simulations. (Chris Mcgonegle, Nov 2021)

Prepar3D is widely utilized in home flight simulation and is also a crucial

component of full-motion simulators and commercial flight training devices worldwide.

It has also brought about a revolution in the U.S. Air Force's approach to flight training.

The Pilot Training Next (PTN) program of the USAF is now modernizing their pilot

training by integrating a simulation-based curriculum that utilizes Prepar3D, along with

various aircraft such as the T-1 mid-level training jet. Students initially receive a copy of

Prepar3D which they can use on their laptops at home, and then proceed to complete their

training in full-scale motion cockpits using Mixed Reality (MR). All of this is made

possible by the same version of Prepar3D that is available to home simmers. The primary

objective of this simulator-based program is to produce superior pilots while

simultaneously reducing the cost per student and shortening training durations. (Chris

Mcgonegle, Nov 2021)

Sputnik Aviation Flight Simulator in Manila Certified in the Aviation Industry.

Sputnik Aviation is currently providing a special offer for a one-hour flight

simulator session at the discounted rate of P8,888. You can find the flight simulator at the

Sparta Commune, situated along Pioneer Street in Mandaluyong City.

It is affirmed that the simulator system holds certification from EASA, also

known as the European Aviation Safety Agency. This agency is responsible for ensuring

the safety of civil aviation across the continent. The simulator system is designed to

replicate the experience of actual pilots flying real planes, providing guests with a

genuine sense of what it's like. Users have the option to select their preferred departure or

arrival airport, ranging from well-known destinations such as Hong Kong or Changi in

Singapore, JFK in New York, Charles De Gaulle in Paris, or London Heathrow in the

UK, to domestic airports like Dumaguete, Cebu, Davao, and Iloilo. Additionally, there

are plans to introduce a rating system in the near future, allowing users to gauge their

performance. Furthermore, there are intentions to introduce a smaller version of the

simulator later this year. (De Koenigwarter, a licensed pilot, Sputnik Aviation, Jan 2024)

The aim of Sputnik Aviation is to inspire the next generation of pilots and offer

them a glimpse into the life of a pilot. The hope is that this experience may ignite their

passion for aviation and encourage them to pursue a career in this field.

However, Sputnik Aviation is not limited solely to aspiring pilots. It caters to

anyone fascinated by the idea of flying, granting them the opportunity to soar through the

skies from the comfort and safety of solid ground. (De Koenigwarter, a licensed pilot,

Sputnik Aviation, Jan 2024)

Flight Simulators When it Comes to Aviation Experience

Flight simulators can imitate conditions that pilots may experience. They can

perform difficult maneuvers and instrument abilities using these simulators. Some of the

advantages of flight simulators are the safety which they don’t have to be concerned of

breaking the plane or anything that could endanger their lives, practical training which

helps students to try to recover the plane in realistic situations, numerous climates which

they can learn how to fly in various weather conditions, emergencies, and a setting free

from stress for learning which can offer pilots a safe environment, increase reliance and

lowers their chances of errors. (AAG Corporate Affairs, 2022)

Air Link International Aviation College in Using Flight Simulators in their Aviation


The CAT III Desktop BATD system builds on the success of the popular CAT II

system by introducing additional features such as a manual or electric trim wheel, panel

surface lighting, and a digital clock or timer. These enhancements take the BATD to the

next level. The inclusion of the Instructor's Operating Station (IOS) as a standard feature

allows for complete control of the simulation. Furthermore, this system enables users to

log instrument experience, enhancing its versatility and value. The CAT III BATD system

can be fully upgraded to a CAT III ProPanel BATD, CR-12 AATD, or CR-12 ProPanel

AATD system. The CAT II BATD system is widely recognized as the leading Basic

Aviation Training Device approved by the FAA. The incorporation of the Cirrus II

console brings a multitude of additional features to the system, encompassing master

switches, light switches, and more. Its utilization spans across numerous countries

worldwide, with hundreds currently in active operation. (ALIAC, 2024)

The Redbird TD2 is a compact device that incorporates the sophisticated flight

training features available on our extensive simulators. Its purpose is to improve training

through simulation and allow pilots to refine their skills and stay up to date, all within the

convenience of the flight simulator laboratory. (ALIAC, 2024)

The FAA has granted approval for the Redbird TD2 to be used as a Basic Aviation

Training Device. This device emulates a generic single-engine piston aircraft, providing

students with the option to simulate flying with or without retractable landing gear, a

constant speed propeller, and/or a high-performance engine. Our FAA-approved ATC

Flight Simulators offer a cost-effective solution for pilots and owners in the aviation

industry. With a range of fixed-wing, rotorcraft, and Flight Training Devices available,

these simulators cater to the needs of general aviation, commercial, forestry service, and

military aircraft. They provide valuable training opportunities for cockpit familiarization,

flow patterns, emergency procedures, and both basic and advanced proficiency training.

Renowned for their durability and high quality, ATC Flight Simulators are designed to

withstand the demanding requirements of daily training sessions. As a result, they have

gained recognition and boast the second largest installed base among all simulators in

operation throughout the United States. (ALIAC, 2024)

Utilization, categorization, and investigation of flight simulator training instrument

A vital part of training in general aviation, commercial aviation, and the military

is the use of flight simulation training devices (FSTD) for safe and effective training. The

biggest advantages of using ground trainers over in-person instruction are increased

safety and lower training costs for pilots. Being a diverse topic, flight simulation draws

on a number of academic disciplines that are often studied independently and


Since FSTD is a complex man-machine system, it is vital to highlight contributions from

many study subjects from a broad perspective, which is why this paper provides a

thorough review of the research in the FSTD domain. The literature's vocabulary is

examined, and application areas for FSTD usage are covered. The primary study areas in

the FSTD domain are identified, categorized, and summarized. Particular features of

FSTD pertaining to fighter aircraft are covered in distinct sections. (IJASS, 2021)

A Pilot’s perception about Microsoft Flight Simulator

The game offers a diverse selection of aircraft, spanning from well-known trainers

such as the Cessna 172 to large commercial planes like the Boeing 787. It also includes

smaller twin-engine aircraft like the Beechcraft 58 and 350, which happen to be personal

favorites of mine. Additionally, Microsoft Flight Simulator introduces some unique and

intriguing airplanes, including warbirds like the North American T6 and P51. Naturally,

I couldn't resist the temptation to fly each and every one of them, which led me to

thoroughly read the corresponding pilot operating handbooks.

In order to effectively navigate an aircraft, it is essential to thoroughly study the

pilot operating handbook. This process encompasses both practical and legal aspects, as

failure to adhere to the manual's instructions renders the aircraft ineligible for flight.

The handbook contains a wealth of information pertaining to the specific airplane,

including descriptions of its various systems, structural limitations,

and detailed instructions for normal and emergency procedures. For instance, a Cessna

172 manual typically spans several hundred pages, while more complex

aircraft like the Boeing 787 may require a manual spanning several thousand pages.

Consequently, by diligently studying the pilot operating handbook,

one can attain a comprehensive understanding of the aircraft.

Microsoft Flight Simulator has successfully inspired me to delve into a stack of

pilot operating handbooks, and when I say a stack, I mean it.

I estimate that I have meticulously gone through approximately thirty to forty thousand

pages of material. As a result, my skills as a pilot have improved significantly.

By immersing myself in this vast amount of information, I have become well-acquainted

with a wide range of aircraft models that I wouldn't have otherwise encountered.

I have gained an in-depth understanding of these planes directly from the source.

Although it may have been a somewhat tedious endeavor, the outcome has undeniably

been worthwhile. (Justin Reeve, Dec 2022)

Flight Simulator Being Beneficial to the Aviation Industry

Bedenlier, Flight simulator games provide numerous advantages for pilots,

aviation professionals, and those who aspire to become pilots. These games offer the

opportunity to experience the same sensations and challenges of flying, all without the

associated risks and expenses. By replicating real flight conditions, pilots are able to

practice and refine their skills, ultimately becoming more proficient and safer in their

profession. Furthermore, flight simulator games can help reduce costs related to actual

flights, such as fuel and maintenance expenses. For individuals aspiring to become pilots,

these games allow them to familiarize themselves with the cockpit environment and gain

experience in navigating various flight paths. Additionally, flight simulator games

promote the development of problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities, as well as

enhance knowledge of air traffic control and aircraft systems. Ultimately, flight simulator

games offer a secure and cost-effective method for practicing and improving essential

piloting skills. (Golden Epaulettes Aviation, 2024)

2.1 Theoretical Framework of the Study

The study is based on a series of strategic theories such as the “Practice in

Simulation Theory”, “Simulation in Education Theory”, and “Experiential Learning

Theory”, but at this time, the focus is on the “Practice in Simulation Theory” developed

by Timothy C. Clapper since the study covers how Flight Simulation Games becomes an

advantage in terms of Aviation Education in WCC ATC North Manila Senior High

School. Well, in this way we can use this to construct how the study will happen and

what is our research goal when relating simulators to education.

In the abstract of the theory, it stated that simulation is just one of the many

strategies used for learning. Similarly, there are multiple theories that inform the use of

simulation-based instruction as a learning tool, and it is important for an effective

facilitator to be knowledgeable about these theories to implement best practices. In this

special issue of Simulation & Gaming, various theories of learning and concepts are

explored, with the aim of enhancing the learning experience for our students. The articles

in this symposium reveal several interconnected themes, including the recognition that

people, tools, and roles all have an impact on and contribute to the learning environment.

Additionally, the role of the facilitator is characterized by reflection, as they must

consider the needs of their learners and their own actions in order to facilitate effective

learning. When reflecting the study of this theory, there is a vision that simulations can

be really an advantage in terms of studying fields, and in this case, specifically Aviation.

2.2 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework in this study will not only apply to the theory of

“Practice in Simulation” by Timothy C. Clapper during 2015, but also the theory

“Simulation Education Theory” by Les R. Becker and Belinda A. Hermosura of the year

2019, and the Theory of “Experiential Learning” by David Kolb. Because these theories

similarly state that discovering new specific knowledge will arise in Simulations.

Figure 1.0

Chapter 3

Methodology of the Study

This chapter presents research methodologies about the advantages of flight simulator

games in comprehensive aviation education. It covers methods, respondents, and

estimated time of completion of the research. The chapter also covers the methods and

techniques used, the locale of the study, the target population/respondents, the research

design in, instrument of the study, the data processing, and the statistical treatment. It is

convergent rather than divergent. Using qualitative means we would need a solution in

order to obtain results, therefore the study needs to use a questionnaire or any digital

platform that serves as a substitute questionnaire. The study will use google forms and a

hard copy questionnaire as an alternative in this matter. This meant the study would use

descriptive questionnaires as our method to get results. The data that will be receive

would be used after the questionnaires in order to tally all opinions and anecdote in order

to make a conclusion for the advantages of flight simulator games in comprehensive

aviation education. The research would also use some of the data collected on the

questionnaire to understand the students' advantages in terms of using flight simulator

games in aviation. The respondents are Senior High school students of WCC ATC North

Manila. Our research started in April 2024.

Research Design

The priority is the feedback of Senior High school students of WCC ATC North

Manila regarding the advantages of flight simulator games in their aviation studies. Study

needs to observe the perceptions of the Senior High school students in order to fully

understand and realize our research.

The Population/Respondents of the Study.

This is a purposive study that targets the population of Senior High school students of

WCC ATC North Manila, and this will focus on knowing their feedback and anecdotes

about their opinions on the advantages of flight simulator games in comprehensive

aviation education.

Instrument of the Study

In the research, google forms as the digital questionnaire are used. Google forms is the

best choice out there for it has easy access and is more accurate in terms of getting the

data of the respondents. The questionnaires were used as a data-gathering instrument to

be prepared on answering the statement of the problem and to also learn about what

students think about the said topic. Manual tallying of feedbacks would be used to

arrange the data collected from the answers attained in our questionnaire. Google docs

and word are the main structure of our research as it would house our research itself

Methods and Techniques

The research utilized descriptive questionnaire methods by the use of both physical and

digital questionnaires to be able to collect and get accurate information and answers from

the respondents by using the manual analysis made by each question. Qualitative were

used in this study, qualitative is a form of gathering logical, and opinionated data.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers use digital questionnaires and manual analysis to gather the data, and

next, permissions from the research teacher or class advisers are a must to conduct

questionnaires to our respondents. The researchers will be sending out questionnaire

forms and respondents will answer by inputting their opinions on specific questions. This

will all be done inside the campus. This was permitted to us by the research professor

and was conducted for educational purposes only.

Locale of the Study

The research will be conducted in WCC Aeronautical and Technological College, 461,

World Citi Colleges Building, William Shaw Street, Grace Park, Caloocan by a group of

researchers from Grade 11 Airbus.

Qualitative Treatment of Data

The data gathered will be turned into a feedback reading analysis in order for the

researchers to better understand how student perceive the flight simulator games in being

an advantage to their aviation studies, and will be used to determine on how the Senior

High school students in WCC ATC North Manila feel about flight simulator games,

because not all students have the same experiences in playing flight simulator games like

that, that is why in this way, learning and observing through qualitative questioning will

serve as a source for this data.

The Questionnaire Itself


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