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Homework (2019-20)
Vacation (2021-22)
STD - VII Class – VII

When summer vacation begins, it‟s time for adventures and loads of fun. As you have to be
indoors due to the heat of summer, we have planned a few activities for you which, we are sure,
would keep you occupied and would not let you get bored. So, get started for cool summer.
Fun with creativity!
These creative activities will help you develop your language skills. But more importantly, you can
very well develop your personality through the medium of creativity. These activities will help you
to develop thinking skills, observation skills & logical reasoning skills.
Remember…….. never hesitate to go crazy with your imaginations. Let them go wild. Think
“outside the box.” Nothing that you write is to be judged right or wrong. With all the interesting
activities that we give you, help yourself to be creatively successful and successfully creative!
Be exciting and explore your imagination!

 Note: Parents/students must go through the School Almanac (when you receive it), very
thoroughly. Fill in the details, stick the family photo, and sign on the pages wherever
required. Also, fill up the last page with photo in uniform.


 Have at least two meals together with your children.
 Let them wash their own plates after every meal. Children learn dignity of labour from such
 Share stories about your childhood and your family history with your children.
 Allow your child to play outdoors and get hurt and get dirty. Its OK for them to fall down
and experience pain once in a while. Comfortable life within the sofa cushions will make
your children lazy.
 Teach them a few folk songs.
 Play some indoor games with them – Scrabble, Ludo, Snakes & Ladder, and Chess etc.
 Look into the eyes of your little one and thank God for giving you a wonderful gift.
 You must also keep away from mobile & see that your children also do not play with
mobiles. As parents, it is important to invest your time with them now.
 Read aloud a book to your child. It will be a lovely bonding between them and you. Kids,
who see their parents reading, also develop a habit of reading. If you unwind and de-
stress by watching TV, do not expect them to read.

 Please guide your child to surf the internet for a topic of his/ her choice. Help him/her to make
a PPT, prepare the PPT with written content as well as relevant images and send it to the
class teacher under your supervision.

 Visit the website & make a note on „Guiding Beacon‟ as well as the „Director‟s Desk‟. Also,
attempt the Quizzes there.
 Creating beautiful handmade cards is a rewarding experience for each one of us. Make one
card (10cm x 15 cm), design it and decorate it. Write an exciting birthday message inside. Write
your name on it with a pencil.


What Is a Time Zone? Nature doesn‟t have a clock; a clock is a human invention. In this,
animals, plants and humans respond to the length of the day from sunrise until sunset. This is
known as a natural circadian rhythm. For example, sleep patterns and eating habits are part of
circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is based on a 24-hour day that begins at sunrise. You
already know that the earth rotates on its axis so when it is daylight on one side of the earth, it
is night on the other side of the world. Plants and animals simply live their lives responding to
the natural cycles of the earth. They don‟t care about what the time on the clock happens to
be. Humans invented clocks in order to organize events. Some of the earliest clocks are
sundials which are based on shadows created by the sun. Noon on a sundial occurs when the
sun is directly overhead, when there is no shadow. If noon is supposed to occur when the sun
is directly overhead, it should be easy to figure out that noon occurs at a different “time” in
each place on the earth because the earth is rotating slowly on its axis over a 24-hour period.
So when it is noon (sun directly overhead) at New York City, it is already past noon in Maine
and nowhere close to noon in Los Angeles. Having a different time for noon was okay when
people didn‟t travel much or very fast but when trains started traveling across the United States
there was a problem. How could train officials set up a timetable of departures and arrivals
when each community on the route had a different “time” for noon? In 1883 government
officials and many others involved in transportation decided to standardize the time on the
clock in different places. Since there are 24 hours in a day, these officials divided the world into
24 time zones that run north to south. Everyone who lives in a time zone keeps their clocks the
same, so noon is noon everywhere in the time zone no matter what the position of the sun is.
Going to the west, moving from one time zone to the next adjusts the clock by one hour. It is
one hour earlier. Traveling westward through 12 time zones, the clock switches from day to
night or night to day. Using time zones, everyone is using standard time that keeps up with
worldwide communication and travel.

1. Circle the correct answer.

A circadian rhythm is based upon a
a. Day b. Week c. Month d. Year
2. When it is noon at one place on earth, what time is it at the exact opposite side of the earth?
3. How long does it take the earth to rotate on its axis?
4. How many time zones are there in total?
5. How much time on the clock does each time zone represent?
6. Why were time zones invented?
 Don’t forget to check your mail after 4-5 days

St. Kabir Family wishes you a wonderful vacation!!!!!!!

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