Anatomy - Physiology - 14th - Edition TORTORA (3) Saraf

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The Autonomic

Nervous System
The autonomic nervous system and homeostasis
The autonomic nervous system contributes to homeostasis by responding to subconscious
visceral sensations and exciting or inhibiting smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands.

As you learned in Chapter 12, the peripheral nervous system (PNS) includes cranial and spinal nerves and is divided into a
somatic nervous system (SNS) and autonomic nervous system (ANS). Like the somatic nervous system, the autonomic
nervous system (ANS) (aw⬘-tō-NOM-ik) operates via reflex arcs. (The derivation is auto- ⫽ self; -nomic ⫽ law.) Structurally,
the ANS includes autonomic sensory neurons, integrating centers in the central nervous system (CNS), autonomic motor
neurons, and the enteric division or enteric nervous system (ENS). A continual flow of nerve impulses from (1) autonomic
sensoryy neurons in visceral
vis organs and blood vessels propagate into (2) integrating
centers in the CNS. Then, impulses in (3) autonomic motor neurons
propagate to various effector tissues, thereby regulating the activity of
smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and many glands. The enteric
divi is a part of the ANS that consists of a specialized
ne of nerves and ganglia, forming an independent nerve
n within the wall of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The
A usually operates without conscious control. However,
centers in the hypothalamus and brain stem do regulate ANS
reflexes. In this chapter, we compare structural and functional
f of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. Then
w discuss the anatomy of the motor portion of the ANS and
com the organization and actions of its two major parts, the

symp and parasympathetic divisions.


Did you ever wonder how some blood pressure medications exert
their effects through the autonomic nervous system


15.1 Comparison of Somatic and extent even if their nerve supply is damaged. For example, the
heart continues to beat when it is removed for transplantation into
Autonomic Nervous Systems another person, smooth muscle in the lining of the gastrointestinal
tract contracts rhythmically on its own, and glands produce some
• Compare the structural and functional differences secretions in the absence of ANS control.
between the somatic and autonomic parts of the nervous Most autonomic responses cannot be consciously altered to
system. any great degree. You probably cannot voluntarily slow your
heartbeat to half its normal rate. For this reason, some autonomic
responses are the basis for polygraph (“lie detector”) tests. How-
Somatic Nervous System ever, practitioners of yoga or other techniques of meditation may
learn how to regulate at least some of their autonomic activities
The somatic nervous system includes both sensory and motor
through long practice. Biofeedback, in which monitoring
neurons. Sensory neurons convey input from receptors for somatic
devices display information about a body function such as heart
senses (tactile, thermal, pain, and proprioceptive sensations; see
rate or blood pressure, enhances the ability to learn such con-
Chapter 16) and from receptors for the special senses (sight,
scious control. (For more on biofeedback, see the Medical
hearing, taste, smell, and equilibrium; see Chapter 17). All of these
Terminology section at the end of this chapter.) Signals from the
sensations normally are consciously perceived. In turn, somatic
general somatic and special senses, acting via the limbic system,
motor neurons innervate skeletal muscles—the effectors of the
also influence responses of autonomic motor neurons. Seeing a
somatic nervous system—and produce both reflexive and volun-
bike about to hit you, hearing squealing brakes of a nearby car, or
tary movements. When a somatic motor neuron stimulates the
being grabbed by an attacker would all increase the rate and
muscle, it contracts; the effect always is excitation. If somatic
force of your heartbeat.
motor neurons cease to stimulate a muscle, the result is a para-
lyzed, limp muscle that has no muscle tone. Although we are
generally not conscious of breathing, the muscles that generate Comparison of Somatic and Autonomic
respiratory movements are also skeletal muscles controlled by Motor Neurons
somatic motor neurons. If the respiratory motor neurons become Recall from Chapter 10 that the axon of a single, myelinated so-
inactive, breathing stops. A few skeletal muscles, such as those matic motor neuron extends from the central nervous system (CNS)
in the middle ear, are controlled by reflexes and cannot be con- all the way to the skeletal muscle fibers in its motor unit (Figure
tracted voluntarily. 15.1a). By contrast, most autonomic motor pathways consist of two
motor neurons in series, that is, one following the other (Figure
15.1b). The first neuron (preganglionic neuron) has its cell body in
Autonomic Nervous System the CNS; its myelinated axon extends from the CNS to an auto-
The main input to the ANS comes from autonomic (visceral) nomic ganglion. (Recall that a ganglion is a collection of neuronal
sensory neurons. Mostly, these neurons are associated with cell bodies in the PNS.) The cell body of the second neuron (post-
interoceptors (IN-ter-ō-sep⬘-tors), sensory receptors located in ganglionic neuron) is also in that same autonomic ganglion; its
blood vessels, visceral organs, muscles, and the nervous system unmyelinated axon extends directly from the ganglion to the effec-
that monitor conditions in the internal environment. Examples of tor (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, or a gland). Alternatively, in
interoceptors are chemoreceptors that monitor blood CO2 level some autonomic pathways, the first motor neuron extends to spe-
and mechanoreceptors that detect the degree of stretch in the cialized cells called chromaffin cells in the adrenal medullae
walls of organs or blood vessels. Unlike those triggered by a (inner portions of the adrenal glands) rather than an autonomic
flower’s perfume, a beautiful painting, or a delicious meal, these ganglion. Chromaffin cells secrete the neurotransmitters epineph-
sensory signals are not consciously perceived most of the time, rine and norepinephrine (NE). All somatic motor neurons release
although intense activation of interoceptors may produce con- only acetylcholine (ACh) as their neurotransmitter, but autonomic
scious sensations. Two examples of perceived visceral sensations motor neurons release either ACh or norepinephrine (NE).
are pain sensations from damaged viscera and angina pectoris Unlike somatic output (motor), the output part of the ANS has
(chest pain) from inadequate blood flow to the heart. Input that two divisions: the sympathetic division and the parasympa-
influences the ANS also includes some sensations monitored by thetic division. Most organs have dual innervation; that is, they
somatic sensory and special sensory neurons. For example, pain receive impulses from both sympathetic and parasympathetic
can produce dramatic changes in some autonomic activities. neurons. In some organs, nerve impulses from one division of the
Autonomic motor neurons regulate visceral activities by either ANS stimulate the organ to increase its activity (excitation), and
increasing (exciting) or decreasing (inhibiting) ongoing activities impulses from the other division decrease the organ’s activity (in-
in their effector tissues (cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands). hibition). For example, an increased rate of nerve impulses from
Changes in the diameter of the pupils, dilation and constriction of the sympathetic division increases heart rate, and an increased rate
blood vessels, and adjustment of the rate and force of the heart- of nerve impulses from the parasympathetic division decreases
beat are examples of autonomic motor responses. Unlike skeletal heart rate. The sympathetic division is often called the fight-or-flight
muscle, tissues innervated by the ANS often function to some division. Sympathetic activities result in increased alertness and
Figure 15.1 Motor neuron pathways in the (a) somatic nervous system and (b) autonomic nervous system (ANS).
Note that autonomic motor neurons release either acetylcholine (ACh) or norepinephrine (NE); somatic motor
neurons release only ACh.

Somatic nervous system stimulation always excites its effectors (skeletal muscle fibers); stimulation by the autonomic nervous
system either excites or inhibits visceral effectors.

Somatic ACh
motor neuron

Spinal cord
Effector: skeletal muscle

(a) Somatic nervous system

Autonomic NE
motor neurons

Sympathetic Sympathetic
Spinal cord preganglionic postganglionic Effectors: glands, cardiac
neuron Autonomic neuron muscle (in heart), and
(myelinated) ganglion (unmyelinated) smooth muscle (e.g., in

urinary bladder)

Adrenal cortex
Adrenal medulla Chromaffin cell Epinephrine
ACh and NE

Spinal cord Sympathetic Blood vessel

Adrenal medulla


Spinal cord
Parasympathetic Autonomic Parasympathetic
Effectors: glands, cardiac
preganglionic ganglion postganglionic
muscle (in heart), and
neuron neuron
smooth muscle (e.g., in
(myelinated) (unmyelinated)
urinary bladder)
(b) Autonomic nervous system

What does dual innervation mean?

metabolic activities in order to prepare the body for an emergency ample, the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys), and release of glu-
situation. Responses to such situations, which may occur during cose from the liver.
physical activity or emotional stress, include a rapid heart rate, The parasympathetic division is often referred to as the rest-
faster breathing rate, dilation of the pupils, dry mouth, sweaty but and-digest division because its activities conserve and restore
cool skin, dilation of blood vessels to organs involved in combat- body energy during times of rest or digesting a meal; the majority
ing stress (such as the heart and skeletal muscles), constriction of of its output is directed to the smooth muscle and glandular tissue
blood vessels to organs not involved in combating stress (for ex- of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. The parasympathetic

division conserves energy and replenishes nutrient stores. Although preganglionic neuron (Figure 15.1b). Its cell body is in the brain
both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions are concerned or spinal cord; its axon exits the CNS as part of a cranial or spinal
with maintaining homeostasis, they do so in dramatically different nerve. The axon of a preganglionic neuron is a small-diameter,
ways. myelinated type B fiber that usually extends to an autonomic gan-
Table 15.1 compares the somatic and autonomic nervous glion, where it synapses with a postganglionic neuron, the second
systems. neuron in the autonomic motor pathway. Note that the postgangli-
onic neuron lies entirely outside the CNS in the PNS. Its cell body
1. How do the autonomic nervous system and somatic
and dendrites are located in an autonomic ganglion, where it
nervous system compare in structure and function?
forms synapses with one or more preganglionic axons. The axon
2. What are the main input and output components of the of a postganglionic neuron is a small-diameter, unmyelinated
autonomic nervous system? type C fiber that terminates in a visceral effector. Thus, pregangli-
onic neurons convey nerve impulses from the CNS to autonomic
ganglia, and postganglionic neurons relay the impulses from auto-
nomic ganglia to visceral effectors.

15.2 Anatomy of Autonomic Preganglionic Neurons

Motor Pathways In the sympathetic division, the preganglionic neurons have their
cell bodies in the lateral horns of the gray matter in the 12 thoracic
• Describe preganglionic and postganglionic neurons of the segments and the first two (and sometimes three) lumbar segments
autonomic nervous system. of the spinal cord (Figure 15.2). For this reason, the sympathetic
• Compare the anatomical components of the sympathetic division is also called the thoracolumbar division (thōr⬘-a-kō-
and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous LUM-bar), and the axons of the sympathetic preganglionic
system. neurons are known as the thoracolumbar outflow.
Cell bodies of preganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic
division are located in the nuclei of four cranial nerves in the
Anatomical Components brain stem (III, VII, IX, and X) and in the lateral gray matter of
Each division of the ANS has two motor neurons. The first of the the second through fourth sacral segments of the spinal cord
two motor neurons in any autonomic motor pathway is called a (Figure 15.3). Hence, the parasympathetic division is also known

TABLE 15.1

Comparison of the Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems

Sensory input From somatic senses and special senses. Mainly from interoceptors; some from somatic senses and special
Control of motor output Voluntary control from cerebral cortex, with Involuntary control from hypothalamus, limbic system, brain stem,
contributions from basal ganglia, cerebellum, and spinal cord; limited control from cerebral cortex.
brain stem, and spinal cord.
Motor neuron pathway One-neuron pathway: Somatic motor neurons Usually two-neuron pathway: Preganglionic neurons extending from
extending from CNS synapse directly with effector. CNS synapse with postganglionic neurons in autonomic ganglion,
and postganglionic neurons extending from ganglion synapse with
visceral effector. Alternatively, preganglionic neurons may extend
from CNS to synapse with chromaffin cells of adrenal medullae.
Neurotransmitters All somatic motor neurons release only acetylcholine All sympathetic and parasympathetic preganglionic neurons release
and hormones (ACh). ACh. Most sympathetic postganglionic neurons release NE; those to
most sweat glands release ACh. All parasympathetic postganglionic
neurons release ACh. Chromaffin cells of adrenal medullae release
epinephrine and norepinephrine (NE).
Effectors Skeletal muscle. Smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands.
Responses Contraction of skeletal muscle. Contraction or relaxation of smooth muscle; increased or decreased
rate and force of contraction of cardiac muscle; increased or
decreased secretions of glands.
Figure 15.2 Structure of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Solid lines represent preganglionic axons;;
dashed lines represent postganglionic axons. Although the innervated structures are shown for only one side of the
body for diagrammatic purposes, the sympathetic division actually innervates tissues and organs on both sides.

Cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic neurons are located in the lateral horns of gray matter in the 12 thoracic and first
two lumbar segments of the spinal cord.

(thoracolumbar) Key: Distributed primarily to smooth muscle
Preganglionic neurons of blood vessels of these organs:
Postganglionic neurons

Eye Pineal gland

Lacrimal gland
Mucous membrane
Brain Sublingual and of nose and palate
submandibular Parotid gland

Atrial muscle fibers
Spinal SA/AV nodes
C1 Superior Ventricular
cervical muscle fibers
C2 ganglion
C3 Trachea
Cardiac plexus
Middle Bronchi
C5 cervical

C6 ganglion

Inferior Lungs

C8 ganglion

T1 Pulmonary
Skin plexus Liver,
T2 gallbladder,
and bile ducts
T4 splanchnic
nerve Stomach
Celiac Spleen
T6 ganglion Transverse
T7 Aorticorenal
Sweat gland
T8 ganglion
Hair follicle
smooth muscle T9 Small
intestine Descending
Blood vessels T10 splanchnic
(each sympathetic nerve Ascending colon
trunk innervates T11 Least colon Sigmoid
the skin and splanchnic colon
viscera) T12 nerve
Superior Rectum
L1 mesenteric Adrenal gland
L2 ganglion
L4 Renal Ureter
L5 ganglion

trunk ganglia S2 splanchnic Inferior
(on both sides) mesenteric
S3 nerve
S5 Prevertebral
Coccygeal (fused together)
Urinary bladder External genitals Uterus


Which division, sympathetic or parasympathetic, has longer preganglionic axons? Why?


Figure 15.3 Structure of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Solid lines represent preganglionic
axons; dashed lines represent postganglionic axons. Although the innervated structures are shown only for one side of
the body for diagrammatic purposes, the parasympathetic division actually innervates tissues and organs on both sides.

Cell bodies of parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are located in brain stem nuclei and in the lateral gray matter in the
second through fourth sacral segments of the spinal cord.


(craniosacral) Preganglionic neurons
Distributed primarily to smooth muscle
Postganglionic neurons
Oculomotor (III) and glands of these organs:
nerve Terminal ganglia

Lacrimal gland
Brain Mucous membrane
Facial (VII) Ciliary of nose and palate
nerve ganglion
Sublingual and Parotid gland

ganglion Atrial
Spinal muscle fibers
C1 SA/AV nodes
C2 ganglion
C3 Larynx
Glossopharyngeal (IX)
nerve Trachea
Vagus (X)
C6 nerve
Otic Lungs
C7 ganglion


T2 gallbladder,
and bile ducts
T5 Stomach
T6 Transverse Pancreas
Small Descending
T9 intestine colon
T10 colon
T11 Sigmoid
T12 colon
L3 Ureter
L5 nerves
Coccygeal Urinary bladder External genitals Uterus

Which ganglia are associated with the parasympathetic division? Sympathetic division?
as the craniosacral division (krā⬘-nē-ō-SĀK-ral), and the axons Postganglionic Neurons
of the parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are referred to as Once axons of sympathetic preganglionic neurons pass to sympa-
the craniosacral outflow. thetic trunk ganglia, they may connect with postganglionic neu-
rons in one of the following ways (Figure 15.4):
Autonomic Ganglia 1 An axon may synapse with postganglionic neurons in the
There are two major groups of autonomic ganglia: (1) sympa- ganglion it first reaches.
thetic ganglia, which are components of the sympathetic division 2 An axon may ascend or descend to a higher or lower ganglion
of the ANS, and (2) parasympathetic ganglia, which are compo- before synapsing with postganglionic neurons. The axons of
nents of the parasympathetic division of the ANS. incoming sympathetic preganglionic neurons that pass up or
down the sympathetic trunk collectively form the sympa-
thetic chains, the fibers on which the ganglia are strung.
Sympathetic Ganglia The sympathetic ganglia are the sites
3 An axon may continue, without synapsing, through the sym-
of synapses between sympathetic preganglionic and postgangli-
pathetic trunk ganglion to end at a prevertebral ganglion and
onic neurons. There are two major types of sympathetic ganglia:
synapse with postganglionic neurons there.
sympathetic trunk ganglia and prevertebral ganglia. Sympathetic
trunk ganglia (also called vertebral chain ganglia or paraverte- 4 An axon may also pass, without synapsing, through the sym-
bral ganglia) lie in a vertical row on either side of the vertebral pathetic trunk ganglion and a prevertebral ganglion and then
column. These ganglia extend from the base of the skull to the extend to chromaffin cells of the adrenal medullae that are
coccyx (Figure 15.2). Postganglionic axons from sympathetic functionally similar to sympathetic postganglionic neurons.
trunk ganglia primarily innervate organs above the diaphragm, A single sympathetic preganglionic fiber has many axon collater-
such as the head, neck, shoulders, and heart. Sympathetic trunk als (branches) and may synapse with 20 or more postganglionic
ganglia in the neck have specific names. They are the superior, neurons. This pattern of projection is an example of divergence
middle, and inferior cervical ganglia. The remaining sympa- and helps explain why many sympathetic responses affect almost

thetic trunk ganglia do not have individual names. Because the the entire body simultaneously. After exiting their ganglia, the
sympathetic trunk ganglia are near the spinal cord, most sym- postganglionic axons typically terminate in several visceral effec-
pathetic preganglionic axons are short and most sympathetic

tors (see Figure 15.2).
postganglionic axons are long. Axons of preganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic divi-
The second group of sympathetic ganglia, the prevertebral sion pass to terminal ganglia near or within a visceral effector
(collateral) ganglia, lies anterior to the vertebral column and (see Figure 15.3). In the ganglion, the presynaptic neuron usu-
close to the large abdominal arteries. In general, postganglionic ally synapses with only four or five postsynaptic neurons, all of
axons from prevertebral ganglia innervate organs below the dia- which supply a single visceral effector, allowing parasympathetic
phragm. There are five major prevertebral ganglia (Figure 15.2; responses to be localized to a single effector.
see also Figure 15.5): (1) The celiac ganglion (SĒ-lē-ak) is on
either side of the celiac trunk, an artery that is just inferior to the
diaphragm. (2) The superior mesenteric ganglion (MEZ-en- Autonomic Plexuses
ter⬘-ik) is near the beginning of the superior mesenteric artery in In the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis, axons of both sympathetic and
the upper abdomen. (3) The inferior mesenteric ganglion is parasympathetic neurons form tangled networks called autonomic
near the beginning of the inferior mesenteric artery in the middle of plexuses, many of which lie along major arteries. The autonomic
the abdomen. (4) The aorticorenal ganglion (ā-or⬘-ti-kō-RĒ-nal) plexuses also may contain sympathetic ganglia and axons of auto-
and (5) the renal ganglion are near the renal artery of each nomic sensory neurons. The major plexuses in the thorax are the
kidney. cardiac plexus, which supplies the heart, and the pulmonary
plexus, which supplies the bronchial tree (Figure 15.5).
The abdomen and pelvis also contain major autonomic plexuses
Parasympathetic Ganglia Preganglionic axons of the (Figure 15.5), and often the plexuses are named after the artery
parasympathetic division synapse with postganglionic neurons along which they are distributed. The celiac (solar) plexus is the
in terminal (intramural) ganglia. Most of these ganglia are largest autonomic plexus and surrounds the celiac trunk. It con-
located close to or actually within the wall of a visceral organ. tains two large celiac ganglia, two aorticorenal ganglia, and a
Terminal ganglia in the head have specific names. They are the dense network of autonomic axons and is distributed to the stom-
ciliary ganglion, pterygopalatine ganglion (ter⬘-i-gō-PAL-a- ach, spleen, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, adrenal medul-
tı̄ n), submandibular ganglion, and otic ganglion (Figure 15.3). lae, testes, and ovaries. The superior mesenteric plexus contains
The remaining terminal ganglia do not have specific names. the superior mesenteric ganglion and supplies the small and large
Because terminal ganglia are located either close to or in the wall intestines. The inferior mesenteric plexus contains the inferior
of the visceral organ, parasympathetic preganglionic axons are mesenteric ganglion, which innervates the large intestine. Axons
long, in contrast to parasympathetic postganglionic axons, which of some sympathetic postganglionic neurons from the inferior
are short. mesenteric ganglion also extend through the hypogastric plexus,

Figure 15.4 Types of connections between ganglia and postganglionic neurons in the sympathetic division of the ANS. Also
illustrated are the gray and white rami communicantes.

Sympathetic ganglia lie in two chains on either side of the vertebral column (sympathetic trunk ganglia) and near large
abdominal arteries anterior to the vertebral column (prevertebral ganglia).

nerve Posterior ramus
of spinal nerve
Anterior ramus
of spinal nerve

Carotid artery
Visceral effectors: eyes, lacrimal glands,
salivary glands, pineal gland, nasal
mucosa, and sweat glands, blood vessels,
and arrector pili muscles of skin of face

Sympathetic nerve

Visceral effector: heart

Posterior horn Posterior root
ganglion 2
Above T1
Lateral Sympathetic
horn chain

Visceral effectors:
sweat glands, blood
Spinal vessels, and arrector
Anterior nerve pili muscles of skin
horn of neck, trunk, and
Spinal cord Anterior root 1 limbs
(thoracic or upper Sympathetic
lumbar segment) trunk ganglion
nerve Gray ramus

White ramus
Prevertebral communicans
4 (celiac ganglion)
Visceral effector: stomach

Adrenal cortex
Adrenal medulla Chromaffin cell Below L2

Adrenal gland
Sympathetic preganglionic neurons
Sympathetic postganglionic neurons Anterior view
What is the significance of the sympathetic trunk ganglia?
Figure 15.5 Autonomic plexuses in the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis.
An autonomic plexus is a network of sympathetic and parasympathetic axons that sometimes also includes autonomic sensory
axons and sympathetic ganglia.


Right vagus (X) nerve

Left vagus (X) nerve

Arch of aorta


Right primary bronchus

Right sympathetic
trunk ganglion

Thoracic aorta
Greater splanchnic nerve

Lesser splanchnic nerve ESOPHAGEAL PLEXUS

Inferior vena cava (cut)

Celiac trunk Diaphragm





Superior mesenteric artery RENAL GANGLION



Inferior mesenteric artery

Right sympathetic
trunk ganglion

Anterior view

Which is the largest autonomic plexus?


which is anterior to the fifth lumbar vertebra, to supply the pelvic and arrector pili muscles of hair follicles. The lumbar portion of
viscera. The renal plexus contains the renal ganglion and sup- each sympathetic trunk lies lateral to the corresponding lumbar
plies the renal arteries within the kidneys and ureters. vertebrae. The sacral region of the sympathetic trunk lies in the
With this background in mind, we can now examine some of pelvic cavity on the medial side of the anterior sacral foramina.
the specific structural features of the sympathetic and parasympa-
thetic divisions of the ANS in more detail. Pathways from Sympathetic Trunk Ganglia
to Visceral Effectors
Axons leave the sympathetic trunk in four possible ways:
Structure of the Sympathetic Division (1) They can enter spinal nerves; (2) they can form cephalic
periarterial nerves; (3) they can form sympathetic nerves; and
Pathway from Spinal Cord to Sympathetic Trunk Ganglia
(4) they can form splanchnic nerves.
Cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic neurons are part of the
lateral gray horns of all thoracic segments and of the first two Spinal Nerves Recall that some of the incoming sympathetic
lumbar segments of the spinal cord (see Figure 15.2). The pregan- preganglionic neurons synapse with postganglionic neurons in
glionic axons leave the spinal cord along with the somatic motor the sympathetic trunk, either in the ganglion at the level of entry
neurons at the same segmental level. After exiting through the or in a ganglion farther up or down the sympathetic trunk. The
intervertebral foramina, the myelinated preganglionic sympa- axons of some of these postganglionic neurons leave the sympa-
thetic axons pass into the anterior root of a spinal nerve and enter thetic trunk by entering a short pathway called a gray ramus and
a short pathway called a white ramus (RĀ-mus) before passing then merge with the anterior ramus of a spinal nerve. Therefore,
to the nearest sympathetic trunk ganglion on the same side (see gray rami communicantes are structures containing sympathetic
Figure 15.4). Collectively, the white rami are called the white postganglionic axons that connect the ganglia of the sympathetic
rami communicantes (kō-mū-ni-KAN-tēz; singular is ramus trunk to spinal nerves (see Figure 15.4). The “gray” in their name
communicans). Thus, white rami communicantes are structures indicates that they contain unmyelinated axons. Gray rami com-
containing sympathetic preganglionic axons that connect the municantes outnumber the white rami because there is a gray
anterior ramus of the spinal nerve with the ganglia of the sympa- ramus leading to each of the 31 pairs of spinal nerves. The axons
thetic trunk. The “white” in their name indicates that they contain of the postganglionic neurons that leave the sympathetic trunk to
myelinated axons. Only the thoracic and first two or three lumbar enter spinal nerves provide sympathetic innervation to the vis-
nerves have white rami communicantes. ceral effectors in the skin of the neck, trunk, and limbs, including
sweat glands, smooth muscle in blood vessels, and arrector pili
muscles of hair follicles.
Organization of Sympathetic Trunk Ganglia
The paired sympathetic trunk ganglia are arranged anterior and Cephalic Periarterial Nerves Some sympathetic pre-
lateral to the vertebral column, one on either side. Typically, there ganglionic neurons that enter the sympathetic trunk ascend to the
are 3 cervical, 11 or 12 thoracic, 4 or 5 lumbar, 4 or 5 sacral sym- superior cervical ganglion, where they synapse with postgangli-
pathetic trunk ganglia, and 1 coccygeal ganglion. The right and onic neurons. The axons of some of these postganglionic neurons
left coccygeal ganglia are fused together and usually lie at the leave the sympathetic trunk by forming cephalic periarterial
midline. Although the sympathetic trunk ganglia extend inferiorly nerves (per⬘-ē-ar-TĒ-rē-al), nerves that extend to the head by
from the neck, chest, and abdomen to the coccyx, they receive wrapping around and following the course of various arteries
preganglionic axons only from the thoracic and lumbar segments (such as the carotid arteries) that pass from the neck to the head
of the spinal cord (see Figure 15.2). (see Figure 15.4). Cephalic periarterial nerves provide sympa-
The cervical portion of each sympathetic trunk is located in the thetic innervation to visceral effectors in the skin of the face
neck and is subdivided into superior, middle, and inferior ganglia (sweat glands, smooth muscle of blood vessels, and arrector pili
(see Figure 15.2). Postganglionic neurons leaving the superior muscles of hair follicles), as well as other visceral effectors of the
cervical ganglion serve the head and heart. They are distributed to head (smooth muscle of the eye, lacrimal glands, pineal gland,
the sweat glands, smooth muscle of the eye, blood vessels of the nasal mucosa, and salivary glands).
face, lacrimal glands, pineal gland, nasal mucosa, salivary glands
Sympathetic Nerves Some of the incoming sympathetic
(which include the submandibular, sublingual, and parotid glands),
preganglionic neurons synapse with postganglionic neurons in
and heart. Postganglionic neurons leaving the middle cervical
one or more ganglia of the sympathetic trunk. Then, the axons of
ganglion and the inferior cervical ganglion innervate the heart
the postganglionic neurons leave the trunk by forming sympa-
and blood vessels of the neck, shoulder, and upper limb.
thetic nerves that extend to visceral effectors in the thoracic
The thoracic portion of each sympathetic trunk lies anterior to
cavity (Figure 15.4). Sympathetic nerves provide sympathetic
the necks of the corresponding ribs. This region of the sympa-
innervation to the heart and lungs.
thetic trunk receives most of the sympathetic preganglionic axons.
Postganglionic neurons from the thoracic sympathetic trunk in- • Sympathetic nerves to the heart. Sympathetic innervation of
nervate the heart, lungs, bronchi, and other thoracic viscera. In the the heart consists of axons of preganglionic neurons that enter the
skin, these neurons also innervate sweat glands, blood vessels, sympathetic trunk and then form synapses with postganglionic
neurons in the superior, middle, and inferior cervical ganglia and • Splanchnic nerves to the adrenal medulla. Some sympathetic
first through fourth thoracic ganglia (T1–T4). From these gan- preganglionic axons pass, without synapsing, through the sym-
glia, axons of postganglionic neurons exit the sympathetic trunk pathetic trunk, greater splanchnic nerves, and celiac ganglion,
by forming sympathetic nerves that enter the cardiac plexus to and then extend to chromaffin cells in the adrenal medullae of
supply the heart (see Figure 15.2). the adrenal glands (see Figures 15.2 and 15.4). Developmen-
• Sympathetic nerves to the lungs. Sympathetic innervation tally, the adrenal medullae and sympathetic ganglia are derived
of the lungs consists of axons of preganglionic neurons that from the same tissue, the neural crest (see Figure 14.27). The
enter the sympathetic trunk and then form synapses with adrenal medullae are modified sympathetic ganglia, and the
postganglionic neurons in the second through fourth thoracic chromaffin cells are similar to sympathetic postganglionic neu-
ganglia (T2–T4). From these ganglia, axons of sympathetic rons except they lack dendrites and axons. Rather than extend-
postganglionic neurons exit the trunk by forming sympa- ing to another organ, however, these cells release hormones into
thetic nerves that enter the pulmonary plexus to supply the the blood. On stimulation by sympathetic preganglionic neu-
smooth muscle of the bronchi and bronchioles of the lungs rons, the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medullae release a
(see Figure 15.2). mixture of catecholamine hormones—about 80% epinephrine,
20% norepinephrine, and a trace amount of dopamine. These
hormones circulate throughout the body and intensify responses
Splanchnic Nerves Recall that some sympathetic pregan- elicited by sympathetic postganglionic neurons.
glionic axons pass through the sympathetic trunk without termi-
nating in it. Beyond the trunk, they form nerves known as
splanchnic nerves (SPLANGK-nik; see Figures 15.2 and 15.4), CLINICAL CONNECTION | Horner’s Syndrome
which extend to outlying prevertebral ganglia.
In Horner’s syndrome, the sympathetic innervation to one
• Splanchnic nerves to abdominopelvic organs. Most sympa- side of the face is lost due to an inherited mutation, an injury,
thetic preganglionic axons that enter splanchnic nerves or a disease that affects sympathetic outflow through the supe-
are destined to synapse with sympathetic postganglionic neu-

rior cervical ganglion. Symptoms occur on the affected side and include
rons in the prevertebral ganglia that supply the organs of the ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid), miosis (constricted pupil), and
abdominopelvic cavity. Preganglionic axons from the fifth anhidrosis (lack of sweating). •

through ninth or tenth thoracic ganglia (T5–T9 or T10) form
the greater splanchnic nerve. It pierces the diaphragm and
enters the celiac ganglion of the celiac plexus. From there, Structure of the Parasympathetic Division
postganglionic neurons follow and innervate blood vessels to Cell bodies of parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are found
the stomach, spleen, liver, kidneys, and small intestine. Pre- in nuclei in the brain stem and in the lateral gray matter of the
ganglionic axons from the tenth and eleventh thoracic gan- second through fourth sacral segments of the spinal cord (see Fig-
glia (T10–T11) form the lesser splanchnic nerve. It pierces ure 15.3). Their axons emerge as part of a cranial nerve or as part
the diaphragm and passes through the celiac plexus to enter of the anterior root of a spinal nerve. The cranial parasympathetic
the aorticorenal ganglion and superior mesenteric ganglion outflow consists of preganglionic axons that extend from the
of the superior mesenteric plexus. Postganglionic neurons brain stem in four cranial nerves. The sacral parasympathetic
from the superior mesenteric ganglion follow and innervate outflow consists of preganglionic axons in anterior roots of the
blood vessels of the small intestine and proximal colon. The second through fourth sacral spinal nerves. The preganglionic
least (lowest) splanchnic nerve, which is not always present, axons of both the cranial and sacral outflows end in terminal gan-
is formed by preganglionic axons from the twelfth thoracic glia, where they synapse with postganglionic neurons.
ganglia (T12) or a branch of the lesser splanchnic nerve. It The cranial outflow has four pairs of ganglia and the ganglia
pierces the diaphragm and enters the renal plexus near the associated with the vagus (X) nerve. The four pairs of cranial
kidney. Postganglionic neurons from the renal plexus supply parasympathetic ganglia innervate structures in the head and are
kidney arterioles and the ureters. Preganglionic axons that located close to the organs they innervate (see Figure 15.3).
form the lumbar splanchnic nerve from the first through
fourth lumbar ganglia (L1–L4) enter the inferior mesenteric 1. The ciliary ganglia lie lateral to each optic (II) nerve near the
plexus and terminate in the inferior mesenteric ganglion, posterior aspect of the orbit. Preganglionic axons pass with the
where they synapse with postganglionic neurons. Axons of oculomotor (III) nerves to the ciliary ganglia. Postganglionic
postganglionic neurons extend through the inferior mesen- axons from the ganglia innervate smooth muscle fibers in the
teric plexus to supply the distal colon and rectum; they also eyeball.
extend through the hypogastric plexus to supply blood ves- 2. The pterygopalatine ganglia are located lateral to the spheno-
sels of the distal colon, rectum, urinary bladder, and genital palatine foramen, between the sphenoid and palatine bones.
organs. Postganglionic axons leaving the prevertebral ganglia They receive preganglionic axons from the facial (VII) nerve
follow the course of various arteries to abdominal and pelvic and send postganglionic axons to the nasal mucosa, palate,
visceral effectors. pharynx, and lacrimal glands.

3. The submandibular ganglia are found near the ducts of the and generates regulatory output signals to motor neurons through-
submandibular salivary glands. They receive preganglionic out plexuses within the wall of the digestive organs. The motor
axons from the facial nerves and send postganglionic axons to neurons carry the output signals to the smooth muscle and glands
the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands. of the gastrointestinal tract to exert control over its motility and
4. The otic ganglia are situated just inferior to each foramen secretory activities.
ovale. They receive preganglionic axons from the glosso- Most of the nerve fibers that innervate the digestive organs
pharyngeal (IX) nerves and send postganglionic axons to the arise from two plexuses within the enteric division. The largest,
parotid salivary glands. the myenteric plexus (mı̄-en-TER-ik), is positioned between the
outer longitudinal and circular muscle layers from the upper
Preganglionic axons that leave the brain as part of the vagus esophagus to the anus. The myenteric plexus communicates exten-
(X) nerves carry nearly 80% of the total craniosacral outflow. sively with a somewhat smaller plexus, the submucosal plexus,
Vagal axons extend to many terminal ganglia in the thorax and which occupies the gut wall between the circular muscle layer
abdomen. As the vagus nerve passes through the thorax, it sends and the muscularis mucosae (see Section 24.3) and runs from the
axons to the heart and the airways of the lungs. In the abdomen, it stomach to the anus. Neurons emerge from the ganglia of these
supplies the liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, small intestine, two plexuses to form smaller plexuses around blood vessels and
and part of the large intestine. within the muscle layers and mucosa of the gut wall. It is this
The sacral parasympathetic outflow consists of preganglionic
axons from the anterior roots of the second through fourth sacral
spinal nerves (S2–S4). As the preganglionic axons course through Figure 15.6 Pelvic splanchnic nerves.
the sacral spinal nerves, they branch off these nerves to form pelvic
splanchnic nerves (Figure 15.6). Pelvic splanchnic nerves syn- Through pelvic splanchnic nerves, axons of
apse with parasympathetic postganglionic neurons located in ter- parasympathetic preganglionic neurons extend to
parasympathetic postganglionic neurons in terminal
minal ganglia in the walls of the innervated viscera. From the
ganglia in the walls of the colon, ureters, urinary
terminal ganglia, parasympathetic postganglionic axons innervate
bladder, and reproductive organs.
smooth muscle and glands in the walls of the colon, ureters, uri-
nary bladder, and reproductive organs. Posterior horn Posterior root
Structure of the Enteric Division ganglion
Posterior ramus
To understand and appreciate the enteric division (en-TER-ik) of spinal nerve
of the autonomic nervous system, also called the enteric ner-
vous system (ENS), it is important to realize that the gastrointes-
tinal tract, like the surface of the body, forms an extensive area of
contact with the environment. Although this gastrointestinal en-
Sacral spinal
vironment is inside the body, it is still considered part of the exter- nerve
nal environment. Just as the surface of the body must respond to Spinal cord
Anterior Anterior root
important environmental stimuli in order to function properly, horn (sacral segment) Anterior ramus
the surface of the gastrointestinal tract must respond to surround- of spinal nerve
ing stimuli to generate proper homeostatic controls. In fact, these splanchnic
responses and controls are so important that the gastrointestinal nerve
tract has its own nervous system with intrinsic input, processing,
and output. The enteric division can and does function indepen-
dently of central nervous system activity, but it can also receive
controlling input from the central nervous system.
The enteric division is the specialized collection of nerves and
ganglia forming a complex, integrated neuronal network within
Urinary bladder
the wall of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and gallbladder.
This incredible nerve network contains in the neighborhood of
100 million neurons, approximately the same number as the spi-
nal cord, and is capable of continued function without input from
the central nervous system. The enteric network of nerves and
ganglia contains sensory neurons capable of monitoring tension
in the intestinal wall and accessing the composition of the intesti- Key: Visceral effector

nal contents. These sensory neurons relay their input signals to Parasympathetic preganglionic neuron
Parasympathetic postganglionic neuron
interneurons within the enteric ganglia. The interneurons estab-
lish an integrative network that processes the incoming signals Pelvic splanchnic nerves branch from which spinal nerves?
system of nerves that makes possible the normal motility and se- Figure 15.7 Cholinergic neurons and adrenergic
cretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract. neurons in the sympathetic and
parasympathetic divisions.
3. Why is the sympathetic division called the thoracolumbar Cholinergic neurons release acetylcholine; adrenergic
division even though its ganglia extend from the cervical neurons release norepinephrine. Cholinergic receptors
region to the sacral region? (nicotinic or muscarinic) and adrenergic receptors are
4. List the organs served by each sympathetic and integral membrane proteins located in the plasma
parasympathetic ganglion. membrane of a postsynaptic neuron or an effector cell.
5. Describe the locations of sympathetic trunk ganglia,
prevertebral ganglia, and terminal ganglia. Which types NICOTINIC Effector cell
of autonomic neurons synapse in each type of ganglion? RECEPTOR ADRENERGIC
6. Why does the sympathetic division produce simultane- ACh RECEPTOR
ous effects throughout the body, in contrast to para-
sympathetic effects, which typically are localized to
specific organs?
7. What are the functions of the enteric division of the ANS?
Preganglionic neuron Postganglionic neuron
(a) Sympathetic division–innervation to most effector tissues
15.3 ANS Neurotransmitters
and Receptors
• Describe the neurotransmitters and receptors involved in NICOTINIC RECEPTOR
autonomic responses. RECEPTOR

Based on the neurotransmitter they produce and release, auto-

nomic neurons are classified as either cholinergic or adrenergic.
The receptors for the neurotransmitters are integral membrane
proteins located in the plasma membrane of the postsynaptic ACh
neuron or effector cell. ACh Cell of sweat gland
(b) Sympathetic division–innervation to most sweat glands

Cholinergic Neurons and Receptors

Cholinergic neurons (koˉ⬘-lin-ER-jik) release the neurotransmit-
ter acetylcholine (ACh). In the ANS, the cholinergic neurons MUSCARINIC
include (1) all sympathetic and parasympathetic preganglionic NICOTINIC RECEPTOR
RECEPTOR Effector cell
neurons, (2) sympathetic postganglionic neurons that innervate
most sweat glands, and (3) all parasympathetic postganglionic
neurons (Figure 15.7).
ACh is stored in synaptic vesicles and released by exocytosis.
It then diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds with specific
cholinergic receptors, integral membrane proteins in the post- ACh
synaptic plasma membrane. The two types of cholinergic recep-
tors, both of which bind ACh, are nicotinic receptors and musca- (c) Parasympathetic division
rinic receptors. Nicotinic receptors (nik⬘-oˉ-TIN-ik) are present in
Which ANS neurons are adrenergic? What types of
the plasma membrane of dendrites and cell bodies of both sympa-
effector tissues contain muscarinic receptors?
thetic and parasympathetic postganglionic neurons (Figure 15.7a, b),
the plasma membranes of chromaffin cells of the adrenal medul-
lae, and in the motor end plate at the neuromuscular junction. They
are so named because nicotine mimics the action of ACh by bind- receive their innervation from cholinergic sympathetic postgan-
ing to these receptors. (Nicotine, a natural substance in tobacco glionic neurons and possess muscarinic receptors (see Figure 15.7b).
leaves, is not a naturally occurring substance in humans and is not These receptors are so named because a mushroom poison called
normally present in nonsmokers.) Muscarinic receptors (mus⬘- muscarine mimics the actions of ACh by binding to them. Nicotine
ka-RIN-ik) are present in the plasma membranes of all effectors does not activate muscarinic receptors, and muscarine does not
(smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands) innervated by para- activate nicotinic receptors, but ACh does activate both types of
sympathetic postganglionic axons. In addition, most sweat glands cholinergic receptors.

Activation of nicotinic receptors by ACh causes depolariza- Receptor Agonists and Antagonists
tion and thus excitation of the postsynaptic cell, which can be
a postganglionic neuron, an autonomic effector, or a skeletal A large variety of drugs and natural products can selectively acti-
muscle fiber. Activation of muscarinic receptors by ACh some- vate or block specific cholinergic or adrenergic receptors. An
times causes depolarization (excitation) and sometimes causes agonist (agon ⫽ a contest) is a substance that binds to and activates
hyperpolarization (inhibition), depending on which particular a receptor, in the process mimicking the effect of a natural neuro-
cell bears the muscarinic receptors. For example, binding of transmitter or hormone. Phenylephrine, an adrenergic agonist at
ACh to muscarinic receptors inhibits (relaxes) smooth muscle ␣1 receptors, is a common ingredient in cold and sinus medica-
sphincters in the gastrointestinal tract. By contrast, ACh excites tions. Because it constricts blood vessels in the nasal mucosa,
muscarinic receptors in smooth muscle fibers in the circular phenylephrine reduces production of mucus, thus relieving nasal
muscles of the iris of the eye, causing them to contract. Because congestion. An antagonist (anti ⫽ against) is a substance that
acetylcholine is quickly inactivated by the enzyme acetylcho- binds to and blocks a receptor, thereby preventing a natural neuro-
linesterase (AChE), effects triggered by cholinergic neurons transmitter or hormone from exerting its effect. For example, at-
are brief. ropine blocks muscarinic ACh receptors, dilates the pupils, re-
duces glandular secretions, and relaxes smooth muscle in the
gastrointestinal tract. As a result, it is used to dilate the pupils dur-
ing eye examinations, in the treatment of smooth muscle disor-
Adrenergic Neurons and Receptors ders such as iritis and intestinal hypermotility, and as an antidote
In the ANS, adrenergic neurons (ad⬘-ren-ER-jik) release nor- for chemical warfare agents that inactivate acetylcholinesterase.
epinephrine (NE), also known as noradrenalin (Figure 15.7a). Propranolol (Inderal®) often is prescribed for patients with
Most sympathetic postganglionic neurons are adrenergic. Like hypertension (high blood pressure). It is a nonselective beta blocker,
ACh, NE is stored in synaptic vesicles and released by exocytosis. meaning it binds to all types of beta receptors and prevents their
Molecules of NE diffuse across the synaptic cleft and bind to spe- activation by epinephrine and norepinephrine. The desired effects
cific adrenergic receptors on the postsynaptic membrane, causing of propranolol are due to its blockade of ␤1 receptors—namely,
either excitation or inhibition of the effector cell. decreased heart rate and force of contraction and a consequent
Adrenergic receptors bind both norepinephrine and epineph- decrease in blood pressure. Undesired effects due to blockade
rine. The norepinephrine can either be released as a neurotrans- of ␤2 receptors may include hypoglycemia (low blood glucose),
mitter by sympathetic postganglionic neurons or released as a resulting from decreased glycogen breakdown and decreased
hormone into the blood by chromaffin cells of the adrenal medul- gluconeogenesis (the conversion of a noncarbohydrate into
lae; epinephrine is released as a hormone. The two main types of glucose in the liver), and mild bronchoconstriction (narrowing of
adrenergic receptors are alpha (␣) receptors and beta (␤) recep- the airways). If these side effects pose a threat to the patient, a
tors, which are found on visceral effectors innervated by most selective ␤1 blocker (which binds only to specific beta receptors)
sympathetic postganglionic axons. These receptors are further such as metoprolol (Lopressor®) can be prescribed instead of
classified into subtypes—␣1, ␣2, ␤1, ␤2, and ␤3—based on the propranolol.
specific responses they elicit and by their selective binding of
drugs that activate or block them. Although there are some ex- 8. Why are cholinergic and adrenergic neurons so named?
ceptions, activation of ␣1 and ␤1 receptors generally produces 9. What neurotransmitters and hormones bind to adrenergic
excitation, and activation of ␣2 and ␤2 receptors causes inhibition receptors?
of effector tissues. ␤3 receptors are present only on cells of brown 10. What do the terms agonist and antagonist mean?
adipose tissue, where their activation causes thermogenesis (heat
production). Cells of most effectors contain either alpha or beta
receptors; some visceral effector cells contain both. Norepineph-
rine stimulates alpha receptors more strongly than beta recep-
tors; epinephrine is a potent stimulator of both alpha and beta 15.4 Physiology of the ANS
receptors. OBJECTIVE
The activity of norepinephrine at a synapse is terminated either • Describe the major responses of the body to stimulation
when the NE is taken up by the axon that released it or when the NE by the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of
is enzymatically inactivated by either catechol-O-methyltransfer- the ANS.
ase (COMT) (kat⬘-e-kōl-ō-meth-il-TRANS-fer-ās) or monoamine
oxidase (MAO) (mon-ō-AM-ēn OK-si-dās). Compared to ACh,
norepinephrine lingers in the synaptic cleft for a longer time. Thus,
Autonomic Tone
effects triggered by adrenergic neurons typically are longer lasting As noted earlier, most body organs receive innervation from both
than those triggered by cholinergic neurons. divisions of the ANS, which typically work in opposition to one
Table 15.2 describes the locations of cholinergic and adrener- another. The balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic
gic receptors and summarizes the responses that occur when each activity, called autonomic tone, is regulated by the hypothala-
type of receptor is activated. mus. Typically, the hypothalamus turns up sympathetic tone at the

TABLE 15.2

Location and Responses of Adrenergic and Cholinergic Receptors


CHOLINERGIC Integral proteins in postsynaptic plasma membranes; activated by the

neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Nicotinic Plasma membrane of postganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic Excitation → impulses in postganglionic neurons.
Chromaffin cells of adrenal medullae. Epinephrine and norepinephrine secretion.
Sarcolemma of skeletal muscle fibers (motor end plate). Excitation → contraction.
Muscarinic Effectors innervated by parasympathetic postganglionic neurons. In some receptors, excitation; in others, inhibition.
Sweat glands innervated by cholinergic sympathetic postganglionic Increased sweating.
Skeletal muscle blood vessels innervated by cholinergic sympathetic Inhibition → relaxation → vasodilation.
postganglionic neurons.
ADRENERGIC Integral proteins in postsynaptic plasma membranes; activated by the
neurotransmitter norepinephrine and the hormones norepinephrine
and epinephrine.
␣1 Smooth muscle fibers in blood vessels that serve salivary glands, skin, Excitation → contraction, which causes
mucosal membranes, kidneys, and abdominal viscera; radial muscle in vasoconstriction, dilation of pupil, and closing of
iris of eye; sphincter muscles of stomach and urinary bladder. sphincters.
Salivary gland cells. Secretion of K⫹ and water.
Sweat glands on palms and soles. Increased sweating.

␣2 Smooth muscle fibers in some blood vessels. Inhibition → relaxation → vasodilation.
Cells of pancreatic islets that secrete the hormone insulin (beta cells). Decreased insulin secretion.

Pancreatic acinar cells. Inhibition of digestive enzyme secretion.
Platelets in blood. Aggregation to form platelet plug.
␤1 Cardiac muscle fibers. Excitation → increased force and rate of contraction.
Juxtaglomerular cells of kidneys. Renin secretion.
Posterior pituitary. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion.
Adipose cells. Breakdown of triglycerides → release of fatty acids
into blood.
␤2 Smooth muscle in walls of airways; in blood vessels that serve heart, Inhibition → relaxation, which causes dilation of
skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and liver; and in walls of visceral airways, vasodilation, and relaxation of organ walls.
organs, such as urinary bladder.
Ciliary muscle in eye. Inhibition → relaxation.
Hepatocytes in liver. Glycogenolysis (breakdown of glycogen into
␤3 Brown adipose tissue. Thermogenesis (heat production).

same time it turns down parasympathetic tone, and vice versa. Sympathetic Responses
The two divisions can affect body organs differently because their
postganglionic neurons release different neurotransmitters and During physical or emotional stress, the sympathetic division
because the effector organs possess different adrenergic and dominates the parasympathetic division. High sympathetic tone
cholinergic receptors. A few structures receive only sympathetic favors body functions that can support vigorous physical activity
innervation—sweat glands, arrector pili muscles attached to hair and rapid production of ATP. At the same time, the sympathetic
follicles in the skin, the kidneys, the spleen, most blood vessels, division reduces body functions that favor the storage of energy.
and the adrenal medullae (see Figure 15.2). In these structures Besides physical exertion, various emotions—such as fear, em-
there is no opposition from the parasympathetic division. Still, an barrassment, or rage—stimulate the sympathetic division. Visua-
increase in sympathetic tone has one effect, and a decrease in lizing body changes that occur during “E situations” such as
sympathetic tone produces the opposite effect. exercise, emergency, excitement, and embarrassment will help you

remember most of the sympathetic responses. Activation of the The effects of sympathetic stimulation are longer lasting and
sympathetic division and release of hormones by the adrenal more widespread than the effects of parasympathetic stimulation
medullae set in motion a series of physiological responses col- for three reasons: (1) Sympathetic postganglionic axons diverge
lectively called the fight-or-flight response, which includes the more extensively; as a result, many tissues are activated simulta-
following effects: neously. (2) Acetylcholinesterase quickly inactivates acetyl-
choline, but norepinephrine lingers in the synaptic cleft for a lon-
• The pupils of the eyes dilate.
ger period. (3) Epinephrine and norepinephrine secreted into the
• Heart rate, force of heart contraction, and blood pressure increase. blood from the adrenal medullae intensify and prolong the re-
• The airways dilate, allowing faster movement of air into and sponses caused by NE liberated from sympathetic postganglionic
out of the lungs. axons. These blood-borne hormones circulate throughout the
• The blood vessels that supply the kidneys and gastrointestinal body, affecting all tissues that have alpha and beta receptors. In
tract constrict, which decreases blood flow through these tis- time, blood-borne NE and epinephrine are destroyed by enzymes
sues. The result is a slowing of urine formation and digestive in the liver.
activities, which are not essential during exercise.
• Blood vessels that supply organs involved in exercise or fight- Parasympathetic Responses
ing off danger—skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle, liver, and
adipose tissue—dilate, allowing greater blood flow through In contrast to the fight-or-flight activities of the sympathetic division,
these tissues. the parasympathetic division enhances rest-and-digest activities.
Parasympathetic responses support body functions that conserve
• Liver cells perform glycogenolysis (breakdown of glycogen to
and restore body energy during times of rest and recovery. In
glucose), and adipose tissue cells perform lipolysis (break-
the quiet intervals between periods of exercise, parasympathetic
down of triglycerides to fatty acids and glycerol).
impulses to the digestive glands and the smooth muscle of the
• Release of glucose by the liver increases blood glucose level. gastrointestinal tract predominate over sympathetic impulses.
• Processes that are not essential for meeting the stressful situation This allows energy-supplying food to be digested and absorbed.
are inhibited. For example, muscular movements of the gastroin- At the same time, parasympathetic responses reduce body func-
testinal tract and digestive secretions slow down or even stop. tions that support physical activity.

TABLE 15.3

Comparison of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Divisions of the ANS


Distribution Wide regions of body: skin, sweat glands, arrector Limited mainly to head and to viscera of thorax, abdomen, and
pili muscles of hair follicles, adipose tissue, smooth pelvis; some blood vessels.
muscle of blood vessels.
Location of preganglionic Lateral gray horns of spinal cord segments T1–L2. Nuclei of cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X and lateral gray matter
neuron cell bodies and Axons of preganglionic neurons constitute of spinal cord segments S2–S4. Axons of preganglionic neurons
site of outflow thoracolumbar outflow. constitute craniosacral outflow.
Associated ganglia Sympathetic trunk ganglia and prevertebral ganglia. Terminal ganglia.
Ganglia locations Close to CNS and distant from visceral effectors. Typically near or within wall of visceral effectors.
Axon length and Preganglionic neurons with short axons synapse with Preganglionic neurons with long axons usually synapse with four
divergence many postganglionic neurons with long axons that to five postganglionic neurons with short axons that pass to single
pass to many visceral effectors. visceral effector.
White and gray rami Both present; white rami communicantes contain Neither present.
communicantes myelinated preganglionic axons; gray rami
communicantes contain unmyelinated postganglionic
Neurotransmitters Preganglionic neurons release acetylcholine (ACh), Preganglionic neurons release ACh, which is excitatory and
which is excitatory and stimulates postganglionic stimulates postganglionic neurons; postganglionic neurons
neurons; most postganglionic neurons release release ACh.
norepinephrine (NE); postganglionic neurons that
innervate most sweat glands and some blood vessels in
skeletal muscle release ACh.
Physiological effects Fight-or-flight responses. Rest-and-digest activities.
The acronym SLUDD can be helpful in remembering five CHECKPOINT
parasympathetic responses. It stands for salivation (S), lacrima- 11. Define autonomic tone.
tion (L), urination (U), digestion (D), and defecation (D). All of 12. What are some examples of the antagonistic effects of
these activities are stimulated mainly by the parasympathetic di- the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the
vision. In addition to the increasing SLUDD responses, other im- autonomic nervous system?
portant parasympathetic responses are “three decreases”: decreased 13. What happens during the fight-or-flight response?
heart rate, decreased diameter of airways (bronchoconstriction), 14. Why is the parasympathetic division of the ANS called
and decreased diameter (constriction) of the pupils. an energy conservation/restoration system?
Table 15.3 compares the structural and functional features 15. Describe the sympathetic response in a frightening
of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS. situation for each of the following body parts: hair
Table 15.4 lists the responses of glands, cardiac muscle, and follicles, iris of eye, lungs, spleen, adrenal medullae,
smooth muscle to stimulation by the sympathetic and parasympa- urinary bladder, stomach, intestines, gallbladder, liver,
thetic divisions of the ANS. heart, arterioles of the abdominal viscera, and arterioles
of skeletal muscles.

TABLE 15.4

Effects of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Divisions of the ANS



Adrenal medullae Secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine No innervation.
(nicotinic ACh receptors).

Lacrimal (tear) Slight secretion of tears (␣). Secretion of tears.
Pancreas Inhibits secretion of digestive enzymes and the Secretion of digestive enzymes and the
hormone insulin (␣2); promotes secretion of the hormone insulin.
hormone glucagon (␤2).
Posterior pituitary Secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) (␤1). No innervation.
Pineal Increases synthesis and release of melatonin (␤). No innervation.
Sweat Increases sweating in most body regions (muscarinic No innervation.
ACh receptors); sweating on palms and soles (␣1).
Adipose tissue† Lipolysis (breakdown of triglycerides into fatty No innervation.
acids and glycerol) (␤1); release of fatty acids into
blood (␤1 and ␤3).
Liver† Glycogenolysis (conversion of glycogen into glucose); Glycogen synthesis; increased bile secretion.
gluconeogenesis (conversion of noncarbohydrates into
glucose); decreased bile secretion (␣ and ␤2).
Kidney, juxtaglomerular cells† Secretion of renin (␤1). No innervation.


Increased heart rate and force of atrial and Decreased heart rate; decreased force of atrial
ventricular contractions (␤1). contraction.

Iris, radial muscle Contraction → dilation of pupil (␣1). No innervation.
Iris, circular muscle No innervation. Contraction → constriction of pupil.
Ciliary muscle of eye Relaxation to adjust shape of lens for Contraction for close vision.
distant vision (␤2).
Lungs, bronchial muscle Relaxation → airway dilation (␤2). Contraction → airway constriction.
Gallbladder and ducts Relaxation to facilitate storage of bile in Contraction → release of bile into small intestine.
the gallbladder (␤2).



Effects of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Divisions of the ANS


Stomach and intestines Decreased motility and tone (␣1, ␣2, ␤2); Increased motility and tone; relaxation of sphincters.
contraction of sphincters (␣1).
Spleen Contraction and discharge of stored blood No innervation.
into general circulation (␣1).
Ureter Increases motility (␣1). Increases motility (?).
Urinary bladder Relaxation of muscular wall (␤2); contraction Contraction of muscular wall; relaxation of internal
of internal urethral sphincter (␣1). urethral sphincter.
Uterus Inhibits contraction in nonpregnant women (␤2); Minimal effect.
promotes contraction in pregnant women (␣1).
Sex organs In males: contraction of smooth muscle of ductus (vas) Vasodilation; erection of clitoris (females) and
deferens, prostate, and seminal vesicle resulting penis (males).
in ejaculation (␣1).
Hair follicles, arrector pili Contraction → erection of hairs resulting in No innervation.
muscle goose bumps (␣1).


Salivary gland arterioles Vasoconstriction, which decreases secretion of saliva (␣1). Vasodilation, which increases secretion of saliva.
Gastric gland arterioles Vasoconstriction, which inhibits secretion (␣1). Secretion of gastric juice.
Intestinal gland arterioles Vasoconstriction, which inhibits secretion (␣1). Secretion of intestinal juice.
Coronary (heart) arterioles Relaxation → vasodilation (␤2); Contraction → vasoconstriction.
contraction → vasoconstriction (␣1, ␣2);
contraction → vasoconstriction (muscarinic
ACh receptors).
Skin and mucosal arterioles Contraction → vasoconstriction (␣1). Vasodilation, which may not be physiologically
Skeletal muscle arterioles Contraction → vasoconstriction (␣1); No innervation.
relaxation → vasodilation (␤2);
relaxation → vasodilation (muscarinic
ACh receptors).
Abdominal viscera arterioles Contraction → vasoconstriction (␣1, ␤2). No innervation.
Brain arterioles Slight contraction → vasoconstriction (␣1). No innervation.
Kidney arterioles Constriction of blood vessels → decreased No innervation.
urine volume (␣1).
Systemic veins Contraction → constriction (␣1); No innervation.
relaxation → dilation (␤2).

*Subcategories of ␣ and ␤ receptors are listed if known. †

Grouped with glands because they release substances into the blood.

15.5 Integration and Control of in regulating controlled conditions in the body, such as blood pres-
sure, by adjusting heart rate, force of ventricular contraction, and
Autonomic Functions blood vessel diameter; digestion, by adjusting the motility (move-
ment) and muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract; and defecation
• Describe the components of an autonomic reflex. and urination, by regulating the opening and closing of sphincters.
• Explain the relationship of the hypothalamus to the ANS. The components of an autonomic reflex arc are as follows:
• Receptor. Like the receptor in a somatic reflex arc (see Fig-
ure 13.14), the receptor in an autonomic reflex arc is the distal end
Autonomic Reflexes of a sensory neuron, which responds to a stimulus and produces a
Autonomic reflexes are responses that occur when nerve impulses change that will ultimately trigger nerve impulses. Autonomic
pass through an autonomic reflex arc. These reflexes play a key role sensory receptors are mostly associated with interoceptors.
• Sensory neuron. Conducts nerve impulses from receptors to stances in blood. It also receives input relating to emotions from
the CNS. the limbic system. Output from the hypothalamus influences au-
• Integrating center. Interneurons within the CNS relay signals tonomic centers in both the brain stem (such as the cardiovascu-
from sensory neurons to motor neurons. The main integrating lar, salivation, swallowing, and vomiting centers) and the spinal
centers for most autonomic reflexes are located in the hypo- cord (such as the defecation and urination reflex centers in the
thalamus and brain stem. Some autonomic reflexes, such as sacral spinal cord).
those for urination and defecation, have integrating centers in Anatomically, the hypothalamus is connected to both the sym-
the spinal cord. pathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS by axons of
neurons with dendrites and cell bodies in various hypothalamic
• Motor neurons. Nerve impulses triggered by the integrating
nuclei. The axons form tracts from the hypothalamus to parasym-
center propagate out of the CNS along motor neurons to an effec-
pathetic and sympathetic nuclei in the brain stem and spinal cord
tor. In an autonomic reflex arc, two motor neurons connect the
through relays in the reticular formation. The posterior and lateral
CNS to an effector: The preganglionic neuron conducts motor
parts of the hypothalamus control the sympathetic division. Stimu-
impulses from the CNS to an autonomic ganglion, and the
lation of these areas produces an increase in heart rate and force of
postganglionic neuron conducts motor impulses from an auto-
contraction, a rise in blood pressure due to constriction of blood
nomic ganglion to an effector (see Figure 15.1).
vessels, an increase in body temperature, dilation of the pupils,
• Effector. In an autonomic reflex arc, the effectors are smooth and inhibition of the gastrointestinal tract. In contrast, the anterior
muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands, and the reflex is called an and medial parts of the hypothalamus control the parasympathetic
autonomic reflex. division. Stimulation of these areas results in a decrease in heart
rate, lowering of blood pressure, constriction of the pupils, and
Autonomic Control by Higher Centers increased secretion and motility of the gastrointestinal tract.
Normally, we are not aware of muscular contractions of our CHECKPOINT
digestive organs, our heartbeat, changes in the diameter of our 16. Give three examples of controlled conditions in the
blood vessels, and pupil dilation and constriction because the body that are kept in homeostatic balance by

integrating centers for these autonomic responses are in the spinal autonomic reflexes.
cord or the lower regions of the brain. Somatic or autonomic 17. How does an autonomic reflex arc differ from a somatic

sensory neurons deliver input to these centers, and autonomic reflex arc?
motor neurons provide output that adjusts activity in the vis-
• • •
ceral effector, usually without our conscious perception.
The hypothalamus is the major control and integration center Now that we have discussed the structure and function of the
of the ANS. The hypothalamus receives sensory input related to nervous system, you can appreciate the many ways that this sys-
visceral functions, olfaction (smell), and gustation (taste), as well tem contributes to homeostasis of other body systems by examin-
as changes in temperature, osmolarity, and levels of various sub- ing Focus on Homeostasis: Contributions of the Nervous System.


Autonomic Dysreflexia The condition is characterized by a pounding headache; hyperten-

sion; flushed, warm skin with profuse sweating above the injury
Autonomic dysreflexia (dis⬘-rē-FLEKS-sē-a) is an exaggerated re-
level; pale, cold, dry skin below the injury level; and anxiety. This
sponse of the sympathetic division of the ANS that occurs in about
emergency condition requires immediate intervention. The first ap-
85% of individuals with spinal cord injury at or above the level of T6.
proach is to quickly identify and remove the problematic stimulus. If
The condition is seen after recovery from spinal shock (see Disorders:
this does not relieve the symptoms, an antihypertensive drug such as
Homeostatic Imbalances in Chapter 13) and occurs due to interrup-
clonidine or nitroglycerin can be administered. Untreated autonomic
tion of the control of ANS neurons by higher centers. When certain
dysreflexia can cause seizures, stroke, or heart attack.
sensory impulses, such as those resulting from stretching of a full
urinary bladder, are unable to ascend the spinal cord, mass stimula-
tion of the sympathetic nerves inferior to the level of injury occurs. Raynaud Phenomenon
Other triggers include stimulation of pain receptors and the visceral In Raynaud phenomenon (rā-NŌ) the digits (fingers and toes) be-
contractions resulting from sexual stimulation, labor/delivery, and come ischemic (lack blood) after exposure to cold or with emotional
bowel stimulation. Among the effects of increased sympathetic activ- stress. The condition is due to excessive sympathetic stimulation of
ity is severe vasoconstriction, which elevates blood pressure. In response, smooth muscle in the arterioles of the digits and a heightened response
the cardiovascular center in the medulla oblongata (1) increases to stimuli that cause vasoconstriction. When arterioles in the digits vaso-
parasympathetic output via the vagus (X) nerve, which decreases constrict in response to sympathetic stimulation, blood flow is greatly
heart rate, and (2) decreases sympathetic output, which causes dila- diminished. As a result, the digits may blanch (look white due to block-
tion of blood vessels superior to the level of the injury. age of blood flow) or become cyanotic (look blue due to deoxygenated
SYSTEM Certain neurotransmitters help regulate
immune responses
Sympathetic nerves of the autonomic Activity in nervous system may increase
nervous system (ANS) control or decrease immune responses
contraction of smooth muscles attached
to hair follicles and secretion of
perspiration from sweat glands


SKELETAL Respiratory areas in brain stem control

SYSTEM breathing rate and depth
ANS helps regulate diameter of airways
Pain receptors in bone tissue warn of
bone trauma or damage

SYSTEM Enteric division of the ANS helps
regulate digestion
Somatic motor neurons receive instruc- Parasympathetic division of ANS
tions from motor areas of the brain
and stimulate contraction of skeletal CONTRIBUTIONS OF stimulates many digestive processes
muscles to bring about body movements
Basal nuclei and reticular formation set THE NERVOUS SYSTEM
level of muscle tone
Cerebellum coordinates skilled move- FOR ALL BODY SYSTEMS URINARY
ments SYSTEM
Together with hormones from the
endocrine system, nerve impulses ANS helps regulate blood flow to
provide communication and regulation kidneys, thereby influencing the rate of
of most body tissues urine formation
ENDOCRINE Brain and spinal cord centers govern
SYSTEM emptying of the urinary bladder

Hypothalamus regulates secretion of

hormones from anterior and posterior
ANS regulates secretion of hormones
from adrenal medulla and pancreas REPRODUCTIVE
Hypothalamus and limbic system
govern a variety of sexual behaviors
CARDIOVASCULAR ANS brings about erection of penis in
SYSTEM males and clitoris in females and
ejaculation of semen in males
Cardiovascular center in the medulla Hypothalamus regulates release of
oblongata provides nerve impulses to anterior pituitary hormones that
ANS that govern heart rate and the control gonads (ovaries and testes)
forcefulness of the heartbeat Nerve impulses elicited by touch stimuli
Nerve impulses from ANS also regulate from suckling infant cause release of
blood pressure and blood flow oxytocin and milk ejection in nursing
through blood vessels mothers


blood in capillaries). In extreme cases, the digits may become necrotic climates. Patients with Raynaud phenomenon should avoid exposure to
from lack of oxygen and nutrients. With rewarming after cold expo- cold, wear warm clothing, and keep the hands and feet warm. Drugs
sure, the arterioles may dilate, causing the fingers and toes to look red. used to treat Raynaud include nifedipine, a calcium channel blocker
Many patients with Raynaud phenomenon have low blood pressure. that relaxes vascular smooth muscle, and prazosin, which relaxes
Some have increased numbers of alpha adrenergic receptors. Raynaud smooth muscle by blocking alpha receptors. Smoking and the use of
is most common in young women and occurs more often in cold alcohol or illicit drugs can exacerbate the symptoms of this condition.


Autonomic nerve neuropathy (noo-ROP-a-thē) A neuropathy (disor- visceral organ (such as the urinary bladder or colon) below the
der of a cranial or spinal nerve) that affects one or more auto- level of the injury results in intense activation of autonomic and
nomic nerves, with multiple effects on the autonomic nervous somatic output from the spinal cord as reflex activity returns. The
system, including constipation, urinary incontinence, impotence, exaggerated response occurs because there is no inhibitory input
and fainting and low blood pressure when standing (orthostatic from the brain. The mass reflex consists of flexor spasms of the
hypotension) due to decreased sympathetic control of the cardio- lower limbs, evacuation of the urinary bladder and colon, and
vascular system. Often caused by long-term diabetes mellitus (dia- profuse sweating below the level of the lesion.
betic neuropathy). Megacolon (mega- ⫽ big) An abnormally large colon. In congenital
Biofeedback A technique in which an individual is provided with in- megacolon, parasympathetic nerves to the distal segment of the
formation regarding an autonomic response such as heart rate, colon do not develop properly. Loss of motor function in the seg-
blood pressure, or skin temperature. Various electronic monitor- ment causes massive dilation of the normal proximal colon. The
ing devices provide visual or auditory signals about the autonomic condition results in extreme constipation, abdominal distension,
responses. By concentrating on positive thoughts, individuals and occasionally, vomiting. Surgical removal of the affected seg-
learn to alter autonomic responses. For example, biofeedback has ment of the colon corrects the disorder.

been used to decrease heart rate and blood pressure and increase Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) A syndrome that includes spon-
skin temperature in order to decrease the severity of migraine taneous pain, painful hypersensitivity to stimuli such as light
headaches. touch, and excessive coldness and sweating in the involved body

Dysautonomia (dis-aw-tō-NŌ-mē-a; dys- ⫽ difficult; -autonomia ⫽ part. The disorder frequently involves the forearms, hands, knees,
self-governing) An inherited disorder in which the autonomic and feet. It appears that activation of the sympathetic division of
nervous system functions abnormally, resulting in reduced tear the autonomic nervous system due to traumatized nociceptors as
gland secretions, poor vasomotor control, motor incoordination, a result of trauma or surgery on bones or joints is involved.
skin blotching, absence of pain sensation, difficulty in swallowing, Treatment consists of anesthetics and physical therapy. Recent
hyporeflexia, excessive vomiting, and emotional instability. clinical studies also suggest that the drug baclofen can be used to
Hyperhidrosis (hı̄⬘-per-hı̄-DRŌ-sis; hyper- ⫽ above or too much; reduce pain and restore normal function to the affected body
-hidrosis ⫽ sweat) Excessive or profuse sweating due to intense part. Also called complex regional pain syndrome type 1.
stimulation of sweat glands. Vagotomy (vā-GOT-ō-mē; -tome ⫽ incision) Cutting the vagus (X)
Mass reflex In cases of severe spinal cord injury above the level of the nerve. It is frequently done to decrease the production of hydro-
sixth thoracic vertebra, stimulation of the skin or overfilling of a chloric acid in persons with ulcers.


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15.1 Comparison of Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems Anatomy Overview - The Nervous
System: Overview
1. The somatic nervous system operates under conscious control; the ANS usually operates without con-
Anatomy Overview - Organization of
scious control. the ANS
2. Sensory input for the somatic nervous system is mainly from the somatic senses and special senses; Animation - Somatic Sensory and Motor
sensory input for the ANS is from interoceptors, in addition to somatic senses and special senses. Pathways
3. The axons of somatic motor neurons extend from the CNS and synapse directly with an effector. Figure 15.1 - Motor Neuron
Autonomic motor pathways consist of two motor neurons in series. The axon of the first motor neuron Pathways in the Somatic and
extends from the CNS and synapses in an autonomic ganglion with the second motor neuron; the second Autonomic Nervous Systems
Exercise - Assemble the
neuron synapses with an effector. Structure of the ANS
4. The output (motor) portion of the ANS has two major divisions: sympathetic and parasympathetic. Most Exercise - Sort ANS Functions
body organs receive dual innervation; usually one ANS division causes excitation and the other causes Exercise - What Is Your ANS Status?
inhibition. The enteric division consists of nerves and ganglia within the wall of the GI tract.

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5. Somatic nervous system effectors are skeletal muscles; ANS effectors include cardiac muscle, smooth
muscle, and glands.
6. Table 15.1 compares the somatic and autonomic nervous systems.

15.2 Anatomy of Autonomic Motor Pathways Animation - ANS: Motor Pathways

Anatomy Overview - Visceral Receptors
1. A preganglionic neuron is the first of the two motor neurons in any autonomic motor pathway; the axon
Anatomy Overview - Visceral Effectors
of the preganglionic neuron extends to an autonomic ganglion, where it synapses with a postganglionic Figure 15.2 - Structure of the
neuron, the second neuron in the autonomic motor pathway. Preganglionic neurons are myelinated; Sympathetic Division of the
postganglionic neurons are unmyelinated. Autonomic Nervous System
2. The cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic neurons are in the lateral gray horns of the 12 thoracic Figure 15.3 - Structure of the
and the first two or three lumbar segments of the spinal cord; the cell bodies of parasympathetic pregan- Parasympathetic Division of
glionic neurons are in four cranial nerve nuclei (III, VII, IX, and X) in the brain stem and lateral gray the Autonomic Nervous Systemem
matter of the second through fourth sacral segments of the spinal cord.
3. There are two major groups of autonomic ganglia: sympathetic ganglia and parasympathetic ganglia.
Sympathetic ganglia include sympathetic trunk ganglia (on both sides of vertebral column) and prever-
tebral ganglia (anterior to vertebral column). Parasympathetic ganglia are known as terminal ganglia
(near or inside visceral effectors).
4. Sympathetic preganglionic neurons synapse with postganglionic neurons in ganglia of the sympathetic
trunk or in prevertebral ganglia; parasympathetic preganglionic neurons synapse with postganglionic
neurons in terminal ganglia.

15.3 ANS Neurotransmitters and Receptors Anatomy Overview - Neurotransmitters

Animation - The ANS: Types of
1. Cholinergic neurons release acetylcholine. In the ANS, cholinergic neurons include all sympathetic and Neurotransmitters and Neurons
parasympathetic preganglionic neurons, sympathetic postganglionic neurons that innervate most sweat Figure 15.7 - Cholinergic
glands, and all parasympathetic postganglionic neurons. and Adrenergic Neurons
2. Acetylcholine binds to cholinergic receptors. The two types of cholinergic receptors, both of which bind in the Sympathetic and
acetylcholine, are nicotinic receptors and muscarinic receptors. Nicotinic receptors are present in the Parasympathetic
plasma membranes of dendrites and cell bodies of both sympathetic and parasympathetic postganglionic Divisions
neurons, in the plasma membranes of chromaffin cells of the adrenal medullae, and in the motor end
plate at the neuromuscular junction. Muscarinic receptors are present in the plasma membranes of all
effectors innervated by parasympathetic postganglionic neurons and in most sweat glands innervated by
cholinergic sympathetic postganglionic neurons.
3. In the ANS, adrenergic neurons release norepinephrine. Most sympathetic postganglionic neurons are
4. Both epinephrine and norepinephrine bind to adrenergic receptors, which are found on visceral effectors
innervated by most sympathetic postganglionic neurons. The two main types of adrenergic receptors are
alpha receptors and beta receptors.
5. Table 15.2 summarizes the types of cholinergic and adrenergic receptors.
6. An agonist is a substance that binds to and activates a receptor, mimicking the effect of a natural neuro-
transmitter or hormone. An antagonist is a substance that binds to and blocks a receptor, thereby pre-
venting a natural neurotransmitter or hormone from exerting its effect.

15.4 Physiology of the ANS Anatomy Overview - Effectors

Animation - Physiological Effects of
1. The sympathetic division favors body functions that can support vigorous physical activity and rapid
the ANS
production of ATP (fight-or-flight response); the parasympathetic division regulates activities that con- Animation - The Alarm Reaction
serve and restore body energy.
2. The effects of sympathetic stimulation are longer lasting and more widespread than the effects of
parasympathetic stimulation.
3. Table 15.3 compares structural and functional features of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.
4. Table 15.4 lists sympathetic and parasympathetic responses.

15.5 Integration and Control of Autonomic Functions Anatomy Overview - The ANS Control
1. An autonomic reflex adjusts the activities of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands.
Animation - Reflexes
2. An autonomic reflex arc consists of a receptor, a sensory neuron, an integrating center, two autonomic
motor neurons, and a visceral effector.
3. The hypothalamus is the major control and integration center of the ANS. It is connected to both the
sympathetic and the parasympathetic divisions.

1. You’ve been to the “all-you-can-eat” buffet and have consumed swerve to avoid hitting the dog. As she continues on her way, she
large amounts of food. After returning home, you recline on the notices her heart is racing, she has goose bumps, and her hands are
couch to watch television. Which division of the nervous system sweaty. Why is she experiencing these effects?
will be handling your body’s after-dinner activities? List several 3. Mrs. Young is experiencing a bout of diarrhea that is keeping her
organs involved, the major nerve supply to each organ, and the housebound. She would like to go to a birthday party for her
effects of the nervous system on their functions. brother but is afraid to attend because of her diarrhea. What type
2. Ciara is driving home from school, listening to her favorite music, of drug, related to the autonomic nervous system function, could
when a dog darts into the street in front of her car. She manages to she take to help relieve her diarrhea?


15.1 Dual innervation means that a body organ receives neural in- 15.5 The largest autonomic plexus is the celiac (solar) plexus.
nervation from both sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons 15.6 Pelvic splanchnic nerves branch from the second through fourth
of the ANS. sacral spinal nerves.
15.2 Most parasympathetic preganglionic axons are longer than most 15.7 Most (but not all) sympathetic postganglionic neurons are adren-
sympathetic preganglionic axons because most parasympathetic ergic. Muscarinic receptors are present in the plasma membranes
ganglia are in the walls of visceral organs, but most sympathetic of all effectors (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands)
ganglia are close to the spinal cord in the sympathetic trunk. innervated by parasympathetic postganglionic neurons and in
15.3 Terminal ganglia are associated with the parasympathetic divi- sweat glands innervated by cholinergic sympathetic postgan-
sion; sympathetic trunk and prevertebral ganglia are associated glionic neurons.
with the sympathetic division.

15.4 Sympathetic trunk ganglia contain sympathetic postganglionic
neurons that lie in a vertical row on either side of the vertebral


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