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Z - ITALIA s.r.l.

Sede Legale: Via Brusche 15

Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 i.v.
Technical specification:
46014 Castellucchio • Italy
Registro delle Imprese di Mantova n. 02320680206 Line supervision system
Tel. +390376434611 Fax. +390376434699

Signal interface from Standard Z-Italia machine to line

supervision system

Revision Author Note

2019_02_25 Diani M. First revision
Added product info, product change sequence and shift
2019_03_18 Diani M.
Added Modbus TCP protocol, Remote enabling and reset
2019_07_23 Diani M.
OEE count
2020_04_01 Colombo/Fabbri English translation

1. Signals from Supervisor to Z-Italia labeller
2. Signal from Z-Italia labeller to Supervisor
3. Efficiency data from Z-Italia to Supervisor
4. OMAC state from labeller to Supervisor
5. Signal from Z-Italia to Line
6. Credentials for OPC/UA/Modbus TCP
7. Information about product request/product in use
8. Product change sequence
9. Shift management

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Z - ITALIA s.r.l.
Sede Legale: Via Brusche 15
Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 i.v.
Technical specification:
46014 Castellucchio • Italy
Registro delle Imprese di Mantova n. 02320680206 Line supervision system
Tel. +390376434611 Fax. +390376434699

1. Signals from Supervision to Z-Italia Labeller

The following signals have to be written in OPC-UA on the global variables inside the
“PLCcommand.strOPC.strSupervisor” structure or in Modbus-TCP into the register 0x (Coil) and
4x (Holding register).

Tag OPC-UA Modbus-TCP Function

When is set, the Supervisor requests the product change
I_bChangeProductRequest to the labeller
(BOOL) The alarm 135 “Product change request from supervisor”
will be shown
When is set, the Supervisor requests to the labeller
operator to inform about shift start and shift end for
I_bShiftManagementEnable statistical purposes.
(BOOL) The alarm 138 “Shift start button not selected” will be
shown and will stop the bottle feeding at the inlet until
the operator will press the “Shift start” button.
When is set, the Supervisor requests the labeller to start
the count of OEE calculations.
I_bStartOEECount (BOOL) 0x-16386
When reset is selected the Supervisor requests to the
labeller to stop the OEE calculations.
When is set, the Supervisor requests to the labeller to
I_bResetOEECount (BOOL) 0x-16387
reset the count of OEE calculations.
The supervisor indicates to the labeller which product
I_uiProductSku has to be produced.
(UINT) If the product in use is different the alarm 139 “Product
not matching with Line Supervisor one” will be shown.
I_uiProductCapacity The supervisor indicates to the labeller the volume (in
(UINT) ml) of the product that has to be produced.
I_stProductDescription The supervisor gives to the labeller the description of the
(STRING[50]) product that has to be produced.

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Z - ITALIA s.r.l.
Sede Legale: Via Brusche 15
Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 i.v.
Technical specification:
46014 Castellucchio • Italy
Registro delle Imprese di Mantova n. 02320680206 Line supervision system
Tel. +390376434611 Fax. +390376434699

2. Signals from Z-Italia Labeller to Supervision

Following signals can be red in OPC-UA on the global variables inside the
“PLCcommand.strOPC.strSupervisor”, or, in Modbus-TCP on the register 1X (Discrete input) and
3x (Input register)

Tag OPC-UA Modbus-TCP Significate

O_bShift_START (BOOL) 1x-32 Operator pushed “shift start” button
O_bShift_END (BOOL) 1x-33 Operator pushed “shift end” button
1x-34 Operator pushed “Product/Size change start” button
Operator pushed “Product/Size change finished” button;
1x-35 The labeller waits that the supervisor put down the signal
“I_bChangeProductRequest” to start the production.
O_uiProductSku The labeller indicates to the supervisor which product is
(UINT) producing
O_uiProductCapacity The labeller indicates to the supervisor the capacity (in
(UINT) ml) of the product in production
O_stProductDescription The labeller indicates to the supervisor the description of
(STRING[50]) the product is producing

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Z - ITALIA s.r.l.
Sede Legale: Via Brusche 15
Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 i.v.
Technical specification:
46014 Castellucchio • Italy
Registro delle Imprese di Mantova n. 02320680206 Line supervision system
Tel. +390376434611 Fax. +390376434699

3. Efficiency data from Z-Italia labeller to Supervisor

The following signals can be red in OPC-UA on the global variables inside the structure
“PLCcommand.strOPC.strOEE or in Modbus-TCP on the register 3x (Input register).

TAG Modbus-TCP Significate

udiUserDownTimeMinutes, Show hours, minutes, seconds of missed production
udiUserDownTimeSeconds due to operator fault
3x-8232, Show hours, minutes, seconds of missed production
3x-8234, due to machine fault
udiLineDownTimeMinutes, Show hours, minutes, seconds of missed production
udiLineDownTimeSeconds due to line fault
3x-8244, Show hours, minutes, seconds of missed production
3x-8246, due to no one of the previous listed faults
3x-8250, Show hours, minutes, seconds of machine
3x-8252, availability/readiness
3x-8256, Show hours, minutes, seconds of machine
3x-8258, unavailability
Show the % of time in which the machine has been
rAvailability (REAL) 3x-8262 effectively ready to produce (Uptime) respect to the
total time available.
Show the % of effective bottles produced respect to
rPerformance (REAL) 3x-8264 the total amount of the bottles producible in the
Show the % of units produced with good quality
rQualityRate (REAL) 3x-8266
respect to the total units processed by the machine.
rGlobalEffictiveness (REAL) 3x-8268 Show the overall efficiency of the machine in %

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Z - ITALIA s.r.l.
Sede Legale: Via Brusche 15
Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 i.v.
Technical specification:
46014 Castellucchio • Italy
Registro delle Imprese di Mantova n. 02320680206 Line supervision system
Tel. +390376434611 Fax. +390376434699

4. Stato macchina Etichettatrice Z-Italia a Supervisione

Following signals can be red in OPC-UA on the global variables inside the structure
“PLCcommand.strOPC.strOMAC”, or in Modbus-TCP on the register 1x (Discrete input):

Tag OPC-UA Modbus-TCP Significate

bProducing (BOOL) 1x-16 Show that the machine is producing
bProductLack (BOOL) 1x-17 Show the machine is waiting for the product
Show that the machine is waiting for the outlet to be
bTailback (BOOL) 1x-18
bStopped (BOOL) 1x-19 Show the machine is stopped waiting to start
bExtStop (BOOL) 1x-20 Show the machine is stopped due to external reasons
bEmergency (BOOL) 1x-21 Show the machine is in emergency
bInternalStop (BOOL) 1x-22 Show the machine is stopped due to internal reasons
bEmptying (BOOL) 1x-23 Show the machine is in emptying phase
bMaterialLack (BOOL) 1x-24 Show the machine is waiting for materials
bCloseGate (BOOL) 1x-25 Show the machine has closed the bottle gate.

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Z - ITALIA s.r.l.
Sede Legale: Via Brusche 15
Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 i.v.
Technical specification:
46014 Castellucchio • Italy
Registro delle Imprese di Mantova n. 02320680206 Line supervision system
Tel. +390376434611 Fax. +390376434699

5. Signals from the Z-Italia labeller to the Line

Following signals can be red in OPC-UA on the global variables inside the structure
“PLCcommand.strOPC.strOMAC”, or in Modbus-TCP on the register 1x (Discrete input) and 3x
(Input register):

Tag OPC-UA Modbus-TCP Significate

O_bGateOpen (BOOL) 1x-0 Show that the gate of the labeller is open
Show that the product is present on the inlet
O_bInfeedProductPresent (BOOL) 1x-1
Show that the labeller is giving consent to line
O_bConveyorEnable (BOOL) 1x-2
O_bMachineRunning (BOOL) 1x-3 Show that the labeller is working and rotating
O_bMachineInMaintenance (BOOL) 1x-4 Show that the maintenance key is inserted
Show that the machine is in automatic (Syncro
O_bMachineInSyncronous (BOOL) 1x-5 modality or in StandAlone modality) and that
the operator has opened the gate
Show that the machine is synchronized and it is
O_bMachineInSyncSpeed (BOOL) 1x-6
engaged the speed given by the line.
Show the machine is ready, with no alarms, and
O_bMachineReady (BOOL) 1x-7 that the operator has opened the inlet gate from
the control panel
The signal can be set as a pulse for each bottle
entering the machine or as a pulse for each
O_bMachineClock (BOOL) 1x-8
machine step (not for speed > than 4.000 bph, in
this case hardware clock has to be used)
O_bGateClosedWithBottlesAtInfeed Show the machine is closed and that the bottles
(BOOL) are in accumulation at the inlet.
O_bExternalReset (BOOL) 1x-10 Send a reset signal to an external device
O_rActualLabelerSpeed (REAL) 3x-8209 Show machine speed in BPH
Show number of bottles from the general
O_udiMachineCounter (UDINT) 3x-8211
counter (not resettable)
Show the number of bottles of the batch
O_udiUserCounter (UDINT) 3x-8213
(resettable from the HMI).
Show the number of the most important alarm
O_udiAlarmCode (UDINT) 3x-8215
actually active on the HMI.

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Z - ITALIA s.r.l.
Sede Legale: Via Brusche 15
Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 i.v.
Technical specification:
46014 Castellucchio • Italy
Registro delle Imprese di Mantova n. 02320680206 Line supervision system
Tel. +390376434611 Fax. +390376434699

6. Credenzial for OPC-UA/Modbus TCP

Credential for OPC/UA access are:

 Indirizzo IP: (Roll machine) oppure (Not Roll Machine)
 Porta: 4840
 Nome utente: Admin
 Password: z-italia

The configuration of Modbus-TCP is:

 Indirizzo IP: - (macchine Roll)

- (macchine non Roll)
 Porta: -503

Riassunto su tipologia dati Modbus-TCP:

1. Maximum block size: -8 (OCTET)

2. First address: -0
3. Type of address : -0..39 Discrete input
-8208..8608 Input register (zenon Analog Input)
-16384..16391 Coil
-24592..24992 Holding register

NOTE : The labeller sends the efficiency and status data to the Supervisor that has to take care and
save these data in own database.

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Z - ITALIA s.r.l.
Sede Legale: Via Brusche 15
Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 i.v.
Technical specification:
46014 Castellucchio • Italy
Registro delle Imprese di Mantova n. 02320680206 Line supervision system
Tel. +390376434611 Fax. +390376434699

7. Informations about requested product/product in use

The supervisor can write in the fields “I_uiProductSku”, “I_uiProductCapacity” and

“I_stProductDescription” for the number, capacity in ml and the description of the product

These information are shown on machine panel, Operator – Product:

In case the requested product is different from the one actually in production, the LED “Product not
matching” will be red and in the alarm page will be shown the message n. 139 :

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Z - ITALIA s.r.l.
Sede Legale: Via Brusche 15
Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 i.v.
Technical specification:
46014 Castellucchio • Italy
Registro delle Imprese di Mantova n. 02320680206 Line supervision system
Tel. +390376434611 Fax. +390376434699

8. Product change sequence

The supervisor can request to the labeller to change the product setting to TRUE the bit

In this case the LED “Product change from Line control” will be green and in the alarm page
messages n° 135 and 136 will be shown :

The operator will then have to press “Product change start” (“inizio cambio formato”) so the bit
“O_bChangeover_START” to TRUE will be sent to the supervisor.

In the alarm page message n° 137 will be shown

Once the operator will have concluded the product change he will have to press the button “Product
change end” (“Fine cambio formato”) so the supervisor will receive the bit “O_bChangeover_END”
to TRUE.

The supervisor will have to set down the bit “I_bChangeProductRequest”once he receives this bit
for product change end

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Z - ITALIA s.r.l.
Sede Legale: Via Brusche 15
Cap. Soc. € 100.000,00 i.v.
Technical specification:
46014 Castellucchio • Italy
Registro delle Imprese di Mantova n. 02320680206 Line supervision system
Tel. +390376434611 Fax. +390376434699

9. Shift management

The supervisor can request to the labeller to activate the shift management setting to TRUE the bit
In this case in to the page of Operator – Product, the related LED will be green.

Into the alarm page the message n° 138 will be shown and will keep blocked the bottle batch till the
operator will press the “Shift start” button.

At the end of the shift the operator will have to press “Shift end” (“Fine Turno”).

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