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The Maya

a) When the Maya civilization began?

b) Where the Maya civilization settled?
c) How were the cities of the Maya civilization?
d) When the Maya civilization was at its height?
e) Draw the timeline of the Maya civilization.

Who were the Maya

a) Explain- “The first Mayan tribes were hunter-gatherers.”
b) What were the farming techniques of the Maya civilization?
c) What were the foods of the Mayans?
Mayan merchants
a) Explain –“Different city-states had different resources to trade.”
b) What is bartering?
c) Why did the merchants carry jade with them to swap for goods?
d) Who were known as merchants?
e) What types of goods a merchant bought in a city-state?

Fill in the blanks:

a) ____________ was popular in all the city-states.

b) Canoes were up to __________long, ______________ wide and powered
by ________________ rowers.
c) The Maya did not use ___________ or notes to buy and sell.

What achievements are the Maya known for?

Fill in the blanks:-

a) The Maya based their system on the number _______________________.

b) The Mayan writing system had ________________ glyphs.
c) A book was called a ____________________ in Mayan civilization.
d) The plural of codex is ________________________________.
Write the answers of the questions:-

a) Why the Mayans used system based on number 20?

b) How many symbols the Mayans used to show the numbers? What are
c) What were the glyphs?

What achievements are the Maya known for?

Write the answers of the questions:-

a) Describe about a serious sport during the time of the Mayas.

b) What were the uses of studying the stars during the time of the Mayas?
c) Why the Mayas abondoned during the time of the Mayas?
d) How the Mayan civilization ended?

Fill in the blanks:-

a) The Maya were very interested in _______________________.

b) The Maya believed that________________ were a sign of beauty.
c) Mayan civilization was its peak from about _________ to _____________.
d) The rainforest cities were abandoned after_______________________.
e) The pyramid at _____________________ has 365 steps.
NextGen International Coding and Engineering
(NICE) School & College
Work Sheet
Standard: Vl Subject: Geography
Topic: Coastal features Date: 14-01-24
Pupil’s Name: Roll No:
Teacher’s Name: Farhana Biswas Tania
Objective: Identify the water bodies in the map.
 Write the answers of the questions.

1. What is a coast?


2. What is a beach?


3. Why the shape of the coast changes all the time?



4. Why are coasts important?



5. How people have harmed the coast?



 Fill in the blanks.

1. The world has about____________________________________ of coastlines.

2. The __________________________________ is the land along the coast.

3. Over many years, the particles form large areas called __________________________.
NextGen International Coding and Engineering
(NICE) School & College
Work Sheet
Standard: STD VI Subject: Geography
Topic: Movements of the ocean Date: 21-01-24
Pupil’s Name: Roll No:
Teacher’s Name: Tania
Objectives:- Describe the tides, waves and currents of the ocean.
 Draw the picture of ordinary tide and spring tide:-
Ordinary tide Spring tide

 Draw the picture of formation of wave.

NextGen International Coding and Engineering
(NICE) School & College
Work Sheet
Standard:STD Vl Subject: BGST
Topic: Bangladesh & World civilization Date:11-01-24
Pupil’s Name: Roll No:
Teacher’s Name: Tania
Objective:- Describe the Indus Valley civilization.

1. Encircle the right answer

A) ______________ appears in most harappan seals.

a) Horse, b) Cow, c) Unicorn

B) Where ancient Egyptian civilization flourished?

a) Nile basin, b) Indus river, c) Hwang Ho river

C) People of Harappan civilization were worshippers of _______________.

a) Geus, b) Nature, c) Shiva

D) Where is the present location of Harappan civilization?

a)India, b) Bangladesh, c) Pakistan

E) Which one is not the reason of ending Harappan civilization?

a) Natural disaster, b) Internal war, c) Climatic changes

2. Write the name of the pictures in the blank:-

____________________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________________ _____________________________________


3. Describe any two items among the pictures:-

1 2 3









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